Personnel accounting program. HR Handbook - Assistance to an employee of the HR department

Features of the program: flexible staffing without limiting the level of nesting with the ability to include branches with their own structure; import and export of data on employees from 1C programs (Accounting, Salary and Personnel, Integrated, etc.); saving orders and reports in editable XLS formats , DOC or ODT, ODS (regardless of whether you have Microsoft Office or Open Office installed); timesheet, automatically generated based on existing orders for the employee and his work schedule. The timesheet has a convenient interface for editing and entering hours worked. All changes made to the timesheet are immediately reflected in the workflow in the form of appropriate orders; the ability to store external documents inside the program in various formats (Word, Excel, images, etc.); the ability to hire several employees at different rates per staff unit; the possibility of one employee working in different positions within the same organization at different rates; The program is designed to help personnel officers calculate seniority. Based on the entries in the work book, the total and continuous length of service of employees is calculated. All calculations made by the user are automatically saved in the database. Thus, the program is an electronic card index of employees' work books. The program has a fully completed directory of dismissal articles according to the new Labor Code. The user interface of the program is intuitive, and to work with the program does not require deep knowledge of working with a personal computer. The program also has the function of printing out a report on the experience of employees. The program allows you to keep records of internal documents, incoming and outgoing correspondence (faxes, e-mail, mail, etc.). You will be able to assign a list of persons responsible for the approval of incoming documents, followed by tracking the status with notification of the approval date. The program can bind an unlimited number of attached files of any format to a document (scanned fax, MS Word, MS Excel files, etc.), maintain structured directories for employees (coordinators and executors), organizations (recipients and senders), generate visual reports on internal documents (keep a log of documents for the organization) and correspondence, search required document by one or more details (number, type, date of creation, etc.)

Owner of the Vseslav trademark. The association includes 2 factories producing several hundred types of bakery and confectionery products; branded shops and the Khlebushko pub.

The company has 2 production sites in the city of Yekaterinburg. The number of employees is about 2000 people.

The federal IT company SKB Kontur has implemented the Kontur-Personnel and Kontur-Salary accounting systems at the enterprise to solve the main tasks of the personnel management department.

Key problems in the company

The personnel department of the enterprise notes the following features of work: a large number of personnel, the presence of part-time workers, staff turnover. Since the work of the service was not automated, employees faced a serious problem of manual processing of a huge amount of papers and documents every day. Dismissals, orders, employment contracts were written by hand, all data had to be manually entered in the logs again. Ordering ready-made forms in the printing house made the work easier, but did not speed it up; moreover, it required financial costs. Formation of reports to departmental organizations and to the military registration and enlistment office was especially difficult. For example, for reporting to the military registration and enlistment office, it was necessary to manually select privates, sailors, sergeants among workers of a certain age, break them down by age, and so on.

Therefore, the issue of automating the work of the personnel management service was quite acute. The company's software engineers developed a personnel accounting program, but it did not solve all the technical, functional and financial problems.

Software selection

The management of the enterprise considered options for programs offered by the market. I was interested in the 1C personnel unit. But after the recommendation of the employees of the well-known aviation enterprise, it was decided to test the SKB Kontur product - the Kontur-Personnel system. Recommenders spoke of it as the most convenient and functional. The company's accountants liked the ability to transfer data from the HR program to the accounting program.

After studying the parameters and capabilities of the programs, the head of the information department made a decision to introduce the Kontur-Personnel and Kontur-Salary systems.

Implementation of programs

Training of personnel officers, economists, accountants was carried out, after which the employees began to master the program in practice.

After the training, the process of entering personnel data into the program began, which took a month and a half. During this period, employees actively sought advice from specialists in the implementation of SKB Kontur. The company is still closely cooperating with them in the process of continuous improvement of programs and adjusting them to the needs of the company.

Automation results

Working with the Kontur-Personnel program has significantly reduced the labor costs of the personnel management service.


  • Kyshtym Refractory Plant

    It is part of the Magnezit Group holding, which is a recognized world-class leader in the production of refractory products.

    Key problems of the company

    By the beginning of 2011, personnel records at the Kyshtym Refractory Plant were kept in Microsoft Word. Information on personnel (about 400-500 people) was processed in several departments that were not connected with each other. So, when a new employee entered a job, the personnel department started a personal card, then the labor and wages department entered the necessary information into its card index, the normalizer noted the appearance of a new person in his journal, the payroll department entered data about the employee into his program.

    Software selection

    The choice of software was influenced by the presence in Kontur-Personnel of wide customization options, which would allow automating non-standard operations at the Kyshtym Refractory Plant. An important role was played by the opinion of colleagues from the holding: at the site in Satka, which is part of the same group, the complex of programs of SKB Kontur is successfully operating. At the same time, the management of the Magnezit holding is satisfied with the quality of reports that are generated using the Kontur-Personnel program.


    The implementation of the Kontur-Personnel program at the Kyshtym Refractory Plant began in February 2011 with the conversion of data from existing sources. Two months later, the current work (reception, transfer, dismissal, staffing) was already being carried out in the program. Full-fledged work in "Kontur-Personnel" began only by the fall, because Personnel accounting at the plant has its own industry characteristics, which required certain improvements in the program. For the third and fourth quarters of 2011, the plant has already reported to the Pension Fund through Kontur-Personnel.

    Flexibility and ample opportunities for customizing the Kontur-Personnel program made it possible to automate the unique processes in personnel records that have developed at the Kyshtym Refractory Plant:

    • Improvements were made in the Kontur-Personnel program for the Kyshtym Refractory Plant, which made it possible to maintain a staffing table in terms of engineers, workers and specialists.
    • The entire list of printing forms required for the work of the personnel department and economists has been fully implemented. The forms of the employment contract and additional agreements adopted at the enterprise have been developed.
    • A number of necessary reports have been created: a report on the number of employees retiring on benefits, by length of service as of a certain date; statistical form 1-T "Information on the number and wages of employees by type of activity", etc.
    • The company uses a wide variety of schedules and operating modes, as well as types of vacations. Timesheet is kept very strictly - all absenteeism and overtime must be reflected in the timesheet. This required finalizing the orders and some mechanisms for influencing the leave in such a way that they automatically make changes to the duration of the leave for attendance.
    • A complex calculation of privileged service has been automated.
    • A mechanism for transferring data from "Kontur-Personnel" to the payroll program used at the plant has been adjusted.

    Automation result

    Working in the Kontur-Personnel program allowed the personnel of the personnel department to quickly receive data on employees and correctly prepare reports. The mechanism of interaction between departments has been improved: data on the staffing table maintained by the HR department are now visible to both economists and timekeepers, the payroll department receives data through dbf files. As a result, the implementation of the program reduced the number of people involved in personnel records and also optimized their time.

  • All reviews
  • Main Department of State Administrative and Technical Supervision of the Moscow Region

    Axiok. We were not satisfied with the interface and support, and when it turned out that in addition to this the integration of HR and accounting programs would not happen, we decided to install a separate module convenient for HR workers. The choice fell on the Kontur-Personnel Civil Service for a number of reasons.

    Firstly, personnel records in the civil service have many nuances, and the Kontur-Personnel Civil Service program places special emphasis on this. We have many reports, including specific ones, according to the 1-GS and 2-GS forms. The calculation of additional vacations is done differently with us than in ordinary organizations. At the same time, there are no unified forms of orders and reports, but text forms are in effect. All this and much more is taken into account in the Contour-Personnel of the Civil Service.

    Secondly, the program has a convenient and intuitive interface, there are many built-in reporting forms, based on them, the personnel officer can customize the program to the needs of his institution. All reports and forms can be uploaded in text format to other programs - Excel, Word. In addition, it is possible to keep the most complete record of information on employees: enter not only general information, but also data on the professional growth of personnel, on the timing of advanced training or retraining, on the passage of certification for compliance with the position; on the timeliness of the assignment of class ranks and awards. At the same time, while we are not using the potential of the Contour-Personnel of the Civil Service to 100%, if the program is used in full, then in front of the personnel officer state institution endless possibilities open up. It is convenient to conduct registration of applications for summer children's holidays, generate reports on this matter, track by the child's age when the provision of preferential rest ends.

    Thirdly, we are accompanied by adequate competent specialists who promptly respond to our requests and customize the program the way we need it. For example, specially for us, improvements were made that made the personnel record process even more convenient and efficient. Since we have trade unions, we asked to make it possible for us to keep records of them, keep cards for members of trade unions. We can also track service cards (expiration, issue), generate reports on service checks. The most useful revision for us: the wording of orders in accordance with the specifics of the State Advisory Board.

    We can say that Kontur-Personnel of the Civil Service meets all the needs of the personnel officer of a state institution.

    Deputy Head of HR Department
    Main Directorate of State Administrative and Technical Supervision of the Moscow Region
    Elena Anatolyevna Melnikova

  • Office of the Governor and the Government of the Orenburg Region

    This is a very convenient, useful system for personnel workers. It simplifies the work in many ways. For example, I don't have to form orders and timesheets manually - the program does it automatically. Kontur-Personnel stores all data on employees, including information on seniority and education, so I can quickly generate a report at any time according to the specified criteria.

    Separately, I would like to note the possibility of recording the movement of personnel (hiring, dismissal, transfers). For example, when filling out an order for employment, a new employee is reflected in the timesheet, and when issuing a dismissal order, he is automatically removed from the timesheet. Thus, you do not need to constantly monitor this information.

    As the name implies - Kontur-Personnel Civil Service, - the program was developed taking into account the specifics of the work and the needs of the personnel services of state bodies. For example, in the register of civil servants, all information on each employee should be entered: full name, position to be replaced, class ranks, date of last certification, length of service. Initially, the program was set up so that the class rank in the register was displayed only for two years from the moment of its assignment, and then the program automatically removed it. It was inconvenient for us, and we asked the specialists of SKB Kontur to make changes. Now, regardless of the year in which the class rank was awarded, the date of its assignment is reflected in the register.

    At our request, SKB Kontur specialists made revisions to the timesheet. For example, employees in our organization often travel on business, and we needed a timesheet form in which the days of business trips were displayed as days of work with 8 hours of work on the timesheet.

    It is very good when you know that if suddenly some difficult moment arises in working with the program or you need to promptly make changes to the principle of the system's operation, you can always contact the accompanying specialist, and he will resolve the issue in the shortest possible time. Even if I send an e-mail to SKB Kontur a message about an incident in the program, the next day an employee of SKB Kontur calls me back and clarifies what exactly is happening and helps to cope with the situation. The friendliness and professionalism of SKB Kontur specialists make the work in the Kontur-Personnel Civil Service program even more pleasant and convenient.

    Chief Specialist of State Administration
    civil service and personnel work
    Of the Office of the Governor and the Government of the Orenburg Region
    Natalia Nikolaevna Moiseeva

  • State Unitary Enterprise "Sverdlovsk Regional Association of Passenger Vehicles" (Yuzhny Bus Station)

    More than 2000 flights depart from the bus stations and bus stations of the State Unitary Enterprise SO "SOOPA", about 20,000 passengers are transported. At the moment, the organization employs over 400 people.

    The SUE SO "SOOPA" includes:

    • 4 bus stations (Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Krasnoufimsky, Kamyshlovsky);
    • 18 bus stations (Alapaevskaya, Artinskaya, Achitskaya, Beloyarskaya, Bisertskaya, Bogdanovichskaya, Butkinskaya, V.Saldinskaya, Zaikovskaya, Irbitskaya, Mikhailovskaya, N. Serginskaya, Nevyanskaya, Pyshminskaya, Rezhevskaya, Serovskaya, Talitskaya, Sloboda-Turinskaya).

    Key issues

    Until 2008, personnel records and reporting of SUE SO "SOOPA" were carried out by the personnel department in Word and Excel programs. A large number of employees and 32 divisions scattered throughout the region created certain difficulties with the promptness of information processing and preparation of documents and required special coordination of business processes.

    Software selection

    In 2008, Yulia Fokeeva, the new head of the personnel department, came to the company. She, together with the management of the company, made a decision on the need to install software to automate personnel records and reporting. When choosing a system, we focused on the ability to exchange information with software products from other departments.

    At that time, the company's accounting department was already working with the contour systems "Kontur-Salary", "Kontur-Extern" and "Kontur-Accounting" (which proved to be good), therefore it was decided to introduce another development of SKB Kontur - the program "Kontur- Staff".

    “In addition to the possibility of exchanging information with other departments, the availability of statistical and pension reporting in the system, as well as military registration was especially important for us,” says Yulia Fokeeva, head of the personnel department of SOOPA.

    Implementation process

    The above reports, as well as many other unified forms in Kontur-Personnel, can be applied immediately after the end of the implementation process. The basic version of the program contains about 200 ready-made forms, which allows you to freely conduct activities on standard personnel accounting and reporting.

    The transition to the new program took place in a very short time, in the period before the delivery of the tariff lists. The implementation of the Kontur-Personnel Medicine system was carried out by updating from the old version of the Kontur-Personnel system. Specialists have finalized specific orders, reports, printed forms, expanded the qualification level grid with fractional values. To switch to the new tariff system, it was necessary to fill in the requirements for specialties in staff units, which took a lot of time. However, the efforts were justified - the reports were submitted without delay.

    The Kontur-Personnel Medicine system contains 240 all-Russian classifiers and reference books. There are medical-specific reporting forms (for example, forms 17, 30, 50, 51), orders for personnel and staffing, the ability to set up a special calculation of vacations, accounting for shift work, shifts, night hours. We automatically keep a timesheet in the system, calculate special lengths of service ("continuous medical", "for work in an ambulance", etc.), form tariff lists for personnel.

    The advantage of the "Kontur-Personnel Medicine" system is the work "in real time". Here you can "return" at any date and get the necessary information on all issues of interest, and not expand the archives. The program has a history and ready-made reports on all vital issues.

    Head of the software group of the Central Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 31 of Novouralsk (Sverdlovsk Region)
    Tamara Vladimirovna Ozhered

  • FGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Chelyabinsk Region" (Chelyabinsk)

    These are more than 100 ready-made report forms, more than 50 types of orders for personnel and staffing, including all unified forms, 240 reference books and 10 all-Russian classifiers that ensure the entry of details in accordance with the requirements of various instructions and laws.

    The station has been working with Kontur for a long time. The staff - they completely suit us.

    In the program, we do almost everything a HR officer needs - and it's convenient. Personal cards are easy to form and print, you just need to correctly enter the information about the employee. Some forms of orders were modified for us separately, taking into account the medical specifics of the station.

    We also prepare almost all reporting in Kontur.Personnel. There are difficulties with the forms that are associated with the IS "Bear", but I think we will resolve this issue over time. The request has already been sent to the employee in charge of us. And there is also a need to collect data on one department / position / education, etc. We put filters and get only the necessary information.

    In general, it is worth noting that SKB Kontur employees respond very promptly to all our requests: we have never faced the fact that we were rude or forgotten about us. The nicest people work with us - Evgenia and Olga. Good specialists and great program!

    Head of HR department Nikolay Gennadievich Kazakov,
    HR specialist Veronika Yurievna Strelnikova

  • CJSC Commercial Bank "Jewels of the Urals" (OJSC "Rus-Bank")

    It was in this year that the bank began operating the program for calculating wages "Kontur-Zarplata". In the process of successful implementation of this program, SKB Kontur has established itself as a partner capable of effectively and efficiently solving the tasks of accounting automation. Since 2001, the bank's accounting department began using the SKB Kontur software to automate the accounting of inventories and accounting for fixed assets, and in the HR department - the HR Department program. These programs were developed under the DOS operating system, but fully complied with the accounting requirements in banking institutions and the high (at that time) level of software systems development.

    Currently, the bank operates new versions of SKB Kontur software products, developing the programs originally installed in the bank. So, for calculating wages, a new version (v.3.9) the program "Kontur-Salary". Material accounting and accounting of fixed assets, as well as personnel records are maintained using modern software systems developed using the "client-server" technology - bank configuration accounting system "Kontur-Accounting Aktiv" and systems "Kontur-Personnel".

    The tax department also uses the SKB Kontur software - the Kontur-Extern system, which provides the submission of reports to the tax service via the Internet.
    Characterizing the software developments of SKB Kontur used in our bank, we can say about their properties such as compliance with current legislation, reliability of work, ease of interaction with the user, a wide range of necessary functionalities, compliance with the peculiarities of banking accounting and advanced work technologies. It is these characteristics, from our point of view, that guarantee the successful operation of the software in a credit banking institution and allow us to supplement the complex systems of banking automation used by us with these programs.

    In conclusion, we note that during the period of cooperation, SKB Kontur has always shown itself as a reliable partner, having qualified specialists in its staff and fulfilling its obligations to supply, refine and maintain software.

    Chief Accountant
    G.V. Sonina

  • This small application for personnel records aims to systematize data about employees of the organization, various filtering and printing both the list of employees and their cards.

    Main program window

    It consists of a menu, a list of employees, a filter area for selecting records and a list of fields to be printed.

    In the menu "Service" you need to fill out the reference books

    From there you can print the list of employees, having previously configured the list of displayed fields on the main form, you can also print the card of the selected employee.

    It is advisable to make a copy of the database and, in case of a force majeure situation, restore the data from the backup

    IN HR management you can accept, dismiss an employee or edit his card.

    Personal employee card

    Employee card - general information

    An employee's personal card consists of several sections:

    • General information
    • Passport, family and accommodation information
    • Vacation
    • Education information
    • Military registration

    General information

    Passport, family and residence information

    It contains a list of relatives with their full name, degree of relationship and year of birth

    It contains a list of records of the employee's admission to this organization and his transfer to different positions in different departments. On this tab, you can fire an employee. The total length of service and the length of service in municipal / public service is displayed (specifically for this organization, and not in general). Indicate the date, structural unit, position, salary and basis for admission to the position (order with number and date).

    This tab contains information about the assignment of a class rank and the results of certification. If the employee is not a municipal employee, this information is not filled in.

    This includes, for example, letters of thanks from the head of the municipality or the Governor.


    Information about vacations in this organization. The number of calendar days is calculated automatically.

    Professional development and professional retraining

    If an employee goes to any refresher courses, this is reflected in his card.

    Education information

    The academic degree, if any, is recorded here.


    This experience is summed up with the experience in this organization and is recorded as total (for the whole life)

    Military registration

    Filled in if such information is available.

    The program automatically calculates the length of service, focusing on the system hours each time the personnel officer opens an employee's card. When opening the program, the age group is recalculated (up to 30 years old, 30-40 years old, 40-50 years old, etc.)


    Hiring is carried out through the menu "Personnel Management" - "Hiring a new employee"

    Only last name, first name and patronymic are requested. Then the personnel officer decides whether to write it down as a draft or fill out a card. In the first option, a card will be opened, but it will not appear for filling. The employee will be absent from the general list. In order to fill in information about him, you need to enable the flag on the main form "Show drafts". You can also open an entry for editing by double-clicking on it.

    When you select "Fill in the card", a form for filling out the information will open. In order for an employee to be displayed in the general list, you need to fill in the information at least to a minimum.

    When an employee is dismissed, he will also no longer be displayed in the general list. You can show the dismissed by turning on the flag of the same name on the main form.

    Window "About the program"

    The program does not require installation, the program folder can be placed in "My Documents" so that you have the rights to write to the database and create a shortcut on the desktop.

    Program Personnel from 1C - one of the simplest personnel programs. This is an intuitive shareware program for keeping personnel records at an enterprise with all the necessary capabilities. The Human Resources program is an integral part of the 1C: Salary, Timesheet, Personnel program, but can be purchased separately from other functions. With a small number of employees in this personnel program, records can be kept FREE OF CHARGE!


    Like many other personnel programs, the "Personnel" program from 1C allows you to keep records of such data as:

    Personal data - last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, registration address and actual address of residence, information about an identity document, it is possible to insert a photo of an employee;
    Taxation - data are entered that are taken into account when taxing employee income and generating reports: TIN, INN code (generated automatically based on the first digits of TIN), information about disability, provision of standard deductions, accounting for income from the previous place of work, information about disability, standard deductions received income from the previous place of work;
    Debts - this tab contains the accrued but not paid income of previous years, the taxpayer's debt on income tax at the beginning of the year;
    Accruals - data on permanent accruals and deductions are entered, on the basis of which automatic salary is calculated;
    Other - information about the employee's marital status, military registration;
    Personnel data - information related to the employee's work activity is entered: personnel number, status, place of work, working conditions, nature of work, length of service, information about the employment contract, the category of the payer of insurance premiums and the number of the insurance certificate in the FIU;
    Movements - the program provides accounting of personnel movements (hiring, transfers, dismissal). Information is entered into separate fields, and a general visual report on the available movements is displayed in the form of a table;
    Hospital - the ability to establish information about the periods of illness of an employee with the subsequent automatic filling of the timesheet for the corresponding period of illness and automatic calculation of "sick leave" after going to work using the "Constant accruals" function in Payroll;
    Vacation - the ability to schedule vacations;
    Business trips - the program provides accounting of information about the employee's business trips;
    Education - information about the type of education and educational institution of the employee, information about postgraduate education, certification, qualifications, retraining, knowledge of foreign languages, employee's profession, etc.
    Other - information about incentives (awards), benefits to which the employee is entitled, the ability to enter any additional information.

    The personnel program fills in the following samples of personnel documents

    Staffing table
    Labor contract
    Personal card
    Personal card of the state. an employee
    Personal account
    Personal sheet
    Vacation schedule
    Personnel composition
    Travel certificate
    Business trip order
    Employee business trip order
    Transfer order
    Employee transfer order
    Promotion order
    Employee incentive order
    Admission order
    Employee admission order
    Salary change order
    Vacation order
    Employee leave order
    Dismissal order
    Employee dismissal order
    Calculation note for tpus
    Service assignment
    Statistical reporting

    We wish you pleasant work!

    The role of an individual employee in the company as a bearer of unique knowledge and competencies is growing significantly.

    However, this does not apply to the routine work of a personnel officer. HR work can be very intensive, especially if the business is large and there are many employees.

    He will be helped by some programs that greatly simplify the accounting of personnel in the company and increase them. Among these programs, there can be both paid and freely available ones.

    Free doesn't always mean bad. Companies that are used to paying a commission for everything often underestimate the quality of free software.

    For example, the program for personnel records "Employees of the enterprise" is freely available. However, this utility is one of the most respected among HR officers.

    The Enterprise Employees program can:

    • keep simultaneous accounting for several organizations at once, which is convenient in the process of optimizing activities;
    • provide information on vacancies in the organization;
    • organize employee cards according to one or another indicator (age, length of service), which is useful for creating statistical calculations;
    • keep in the employee's card his photographs, copies of his documents, as well as all orders, reports and contracts relating to his person;
    • dismiss employees in a few mouse clicks;
    • calculate the duration of vacations and the amount of the employee's vacation pay;
    • convert documents from Word to Excel and vice versa (if necessary).

    Conveniently, the program can work on the network and have an unlimited number of users. A password is required to access.

    Among the advantages is the fact that "Employees of the Enterprise" have very low system requirements and will run on almost any computer.

    However, there is also a drawback - the program does not have an autosave function, so you have to install additional utilities to archive data.

    Personnel accounting program "Personnel"

    Naturally, the BukhSoft company also did not stand aside from the release of programs for personnel accounting and offers the personnel officer a free utility called "Personnel". The program "Personnel", like other developments of "BuchSoft", is very easy to use and takes up little space, which is the key to its popularity.

    "Personnel" allows you to keep records of such data sectors as:

    • personal data, which includes passport information, photocopies of passports, information about marriage and children, possibly photographs;
    • and debts, which include the employee's TIN, the tax inspectorate code, information about the salary at the employee's previous job, as well as information about his tax debts;
    • accruals where information on receipts is posted money to the employee's salary card;
    • personnel data, namely, the employee's experience, position, working conditions, personnel number, etc.
    • where statistics are placed, from which you can see how often the employee goes to sick leave and how much he receives for them;
    • vacation, which contains information about unused vacation days;
    • education.

    For a personnel officer, the "Personnel" program will prepare for signing a form of almost any document: staffing table, work schedule, statements of leave or dismissal.

    "Mini-frames" - simplicity and ease of use

    "Mini-personnel" is another well-known program for maintaining personnel records, familiar to personnel officers also under the names "Light-Personnel" and "Kors-Personnel". The program differs from the rest in that it is designed specifically for small businesses, since it is not capable of storing large amounts of information.

    At the same time, the utility has a large number of advantages: it is absolutely free and very easy to understand and use. The password for the program is issued freely after filling out the questionnaire on the official website.

    "Mini-personnel" store a large amount of information about an employee (basic data, education, length of service, previous jobs), easily generate and record basic personnel applications (for admission, dismissal, for a business trip).

    The program has a number of nice additions, for example, it colorfully reminds the HR officer of the employee's round dates in the company (5, 10 years) and his birthday, which is very useful for forgetful managers, and also has a unique HR Calendar mode that allows you to plan working hours more efficiently.

    Other useful programs for personnel management and personnel records

    There are also more specialized programs that are useful when working with personnel.

    For instance, program "Pro100 Timekeeper", which allows you to record the time. Accounting is carried out using a special access code assigned to each employee.

    The program allows you to:

    • maintain personnel directories;
    • generate reports on deliberately early departures from work, so that in the future employees can compensate for the time they are absent from the workplace;
    • draw conclusions about which employees of the organization have problems with discipline.

    Naturally, the Pro100 Timekeeper utility is effective only in small businesses. Keeping such records in a large company is almost impossible - at best, this will lead to a queue when entering the access code.

    Another utility similar in function is "OfficeMetrica"... This program takes into account the time of departure - arrival of an employee, the duration of his absence from the workplace, and also shows the level of his involvement in work.

    The method used by the OfficeMetrica utility is the analysis of Internet pages visited by an employee (or department) during the working day. counts how much time the employee spent on a particular site, what time he went in and out.

    It should be noted that the program does not in any way violate the confidentiality of the employee's actions - the content of messages written by him, for example, in social networks, will not be disclosed. However, what part of the employee's working time spent on thematic portals, and how much on entertainment sites and social networks, OfficeMetrica considers very efficiently.

    The usefulness of this program is obvious - by controlling the involvement of employees in the workflow, the software allows the manager to increase the productivity of his department. In addition, workers themselves will spend less time on third-party resources, knowing that they are being watched.

    And here is another system - "FIREPLACE" - exists for other needs, namely to simplify the procedure for calculating and calculating wages. This program operates for working with personnel based on "1C: Enterprise 8".

    The "FIREPLACE: Payroll" configuration allows:

    • calculate wages in accordance with current regulatory standards;
    • keep records of all kinds of personnel documentation and store it;
    • calculate insurance and pension contributions of company employees;
    • transfer data on the calculation of taxes to the program "1C: Enterprise" versions 7.7 to 8.

    The program is not free and has a fairly high price relative to other utilities, but it is classified as professional and is applicable to large enterprises.

    Many personnel officers still prefer to do all the work in the enterprise with their own hands, not trusting the programs or considering them too expensive.

    However, these days, this approach has outlived itself: a properly selected free software for personnel records will free up a human resources specialist a lot of time and will allow you to plan your working day much more efficiently.