What literary works are mentioned in water. Element of water in Russian literature and folklore

Element of water in Russian literature and folklore

In the ancient Slavs, legends, rites, events and items were expressed in a word, which was inextricably linked with the concept. The names were determined by beliefs and events, of which myths and legends arose. The repetition of successful expressions was recorded and did not change, therefore the language became the form of the existence of legends. Scientists argue that the Slavs were inherent in poetic inspiration, and in a massive order. Separate persons who would be attributed to poets in later times. They just rightly and brightly transmitted feelings or facts known to everyone. Although the epic singers were shaved by the framework of traditions, they initially created such metaphors and likelihoods, which reflected a set of physical and moral values \u200b\u200bof the people. Mythological legends were organically flowed into the heroic epic, which at a certain stage of the Slavs of Slavs, when the myths began to add real people, was changed by the epic epic. From the latter there was a fairy tale. Modern epics, conspiracies, prayers, oaths, signs, superstitions, fairy tales, proverbs, and sayings have one source: they are based on epic legends.

Perhaps the most famous work of the ancient Russian literature on the element of water is the epics of the adventures of the Novgorod Huslar Sadko. He did not make any particularly heroic fellow and hit the underwater kingdom only because he did not restrain the words given by the water king, but a popular understanding of the elements of water and some natural phenomena was brightly reproduced in the narration. Another equally well-known work on the aquatic element is the poem V. A. Zhukovsky "Undina". This touching story about the attempt of mermaid to gain a soul, clothed in lovely verses, resembles the fairy tale. H. Andersen. From the evil water spirit, in which all nations considered the mermaids, she turned into a will of the author in a cute and capricious child, which is not available to the understanding of human grief and pity.

Element of water in the work of A. S. Pushkin is presented ambiguously. If in the poem "to the sea", it is a symbol of absolute freedom and with delight is welcomed by the author, then in the "blizzard" and "demons" is perceived as a force, a hostile person and defeating it. In the "copper rider" of the Neva, the flooding St. Petersburg, seems to be an animated creature that wrapped his anger on people. Flood becomes a fatum, rock, and a person is unable to resist him and is forced to recognize his powerlessness before the swelling element.

In lyrics F. I. Tyutchev, a poetic image of the water element and an inner "I" of the lyrical hero form a single space. The border between them is not felt, it is movable and easily permeable. The spiritualized image of water merges with the philosophical meditation of a person, changing one form of existence to another. In F. M. Dostoevsky, the element of water is opposed to land and, as a moving principle, bears the deaths of death and suffering. Water, wind, wet snow occurs in the narration in the most difficult moments of the life of heroes. The writer perceives the earth and water as an antithesis, preferring the real stability of the water of the yield and the elusiveness of water. The swamps and wet snow are interpreted in the same way as in the Slavic folklore: the concentration of devilish, demonic, unclean began. Therefore, in his works, St. Petersburg as an embodiment of the water element, which is manifested by endless rains, fogs, frosty ferry and blizzards, is considered hostile land (Russia) education.

Since the time of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the people of alive legend about the invisible Grad is a curtain. They say that after the death of Prince George Vsevolodovich, who died in captivity of Khan Batya, the Russian city remained without protection and was doomed to ruin and death. Hearing the prayers of the inhabitants, God saved them, sissing it under the waters of Lake Sveloyar, from which a long time heard the ringing of bells and came the voices of believers.

But the brightest way of expressing the Slavic idea of \u200b\u200bthis element was and remain folk proverbs and sayings, some of which are below:

Fire - trouble and water - trouble, and the wet of trouble - without fire and without water.

Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.

Do not spit into the well - it will come in handy to get drunk.

You do not see the bottom - do not climb into the water.

A drop dropped and stone is hammering.

Water stone sharpening.

Water and earth sharpening and stone is hammering.

Water crowd - water and will be.

Stating water rotes.

Spilled water do not collect.

Rainy summer worse drought.

It's raining, he will give Rye.

Snow inflated - bread will arrive, the water will burst - the hay will go.

There will be a rain - there will be mushrooms, and there will be mushrooms - there will be a body.

It will rain - there will be a vessel.

To be bad if it rained.

There will be no snow - there will be no bread.

More snow in the fields - more bread in the covers.

The grandmother was put in half said: either the rain, or snow, or will, or not.

Kosi, Spit, until Rosa, Rosa, and you home.

Dropped rain, the rain of the river the river, the rivers of the sea stands.

April all move.

April opens the keys and water.

April with water - May with grass.

April stream streams will be.

In March, water, in April Grass.

February will drink water, and March will pick up.

Water and mill breaks.

Water and dam River.

Water about water does not cry.

Sometimes the water flows the mountain.

Through the well deep, there will be water to stand high.

Long droplets [Icicles] - Long Flax.

Waiting for water - not trouble, and water would come.

Bread yes water - peasant food.

The water of the student is the body of the cord.

And in muddy water, fish is caught.

From face water do not drink.

On offended water is carried.

Friends - not spilling water.

It was silent like water in the mouth scored.

A frog will not be heard, how much water is not to drink.

It is necessary to lean to get drunk from the stream.

It came out dry out of the water.

Unreasonable learning - water pour into the bottomless tub.

How water is not cooked, all the water will be.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed.

Not high water, yes the river holds.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Willows on the water written.

To eat fish, you need to get into the water.

Water regret - do not cook porridge.

Better bread with water than a bit of misfortune.

It is better to drink water in joy than honey in a clever.

An hour with kvass, sometimes with water.

The trouble is that water, - inadvertently on the courtyard comes.

Where the water will move, here and move will find.

Where the river went, there will be there.

And the big bacha river does not delete.

After a fire, the water is not running.

Seres water to measure - lose time.

A spoon of the sea do not delete.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

On the poor drill everywhere.

From heat and water boils.

Who did not have been in the sea, he did not see grief.

In Russians folk fairy tales Black raven is a keeper of sources with lively and dead water. He provided the opportunity to the soul of the deceased person to return to the world of Javi (the world of people) to complete the deed chopped by a sudden death. Raven determined the significance of the work began and made a decision on the further fate of the person. It was believed that after returning to the ordinary world, people changed their lifestyle sharply.

Water is close, but to walk Slisko.

You can't buy a mind for the sea.

Water does not dare the mind.

Still waters run deep.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Ignorated on milk - and the water blows.

Painled wealth disappears as ice melts.

The sea is wind, and the people are worried.

Solva - that the wave: Divorces noisy, and wipes - there is nothing.

Mirous Solva, that sea wave.

Sitted the Sea to light up: the sea did not hear, and the noise did.

In the people, that in clouds - everything will come out in a thunderstorm.

Still waters run deep.

Not every drop in the mouth of the droplet.

Good sea from the shore.

True, from the day of the sea will take place.

True in water is not sinking, it does not burn on fire.

True, from the water, saves from the fire.

Retelling water does not ask.

The wedding is ambulance - that water is hollow.

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Artworks make inexhaustible opportunities for the awakening of cognitive activity, independence, bright individuality of the kid, for the development of speech skills. Therefore, it is necessary to use it as much as possible in the upbringing of children. The situation of poems, folk fairy tales, a song, sweepers, accompanied by a show of a visual material, more deeply affects the feelings of the child, contribute to the memorization of the text.



Card file artistic works About water


Fish in the lake lived,

I sailed with you with you

Toddha we will wash,

We will catch fish.

We are not cold water.

Where is the fish? Here she is!

Boule, Bul, Bouw, Karasiki.

We wash in a basin.

Near the frog,

Fish and ducklings.

Driver, water,

Mock my face,

To the eyes glittered,

So that the cheeks are blossom

So that the rotock laughed,

To bite the teeth.

There was a crucian

That's the fairy tale began.

There were two namilima

That's a fairy tale half.

There were three goose

That's the fairy tale all.

Source sleeves,

Open the crane - water.

My eyes, my cheek,

My ears and palms!

Look, crumbs,

On your palms!

Oh, what palms!

Clean palms!

Voddy, Voddy,

Umoy our faces

Clea our cheeks,

The mind of our sponges,

Mock our teeth,

Cock our handles!


Quality Nastino Lichko,

Nastya went kushaya,

Stained face.

So that the girl was

The most clean always,

Help, water,

Wash the nastino lyrco.

We will wash under the crane

Without water, we are nowhere.

My hands, my face

Soap, brushing and water.

If you don't like to wash,

Do not sing this song.

Who will be the coup-kope

By water - snap-knit?

In the bath fast - jump, jump,

In the bath leg - Dryg, Dryg!

Will foam soap

And dirt goes somewhere.

Ai, Lada, Lada, Lada

We are not afraid of water,

Purely wash

Mom smile.

Nobody, Nobody, Tyrlim - Bom - Bom

Can't guess

Where there is a funny gnome

And the gnome goes to swim!

We will go swimming and splash in water,


Will Nastya wash.

We will wash the legs of our cute baby,

We wash the handle of a little wall

Back and tummy, face and mouth -

Clean what kind of daughter is native!

Water fluid,


With goose water -

With Chipboard.

Water book

And the child up.

Catok Kotok

Waking up raneshchenko,

Fight on the bedtime

Washed Beleshenko.

Spout soap, soap tail,

And I did not forget about my legs.

So that the teeth got clogged

We hung them.

Now a piece of soaps

Will help us wash.

Oh oh oh-oh

Oh, who is naked such?

Who went to go?

Who found a clock?

Ah, the driver is good!

Good driver!

Just the baby,

So that the face was shining!

Rain, lei, lei lei

On me and on people!

On people on a spoon

On me for a crumb.

And on Babu Yagu -

Lei on a whole bucket!

My spout, my brush

Mamina chick

And on a small hook

Waiting for us a towel.

Forest Rodnichka

Drank two bull

Drank, drank, drunk

And booty began.

Ai, Bod - Bod - Body!

Oh, now I'll fall!

L. Yakhnin

Rain, rain,


Wet tracks.

We can not go for a walk -

We rush legs.

Rain, rain, pool -

There will be a loaf loaf.

Rain, rain, sweeping -

Give cabbage to grow up.

Rain, rain, fun!

Kapay, kapay, do not regret!

Only we are not dorms,

In vain in the window is not knocking!

In a small bath

Water is poured,

Little Vanechka


And grow to the ceiling

White foam clouds,

And sparkle bubbles

Like colored lights.

Rain, rain, row -

There will be a green grass,

Grow flowers

On our meadowka.

Rain, rain, forest,

Grow, grass, thicker.

Before sleeping to bed,

We need to wash with you.

My eyes, brow, spout,

To sleep come to visit us.

Riddle about water

In the seas and rivers live
But often flies across the sky.
And how to bump her to fly,
Falling on the ground again.

(Water cycle in nature)

I rain rain,

We long wait for you:

With pure water,

With silk blasting

With laslane color

With warm summer!

Grow, braid, to the belt,

Not wanted no hair.

Grow, kosyanka, to toe -

All hair in a row.

Grow, braid, not confused -

Mom, daughter, listen

Ladushka, ladies,

With soap my lamp.

Clean palms,

Here you have bread and spoons.

Riddle about water

They drink me, pour me,

I need everyone.

Who am I so?


Focused on the bridge

I carried the knitting a brushworth.

Wrapped the bathhouse

Bought a vanka

Put in the corner

Gave a sweet pate

We will wash the sponge

Pens, legs and head

Pole, water, water

Let's always clean!

Spring - Krasnaya

We brought good to us ...

Book sewer

And the water is a circle.

In the goal of the stream runs

And quietly so murmur.

You, friend, stop,

And worship each other.

(Rus. Nar. Supports, shakes)



Crane, Open! Nose, gone!

Becoming immediately, both eyes!

Fammers, ears, washing, cervical!

Neck, washing good!

Washing, wash, dice!

Dirt, wash off! Dirt, wash off!

E. Moshkovskaya


Rain pierced quieter, quieter

Not knocking on the roof

Cap ... Cap ...

The rain ran out! Hooray!

Pleased! Rada Datvora!

T. Kazakova

Tuchka and sunshine

Tuchka Sun closed,
I wet our babies!
Well, everyone here is running,
I will cover you umbrella!

"Who is not washed"

Who hot water washed

Called well done.

Who washed cold water,

Called the brave.

And who is not washed -

Not called.

P. Sinyavsky

Ship "


Rope in hand

I pull the ship

By quick river.

And the jumps of frogs

For me on the heels

And ask me:

Rental, captain!

A. Barto


Fish swims in a vodice,

Fish play fun.

Fish, Fish - Najnitsa,

We want to catch you.

The fish bent the back

Bread crumb to take.

Fish ponytail wiser

The fish quickly sailed.

M. Klokova

Moydodyr (passage)

Need to wash

In the morning and evenings

And unclean pipelines -

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

Long live scented soap,

And the towel fluffy,

And dental powder

And thick scallop!

K. I. Chukovsky

Neat tune







Everybody washed.

And now we are clean

Fluffy bunnies.

G. Lagzdin

Like - Molotov

Lake, lei-ka!

Waters do not regret ka!

If it is very hot,

I do not feel sorry for water.

Pey, Carrot,

Repka, Pey,

A tomato

And leek! .. -

And green cucumber

Pravitka watering:

Well done!

V. Lancetti

The Tale of Tsar Saltan


Wind on the sea walks

And the ship cares;

He runs himself in the waves

On bloated sails.

A. S. Pushkin


Our Tanya cries loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river.

Quieter, tanya, do not cry:

Does not drown in the river ball.


A bunny threw the mistress -

Under the rain there was a bunny.

I could not get a clutch from the bench

All before turning the wet.

A. Barto

Chumazai girl


Oh you, Girl Chumazay,

Where are your hands so smear?

Black palms;

On the elbows - tracks.

I lay on the sun,

Hands up holding hands.

Here they are tanned.

A. Barto.



Rope in hand

I pull the ship

By fast river

And the jumps of frogs

For me on the heels

And ask me:

Rental, captain!

A. Barto.

Winter (passage)

White snow, fluffy,

In the air spinning

And on the ground quietly

Falls, falls.

I. Surikov

On sledding (passage)

Sledge rolled down.

Strong, doll, hold on!

You, sit, do not fall, -

There is a groove in front

We must ride carefully!

And you can crash!

O. Vysotskaya

Our towels

We are different pictures

Digid themselves,

Them over the towels

They themselves nailed.

Towel Olyodyn

Sasha will not take:

With a bird he does not confuse

Blue aircraft.

Knows his shoe


Misha - strawberries,

Masha - top.

Serge - Apple,

Volodya has a pear

And a picture with cherries

Chose Katyusha.

Butterfly - Igor,

Hare - Natasha ...

We are not completely confused

OUR Towels!

N. Flyanova


Snow, snow is spinning,

White all street!

We gathered in a circle,

Completed like a snowball.

A. Barto

Snowball (excerpt)

The snowball flies, spinning,

On White Street.

And turned the puddle

In cold glass.

Z. Alexandrov


Paradise, Masha and Zhenka,

Wash your hands good

Do not spare soap!

I have covered the table.

All put the devices,

All napkins distributed.

Stop conversations -

I poured you soup.

Knife, plug or spoon

Do not hold in the fist.

Do not feed the same cat:

Cat rig in the corner.

Bread in salt makes not macaite

And do not push friend a friend.

The second will be fish,

And on sweet compote.

Submission? Here you go!

What should say?

Thank you!

E. Blaginina

Bug and Tuchka

Tuchka across the sky
Bug the house Evalov.
Little torment,
Little bug.

Tuchka in the rain turned,
Burning rain washed.
Little torment,
Little bug.

Tuchka B. blue sky melting
Bug sad after her barks:
- Goodbye, Tuchka!
- Goodbye, bug!

V. Stepanov

How on a hill - snow, snow

How on a hill - snow, snow,
And under the slide - snow, snow,
And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow,
And under Christmas tree - snow, snow.
And under the snow is sleeping bear.
Hush hush. Keep quiet!

I. Tokmakova

Snow rabbit

We looked a snowball,

The ears did then.

And just

Instead of eye

Calcs found from us.

The rabbit came out like alive!

He is with a tail and head!

For a mustache

Do not pull -

From straws they!

Long, shiny,

Exactly real!

O. Vysotskaya


When I was icing, -

It was delicious,

And then I got sick, -

It became very sad.

D. Druzhinina


Not going and does not eat
Because an iceman.
But it fell perfectly!
Why no one rejoices?!

V. Berestov


Spring steps to us

Rapid steps

And drifts taut

Under her legs.

Black Protalins

In the snow are visible.

True, very warm

Spring feet!

I. Tokmakova

Cheerful rudel

With the fields came off the snow,
Woke up hand:
It runs in the meadows,
In groves and gardens.
He is the song Blue
Rushing over the ground
Spring Son -
Cheerful stream.
Above him raised flower
Your small checkbox
And in the water dragonfly
Looks in all eyes.
And the butterfly crowd
To that song blue
Fly again -
Want to dance.
Cheerful stream
Turned over the tubercle
Rushed to Ivnyak
And met the river there.
Spring noise and ringing ...
All the river gave him
Spring messenger ...
Here the song is the end.

V. Semennin

Deeply finely
Ships in plates:
Bow head
Red carrot
Parsley, potatoes,
And the grooves are a little.
Here is a ship sailing,
Swim right in your mouth!

I. Tokmakova

Who smoked at the door?
- Open the harder! -
Very cold in winter.
Murka asks home.

O. Vysotskaya

Bear - Svarukha

In the morning, the animals woke up,
Purely beasts were wash away.
Only the bear was not worn,
It remained unprecedented.
Here all the beasts shouted,
The bear in the river was shaking.
Began to wash it, bathe,
With a head dipped.
Crying Misha: - Sorry!
Do not try! Release!
I'm big, I will myself
Wash in the morning!

V. Stepanov


On the gland, on the meadow

Snow drops softly.


White guns.

But suddenly breeze

Our snow smeared.

Dance all the guns,

White snowflakes.

I. Vinokurov


Where are you, rained, visited?

What are you, rained, watered?

Visited the garden

I walked - go - do!

And what yagoda

Have you watered in the garden?

And strawberries and raspberry,

And SMO - RO - Di - Well!

Do you wrapped the gooseberry?

Did not pour, forgot ...

Oh, come back

Yes, the fields are the whole garden!

N. Piculeva


We know, know, yes yes, yes,

Where are you hiding, water!

Come out by a driver

We came to wash!

Wasya on palm

It is a knife - ku.

No, not beyond -


Will be mounted than fun!

Come on - ka with you to temper:

Cold water wash!

Wash the water to wash

Colds in winter are not afraid!

N. Piculeva

She is a huge part of us, but do we know her well? It is necessary for us daily, but we are thinking about it only when it is not. She is water, the main condition of life. Water is amazing. It has much more states than habitual ice and steam, and is able to change the structure under the influence of information.

At some points of the planet because of the water there are wars, and in some places where people cannot receive clean and safe water at all. Books about water will tell you a new one about the usual substance.

Masaru Emoto has his own attitude to the water. The man is confident that it has special actions. What water is capable of stored and absorb the received information. This element reflects the Universe. This means that the future of all mankind depends on the right approach.

Conservation own healthThis is exactly what worries every person. Special item here is attitude to water. After all, it is necessary to accommodate this issue. So this book will be an assistant to those who are watching their well-being.

The popular sea biologist Wallace Nichols was able to prove in his writings that the state of a person is associated with water. Its correct use has a positive effect on all spectra of life. After all, the aquatic element is able to make rid of the state of stress forever.

Water has always been used in the treatment of the human body. Helped get rid of many problems and ailments. However, its correct use can lead to a sad outcome. So, it is always necessary to apply it with the mind, monitor the quality and dosage.

Self-development is a very important stage in the life of every person. Thanks to this book, anyone who wants a real chance to replenish the luggage of their knowledge. Everything is collected here that is associated with water. Knowledge of various seas, oceans, rivers are now available to everyone.

Problem excess weight, worries many. Sometimes, to cope with it, people resort to completely non-rational solutions. Often such actions lead not necessary consequences. Surprisingly many good assistants in this business will be ordinary water.

Holy water has always been with something magical, carrying heavenly power. However, the young guy who came to the church to quench thirst, did not think absolutely about it. Unlike the approaching priest, which was clearly not friendly. But what happened to a man?

There is a huge amount of water in the world, diverse in its composition. It can be mineral, sea, silver. But few people know that in their meaning each of them has its own advantages. So, it's time to get acquainted with each of them.

For a long time, the water was a real source of health. Its use in the right amount guarantees good well-being and physical condition of the whole organism. But the main thing here is to know special subtleties, otherwise positive result Will not come.

It turns out that any water becomes the healing. Using it, you can forgot about pills forever, and sometimes even avoid surgery. Various baths, compresses, pouring great start, to perfect health.

Water is a real source of life, because there can be no living creature on the planet without it. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to limit oneself into its use, otherwise it will become a terrible blow, which threatens to turn into serious problems.

It is believed that any water can be spoiled, and all this is because it has special properties. And thanks to this book, everyone has a real opportunity to do. After all, the recipes and secrets of its proper cooking are collected here.

One American professor did simply impossible - was able to turn the water in a fuel. This has become a real sensation, but to discover the secret of creating everything is completely not included in his plans, he conceived another. Will a man be able to save this precious secret?

How much is interesting I want to know the little "soak". However, tell parents about everything that interests their children is very difficult. But now, thanks to this books, the kids will easily get acquainted with the concept of water, as well as with all water facilities.

We hope our selection of books about the water you liked!

Alekseev Andrey

In this work, the sixth grader considers the role of water in various works of folklore and Russian literature, raising the actual environmental problem Water states in our time.



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"Living Dead Water ...

(On literature pages

from folklore to this day.) "

MOU Krotovskaya Sosh

"Educational Center", 5 "in" class,

Samara region, Kinel Cherkasy district,

s. Krotovka, Ul.Kubyshevskaya, 21.

Leader: Ivanova Irina Pavlovna,

russian teacher and literature.

Samara region, Kinel Cherkasy district,

s. Krotka, ul. Leningrad, 18 - 2.




alekseeva Andrei "Living Dead Water ...

(On literature pages from folklore to this day.) "

Abstract Alekseeva Andrei corresponds to the stated topic, it differs in the depth and completeness of the disclosure of the theme, logicality, connectedness, evidence. The work is structurally ordered, the optimal ratio of administration, the main part and the conclusion. The design of the work complies with the requirements: there is a plan, a list of references, the footnotes are correctly decorated and the citation culture is observed.

In the introduction, the student justifies the choice of the topic of the abstract and its relevance, explaining that in recent decades, earthlings are too much consumer related to water, and therefore freshwater reserves on the planet began to decline sharply.purpose Relator to Alekseeva A. - to show the role of water in the literature from folklore to the present day and the educational value of the image of water to readers.

The essay material is structured by chapers, headlines to the parts of the text reflect the maintenance of chapters. The essay material is set forth by the diverse, the student leads examples illustrating theoretical provisions, expresses its opinion on the problem, arguing that the value of water at all times was very high, and it is easy to trace the Russian folklore.

As a result of the work, the graduate made conclusions that the works on the pages of which are depicted by water - the best educators who can convince the person that water is the life that the preservation of life on earth depends on the safety of water. So, we are responsible for this life.

The work of the Russian literary language, the written speech is competent, emotional, convincing.


In his work, "Living Dead Water ..." Alekseev Andrei shows the role of water in the literature, starting with folklore and ending with our days. The five-grader proves that with the help of literary works you can return a respectful attitude towards water, which is so necessary in our time.

  1. Introduction
  2. Living dead water. (On literature pages from fairy tales to this day.)
  1. Water in small genres of folklore.
  2. Water in fairy tales.
  3. Water in the literature of the twentieth century.
  4. The results of observations.
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Bibliography.
  1. Introduction to the topic

Water ... She is dedicated to poems and songs, stories and scientific work. "Sok of life" - so called water the greatest artist and thinker Leonardo da Vinci. This definition is true, because life originated in water.

Water is the greatest value for all residents of the Earth. Under normal conditions, it is necessary to drink at least two and a half liters of water per day, a person needs water more than food. About many interesting facts related to water, I learned on class hourWhen we talked about the benefits of water, about careful about it. In the same place, I heard the words of the French pilot and the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "Water, you have no taste, no smell, you can not describe you, you enjoy, without knowing what you are. It is impossible to say that you need for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that you will not explain our feelings. You come back to us with the strength that we have already said. According to your mercy, we again begin to brighten the dried sopes of our heart. You are the biggest wealth in the world ... "

That day at school at all lessons appealed to the theme of water. At the lesson of literature, we stopped on some works in which water plays an important role. It is then that water, its place and role in the literature and attracted our attention as the subject of the study.

We set ourselvespurpose: to show the role of water in the literature from folklore to the present day and the educational value of the image of water on readers.

To achieve this goal, determined the followingtasks:

  1. Determine the genres of literature in which water is depicted.
  2. To find out what role water plays in each particular work.
  3. Find out whether the water image varies depending on the time of creating the work.
  4. Show water image value for readers.

We are confident that the topic chosen by us is relevant now. All residents of our planet know that freshwater reserves on Earth are limited. But not everything, unfortunately, comply with the rules of careful and economical attitude towards water. Therefore, I want to once again with the help of literary works to remind excavation on the values, features and opportunities of water, that man and water are one. Moreover, many schoolchildren with age forget about the meaning and role of water in literary works. It also showed our survey: five-graders faster and more called works (of course, fairy tales), in which water is found, but nine-graduates did it much slower. As a result, it turned out that the following fairy tales are associated with water: "About fisherman and gold fish" A.S. Pushkin (74%), "Gus-Swans" (67%), "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" (49% ) "Mermaid" G.Kh.andersen (26%), "Flying Ship" (11%). And the last two fairy tales called the guys based on cartoons. It means it is very important to remind schoolchildren about the role of water, which was valued very high since ancient years. Therefore, the practical value of my work is visible.

  1. Living water
  1. Water in small folklore genres

How much is told about the water! Already, our old ancestors devoted to her proverbs, songs, riddles. Proverbs, expressing folk wisdom, not only decorate our speech, but also teach a careful attitude towards nature, including the water. Listen to them: "Forest Yes Water field paint", "April streams will be water", "Bread Yes Water - Bogatyrous food", "Water path will find", "deep water will not suffer."

Quite a lot of Russian people and winged expressions (phraseologism) about water. (By the way, the Homer called them the covered, because of the mouth of the speaker, they seem to fly to the ear of the listener.) Each of them can be replaced by a neutral synonym for everything, but not so bright and figurative as the winged word. For example, "as in the water looked" - as if I knew in advance; "Ries to wear water" - to engage in useless business; "Water in the mouth scored" - silent; "Water will not mudy" - humming person; "From the water, it will be released" - will remain unpunished; "Pour water on someone's mill" - to act in someone's favor; "We will not fall out" - very friendly; "To withdraw on clean water" - to reveal some kind of dark affairs and others.

And how exactly and finely emphasize the properties and features of water in riddles!

What to do not roll out

In solve not to carry

And in your hands not to hold? (Water)

No legs walk, swallows without mouth. (River)

In winter hiding

Spring appear,

In the summer you have fun

In the fall goes to sleep. (River).

But the modern mystery:

If your hands are in Vaks,

If the nose sat down the blots,

Who then is the first friend

Will remove dirt from face and hands?

Without which mom can't

Neither cook nor wash

Without what, we say straight,

Man to die?

To rain rain from the sky,

So that gross grinding bread,

To float ships -

It is impossible to live without ... (water).

I think everyone noticed that in the proverbs and riddles who came up to us through the century, the fact that water is part of nature, and in a more modern given riddle - practical significance of water.

  1. Water in fairy tales

One of my favorite literature genres are fairy tales. This is where the water is often the main role, which is where it reigns as a hero of the work. Many of the Russian folk fairy tales begin with the same occasion: "At the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan ...". In fairy tales, water is found in various images: rivers, sea, rain, vibrant water and dead. In fairy tales of the water an important role: it is a formidable element, and on the contrary, it helps the heroes of the work. We observed the role of water in several folk and copyright fairy tales.

So, in the folk fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" water punishes the hero: "Ivanushka did not obey and got drunk from goat coil. I got drunk and became a goat. "

In another no less famous fairy tale, "Geese Swans", the dairy river helps:

"- Mother's river, hide me!

- Drink my milk!

Nothing to do, drank. The river was planted under the beings, geese flew. "

From the "Fairy Tale of Magic Vodice" learn that the water can be micringe of people: "Since then, they have ceased to quarrel and began to live, as in young years. And all because as soon as the old man starts shouting, the old woman is now for the magic writer. Here is the power something in it! "

It was in folk fairy tales for the first time we met the water lively and dead, so you need to at least briefly stay on these concepts.

"Live water (strong or boys) in folk fairy tales of all Indo-European peoples is a symbol of spring rain that resurrects the land from the winter sleep. She returns dead life and blind eyes. The difference in dead and living water is only in Slavic fairy tales and is not repeated anywhere. The dead water is sometimes healing: it heals the dissected wounds, splits the dissected parts of the dead body, but does not resurrect it, only the sprinkling of live water returns his life. According to Afanasyev, the dead water is the first spring rain, which drives down from the fields of ice and snow and, as if tightening the dissected parts of the Mother of Mother Earth, and the rain they are following him give her greens and flowers. "

In the fairy tale "Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", water helps resurrect the main character: "The gray wolf burst into the wounded water of the wounds of Ivan Tsarevich, the wounds healed; Dropped his living water - Ivan-Tsarevich came to life. "

In the author's fairy tales, water is continued. For example, in Ruslana and Lyudmila, A.S. Pushkin, an old man who accompanses Ruslana in all his adventures is helped by the main character in all his adventures, he is washes wounds with dead water and revitalizes Vityaz alive. This plot element A. Pushkin borrowed from folk fairy tales.

In a mute demeanie
Behind the long chain of wild mountains
Dwells of winds, ramchilding storms,
Where and witch brave eyes
Pendant in the late hour is afraid,
The Valley is wonderful
And in that valley two keys:
One flowing waven
On the stones have fun rolling,
He pours dead water;
Everything is quiet, the winds are sleeping,
Coolness coming does not come
Cake pines are no noisy,
Birds do not go there, Lan does not dare
In the heat of summer drink from secret waters;
Chet spirits from the beginning of the world
Silent on the village of the world
The dense shore wakes up ...
With two jugs empty
The hermit appeared in front of them;
Perfiled spirits long-standing sleep
And the fear of the fear was full.
Beside him plunges
Vessels in virgin waves;
Filled, in the air disappeared
And found himself two moments
In the valley where Ruslan lay
In blood, low-key, without moving;
And became over the knight old man
And froze dead water
And wounds shone in the VIG,
And corpse wonderful beauties
Flushed; then water to the anima
Hero old man sprouted,
And cheerful, full of new forces,
Life awake young
Ruslan rises, on a clear day
Ochoms greedy looks like ...

And from the fairy tale of Peter Yershov "Konon-Gorbok" we learn that water can rejuvenate and make beautiful:

Here is the tail of the tail waved

In those boilers muffin mumps,

At Ivan, twice said

Loud born sustained.

Ivan looked at the skate

And the boiler immediately dived,

Here in another, there in the third too.

And such he became a naughty,

Not to say in a fairy tale

Not a pen write!

So he dressed up in the dress,

King Device bowed

I looked, having grown up ,.

With an important view, as if the prince.

Water helps the heroes of A.S. Pushkin in the "Tale of Tsar Saltan". When the mother and child are sacred slanders - put in a barrel and threw in the sea, the sea regretted them and threw ashore:

"You, my wave, wave!

You are Gulliv and Volina;

Shutting you where you want,

You are marine stones,

Back the shore of the land

We raise ships -

Do not goubi you are our soul:

Wrongs you on the land! "

And wave listened:

Immediately on the shore she

The barrel carried gently

And poked quietly. " .

And in the fairy tale of G.H.andersen "Little Mermaid" water, the sea - the house of the main character, and only there it feels happy: "Far into the sea is blue, blue, like the petals of the most beautiful cornflowers, and transparent-transparent, as the cleanest Glass, only very deep, so deep that no anchor rope is enough. "

In another fairy tale, Andersen "Nauddy Doton" for the main character, the water also plays a big role in fate: "And he sank into the water and sailed to towards the wonderful swan, who saw him, too floated to him ..." Water helped him, because thanks to the reflection In the lake, he saw no ugly duckling, but a wonderful swan. It saved his life.

Thus, from all the above, we can conclude that the topic and the image of water takes a huge place in fairy tales. In them, she is a living being, which helps positive heroes, and negative punishes.

  1. Water in the literature of the twentieth century

Poets and writers of the twentieth century also devoted a lot of lines to the water, made her heroine many works. Among the writers who created the best works about the Motherland and its wealth, definitely stand out by KG Poystovsky. I am still not familiar with his work, but I already know His story "Meshcherskaya Side".

In it, K. Pouustovsky wrote about forest rivers and channels "On two robusts - Solotche and Pre-South through forests, swamps and Gary. Solotcha - winding and shallow river. In her blades stand under the shores of the stainys of the news. Water in solotch red. Such water peasants are called "harsh". Pra flows from the lakes of Northern Meshbra in Oka. Villages on the shores are very small. In the old time, the splitters settled in the premium forests. In addition to rivers, many channels in the Meshorsk region. Upon Alexandra II, General Zilinsky decided to dry the Meshorski swamps and create under Moscow big land For colonization ... Now these channels have stuck and overgrown with swamp herbs. Ducks nest in them, lazy lini and boiled belts live. These channels are very picturesque. They go deep into the forests. Thickets hang over the water with dark arches. It seems that every channel leads to mysterious places. "

You read such lines and feel that the author not only knows these places well, but also loves them unless. And it is not by chance. Meshchersky Krai - the last love of K. Pouustovsky. Dealing to him a whole painting of amazingly poetic, even musical, stories, the writer reminds us that we must protect our world, this beautiful land.

On the advice of the Literature Teacher, I recently read the story of E.Nosov "Doll" and was simply shocked. The narrative begins with the description of the favorite places of the storyteller: "Danish and Noskno rushes, boulevard and sob the funnels ...", "At night, Omut is not at all, when suddenly Gulko, hard to hit the progress of the shore and puts it on all the water with a flat tail, as if the board, Mature owner-rose from the pit ... ".

And after a few years, the narrator again turns out to be in the same places. What does he see now? "I went and did not recognize the rivers. The channel narrowed, seeded, clean sands on the rainfall was tightened with a disorder and a rigid blonde, a lot of unfamiliar chalk and brass appeared. ... All the ulcers led delicated to Kuga and the peaks of the grains, and everywhere, where there is free from herbs, a black bottom Tina, who has excessive fertilizers who have understood rains from the fields ... Where it is once scared and watery, the hump is a dirty gray. similar to a large occasional fish. "

What a huge difference between the two sketches of the river! If in the first bright, in summer bright paints cause a feeling of warmth, joy, then in the second - dirty paints, dirty. Clear I. open Dali. Replaced by other pictures: "The rod narrowed", "Clean sands tightened." The reason for the crosses of the river, changes in Nature E.Nomov sees in thoughtless management, using a large number of chemicals.

The most terrible, according to the author, is that in humans there is an indifferent attitude towards each other, cruelty in relation to nature. You can still change the situation if everyone thinks over it, will work on yourself, carefully refer to earthly wealth. And one more makes you think about the story of E.Nosov. Perhaps in the twentieth century changes his value and the phrase "Dead Water". It is no longer it is liquid, which is capable of healing the wounds or minimize the dissected parts of the body. Now the word "dead" is perceived in direct value in relation to water, i.e., according to the dictionary S.I. Yohegova, "1. Summer, deprived of life. 2. His vitality, revival. 3. Read-free, useless. "

When I read the start of the story E.Nosov, then in the second description of the river, our native Kutuluk recognized. The same shallow water with mud and tina, the same shores overgrown with weed grass and bushes, and even the mountains of garbage, dropped here with some residents of our village or left to relax in nature. Of course, there are among the krotovchan and those who relate to the river; Of course, her shores are regularly cleaned (including us, schoolchildren). But while brutal, heartless people live among us, who do not understand what they harm themselves when they ride the river, we will hear the "sigh of river water." It is about this that the poem of the teacher of our school Borisenko N.P.

April did not start,

And the ice on the river rose.

And soon it will incur

She is a transparent fragile ice.

And by gentle shores

Spring will meet us.

And I'm glad to her river:

She will fill the shores,

Recalls the sprout Spring

Its old days

When from Crystal Coast

Looked at a blue bush river

When at nightingry

Sang about love My River ...

Spring will pass, water will fall.

There will be no chase joy.

In shallow water - Tina, Il,

On the shores of only trash one.

And the sigh of the river water is heard -

So waiting for the seals, waiting for troubles ...

Unfortunately, such terrible and sad works are fulfilled and modern literature is replenished. Their authors are also students participating in competitions of environmental fairy tales and poems. And the hero of such works often acts water.

  1. Surveillance results

After observing the texts of various works, we made some importantconclusions:

  1. Water is depicted in different genres of references: proverbs and sayings, riddles and songs, stories, pending, verses and poems.
  2. In each genre, water performs a special role, most often helps a person or punishes him.
  3. The image of water in the works of literature of the twentieth century acquires a new orientation - ecological.
  4. The theme and image of water in the literature are important for the reader, because Help to form intolerant attitude towards pollution and water destruction.
  1. Conclusion

When watching the theme of water in the literature, we make the main conclusion: the works, on the pages of which the water is depicted - the best educators who can convince the person in the fact that water is the life that the preservation of life on earth depends on the safety of water. So, we are responsible for this life. It remains only to ask yourself: Do you use the right thing that is given by nature, do not waste precious "juice of life", what did you do so that water ceases to be dead in the direct value of this word? The truth, hidden in the literature since the ancients and to the present day, clarifies memory and thoughts, makes it look at such familiar water with other eyes. And the poem is involuntarily remembered, which accidentally stumbled upon the Naid Bigeev website and which no longer comes out of the head:

Born peaceful spring
Or thunderstorm rattles.
Grows with a prompt stream
Then the mighty river.

Carries wealth, kindness.
No strength of her limit
And her ships in the port
Tired of the case

Stand, thinking about
How to make life beautiful
What will come true with us
And that with our earth.

And how many fish lives in it
Beautiful but silent
As the thoughts of fiery flight,
Beautiful melting.

And with her in life for century,
Overgrown, steep,
Going native shores
Breeding, steel.

She caresses them always
For loyalty to them and power.
They never change
And forever will be cute.

Born by pure spring
Or thunderstorm
Wait sickly so - secret
And after it becomes a cloud.

I am hard to understand it
It is so fluid ...
Then ice, then couples, and then again
Beautiful and might.

And whatever whatever
She we love passionately.
She gave birth to
To scold it in vain.


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