Dmitry Sergin Deputy Yekaterinburg. Sergin Dmitry.

August 3, 2017, 12:26 pm

Candidates for governors Sverdlovsk region. Full list and biographies

It became clear who in the Sverdlovsk region will take part in the elections of the head of the region on September 10. 6 surnames will be made to the ballot box. Ean publishes the biography of politicians claiming to the main leadership office of the Middle Urals.

"On one leg with the people": Dmitry Sergin, "Party of Pensioners"

He graduated from school No. 102 of the Chkalovsky district in 1985. IN school years He was fond of athletics and received the first digit on this sport.

After school, Dmitry Sergin entered the Sverdlovsk Order of the Labor Red Banner Medical Institute, but from the first year he was called to the army.

The service of the future deputy was held in Germany, where he served as Secretary of the Komsomol Company Organization. After the end of the service, Dmitry Sergin continued his studies at the Medical Institute.

In 1988, Dmitry Sergin fell into an accident, as a result of which he lost his leg. After what happened, he began to take an active part in the development of sports for disabled people in the Urals: the focus was made on volleyball, tennis, football, light athletics, skiing, table tennis.

Participated in the 1995 European Championships.

After receiving a diploma, Dmitry Sergin worked an oncologist in several city hospitals.

Twice was elected in city Duma Yekaterinburg - in 1996 and 2000. Then he worked there on an ongoing basis. In parallel, he graduated from Jurfak in the Ural Academy of Civil Service in the specialty "Jurisprudence". In 2009 and in 2013, two times in a row was elected two times in a row.

At the moment, the post of deputy chairman of the Commission on urban economy, urban planning and land use is a member of the Budget and Economic Policy Commission.

"There is a choice!": Dmitry Ionin, "Fair Russia"

In 2005 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of Urga. In student years, in 2002 he became an assistant to the deputy - Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Budget, Finance and Taxes of the Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

From 2005 to 2008, he was trained in the graduate school of Urgeu (Sinzha).

In 2004 he received a specialist in the Center for Project Decision Center LLC. Since 2006, he took the post general Director According to legal issues in the same organization.

In 2009, he was elected a deputy of the Duma of the Nizhnesherginsky City Settlement, headed the Committee of the Duma on legislation and local self-government.

In 2010, he took the post of a member of the regional election committee with the right of a decisive voice. At the same time became the co-chairman of the Council of the Public Organization "Fair Housing and Public Utilities".

In 2011, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region VI convocation from "Fair Russia".

Married, raises her daughter.

Konstantin Kiselev, "Green Party"

Konstantin Viktorovich Kiselev was born in 1963 in Sverdlovsk. In 1980 he graduated from high school number 2 with a gold medal. In 1985, he graduated with honors from the Philosophy of the Faculty of Urga. In 1996, he graduated with honors from the permanent Faculty of Urguu in the specialty "Jurisprudence". Since 2012 is a professor of Urals.

From 1985 to 1995, he worked in Urga by the teacher. From 1995 to 2003 he was a scientist of the Secretary of the Institute of Philosophy and the right of URO RAS. Since 2004, he took the post of deputy director for scientific matters at the same institute.

In 2010, he was a member of the "right of choice" committee.

Since 2013, the deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma and Chairman of the Party faction "Civil Platform".

Married, raises her daughter.

"When power does not cope, it is changed": Alexey Parfenov, Communist Party

Alexey Alexandrovich Parfenov was born on October 17, 1972 in Murom. In 1989 he graduated from school. In 2003, he received a higher education in the specialty "Technology of Mechanical Engineering". He served in the USSR Sun.

In Cesna Corporation, he made a career from Tokary-Mervelover to the Main Manager. Now is the post of managing director of PJSC PLUS Bank. Chairs in the Board of Trustees Oroop "Federation of Kyokusinkai".

Married, raises two daughters.

Igor Test, LDPR

In 2008, he graduated from Urfyu in the specialty "Jurisprudence".

In 2009, he became a member of the LDPR, headed by the secretariat of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, worked as an assistant deputy.

In 2011, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, where he took the post of Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and Public Security.

In 2016, he was elected a deputy State Duma RF from LDPR. In 2017, he became part of the Supreme Council of the LDPR.

Married, raises his son.

"Ural is worthy to be the leading region of Russia": Evgeny Kuivashev, "United Russia".

Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuivashev was born on March 16, 1971 in the village of Lugovskaya in KhMAO. At the end of the secondary school, she worked as a mechanic in the Surgutremstroy Trust, served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

In 1991, he worked as a methodologist on physical education in the management of technological transport in Surgut.

In 1993, he graduated from the Tobolsk Medical School named after Volodya Soldatov, received a specialty dentist-orthodontist. He worked in the village of Poikovsky in the KHMAO tooth technician, then - Deputy Head of the Union of Veterans of Afghanistan on Commercial Affairs, Machinist of Concrete mixture, with a high-blooded, legal adviser.

In 1997, he took the post of assistant to the head of the village administration Eduard Hudainatova. Became his deputy. In 2000 he himself received this position. In parallel with work in the administration, he taught the theory of state and law in the local branch of TSU.

In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation with a specialty lawyer.

In 2004, he took the post of deputy head of the department of bailiffs of the city of Moscow.

In 2005 he became the head of the administration of the city of Tobolsk.

In 2007, he moved to Tyumen, where he also took the post of head of the local administration.

In 2011, he was appointed Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President Russian Federation In the Urals Federal District, September 6, 2011 took this post personally.

From May 14, 2012 to May 29, 2012, Evgeny Kuivashev - Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. In May 2012, officially joined the position of the Governor of the region.

The election campaign in the Sverdlovsk region is gaining momentum. Candidates for the governors are actively spreading campaign materials. And if the shields of Vrio Governor Evgenia Kuivasheva are restrained in business, then advertising his opponents seems to compete in creativity.

The deputy who lost his legs is depicted on the posters by a running marathon. On one of them, the slogan says: "Dmitry Sergin. I go to the governors, "on the other:" Dmitry Sergin. On one foot with the people. "

Someone the messy fell to taste, someone frankly called the election advertising product "Blavota". The candidate for the governors told the site that calmly refers to criticism and does not consider it necessary to respond to the attacks.

"Blondes does not hide that he is blond, and I am what I am," Sergin says. - Kuyvashev as a high rank official, accordingly, makes frames in a suit on the background of the office, and I am a simple citizen who lives among the people and communicates with the people, participates in sports eventsI take a photo from one of the marathons. I apologize to those who outraged the clear and calm representation of me as a person. "

So the candidate did not leave his heyters unanswered. In the social network, Sergine writes a detailed comment on criticism:

To the question of JustMedia's journalist, who is responsible for the creative of advertising products of the candidate, he admits that he always takes part in the preparation of its campaign materials.

This is a candidate's advertising shield. United Russia", Vrio Governor Evgeny Kuivasheva. He appeared on the roads back in early July. Style - discreet - just that Sergine said about, and what the region is approved.

On the poster, the inscription: "The Ural is worthy to be the leading region of Russia." This is the quotation of Kuyvashev himself. However, Vrio Governor repeatedly said that it was going to ensure that our area entered the Star Troika to the subjects of the Russian Federation and was entrenched on the positions of one of the most powerful regions of the country.

Dmitry Ionin candidate, Dmitry Ionin, beat in one of the campaign posters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as the "local", "honest", "fair." And on the other, with a hint of prophecy, wrote: "Governor. Dmitry Ionin. From September 10th.

About the creative of other candidates for the post of chapter of the region, read the following materials site.

Born on November 4, 1967 in Sverdlovsk. In 1985 he graduated from high school No. 102 of the Chkalovsky district. In school years, actively engaged in sports, has the 1st discharge on athletics.In the same 1985 he entered the Sverdlovsk Order of the Labor Red Banner Medical Institute, from the first year of which is called upon to the ranks soviet army. The service was held in the group of Soviet troops in Germany, secretary of the Komsomol organization company.

After demobilization, he continued his studies in the medical institute, was actively engaged in construction worker.

In 1988, as a result of the car accident, she lost his leg, but continued his studies at the Institute. Actively participated in the formation of disabled sports in the Urals (Football, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Athletics, Mountain Ski). The most actively participated in the Mountain Skiing Competitions among the persons with disabilities - the winner of the SkinV-95 International Competitions, the 1995 European Championship Member.

After the end of the Medical Institute, he worked in the regional children's clinical hospital, an oncologist of the polyclinic department of one of the city hospitals.

In 1996 and 2000, he was elected to the deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocation from the Chkalovsky district, he worked in the Duma on an ongoing basis.

He graduated from the Ural Academy of Public Service with the specialty "Jurisprudence".

From 2009 to 2013 was a deputy of the Ekaterinburg City Duma of the fifth convocation.

In 2013, he was elected a deputy of the Ekaterinburg City Duma of the sixth convocation. Ithe Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Urban Economy, Town Planning and land use, as well as a member of the Commission on the Budget and Economic Policy of the Ekaterinburg City Duma.


Sergin: Pre-election program

About strategic development

In 2003, a strategic development plan for the city was adopted in Yekaterinburg. Working by a deputy of the city Duma, as part of the deputy authority I participated in the implementation of this document. From the city-factory, we moved to the development of Yekaterinburg as a business center with modern infrastructure, logistics, financial sphere, large shopping and exhibition areas; Ekaterinburg became the place of major international events. Life showed that such a transition was absolutely true. In the context of economic crises, the industrial industry is constantly licking. The diversification of the economy of Yekaterinburg allows the city even in these conditions not only to survive, but also to develop. Indirect confirmation of the dynamic development of the city is recognition of it, at the official and unofficial levels, the third most important city of Russia.

And what area?

Unfortunately, for the Sverdlovsk region today is not formulated by a clear development concept, there is no strategic plan. Where are we moving? Saving a monogorod? Convulsively develop agriculture? Increase metal production? What is our goal? A clear, understandable, logical answer to this question we have not yet heard. The development of a strategic development plan for the Sverdlovsk region is necessary. I, Dmitry Sergin, I propose priority events for this most important document.

Where to get resources?

It is necessary to provide cities more independence in current financial and economic activities. The socio-economic situation in Russia, and in the Sverdlovsk region it is so much that it is the cities today are drivers for the development of territories. In cities, material and personnel resources are objectively concentrated. As one of the local, but very important indicators for the independence of cities - it is necessary to leave at the disposal of urban budgets most of the tax fees, in particular, from the income tax (NDFL). From the cities today, they pull out funds to fill the regional budget, and then these funds are transmitted from top to bottom, it is often "releasing" in the territory, which does not provide solutions to territorial problems.

On the example of Yekaterinburg, the numbers themselves speak for themselves. If Yekaterinburg will receive not 16 percent to its budget, as now, and 30 percent of the NDFL assembled on its territory, the city budget will receive a year, in today's conditions, in addition to 1.5 billion rubles. Moreover, Ekaterinburg collects tax not only for itself, but also for the region. With such a real material interest, it will further collect 6 billion rubles per year and for the region. (Let's "touch" these billions: the city could build an additional two super-modern schools; about 5 years you can build a plot of the second branch of the subway from the visa to the center).

Such competent redistribution of funds does not require super passions. The budget message forms the governor. The budget of the region approves the Legislative Assembly. At the level of the area there is the opportunity to leave cities from 15 to 40 percent of the same NDFL. It is only necessary to understand the problem and the desire to solve it.


In the Sverdlovsk region, it is necessary to actively develop the transport infrastructure between cities (lines of high-speed trams, electric trains, etc.). Moreover, the transport accessibility should be not only for residents of the upper pyshma, Central Uralsk, Aramili, Berezovsky. We need to think wider. Labor migration in any case exists, and if we start developing the transport system, other cities will develop.

In addition to economic advantages, the social component will improve: citizens will feel like inhabitants of a major megapolis. After all, today to visit the Opera House, Zoo, Water Park, football or hockey matches, residents of the Sverdlovsk Region are impossible to be often due to weak transport accessibility. For Yekaterinburg, an integral part of the development of transport infrastructure is the construction of the subway. The second branch is abandoned, this is a question of yesterday, we are already late. It is just necessary to "get involved" in this project. After all, once understanding where money will take place to build a subway, there was also no. Just undertook to work, clung to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole world. Let them build a long time, but in the end today nine stations work. When the branch met to botany, passenger traffic increased almost twice. The number of land transport is steadily growing, it does not fit into the city standing in traffic jams. The new metro branch will significantly unload the transport infrastructure.

Economic approach

In the absence of an emptying attitude towards earned funds, we will never have enough money even to the most needed. Last example Patterns: Telebashnya in Yekaterinburg, for which 500 million rubles were spent at one time from the regional budget (which is actually built a "five-star" kindergarten.

The recently generous stroke of Feather Tower was transferred to the commercial structure. There is no place to find out when an error was made: when buying or when the tower is transmitted. But the main mistake is obvious: superficial attitude to the means of the regional budget (actually filled with the labor of residents of the Sverdlovsk region).

I, Dmitry Sergin, responsibly declare: if voters trust me to work as the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, such a wasteful attitude towards the funds of the regional budget will be excluded.


Cities need to return direct elections of strong mayors - managers who are able to clearly formulate the tasks, to take responsibility for performing these tasks, competently dispose of available resources. Proof of this is the time when Ekaterinburg headed a strong leader of Arkady Chernetsky. It was then that the development strategy of Yekaterinburg was developed and embodied, metro was built.

At the first stage, the Strategy for the Development of the Sverdlovsk Region The provision of a strong mayor should be introduced in cities that are potentially capable of becoming donor cities. At one time we had about a dozen donor cities. Then five remained. Now - only Ekaterinburg ...

My task as the governor, when implementing a development strategy, so that every city of the Sverdlovsk region becomes not only self-sufficient, but also the city-donor inserting earns in the development of the Middle Urals.

Participation in federal programs

It is necessary to qualitatively improve the interaction with the federal center to attract federal funds to the Sverdlovsk region. Two digits for comparison. In 2017, Tatarstan will receive about 40 billion rubles from the federal budget in the framework of participation in federal targeted programs. Since the beginning of 2017, the Sverdlovsk region has concluded agreements on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget in the amount of 4.9 billion rubles. Despite the fact that in the Sverdlovsk region on half a million residents more than in Tatarstan, we attract the federal money almost 10 (!) Times less. It is unlikely that this situation can be explained only by the "special" attitude of Moscow to Kazan. There is also obvious flaws of the regional leadership.

I want to emphasize that we are not talking about any other begging or improving the federal center. Such are the economic realities today. In the end, Kazan was not ashamed of the sake of federal money to "find" her 1000th anniversary. The Sverdlovsk region in the meantime has lost its arms exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, and together with the exhibition and additional targeted financing. It is necessary to make efforts at all levels to return the exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, until the infrastructure created there has not come to be launched.

Sverdlovsk region may have to become a permanent exhibition platform federal Level: "Innoprom", "Russia Arms Expo", in perspective - "Expo 2025" ... It is necessary to start a high level exhibition projects to the area and earn at this tools for social Development territories, for the benefit of the inhabitants of our region.

Social orientation

Making money - not an end in itself. Socio-oriented policy of the regional government, especially with regard to the older generation, is not needed in words - in fact!

One of the items of the Strategic Development Plan of the Area I propose the implementation of the Social Card project. The project will allow socially unprotected categories of the population to receive regional surcharges to pensions, additional benefits for utilization of housing and communal services and overhaul contributions, travel benefits in urban and suburban transport, providing an extended list of free and preferential medicines, a number of other social support measures.

According to calculations, the introduction of a "social card" in Yekaterinburg really in 2018. In 2019, the possibility of using the "social card" should receive residents of satellite cities (Berezovsky, Upper Pyshma, Aramili, Middle Urals), in 2020-M - residents of municipalities within a radius of 150 kilometers from Yekaterinburg (including in Pervouralsk, Revda, Sysert , Lower Tagil). In 2021, the "social card" should be implemented throughout the Sverdlovsk region.

In addition to the social support of the inhabitants of our region, the "social card" will increase the purchasing power of the population, which in turn will positively affect the general economic situation in the Sverdlovsk region.

Dear visitors!

We bring to your attention as the "guest of the portal" of the deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma Dmitry Rifovich Sergin on social adaptation of persons with disabilities.

Sergin Dmitry Rifovich Born on November 4, 1967 in Sverdlovsk. In 1985 he graduated from high school No. 102 of the Chkalovsky district. In school years, actively engaged in sports, has the 1st discharge on athletics.

In the same 1985 he entered the Sverdlovsk Order of the Labor Red Banner of the Medical Institute, from the first year of which is designed to the ranks of the Soviet Army. The service was held in the group of Soviet troops in Germany, secretary of the Komsomol organization company. After demobilization, he continued his studies in the medical institute, was actively engaged in construction worker.

In 1988, as a result of the car accident, she lost his leg, but continued his studies at the Institute. Actively participated in the formation of disabled sports in the Urals (Football, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Athletics, Mountain Ski). The most actively participated in the Mountain Skiing Competitions among the persons with disabilities - the winner of the SkinV-95 International Competitions, the 1995 European Championship Member.

After the end of the Medical Institute, he worked in the regional children's clinical hospital, an oncologist of the polyclinic department of one of the city hospitals.

In 1996 and 2000, he was elected to the deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocation from the Chkalovsky district, he worked in the Duma on an ongoing basis. He graduated from the Ural Academy of Public Service with the specialty "Jurisprudence".

Since 2005 - Director of Public Relations CJSC Management Company Standard.

In March 2009, he was elected a deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma of the fifth convocation.

Since 2013 - Deputy General Director "Arguments and Facts - Ural".

The main principle that I would like to convey to the general public and the disabled people themselves when adapting in society: if you can't change the circumstances, then change the attitude towards them.

The disability of most people with limited features - This is a life sentence. Including me (my foot will never grow up, I understand this as a doctor). This circumstance, which I can not change neither I nor modern highly developed medicine, no one else. In this state, the majority of disabled people are. But this does not mean that it is necessary to grieve for life and regret the unfulfilled dreams, unoccupied vertices. It is necessary to live, bring the benefit of society, close, rejoice in what each of us has.

I have a good acquaintance - Oleg Capshikov. We met in the distant 1985. Both young and healthy. At the turn of the 80-90s, I lost my leg, he lost sight. All subsequent years each of us was going on. A year ago we met again. Having met him, I felt that he was not blind, but rather, because I did not notice many joys of life. He created the motion "White cane" and tries to 180 degrees to turn the consciousness of people. He promotes that the disabled is not a person with disabilities (eng. - Disability), and a man with superbinds (English - extrability). He came up with this term and promotes it around the world. He came up with a project - around the world on a sailing yacht around Globe. The journey is scheduled for 2015. But already the 2nd year he passes the stages of this path in different parts of the world. Not just stages of the path, but the stages of resistance, courage, the strength of the spirit. The journey is called - the Sails of the Spirit. The purpose of the action is a humanitarian mission, a story about the unlimited possibilities of people with disabilities. He is an independent and self-sufficient person, a successful business coach, who has found his niche in the environment of healthy people, i.e. on the free market.

What did I tell this story? It just clearly demonstrates how a person changed the attitude towards circumstances, he forced the circumstances to work on him. He has changed his attitude of life 180 degrees, and life turned to him. I am confident, he is more happy than thousands of healthy people.

Try to change the relationship to the circumstances, change your consciousness. It is not simple. But only at the same time, a breakthrough is possible in solving existing problems and issues.

Answers on questions

Bogdan: Our city claims "Expo-2020", the World Cup will be held in the city, programming. Are these events will be available for disabled people?

Sergine D.R.: Of course, the events you have mentioned are important events in the development of Yekaterinburg, which will give significant growth. economic Development not only Yekaterinburg, but all Ural region. These are world-wide events to which special requirements are presented, including infrastructure facilities. Affordability issues are paid to very high attention by international experts, organizations and commissions. Therefore, it is confident, the possibility of technical availability of persons with disabilities to the objects of the World Championships programming, football, the objects "Expo 2020" will be solved at the highest level. Availability problems may occur only at the 2018 World Cup, but they will be associated with the acquisition of tickets for matches that will be held in Yekaterinburg. Wishing to visit the matches are always more than the possibilities of stadiums.

Alexander Sergeevich: Dmitry Rifovich, Hello, you as a deputy should know the answer to the question. In Yekaterinburg there is a program to support the disabled entrepreneurs, have stratum for them?

Alexander Romanov: Dmitry Rifovich, good day. Please explain to grants for disabled businessmen. In Yekaterinburg who gives these grants?

Sergine D.R. (Alexander Sergeevich and Alexander Romanov): In the city of Yekaterinburg, for several years there has been a long-term target program "Development and support of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in the municipality" City of Yekaterinburg ". The activities of the Program are designed for all without excluding entrepreneurs, without the allocation of individual measures to support the disabled entrepreneurs. Disabled people employed without problems can be supported in the following areas:

To get free consulting on topical issues of business management and development: legal, economic, financial, taxation and accounting, marketing, organization and business management, etc.;

Pass free training on entrepreneurial activities;

Place your business in the business incubator at the address: ul. Pushkin, 9a;

Get a free consultation and examination of an existing project in the marketing center;

In the presence of innovative developments, they are commercialized on the basis of the innovation center.

All listed types of support are entrepreneurs to the Ekaterinburg Center for Entrepreneurship Development, which is located at the address: ul. Pushkin, 9a, 1st entrance, 2nd floor, tel. 286-08-57. Work time from 09:00 to 18:00.

Except support in the framework of the city target program Entrepreneurs can also receive support in the Sverdlovsk Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund. The Fund's work includes informing entrepreneurs, business development advice, financial support tools, including:

Small business entities may be provided with a banking preferential loan for business at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

Subjects of small and medium-sized businesses at the expense of the regional fund are provided for exporting subsidies to 1 million rubles;

Hope: I am a disabled cerebral palsy, I have 2 juvenile children. Can I get a job assistant?

Sergine D.R.: Activities for social services at home is regulated by federal and regional legislation (FZ of 02.08.1995 3 122-ФЗ "On the social services of the elderly and disabled citizens", the Law of the Sverdlovsk region of 07.03.2006 No. 10-OZ "On the social services of the population in Sverdlovsk Areas ").

Social service issues are beyond the competence of local governments, so you need to apply to the State Regional Institution "Complex Center for Social Services of the Population" at the place of residence.

Heavenly Olga Vasilyevna: Explain, please, unwillingness to engage in today's problems of persons with disabilities of the city leadership? After the reorganization of the Ministry of Social Policy, the city administration with vengeful joy refers to the Ministry of Sonsoric Policy, because They took funding. I was disabled and before the reorganization of the authority and after - there is no difference in anything. And as the Ministry of Internal Affairs can solve questions about lowering borders, the development of transport routes available to disabled or fined, or rather prohibit the project to refline the projects of input groups for social flows, devoid of even a hint of accessibility for low-friendly populations? And how long, the officials of the administration will decide which public organizations of persons with disabilities can consult about the needs of the disabled city? How to make an appointment?

Sergine D.R.: And I was disabled "and before the reorganization of authority and after," but would not blame the city's leadership in the inaction in solving problems of persons with disabilities. Each level of power, each unit, each controlling or supervisory authority has its own competence, and their powers. Each of them can solve the issues enshrined behind him. You raise a large form of questions that need to be viewed through the prism of the powers of one or another level of power. I think that it is better to discuss the topics of the topics at an individual meeting. I am just open, so I accept without recording anyone who comes to the reception. Reception is conducted at: Per. Craft, 7, on Wednesdays (except the last time environment) from 10:00 to 18:00 (it is better to say to the last visitor), on Monday and Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00. At the same address, assistants are working with documents. On the specified days and time can be called by phone. 256-49-00 and agree on a convenient time and meeting day. Since I work as a deputy on a unrealized basis, i.e. I have a basic place of work (currently "Arguments and Facts - Ural"), then it is better to agree on a convenient time for you in advance. In addition, on Tuesdays (the meetings of the Duma or Deputy Commissions are held) you can meet in the Yekaterinburg City Duma (time and date, again, it is better to agree in advance with the assistants to the above-mentioned telephone).

Grozny Alexander Vladimirovich:Dear Dmitry Rifovich! Hello! I am interested in the question of professional orientation for a disabled child. The age of a child is 17 years old, education 9 classes. Disability is established in connection with autism and hyperactivity. Accommodation in Yekaterinburg, in the Upper Isetsky district. The child has a desire to learn, but can not decide on the profession. There is an opportunity to study at home. I ask to report in which organizations in Yekaterinburg can be applied to obtain assistance in professional orientation. Sincerely, Grozny A.V.

Sergine D.R.: On the issue of professional orientation, I recommend contacting the Employment Department for the Verkhnevsky District of the State Casual Institution "Ekaterinburg Employment Center": ul. Shainkmana, 22, tel.371-78-60, 371-78-11.

FROM: When will the curb lifters in the whole city and will make ramps or lifts in homes where the disabled person lives?

Sergine D.R.: Work on the incline of the grooves in the fields of pedestrian crossings is carried out constantly, systematic and progress. Most often, such works are planned in the complex repair of the roadbed (road surface of the carriageway, installation or replacement of curb stone, repair, or arrangement of sidewalks). These works are actively conducted, and it is possible to identify the places to be paid to, through the active position of the disabled people themselves, or mammies with wheelchairs. Report specific places where it is necessary to conduct an understatement of the curb in the administration of the city or areas, directly or through its deputies. Budget money is planned annually. As for the ramps in the entrances, then the current legislation (Housing Code of the Russian Federation) the decision of such issues is related to the competence of the General Assembly of Owners. Not all residents welcome the emergence of such adaptations in the entrances. Some believe that it interferes with walking healthy people, some think that this money is better to spend on repairs. Therefore, such issues are resolved by the vote of the owners of the house.

Casino Olga Dmitrievna: Hello. There is a red line in the city, it takes place along the sights of the city, but neither adapted for wheelchairs. Can not be adapted to wheelchairs?

Sergine D.R.: Very correct, necessary and timely offer. On the eve of large international events, it must be implemented. I am confident that this will be in demand not only by disabled, but also by moms, walking their children in wheelchairs, bicycles and other categories of residents (cyclists, tourists on the rollers, etc.). I prepared the relevant request-proposal on this topic, addressed to the head of the city administration of Yekaterinburg Yakoba A.E.

Natalia W.: Do you charge every day? Do you smoke? Drink? What kind bad habits you have? How do you fight with them? Thanks for the answers in advance.

Sergine D.R.: In fact, I am ashamed to admit to this, but I practically do not charge charging. However, I try to move a lot, during the day. On weekends and free time I walk in a green grove, at the same time I try to go to a fairly fast pace. In winter, I try to carve time for the skiing. Once he participated in the competition, now I am pleased to ride for myself. We often play football, and in winter and summer, playing families: and adults, and children; and small and large; And boys, and girls. We do not play to win, but in order to move, chat, create a mood of each other. When, with other disabled people, they created a team of football, unfortunately, I could not regularly work out, so they were already improved without me. It was time, engaged in volleyball sitting, not long, and not at a high level. And the guys who continued, now have world glory - they are bronze prize-winners of the Paralympic Games in Beijing. This is the special merit of their coach - Viktor Semenovich Dyakova and the captain of Sergei Yakunin's captain, who created the team such as it is and led her to victories. Fortunately, I do not smoke, although it was time, scared. There is nothing good in this habit. Who does not smoke - never start, and do not even try. Who smokes - throw, without reservations, without postponing for tomorrow or Monday. Right now. And do not justify yourself - I can not, it does not work. Said - done. And joined the ranks of healthy people. Occasionally I can afford to drink a glass of red dry wine, well, it can a little more, but it happens not often. For example, this year on January 1, at 10 am, I took my wife's friend and her son home, after a joint meeting of the New Year. My car stopped the traffic police inspector, and was very surprised that I was driving sober (the logic is such that if not at work, then in New Year Needless to drink). But holidays can happily meet without drinking.

Lennon: Dear Dmitry Rifovich, you as a deputy, what are you doing in Yekaterinburg, low-profile trams, trolley buses appear everywhere in Ekaterinburg. They need many inhabitants of our city!

Sergine D.R.: If briefly, then annually take an active part in the discussion and adoption of the budget of the city of Yekaterinburg. The budget is a complex and most important document of public consent. It can not be allowed. How to determine what is more important: salaries doctors, nurses and nurse or teachers, to which allocate more money - for the repair of schools or the construction of kindergartens, what should be priority - construction of the subway or road repair? In fact, the first, and the second, and the third, but there is always so much money as it is, and there are no many of them. If you change the entire Public Transport Park in one year, then doctors, teachers will remain without salary, there will be no money for the maintenance of hospitals and schools, the financing of other socially significant programs will suspend. Therefore, it is important to observe the balance and try to maximize the interests of all layers and groups of the population. Why do you need low-profile trams and other types of public transport? In order to conveniently visit disabled, to enter the elderly with the sick legs, in order to facilitate the life of mothers with strollers. But who can say that a low-blooded tram or a low level of rails is better - so that from the level of the stop to fall into transport by analogy with the peer railway. Or can be equipped with additional equipment for the actual transport? And how much will one or another project cost for the city? Will low-flow transport can drive through all our routes? All these questions must be answered, taking this or that decision. I absolutely agree with you that in this direction it is necessary to move, the number of such transport should grow from year to year. Opportunities for the unobstructed movement of persons with disabilities should increase. Only it is impossible to do it all overnight, for this you need time. Funds to modernize public transport park are provided for by deputies when approving the budget. Directly questions of the purchase of trams, trolleybuses, buses for municipal transport enterprises of the city, solves the executive body, i.e. City administration. As far as I know, work in this direction is actively being conducted. Moreover, the Uraltransmash plant is working together with Western enterprises for the development and production of low-profil trams not only for Yekaterinburg, but also for the whole country. So the whole question is time and money. And your offer is correct, requiring careful study and implementation.

Pottery Elena Semenovna: Hello. I suggest you to open the heading in the newspaper "Arguments and Facts - Ural", dedicated to the lives of people with limited opportunities in the city of K.S. K. It will be very in demand.

Sergine D.R.: I will discuss this offer with the chief editor.

Vladimir Viktorovich: Dmitry Rifovich, hello, many people with disabilities thanks to the Internet fit in modern life. It's good. But it does not work at all. Do you have solutions to this problem? It can create a kind of pad in the city, in every area so that there are no disabled people and physical education or sports.

Sergine D.R.: Opportunities to play sports in disabled people today is much better than it was 25 years ago (I started to engage exactly then). The city has a team of football among the guys, the team of volleyball sitting - I have already spoken about it. Team on trail-o - orientation by trails (Boyko Olga Yakovlevna). I heard about the Kerling team - True, personally with them is not familiar. There is a club "Spring" - Semenkina Lyudmila Mikhailovna, uniting disabled people with various pathologies, where the guys are engaged in table tennis, darts and other sports. There are rods, athletes, swimmers, skiers. As stated for every taste and color. The city implements a program for the construction of physical education and health complexes on the territory of each area. There are all opportunities for physical education and sports, including disabled people. The main thing is to have a desire. That's when we started playing a sitting volleyball, they spent workouts at school, in the hall, where the coating is quite old. And if for schoolchildren in the classroom of physical education it is not very noticeable, then we, coming home, pulled out from priests. But I do not regret, it was necessary to go through it, otherwise nothing to achieve.

And I want to finish what started. A disabled person who was healthy, but overnight ceased to be, parents raising a disabled child, you need to learn to think differently and live, not as healthy people do. All questions that raise the readers of the portal are definitely correct and requiring solutions. I need both low-level public transport, and the underestimation of the wipers, and the arrangement of ramps in the entrances, and the creation of conditions for the sessions of disabled sports, and much, much, much more. This is very important, but ... it's not all. It is important to think in a different way, feel different. I do not want to offend anyone, but, unfortunately, sometimes, it happens that the requirement to change the environment is not a condition for adaptation, but an excuse for himself. Man says: I need a ramp, then I will actively deal with sports. A ramp appears - such a person has a new problem, which is an obstacle to the achievement of the goal. For such people, so that neither is done, there is a reason why they will not be able to implement themselves. So, there was no goal.

I am sure that those who participated in this discussion asked questions - people with an active life position. Thank you very much, since you are interested, looking for, and therefore you will definitely find you will find your niche. And you will still succeed!

Sergin Dmitry Rifovich - Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Urban Economy, Urban Planning and land use, a member of the Commission on the Budget and Economic Policy of the Ekaterinburg City Duma.




  • Sverdlovsk Medical Institute.
  • Ural Academy of Public Service, Specialty "Jurisprudence".

Sports achivments:

In school years got the 1st category of athletics. In 1988, as a result of the car accident, he lost his leg, but did not refuse the sport. More than once became a member of the competition in ski racing among people with disabilities, in parallel developed the disabled sports in the Urals.

Military service:

He served in the Soviet troops in Germany, was the secretary of the Komsomol organization company.


  • After the end of the Medical Institute, he worked in the regional children's clinical hospital, an oncologist of the polyclinic department of one of the city hospitals.
  • 1996-2000. He was elected by the deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocation from the Chkalovsky district, he worked in the Duma on an ongoing basis.
  • 2009-2013 He was a deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma of the fifth convocation.
  • Since 2013, he was elected a deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma of the sixth convocation. He is the deputy chairman of the Commission on urban economy, urban planning and land use, as well as a member of the Commission on the Budget and Economic Policy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma.