Robert Kaplan - your purpose. Practical guide for those who want to realize their potential

Robert Kaplan

Your purpose

Practical guide for those who want to realize their potential

Dedicated to parents,

always inspired me in the way for a dream

Preface from the partner of the publication "How to live your own life?"

Robert Stephen Kaplan, Professor of the Harvard University and one of the world leadership professionals, invites everyone who wants to realize their potential, to begin to give a definition: "What does success mean for you personally?"

In his very timely book, the author suggests how to reveal his destination surrounded by great opportunities, how to understand himself, manage his career and develop its abilities. Kaplan sets logically built questions, which are simultaneously simple for perception, but difficult to quickly respond, valuable to achieve goals and priceless to realize the potential of a person.

To find your business, or rather - your passion, it is important to identify our own strengths and weaknesses. It is necessary to understand what really worries you, what you are willing to work, that you are doing well, what you would like to show the results and benefit other people.

On numerous examples, the author shows the importance of open dialogues in the development of career of employees and achieve their results. Dialogue is always two: internal and external. Inner is the level of assessing its own determination and desire. External is a look at your success on the part. Getting feedback from direct executives, prolonging specific plans with coaching can be surprisingly affected by efficiency.

Search for your destination - a long-term trip. This is not an achievement of the ultimate goal, and the process of acquaintance with you, the development of its competencies and the creation of values. This will require a lot of effort, determination and high motivation. Anyway, as if you want to maintain a good physical form, then it should constantly work on it.

Choosing your path and your career, we are therefore creating your life. Agree, it's time to take responsibility for your destiny. At all stages of the path from you, love of the case, which are engaged, extinguishing skills, the ability to communicate and experience joy from every moment of life, as well as clearly formulated intentions, of course.

Robert Stephen Kaplan completes his book with words: "If you follow your own expensive, I don't know what status will you reach how much money will earn how many titles will win. But, retaining the loyalty to its principles and beliefs, you will be truly successful. And this feeling and determines the quality of life. "

Tatyana Busargin, cEO Studylab. Learning abroad


Realize your unique potential

But the main thing: be faithful to himself.

William Shakespeare. Hamlet, Prince Danish

What does it mean to be successful and how to make your dreams? Does the success assume the presence of an impressive list of achievements or an impressive state, position, power? Maybe to achieve success - it means not to deceive the expectations of parents, relatives, friends?

I reflect on this in this book and suggest readers a strategy designed to help realize your aspirations. Following the strategy proposed, you will perform a specific sequence of steps and give answers to many of your exciting questions. To do this, you will need to draw a look both inside yourself and outside. My strategy assumes mastering new skills and skills that sometimes can cause a feeling of some discomfort from the reader.

Other way

Over the past thirty years, I fought on the solution of the issues delivered here and came to this conclusion: the key to the exercise of the hopes and aspirations of people is not successful, but rather in efforts to implement a unique internal potential. By choosing this path, you will have to follow your own and denie success, and not to make the concept of the concept of other people's success.

For many, this is a serious test, because you have to understand yourself and abstract from a variety of external factors that affect the ideas about career and life. The guarantee of success will be the acquisition of a certain protective shell, or even a thick fortune, designed to protect the reader from indulgent estimates (and maybe the active disapproval) of its choice and arrogant misunderstanding from native, friends and colleagues.

This book describes a special path - the one leads to the greatest career satisfaction and life. I found my findings on my own experience, as well as on those lessons that lived me when I led the most different people And advised them on the implementation of their unique potential. What you are invited to do will require courage and hard work. You will not find here easy answers or the description of the ultimate goal. Here will be told about work in length in life, during which you will have to develop a different way of thinking and new skills.

I first wondered about the implementation of unique human potential when I managed financial structures. For more than two decades, I headed commercial companies in different regions of the world. I have been looking for solutions more complex questions, led people and advised them. This experience allowed me to deeply realize the importance of the right leadership and personal development, as well as to enter into the essence of the problem of implementing human capabilities.

In the fall of 2005, I began to teach at Harvard, where I tried to comprehend all these questions and included many of the concepts presented in the present work. And then published an article on this topic in Harvard Business Review from July-August 2008. Since then, I constantly call and write people who read this article and wish to discuss with me the ideas set out in it already to their problems.

Long years Communication with students and managers lead me to the conclusion that large companies and non-commercial organizations seek to ensure the conditions for improving the qualifications of employees and encourage their desire to realize their potential.

In 2009, at the Harvard School of Business I read a course called The Authentic Leader ("True Leader"). It was created by the former CEO of Medtronic Bill George on the basis of his excellent book True North. This course made me think over the new aspects of the problem and enriched mine as a manager and consultant.

Preface from the partner of the publication

How to live your own life?

Robert Stephen Kaplan, Professor of the Harvard University and one of the world leadership professionals, invites everyone who wants to realize their potential, to begin to give a definition: "What does success mean for you personally?"

In his very timely book, the author suggests how to reveal his destination surrounded by great opportunities, how to understand himself, manage his career and develop its abilities. Kaplan sets logically built questions, which are simultaneously simple for perception, but difficult to quickly respond, valuable to achieve goals and priceless to realize the potential of a person.

To find your business, or rather - your passion, it is important to identify our own strengths and weaknesses. It is necessary to understand what really worries you, what you are willing to work, that you are doing well, what you would like to show the results and benefit other people.

On numerous examples, the author shows the importance of open dialogues in the development of career of employees and achieve their results. Dialogue is always two: internal and external. Inner is the level of assessing its own determination and desire. External is a look at your success on the part. Getting feedback from direct executives, prolonging specific plans with coaching can be surprisingly affected by efficiency.

Search for your destination - a long-term trip. This is not an achievement of the ultimate goal, and the process of acquaintance with you, the development of its competencies and the creation of values. This will require a lot of effort, determination and high motivation. Anyway, as if you want to maintain a good physical form, then it should constantly work on it.

Choosing your path and your career, we are therefore creating your life. Agree, it's time to take responsibility for your destiny. At all stages of the path from you, love of the case, which are engaged, extinguishing skills, the ability to communicate and experience joy from every moment of life, as well as clearly formulated intentions, of course.

Robert Stephen Kaplan completes his book with words: "If you follow your own expensive, I don't know what status will you reach how much money will earn how many titles will win. But, retaining the loyalty to its principles and beliefs, you will be truly successful. And this feeling and determines the quality of life. "

Dedicated to parents,

always inspired me in the way for a dream


Realize your unique potential

What does it mean to be successful and how to make your dreams? Does the success assume the presence of an impressive list of achievements or an impressive state, position, power? Maybe to achieve success - it means not to deceive the expectations of parents, relatives, friends?

I reflect on this in this book and suggest readers a strategy designed to help realize your aspirations. Following the strategy proposed, you will perform a specific sequence of steps and give answers to many of your exciting questions. To do this, you will need to draw a look both inside yourself and outside. My strategy assumes mastering new skills and skills that sometimes can cause a feeling of some discomfort from the reader.

Other way

Over the past thirty years, I fought on the solution of the issues delivered here and came to this conclusion: the key to the exercise of the hopes and aspirations of people is not successful, but rather in efforts to implement unique internal potential. By choosing this path, you will have to follow your own anddenie success, and not to make the concept of the concept of other people's success.

For many, this is a serious test, because you have to understand yourself and abstract from a variety of external factors that affect the ideas about career and life. The guarantee of success will be the acquisition of a certain protective shell, or even a thick fortune, designed to protect the reader from indulgent estimates (and maybe the active disapproval) of its choice and arrogant misunderstanding from native, friends and colleagues.

This book describes a special path - the one leads to the greatest career satisfaction and life. I found my findings on my own experience, as well as on those lessons that lived me when I led the most different people and advised them on the implementation of their unique potential. What you are invited to do will require courage and hard work. You will not find here easy answers or the description of the ultimate goal. Here will be told about work in length in life, during which you will have to develop a different way of thinking and new skills.

I first wondered about the implementation of unique human potential when I managed financial structures. For more than two decades, I headed commercial companies in different regions of the world. I was searching for solutions of the most difficult questions, led people and advised them. This experience allowed me to deeply realize the importance of the right leadership and personal development, as well as to enter into the essence of the problem of implementing human capabilities.

In the fall of 2005, I began to teach at Harvard, where I tried to comprehend all these questions and included many of the concepts presented in the present work. And then published an article on this topic in Harvard Business Review from July-August 2008. Since then, I constantly call and write people who read this article and wish to discuss with me the ideas set out in it already to their problems.

For many years of communication with students and managers, lead me to the conclusion that large companies and non-profit organizations seek to ensure the conditions for the advanced training of employees and encourage their desire to realize their potential.

In 2009, at the Harvard School of Business I read a course called The Authentic Leader ("True Leader"). It was created by the former CEO of Medtronic Bill George on the basis of his excellent book True North. This course made me think over the new aspects of the problem and enriched mine as a manager and consultant.

Your destination. Practical guide for those who want to realize their potential Robert Kaplan

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Title: Your destination. Practical guide for those who want to realize their potential
Posted by: Robert Kaplan
Year: 2013.
Genre: job search, career, overseas business literature, personal growth, foreign psychology

About the book "Your destination. Practical guide for those who want to realize their potential "Robert Kaplan

To realize your potential, you need to find your passion, passion, your own way. So, how did Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and many other outstanding people who refused to be launched to deal with their lives. This book will help you understand who you actually have, what skills you have and what do you really want to achieve. You will be able to turn your passion into a productive and successful career and do what you really like.

In Russian published for the first time.

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Current page: 1 (A total of 15 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 3 pages]

Robert Kaplan
Your purpose
Practical guide for those who want to realize their potential

Dedicated to parents,

always inspired me in the way for a dream

Preface from the partner of the publication "How to live your own life?"

Robert Stephen Kaplan, Professor of the Harvard University and one of the world leadership professionals, invites everyone who wants to realize their potential, to begin to give a definition: "What does success mean for you personally?"

In his very timely book, the author suggests how to reveal his destination surrounded by great opportunities, how to understand himself, manage his career and develop its abilities. Kaplan sets logically built questions, which are simultaneously simple for perception, but difficult to quickly respond, valuable to achieve goals and priceless to realize the potential of a person.

To find your business, or rather - your passion, it is important to identify our own strengths and weaknesses. It is necessary to understand what really worries you, what you are willing to work, that you are doing well, what you would like to show the results and benefit other people.

On numerous examples, the author shows the importance of open dialogues in the development of career of employees and achieve their results. Dialogue is always two: internal and external. Inner is the level of assessing its own determination and desire. External is a look at your success on the part. Getting feedback from direct executives, prolonging specific plans with coaching can be surprisingly affected by efficiency.

Search for your destination - a long-term trip. This is not an achievement of the ultimate goal, and the process of acquaintance with you, the development of its competencies and the creation of values. This will require a lot of effort, determination and high motivation. Anyway, as if you want to maintain a good physical form, then it should constantly work on it.

Choosing your path and your career, we are therefore creating your life. Agree, it's time to take responsibility for your destiny. At all stages of the path from you, love of the case, which are engaged, extinguishing skills, the ability to communicate and experience joy from every moment of life, as well as clearly formulated intentions, of course.

Robert Stephen Kaplan completes his book with words: "If you follow your own expensive, I don't know what status will you reach how much money will earn how many titles will win. But, retaining the loyalty to its principles and beliefs, you will be truly successful. And this feeling and determines the quality of life. "

Tatyana Busargin, General Director Studylab. Learning abroad www

Realize your unique potential

But the main thing: be faithful to himself.

William Shakespeare. Hamlet, Prince Danish 1
Translation M. Lozinsky. Approx. ed.

What does it mean to be successful and how to make your dreams? Does the success assume the presence of an impressive list of achievements or an impressive state, position, power? Maybe to achieve success - it means not to deceive the expectations of parents, relatives, friends?

I reflect on this in this book and suggest readers a strategy designed to help realize your aspirations. Following the strategy proposed, you will perform a specific sequence of steps and give answers to many of your exciting questions. To do this, you will need to draw a look both inside yourself and outside. My strategy assumes mastering new skills and skills that sometimes can cause a feeling of some discomfort from the reader.

Other way

Over the past thirty years, I fought on the solution of the issues delivered here and came to this conclusion: the key to the exercise of the hopes and aspirations of people is not successful, but rather in efforts to implement a unique internal potential. By choosing this path, you will have to follow your own and denie success, and not to make the concept of the concept of other people's success.

For many, this is a serious test, because you have to understand yourself and abstract from a variety of external factors that affect the ideas about career and life. The guarantee of success will be the acquisition of a certain protective shell, or even a thick fortune, designed to protect the reader from indulgent estimates (and maybe the active disapproval) of its choice and arrogant misunderstanding from native, friends and colleagues.

This book describes a special path - the one leads to the greatest career satisfaction and life. I found my findings on my own experience, as well as on those lessons that lived me when I led the most different people and advised them on the implementation of their unique potential. What you are invited to do will require courage and hard work. You will not find here easy answers or the description of the ultimate goal. Here will be told about work in length in life, during which you will have to develop a different way of thinking and new skills.

I first wondered about the implementation of unique human potential when I managed financial structures. For more than two decades, I headed commercial companies in different regions of the world. I was searching for solutions of the most difficult questions, led people and advised them. This experience allowed me to deeply realize the importance of the right leadership and personal development, as well as to enter into the essence of the problem of implementing human capabilities.

In the fall of 2005, I began to teach at Harvard, where I tried to comprehend all these questions and included many of the concepts presented in the present work. And then published an article on this topic in Harvard Business Review 2
Harvard Business Review is a monthly scientific and popular magazine dedicated to business management. Published since 1922 Harvard School of Business. Approx. ed.

From July-August 2008. Since then, I constantly call and write people who read this article and wish to discuss with me the ideas set out in it already to their problems.

For many years of communication with students and managers, lead me to the conclusion that large companies and non-profit organizations seek to ensure the conditions for the advanced training of employees and encourage their desire to realize their potential.

In 2009, at the Harvard School of Business I read a course called The Authentic Leader (True Leader) 3
Robert Steven Kaplan and Scott Snook, "The Authentic Leader", Course Syllabus, Harvard Business School, Boston, Fall 2011 (Kaplan P., Snake S. True Leader: Harvard School Business Training Course. Boston, 2011).

It was created former CEO 4
CEO - hereinafter referred to as the general director of the company. Approx. ed.

Companies Medtronic Bill George on the basis of his excellent book True North 5
Bill George With Peter Sims, True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2007) (George B., Sims P. Lessons of outstanding leaders. How to develop and strengthen leadership qualities. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber; 2013).

This course made me think over the new aspects of the problem and enriched mine as a manager and consultant.

Each of us is unique.

We are all individual with all their skills and mental qualities, strong and weak parties, hobbies and care. Should not from this that generally accepted standards are imperfect and everyone needs its own special ideal? Why then often are we trying to blindly copy others by limiting themselves with the concepts of success?

Remember at least your friends who have chosen their own way. Those who created their business chose a non-profit career, started some kind of unprofitable case from a commercial point of view or accepted a different career decision that was contracted with generally accepted ideas about the "class" and "cool". Many of them are not reached. O other, such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, write all business publications. These people are a visual embodiment of the concept of "success." But no one could imagine such when they threw the college and started their career in their garage. Why did they have enough courage to get up on this path? Were they so talented from nature that success would be waiting for them on any field, with any scenario? Or they themselves developed in themselves the skills and way of thinking, without which the happy fate is not recognized?

I am convinced that each of us is able to develop the desired way of thinking and take steps that will allow the most intimate dreams. There are skills and skills aimed at the in-depth knowledge of themselves, the development of their unique abilities and the embodiment of their own views and beliefs. There are also certain approaches aimed at maximizing human potential. It is for them to pay attention during the career and life.

With my book, I do not put a goal to help the reader in achieving material well-being, status or power. It does not contribute to the winner winner. No, this book is about opening yourself for yourself. She will allow the reader to fully realize that he can, who he is actually what he really wants, will give the basis for developing strategies for life and career. It presents a systematic approach to thinking and knowledge, which will increase the chances of each to implement its potential.

This is why subsequent chapters are devoted. These are not superficial calculations, and you will not find common places and easy solutions here. However, the book will not replace you with the help of a psychologist, psychiatrist or other professionals in the field of mental health (to which it is worth contacting if there is a possibility that such assistance will improve the quality of life). My approach is designed to help strengthen the internal resources of the self-improvement already available for each of us.

Some of my lessons can be mastered and apply immediately; For the assimilation of others, you may need years. You should not put the task to get to a specific point in a clearly specified period. The main goal of the book and the key to your success is to understand how to determine your own unique path.

Fully realize your potential

As in my previous work What to to ask the person in the mirror 6
In Russian, exposure from the book in the composition of the collection: Kaplan R. What to ask a person in the mirror // Testing leadership. - M.: Alpina Business Buks. 2011. Prim ed.

I suggest the reader to ask yourself a number of questions and perform a set of exercises.

My past book was devoted to how the manager can increase its own efficiency and optimize the work of his company. In this book, you will learn the techniques that will help better understand ourselves and fully realize our potential. I repeat: I'm not trying to give instructions, how to make more money, raise the situation in society or strengthen power. However, if you go on the path you suggested, the chances of achieving such results will increase many times. In fact, the book is designed to help the reader pave a reliable path to personal growth and self-realization.

The book consists of eight chapters: organized according to the scheme shown in Fig. 1.1.

Chapter 1. Your true path in life and career.This chapter describes the prerequisites for the realization of human potential. The reader's attention is proposed for the so-called rules. road - They help to form a certain style of thinking, allowing you to answer many questions delivered in this book and transform ideas into action. To such a long journey, as knowledge of himself, it is necessary to begin in the good arms. Technically, my recommendations should be easy, but for the complete assimilation of the program will have to revise some of your views and installations. High-quality jump is effort and will take time.

Chapter 2. Evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.At first glance it may seem; that there is nothing hard here. Meanwhile, many people are affected by the complexity of this task. I had to communicate with those who have a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour basic strengths, and there are a lot of such people. And those who do not even assume what their weaknesses consist of, the absolute majority. In this chapter, I show the reader, how to determine what is his strength and what weakness! Here my technique is described and explained how to work on the revaluation of your skills and skills throughout his subsequent life.

This chapter provides several possible strategies to resolve issues related to the strong and weak parties to a person and management of them. In addition, we will consider the role of coaching and explain why you should risk and slightly open our vulnerability for the sake of further increasing our own efficiency.

Chapter 3. Open enthusiasm.What causes real enthusiasm in you? How did you understand it? What is the connection between enthusiasm and a successful career? Is it possible to create a productive career, doing what truly captures you? At what point can you completely give up with your passionate hobbies - now or when will you earn enough money? How do your talents relate with your hobbies?

Some cannot determine if they have hobbies. Often such a problem arises before those who work does not bring satisfaction. From here there is a vicious circle: the lack of passion for work prevents career growth, which increases the likelihood of getting stuck at this stage for a long time. Become an extra-class specialist in unloved work is problematic. In this chapter, the techniques are presented, with which the reader will be able to determine what his soul really lies, and it is said about how to turn hobbies in potential work and career. Enthusiasm promotes the development of human strengths, smoothing its weaknesses and overcoming disappointments and obstacles arising in the process of building a career.

Warren Buffett started with a simple - with an assessment of shares. Over the years, he led a small investment fund. To become an outstanding leader, he called for help best properties His character. He used the strengths inherent in him for the development of new, expanded and deepened knowledge and skills simply because he enjoyed his business.

Chapter 4. Understand yourself.How was your life? Do you give yourself a report that you are constantly listening to an inner voice that imposes negative installations? It is to blame for your failures and paralyzes attempts to achieve maximum results. With the help of the study presented in this chapter, we will try to identify the "blind stains" of consciousness and understand the importance of internal motivations. Understanding yourself allows you to answer the question why during the life you make one or another choice. The most important object that needs to learn to manage is yourself.

Chapter 5. Use your opportunities for all one hundred.This chapter will discuss how to bring their strengths and weaknesses, hobbies and true "I" in line with the desire for maximum efficiency at work. We will talk about how important it is to correctly determine for yourself three tasks that play a key role in achieving success. What are these three tasks and do you like to perform them? Do you pay enough time and attention? Do you develop the necessary skills and skills?

The implementation of its own potential requires wisdom when choosing a matter of life, because it is necessary to determine which industry, the company and functions are most interesting. Deviation inappropriate offers is just as important as you choose attractive. The choice is complicated if the main motive is the money, status and opinion of others, and also if you do not have a clear idea that you like and what are you capable of. It is necessary to create a condition for yourself to be able to express yourself from the best side.

Chapter 6. "Good" against "excellent".In this chapter, let's talk about intangible assets, which determine the possibility of implementing the potential of a person, - mentality and behavior. Let us discuss the benefits of life position, according to which people help others without thinking about personal gain. They are the real owners of life. The topics of our reasoning will be the tremendous importance of faith in the celebration of justice, and the question of fear of risk. "Standing on moderation positions", people behave too polishly correctly, making problems, trying to openly not express their opinions to "just not indignant calm." Even very capable professionals are unlikely to be effective in work, if they hide their views, abandon the installation of a clear ethical framework and be afraid to convey the truth to those who make decisions. People of this warehouse deprive themselves career prospects.

Chapter 7. The value of relationships.Alone is impossible to achieve its potential. At many stages, career just need help surrounding. Especially emphasized: build relationships more complicated than it seems. It is believed that we are all closely connected with each other that there will always be people who can be contacted by this or that matter. But as soon as you find yourself in a difficult situation and you begin to seek help, it turns out that there is no one in your environment who could help the Good Council.

The value of relationships with people is impossible to overestimate. Especially with those who relate to you enough well, so as not to be afraid to upset, expressing the bitter truth: the truth that you absolutely need to know if you want this or not. Judgments and evaluation of such people can become a serious check of actions and plans for rationality and realistic.

I will not cease to amaze an extreme isolation modern manDespite the huge number of friends on Facebook and the unpelled number of subscribers in Twitter. As my experience shows, insulation puts a barrier on the way of implementing the internal potential. The notorious "blind spots" - areas in which we do not understand, - everyone has, and therefore, sooner or later everyone will have to resort to the help of others. To appeal to this help means to some extent to detect its vulnerability.

I will share my own experience. For many years, I was afraid to death before a big audience. I was sure that I wouldn't succeed in me, I was ashamed to confess to this weakness to my colleagues and bosses. I reached the point that I was refused to promote the service, knowing that if I proceed to a higher position, I would regularly have to perform in front of people. Finally, I got courage and confessed to my fear for work. We talked. After that, I was engaged in learning the techniques of an effective performance before a big audience and understood the following: when you tell people from the heart, what you sincerely believe, fear leaves. But to realize this, I needed help to comrade.

Are there any people around those who trust (at least one or two) - colleagues or friends who are good enough to you to listen to, understand and respond to your problems? It does not have to be best friendsBut it is absolutely necessary that these were people who can rely. This chapter says that if you take the role of such trusted face, it is better to understand yourself, and also learn to build trust relationships with others.

Chapter 8. Roadmap.What will facilitate the implementation of the recommendations proposed in the book, and what will prevent? How to overcome difficulties? How does short-term financial difficulties and crisis situations affect our life and career? This chapter describes the tools with which you can move the ideas of this book into a steady process of self-improvement.

What path we will have

There is no only right way to achieve goals: we are discovered several roads, and life appears in the form of consecutive phases. Our potential is constantly changing, given the continuous process of knowledge, personal growth and the development of our abilities. The implementation of human potential is not limited to dreams and abstract ideas. This is a process involving specific steps, training, discipline and hard work. This process is fascinating, infinite and brings great satisfaction. I believe that the game is worth a candle: ultimately, work on oneself displays new level Satisfaction and self-realization in life and career.

Chapter 1 Your true way in life and career Getting Started

What concept of success do you adhere to?

What steps are ready to take to implement your aspirations?

One of the best aspects of my work is the ability to communicate with businessmen, managers and students who are ready to discuss with me important questions for them. Our discussions are often reduced to the same: what needs to be done to make dreams and realize your potential? The life path of these people and their stories are very diverse, but a certain dissatisfaction is inherent in all of them, they are in confusion, because they do not know how to find the meaning of life and maximize themselves.

In this chapter, I will share with you the stories of these people and examples from your life. I am convinced that a person is able to develop the concept of success and the methodology for implementing its own potential. We will discuss five kind of road rules. Their goal is to bring the reader to the proper arrangement of the Spirit, which makes it possible to extract the greatest benefit from the read.

Robert Kaplan

Your purpose

Practical guide for those who want to realize their potential

Dedicated to parents,

always inspired me in the way for a dream

Preface from the partner of the publication "How to live your own life?"

Robert Stephen Kaplan, Professor of the Harvard University and one of the world leadership professionals, invites everyone who wants to realize their potential, to begin to give a definition: "What does success mean for you personally?"

In his very timely book, the author suggests how to reveal his destination surrounded by great opportunities, how to understand himself, manage his career and develop its abilities. Kaplan sets logically built questions, which are simultaneously simple for perception, but difficult to quickly respond, valuable to achieve goals and priceless to realize the potential of a person.

To find your business, or rather - your passion, it is important to identify our own strengths and weaknesses. It is necessary to understand what really worries you, what you are willing to work, that you are doing well, what you would like to show the results and benefit other people.

On numerous examples, the author shows the importance of open dialogues in the development of career of employees and achieve their results. Dialogue is always two: internal and external. Inner is the level of assessing its own determination and desire. External is a look at your success on the part. Getting feedback from direct executives, prolonging specific plans with coaching can be surprisingly affected by efficiency.

Search for your destination - a long-term trip. This is not an achievement of the ultimate goal, and the process of acquaintance with you, the development of its competencies and the creation of values. This will require a lot of effort, determination and high motivation. Anyway, as if you want to maintain a good physical form, then it should constantly work on it.

Choosing your path and your career, we are therefore creating your life. Agree, it's time to take responsibility for your destiny. At all stages of the path from you, love of the case, which are engaged, extinguishing skills, the ability to communicate and experience joy from every moment of life, as well as clearly formulated intentions, of course.

Robert Stephen Kaplan completes his book with words: "If you follow your own expensive, I don't know what status will you reach how much money will earn how many titles will win. But, retaining the loyalty to its principles and beliefs, you will be truly successful. And this feeling and determines the quality of life. "

Tatyana Busargin, General Director Studylab. Learning abroad


Realize your unique potential

But the main thing: be faithful to himself.

William Shakespeare. Hamlet, Prince Danish

What does it mean to be successful and how to make your dreams? Does the success assume the presence of an impressive list of achievements or an impressive state, position, power? Maybe to achieve success - it means not to deceive the expectations of parents, relatives, friends?

I reflect on this in this book and suggest readers a strategy designed to help realize your aspirations. Following the strategy proposed, you will perform a specific sequence of steps and give answers to many of your exciting questions. To do this, you will need to draw a look both inside yourself and outside. My strategy assumes mastering new skills and skills that sometimes can cause a feeling of some discomfort from the reader.

Other way

Over the past thirty years, I fought on the solution of the issues delivered here and came to this conclusion: the key to the exercise of the hopes and aspirations of people is not successful, but rather in efforts to implement a unique internal potential. By choosing this path, you will have to follow your own and denie success, and not to make the concept of the concept of other people's success.