Journal Order 2 51 Account for HOA. Broadcase statement

Using the report, the operating statement in the account can be formed a register that will contain information about the remains at the beginning, debit turnover and loan and balances at the end of the specified period by the selected account of non-cash funds.
To compile such a register in the report form (Reports Menu -\u003e Roll-and Self-Salves in the Account), you should specify the registration period, the organization for which the register is drawn up, and the accounting account for which it is necessary to form a negotiable statement, and click on the button. By default, the data in the report is given with detail for each invitation open on the account. In the example above (Fig. 1-110), the register was drawn up on account 51 "Current accounts", in which, in accordance with the settings of the account plan, accounting in the context of the settlement accounts and types of cash movements. For the second subconto in the settings, the sign is installed only by turnover, so the system does not support the storage of the balance on this analytical cut by subconto. Accordingly, this data is not in the report.
For more more detailed information By subconto, you must double-click on the left mouse button on the line with the object of analytical accounting. A report is displayed on the screen, a report card containing all operations with this object on the account for the period to which a formed reverse salval statement belongs.

Account Analysis
Using the account analysis report, you can form a register that will contain information about the accounting account for non-cash accounts with other accounting accounts for the specified period, as well as the remains at the beginning and end of this period.
To compile such a register in the report form (Reports Menu -\u003e Analysis of the Account), you should specify the registration period, the accounting account of non-cash funds, for which the analysis must be performed, the organization to which the data includes and click on the button. By default, the data in the report is given without detailing data on corresponding subaccounts, subconto values, etc. (Fig. 1-111).
For practical purposes, such a report is not informative enough. Setting the report parameters to obtain more detailed information is made using the auxiliary form opened by the button.

Fig. 1-111. Account Analysis 51 without data details
The general tab indicates (Fig. 1-112):
a sign of additional data grouping;
a sign of additional details of data on corresponding accounts;
a sign of data output in foreign currency (available for accounts 52 "Currency Accounts", 55.21 "Letters of credit (in Currency)", etc., i.e. accounts with a sign of support for currency accounting).

F Setup X 1 | General J Account Legalization Legalization Corresponding Corresponders Selection Account: | 51 m period from: (01022008; 1l | By: (29 02 2008 | P 0 Sales [B Elaya Acacia Show speed: | For a period) ў ( E "By subaccounts and subconto Corresponds * Display data on the deployed balance data on currency L: data by number 1 QIC Close;?: J
Fig. 1-112. Setup Report Analysis 51. Tab General
By default, turns are shown for the period as a whole. In the details, it is possible to set the mode of additional grouping of pro-intermediate results: by days, weekly, by months, etc.
Checkbox on subaccounts and subconto Corr. Accounts sets the mode in which turnover with corresponding accounts will be completely detailed by subaccounts, as well as by subconto, if such detail is provided for by the report settings tab of the Detailing of the Cor. accounts.
The data detail rules for the analyzed account are specified on the Details of the Account Details tab.
If there is a need for this, on the Selection tab, it is possible to establish the criteria to be met by the analytical accounting data on the analyzed account.

When conducting accounting, to reflect the operations in the N-51 account on bank payments, an order is applied. The form of the N-2 document is provided for the use of industrial organizations, the form of the order-order of N-2-C - construction enterprises, and the N-2-CH form document is used by the supply and sales organizations.


All credentials of these documents are reflected in the "Settlement Account" section. The corresponding statement (N-2, N-2-C, N-2-CH) is attached to each form of magazines.

All indicators in the order journal are made on the basis and in accordance with the extracts of the banking institution, according to the appropriate calculation account and the accompanying accompanying papers.

In the form of the N-2 document and the accompanying statement, each corresponding account must have a final entry corresponding to data of one or more bank statements, with the obligatory indication of the initial and final dates of the operations.

The amounts are grouped by calculating all data reflected in bank statements and their accompanying financial documents. The final values \u200b\u200bare made to the magazine-order and the accompanying statement of the corresponding forms. The results of operations are reflected on the corresponding accounts, and in the statements of the bank, and in the documents.

All remnants of monetary amounts on the settlement accounts of banks are given in statements on the initial and final date of the month. For operational analysis of the actual state of finance, the enterprise during the reporting period uses information about the residual amounts reflected in bank statements.

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JO responds in accounting for the systematization of primary documentation. With the help of a journal-order accounting system, economic operations are recorded, which each organization performs each month.

JO is filled in unified forms (code in OKD No. 0504071) approved by the Ministry of Finance through orders No. 123N of September 23, 2005 and No. 25N of February 10, 2006. However, if necessary, the institution can use independently developed Zo blanks, having previously approved by their order and consolidate in accounting policies.

Each form of JO is used to reflect a loan operation or another, then all operations made are combined in a single synthetic account register with the allocation of outcomes for each individual account.

Credit JO consist of two sections:

  • basic - for entries on CT;
  • additional (statement) - to keep analytical accounting.

DT turnover is made to special JO, together with consistent accounts on CT, which ensures the implementation of the dual record principle in accounting. The balance at the beginning and end of the period from the JO for each account is transferred to the main book of the organization.

Each institution has the right to choose the type of form, with which the accounting will be conducted:

  • journal-rational;
  • memorial-rational.

However, the use of journalial form leads to the simplification of the work of accounting, since its basic principle is to systematize accounting data and the automation of compilation of periodic and final reporting.

Magazine order 1 and statement 1

Order No. 1 and the statement to it are filled with an institution in account of 50 "Cashier" in accordance with the receipt and consumables. The balance of CT accounts reflects all payments made from the cashier, according to DT - those that were obtained. The final line shows those amounts to which were paid cash. JO 1 must reflect the remnants of money for specific dates. These remnants must necessarily coincide with the final balance on the specified day in the cashier's report. The final line of the JO should be similar to the turnover of CT account 50 in the main book for the selected period.

The statement to JO number 1 is filled in a similar manner. The final turns must necessarily coincide with the indicators of the JO "Cashier". At the end of the reporting month, the accountant must be made a reconciliation of the final balance according to JO No. 1, Vedomost No. 1, and indicators of the cash book of the institution.

Journal Order 1: Download form in Word

Orders magazine 1: Filling Sample

Journal Order 2: Blank

JO 2 reflects all operations recorded by CT account 51. All information is indicated on the basis of extracts and applications to extracts from the bank, including payment orders. The reverse side of JO No. 2 is used to reflect information about the receipts on Dt of account 51. The filling algorithm of the JO-2 is similar to JO No. 1.

Journal Order 2: Download Blank

Orders 2: Filling Sample

JO number 3-5

Operations on CT accounts 54-56, fixing capital costs and specials in banks (letters of credit, check books, monetary documents) are formed in JO No. 3.

Orders 3: Blank

Orders 3: Sample Filling

Orders 4: Blank

Movements on short-term and long-term loans, loans (accounts 66 and 67) are recorded in the order-order 4.

Journal Order 4: Filling Sample

The standings of mutual claims between debtors and creditors forms a magazine order 5.

Journal Order 6: Blank

All operations on calculations for the goods and services are recorded in JO No. 6. It also reflects the direct receipt of goods and the provision of services. Calculations for the supply of goods and services are taken into account on account 60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors". JO number 6 is filled in for each counterparty and contract.

Orders Magazine 6: Filling Sample

Order 7: Download Blank

Argument 7 is responsible for systematizing accounting data on settlements with accountable persons on the basis of account operations 71. In JOP number 7, information is indicated in the context of all advance reports of employees, all amounts of cash issued reports, as well as passing money balances for the selected period . Rows in JO number 7 are not subject to grouping and union.

Magazine number 7: Sample fill

Journal Order 8: Blank

JO number 8 is a register of accounting accounts with debtors and creditors in accordance with the analytical data on the following specialists:

  • 60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors";
  • 62 "Accounting for settlements with buyers";
  • 68 "Accounting for calculations for taxes and fees";
  • 73 "Calculations with staff for other operations";
  • 75 "Calculations with the founders";
  • 76 "Calculations with different debtors and creditors".

In JO number 8, generalized data on mutual settlements with the above-mentioned counterparties are made, funds from such counterparties are indicated, including advance payments.

Orders Magazine 8: Filling Sample

Order 10 Magazine: Download Blank

JO number 10 is used for accounting costs for its own production. In JO number 10, summary data is reflected from a variety of accounts for each financial and economic operation of the organization. Information is made in JO No. 10 on the basis of a number of accounting reporting registers and statements.

Orders magazine 10: Filling Sample

Journal Order 11: Blank

JO number 11 is designed to register accounting data on shipping and sale finished products. Registers that serve as the basis for the formation of JO 11 - Vedomosti No. 15,16. In these accounting reports, actual or credentials for material and industrial reserves enshrined in the organization's accounting policies are indicated.

Any economic activity is impossible without the movement of financial flows. Cash participate in all processes occurring at enterprises of any form of ownership. Buying working capital, investing in the main production facilities, calculations with budgets of different levels, founders, employees of the enterprise - all production and administrative actions are carried out with the help of money and to obtain them.

Types of calculations

In practice, two main types of calculations are used - cash and non-cash. Cash, as a rule, applies with small amounts of cash flow - these are one-time payments that can be carried out through the company's cashier. For small enterprises, with a small turnover and modest income, the use of cash is the best option. Large companies are more likely taken by the non-cash system; As the results of its use showed, it is much more efficient, faster and cheaper than working with large amounts of money. Therefore, today, 98% of all settlements are carried out through the banking system, according to non-cash principle.

Reflection of non-cash system in accounting

For analysis, planning, accounting, displacement of non-cash-based enterprise opens synthetic, balance sheet 51. It is active, which means reflecting the receiving funds in the debit, the consumption of financial resources - on the loan. 51 The account was created to take into account the mobile among the assets of the enterprise - non-cash funds. In balance, it is reflected in generalized form, the residue (balance) is determined daily for operational order of finances. Analytical accounting is carried out in each position of the receipt and consumption separately. The organization can simultaneously open the required number of accounts in one or more credit institutions. Regardless of their quantity, all information on the movement of non-cash is summed up and is carried out on 51 accounts. The balance (residue) is formed by the formula: the remainder at the beginning + turnover by the debit of the account - the turnover on the loan. The result obtained is the sum of the available (currently) means. It refers to 51 account as an initial debit balance for the next period.

Types of cashless payments

All settlement payment transactions are carried out by the Bank with whom the organization has concluded an account service agreement. The basis for performing removal operations or transfer funds is the written notification of the owner, which is verified for compliance with the norms of legislation and unified forms. The form of non-cash payments organization-owner of funds chooses independently, based on contractual obligations of specific counterparties. Most often, the payer's enterprise with the help of an appropriate document gives the bank an order of removal (write-off, transfer) of non-cash funds from the account in favor of said counterparty. Less often, unconditional write-offs, the confirmation of which is not required from the owner of the assets. Removing cash for own needs is carried out by the organization with the help of checks. Bank account owners receive the necessary limit checks on the basis of the statement. Filled and certified by the appropriate signatures and seals, sheets can also serve as for calculating the enterprise-owner of an account with contractors, suppliers, etc. In this case, the check is issued to the organization or an individual (its representative) and cash upon presentation of it in the payer's bank.

Document work on a calculated account

51 The account is conducted on the basis of bank statement. It is necessarily attached to the documents that serve as an order for the movement of funds on a particular account of the enterprise. All write-offs, enumerations that the owner of the assets produced for the statement period is confirmed by an instance of an outgoing payment order or requirement. Fur Check serves as a justification for cash withdrawal. The enrollment of the arrived sums from the owner's enterprise (passing part of the revenue of the cash) is fixed by the banking warrant. The funds received from buyers and other debtors, within the framework of contractual obligations, are confirmed by a copy of the incoming payment order of the payer's organization. All documents for moving non-cash money are drawn up in strict accordance with the unified forms and requirements of the Bank, are assigned to signatures of authorized persons and the organization of the organization.


Debit 51 accounts is a reflection of cash receipt. Enrollment comes from the following sources:

  • Enterprise cash desk (D 51, K 50) - This wiring is drawn up when calculating cash from the cash register from the cash register.
  • Calculations with counterparties (D 51, by 62/60/76) - the amount is credited from buyers, other debtors, from suppliers (return of advance, which are excessively listed, calculations on claims).
  • (D 51, by 66) - the operation is carried out in the case of coming to the current account of the borrowed funds.
  • When calculating with shareholders, owners (D 51, K 75) - the funds of the founders (as negotiable or with an increase in the authorized capital).
  • Calculations with budgets and extrabudgetary organizations (D 51, by 68, 69) - lists the excessive paid taxes or the sums of social support for the population (benefits, sick leave, etc.).

The turnover of the debit is summarized during the reporting time interval and is a generalized indicator of the receipt of funds to the settlement account of the enterprise. To analyze receipts, it is used or an account analysis.

Loan traffic

Credit account 51 is formed from the operations of write-off (consumption) of non-cash funds of the enterprise. The turnover on the loan shows the total amount of enumerations, write-offs and removal of cash, classes 51. The credit wiring is as follows:

  • Cash withdrawal (d 50, by 51) - from the current account, cash received in the enterprise's cash desk (cash flow occurs in a limited manner, indicating the expenditures). Most often, the organization uses part of funds when paying wages or economic needs.
  • Moving non-cash (d 51/55, by 51) - This correspondence is carried out when transferring a part of funds to another account or on the opening of special letters of credit intended for calculations with counterparties.
  • Payment by suppliers, contractors and other creditors (d 60/62/76, by 51) - transfer amount of assets from the current account to counterparties (for goods and services, product returns, etc.).
  • Calculations on loans, loans and loans (D 66, by 51) - interest is listed for the use of borrowed funds or redeemed
  • The fulfillment of obligations to budgets of various levels and extrabudgetary funds (D 68/69, by 51) - depending on the tax or fund, corresponding subaccounts are indicated in correspondence.
  • Salary (d 70, by 51) - listed s / pl employees.
  • Calculations with the founders (d 75, by 51) - according to the results of activity, fees are made.