Donbass State Pedagogical University (DSPU). Slavonic State Pedagogical University Slavonic Pedagogical University distance learning

Slavic State Pedagogical University (SSPU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

Slavic State Pedagogical University is one of the most prestigious and progressive universities in Ukraine.

Slavonic State Pedagogical University has been a leader in the market of educational services for more than 65 years.

The Slavic State Pedagogical University is developing dynamically, introducing the latest educational technologies and work methods, forming a powerful material and information base, establishing itself at the international level.

By the decision of the State Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the university was accredited at the highest IV level. For many years, the university has united the pedagogical schools of the Donetsk region and the Slavic Pedagogical Lyceum into an educational complex, which contributes to the development of human resources in the field of pedagogical education by continuous step-by-step training of specialists.

The development of the Slavic State Pedagogical University is reflected in the steady growth of areas of training (specialties) for the educational qualification levels "Bachelor", "Specialist", "Master" and the creation of new faculties.

The university's graduate school trains scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification (candidates of science) in 15 specialties.

The Slavic State Pedagogical University also retrains specialists with higher education to receive a second higher education for a shorter period (2 years).

Today, the Slavonic State Pedagogical University has 9 faculties (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Primary School Teacher Training, Faculty of Preschool Education and Practical Psychology, Faculty of Defectology, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Physical Education), where training is carried out in 27 specialties and specializations. The total number of students (full-time and part-time) is about 10 thousand people. The educational process is provided by 35 departments. The teaching staff is more than 380 people, including 170 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 15 doctors of sciences, professors.

At the service of students - 4 educational buildings, a sports complex, 3 hostels, a scientific library, 10 computer classes, 2 multimedia laboratories equipped with modern computer and audio-visual equipment, a German-made language laboratory, a recreation center, and medical care.

During the functioning of the Slavic State Pedagogical University has trained more than 70 thousand highly qualified specialists. About 30 university graduates were awarded the title of Honored Teacher of Ukraine. Among the students and graduates of the university there are Olympic medalists, World and European champions, champions and prize-winners of the Paralympic Games, honored coaches of Ukraine, laureates of international competitions of musical and vocal art, choreography.

Now the Slavic State Pedagogical University is reforming the educational process organization system in the context of the Bologna Agreement, which will allow university graduates to receive European-style diplomas.

Slavic State Pedagogical University today is an educational, scientific, cultural and educational center of Donbass and the southeastern region of Ukraine.

The high quality of teaching and the level of scientific research create unique opportunities for the training of leading scientists and researchers.

The branch of FGBOU HE "Kuban State University" in Slavyansk-on-Kuban was established in 2012 on the basis of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Slavyansk-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute" by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 2301 dated September 15, 2011 The right to carry out educational activities is confirmed by license series 90L01 No. 0009015, registration No. 1982 dated March 03, 2016, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Appendix No. 5.3). The branch is accredited as part of the Kuban State University for educational programs of higher education and secondary vocational education (Appendix No. 4 series 90A01 No. 0016862 to the certificate of state accreditation dated March 27, 2019, series 90A01 No. 0003197 reg. No. 3042).

And about. branch director - Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation Leus Olga Viktorovna.

Currently, in accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities, The branch provides training for:

in areas of training (specialties) of higher education


  • 44.03.01 Pedagogical education
  • 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education
  • 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education
  • 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)


  • 44.05.01 Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

in the specialties of secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists

  • 09.02.02 Computer networks
  • 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security
  • 44.02.01 Preschool education
  • 49.02.01 Physical culture

Material and technical base

The branch has 7 educational buildings, 2 dormitories, 1 conference hall, a sports and recreation complex. Audiences for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, rooms for independent work are equipped with presentation and computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization. All buildings are connected to a single computer network with Internet access.

The structure of the branch includes three faculties, four departments, a department of secondary vocational education, a library, student and sports clubs, a child development center "Umka", a center for additional professional education, a publishing center, and an information and computing center.

The branch employs 91 teachers, including 80 full-time teachers, including 47 candidates and 7 doctors of science.

Number of students branch as of September 1, 2018 is 1604 students, of which 1316 people study in higher education programs, 288 - in programs of secondary vocational education.

Main scientific directions and schools of the branch

Scientific schools:

  1. Innovative processes in education: creative and axeological approaches.
  2. Theory and practice of measuring latent variables.

Scientific directions:

  1. Comprehensive study of the Eastern Azov region of the Kuban:
    • Language portrait of the region: Ethnolinguistics. Onomastics. Lexicography;
    • Historical, cultural and socio-economic aspects of the study of regional space;
    • Habitat and genetic diversity of the biota of the Slavyansky district of the Krasnodar Territory as a factor in the natural heritage of the Kuban.
  2. Spectral analysis and local description in the complex domain.

Educational and social work of the branch

The branch has repeatedly become the winner of the All-Russian competitions for organizing the educational process in an educational institution: the All-Russian competition of educational systems of educational institutions (2008), the All-Russian competition of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation S. M. Mironov "I will be appreciated in the 19th century" (2009), the All-Russian open competition of research, inventive and creative works of students (2009, 2010), the All-Russian competition of youth socially significant initiatives, undertakings and experience "World of Youth" under the auspices of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture (2009, 2010) and others. In the regional competition among student labor teams, employer organizations that accept student labor teams, and educational institutions that form student labor teams, the pedagogical team "City of Masters" of the branch regularly takes part. According to the results of the competition, the branch of KubSU in Slavyansk-on-Kuban is included in the top best in the nomination "The best educational institution in the Krasnodar Territory, actively forming student labor teams."

In the student club of the branch there are: nine associations, incl. creative: folk amateur student group "Meridian Folk Dance Theatre", female vocal group "Lady Blues", male vocal group "No Problems", folk song ensemble "Razgulay", vocal and instrumental group "Sale", creative theater association " Intelligentsia”, photo club “PROfoto”, intellectual: club “What? Where? When? ”, Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

The branch has deep sports traditions. Today in the branch work and study: Master of Sports of the USSR, Master of Sports of the Russian Federation, 19 people have the first sports category, 24 have mass sports categories. Traditional Health Days are held annually with the passing of the norms of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) by students in the branch. The pride of the branch is the student women's powerlifting team, which is the six-time Russian Champion among universities in bench press and classic bench press. The team has repeatedly become the winner of the championships of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory, championships among higher educational institutions of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, at the Samson-42 Strength Sports Festival. In the Spartakiad of the university branches, the branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban takes the 1st place in the team standings for the sixth time. The basis of sports training are ten sections that work in the sports club "Burevestnik".

Branch starts acceptance of documents June 20, 2019 For those entering the contractual form, entrance examinations are held directly at the branch. Information on admission can be obtained at the admissions office, on the website of KubSU and on the website of the branch.

Coordinates : 45°14′38″ s. sh. 38°08′03″ in. d. /  45.2438° N sh. 38.1342° E d. / 45.2438; 38.1342 (G) (I)
Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kuban State University" in Slavyansk-on-Kuban
(Branch of FGBOU VPO "KubGU" in Slavyansk-on-Kuban)
The photo shows the building of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Technology.
Year of foundation November 3, 1994
Location Slavyansk-on-Kuban
Legal address 353560, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, st. Kuban, 200
K: Educational institutions founded in 1994

Branch of the Kuban State University in Slavyansk-on-Kuban- successor of the Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute. The branch currently has about 3,000 students.


The Slavic Branch of the Armavir State Pedagogical Institute was founded in 1994. The opening of an institution of higher professional education for the training of qualified teaching staff became possible thanks to the initiative of the head of the administration of the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban Sinyagovsky Vladimir Ilyich, and the rector of the Armavir State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philology, Professor Sosnovsky Vladimir Timofeevich.

On October 1, 1994, 45 students of the Faculty of Philology and 40 students of the Faculty of Mathematics began their studies. The branch developed dynamically, new faculties and departments were created in its structure. In 1995, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education was formed, in 1996 - the Faculty of History and Law, in 1997 - the Faculty of Valeology and Biology (since 2000, it stopped enrolling in the specialty "Valeology"), in 1998 - Management, Economics and Technology , in 1999 - Faculty of Foreign Languages. In 2002, the Faculty of Physical Culture became the seventh faculty.

On January 21, 2003, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Slavic branch of the ASPI was reorganized into the Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute.

September 15, 2011 began a new stage in the life of the university. By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, FGBOU HPE "Slavyansky-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute" is attached to FGBOU HPE "Kuban State University" as a separate structural unit (branch).

Currently, the Branch provides training in both pedagogical and non-pedagogical areas. New centers are being opened, scientific laboratories are being created, new curricula and programs are being introduced.


Throughout the history of the university, it was headed by two people.

Since 1994, the director of the Slavyansky-on-Kuban branch of the ASPI, and later the rector of the Slavyansky-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute, was Anisimova Tatyana Semenovna.

On May 12, 2010, the candidate of philological sciences, Yatsenko Anton Ivanovich, was appointed acting rector of the institute.

Structure and areas of training

The structure of the Branch today includes 5 faculties, 9 departments, 2 museums, 6 research laboratories, a printing house, 2 Centers, a scientific library.

Faculties and departments

  • Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Technology

Department of Mathematics and Informatics and methods of their teaching

Department of Theory and Methods of Vocational Education and OTD

  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of General and Professional Pedagogy

Department of Psychology

  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Biology

Department of Physical Culture and Natural Biological Disciplines

  • Philology

Department of Russian Language and Literature and Teaching Methods

Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Teaching Methods

  • Faculty of Economics, History and Law

Department of socio-economic disciplines

Department of History and Methods of its Teaching


  • Center for Secondary and Additional Professional Education.

On the basis of the Center, professional retraining and advanced training programs are being implemented, and preparatory courses have been organized.

  • Center for Promotion of Employment and Employment of Students and Graduates.

The Center carries out selection of personnel for educational institutions of the region, organization of temporary and permanent employment of students and graduates, interaction with territorial employment agencies.

Areas of training

The university prepares bachelors and specialists in the following areas of training:

  • Teacher Education
  • Psychological and pedagogical education
  • Management
  • Information systems and technologies
  • Special (defectological) education
  • Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

Five master's educational programs are being implemented:

  • Philology
  • Management of an educational organization
  • Biology
  • Story
  • Economy

Postgraduate studies are open in seven specialties:

  • Real, complex and functional analysis
  • Management in social and economic systems
  • National history
  • History of science and technology (technical sciences)
  • General pedagogy. History of Pedagogy and Education
  • Theory and methods of training and education (Russian language)
  • Theory and Methods of Vocational Education


To date, the branch of KubSU in Slavyansk-on-Kuban has a significant material and technical base:

  • 11 educational buildings
  • Multimedia audiences
  • Computer classes with free Internet access
  • 6 scientific laboratories
  • 2 libraries with free access to the databases of the largest Russian and foreign electronic libraries
  • 2 hostels
  • Sports and recreation complex with a tennis court
  • Information and Computing Center
  • Two student clubs
  • Printing house

scientific life

Scientific work is carried out within the framework of two priority areas: "Comprehensive regional studies of the Kuban" and "Integrity as a principle of the modern educational paradigm". Ten doctors of sciences develop scientific directions in their fields of knowledge in the form of scientific schools. The university annually holds a large number of scientific events at the international, all-Russian and regional levels. Students and graduate students of the university are winners of all-Russian and regional scientific competitions, scholarship holders of the President and Government of the Russian Federation.

student life

In terms of the organization of educational work, the branch is the leading university in the Krasnodar Territory.

Student self-government and the youth public organization of students and employees "MOST" represent a special form of student participation in the management of student life at the university.

The university implements such priority areas as the volunteer movement "Country of the Living", the training of teaching staff for educational work with children "Ecos", the environmental camp "SELM", the School of student self-government activists "Leader of the Kuban of the 21st century".

Creative teams have many awards and prizes of the regional, all-Russian and international level.

For a number of years, university athletes have been participating in competitions at the Regional, Russian and International levels.

Notable teachers

Shchekoldin Arkady Gavrilovich, Excellence in Public Education, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, awarded the Ushinsky Medal, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Anisimova Tatyana Semyonovna, Excellence in Public Education, Honorary Worker of the Higher Professional Education, Honored Teacher of the Kuban, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.

Shklyarenko Alexander Pavlovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, the only specialist in therapeutic physical culture in the field of pediatric orthopedics in Russia, a member of the European College of Sports Sciences.

Famous graduates

Yevgeny Lukyanenko, graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education, world champion and silver medalist in pole vaulting in Beijing.

Yana Maltseva, graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, world champion in taekwondo.

At the Branch of the Kuban State University in Slavyansk-on-Kuban:

  • A module-rating system for assessing students' educational achievements has been developed and implemented.
  • An innovative model of the educational system is being implemented, which four times over the past five years has become the winner of the All-Russian competition.
  • More than 30 targeted socially significant programs supported by grants have been developed to implement youth policy in cooperation with regional and municipal authorities, legal entities, public organizations.
  • The Center for Early Childhood Development "Umka" and the children's summer school of English "Rainbow" were opened.
  • The programs "Professional orientator", "K-Unified State Examination" of the Testing Center at Moscow State University "Humanitarian Technologies" are being implemented.
  • About 40% of full-time students receive simultaneously with the main and additional specialty.
  • Students study free of charge and receive a state scholarship.
  • Students with achievements in educational, scientific, sports life receive scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, the Head of the Municipality of Slavyansky District.
  • Students, undergraduates and graduate students have the opportunity of internships at the largest universities in Europe.
  • The library provides free access to bibliographic and full-text databases of the largest Russian and foreign electronic libraries, in particular, the virtual reading room of the Russian State Library operates, providing free access to the full-text electronic library of dissertations.

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An excerpt characterizing the Slavic State Pedagogical Institute (Kuban)

- A clean march! ... I knew it, - my uncle spoke (he was a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs), - I knew that you couldn’t stand it, and it’s good that you were going. Pure business march! (That was my uncle's favorite saying.) - Take your order now, otherwise my Girchik reported that the Ilagins were willingly standing in Korniki; you have them - a clean march! - under the nose they will take a brood.
- I'm going there. What, bring down the flocks? - Nikolai asked, - dump ...
The hounds were united in one flock, and uncle and Nikolai rode side by side. Natasha, wrapped in kerchiefs, from under which a lively face with shining eyes could be seen, galloped up to them, accompanied by a hunter and a bereytor, who was assigned by the nanny with her, who did not lag behind her, Petya and Mikhaila. Petya laughed at something and beat and pulled his horse. Natasha deftly and confidently sat on her black Arab and with a sure hand, without effort, laid siege to him.
Uncle looked disapprovingly at Petya and Natasha. He did not like to combine pampering with the serious business of hunting.
- Hello, uncle, and we're going! Petya shouted.
“Hello, hello, but don’t pass the dogs,” my uncle said sternly.
- Nikolenka, what a lovely dog, Trunila! he recognized me,” Natasha said about her beloved hound dog.
“Trunila, first of all, is not a dog, but a survivor,” thought Nikolai and looked sternly at his sister, trying to make her feel the distance that should have separated them at that moment. Natasha understood this.
“You, uncle, don’t think that we interfere with anyone,” said Natasha. We stand where we are and don't move.
“And a good thing, countess,” said my uncle. “Just don’t fall off the horse,” he added, “otherwise it’s a pure march!” - nothing to hold on to.
The island of Otradnensky order could be seen a hundred fathoms away, and those arriving approached it. Rostov, finally deciding with his uncle where to throw the hounds from and showing Natasha a place where she should stand and where nothing could run, headed for the race over the ravine.
“Well, nephew, you’re becoming a seasoned one,” said the uncle: don’t iron (pickle).
- As it is necessary, answered Rostov. - Punish, fuit! he shouted, answering this call to the words of his uncle. Karay was an old and ugly, burly male, known for taking a seasoned wolf alone. Everyone got into place.
The old count, knowing his son's hunting fervor, hurried not to be late, and before the arrivals had time to drive up to the place, Ilya Andreevich, cheerful, ruddy, with trembling cheeks, on his crows, rolled through the greenery to the manhole left to him and, straightening his fur coat and putting on hunting shells, climbed onto his smooth, well-fed, meek and kind, gray-haired like him, Bethlyanka. The horses with the droshky were sent away. Count Ilya Andreich, although not a hunter by heart, but who knew the laws of hunting firmly, rode into the edge of the bushes from which he was standing, took apart the reins, straightened himself in the saddle and, feeling ready, looked around smiling.
Beside him stood his valet, an old but heavy rider, Semyon Chekmar. Chekmar kept in a pack of three dashing, but also fat, like the owner and the horse - wolfhounds. Two dogs, smart, old, lay down without a pack. About a hundred paces away in the edge of the forest stood the count's other aspirant, Mitka, a desperate rider and a passionate hunter. The count, according to an old habit, drank a silver glass of hunting casserole before the hunt, ate and washed down with a half bottle of his favorite Bordeaux.
Ilya Andreich was a little red from the wine and the ride; his eyes, covered with moisture, especially shone, and he, wrapped in a fur coat, sitting on the saddle, looked like a child who was gathered for a walk. Thin, with retracted cheeks, Chekmar, having settled down with his affairs, looked at the master with whom he had lived for 30 years in perfect harmony, and, understanding his pleasant mood, was waiting for a pleasant conversation. Another third person approached cautiously (it was obvious that it had already been learned) from behind the forest and stopped behind the count. The face was an old man in a gray beard, in a woman's bonnet and a high cap. It was the jester Nastasya Ivanovna.
“Well, Nastasya Ivanovna,” the count said in a whisper, winking at him, “just stomp the beast, Danilo will ask you.”
“I myself ... with a mustache,” said Nastasya Ivanovna.
- Shhhh! the count hissed and turned to Semyon.
Have you seen Natalya Ilyinichna? he asked Semyon. - Where's she?
“He and Pyotr Ilyich got up from the Zharovs weeds,” answered Semyon smiling. - Also ladies, but they have a big hunt.
“Are you surprised, Semyon, how she drives… huh?” - said the count, if only the man was in time!
- How not to wonder? Bold, smart.
- Where is Nikolasha? Above Lyadovsky top or what? the Count asked in a whisper.
- Yes, exactly. They already know where to be. They know the ride so subtly that Danila and I marvel at other times, ”Semyon said, knowing how to please the master.
- Drives well, doesn't it? And what is it like on a horse, huh?
- Paint a picture! As the other day from Zavarzinsky weeds they pushed the fox. They began to jump, from a lot, passion - a horse is a thousand rubles, but there is no price for a rider. Yes, look for such a young man!
“Look…” the count repeated, apparently regretting that Semyon’s speech ended so soon. – Search? he said, turning back the flaps of his fur coat and taking out a snuffbox.
- The other day, as from mass, they came out in all their regalia, so Mikhail then Sidorych ... - Semyon did not finish, hearing the rut clearly heard in the still air with the howling of no more than two or three hounds. He bowed his head, listened, and silently threatened his master. “They ran into a brood ...” he whispered, they led him straight to Lyadovskaya.
The count, forgetting to wipe the smile from his face, looked ahead of him into the distance along the lintel and, without sniffing, held a snuffbox in his hand. Following the barking of dogs, a voice was heard over the wolf, fed into Danila's bass horn; the flock joined the first three dogs, and one could hear how the voices of the hounds roared from the bay, with that special howl that served as a sign of the rut on the wolf. Those who arrived no longer squealed, but hooted, and from behind all the voices Danila's voice came out, now bassy, ​​now piercingly thin. Danila's voice seemed to fill the whole forest, came out from behind the forest and sounded far into the field.
After listening for several seconds in silence, the count and his stirrups were convinced that the hounds had split into two flocks: one large one, roaring especially fervently, began to move away, the other part of the flock rushed along the forest past the count, and with this flock Danila's hooting was heard. Both of these ruts merged, shimmered, but both moved away. Semyon sighed and bent down to straighten the bundle, in which the young male got entangled; the count also sighed, and noticing the snuff-box in his hand, he opened it and took out a pinch. "Back!" shouted Semyon at the male, which stepped out of the edge. The Count shuddered and dropped his snuffbox. Nastasya Ivanovna got down and began to lift her up.
The count and Semyon looked at him. Suddenly, as often happens, the sound of the rut instantly approached, as if, right in front of them, were the barking mouths of dogs and the hooting of Danila.
The count looked back and saw Mitka to the right, who was looking at the count with rolling eyes and, raising his hat, pointed him ahead, to the other side.
- Take care! he shouted in such a voice that it was clear that this word had long been painfully asking him to come out. And he galloped, releasing the dogs, towards the count.
The count and Semyon jumped out of the edge and to their left they saw a wolf, which, softly waddling, in a quiet hop jumped to the left of them to the very edge at which they were standing. The vicious dogs squealed and, breaking off the pack, rushed to the wolf past the legs of the horses.
The wolf stopped running, clumsily, like a sick toad, turned his broad-fronted head towards the dogs, and, also waddling softly, jumped once, twice, and, waving a log (tail), disappeared into the forest. At the same moment, one, another, a third hound jumped out of the opposite edge with a roar like a cry, and the whole flock rushed across the field, along the very place where the wolf crawled (ran). Following the hounds, the hazel bushes parted and Danila's brown horse, blackened with sweat, appeared. On her long back, in a lump, leaning forward, sat Danila without a hat, with gray, disheveled hair over a red, sweaty face.
“I will hoot, I will hoot!” he shouted. When he saw the count, lightning flashed in his eyes.
“F…” he shouted, threatening the count with his raised rapnik.
- About ... whether it's a wolf! ... hunters! - And as if not honoring the embarrassed, frightened count with further conversation, he, with all the anger prepared for the count, hit the brown gelding on the sunken wet sides and rushed after the hounds. The count, as if punished, stood looking around and trying with a smile to arouse in Semyon regret for his position. But Semyon was no longer there: he, in a detour through the bushes, jumped a wolf from the notch. Greyhounds also jumped over the beast from two sides. But the wolf went into the bushes and not a single hunter intercepted him.

Nikolai Rostov, meanwhile, stood in his place, waiting for the beast. By the approach and distance of the rut, by the sounds of the voices of the dogs known to him, by the approach, distance and elevation of the voices of those who arrived, he felt what was happening in the island. He knew that there were surviving (young) and seasoned (old) wolves on the island; he knew that the hounds had split into two packs, that they were poisoning somewhere, and that something bad had happened. He was always waiting for the beast on his side. He made thousands of different assumptions about how and from which side the beast would run and how he would poison him. Hope was replaced by despair. Several times he turned to God with a prayer that the wolf would come out on him; he prayed with that passionate and conscientious feeling with which people pray in moments of great excitement, depending on an insignificant cause. “Well, what does it cost you,” he said to God, “to do this for me! I know that You are great, and that it is a sin to ask You about it; but for the sake of God, make a seasoned one crawl out on me, and so that Karay, in front of the eyes of the “uncle”, who is looking out from there, slams into his throat with a death grip. A thousand times in that half-hour, with a stubborn, tense and restless look, Rostov cast a glance at the edge of the forests with two rare oaks over an aspen seat, and a ravine with a washed-out edge, and an uncle's hat, barely visible from behind a bush to the right.