Basic requirements for public speaking. Requirements for public speech

  1. Self-test questions
    demands are made to written speeches lawyer? How do they appear in the text of procedural documents? 7. What is causing the confusion? speeches? 8. What is included in the concept of oral culture public
  2. Sample plan for a practical lesson Theoretical part.
    speeches? 2. Describe the conditions for the implementation of conversational speech. 3. What are the stylistic features of colloquial speeches? How are they manifested in linguistic means? 4. In what procedural acts and why are elements of colloquial language observed? speeches? 5. How to explain the appearance of conversational features speeches in monologue speeches? 6. How do you see the difference between oral speeches from writing? TASKS Task 1.
  4. Practical tasks
    General requirements assignments cannot be changed
  5. Final control Questions
    requirements to the relationship between a lawyer and his client. 28. Ethical requirements to the relationship between lawyers of the same college. 29. Ethical requirements to the relationship between the lawyer and other participants in the process. 30. Procedural principles of disciplinary proceedings. 31. General requirements to the judicial speech. 32. Part of the judicial speeches, which is devoted to evidence, and its order
  6. Chapter 4. Fundamentals of lawyer's eloquence
    requirements To public speech. Requirements for the personality of the speaker. Oratorical tact. Outer side speech. Judicial speech. All lawyers know the famous saying that the law is mute, and the lawyer is its language. Indeed, only with the help of language can a lawyer convey to all interested parties the provisions of a particular legal norm, explain how to behave in a particular
  7. Requirements for the personality of the speaker 1.
    public When speaking, use non-business attire. There should be some conservatism in clothing (a suit jacket or a three-piece suit, a skirt and a jacket, etc.). Otherwise, the speaker's appearance may turn the listeners against him or the listeners will be busy looking at and discussing him. appearance, instead of listening to his speech. 2. The speaker must have notes
  8. 21.1. Leader's communicative behavior
    requirements, compliance with which is the basis for effective communicative behavior of a leader. Ineffective communication is one of the main causes of poor leadership. The sphere of a leader's communicative behavior is divided into several main types: parallel communications accompanying the performance of other functions and tasks; conversations and negotiations; organization and conduct
    public lecture? What are its goals? 14. What is the purpose of a lecture on a legal topic? 43 15. How is logic demonstrated in the lecture? 16. What is the role of the introduction? What should it be like? 17. What is semantic gradation? How is it achieved? 18. How is clarity achieved? 19. What means of speech influence do you know? What function do they perform in the lecture text? 20. What is the role in
    speeches// Rus. speech. 1968. No. 1. 2. Kozhina M. N. Stylistics of the Russian language. M, 1993. 3. Trech N. Readings about the Russian language. St. Petersburg, 1840. 4. Manaev Yu. V. Repkin L. M. Drawing up procedural acts of the preliminary investigation. Volgograd, 1981. 5. Podgolin E. E. Culture of investigative actions: Textbook. allowance. Volgograd, 1978. 6. Collection of samples of criminal procedural documents: Publishing house
    speeches// Scientist zap. VNII Sov. legislation, 1972. Issue. 26. 4. Podgolin E. E. Culture of investigative actions: Textbook. allowance. Volgograd, 1978. 5. Pitertsev S.K. Drawing up an indictment: Textbook. allowance. L., 1981. 6. Mikhailov A.I. Podgolin E.E. Written speech in the production of investigative actions. For administrative use. M., 1980. 7. Investigator’s Handbook / Under
  12. Topic 3. General rules for the application of state coercive measures to the debtor
    requirements to executive documents. Special requirements to certain types of executive documents. Deadlines for submitting writs of execution for execution. Rules for calculating the deadlines for presenting writs of execution for execution: start, end, omission, restoration, break of the deadline. The procedure for issuing duplicates of executive documents.
    speeches A lawyer's communication is formal and business style. This style serves the needs of a person throughout his life, from birth to last day. A person is born and the first document is issued for him - a birth certificate. Next - a passport, a certificate of education, various certificates, etc. Even the most solemn moment - entering into a legal marriage - is formalized
  14. 6.3. Advocate's eloquence
    speech. The Russian language dictionary (in 4 volumes) defines red speech, firstly, as an ability, the ability to speak beautifully, convincingly, oratorical talent; secondly, as oratory. Krasno speech- this is the ability to speak not only beautifully, but also convincingly. This means that this is a combination of the speaker’s talent and certain knowledge and skills acquired in the process of study. Krasno speech is effective

  15. general requirements for to anyone court decision and characterizing its essence, which are established by Chap. 16 Civil Procedure Code. The default judgment must comply requirements to a court decision (legal, justified, definite, unconditional, complete), must be taken in the manner prescribed by law and comply requirements civil procedural form. Correspondence
  16. Review questions for Chapter 39:
    are common principles of functioning of the EU single insurance space? 2. Give examples of the relationship between national regulation of insurance operations and common EU rules. 3. What are the features of the classification of insurance services for insurance other than life insurance in the EU? 4. Name the main ones requirements EU, presented to the activities of insurance organizations when

  17. requirements. However, in cases provided for federal law, the court may go beyond the stated requirements(Article 196 of the Code of Civil Procedure). When considering and resolving cases arising from public legal relations, the court is not bound by the grounds and arguments of the stated requirements, which is caused by the need to ensure proper judicial control over the legality of the actions of government entities. At the same time the court

  18. requirements: 1) presented in defense of the interests of the Russian Federation; 2) presented in defense of a subject of the Russian Federation; 3) presented in defense of the municipality; 4) on the collection of alimony; 5) for compensation for damage caused by injury, other damage to health or as a result of the death of the breadwinner. This list is exhaustive and is not subject to broad interpretation. The court is searching for the defendant
    speeches and the specific nature of thinking. Conversational speech has the function of communication and therefore manifests itself most often in oral form, with the direct participation of the speakers, i.e. in a dialogue that is not designed for premeditation. This means that this is unprepared speech. In any other sphere of communication, the choice of language means is limited by the norms of style. Conversational speech helps
    are common With colloquial speech. Thus, the speaker, having begun to formulate an utterance, in the process speeches cannot understand all the subordinating connections and is looking for new uniform expressing thoughts, losing control of the already spoken part of the phrase. As a result, interruptions and a shift in the syntactic perspective of the utterance occur. A shift in perspective can manifest itself in a refusal to continue a started construction (person
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2. Basic requirements for public speaking

1. Decisive start of the speech. You shouldn’t stumble over the first sentence of your speech or wonder where you’re going to start. The first phrase should be clear and understandable to the listeners. It must be prepared in advance and well rehearsed, pronounced confidently and expressively.

2. Restrained emotionality. Listeners should feel that you are speaking emotionally, excitedly, that you yourself are not indifferent to what you are saying. But it is preferable to present facts that evoke emotions in listeners than to speak too emotionally.

3. Brevity. Short speeches are viewed by most audiences as smarter, more correct, and containing true information.

4. Dialogue. The speaker does not have to talk himself all the time; he must ask the audience questions, listen to its answers, and react to its behavior. Any speech should have the features of a conversation.

5. Conversation. The style of presentation should be predominantly conversational, which gives the presentation the character of a casual conversation. The colloquial nature of an oratory increases confidence in the speaker, and therefore in the content of his speech.

6. Establishing and maintaining contact with the audience. To do this, you need to look at the audience during your speech, make changes to your speech depending on the audience’s reaction, demonstrate affability, friendliness, willingness to answer questions, and conduct a dialogue with the audience.

7. Clarity of the main idea. The main idea should be conveyed in words, preferably at least two or three times during the speech.

8. Decisive ending. Like the beginning, the end of the speech should be short, clear, understandable, and thought out in advance. The final phrase should be spoken emotionally, somewhat slowly and meaningfully, so that the audience understands that this is the end of the speech.

Exercise 15. Dialogize the statements below: introduce elements of dialogue into them, turn part of the statement into a question for the audience, replace book phrases and words with colloquial ones, etc. Sample. There is real chaos on the streets of our city in winter, associated with the lack of a sufficient number of snow removal equipment - the entire city is served by only 20 snow removal machines, and up to half of them are constantly under repair, so snow is removed from the roadway extremely slowly, which leads to constant traffic jams. –Every winter we all wait with great fear - what if a lot of snow falls again. What our city looks like after snowfall? All the streets are covered with snow. Cars skid, people are late for work and curse everything in the world. Why don't they remove the snow from our streets? How many snowplows do you think we have in our city of a million people? Only 20. How many of them work? At most half. The rest are broken. That's why we have such traffic jams on the streets in winter! 1. Looking at the current composition of the City Duma, we can definitely say that there are only a few professional managers and production managers in it. 2. Not only in Russia, but throughout the world they know that the first airborne assault was landed in the city of Voronezh. And this happened not far from the place where Lizyukov and Vladimir Nevsky streets now intersect. 3. It is difficult to understand those adults who say that young people are lazy, that among them there are only drug addicts and drunkards. This is said only to relieve oneself of responsibility for raising children. Exercise 16. Read the sayings. Explain their meaning and come up with short recommendations for a novice speaker that would include these sayings as a component. Sample. Speech to lead - don't weave bast shoes. – Any oral presentation must be prepared. You can’t hope that you can perform well without preparation – it just seems easy to perform. The Russian proverb says correctly: to lead a speech -don't weave bast shoes. 1. Know more, but tell me. 2. Where there are many words, there is little sense. 3. It’s better not to say anything than to say enough. 4. Don’t say everything that is mentioned. 5. You have the right not to be noisy. 6. It’s good to listen to a short speech, but it’s good to think while listening to a long speech. 7. Speak without thinking - shoot without aiming. 8. Disclaimer is not an insult. 9. A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.

3. Stages of preparing a public speech

Classical rhetoric names the following stages of speech creation:

– finding and inventing a speech (Inventio) involves choosing a topic, determining the purpose of the speech, collecting the material necessary to create a speech;

– disposition of speech (Dispositio) involves working on the composition of speech, drawing up a plan;

– verbal expression of speech (Elocutio) – writing the main part of the text, as well as the introduction and conclusion and editing the text;

– memorizing speech (Memoria) using various techniques (reading aloud for a while, in front of a mirror, recording and listening to one’s speech, etc.);

– speaking (Actio) – working with spoken speech.

Choosing a topic and title for your speech

1. If you are not limited in choosing a topic, think about what might interest your audience and choose the subject in which you are best versed.

2. If the topic of the speech is set in advance (an informative speech at a seminar; a persuasive speech in a conflict situation, etc.), think about how best to present it to the audience. Only you determine how and on what material the main provisions of the proposed topic will be revealed.

3. Having chosen a topic, formulate a “working” title for your speech.

Exercise 17. Read the lecture titles. Using the material from table. 1, rate these titles. Explain why some of them are successful and others are unsuccessful.

    Participation of the Russian team in the European and world robot football championships: problems and prospects.

    We are together again.

    St. Petersburg mathematical school during the period of reforms of the 19th century.

    Application of new operational calculus.

    Modern Orthodoxy and the intelligentsia.

    Autumn soil preparation.

    Shakespeare's mystery.

    Analytical design (construction) of spatial objects based on algebraic equations of higher orders.

Table 1

Exercise 18. List what questions (there should be no more than five) that can be considered in your message if it is called:

    What does it mean to be a good engineer now?

    Advantages and disadvantages of using Internet materials to write essays.

    Paid education – progress or regression of Russian education?

    Development of Russian metallurgy in the 20th century.

    Every student gets a decent scholarship!

    Our faculty is the best in the university!

Exercise 19. Read the texts of the short speeches. Determine whether the proposed names correspond to them. Will their names change depending on the nature of the audience (readers or listeners)? Suggest a variant title for these texts if your listeners are: a) students, b) pensioners, c) rescue workers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, d) businessmen, e) opponents of the Greenpeace movement. 1. The staircase glows During natural disasters, the power grid is often damaged, and in the dark it is difficult for people to leave buildings. In such cases, expensive battery-powered emergency lighting is usually switched on. English scientists have proposed a luminescent coating applied to railings, steps and walls. It glows for an hour after the house lights go out. Thanks to this, people can easily find their way to the exit. 2. Overboard! English environmentalists decided to observe how modern ships pollute the sea. For the experiment, they chose a small cargo ship with a crew of 46 people. The result was this: during a month and a half of sailing, 5,000 empty cans, 320 cardboard boxes, 5 barrels and an incalculable mass of food and other waste were thrown overboard. And all this is not counting the oil and fuel poured into the water. 3. “Bureaucratic” painting This unique collection of paintings is located in the Italian city of Siena. There are always a lot of visitors in the halls of the museum, although the exhibition consists only of covers and spines of accounting and business books from the Tuscany region. And they are interesting because these are the first examples of “bureaucratic” painting of the 14th century, executed on wood or leather. Miniatures are nothing less than beautiful works of painting from the early Renaissance. Many famous artists painted wooden book spines and considered these orders especially honorable.

Collection of material

Exercise 20. You need to select literature for an essay on the topic “Norm in terminology.” Check out the list of books below. Determine by the name which ones correspond to your topic. 1. Belchikov Yu. A. Speak clearly and simply. M., 1990. 2. Kozarzhevsky A.I. Mastery of oral speech. M., 1984. 3. Terminology and culture of speech. M., 1981. 4. Lotte D. S. Fundamentals of constructing scientific and technical terminology. M., 1961. 5. Garbovsky N.K. Professional speech(functional-stylistic aspect) // Functioning of the system of language and speech. M., 1989. 6. Graudina L.K., Miskevich G.M. Theory and practice of Russian eloquence. M., 1989. 7. Itskovich V. A. Language norm. M., 1968. 8. Volkova I. N. Standardization of scientific and technical terminology. M., 1984. Exercise 21. Prepare a short oral report describing the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of collecting material in preparation for a speech (personal archive, library, radio and television broadcasts, Internet, consultations with specialists).

Compilation various types plan

The plan reflects the structural and semantic organization of the text: the sequence of topics and subtopics, their relationship and interdependence. The plan may have different language formats.

Types of plans:

Nominal plan (in the form of noun sentences). The content of each semantic part of the text is indicated by a reference word or phrase, which is sufficient for the subsequent deployment of all the information in this semantic part.

Question plan (in the form of questions). The content of each semantic part of the text is the answer to the question of the plan.

Thesis plan (in the form of abstracts). The content of each semantic part of the text is briefly formulated in one or two sentences (thesis). We can say that a thesis is a short answer to a question that could be presented in a question plan.

Quotation plan (in the form of quotations, i.e. sentences extracted from the text).

Thesis plan and quotation plan - different types plans! The thesis plan does not involve direct quotation. Exercise 22. Read the text and write in the table. 2 missing plan points. Quit the cigarette! It is commonly said that a drop of nicotine kills a horse. It is not for nothing that tobacco has long been called a satanic or anti-Christ potion in Rus'. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich punished smokers with whips and batogs. His son, Alexey Mikhailovich, banned smoking by law. Japanese scientists have found that an extract of coniferous tree resin with the addition of 0.1% of a certain organic compound and vitamins causes an aversion to nicotine. As the journal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy reported in 1985, specialists from Los Angeles discovered that a 3% solution of... nicotine itself exhibits a similar effect. An hour and a half after applying a small amount of such a solution to the skin of heavy smokers, the concentration of nicotine in the blood increased by more than one and a half times. This, in turn, dulled the desire to smoke another cigarette. When they finally lit it, the first puffs had a significantly weaker effect than usual. Paracelsus was right: everything is medicine, and everything is poison - it’s all a matter of dose! Scientists from the University of Michigan (USA) have found that some vegetables contain nicotine, in particular potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. Thus, 1 g of eggplant contains the same amount of nicotine as a non-smoker gets after spending 20 minutes in a smoky room.

(Voronkov M. G., Rulev A. Yu. About chemistry with a smile or Fundamentals of pegniochemistry. St. Petersburg, 1999. P. 49)

table 2

Name plan

Question plan

Thesis plan

Quotation plan

1. Treating nicotine as a poison

1. How do people usually feel about nicotine?

1. ...For a long time in Rus', tobacco was called a satanic or anti-Christ potion

2. Substances that cause nicotine aversion

3. Presence of nicotine in common food products

3. Is nicotine always poisonous?

3. Nicotine is not always poisonous

Writing a speech

Working on the main part of the text

The speech should consist of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. Each part of the speech has its own goals.

Objectives of the main part of the speech:

formulate general provisions;

inform listeners new information;

consistently explain the provisions put forward;

prove the correctness of the put forward provisions;

lead listeners to the necessary conclusions.

Basic requirement for composition logical consistency and harmony of presentation of the material. It is important to arrange the material in such a way that it helps to reveal the main idea of ​​the speech. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the method of presenting the material that most closely matches the purpose of the speech, the audience, the duration of the speech and other factors.

Possible ways of presenting the material

The inductive method is a presentation of material from the particular to the general.

The deductive method is a presentation of material from the general to the specific (from the thesis to its evidence).

The method of analogy is a presentation from particular to particular (transition from the known to the new, based on a comparison of various phenomena, events, facts, reasoning or description by analogy with the known).

The stepwise method is a sequential presentation of one topic after another without returning to the previous one.

The historical method is the presentation of material in chronological sequence (a type of stepwise).

The concentric method is the arrangement of material around the main problem, the transition from a general consideration of the central issue to a more specific consideration of it.

Particular attention should be paid to the means of expressing logical connections between individual semantic parts of the text.

Means of expressing logical connections.

1. Lexical means of communication.

a) Special functional-syntactic means of communication, indicating:

– sequence of thought development (in the beginning; first of all; then...);

– contradictory relationships (however; meanwhile; nevertheless);

– cause-and-effect relationships (therefore; therefore; in addition...);

- transition from one thought to another (before moving on to..., let's turn to; consider; it is necessary to stop at...);

– result, conclusion (so; thus; means; in conclusion, we note that everything said allows us to draw a conclusion).

b) Pronouns, adjectives and participles used as means of communication (given; this; indicated; named; such; similar).

2. Syntactic means of communication (features of constructing sentences within a text fragment that has semantic completeness) (Table 3).

Table 3

1. Serial communication

Source part → reported part Source part → reported part Source part → reported part In the classroom / students are sitting Students / listening to a lecture Lecture / is being read by a professor

2. Parallel communication

Source part → reported part ↓ Source part → reported part ↓ Source part → reported part Students / sitting in the classroom ↓ Students / listening to a lecture ↓ A professor tells students / about physics

Exercise 23. Read the texts and determine the method of presentation of the material in each of the texts (method of analogy, stepwise, historical, concentric).

In the Middle Ages Christendom the only absolutely authoritative source of scientific information were two books: the Bible and the works of Aristotle. Science came down to commenting on quotes, which had to be given accurately, because illiterate heresiarchs often invented supposedly quoted sayings of the prophets, Christ and Aristotle. From here arose a system of references to the text that has survived to this day. This stage of science was called scholasticism, and by the 15th century it ceased to satisfy scientists. Then the range of sources was expanded - the works of other ancient authors were involved, whose texts needed to be verified. This is how the humanitarian (i.e. human, not divine) science arose - philology, which differs from scholasticism in its critical approach to texts.

Requirements for the language of public speaking

? Be specific

Specificity is the most important requirement for the language of public speaking.

What does specificity mean? Public speaking practitioner P. Soper gives the following advice.

You say no walked, but ran, hobbled, trudged, dragged, this will create an image.

Put the question like this: “ How does an embryo develop from an almost imperceptible fertilized egg, visible only through a microscope, into a two-hundred-pound football player?” Not just a person, but a football player!

Instead of the words: " Moscow is a major scientific and medical center" say: “There are 350 hospitals and 100 institutes here.”

? Use verbs

Try to replace nouns with verbs.

? Use active rather than passive phrasing

? Avoid verbosity

Choose shorter phrases and avoid verbosity. Try to avoid introductory phrases, do not give several definitions to one noun (for example: boring, tiring evening), avoid exaggerations (for example: I am absolutely convinced, there is no shadow of doubt).

? Don't use speech cliches

Do not use cliches in your speech (for example: keepers of traditions, fate decreed, with bated breath and etc.).

D. Carnegie offers a special exercise for developing this skill: say "Thirty thousand dollars" so that it seems more than "Three millions".

? Pause BEFORE and AFTER speaking important thoughts.

? Explain foreign words and terms during the speech

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Speeches can be of two types: specially prepared and spontaneous, for which there is no special preparation, but during the discussion a desire arises to supplement or correct what someone has said. In both cases, the requirements for oral presentation are the same.

The basic requirements for oral presentation can be briefly expressed in the following words: 1) have something to say; 2) be able to say; 3) have time to say. Let's look at each of these requirements.

I. You need to prepare for the presentation in advance, selecting appropriate material using different sources. In this case, the main idea should be highlighted. It should not get lost in the multitude of spoken phrases. If you want to speak on a big issue where there will be several problems, then it is best to make a plan. This is so that you do not get lost from excitement and do not confuse the sequence of presentation of the material. If the sequence is broken, then the speech may be unsubstantiated, without logic and, perhaps, not entirely understandable to others. In this case, the perception of the entire problem as a whole is lost. Such a speech will consist of separate fragments that have little connection with each other.

If you speak based on your notes, you should follow the following rules:

1) The abstract should not be written in small handwriting from edge to edge of the page. Otherwise, you yourself will not be able to quickly find the material you need.

2) The notes should have “red” lines separating one thought from another, numbers and dates should be clearly marked. It will be better if you use different colors of a fountain pen, emphasizing and indicating the necessary facts with special signs. This is necessary so that when you look down at the page, you immediately find the date, word, or fact you need.

3) It is better to leave margins to the left of the text. This is done so that you can make notes on them that will complement and correspond to the material that is recorded on this page. You will not lose this addition, you will not confuse it with other facts, and you will know what issue it relates to. The plan or outline you make should work for you, and not against you.

II. In a short period of time, you must say what you have planned and must do it in such a way that everyone hears and understands you. Therefore, the speech should be short, succinct, and lively. You must speak loudly, clearly, emphasize correctly, and know the meaning of the words being spoken. If you encounter words that are difficult for you, you should practice in advance to achieve their correct pronunciation.

III. Since you will not be speaking alone during practical classes, you should think about giving everyone the opportunity to speak. And this is only possible if you are well prepared for the performance in compliance with all recommendations.

University students must learn to speak in such a way that they are listened to and understood.

A summary of the speech must be provided, but this does not replace the oral presentation. Any attempt at monotonous sight reading inevitably puts everyone present into sleep. Therefore, reading the report is unacceptable. Try to retell the text (do not memorize it under any circumstances!). The main difficulty of oral presentation is that the speaker must understand what he is talking about. If you understand what the text is about, its logic and meaning, then you will tell it even better than what is written in the best of notes.

In order to better understand the text, it is necessary to create examples of the main situations indicated in it. This will allow you to answer questions in the future if any arise. Your story should be logical and built on the principle: thesis - example - conclusions. Your memory itself will tell you the missing links in this chain if you remember at least one of them.

When speaking in public, remember that some people perceive information not so much by ear as by the narrator’s lips, so try to speak with your gaze covering the entire audience, looking into the eyes of the listeners.

Different genres of speeches and oratory (lecture, report, presentation, etc.) require different preparation techniques. These rules are called general requirements to public speaking. Let's name the main ones:

A decisive start to the performance. The first phrase of a speech should be thought out, prepared in advance and well learned. You shouldn’t stumble over the first sentence of your speech or wonder where you’re going to start.

Dramatic. This is the tension in the text. Drama is created in a speech when there is a deliberate clash of different points of view by the speaker entering into an argument with any opinion, authority or point of view, when talking about any unusual or tragic events or incidents.

Restrained emotionality. Emotionality is a mandatory requirement for public speaking, an absolutely necessary element of it. Listeners should feel that you are speaking emotionally, excitedly, that you yourself are not indifferent to what you are saying. The performance should under no circumstances be monotonous. However, emotionality should be restrained.

Brevity. Short speeches are viewed by most audiences as smarter, more correct, and containing true information. Brevity is especially valued by Russian audiences, as reflected in the famous expression: Brief and clear.

Dialogue. The speech should be like a dialogue with the audience. The speaker does not have to talk himself all the time; he must ask the audience questions, listen to its answers, and react to its behavior. Any speech should have the features of a conversation. Questions may be rhetorical, but they can increase the effectiveness of oral presentation, especially short dialogues with the audience during the speech itself.

Colloquialism. The style of presentation should be predominantly conversational, the presentation should be in the nature of a casual conversation. This is what conversational style is all about.

Establishing and maintaining contact with the audience. Establishing contact with the audience means: looking at the audience during a speech, monitoring its reaction, making changes to your speech depending on the reaction, demonstrating affability, friendliness, willingness to answer questions, and conducting a dialogue with the audience. The audience must be divided into sectors and looked at each sector in turn.

Clarity of the main idea. The main idea should be conveyed in words, preferably at least two or three times during the speech. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the audience loves conclusions and expects them from the speaker in a formulated form.

A decisive end. Like the beginning, the end of the speech should be short, clear, understandable, and thought out in advance. It, like the initial phrase, must be rehearsed in order to be pronounced without hesitation, clearly and understandably. The final phrase should be delivered emotionally, somewhat slowly and meaningfully, so that the audience understands it well and at the same time understands that this is the end of your speech.