Rose quartz. Rose Quartz Stone - Magical Properties Clear Negativity Rose Quartz Earrings

Rose quartz is a mineral that evokes a romantic mood with just its appearance. It owes its delicate pink color to manganese impurities in its composition. Rose quartz, saturated with more manganese, has a darker hue that approaches red. Like all quartz, it is very fragile, therefore it requires protection from high temperatures, as well as sunlight.

General characteristics of rose quartz

Along with several other minerals, rose quartz is the epitome of the perfect feminine. It is saturated with female Yin energy with little or no admixture of male Yang. The nature of Rose Quartz is associated with Water, one of the two traditionally feminine elements. Water is our emotions, tenderness, inspiration, the ability to love and care. This stone frees the heart of its owner from complexes, fears and opens it to new love. In principle, many minerals have a similar effect. But, unlike them, rose quartz does not affect the intellect, but the emotions of its owner. That is, a person wearing rose quartz does not rethink his life and attitude towards people in an intellectual way, but learns to trust his feelings, gradually discovers unconditional love and acceptance in himself.

Therefore, rose quartz is considered one of the best stones for attracting love. It dissolves the emotional shell of closed people, eliminates excessive cynicism. It has a good effect on the self-esteem of its owner, especially if it is a woman. Rose quartz returns her confidence in her own attractiveness, makes a woman softer and more graceful. This stone is also indispensable for melancholic and pessimists. He gives them childish spontaneity, teaches them to notice the good in the world and the people around them. Rose quartz is a wonderful talisman for those whose work requires friendliness, tact, tolerance (school teachers, educators, nurses).

The magical properties of rose quartz

  • Develops sociability, gentleness, gallantry. Attracts new acquaintances into a person's life. Gets rid of shyness. A good talisman for teenagers and young people whose self-esteem is not yet strong enough, which prevents them from opening up to people.
  • Heals old emotional trauma. Helps to forgive offenders and leave the pain in the past. Indispensable for people whose previously broken heart does not allow them to let in a new love. Eliminates suspicion, desire for revenge, jealousy.
  • As a mineral associated with the element of Water, it activates creativity. Especially good for those people whose work is related to music or art.
  • Develops the taste of its owner. Women and men who wear rose quartz begin to actively monitor their appearance, choose more elegant clothes. Rose quartz inspires women with a soft, gentle, airy look.
  • Makes its owner more romantic and sensual. A person ceases to be shy or afraid of their emotions, which is often characteristic of men in our culture.

Healing properties of rose quartz

  • Restores and relaxes after intense physical exertion. Heals chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • One of the best minerals for young children. Protects from nightmares, makes the child more balanced. Gives the baby cheerfulness, makes him more active.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system. It is indicated for people with a sensitive heart that reacts to the slightest stress.
  • Helps to cope with depression, hypochondria, tearfulness.
  • Promotes female reproductive health, regulates the cycle, relieves menstrual pain.

Rose Quartz for Relationships

The perfect talisman for lovers of all ages. Returns romance to the life of a couple, a reverent attitude towards each other, as in the first weeks of a relationship. Teaches partners to notice and appreciate each other's virtues. But with this stone, you should be more careful for those people who are prone to excessive idealization of the second half. On the one hand, rose quartz teaches the owner to pay more attention to the positive aspects of a person, on the other hand, sometimes it makes him put on “rose-colored glasses”, ignoring significant shortcomings. Therefore, lithotherapists recommend this stone for single people who want to find love, or for couples whose relationship has already passed a certain test.

Rose quartz is shown to women who, in pursuit of high social status and career achievements, have forgotten that they are the fair sex. This stone gently dissolves their psychological defenses in the form of cynicism, rigidity, behind which hides a little girl who needs love. Rose quartz is also useful for men. In them, he awakens the desire to patronize, care, actively show his love. Perfect for creative men. But for those who know their tendency to passivity or excessive sentimentality, it should be avoided.

To attract love, lithotherapists recommend wearing a rose quartz pendant on a long chain. It is important that the stone is in contact with Anahata, the heart chakra, which is considered the source of emotions of love and tenderness. For couples living together, it is better to use rose quartz in the form of some kind of decorative item that can be put in the bedroom.

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Rose quartz is a variety of quartz and differs from ordinary quartz in its delicate pink color. It is a stone of unconditional love. Of particular interest is rose quartz, which has a pronounced effect of "" or stars that appear due to the presence of rutile inclusions.

This amazing stone is not only amazingly beautiful, but also has many magical properties that can change the life of its owner for the better. Owners of a pink stone should not forget that under the influence of direct sunlight it fades and becomes dirty gray. Therefore, it should be stored in a shaded place, and in bright sunny weather it should be worn to a limited extent.

The Magical Properties of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is responsible for the love sphere of human life. Its soft feminine energy makes this stone a powerful love talisman. Girls often use Rose Quartz to attract a man into their lives or to keep a lover. In addition to love, Rose Quartz patronizes any warm and sincere feelings, whether it be friendship or family ties. For those who do not have a relationship with a partner, this mineral can be used to calm down. It will help mobilize mental strength in order to start life anew and find new love.

Rose quartz has another meaning - it gives protection from evil forces and any evil witchcraft. It creates a powerful barrier around the owner, thanks to which he will not be afraid of any negative impact. In addition, this stone protects the family from quarrels, betrayals and scandals. To do this, you need to decompose quartz crystals in different places in the house. Rose quartz is a powerful opponent of negative energy. It helps to get rid of sadness and increase life optimism, to find harmony not only with other people, but also with oneself. The stone radiates vibrations that make a person softer and kinder, teach him to forgive, help others. The ability of the stone to enter into a state of increased optimism and euphoria is so great that it is recommended to periodically remove it for several days, otherwise the risk of inability to adequately assess life increases.

Healing properties of Rose Quartz

This stone has a positive effect on the lymph and blood, helps to remove a variety of toxins from the body. It contributes to the speedy cleaning of the lungs of ex-smokers. Traditional healers recommend applying quartz to bruises, bruises and other skin inflammations. It is believed that it activates the restoration of damaged tissues and accelerates the process of skin cell division. Rose quartz has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscles. It is no less useful for the prevention of vegetovascular dystonia and anemia. However, in the absence of fresh air, walks and proper nutrition, one should not hope that only rose quartz will help from all health problems. Rose quartz is effectively used for bone diseases, as well as during the recovery period after fractures. The mineral treats skin diseases, for which a light massage of the affected area with a small pebble is shown, as well as adding to the cream in the form of a powder. Currently, Rose Quartz is widely used in spas in various types of treatments.

Talismans and amulets

Rose quartz is considered the main stone of the heart chakra. Worn at the same time by parents and a child, it helps to establish a tender spiritual relationship between them. Women who want to create a strong family should wear a bracelet with this stone on their left hand. This is the talisman of people involved in art. Poets and writers need to keep a small ball or just a piece of such a stone on their desk. As a talisman, it is recommended to people who experience a lack of love, including for themselves. Under its influence, even the most inveterate egoists learn not only to receive love, but also to give it without demanding anything in return. A rose quartz amulet protects its owner from black witchcraft.

Rose quartz in astrology

Since ancient times, this stone has been considered the best talisman for representatives of the sign. Rose quartz has a particularly beneficial effect on representatives of such signs as and. This stone has a very calm energy, so it is not contraindicated for wearing by any sign. However, for some of them, its properties open a little more than for others. It is also very well suited for emotional.

Rose quartz compatibility with zodiac signs

Rose quartz for

Rose Quartz, despite its slightly feminine name, is perfect for any Aries. It has a unique effect on the energy of this zodiac sign, so it is recommended by astrologers. Aries man, who has jewelry with a mineral, becomes the owner of good taste. He becomes less aggressive and more romantic, which is completely absent in the character of Aries. A person with such a talisman will feel free, not shy to show their own emotions, to reveal feelings to a partner. If the Aries man works physically, rose quartz will help him recuperate, relax after a long day at work, relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. Women are very fond of this mineral and actively wear jewelry from it. It helps to stimulate love attraction in an Aries woman, raise her self-esteem, add passion and activity to the list of her own character traits. The mineral is especially good for the reproductive system of a woman, so astrologers recommend rose quartz to those who want to have a baby, strengthen their family, and become more open to new relationships.

Rose quartz for

Representatives of this sign have a lot of minerals that in one area or another give them confidence, improve the quality of life, and have a beneficial effect. Rose quartz among these stones is considered one of the best, so astrologers recommend that Taurus pay attention to the mineral and have it in their jewelry box. A rose quartz talisman is especially needed for lonely people who cannot find a life partner for a long time. Rose quartz will not only attract love and luck to the side of the representative of this sign, but will also try to make this choice the right one. The mineral will also help those who already have a relationship. Thanks to objects made of stone, you can maintain warmth and mutual understanding in relationships, bring the missing coziness and comfort into your home. Taurus, who have experienced a strong shock, will more easily endure disappointment, will be able to solve important problems in their lives. Rose quartz is able to give the representatives of this sign the necessary peace and balance, as well as direct them towards the achievement of a clearly set goal.

Rose quartz for

Astrologers advise Gemini to always have a talisman with a mineral in their arsenal, it will help to survive difficult life situations more easily, help to remain decisive, make the right decisions. The properties of the stone are indispensable for the representatives of this sign, given their inconstancy. Mutual understanding, trust, the ability to correctly present one's own thoughts - the main thing is what this mineral teaches its carrier. Also, stone. Influencing energy, relieves stress and improves health. It will be very useful for a man who is Gemini according to the horoscope to have a rose quartz talisman with him. It will help in working with people, establish understanding with work colleagues, and strengthen mutual understanding in family life. A man will be able to express his thoughts in such a way as not to affect the feelings of the interlocutor. It is believed that this mineral helps unmarried women find their love and get married. If a woman is married, then the mineral will bring family peace and tranquility to the house. Also, this stone will help to establish contact with other people and protect us from the stresses that we are exposed to every day.

Rose quartz for

Rose quartz should be with a representative of this sign. He will help to make new acquaintances, a person will become less shy and will open up to people, for which they will thank him with their good attitude and strong friendship. The mineral is especially recommended for those who work in the field of health or the economy, where they have to regularly meet and work with a huge number of people. The stone will begin to give all its energy to Cancer, from which he will feel great physically, enjoy a good mood, communication. The energy of the mineral is very similar to that possessed by the representatives of this sign, but it has a soft and relaxed effect on them. For men, this mineral will be useful in that it helps to forget past love relationships. Get rid of old grievances, hatred. All painful situations will remain in the past. Such an amulet will be a faithful assistant to those who, for some reason, cannot afford to let new love into their hearts. The stone will relieve jealousy, hatred, excessive suspicion. Woman - Cancer is sentimental and sensual, although sometimes she tries to hide it. Therefore, for her, rose quartz will be an excellent talisman of love. The stone will contribute to the disclosure of character, remove excessive shyness, and give a romantic mood to relationships. A Cancer woman will open up more, communicate, which will attract new friends and new romantic relationships to her. Also, rose quartz as a talisman is suitable for women who are prone to become depressed and set themselves up pessimistically. It will cheer you up and give you confidence in a happy future.

Rose quartz for

Rose quartz is advised to wear to those people who do not develop in their personal lives. It is also important for those representatives of the sign who find it difficult to find mutual understanding in their own family. The mineral, becoming your amulet, will protect the hearth, contribute to the appearance of peace in the house. Astrologers recommend wearing stone talismans for those who want to improve their own health and improve memory. Leos have difficult relationships with others, all because of their unwillingness to be more diplomatic, women of this sign should temper their own pride, rose quartz will help both sexes to find the necessary connections, both at work and in their personal lives. the stone will gently change the essence of this sign, help it become more tolerant, which will change a person’s life in a positive direction and give a lot of fertile soil for development in the future.

Rose quartz for

Rose quartz is suitable for Virgo. It will be very useful to its owner, it will give vitality, develop sensuality, increase immunity, and help cure many diseases. Rose quartz is an ideal talisman that will help balance the life of the Virgo, remove unnecessary conflicts and disputes from her. With such a mineral, the house and the family hearth will find peace and tranquility, people living in the family will begin to understand each other, unnecessary manifestations of aggression from the Virgin will disappear. A Virgo man with the help of rose quartz will not criticize his relatives for no reason, which means that mutual understanding will improve and peace will appear in the family. For the Virgo woman, rose quartz will help awaken creative skills, open the soul to friends. With the help of this stone, Virgo becomes more attentive to her loved ones, shows love and care. Also, this stone will make the Virgo charming, attractive, able to accept new love relationships. If a woman is lonely, a rose quartz amulet will bring her love, a new relationship. For a married woman, the mineral will help strengthen the family, establish peace and tranquility in relationships.

Rose quartz for

Libra astrologers recommend wearing and having rose quartz in any design in the house. Today you can choose a decoration in accordance with your own taste. Both women and men can wear jewelry made from this mineral with equal success. For the stronger sex, the mineral will help strengthen the spirit, gain courage, that is, activate or strengthen its strengths of nature, help make decisions correctly, learn to believe in yourself and your own strengths. With the help of the energy of this stone, you can achieve attention from the other sex, to a greater extent, for Libra, the stone is necessary to establish peace of mind, acquire a new or permanent partner, sincere feelings. The same applies to women who, with the mineral, will gain love, care, mutual understanding in the family, however, they themselves change their own character traits, and therefore their life will change in general.

Rose quartz for

Astrologers advise putting on rose quartz for those people who suffer from unrequited love, constant worries, doubts and mental anguish. This is how Scorpios can characterize themselves, who are constantly changing, transforming, acutely experiencing the world around them and the injustice in it. With rose quartz, extraneous emotions will fade into the background, the aggression that this sign is famous for will also disappear, and it will be replaced by satisfaction and understanding of the main thing in life. Astrologers strongly advise vulnerable representatives of this sign to wear rose quartz jewelry, the power of the mineral can reduce the suspicion of Scorpios, gently affect their negative character traits. The rose quartz talisman will help the Scorpio man gain well-being, stability and resilience in decision making. With the help of such a talisman, a woman will be able to build strong family relationships and achieve harmony in the family. The magical effect of the stone is aimed at receiving love and strengthening an already real family.

Rose quartz for

Rose quartz is suitable for the Sagittarius zodiac sign. Sagittarius is characterized by a constant search for something new, amazing. He is interested in new acquaintances, knowledge of sciences, fascinating mystical rituals. To do this, he often travels, studies literature, communicates. Rose quartz for Sagittarius will help to find the right direction in his actions, attract the right people to the environment for the implementation of plans. Those who know the properties and power of rose quartz stone willingly use it as a talisman in their lives. Of the twelve signs, Sagittarius is the most active, they cannot sit still for even a minute. For the most part, it doesn’t matter what they do, the main thing is to do something, while they think little about the consequences of their own actions. Astrologers recommend wearing Rose Quartz for more than just getting the lasting relationship you want. But also moderate your own ardor and direct energy in the right and useful direction. Rose quartz is a good patron for this sign, it will help to activate the best qualities of the Sagittarius nature and smoothly smooth out the negative features.

Rose quartz for

Among the entire zodiac circle, Capricorns occupy the place of one of the most enduring signs. These people are realists, they are pedantic in everything that concerns their lives, they have perseverance and want to have as much material wealth as possible. Despite its pale coloring, rose quartz has a rather strong energy, it helps the representatives of this sign to change the sensual sphere of their life for the better. Capricorns always think that emotions play absolutely no role in life, but they themselves often suffer from the absence of a loved one nearby. The mineral will help you become softer and attract new relationships that can become long-term. In addition, the mineral supports the health of Capricorns and guides them to the right decisions.

Rose quartz for

For representatives of this sign, rose quartz will be a great way to get a new portion of inspiration, which is very important for creative Aquarius. The energy of the mineral has a very positive effect on the family, mutual understanding appears, people begin to treat each other more tolerantly. Astrologers quite confidently declare that Aquarians need a powerful amulet that will protect them not only from wrong deeds, but also help them avoid relationships with bad people. A strong and reliable family is provided if there is an item made of this ornamental stone in the house. The stone will help the wearer to regain faith in himself and will push him to new heights.

Rose quartz for

Pisces will receive peace of mind and self-confidence from rose quartz. The energy released by a mineral. In contact with its carrier, relieves anxiety, opens the soul to other people. Pisces with such a talisman will feel more harmonious, they will stop suffering from sudden mood swings and will receive true friendship and love from others. The man of this zodiac sign is modest and shy, often worried about trifles. Therefore, rose quartz is simply necessary for them. It will smooth out nervous tension, remove resentment and irritability over trifles. With the help of this mineral, a man will not pay attention to criticism from others, he will be more confident in himself and decisive in his actions. A product with rose quartz for a woman is a talisman that she willingly uses to attract love. A welcome gift made of rose quartz will be for brides - Pisces on their wedding day. It will be a symbol of love, a happy family and fidelity.

Rose quartz - the magical properties of the stone

Rose quartz, with its serene and delicate beauty, always attracts admiring glances, but behind this fragile grace lies powerful healing properties.

The soft pink color of the crystal is associated with the heart chakra and the emotional sphere.

Beads made of rose quartz were found during excavations in Mesopotamia and date back to 7000 BC. That is, already then people fell under the exquisite charm of this stone. In ancient times, rose quartz was highly valued: in addition to jewelry, seals were cut out of it, which marked especially expensive goods and things. The Egyptians added crushed rose quartz to the mixture for making funeral masks to give them an even more solemn look, and, like the Romans later, rose quartz was actively used for cosmetic purposes - to improve complexion and as a remedy for wrinkles.

love stone

The hue of rose quartz is the same as that of the pink aura emitted from the heart chakra, which is why quartz is sometimes referred to as the "stone of love." The crystal is associated with unconditional love, beauty, serenity and tranquility.

Of all the crystals, rose quartz is the most suitable gift for your significant other on Valentine's Day.

How to choose a crystal

Rose quartz comes in a variety of hues, from almost white to deep pink. If all the beads in the necklace are the same shade, then most likely they are not made from a natural crystal. When buying a piece of jewelry, carefully consider its color - the same shade of beads indicates that the quartz has undergone chemical processing.

Powerful Healer

If you're lucky, you'll come across "star rose quartz". This formation of rose quartz contains inclusions of rutile (the crystal could be mined from rutile ore, but sometimes it occurs on its own). In the cut of the crystal, under natural light, an interspersed in the form of a white star is visible, which makes the quartz even more beautiful. But most importantly, this quartz has an incredible healing power.

When choosing rose quartz, examine it in daylight to see its true color.

Sweet Dreams!

Rose Quartz promotes deep and even sleep. Put the crystal under your pillow and it will have a calming effect on you at night.

If you are tormented by bad and disturbing dreams and you wake up broken, put a crystal under your pillow - it will eliminate the negative emotions that cause nightmares.

Use the healing properties of Rose Quartz to release the mental discomfort caused by memories of the past.

If you use the crystal for medicinal purposes, you should regularly eliminate the negative energy absorbed by it. Clean the crystal once a week by holding it under running water, then let it dry in the sun.

Since the stone is associated with unconditional love, it can boost self-esteem and build self-confidence. Carry a piece of the crystal in your pocket or wear a piece of rose quartz jewelry and its calming warm power will always have a positive effect on you. To enhance the effect of the energy of the crystal, take it in your hands every morning, saying to yourself at the same time: "I am strong, I am confident in myself, I am self-sufficient, I am prosperous, the negative forces and intentions of people cannot affect me."

Wear rose quartz jewelry to boost your self-confidence and boost positive energy.

Strengthening resolve

Rose quartz is considered a cleansing stone. For this reason, do not part with the stone if you decide to cleanse your body and put it in order for the summer.

The presence of Rose Quartz at home will strengthen your resolve and willpower, which will help you stay on course.

The positive, balanced energy of Quartz will allow you to control your emotions and stop feeling guilty.

Quartz, known for its calming effect, will help you relax. Its confidence-inspiring energy will relieve you of the stress of achieving your goal.

Keep pieces of unpolished Rose Quartz in your kitchen and dining table to let its cleansing energy work for you.

Putting an unpolished piece of rose quartz in your kitchen will help you stick to a cleansing diet.

Heart healing

The "stone of love", Rose Quartz, has the power to ease the suffering of a broken heart and bring new love and friendship into your life. During the period of breaking up with a friend or loved one, keep the crystal with you at all times. Carry Rose Quartz with you and keep it around the house.

Rose Quartz has the energy of unconditional love that will ease heartache and open the doors of your heart to friends who will support you.

Remember to share the positive energy of the crystal. Give Rose Quartz to Friends When They Need Solace.

Rose quartz not only attracts love, but also heals a broken heart. Just carry the crystal with you.

Material from the magazine: The path to harmony. The Art of Wellbeing #1, collectible magazine series (DeAgostini).

The magical properties of a stone called rose quartz are of interest to many, because at all times the radiant pebble of a pleasant pink color remains one of the favorites of the weak half of humanity. According to Greek mythology, this stone was presented to the Earth and its inhabitants by the god of love. Rose quartz has long been considered a symbol of love and fertility. It is one of the most healing stones on the planet.

Just like rock crystal and amethyst, it belongs to the quartz family.

Rose quartz stone magical properties

A stone for healing the heart and soul is called rose quartz, the stone of lovers. Able to develop sensuality and love. Rose quartz stone and its magical properties apply not only to young and young, but also to more mature people. The energy of the stone frees from fears and anxieties, opening souls and hearts. By becoming more harmonious, relationships improve and strengthen. Emotional connection with your partner is facilitated. The stone gives self-confidence. Rose quartz has a very subtle effect on calming the mind and healing the soul. Helps to forgive oneself and others, thereby opening up to the flow of love and friendship.

Quartz crystals in the tone of Forgiveness carry
And Pink Ringing Good is our name
Forgive everything not Forgiven sooner
And subtle bodies make us LIVE!

Unite quickly with Love in Them
And all the centers where Forgiveness will come to life
Energy Movement must be opened,
To quickly let go of your fear moment!

Rose Quartz in Service to Balance
Passion will destroy the pain of dancing,
And forgiveness will lead you to Harmony
The crystal that the Spirit of Love carries!

Georgy Svetly

The magical properties of rose quartz stone can enhance sexuality and attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The action of the power of the stone is gentle and subtle, able to heal emotional wounds and give confidence in one's own strengths and charm. R Develops romance and sensitivity. It is recommended to be worn by unmarried girls and women and all those who have problems in love relationships.. Helps to find and keep love!

Rose quartz stone healing properties

Also subtly rose quartz acts on the physical body - the human body. Its healing effect is directed primarily to the heart. Treats arrhythmia and blood vessels. It is said to improve blood circulation and prevent vasoconstriction, which is often the cause of heart attacks. The stone improves metabolism. As a symbol of fertility, it helps women find family happiness, get pregnant and bear a child. It is used in spa treatments to improve complexion and condition of the skin. Helps to get rid of acne and acne. Rose quartz stone protects a person from harmful radiation by absorbing it. Relieves headaches and tired eyes.For a restful sleep, it is recommended to put a stone under the pillow.

The effect of the stone begins already when it is in the room. And it is enhanced by wearing amulets and jewelry. The jewelry looks very gentle and romantic.

rose quartz stone

How to clean rose quartz

It is recommended to "clean" the stone once a week. To do this, simply hold rose quartz under a stream of warm water. And then wipe dry. If you have a rock crystal stone, put it next to the rose quartz. Then the latter will quickly be charged with positive energy. It is not recommended to keep the stone and jewelry with it in direct sunlight, the stone may lose its color.

Rose quartz interacts well with other stones, enhancing their positive effect. In jewelry, it sets off and emphasizes the beauty of more expensive stones.

Rose quartz is the main stone of Taurus, as well as Pisces and Sagittarius.But the rest of the signs can also use the rose quartz stone and its magical properties, as well as feel its healing effects.And in conclusion, I would like to give you the wonderful music "Thinking of You, My Love" performed by my favorite violinist David Garrett and the beautiful Nicole Scherzinger

Like any living creature, stones love when they are looked after, cleaned, stored carefully and neatly.

If you use a stone or beads regularly, then they should be cleaned as at least 2-3 times a week, and at the beginning of wearing it happens that much more often - it can reach the point that the beads need to be cleaned already five to ten minutes after the person has put them on. This is especially true for stones that easily absorb emotions - for example, rose quartz.

In addition, the stone gets dirty faster the closer we wear it to the skin, and jewelry that we have worn on the body or stones that have been used for chakra balancing, massage or healing sessions will need to be cleaned the most.

There are so many ways to clean and charge stones, we will study the main four - cleansing with salt, water, earth and plants and the sun. These are the four easiest ways that anyone can use at any time.

When we are not using stones and beads, it is best to keep them in a place specially designated for them, and not where you left them in the evening.

Stones must be handled with care, some of them are very fragile - to the greatest extent this applies to selenite, rhodochrosite, fluorite, malachite and mother-of-pearl. These stones must not be dropped or hit - they may break or begin to crumble.

If possible, you should avoid leaving stones near electromagnetic fields (TV, microwave, etc.).

Sun cleansing

This is one of the deepest cleansing methods unless you have your garden within walking distance. If there is a garden, then for deep cleaning you can bury beads or stones there for several days or weeks, after which you will not recognize them. It can also be placed on tree branches or at their roots.

Before cleaning stones in the sun, it is best to rinse them with warm and then cold water (unless water is contraindicated for your stones, more on that below). Stones can be left in the sun for half an hour or an hour, and it is best if it is in the open sun, and not through glass - although it will also work through glass.

If the day is cloudy, then you can put the stones in the sun and for a couple of hours, but usually no more. If it is possible to put stones on the grass or hang them on a tree, then this is generally ideal. This is more difficult for city dwellers, but they can do it during a vacation or a trip to nature - take your favorite jewelry for a "walk" and they will be very grateful to you.

The stones that can not be cleaned by the sun for too long(otherwise they can change color and collapse).

Amethyst - usually 15 minutes maximum

Aquamarine - 5 minutes

Citrine - 5 minutes

Aventurine - 15 minutes

Sodalite, lapis lazuli - 5 minutes

Malachite - half an hour

Mother of pearl - 15 minutes

Fluorite - 15 minutes

Rose quartz - 5 minutes

Cleansing with water

This is the most affordable type of stone cleaning, and the fastest. This is especially true if the jewelry works hard for you and you have to clean it several times a day.

Can be cleaned with water two ways - let's call it "passive" and "active". Passive cleaning is when you put beads or stones in a bowl and leave for half an hour under running cold water, or a little warm.

Active cleaning is when you yourself hold a stone or beads under running water, and look at them, sending them a feeling of cleanliness and renewal - you literally feel how the dirt comes out and they are filled with light. With active brushing you spend a lot less time - usually three to five minutes is enough.

Features of cleaning some stones with water

Citrine is cleaned only with cold water. By the way, it is perfectly cleared in the snow, just make sure that the snow is clean and not from the roadway (otherwise it may contain chemicals).

Rhodochrosite can be washed, but with care and not more than a couple of times a week- otherwise, it will dull the polish from this.

Sodalite, lapis lazuli, malachite, mother-of-pearl, fluorite, chrysocolla and dioptase should not be cleaned with water- they will quickly fade from this and begin to collapse.

Selenite should never be cleaned with water.- it can fall apart before your eyes.

No stones should be cleaned with contrast water or immediately after sun/cold exposure- a sharp temperature drop can split them or create cracks.

Salt cleansing

Salt cleansing is what I like the most because it only removes the dirt from the beads while leaving all the positive charges in place. This is important when the beads are specially charged for something, because it is precisely h the source of salt is the least "zeroing". If you are not in a hurry, then you can simply spread the stones on salt (ideally sea salt and without additives) and leave them there for a couple of days - this looks beautiful. If you want to clean the stones faster, you can bury them whole in salt, then usually one night is enough. The salt is then discarded and in no case used for baths or food.

Sometimes you may find that the salt becomes damp and starts to stick to the stones - in this case, you can mix it with rice, and this effect disappears.