Eastern horoscope - Ox (Ox). Talismans and amulets for a bull Amulet stone for a female bull

The compilers of the ancient Chinese horoscope, dividing people into 12 signs according to their year of birth, did not ignore the talisman stones suitable for each of them. It has long been noticed that some minerals can become assistants to their owner - they enhance the best aspects of character, help smooth out flaws, attract good luck, and find harmony. Which stone is right for you? Pay attention to these recommendations when choosing jewelry and talisman gifts for yourself, your loved ones and friends!

Born per year Ratssunny amber is great, especially bracelets or pendants. These people are naturally sociable and charming, and such a talisman enhances this ability: amber has the property of attracting sympathy to its owner and at the same time protecting from the evil eye. Colored jasper, malachite, amethyst, pomegranate are also good for them.

Year Bull- the time of bright, massive jewelry symbolizing wealth, authority and high status. All this is very consonant with the nature born under this sign. Real gold or beautiful golden fittings used in jewelry are most harmonious for them. Among the stones, emerald, moss agates, lapis lazuli and various varieties of coral are best suited.

Tigerbrings good luck a stone resembling its bright fur in color - carnelian. It helps to sort out confusing situations, firmly go to the goal, bypassing any obstacles. It is best to include carnelian in your own handmade jewelry and wear it regularly to feel a close connection with the talisman. Loves the Tiger and scarlet rubies, garnets, as well as another related stone - the tiger's eye.

For those born per year Cat(Rabbit) talismans with "seafood" - amber, mother of pearl, pearls, as well as ruby \u200b\u200bor turquoise are relevant. It can be a piece of jewelry, a small carved figurine, or a keychain - whatever. However, it is desirable that the coveted stone was not just bought in a store, but donated by a significant and beloved person. Then the power of the talisman increases significantly, and the Cat with its help is able to easily deal with any difficulties.

Happy New Years Dragongreen chrysolite generously shares its mystical power, helping to cope with obstacles. Iridescent opals, amber and chalcedony, as well as noble sapphires are also "dragon" stones. In addition, all synthetic stones are suitable for this sign - after all, the magic flame of a fire-breathing lizard is capable of giving birth to precious crystals ...

Snakealso loves chrysolites. No wonder she is a relative of the Dragon! Having chosen a decoration for herself with this stone, she can count on its protection, being on a long journey, and draw new vitality from its energies when upset or tired. Jasper, multicolored topaz, malachite and hematite are other favorite minerals that have a beneficial effect on its delicate nature.

Horse, energetic and passionate, must choose rather massive talismans. Aquamarine, amethyst, ruby, pomegranate are perfect for her. In difficult, critical moments of life, for all her activity, she is especially vulnerable. At this time, more than ever, she needs the power of help stones that protect against negative influences. So if a difficult period has come or your health fails, it's time to get your favorite jewelry with natural stones and wear them more often.

Born per year Goatshelp to find inner harmony of garnet jewelry. It is especially good if these are earrings or beads. They help the Goat concentrate, sort out conflicting feelings and aspirations, and clearly express their thoughts. Light-colored agates and onyxes, moonstone and sapphire also bring her good luck.

Born per year Monkeyyou should pay special attention to the most beautiful stone - opal. He is changeable, like the character of these people, and helps to tune in to monotonous and thoughtful work, which can be difficult for a Monkey. Have them wear a watch with a bracelet that includes this stone. Such decoration will remind you of a reasonable approach to the distribution of time. Rhinestone, multi-colored agates, beryl are also harmonious for them.

Cocklikes to try himself in different fields of activity, strives to always look spectacular and be in sight. He likes to make a vivid impression. Success will be brought by talismans with emerald, ruby, agate, pomegranate, topaz. Let the jewelry with these stones also be stylish and bright, like their owner - but they should be chosen carefully and tastefully. Handmade jewelry will emphasize the individuality of the Rooster.

DogLike the Monkey, he loves rainbow opal. Let her admire this stone more often, and then he will give good health, creative strength and energy for the embodiment of her ideas. Wear jewelry with opal when joyful, bright events take place in life - it is believed that he "absorbs" emotions and retains them in himself. Agates, amber and moonstone are also friendly to this sign.

Born per year PigsTopaz became a "native" stone. Better if they often hold it in their hands. Warmed by the warmth of the palms of its owner, the talisman stone reveals all its power and directs it to him, giving peace of mind and developing intuition. The protective properties of topaz are very strong. Coral, beryl and bright blue lapis lazuli are good for the Pig.

Choose a talisman for yourself and let it protect you and give you strength anytime, anywhere!

A person born a year under the auspices of the Ox, regardless of gender principles, is always hardworking and economic. This is a devoted friend, a caring parent. But often such an individual is slow and indifferent, as well as aggressive and angry.

It is known that any stones, even the simplest (mongrel), have a protective property.

According to the opinion of the original compilers of the national horoscope - the Chinese, the 12-year cycle of the calendar determines the fate of a person's character. Amulets in the form of mascot stones are individual for each of the patron signs. They protect a person from unpleasant events and negativity.

A correctly selected mineral, suitable for a specific individual, significantly enhances the best qualities in the character of its owner, smoothes out his negative features, and attracts good luck. It will not hesitate to call for material and spiritual well-being, to find freedom in harmony with oneself.

Unfortunately, few people take into account the fact that the wrong selection of a talisman made with stones does not entail a talisman for its owner, but, on the contrary, attracts the emergence of negative energy flows.

What kind of stones are suitable for people born in the year of the patronage of the animal Bull?

People born in the Year of the Ox are very successful economists / financiers. They never have material problems. They are distinguished by hard work, physical endurance and intelligence. At the same time, they are closed, do not show their feelings, are vindictive. They never agree with the opinion of another person if it differs from the one accepted by him. It is not comfortable to live with such a person, even in spite of stable material well-being.

For a person born in the year of the patronage of a bull, minerals are suitable, which can reveal the best features of his soul and express thoughts.

Moonstone. He will make the Bull-man more merciful and more successful, will protect its owner from rash and hasty actions. This is a very good talisman mineral for the Ox.

Aquamarine. The mineral is the traditional and most basic amulet for people born in a year under the auspices of the Bull. The Ox will help its owner to find peace and clarity in all future affairs and life plans. According to the famous legend about aquamarine, it is able to tame the violent sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and ensure safety for its owner.

Emerald. For an individual born under the auspices of the Bull, it is useful to wear jewelry made of precious metal (gold / platinum), inlaid with emeralds. The stone in energy practices in relation to the Ox helps to soften the character of the individual, the appearance of compromise in his behavior, especially in preserving family well-being and conflict-free coexistence with loved ones.

This is a very useful precious talisman mineral for the Ox. In Chinese tradition, the mineral representing the sign of the Bull is aquamarine. The Chinese believe that its color and transparency give those who wear it peace and clarity of mind.

Nephritis. The mineral helps to maintain a positive energy balance of the Bull-Man. It will help to survive all kinds of changes in life, and not always good ones, giving it vitality.

Lapis lazuli. Wearing jewelry inlaid with lapis lazuli is relevant for the Bull during the period of life's difficulties. The energy of the mineral will brighten them up and redirect them in a positive direction.

Agate. The mineral is suitable for Bulls in need of self-realization and self-expression.

Various varieties of coral. They are able to give balance to the Ox, who is not always able to cope with his emotions.

Small conclusion

A correctly chosen amulet mineral as a gift to the Bull as part of a bright, massive, status, expensive jewelry will contribute to some improvement in changing its negative qualities. Moreover, the Bulls are very suitable for large-sized beautiful gold fittings with minerals inserted from them, which are used in the manufacture of a variety of jewelry.

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Taurus April 21-May 21
Most reminiscent of the Taurus zodiac sign is the myth of Dionysus, who is represented by the same image of youthful power in its prime. The son of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), a young man of stormy disposition, endowed with immortality, with the head of a calf topped with ivy, vine and fig leaves. Sometimes he was portrayed sitting on a barrel, sometimes - standing in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs, and playing the lyre or double flute.

There is another myth in the hero of which you can recognize the zodiac sign Taurus, where he appears far from the best light - this is the myth of the Minotaur, a cruel and insatiable monster, locked in a labyrinth of his most selfish desires and fears and does not want to open up to the reality around him ...

Taurus ruling planet: Venus.

The ruling planet of the zodiac sign Taurus is Venus. The typical Taurus is a warm, friendly zodiac sign that is gentle and passionate, although they may not exhibit these qualities. The bull is a very accurate symbol of the sign. To achieve a goal, Taurus uses strength: they know what they want and work hard to achieve their goal.

Taurus stones:

Aventurine - the stone of love

Alexandrite is a stone of spiritual renewal

Agate is a stimulant of spiritual awakening

A diamond is a stone that brings happiness (only if it got to its owner in an honest way).

Rock crystal - the stone of the clairvoyants

Opal - a symbol of loyalty and guarantee

Heliotrope is the best Christian amulet

Moonstone - absorber of lunar energy

Malachite - a stone of health

Turquoise is a stone of victory and happiness

Sapphire - stone of wisdom

Carnelian - stone of the sun

Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.


Jade - a stone of tranquility

Calf metal - copper

Taurus flowers:

The first mentions of Kalanchoe are found in half-decayed records about medicinal plantsdating from the beginning of the 18th century. They led scientists to the idea that the Kalanchoe flower was brought to us by Russian merchants. By the way, one of the merchants in the ship's log was recorded very interesting story healing of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. The sick sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands off the coast of South Africa and left in the care of local residents. A month later, a perfectly healthy sailor boarded the ship, loaded with various goods. His pockets were filled with thick-skinned leaves, which the sailor chewed and called them "kalanch", which translated from the language of the natives means nothing more than health.

And if you believe the ancient Greek legend, then the young Pan, the god of forests and meadows, once met a beautiful river nymph Syringa, a gentle messenger of the morning dawn, and so admired her gentle grace and beauty that he forgot about his fun. Pan decided to talk to Siringa, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. So the name Siringi gave the name to the tree - lilac.

The simplest and most adorable of flowers. Its origin is associated with Ostarta (Ishtar among the Sumerians) - the goddess of the radiant dawn and spring among the ancient Germans, who adorned themselves with lilies of the valley, and then threw them into the fires as a sacrifice. The pagan goddess was subsequently replaced by the Mother of God, and throughout the Middle Ages lilies of the valley were considered symbols of purity and holiness, and their ripe red berries were drops of the blood of Christ.

Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

April 21 - 30 - GEORGIN.
A luxurious Dahlia should always keep the golden mean. Maximalism often prevents you from achieving what you want. Dahlia should be more balanced than others, rely on their own strength. Don't rely entirely on luck. This also applies to personal life.

May 1-10 - LANDYSH.
Lily of the Valley's generous, open heart is the reason that it can be plucked by the merciless hand of a herbarium collector or just a lover of subtle scent. A Lily of the Valley woman needs a reliable protector, for example a Thistle man (Capricorn). At work, Lily of the Valley is doing well, although excessive zeal can sometimes get on your nerves.

May 11-21 - PORTULAC. Distrustful, cautious, always waiting for a catch, even from a loved one. It is difficult with Purslane at home and at work. And especially in love. Purslane must be protected.


WALNUT April 21 - April 30
Nut often consists of contradictions, it is capricious, aggressive, selfish. It is never known how he will act in this or that case and how to handle him. He cares about style, subtle and sophisticated manners, but in reality this can be caused by ordinary timidity. Often he tends to complicate matters. At the same time, he knows how to be an excellent strategist: he estimates well the possible consequences of his intentions, decides on very insidious actions and is not tormented by remorse. Often he amazes others with his speed of action. Nut has many friends, as well as enemies. He is convinced that in life you can only rely on yourself, and anxiously guards his own independence and isolation.

Men. Perhaps a little self-centered, but hospitable and generous. In a romantic relationship, they are both loyal and fickle, strive to please, but do not compromise.

Women. They can give and take away friendship and love for no reason, it is impossible to analyze their actions. Confident in her exclusivity, the Nut woman loves to suffer herself and takes pleasure in making others suffer.

Love and marriage. Not only love, but also friendship with Nut is full of surprises. If someone who wants to link his fate with a representative of this sign has enough strength to resist, he can try his luck; otherwise, Nut is able to enslave a partner.

JASMINE May 1-May 14
Jasmine is lively, lively and sociable. He attracts to himself with free and skillful conversation and becomes the center of attention even against his will. Jasmine does not like to feel bound, cannot stand restrictions, duties depress him. But despite this, he always obeys his duty. He is not afraid of work, like no one else, he understands the need for diplomatic behavior and knows how to organize harmonious relationships in a team. His intelligence and liveliness of thought are highly appreciated by his superiors. Children bring the greatest joy in Jasmine's life.

Men. They appear to be balanced and cheerful to others, and only the closest people know how much these men, in essence, are sensitive and how capable of being disappointed, since they are pessimists from birth, although they try to hide it.

Women. Possessing a cheerful disposition, they attract with their inner freedom and calmness, the ability to cheer up those around them.

Love and marriage. Living with Jasmine is difficult: he is easily offended and becomes biased. Children are his joy in marital relations, it is with them that he feels good.

CHESTNUT 15 May-24 May
Chestnut is a beautiful and even decorative tree, but he will not use his charm to attract someone. He is full of vitality and needs space. Chestnut has an innate sense of justice, and any violation of it causes him an involuntary protest. Chestnut is gifted, fast and accurate, but has a tendency to dreaminess and philosophical meditation. In his life, a lot depends on the environment. Lack of flexibility in communication often leads to the fact that throughout his life he changes many activities and experiences a lot of disappointments, which he remembers for a long time, as he is very impressionable and sensitive. An unexpected feature of Chestnut is the desire for convenience in everyday life.

Men. Consistent and persistent (but not stubborn), these men pay great attention to moral and ethical standards, therefore, despite their sensuality, they are quite conservative.

Women. They are very observant and intelligent, they love to shock the audience. Their lack of self-confidence and distrust of others give rise to an impression of inappropriateness for life.

Love and marriage. The acute need for love and the fear that he might not be loved (and he is a monogamous person) find expression in behavior, complicate the relationship between Chestnut and a partner who will not understand the strange actions of this person.

Calf colors:




Taurus talismans:

Golden calf


Taurus symbol - Ox

Taurus lucky numbers: 2, 4, 6.

Perseverance, patience and hard work are characteristic. We present to your attention talismans for Taurus, which can give their owner good luck and protection.

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, then the best amulet for you will be a bull or elephant figurine. Didn't find a suitable statuette - that's okay, you can limit yourself to the image of one of these animals. With such a talisman, your social position will be strengthened, and then your well-being will increase. Bronze and woodwork are preferred, while red handicrafts and ivory souvenirs should be avoided.

Horse mascot

For Taurus, the horse is a symbol of success and performance. Place a figurine on your desktop and your career will take off. If you decide to use a pendant or pendant as an amulet, then opt for a gold piece of jewelry. The little golden horse will accompany you everywhere, it will bring you success, protect you from ailments and overwork.

Pay attention to the "character" of the horse. A figurine depicting a pony grazing peacefully will help tame the obstinate disposition and will help in reaching a compromise. If you need to activate the energy of the leader, then a figure in the form of a rearing stallion will be more appropriate. Such an accessory symbolizes power and the desire to achieve planned goals.

Owl - Taurus mascot

One of Taurus' patron talismans is the owl, a symbol of wisdom. It promotes the easy assimilation of new knowledge, as well as patience in striving for the assigned tasks. Place this bird figurine on the edge of your desk. The figurine can be made of wood, onyx, silver, rock crystal or glass. In Slavic mythology, the Owl is the keeper of treasures, she helps to find treasures.

Flora and fauna

Any pet can become a Taurus mascot, but it's better to opt for a long-haired cat or dog. Taurus has practically no weakness for plants. they can be brought by a plant with a fleshy stem and a faint aroma. It's time to remember the money tree and cactus. One of these colors will easily become a source of peace, comfort and stability for you.

If Taurus has a secret desire, he can use an elephant figurine as an amulet. With the onset of the full moon, the figurine must be installed in the chosen ritual place, and a wish must be whispered in the elephant's ear. Until the morning, the figurine should remain where it was installed, and with the onset of dawn, it should be rearranged to its permanent "residence".

Natural minerals

Turquoise with a greenish tint is called "aged". For Taurus, this is an excellent amulet. It's not for nothing that turquoise is called the winner stone. He will be able to help you out in the most risky business and help you make the right decision. In addition, the mineral contributes to the development of financial well-being and harmonious relationships in the family.

This mineral is famous for its healing and mystical properties. The light green stone is useful for people with pulmonary or heart disease. Even its simple application to a problem area has a positive effect. Malachite is a powerful amulet that absorbs all negative phenomena.

If you need to develop your oratory skills, then opt for agate stone. He will definitely bring good luck in all matters, but at the same time he will also help to keep calm. The mystical abilities of agate depend on its shade. Black mineral solves financial problems, bluish tint helps to increase vitality and activity.

Amulets are very effective magical assistants. They also develop positive traits in your character. When choosing a talisman, pay attention to exactly the item that you like the most.

Planets patrons

Taurus is under the auspices of Venus and the Moon. The planet Venus bestows thrift, thoroughness and perseverance to its ward sign of the Zodiac. In addition, she is able to attract good luck for him. The moon successfully extinguishes Taurus's stubbornness and, if necessary, inclines him to a compromise.

However, one should not forget that the Moon is changeable and unstable. Her patronage is strongly associated with astronomical cycles. On the growing moon, many Taurus feel a surge of strength and vivacity. The waning night star can cause them some melancholy.

onyx bull figurine

Year of the Ox is the second year in the Chinese (Eastern) calendar. The nearest year of this animal-symbol is 2021. It comes on February 12th. Element - melall, which means the symbolic color of the year - white... Otherwise, this year is called the year of the white metal Bull. Energy of the Year - Yin.

People born in the Year of the Ox have a lot positive features character and qualities.

Positive traits Bull: these people are very hardworking, they simply cannot sit around. They show great perseverance in achieving their goals. In situations where you need to be patient, they show themselves in the best way, being an example to others.

People born in the year of the Ox have the gift of persuading others, so much so that after a while it seems to his interlocutor that he always thought so. Their eloquence is also evident when speaking to large groups of people.

Negative traits born in the year of the Ox - stubbornness, difficulty in accepting someone else's point of view, resistance to change, conservatism, painful adherence to traditions. In difficult situations, they do not look into the future, striving for something new, but look for support in the past, in what is familiar to them. Among the Bulls, there are fanatical personalities, people with an increased sense of pride, and grumblers. Bulls absolutely hate criticism.

Those born in the year of the Ox, as a rule, have a good, almost phenomenal memory, so they learn well at any age. Memory helps them do business and influences career growth. They are irreplaceable in those professions where you have to remember many small details and facts.

People born this year are usually very responsible for details - both in work and in their hobbies. They are trying to bring everything to perfection.

In any activity, the Ox adheres to a pre-drawn plan. To change something in the planned plan, the Ox needs serious reasons and justifications.

People born in the Year of the Ox are good organizers and leaders. But they do not feel well in situations that require quick decisions. It takes time for them to come up with rationale, but not intuition. Bulls trust little intuition and do not believe in luck if it is not based on real calculation.

Young Bulls are sentimental, trusting, and romantic with representatives of the opposite sex. Their attitude to the subject of love is very reverent and tender, he loves almost the way it is described in love stories of the 18-19 centuries. His love is necessarily a "beautiful lady" or "faithful knight". The more difficult is the disappointment.

The bull will not tolerate rudeness, gossip, especially betrayal. Outwardly, he will be calm, but inside him there is a raging storm of emotions. A prolonged tense emotional situation can lead the Ox to a nervous breakdown and severe depression.

Therefore, with age, having been burned several times, the Bull begins to look for a friend in a partner rather than just love. He will protect his half, provide peace and prosperity. As a rule, Bull is a good and reliable family man.

Bulls are also reliable in friendship, they rarely take offense over trifles. They will always come to the aid of friends, colleagues and relatives. Another good quality of the Bull is that he knows how to listen to the interlocutor.

For those born in the year of the Ox, it is good to be born in winter timeas well as in November and March. Then he can carry out his plans with less effort.

How to celebrate the Year of the Ox? There should be an abundance of plant-based dishes on the New Year's table. These are vegetables, fruits, cereals and corn. Salads, oriental sweets, sweets and cakes, fruit wines. The most daring combinations of products, spicy southern seasonings and peppers are appropriate here. But you can refrain from meat products. Seafood - at your discretion.

To meet the year of the "white metal Bull", you can wear white, gray, any light-colored clothing, metallic colors and transparent fabrics are appropriate. Decorations should be in the same colors.

Stone jewelry can also decorate your outfit. Choose white, transparent and striped stones such as opal, light carnelian, pyrite, chalcedony, rock crystal, moonstone, albite, or other light stones. The frame can be made of silver, platinum, cupronickel.

What to give for the Year of the Ox? Anything that is of practical importance and will last for a long time is perfect for a gift this year. Jewelry in which the stone is inserted, although not of practical importance, will also be appropriate. It is great if a white mineral is inserted into the jewelry: for example, white translucent opal, mother of pearl, pearls, cacholong, albite.

For Bullthe coming year under his name will be successful. His wildest dreams and desires will come true. Perseverance and the will to win will lead to success and the Ox will reap its benefits. This year Bull can start new projects, they will be successful. Love this year will bring him only positive emotions.

What will the Year of the Ox bring to other signs?

Rat in the year of the Ox, he will relax and will not make much effort to make money. She will be satisfied with the current stable situation. She will leave the implementation of new plans and projects, the search for a more acceptable job for later. This will be a year of philosophical reflection on strategic planning. In matters of love, the Rat will also not show much activity, she is happy with what she has.

Tiger in the year of the Ox should not undertake anything that is associated with risk. This applies to financial affairs, work, travel. For this aggressive and active animal symbol, let the year pass under the sign of caution and frugality. Everything will be fine if the Tiger lives by the principle of "measure seven times - cut once." In this case, it will be stable. Including in matters of love.

Cat (Rabbit) in the year of the Ox must be a wise diplomat. He will be lucky in matters related to preliminary agreements, exchange, barter, and trade. This year is very successful for Cats (Rabbits) associated with agriculture. This year, in order for the planned things to go as they should, they will have to be adjusted as the situation changes. What you need to watch closely. In love, the Cat (Rabbit) must also be a diplomat ...

The Dragon in the year of the Ox will feel tense. He will incur obligations (or someone will impose on him), which he will carry out with great responsibility. It can be business, work, study, social affairs, family affairs. To get out of this situation as winners, people born in the year of the Dragon must not only plan things correctly, but also have enough rest. Otherwise, the body will react with the onset of a disease. Walk more, drive more, meet new people more.

Snake in the year of the Ox, she will achieve a lot and fulfill all her plans if she cope with the laziness and apathy that has fallen on her. This applies, first of all, to study and work in which career growth is possible. Until laziness is overcome (and this may be due to improper diet and violation of the regime), you should not start any new projects associated with risk. The situation will improve by the end of the year. The family will help the Snake to overcome temporary difficulties.
Perhaps a meeting with a person who will become the Snake's true love will make her active and active.

Horse in the year of the Snake will show great activity in the field of making money and reap the harvest. She will have no shortage of new projects and ideas. She will do everything for her career, study and the prosperity of her business. This is a good year for harmonious and pleasant love relationships, both old and new.

Goat (Sheep) will be successful in matters related to the implementation of creative projects. But in the field of stable work, this year is unsuccessful, there are no special incomes and career growth expected. Projects related to one-time work will be successful. There is the possibility of very large earnings here. The Goat (Sheep) this year will see new horizons and opportunities in her life, her loved ones and her love will help her in this ...

A monkey in the year of the Ox, she will not do anything that could harm her financial situation and family affairs. The Year of the Ox makes the Monkey be restrained and judicious, which, in general, is not characteristic of her. Her intelligence and prudence will raise her weight in the eyes of her superiors and ensure her career growth. In business, restraint will help you avoid risk and consolidate your position. But in matters of love, the Monkey's restraint can prevent her from finding her soul mate ...

Cock in the year of the Monkey will fulfill many of his dreams and will be satisfied. He will carry out his plans both in financial matters and in his studies. But the tendency to show and demonstrate his achievements will make him spend a lot of the money he earned. The money spent will soon pay off handsomely in the form of new acquaintances and connections, new ideas and opportunities. The rooster will avoid big shocks and losses if his work involves risk. In general, the year is favorable for him. But not in love affairs ...

Dog in the year of the Ox, he feels instability, the cause of which is more people, and to a lesser extent - circumstances. She is ready to change the environment, work, business partners in order to level the situation and keep financial income at the same level. This year the Dog will have new ideas, but the situation around it will not allow them to be implemented. By the end of the year, the Dog will be able to reorganize things as it needs. Her love will be sympathetic to what is happening.

Pig in the year of the Ox, she is forced to adapt to a changing situation, and she succeeds perfectly. The pig shows uncharacteristic flexibility and wisdom. This year, the Pig will do everything to maintain the usual stability in business and remain calm, although people and circumstances will try to unsettle her several times. The pig this year will carefully and tenderly relate to his love, and she will be answered in kind.