Short presentation on environment pollution. Classification of species of environmental pollution

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Sources of environmental pollution Tikhonova Tatyana Alekseevna Teacher Technology MBOU "SOSH number 3" Cheboksary

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Physical (energy) pollution: noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation of radioactive substances, thermal radiation resulting from anthropogenic activity. Chemical pollution: environmental pollution with all sorts of chemicals (xenobiotics) falling into it with gaseous, liquid and solid emissions and waste.

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Path enter Physical form pollutant Scale contamination emissions in the atmosphere of gases, aerosols, solid particles Local, regional resetting of water bodies, direct soil pollution liquid soluble and insoluble compounds Local, regional boron sequers solid and liquid waste local

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Pollution of the atmospheric air is one of the most important components of the habitat. The main sources of contamination of the atmosphere: thermal power plants and heatcenters, combusting organic fuel; motor transport; Black and non-ferrous metallurgy; mechanical engineering; chemical production; mining and processing of mineral raw materials; Open sources (agricultural production, construction).

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Explore the following table and conclude which sources of pollution have the most severe negative impact on the environment.

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Sources of emissions of pollutants into an atmosphere of impurities Main sources Average concentration in air mg / m3 Hello aeronogenic dust Volcanic eruptions, dust storms, forest fire burning fuel in industrial and living conditions in cities 0.04 - 0.4 sulfur dioxide volcanic eruptions, sulfur oxidation and sulphates scattered in the sea burning fuel in industrial and household installations in cities up to 1.0 nitrogen oxides Forest fires industry, vehicles, thermal power plants in areas with developed industry up to 0.2 carbon oxides Forest fires, natural methane vehicles, evaporation of petroleum products in areas With the developed industry up to 0.3 volatile hydrocarbons Forest fires, natural methane vehicles, evaporation of petroleum products in areas with developed industry up to 0.3 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - vehicles, chemical and refineries in areas with developed industry up to 0.01

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Many industry and industry industries form not only the maximum amount of harmful emissions, but also create environmentally unfavorable conditions for the residence of residents of both large and medium-sized cities. Emissions of toxic substances lead, as a rule, to an increase in the current concentrations of substances over extremely permissible concentrations (MPC).

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MPC of harmful substances in the atmospheric air of populated areas is the maximum concentrations related to a certain period of averaging (30 minutes, 24 hours, 1 month, 1 year) and do not have a direct nor indirect adverse effect on the human body, including Remote consequences for present and subsequent generations that do not reduce human performance and do not deteriorate his well-being.

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Pollution of the hydrosphere water, as air, is a vital source for all known organisms. The main sources of pollution of the hydrosphere are discharged wastewater generated during the operation of energy, industrial, chemical, medical, defense, housing and communal and other enterprises and objects; The disposal of radioactive waste in containers and containers, which, after a certain period of time, losing hermetics; accidents and disasters occurring on land and in water spaces; The atmospheric air polluted by various substances and others.

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Water pollution causes suppression of ecosystem functions, slows down the natural processes of biological purification of freshwater, and also contributes to the change in the chemical composition of the food and the human body.

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Regulatory documents Regulatory guy and technical requirements for water sources GOST 2761-84 "Sources of centralized economic and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and regulations "; Sanpin "Requirements for the quality of water of non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources "; GN "Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of chemicals in water of water and drinking and cultural and domestic water supply facilities", etc.

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When determining the quality of drinking water, the following parameters are taken into account: the content of impurities and suspended particles, the taste, chromaticity, turbidity and temperature of the water, the pH indicator, composition and concentration of mineral impurities and dissolved in water oxygen, pdkv chemicals and pathogenic bacteria. PDKV is the maximum allowable pollution of water of water bodies, in which safety for human health and normal water use conditions are preserved. For example, for PDKV bencol is 0.5 mg / l.

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Soil soil pollution - the habitat of numerous lower animals and microorganisms, including bacteria, mold fungi, viruses, etc. The most important value of the soil is to accumulate organic matter, various chemical elements, as well as energy. Soil cover performs the functions of a biological absorber, a destroyer and a neutralizer of various contaminants. If this link of the biosphere will be destroyed, the current functioning of the biosphere is irreversibly violated.

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"Pollution Environment" - physical (thermal, noise, electromagnetic, light, radioactive) chemical (heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, etc. Chemicals) biological (biogenic, microbiological, genetic) information (information noise, false information, concern factors ). Presentation on biology on the topic "Environmental pollution" of the student 8 "in" class Vdovenko Vitaly.

"The incineration of waste" is the combustion chamber of the MSW. Building installation. Due to the rapid cooling of the smoke, repeated synthesis of dioxins is prevented. Camera cleaning products combustion. Tank with water. Due to the high toxicity of the products of incineration of MSW, a number of tasks arise. The installation uses smoke afterburning. From the loaded MBC are extracted large wooden and non-combustible components.

"Radioactive pollution" is zoning. Leningrad NPP. Explanatory note. Balakovo NPP. Radioactive emissions. Kursk NPP. Rostov nuclear power plant. Novovoronezh NPP. Kalinin NPP. Transboundary effect.

"Energy intensity reduction" - 7. Development of the regional section of the state program. Rub. Documents that determine the need to develop state program and regional programs. Number of subjects, pcs. The rate of reduced energy intensity of the VRP of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Building an energy efficient economy in the Russian Federation is based on two key documents.

"Global problems of the world" - classification of global problems. Map "Nuclear powers of the world." The most important global problems. Conditional signs: - cutting zone of rainforest. Yasser Arafat is the leader of the Palestinian Authority. The concept of global problems. Nuclear winter. Mortality. Legend: ----------- - an arc of instability; - Foci conflicts.

"Global Environmental Problems" - Oba Flap. No less difficult in scientific relations the environmental problem of the ozone layer. In the atmosphere, aerosol pollution is perceived in the form of smoke, fog, mall or haze. The impact of a person on the environment took a threatening scale. Waste production of synthetic fibers. The problem of the greenhouse effect.

Total in the subject of 12 presentations

Environmental pollution

Pollution of water settlements. The most famous source of water pollution, which is traditionally paid to the main attention, are household wastewater. In dissolved form in wastewater, soaps, synthetic washing powders, disinfectants, bleach and other substances of household chemicals are present. From residential buildings there is a paper garbage, including toilet paper and children's diapers, waste of plant and animal food. Rain and thawed water flows from the streets in the sewer, often, with sand or salt used to speed up the melting of snow and ice on the roadway of the streets and sidewalks.

Industry. In industrialized countries, the main consumer of water and the largest source of development is the industry. Industrial effluents in the river in volume are 3 times higher than utility household. Due to the growing volume of industrial waste, the environmental equilibrium of many lakes and rivers is disturbed, although most of the effluent is non-toxic and not deadly for humans.

Agriculture. The second main consumer of water is agriculture using it for irrigation of fields. Water flowing from them is saturated with salts and soil particles, as well as residues of chemicals contributing to the increase in yield. These include insecticides; fungicides that spray over fruit gardens and crops; Herbicides, the famous means of combating weeds; and other pesticides, as well as organic and inorganic fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other chemical elements.

Soil pollution Residential homes and utility household enterprises. The pollutants of this category of sources are dominated by household garbage, food waste, construction trash, etc. All this is going and exported to the landfill. The burning of garbage in urban dumps is accompanied by the release of poisonous substances that settle on the surface of the soil and is difficult to wash off with rains.

Agriculture Pollution of soil in agriculture occurs due to the contribution of huge amounts of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. It is known that some of the keriformicates are made mercury. The desire of a person to take from the soil more and more leads to the irrational use of land, and often - and to the complete disappearance of their fertility. Excessive contribution to the soil of mineral fertilizers and chemical means of protection of plants from weeds and pests leads to its pollution. Heavy metals are accumulated in the soil (for example, mercury), radioactive substances emitted by some industrial enterprises. From the soil, these toxic substances fall into living organisms, which can cause their irreversible changes.

Air pollution The main cause of air pollution is to enter it uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances, as well as the change in their natural concentration. This occurs as a result of both natural processes, as a result of human activity. Moreover, it is a person who plays an increasing role in the pollution of the atmosphere. The cause of a large part of chemical and physical contamination is the burning of hydrocarbon fuel in the production of electrical energy and during the operation of vehicle engines.

One of the most toxic gases entering the atmosphere as a result of human activity - ozone. Poaming and lead contained in car exhaust gases. Among other dangerous pollutants - carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, as well as small dust. Every year, 170 million tons of dust comes to the atmosphere, 170 million tons of dust comes to the atmosphere of human activity (in the production of electricity, cement production.

The presentation performed the student 11 A Class of Gushchikhina Victoria checked Teacher Calmykova T. S.

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Lesson plan:

Types of pollution. Pollution shells. Ways to solve environmental problems.

Slide 3.

Environmental pollution?

  • Slide 4.

    Environmental pollution is an undesirable change in its properties as a result of anthropogenic intake of various substances and connections.

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    Types of pollution OS.

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    Types of Pollution OS.

  • Slide 8.

    Air pollution.

    Describe the main reasons for the contamination of the atmosphere. Prove that the circulation processes in the atmosphere led to the problem of its pollution acquired a global nature.

    Slide 9.

    "Greenhouse effect"

  • Slide 10.

    "The ozone hole"

  • Slide 11.

    Output. Global changes in the atmosphere:

    Pollution of the atmosphere CO2, CH4I, etc., the threat of the greenhouse effect; The occurrence of acid rains that are loving forests, destroy life, adversely affect people's health.

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    Pollution of lithosphere (soil cover)

    What do you know the main pollutants, which lead to the change in the chemical composition of soil? How is the problem of accumulating household garbage solve? Explain the term "garbage civilization"?

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    Desertification. Sukhara.

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    Output. Global changes in the lithosphere:

    radiation contamination of extensive areas with tragic consequences; Erosion of soils, salinization, wiping or desertification (as a result, it is withdrawn from S-X. produce about 6 million gg annually); Toxication of fields pesticides, herbicides, nitrates

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    Desertification. Sachel.

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    Pollution of the hydrosphere.

    What serious water-resource problems are many countries in the world? How are the problems of pure fresh water deficiency in the countries of the world? What are the problems of pollution of the water of the World Ocean and what consequences arise?

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    Water pollution with oil and petroleum products

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    Output. Global changes in the hydrosphere:

    The most contaminated rivers and lakes of the world - Rhine, Danube, Seine, Thames, Tiber, Mississippi, Ohio, Volga, Don, Dniester, Lake Lake, Balkhash, etc.; Pollution of hydrosphere with petroleum products, heavy metals, etc.;

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    Solving environmental problems. Implementation:

    Creating a different kind of cleansing facilities;

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    Processing of garbage, waste, etc.;

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    The use of environmental technologies and the rational placement of "dirty" industries.

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    Creating a network of protected natural territories (OPT).

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    Wholesale is the territories that are protected from traditional economic use and maintaining a natural state in scientific, educational and educational and aesthetic purposes.

    Forms OPT: Reserves, reserves, reserves, national parks ...

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    It examines the processes and phenomena arising in the environment as a result of anthropogenic intervention in it.

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    O.I. INUFRIEVA General characteristics of the world 1 part, method. Address for a teacher. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007; V.P. Maksakovsky Economic and Social Geography of the World. Textbook. - Moscow: Enlightenment, 2007; CD-lessons of geography. Cyril and Methodius; - the World Wildlife Foundation for the Live Planet! - Greenpeace

    Slide 26.


    1 repeat the topic 3; Prepare for lesson test. 2 Creative task - Quiz questions on the theme "World Natural Resources", starting with the words "why ..." (5-7 issues). 3Poduy! 1 Is the option possible in our time to extend the industrial production without negative environmental impact? Option 2. Why is international cooperation necessary for solving environmental problems?

    See all slides

    Main types of sources Main types of pollution sources: Industrial, household wastewater, agricultural. Industrial, domestic wastewater, agricultural. Household waste. Interesting waste. Pollution with oil and petroleum products. Practice with oil and petroleum products. Contamination with heavy metals by ions. Heavy metals are contamination. Acid rains leading to the acidification of water bodies and to the death of ecosystems. Silver rains leading to the acidification of water bodies and to the death of ecosystems. Transportation. Transport.

    The huge mass of the waters of the world's ocean forms the climate of the planet, serves as a source of atmospheric precipitation. More than half of the oxygen enters the atmosphere from the ocean, and it also regulates the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The huge mass of the waters of the world's ocean forms the climate of the planet, serves as a source of atmospheric precipitation. More than half of the oxygen enters the atmosphere from the ocean, and it also regulates the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    Pollution of the oceans and seas. Every year more than 10 million tons of oil fall into the world ocean and up to 20% of its area are already covered with oil film. This is due to the fact that oil and gas production in the World Ocean has become the most important component of the oil and gas complex. Every year more than 10 million tons of oil fall into the world ocean and up to 20% of its area are already covered with oil film. This is due to the fact that oil and gas production in the World Ocean has become the most important component of the oil and gas complex.

    Pollution of the oceans and seas. Oil and petroleum products are the main pollutants of the water basin. Oil and petroleum products are the main pollutants of the water basin. As a result of oil production from pipelines connecting oil platforms with the mainland, about 3000 tons of petroleum products flowed into the sea. As a result of oil production from pipelines connecting oil platforms with the mainland, about 3000 tons of petroleum products flowed into the sea.

    Pollution of the oceans and seas. Up to 2 million seabirds and 100 thousand marine animals, dying every year, swallowing any plastic products or confusing in scraps of networks and cables. Up to 2 million seabirds and 100 thousand marine animals, dying every year, swallowing any plastic products or confusing in scraps of networks and cables.

    Pollution of the oceans and seas. Germany, Belgium, Holland, England - was dumped into north sea poisonous acids, mainly 18-20% sulfuric acid, heavy metals with soil and sewage precipitation containing arsenic and mercury, as well as hydrocarbons, including poisonous dioxide. Germany, Belgium, Holland, England - was dumped into north sea poisonous acids, mainly 18-20% sulfuric acid, heavy metals with soil and sewage precipitation containing arsenic and mercury, as well as hydrocarbons, including poisonous dioxide.

    Pollution of the oceans and seas. A serious environmental threat to life in the World Ocean and, therefore, for a person is a burial at the seabed of radioactive waste (RAO) and reset into a sea of \u200b\u200bliquid radioactive waste (LRR). Avoyous ecological threat to life in the World Ocean and, therefore, for a person presents The burial at the seabed of radioactive waste (RAO) and reset into the sea of \u200b\u200bliquid radioactive waste (LRR).

    Pollution of rivers and lakes. A large amount of wastewater, petroleum products, enter rivers and lakes of various regions of the world. A large amount of wastewater, petroleum products enter rivers and lakes of various regions of the world. Pesticides are a special threat. Moving along the food chain, the pesticides reach a high degree of concentration. Pesticides are permissible. Moving along the food chain, the pesticides reach a high degree of concentration. The same threat, represent liquid radioactive waste production of nuclear fuel and weapons plutonium. Also a greater threat, represent liquid radioactive waste production of nuclear fuel and weapon plutonium.

    Groundwater pollution. Underground waters, following other elements of the environment, suffer from the infirmity of the economic activity of a person. Individual water, following other elements of the environment, the polluting effect of man's economic activity is experiencing. They suffer from pollution of petroleum fields, mining enterprises .... Square of foci of groundwater pollution reaches hundreds of square kilometers. They suffer from pollution of petroleum fields, mining enterprises .... Square of foci of groundwater pollution reaches hundreds of square kilometers.

    From pollutants underground water substances, predominate: petroleum products, phenols, heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury), sulfates, chlorides, nitrogen compounds. From polluting underground water substances, predominate: petroleum products, phenols, heavy metals ( Copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury), sulfates, chlorides, nitrogen compounds. The list of substances controlled in underground waters is not regulated, so it is impossible to make an accurate picture on the contamination of groundwater. The substances controlled in groundwater are not regulated, therefore it is impossible to make an accurate picture of groundwater contamination.

    Protection of water resources from exhaustion and pollution and their rational use for the needs of the national economy is one of the most important problems requiring solutions. In Russia, environmental protection measures are widely carried out, in particular on the purification of industrial wastewater. Protection of water resources from exhaustion and pollution and their rational use for the needs of the national economy - one of the most important problems requiring decisions. In Russia, environmental protection measures are widely carried out, in particular on the purification of industrial wastewater.

    One of the main areas of work on the protection of water resources is the introduction of new technological processes of production, the transition to closed (heartless) water supply cycles. One of the main directions of work on the protection of water resources is the introduction of new technological processes of production, the transition to closed (heartless) water supply cycles. In the chemical industry, a wider introduction of low-waste and waste-free technological processes, giving the greatest ecological effect. In the chemical industry, the wider introduction of low-waste and waste-free technological processes giving the greatest ecological effect is scheduled.

    It is possible to significantly reduce the pollution of water discharged by the enterprise, by separating valuable impurities from waste water. It is possible to significantly reduce the contamination of water discharged by the enterprise, it is possible by separating valuable impurities from wastewater. The complexity of solving these tasks at the chemical industry enterprises is the diversity of technological processes and the products obtained. The complexity of solving these tasks at the chemical industry enterprises is the diversity of technological processes and the products obtained.

    Thus, the protection and rational use of water resources is one of the links of the integrated world problem of nature protection. In fact, the protection and rational use of water resources is one of the links of the complex world problem of nature conservation.

    Perhaps, no problem causes such lively discussions in humanity now as the problem of pollution of the World Ocean. The recent decades are marked by the enhancement of anthropogenic * effects on marine ecosystems as a result of pollution of the seas and oceans. * Anthropogenic effects are an impact on nature as a result of human activity.