Scientific facts about plants. The most interesting facts about plants

No one can imagine their existence without flora and fauna, but not everyone knows how plants feel in reality. Facts about the most unusual plants in the world will allow you to understand many real things. Plants are created not only to decorate our society, but also to protect the people themselves. Facts from the life of plants will touch flowers, shrubs, and herbs.

1. The most cold-resistant plants are poplar and birch shoots. They can be cooled down to -196 degrees.

2. The noisiest tree is the cannon tree and it grows only in Guinea.

3. There are approximately 10 thousand poisonous plants in our world.

4. There is a unique type of fungus on Earth. It tastes like chicken.

5. Only Ceratonia gives approximately the same seeds weighing 0.2 grams.

6. The fastest growing plant is the baobab. During the day, it can increase by 0.75 - 0.9 meters in height.

7. For those who are interested in plant life, it is worth saying that algae are considered the most ancient plant.

8. The nettle New Zealand tree is called the most dangerous stinging plant, because it can even kill a horse.

9. A tree grows in Brazil, the sap of which is used as diesel fuel.

10. The oldest tree is a pine from the United States of America.

11. The tree of life grows in Bahrain.

12. Approximately 375 thousand species of plants exist today in the world space.

13. The Tiger Orchid is considered the largest orchid of the plant world.

14. There are also white dandelions, not just yellow ones, as we are used to seeing them.

15. The German oak has its own postal address.

16. Of the 300 thousand varieties of plants, only 90 thousand are edible.

17. About 90% of plant foods come from plants.

18. Much earlier than people, wild roses appeared on Earth. The oldest of them appeared 50 million years ago.

19. The most expensive flower in terms of price is the Golden Orchid.

20. The largest water lily is on the Amazon.

21. One of the most interesting facts about leaves is that in India there is a plant called "deceive the stomach." Eating just a couple of leaves of this plant, you stay full for a whole week.

22. A hectare of pine forest can release about 5 kilograms of phytoncides into the atmosphere, which destroy microbes with incredible success.

23. Duckweed is the smallest plant in the world.

24. Plants and animals are amazing and this is proven by the fact that even echinacea produces honey.

25. Once upon a time, rice grains were used as a lie detector.

26. Peanut is not a nut. These are beans.

27. The smell of the most disgusting plant in the world is like rotten fish. This smell is produced by the amorphophallus plant.

28. Bamboo grows in China with the name leaf-growth. This plant increases by 40 centimeters per day.

29. During the day, sunflowers are not able to turn towards the sun.

30. Plants are given the ability to be albinos.

31. Land plants produce only half of the oxygen.

32. Many plants are capable of producing chemicals that are harmful and poisonous to the life of herbivores.

33. In 1954, it was possible to find the seeds of the Arctic lupine, which had been frozen for about 10,000 years.

34. Human life depends on 1500 varieties of cultivated plants.

35. Ficus from South Africa has the longest roots 120 meters long.

36. The most nutritious fruit of the plant world is the avocado.

37. The first plant that could bloom and produce seeds in the absence of gravity in space was Arabidopsis.

38. Rubber is also obtained from a plant. Its name is Hevea.

39. The arrangement of leaves on a plant has a strict order.

40. The most smelly plant of the Black Sea coast is spotted aronnik.

41. There are plants in the world whose seeds unwind and twist.

42. There is a plant whose berries are 2000 times sweeter than sugar.

43. Mexico was named after the agave plant.

44. There are edible cacti in the world, which have a pleasant taste and tender flesh.

45. Approximately 50 fruits are held by 1 cactus.

46. ​​In ancient times, parsley was a symbol of sadness.

47. Approximately 120 euros standing nightshade seeds. This plant is so expensive only because it can instantly kill.

48. There are approximately 50 types of nasturtium in the world.

49. If a mimosa is irritated, then it instantly begins to fold the leaves.

50. Not Holland is considered the birthplace of tulips. These flowers were first seen in the deserts of the Tien Shan and in the Central Asian steppe zones.

51.Most of the atmosphere on Earth is produced by algae.

52. In Brazil, a tree grows, which has the name "milk nipple".

53. The greenhouse effect is reduced by about 20% thanks to trees.

54. Approximately 10% of nutrients are absorbed by trees from the soil, and the rest from the atmosphere.

55. From an average tree, it will be possible to create approximately 170 thousand pencils.

56. Stevia is the plant that can replace lollipops. This plant has a sweeter taste than candy.

57. There is a lichen in Antarctica that is 10,000 years old.

58. The inflorescence of the oldest plant Puya Raymonda consists of 8000 flowers.

59. The sequoia tree is considered the tallest plant in the world space.

60. All plants have a specific taste and aroma.

You will not believe! Two leaves satisfy hunger.
In India, a plant grows under the local name "trick the stomach." After eating 1-2 leaves of the Kalir-kanda plant, a person feels full for a whole week, although the leaves do not contain valuable nutrients. The property of the plant to create the illusion of satiety is used in the manufacture of tablets and infusions from the leaves, which are successfully used by overweight people.

What can be sweeter than sugar?
The leaves of the Paraguayan stevia shrub are more than 300 times sweeter than sugar, while the leaves of the Mexican sugar grass are 1,000 times sweeter. The red berries of the plant "Toumatokus dannelii" from the African savannah are 2,000 times sweeter than sugar, and the red berries of "Dioscorephyllum cumminisia" from the forests of Nigeria and other West African countries are 3,000 times sweeter. In West Africa, the sweetest plant grows - the bush "ketemf", containing the substance toumatin, which is 100,000 times sweeter than sugar!

Fight for survival
A three-year scientific work of biologists at the University of Turin showed that some of the plants - lima beans, corn and others, can "realize" the threat to life. Catering for the saliva of the caterpillar that enters the body of the plant, it begins to release a volatile substance similar to the scent of lavender to attract wasps. Wasps protect plants in this way: they sting caterpillars and lay their eggs in their body, which leads to the death of caterpillars.

Unknown dahlia
In 1784, dahlia tubers, never seen before, were brought from Mexico to Spain. The Spanish king ordered to zealously protect the secret of the existence of an overseas flower, until in 1805 the German naturalist Alexander Humboldt brought from South America the tubers of a Mexican plant “unknown” in Europe for 20 years!

Pines sterilize the air
One hectare of pine forest per day is capable of releasing about 5 kg of volatile phytocides into the atmosphere, destroying numerous microorganisms from the air. Therefore, in forests with growing young coniferous trees, regardless of the geographical latitude and proximity of settlements, in comparison with other green areas, the air is practically sterile, contains only about 200-300 bacteria per 1 cubic meter.

Not for every mind
In terms of vitamin C content, walnuts are 8 times higher than black currants and 50 times higher than citrus fruits. The B vitamins contained in them contribute to the decomposition of pyruvic acid, which accumulates in the muscles and causes fatigue. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed that the priests of Ancient Babylon forbade ordinary people to eat walnuts, because. it was believed that they have a beneficial effect on mental activity, and this is useless to commoners.

The smallest flower in the world
Do you know which plant has the smallest flower in the world? At the duckweed! For a long time it was believed that this was an algae, but then flowers were found in duckweed. But it is still unknown how the number of these plants in the reservoir doubles in a day - in a few days the duckweed covers the entire surface of the reservoir.

Xerophyta - drought plant
The hairy xerophyta Xerophyta viscosa was named Xerophyta by Antoine Laurent de Jussier (1748-1836), which means "drought plant". This rare herbaceous perennial lives on the stony soils of the Natal province of South Africa, on the peaks of the Drakensberg Mountains, has filiform curved leaves 60 cm long, and flowers 5-6 cm in diameter appear on the plant from November to April. Often this plant is referred to by the alien name of Vellozia viscosa, but Vellozia is a completely different species. Xerophyta is able to live without water in extreme temperature conditions for a very long time. University of Cape Town researchers are using xerophyte genes to code for drought-tolerant weeds sanguinalis Digitaria and Thaliana Arbidopsis, and will subsequently use xerophyte genes for crop plants to improve their stress tolerance.

Chilean nightshade can kill instantly
A plant of the nightshade family of the genus Vestia, consisting of only one species - vestia fruitful Vestia foetida lives only on the coast of the islands of Chile and New Zealand. This evergreen shrub reaches a height of 1.5 meters, and from April to June the branches of the message are covered with pale yellow tubular flowers 3-4 centimeters long, similar to fuchsia flowers. If the leaf is rubbed, it emits an unpleasant odor. The genus was named after a professor from Graz, L.C. De West (1776-1840). 20 grams of seeds of this plant costs about 120 euros. In goats that accidentally ate fetal news in the pasture, this nightshade causes liver necrosis with a fatal outcome.

Posidonia is a marine herbaceous algae, one of the commonly used roofing materials in North America. The largest underwater seaweed, found in the Mediterranean Sea, it spreads over an area of ​​more than eight kilometers. The discovery was made in the year 2006 by Spanish scientists. The age of the plant exceeds several thousand years.

The tallest grass

Bamboo is undoubtedly the tallest grass in the world. Often used in the construction of scaffolding and ceilings. The growth rate of cereal exceeds fifteen meters per month. The diameter of the plant varies from twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters. The root system of bamboo is combined into one single organism. The entire grove dies immediately after abundant flowering. Most often grows in the tropics. In our area it is found on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

The tallest tree

Eucalyptus is the tallest tree in the world. The recorded height of one of these giants is one hundred and eighty-nine meters. Most of these trees have been destroyed. The eucalyptus family has more than seven hundred different species. Among them there are also dwarf plants, not exceeding two meters. During the Second World War, they were brought to Abkhazia. By order of Stalin, more than a million seedlings were planted. They settled down well and acclimatized. Trees shed their bark once a year. Leaves evaporate moisture well, remaining on the branches of trees.

The thickest tree

Sequoia - discovered in California reached one hundred and forty-two meters in length and thirty-six in width. The volume of wood amounted to four thousand cubic meters. It took a whole train to transport it. This is the thickest recorded tree. It is also called the mammoth tree. It received such a name in connection with the similarity of huge branches with mammoth tusks. Sequoia is rapidly dying out, it can be found in the western states. For a long time, mammoth trees were rapidly destroyed. Today there are about five hundred of them. The average life expectancy is two to three centuries. One of them counted 4830 annual rings. The thickness of the bark exceeded 70 centimeters. It protects the tree well from frost and heat.

The smallest shrubs

Dwarf willows are the smallest shrubs on the planet. They grow in North America and reach five centimeters. They grow under - moss. Occasionally leaves are visible outside, and sometimes beautiful flowers.

The oldest plant

Macrosamia, the oldest plant in our world. The age of such plants is more than fifteen thousand years. The flowers of the plant raise the temperature over 25 * during the breeding season, raising it above the ambient temperature. The age of the Cedar discovered on the Japanese island exceeded seven thousand years. It is hard to imagine that such trees grew long before the construction of the Cheops pyramid.

The most common tree in Russian forests

Larch is the most common plant in Russian forests. More than 40% of our forests are occupied by them. The plant withstands negative temperatures up to -60 degrees. The endurance of the plant is amazing. Strong and durable wood is used in underwater structures and in places with a damp climate.

According to world studies, plants not only decorate our planet and life. They, just like people, are endowed with feelings, memory and even intellect! Interesting facts about plants allow you to know their abilities such as a sense of time, communication among themselves, fear due to an impending threat. They can also distinguish the mood, intentions and character of people, ask for help, interact with other living beings even at a distance.

  • 1. The age of the oldest lichen, which is located in Antarctica, is more than ten thousand years. Lichens from Alaska are not much younger, they are nine thousand years old. By the way, they grow very slowly. Therefore, for a whole century they grow only by three and a half millimeters.
  • 2. The oldest or most ancient plants on Earth are seaweeds. Their age is more than one thousand million years.
  • 3. In some parts of the world, a very interesting plant is grown, which is called the gourd. The amazing appearance of its fruits resembles dishes from which you can assemble a whole service.
  • 4. The largest of the water lilies was recorded in the Amazon. Its leaves, which reach two meters, can withstand even a child.

  • 5. Wintering horsetail grows in the middle latitudes of Russia. This plant is extremely tough, and even steel can be scratched with its stem. It's all about the outer cells of the plant, which accumulate silica.
  • 6. Interesting facts about plants are not only about their unusual appearance. For example, amorphophallus is recognized as the most smelly plant. It emits a very unpleasant smell of rotten fish. By the way, this "aroma" has become the hallmark of the island of Sumatra.
  • 7. The island of Jamaica is known for another plant. We are talking about the cactus selenicereus, a hundred-meter stems with thorns that weave around trees. It is interesting that once every couple of months, at night, white flowers with a diameter of 35 centimeters bloom on them. They have a very strong vanilla flavor that attracts natural pollinators - bats. It is a pity that these flowers begin to wither after a few hours.

  • 8. Arabidopsis is the very first plant that, in space, in the absence of gravity, not only blossomed, but also gave seeds.
  • 9. In the south of China, you can find a variety of bamboo, leaf-growth, which grows at the highest rate. Every day the plant increases by forty centimeters, that is, almost two centimeters per hour. This plant needs only a couple of months to reach a thirty-meter height and half a meter in diameter.

  • 10. Hevea - a plant from which rubber is obtained. Knowing this, the Indians of South America dipped the soles of their shoes in its juice to obtain rubber galoshes.
  • 11. Each seed of the ceratonia plant always weighs exactly 0.2 g. Due to this, in ancient times, ceratonia seeds were used as weights. This measure was soon called a carat.

Probably every person admires flowers, and the Master, who creates flowers with his own hands, all the more has special feelings for them. How much do we know about flowers? Today I have prepared for you 10 most amazing and interesting facts about flowers, so that you can immerse yourself even more in the amazing flower world and learn some of its mysteries.

1. Did you know that in the past centuries there was a special language of flowers - villages, with the help of which people, giving certain flowers, could express absolutely any feelings! So, with a sprig of cherry blossoms, one could declare one's love, by the number of hyacinth flowers, a date was appointed, and sending a lady a rose with myrtle, the knights offered their hand and heart and hopefully waited for a daisy from the chosen one as a sign of consent.

2. It turns out that a cute little flower - forget-me-not has the same name in most languages ​​of the world. For example, forget-me-not in English, Vergissmeinnicht in German. And despite the same name, different countries have their own legend of the origin of the flower. One of the legends tells that God gave names to all plants except for a small flower, and he said: “Do not forget me!”. “That will be your name,” God replied.

3. Another interesting fact is that plants react to humans like living beings. During the experiment, one person cut off the petals from the flower, and the other looked after him, watered him. At the same time, different reactions of colors to these people were recorded with special devices.
4. The largest flower on the planet - Rafflesia Arnold weighs as much as 11 kg and reaches a diameter of 91 cm. It grows on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

The smallest flower has a variety of Duckweed Wolfia. The length of the plant is only 1 mm, and the width is 0.5 mm.

The tallest flower (about 3 meters) - Amorphophallus Titanum grows in Indonesia.

The most expensive, about $ 5,000, the flower - Golden Orchid - blooms for the first time at the age of 15 years. It grows on Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia.

5. The oldest rose in the world grows in Germany. The rose bush has been blooming year after year for 1000 years near the walls of the cathedral in Hildesheim and during this time it has grown so much that it is almost equal in height to the cathedral itself.

6. Using the ability of flowers to "orient themselves in time", Carl Linnaeus in 1720 created the world's first flower clock in a small Swiss town. The dial of this unusual watch consisted of several sectors, in each of which flowers of a certain type grew. With the help of such watches, it was possible to determine the time quite accurately (with a difference of half an hour). The only drawback was that they worked only in sunny weather, since on cloudy days the corollas of flowers sometimes do not open at all.

7. The famous Siberian microminiaturist Anatoly Konenko created the most original collection of poems by the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, placing his works in a miniature book 30 * 32 mm in size, created from rose petals, which he gave to his wife.
8. Known to many, mimosa flowers, which are often given to women on March 8, are actually called differently - silver acacia. The real mimosa is not yellow, but lilac. The confusion arose because she and silver acacia belong to the same subfamily of mimosa.
9. The hat in some sense of the word came from a rose. Women of medieval France wore wreaths on their heads, twisted from these flowers. The "living" headdress was called a cap. According to one version, this was the progenitor of the modern hat.
10. Among the flowers in each country there are favorites, some even entered the coats of arms of these countries.
In the Netherlands, a tulip.
In Switzerland, edelweiss.
In Iran, a red rose.
In Japan - chrysanthemum.
Ireland has clover.
In Mexico, the dahlia.
In the USA, each state of the country has its own symbolic flower: Indiana - peony, Ohio - red carnation, Colorado - watershed, Alaska - forget-me-not, Kansas - sunflower, Texas - blue lupine, California - escholcia.
Anniversaries, christenings, first dates and many other equally significant celebrations cannot do without bouquets or flower baskets. Any man during the year presents about a dozen different bouquets: to mother, sister, daughter, beloved woman. Of course, in the modern world, creating unique compositions requires certain skills. But here experienced florists will come to the rescue, whose stores work online, professionals with great pleasure will not only make a chic bouquet for an individual order, but also deliver it to the specified address, you can see more details on the website of the Flower Family store.

Children about medicinal plants

We are surrounded by plants everywhere: flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs. Without plants, there would be no life on earth. Plants help us breathe. And with their help, you can cure some diseases. You just need to know which plants are medicinal and use them correctly.

Each plant is created by nature for the good. People studied plants, passed on their knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants to another generation, and compiled Herbalists.

We have a pharmacy located almost under our feet. Children should see the beauty of the surrounding nature, understand the benefits of plants, flowers and herbs. We, adults, walk with children, go on excursions, to the park, forest, field, introduce them to our mother nature. In spring and summer, you can walk a lot and watch plants, birds, insects. Children are interested in everything.

Tell the children about medicinal plants. What plants are called medicinal, how to collect them correctly. Teach children to distinguish between medicinal herbs and cultivate respect for nature.

Medicinal plants with a description for children

And in the thickets of the forest,

In fields and meadows

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air is so sweet to breathe.

Available in herbs and flowers

healing power,

For everyone who can

unravel their secret.

(Sun. Christmas)

When we are sick, it is not always necessary to run to the pharmacy for pills. We are surrounded by many plants that can be treated.

Plants that are used to treat various diseases are called medicinal. What plants are medicinal?

Many medicinal plants are known to children since childhood. These are: dandelion, chamomile, nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, lilies of the valley, linden.

Consider the most famous plants for children.

Stinging nettle

The word comes from the old Russian word "koprena" - silk. Nettles were used to obtain fiber and fabrics.

Previously, nettles were considered a means to exorcise evil spirits.

In difficult years, nettle helped people out a lot. It was eaten, prepared soups, salads. It has long been known as a medicinal plant. Folk wisdom says: "One nettle will replace seven doctors."

Nettle is used for inflammation of the lungs, bleeding, gargle, used to strengthen hair.

Nettle stems and leaves are covered with stinging hairs. This feature of the plant is reflected in riddles and proverbs.

To mess around with him, to sit in nettles.

Though not fire, but it burns.

What herb does the blind recognize?

Grows like a green wall

She is bypassed

Prickly and evil diva,

What is the name of the grass?


pharmaceutical camomile

Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eyes look at the sun

Every sister has

white eyelashes


The name comes from the Latin "romona" - Roman, borrowed from the Polish language. In literature, her image is associated with the image of modest beauty and kindness.

Description of chamomile

Chamomile is an annual herbaceous plant from the Compositae family.

The flowers are collected in a basket, which consists of white tongue-shaped petals and yellow tubular flowers. Chamomile blooms from May to September. It grows everywhere: in fields, along roads, near human dwellings.

Medicinal properties of chamomile.

Used as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.

Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, use it as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Used as a cosmetic, chamomile decoction gives blonde hair a golden hue.

How is chamomile prepared?

Flowers are collected in dry weather, dried in a room well warmed by the sun, scattered in a thin layer on cloth or paper.

Dandelion officinalis

This plant is familiar to children since childhood. Who doesn't like to collect yellow dandelions and make wreaths out of them? This is a perennial plant of the Compositae family.

They bloom for a long time, forming many seeds per season.

When dandelions bloom, it seems that the children of the sun have descended to the earth and covered it with a beautiful carpet.

Dandelion is very similar to the sun.

Poems about the sun for children

Dandelion has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time. It is called the "elixir of life" for good reason: all parts of the plant are useful. And roots, leaves, flowers.

Dandelion flowers are used to make jam similar to honey. Leaves can be used to prepare healthy salads in spring.

Dandelion Salad:

100 g of dandelion leaves;

90 g green onions;

25 g parsley;

15 g of vegetable oil;

1 boiled egg;

salt, pepper to taste.

Soak dandelion leaves in salt water for 30 minutes, chop, add herbs, butter, decorate with a boiled egg.

Dandelion has diaphoretic, antipyretic and expectorant properties.

Children about dandelion. Poems, games


Grows along roads. Its Russian names are "plantain", "fellow traveler". It is also called "cutter", "rannik" - for its wound-healing properties.

In medicine, the leaves are used to heal wounds and cuts. Also used for stings of bees, wasps and even snakes. Freshly crushed mass of plantain leaves prevents the appearance of edema.

Plantain is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for gastritis, stomach diseases.

Plantain seeds are sticky, stick to human shoes, to the paws of animals and are carried over long distances.

You will meet him along the paths,

You will heal abrasions,

Pluck off the leaf carefully.

Who will heal us?



I'm not famous for flowers

And with ordinary sheets:

That hard, cold,

It's soft and dark.

The name of the plant was given by the structure of the leaf. From below they are white, fluffy, soft, like mother's hands. From above green, cold - like a stepmother.

A perennial plant of the Compositae family, with straight stems covered with brownish scaly leaves.

Yellow flowers on the stem.

The plant has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Mother and stepmother - honey plant. And these are the first spring flowers that delight us.

Coltsfoot flowers

Like lights of the sun.

Grow on the hillside

Straight from the snow - and bloom!

(L. Akinshina)

The top of the leaf is smooth

But with a flannelette lining


The plant uses both flowers and leaves. Used for coughing, to strengthen the immune system, as a diaphoretic.

Ivan tea or fireweed

In ancient times, ropes were twisted from its stems, they called it “wild flax”. Good honey plant.

It is brewed like tea. Used for kidney disease, as a sedative.

Shepherd's bag

This plant grows like a weed everywhere. The fruit is a triangular pod similar to a shepherd's bag.

The infusion is used for bleeding.

On the wastelands and on the roads

With an inflorescence a little white weed.

But having studied all its properties,

You may not see it that way.

The bleeding will stop

In China, he is a salad to the table.

The weed is tenacious: there are so many seeds

In a fruit that looks like a bag.

(Shepherd's bag)

What other medicinal plants are known to children?

Add it to tea. Mint has many health benefits. Pleasant aroma, cooling taste. Mint tinctures are soothing.

Tasty tea and fragrant,

With her, he is light and pleasant:

The leaves are torn and dented.

What are you breathing in? - The smell ... (mint)

Calendula or marigold

What strange flowers

Under the name of nails?

So similar to daisies -

All in orange shirts?


It has an expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic. Gargle with calendula for stomatitis and sore throat.

Listed in the Red Book. Fragile, beautiful and fragrant flower. But be careful. Lily of the valley is poisonous.

Lily of the valley is a very useful plant. Heart and sedative drops are prepared from it. In folk medicine, lily of the valley is used, but you need to consult a doctor because it is not safe.

The forest turns black

warmly awakened,

Embraced by spring dampness.

And on the strings of pearls

Everyone trembles from the wind.

Carefully woven by nature,

Wrapped in a green leaf

A flower grows in the wilderness untouched

Cool, fragile and fragrant.

(May lily of the valley)

St. John's wort

This is a low perennial plant with a straight thin stem. On the leaves are light dots, similar to holes. The plant is called St. John's wort.

These cells store essential oils.

On the branches - inflorescences of yellow flowers with a balsamic smell. St. John's wort blooms from June to August. It grows in meadows, fields, along the slopes of the coast.

Contains carotene and vitamin C. Plant useful for humans.

It is also called "God's grass", it treats 99 ailments. Why not 100? St. John's wort should not be used in patients with tumors.

Infusion of herbs is used for diseases of the stomach, for gargling, drink as tea.

If something hurts

Not even the beast can resist.

With what herb to drink infusion?

With miracle weed

(St. John's wort)

Unpretentious plant, grows everywhere. Just a wonderful weed. Children from its fruits mold figurines. Burdock is also called burdock.

In medicine, both burdock roots and leaves are used. They prepare decoctions, infusions, extracts and treat various diseases: gastritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, stomatitis.

Burdock leaves are applied to sore joints. A decoction of burdock strengthens hair.

How to collect medicinal herbs?

Collectors of medicinal plants harvest medicinal herbs. Thanks to the observation of people, folk wisdom, herbs are used to treat diseases. But the herbs still need to be properly harvested. Children need to be told:

  • In no case should you collect herbs near the roads, because. they absorb harmful exhaust gases and there will be no benefit from them, only harm.
  • Medicinal plants should be collected only in clear and dry weather.
  • Plants are not to be tasted.
  • Each type of plant is collected separately.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after picking plants.
  • Do not tear plants unnecessarily.

Plants grow everywhere and sometimes we simply do not notice them, although they are of great importance to humans.

Children need to be taught to take care of nature, because without a blade of grass, a flower, we will feel bad.

And here is another good poem about the benefits of plants.


It lists the main properties of plants

Mint treats neuralgia,

And beets - hypertension.

Strawberries drive salt

And sage - toothache.

Eat watermelon with niphrite,

And lingonberries - with arthritis,

To have more strength

Don't forget the elecampane

Cranberries cure cystitis,

Radish cough and bronchitis.

Headache - viburnum,

And a cold - tea with raspberries.

Treat the liver with mountain ash,

Heart - mint and viburnum

To avoid diabetes

Jerusalem artichoke eat all summer

Asthma cure with hysop

Bladder - dill.

Wounds, ulcers, hemorrhoids -

Wash with plantain

If you have swelling -

Field horsetail and flax seed.

Smear the corns with celandine.

And freckles - grated horseradish,

Don't forget St. John's wort

Let's take tea off and consume more often

Drink rosehip infusion

You will be cheerful, young.

Video for children "The Tale of Medicinal Plants"

  1. Medicinal plants help people recover from diseases.
  2. Medicines are made from medicinal plants.
  3. Medicinal plants must be protected and not torn unnecessarily.

It is interesting and informative to tell children about useful medicinal plants that are often found. Read poems, guess riddles about medicinal plants. Children will remember them and treat them with care, knowing about the benefits that plants bring.

70 interesting facts about plants

No one can imagine their existence without flora and fauna, but not everyone knows how plants feel in reality. Facts about the most unusual plants in the world will allow you to understand many real things. Plants are created not only to decorate our society, but also to protect the people themselves. Facts from the life of plants will touch flowers, shrubs, and herbs.

1. The most cold-resistant plants are poplar and birch shoots. They can be cooled down to -196 degrees.

2. The noisiest tree is the cannon tree and it grows only in Guinea.

3. There are approximately 10 thousand poisonous plants in our world.

4. There is a unique type of fungus on Earth. It tastes like chicken.

5. Only Ceratonia gives approximately the same seeds weighing 0.2 grams.

6. The fastest growing plant is the baobab. During the day, it can increase by 0.75 - 0.9 meters in height.

7. For those who are interested in plant life, it is worth saying that algae are considered the most ancient plant.

8. The nettle New Zealand tree is called the most dangerous stinging plant, because it can even kill a horse.

9. A tree grows in Brazil, the sap of which is used as diesel fuel.

10. The oldest tree is a pine from the United States of America.

11. The tree of life grows in Bahrain.

12. Approximately 375 thousand species of plants exist today in the world space.

13. The Tiger Orchid is considered the largest orchid of the plant world.

14. There are also white dandelions, not just yellow ones, as we are used to seeing them.

15. The German oak has its own postal address.

16. Of the 300 thousand varieties of plants, only 90 thousand are edible.

17. About 90% of plant foods come from plants.

18. Much earlier than people, wild roses appeared on Earth. The oldest of them appeared 50 million years ago.

19. The most expensive flower in terms of price is the Golden Orchid.

20. The largest water lily is on the Amazon.

21. One of the most interesting facts about leaves is that in India there is a plant called "deceive the stomach." Eating just a couple of leaves of this plant, you stay full for a whole week.

22. A hectare of pine forest can release about 5 kilograms of phytoncides into the atmosphere, which destroy microbes with incredible success.

23. Duckweed is the smallest plant in the world.

24. Plants and animals are amazing and this is proven by the fact that even echinacea produces honey.

25. Once upon a time, rice grains were used as a lie detector.

26. Peanut is not a nut. These are beans.

27. The smell of the most disgusting plant in the world is like rotten fish. This smell is produced by the amorphophallus plant.

28. Bamboo grows in China with the name leaf-growth. This plant increases by 40 centimeters per day.

29. During the day, sunflowers are not able to turn towards the sun.

30. Plants are given the ability to be albinos.

31. Land plants produce only half of the oxygen.

32. Many plants are capable of producing chemicals that are harmful and poisonous to the life of herbivores.

33. In 1954, it was possible to find the seeds of the Arctic lupine, which had been frozen for about 10,000 years.

34. Human life depends on 1500 varieties of cultivated plants.

35. Ficus from South Africa has the longest roots 120 meters long.

36. The most nutritious fruit of the plant world is the avocado.

37. The first plant that could bloom and produce seeds in the absence of gravity in space was Arabidopsis.

38. Rubber is also obtained from a plant. Its name is Hevea.

39. The arrangement of leaves on a plant has a strict order.

40. The most smelly plant of the Black Sea coast is spotted aronnik.

41. There are plants in the world whose seeds unwind and twist.

42. There is a plant whose berries are 2000 times sweeter than sugar.

43. Mexico was named after the agave plant.

44. There are edible cacti in the world, which have a pleasant taste and tender flesh.

45. Approximately 50 fruits are held by 1 cactus.

46. ​​In ancient times, parsley was a symbol of sadness.

47. Approximately 120 euros standing nightshade seeds. This plant is so expensive only because it can instantly kill.

48. There are approximately 50 types of nasturtium in the world.

49. If a mimosa is irritated, then it instantly begins to fold the leaves.

50. Not Holland is considered the birthplace of tulips. These flowers were first seen in the deserts of the Tien Shan and in the Central Asian steppe zones.

51.Most of the atmosphere on Earth is produced by algae.

52. In Brazil, a tree grows, which has the name "milk nipple".

53. The greenhouse effect is reduced by about 20% thanks to trees.

54. Approximately 10% of nutrients are absorbed by trees from the soil, and the rest from the atmosphere.

55. From an average tree, it will be possible to create approximately 170 thousand pencils.

56. Stevia is the plant that can replace lollipops. This plant has a sweeter taste than candy.

57. There is a lichen in Antarctica that is 10,000 years old.

58. The inflorescence of the oldest plant Puya Raymonda consists of 8000 flowers.

59. The sequoia tree is considered the tallest plant in the world space.

60. All plants have a specific taste and aroma.