Biography of oles elder. Oles Buzina - biography, information, personal life Black elderberry tincture in the treatment of colds

Born on July 13, 1969 in Kiev. Oles' parents were descendants of Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants by origin. Father is an officer of the 5th (ideological) department of the KGB. The great-grandfather of the writer served in the tsarist army as an officer, and during the collectivization of the 1930s he was dispossessed and sent to the construction of the White Sea Canal.

Oles Buzina studied at the same school with the future Ukrainian feminist writer Oksana Zabuzhko.

In 1992 he graduated from the philological faculty of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (specializing in "teacher of Russian language and literature").

He worked in various print media in the capital: "Kievskie vedomosti", "2000", "Friend of the reader", "Leader", "Natalie", "Ego", "XXL".

Since October 2006 he worked as a presenter of the Teen League program on the Inter TV channel (the Ukrainian version of the Brain Ring TV game).

Candidate for deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2012 from the "Russian bloc" party in the territorial constituency No. 223.

Family and connections

He is married and has a daughter.

Operational case

The rise of the "scandalous" popularity of Buzina began with the publication in 2000 of his first book, the very title of which was seditious for today's Ukraine. This is the already famous intellectual thriller "Ghoul Taras Shevchenko". He just carefully and thoroughly selected and presented to the society facts from the life of Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko. Moreover, these facts were once quite known, one had only to rummage in various pre-revolutionary sources, mainly in the magazine "Kievskaya Starina", which published a lot of memoirs of friends and contemporaries of Taras

Oles Buzina adheres to the view of the trinity of the Russian people (Little Russians, Belarusians and Great Russians), and therefore calls himself both Ukrainian and Russian. He supports the federalization of Ukraine, its independence and the bilingualism of Ukrainian culture, the widespread development of the Ukrainian and Russian languages. In his opinion, "Svidomo Ukrainians are concerned not so much with the creation of Ukrainian culture as with the destruction of the Russian one." Oles Buzina never supported the Orange Revolution. He also founded the movement of the so-called "Shevchenko phobes".

In January 2006, Oles Buzina stated that as a writer he knew about the existence of political censorship in Ukraine (associated with the regime that was established after the victory of the Orange Revolution), since several Ukrainian publishing houses were afraid to publish his books.

In May 2009, Oles Buzina proposed to adopt a package of laws prohibiting neo-Nazi organizations and the propaganda of Nazism, to prohibit the propaganda of the ideological heritage of the OUN as a totalitarian fascist party. This proposal was supported by one of the leaders of the Party of Regions Boris Kolesnikov. According to Oles Buzina, published on the anti-Yushchenko website ANTIFASHIST COMMITTEE OF UKRAINE, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko patronizes Ukrainian neo-Nazism and is himself a neo-Nazi.

Attempts were made against Oles Buzina for censorship restrictions of an ideological nature. In May 2009, the Ukrainian National Expert Commission on the Protection of Public Morality instructed its staff to monitor print media for compliance with the Law on the Protection of Public Morality. This was done on the initiative of a member of the commission, director of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies P. Kononenko, who drew the commission's attention to the publications of Oles Buzina in the newspaper "Segodnya", where they allegedly "discredit prominent Ukrainian figures, choose everything shameful in our history."

As of April 2009, 11 lawsuits were held against him, which he won. At least one of these trials in 2000 was initiated by the Ukrainian Writers' Union, and after being acquitted, it was attacked near the courthouse. The initiators of the lawsuits against Buzina were also politicians Pavel Movchan and Vladimir Yavorivsky.

Buzina adheres to homophobic views, for which the public association "Gay Forum of Ukraine" in 2011 put him on the 4th place in the rating "Homophobic figure of the year". In particular, the following statement is given by the writer about homosexuals: “They should respect my human manifestation of physical disgust towards them and try not to show their vicious inclinations in front of me. Moreover, do not impose them on society. The place of homosexuals among homosexuals. "

Oles Buzina was shot dead with a TT pistol on April 16, 2015 at about 13:20 in Kiev, near the house at 58 Degtyarevskaya Street, where he lived. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the killers were two unknown persons in masks. A car with Italian numbers was later found abandoned in the Shevchenko district of Kiev. No evidence was found to indicate the identity of the perpetrators.

Conflict on "Big Politics"

poslezavtra.Poyarkov fought with Buzina video - The Day After Tomorrow.flv

On March 11, 2011, on the air of Evgeny Kiselyov's talk show "Big Politics" during a dispute on literary topics, in particular, about Shevchenko's work, Oles Buzina attacked Poyarkov and both fought in a fight.

As a result of the fight, Elder's shirt was torn. At the same time, Buzin himself actively doused Sergei Poyarkov with water. Also, the conflicting parties insulted each other.

The presenter Evgeny Kiselev asked Oles Buzina to leave the studio for the assumption that the presenter invites certain guests for money. "No need, don't allow yourself to humiliate Kiselev, hire this jester who works here for you for money. It's true," Buzina said.

Buzin, leaving the studio at the request of Kiselev, hit Poyarkov on the head. Both opponents ended up on the studio floor. They were separated and taken out of the room by the guards.

Buzin for this article. Buzin rushed to Poyarkov and a fight ensued, after which he accused the presenter of corruption, for which he was removed from the studio. It was suggested that the fight was planned, but the parties to the conflict refute this.

Femenist scandal

On March 22, 2009, in response to Oles Buzina's book "Return the harems to women," an activist of the FEMEN movement Oleksandr Shevchenko, at the presentation of a new book, put a cake in the author's face for "insulting Ukrainian women."

In response, Oles Buzina grabbed the girl and held her until the police arrived. Two of the shop visitors tried to stand up for Alexandra, but the writer began to spray gas cans in their faces. According to the official blog of the organization, the victims were two journalists who were taken to the hospital with "serious injuries" to the eyes.

Born on July 13, 1969 in Kiev. Oles' parents were descendants of Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants by origin. Father is an officer of the 5th (ideological) department of the KGB. The great-grandfather of the writer served in the tsarist army as an officer, and during the collectivization of the 1930s he was dispossessed and sent to the construction of the White Sea Canal.

Oles Buzina studied at the same school with the future Ukrainian feminist writer Oksana Zabuzhko.

In 1992 he graduated from the philological faculty of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (specializing in "teacher of Russian language and literature").

He worked in various print media in the capital: "Kievskie vedomosti", "2000", "Friend of the reader", "Leader", "Natalie", "Ego", "XXL".

Since October 2006 he worked as a presenter of the Teen League program on the Inter TV channel (the Ukrainian version of the Brain Ring TV game).

In January 2015, he was appointed editor-in-chief of Segodnya.

On March 10, 2015, Oles Buzina resigned from the post of editor-in-chief of the Segodnya newspaper. According to the interlocutors of the UP, Buzina "did not find a common language with the team." At the same time, Buzina himself claims that he quit due to censorship.


Oleg Buzina was shot on April 16, 2015 at about 13.20 in the Shevchenko district of the capital on Degtyarevskaya street near the house where he lived. According to the testimony of witnesses, two unknown persons were driving a dark blue Ford Focus car with numbers "either Latvian or Belarusian", and one of them shot at Buzina.

The victim's neighbor says that he was going home for lunch.

"I live in the fourth entrance, and Buzina lived in the second. But we had a common courtyard. Everything seemed to be quiet when I was already walking from lunch to work and suddenly I heard several loud shots," he said.

The man noted that he immediately turned and saw two guys shooting at a man 50-70 meters away.

“It was certainly a bit far away, but I saw that Buzina even tried to cover himself with his hands from shots. All this happened for several seconds. Then one of the guys jumped into a dark-colored car, which was parked near the entrance of Buzina. And the second killer approached the already lying Elder. and one more shot at him. Apparently, it was a control shot in the head, "added a witness to the incident.

According to the witness, after that the second murderer jumped into the same car and it very quickly disappeared from the yard.

The man says that the license plates on the car were foreign.

"It turns out that the killers were waiting for Elderberry to deal with him. It's good that I was quite far from the scene. Because if I was there, then I could be removed as a witness."

Solving the murder

On June 18, 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the disclosure of the murder of publicist and journalist Oles Buzina. The facts were established and direct evidence was obtained about the participation of a group of persons in this crime, including the direct perpetrators of the murder. Detained two people from Kiev, 26-year-old Andrei Medvedko and 25-year-old Denis Polishchuk. By noon on June 18, a third joined them, said Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

Of the whole trinity, most is known about Andrei Medvedko, who graduated from the KPI. The place of work of which is the Verkhovna Rada, he is listed as an assistant to the people's deputy - "svobodovtsa" Leonov. He had a Svoboda party card. A participant in the Revolution of Dignity, he was a centurion in the Maidan Self-Defense. As part of the Kiev-2 battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, he served in the ATO. On June 8, 2015, he resigned from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and left the battalion. He criticized the battalion commanders, became disillusioned with the war, since, from his point of view, it was "not national and not liberating." Svoboda said that Medvedko was expelled from the party in July 2014, allegedly for not being active enough. Denis Polishchuk, 25, is a graduate of the KTIPP (Food Institute), an activist.

Oles Buzina adheres to the view of the trinity of the Russian people (Little Russians, Belarusians and Great Russians), and therefore calls himself both Ukrainian and Russian. He supports the federalization of Ukraine, its independence and the bilingualism of Ukrainian culture, the widespread development of the Ukrainian and Russian languages. In his opinion, "Svidomo Ukrainians are concerned not so much with the creation of Ukrainian culture as with the destruction of the Russian one." Oles Buzina never supported the Orange Revolution. He also founded the movement of the so-called "Shevchenko phobes".

In January 2006, Oles Buzina stated that as a writer he knew about the existence of political censorship in Ukraine (associated with the regime that was established after the victory of the Orange Revolution), since several Ukrainian publishing houses were afraid to publish his books.

In May 2009, Oles Buzina proposed to adopt a package of laws prohibiting neo-Nazi organizations and the propaganda of Nazism, to prohibit the propaganda of the ideological heritage of the OUN as a totalitarian fascist party. This proposal was supported by one of the leaders of the Party of Regions Boris Kolesnikov. According to Oles Buzina, published on the anti-Yushchenko website ANTIFASHIST COMMITTEE OF UKRAINE, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko patronizes Ukrainian neo-Nazism and is himself a neo-Nazi.

Attempts were made against Oles Buzina for censorship restrictions of an ideological nature. In May 2009, the Ukrainian National Expert Commission on the Protection of Public Morality instructed its staff to monitor print media for compliance with the Law on the Protection of Public Morality. This was done on the initiative of a member of the commission, director of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies P. Kononenko, who drew the commission's attention to the publications of Oles Buzina in the newspaper "Segodnya", where they allegedly "discredit prominent Ukrainian figures, choose everything shameful in our history."

As of April 2009, 11 lawsuits were held against him, which he won. At least one of these trials in 2000 was initiated by the Ukrainian Writers' Union, and after being acquitted, it was attacked near the courthouse. The initiators of the lawsuits against Buzina were also politicians Pavel Movchan and Vladimir Yavorivsky.

Buzina adheres to homophobic views, for which the public association "Gay Forum of Ukraine" in 2011 put him on the 4th place in the rating "Homophobic figure of the year". In particular, the following statement is given by the writer about homosexuals: “They should respect my human manifestation of physical disgust towards them and try not to show their vicious inclinations in front of me. Moreover, do not impose them on society. The place of homosexuals among homosexuals. "

Buzin, leaving the studio at the request of Kiselev, hit Poyarkov on the head. Both opponents ended up on the studio floor. They were separated and taken out of the room by the guards.

Buzin for this article. Buzin rushed to Poyarkov and a fight ensued, after which he accused the presenter of corruption, for which he was removed from the studio. It was suggested that the fight was planned, but the parties to the conflict refute this.

Femenist scandal

On March 22, 2009, in response to Oles Buzina's book "Return the harems to women," an activist of the FEMEN movement Oleksandr Shevchenko, at the presentation of a new book, put a cake in the author's face for "insulting Ukrainian women."

In response, Oles Buzina grabbed the girl and held her until the police arrived. Two of the shop visitors tried to stand up for Alexandra, but the writer began to spray gas cans in their faces. According to the official blog of the organization, the victims were two journalists who were taken to the hospital with "serious injuries" to the eyes.

Birthday 13 June 1969

modern Ukrainian writer, writing in Ukrainian and Russian, journalist and TV presenter


Buzina was born on July 13, 1969 in Kiev. Oles' parents, according to him, were descendants of Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants, his father, Aleksey Grigorievich Buzina, was an officer of the 5th (ideological) department of the KGB. The great-grandfather of the writer served in the tsarist army as an officer, and during the collectivization of the 1930s he was dispossessed and sent to the construction of the White Sea Canal.

Graduated in 1992 from the philological faculty of the Kiev National University. Taras Shevchenko by profession - a teacher of Russian language and literature, but did not engage in teaching.

He worked in various Kiev publications: newspapers "Kievskie vedomosti", "2000"; magazines "Friend of the reader", "Leader", "Natalie", "Ego", "XXL".

Since October 2006 he has been the host of the Teen League program on the Inter channel, a modern Ukrainian TV version of the brain ring game.

Since 2011 he has been participating in the Bachelor. How to get married? with Anfisa Chekhova ".

Literary views

Favorite Russian books by Oles Buzina are "A Hero of Our Time" by Mikhail Lermontov and "White Guard" by Mikhail Bulgakov. Among the modern Ukrainian-speaking writers, he singles out Les Poderevyansky and Yuriy Vinnichuk. Oksana Zabuzhko's book "Field Research of Ukrainian Sex" is considered a mediocre text with a good title.

Public views

Oles Buzina adheres to the view of the trinity of the Russian people (Little Russians, Belarusians and Great Russians), and therefore calls himself both Ukrainian and Russian. He supports the federalization of Ukraine, its independence and the bilingualism of Ukrainian culture, the widespread development of the Ukrainian and Russian languages. In his opinion, "Svidomo Ukrainians are concerned not so much with the creation of Ukrainian culture as with the destruction of the Russian one." Oles Buzina never supported the Orange Revolution. He also founded the movement of the so-called "Shevchenko phobes".

In January 2006, Oles Buzina stated that as a writer he knew about the existence of political censorship in Ukraine (associated with the regime that was established after the victory of the Orange Revolution), since several Ukrainian publishing houses were afraid to publish his books.

In May 2009, Oles Buzina proposed to adopt a package of laws prohibiting neo-Nazi organizations and the propaganda of Nazism, to prohibit the propaganda of the ideological heritage of the OUN as a totalitarian fascist party. This proposal was supported by one of the leaders of the Party of Regions Boris Kolesnikov. According to Oles Buzina, published on the anti-Yushchenko website ANTIFASHIST COMMITTEE OF UKRAINE, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko patronizes Ukrainian neo-Nazism and is himself a neo-Nazi.

Attempts were made against Oles Buzina for censorship restrictions of an ideological nature. In May 2009, the Ukrainian National Expert Commission on the Protection of Public Morality instructed its staff to monitor print media for compliance with the Law on the Protection of Public Morality. This was done on the initiative of a member of the commission, director of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies P. Kononenko, who drew the commission's attention to the publications of Oles Buzina in the newspaper "Segodnya", where they allegedly "discredit prominent Ukrainian figures, choose everything shameful in our history."

As of April 2009, 11 lawsuits were held against him, which he won. At least one of these trials in 2000 was initiated by the Ukrainian Writers' Union, and after being acquitted, it was attacked near the courthouse. The initiators of the lawsuits against Buzina were also politicians Pavel Movchan (head of the Prosvita society) and Vladimir Yavorivsky (Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc).

Buzina adheres to homophobic views, for which the public association "Gay Forum of Ukraine" in 2011 put him on the 4th place in the rating "Homophobic figure of the year". In particular, the following statement is given by the writer about homosexuals: “They should respect my human manifestation of physical disgust towards them and try not to show their vicious inclinations in front of me. Moreover, do not impose them on society. The place of homosexuals among homosexuals. "


On March 11, 2011, Sergei Poyarkov read Buzina's flattering testimonial about Poyarkov as an artist and writer on the air of Yevgeny Kiselyov's talk show Big Politics in a newspaper article and said that he had paid Buzina for this article. Buzin rushed to Poyarkov and a fight ensued, after which he accused the presenter of corruption, for which he was removed from the studio. It was suggested that the fight was planned, but the parties to the conflict refute this.

A family

Oles Buzina is married and has a daughter.

  • Oles Buzina studied at the same school with the future Ukrainian feminist writer Oksana Zabuzhko.
  • In Russia, many people take the name and surname of this writer for a pseudonym.


  • "Ghoul Taras Shevchenko"
  • "Return the harems to women"
  • "The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus"
  • "Angel Taras Shevchenko"
  • "Revolution in the swamp"
  • "Resurrection of Little Russia" (2012).

Oles Alekseevich Buzina (Ukrainian Oles Oleksiyovich Buzina, July 13, 1969, Kiev, USSR - April 16, 2015, Kiev, Ukraine) - Ukrainian writer, journalist and TV presenter.

Oles Buzina photo of the late writer

Date of birth: 13 July 1969
Place of birth: Kiev, USSR
Date of death: April 16, 2015
Place of death: Kiev, Ukraine
Citizenship (allegiance): USSR Ukraine
Occupation: writer, journalist, TV presenter, politician
Language of works: Russian, Ukrainian

Born on July 13, 1969 in Kiev. Parents Olesya Buziny, according to him, were descendants of Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants, father, Alexey Grigorievich Elder - Officer of the 5th (ideological) department of the KGB. The great-grandfather of the writer served in the tsarist army as an officer, and during the collectivization of the 1930s he was dispossessed and sent to the construction of the White Sea Canal.
He studied at the Kiev specialized school number 82 named. T. G. Shevchenko.

Graduated in 1992 from the philological faculty of the Kiev National University. Taras Shevchenko, specializing in "teacher of Russian language and literature", but did not engage in teaching.
worked in various Kiev publications: newspapers "Kievskie vedomosti" (1993-2005), "2000" (2005-2006); magazines "Friend of the reader", "Leader", "Natalie", "Ego", "XXL".
Since 2007, he has been leading an author's column and blog in the newspaper Segodnya.

In October 2006, he was the presenter of the Teen League program on the Inter channel, a modern Ukrainian television version of the brain ring game.
Since 2011, he has been participating in the Bachelor. How to get married? with Anfisa Chekhova ".

He was a candidate for People's Deputies of Ukraine in the majoritarian Kiev city electoral district No. 223 from the Russian Bloc party and took fourth place, gaining 8.22% of the vote. In the repeat elections in the same 223 constituency on December 15, 2013 Elderwon 3.11% of the vote
Since January 2015 - Chief Editor of the Segodnya newspaper. In March 2015, he resigned due to disagreement with the censorship of the management of the information holding Media Group Ukraine. was repeatedly invited to talk shows on Russian television, and his articles and interviews were published in the Russian media.

Literary views of Oles Buzina

Favorite Russians books by Oles Buzina were "Hero of Our Time" Mikhail Lermontov and "White Guard" Mikhail Bulgakov.

Public views of Oles Buzina

He adhered to the view of the trinity of the Russian people ("Little Russians, Belarusians and Great Russians") and therefore called himself both Ukrainian and Russian. He supported the federalization of Ukraine, its independence and bilingualism of Ukrainian culture, the widespread development of the Ukrainian and Russian languages. In his opinion, "Svidomo Ukrainians are concerned not so much with the creation of Ukrainian culture as with the destruction of Russian culture." Oles Buzina never supported the Orange Revolution. He also founded the movement of the so-called "Shevchenko phobes".
In January 2006, he stated that, as a writer, he was aware of the existence of political censorship in Ukraine (associated with the regime that was established after the victory of the Orange Revolution), since several Ukrainian publishing houses were afraid to publish his books.

FEMEN activist Alexandra Shevchenko on March 22, 2009 in Kiev throws a cake at Olesya Buzinu in protest against his sexist, in her opinion, book.
In May 2009, he proposed to adopt a package of laws prohibiting neo-Nazi organizations and the propaganda of Nazism, to prohibit the propaganda of the ideological heritage of the OUN as a totalitarian fascist party. This proposal was supported by one of the leaders of the Party of Regions Boris Kolesnikov. According to Olesya Buziny, published on the anti-Yushchenko website "Antifascist Committee of Ukraine", Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko patronizes Ukrainian neo-Nazism and is himself a neo-Nazi.

Vs Olesya Buziny attempts were made to censor ideological restrictions. In May 2009, the National Expert Commission of Ukraine on the Protection of Public Morality instructed its staff to monitor print media for compliance with the Law on the Protection of Public Morality. This was done on the initiative of a member of the commission, director of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies P. Kononenko, who drew the commission's attention to oles Buzina's publications in the newspaper "Segodnya", where they allegedly "discredit prominent Ukrainian figures, everything shameful in our history is selected."

As of April 2009, 11 lawsuits were held against him, which he won. At least one of these trials in 2000 was initiated by the Ukrainian Writers' Union, and after being acquitted, it was attacked near the courthouse. The initiators of the lawsuits against Buzina were also politicians Pavel Movchan (head of the Prosvita society) and Vladimir Yavorivsky (Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc).
The public association "Gay Forum of Ukraine" in 2011 put him on the 4th place in the rating "Homophobic figure of the year". In particular, the following statement is given by the writer about homosexuals: “They should respect my human manifestation of physical disgust towards them and try not to show their vicious inclinations in front of me. Moreover, do not impose them on society. The place of homosexuals is among homosexuals. "

Incidents involving Oles Buzina

On March 11, 2011 on the air of Evgeny Kiselyov's talk show "Big Politics" Sergei Poyarkov read a flattering elder's review about Poyarkov as an artist and writer in a newspaper article and stated that he paid Buzin for this article. Buzin rushed to Poyarkov and a fight ensued, after which he accused the presenter of corruption, for which he was removed from the studio. It was suggested that the fight was planned, but the parties to the conflict refute this.

The murder of Oles Buzina

On April 16, 2015, he was shot at about 13:20 in the center of Kiev, near his house, in the area of \u200b\u200bDegtyarevskaya street, 58. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the killers were two unknown persons wearing masks. Journalist Anatoly Shariy and a number of media outlets drew attention to the fact that personal data Olesya Buziny, including the address of residence in Kiev, were posted the day before on the site "Peacemaker".

Reaction to the death of Oles Buzina

Flag of Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin called the assassination political and expressed condolences to family and friends Olesya Buziny.
Flag of Ukraine Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called the murder a "provocation".
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic condemned the murder and expressed condolences to his family and colleagues and demanded an immediate and full investigation into the murder.

Books by Oles Buzina

"Ghoul Taras Shevchenko" (2000)
"The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus" (2005)
"Give women back their harems" (2008)
"Revolution in the Swamp" (2010)
"Resurrection of Little Russia" (2012)
“Union of the plow and the trident. How Ukraine was invented ”(2013).
"Dokievskaya Rus" (2014)

Oles Buzina's family

Oles Buzina was married, he has a daughter.

Oles Alekseevich Buzina is the brightest representative of Ukrainian opposition journalism and writing. Oles Buzina's activities extended to writing and journalism, and Buzina was also a recognizable Ukrainian TV presenter.

As a writer, Oles Buzina is known for eight books published "from the pen" on topical social and political topics, the first of which was published in 2000. In Ukraine, this character of domestic journalism was treated differently: mainly Oles went through funny incidents and scandals because of his views on Ukraine.

The future Ukrainian journalist Oles Buzina was born in Kiev on July 13, 1969, into a family of descendants of Ukrainian peasants and Cossacks. Oles' father, Aleksey Buzina, is known as an officer of the 5th KGB Directorate.

Oles began to receive his education in Kiev at the 82nd school named after, and then the future star of opposition journalism continued his studies at the philological faculty of the Kyiv National University. TG Shevchenko - in 1992 Buzina received a diploma in the specialty “teacher of Russian language and literature”.

Literature and career

Since 1993, in the life of Buzina, career progress in the field of journalism began. At first, he worked as a full-time journalist for the Kievskie Vedomosti newspaper until 2005, and then until 2006 collaborated with the 2000 edition. Over time, Buzina showed himself in the publications "Leader", "Ego", "Friend of the reader", "XXL", "Natalie", but this was not the end of his social and political activities. In addition to journalistic work in Ukrainian publications, since 2007 Buzina has regularly written analytical materials for the author's column and personal blog in the Segodnya publication.

Oles Buzina's television career extends to participation in popular television projects: the man participated in the show “Bachelor. How to get married? With Anfisa Chekhova ". Oles Buzina was also a TV presenter of the Tenn-League project on the Ukrainian TV Inter.

In January 2015, Oles Buzina's career received another round of development - he was promoted to editor-in-chief of the Segodnya newspaper. Nevertheless, Buzin did not hold such an attractive position for a long time - he was forced to leave the chair of the sponsoring head of this media outlet due to the fact that he was not satisfied with the censorship of the information holding Media Group Ukraine.

Journalist Oles Buzina also showed himself in the political sphere - once he ran for the post of People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Russian Bloc party, but did not pass the vote. As a result, it became known that Buzina received 8.22% of the supporting votes, which gave him fourth place in the political "race" for the seat of the people's deputy.

Oles Buzina is known for those views on the trinity of the Russian people, which he preferred to adhere to during his lifetime. Buzina advocated the bilingualism of Ukrainian culture, was a supporter of the federalization of Ukraine. The writer and opposition journalist himself said that he could not clearly name his nationality - he was both Russian and Ukrainian.

“The Ukrainian people spend a huge amount of time not so much on recreating Ukrainian culture as on trying to destroy Russian culture,” Buzina believed.

Buzina did not support the Orange Revolution and was the founder of the Shevchenkophobia movement. After the publication of the book "Ghoul Taras Shevchenko", the Writers' Union of Ukraine took up arms against Oles Buzina. But he won all the courts that were initiated against the journalist.

Public outcry was also caused by his attempts to prohibit the propaganda of Nazism at the legislative level, as well as all kinds of neo-Nazi organizations. Oles Buzina also spoke out against LGBT propaganda on the territory of Ukraine, which caused negative emotions among its representatives.

In addition to oppositional journalistic activities, Oles Buzina is also known for her books on topical topics. From under the pen of this writer were published books in Ukrainian and Russian, among which are "The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus", "The Resurrection of Little Russia", "Dokievskaya Rus". Some of the writer's works are exhibited on the author's website, interviews and biography are posted.

Personal life

Oles Buzina, a well-known opposition journalist in Ukraine and abroad, did not disseminate information about his personal life. According to some sources, Oles Buzina's personal life was shrouded in secrecy at the initiative of the writer himself.

Nevertheless, in one interview, he still said that he has a wife, Natalya, and a daughter, Maria, born in 1995. When Buzina briefly answered tricky questions, it became clear that he and his wife were faithful to each other, the writer lived with his wife for a long time (at that time Buzina voiced that he and his wife had been living in fidelity for 20 years). Despite the fact that he published the book "Return the harems to women", during his lifetime he believed that polygamy in his personal life is permissible only for men.

At the same time, Buzina talked about the attitude towards women. For example, the journalist was convinced of the need for diverse women: both emancipated activists and women in their classical understanding of the “fairer sex”.

The death of her father became for Mary the border of growing up. The girl wrote the first article on her father on the microblog. Maria also expressed a desire to engage in journalistic activities.


On April 16, 2015 at 12:30 Kiev time, Olesya Buzina happened, which was soon equated to the category of political. Elderberry was killed by unknown killers right in front of his own house. It is reported that on the eve of the murder Buzin became a victim of "pressure from above". For a month already, the journalist reported on the fact of receiving threats against him. The information got on the pages of "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" and was announced on the program.

The journalist was shot dead by two killers hiding behind masks - the murder of an opposition journalist was carried out from a dark blue Ford Focus car. A TT pistol was used as a weapon.

Witnesses to the crime noted that Ford Focus was not registered in Ukraine - an adviser to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported on social networks that the car had been assigned an Italian license plate. Later, the car was found abandoned in one of the districts of the capital of Ukraine. Soon, information appeared on the Web that the organization "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" was taking responsibility for the crime. In Russia, it is listed as an extremist organization, but the Ukrainian authorities deny its existence.

During the investigation, a number of versions were worked out, including political and personal. There were speculations about a custom-made provocation on the part of the Russian special services, as well as business motives for the murder. Outside of Ukraine, the public was of the opinion that there was a political order to destroy the influential opposition leader. UNESCO organizations, Reporters Without Borders and the US Committee to Protect Journalists demanded that the ruling circles of Ukraine immediately investigate the murder of Oles Buzina.

June 18, 2015 announced the completion of the case. In connection with the attack on the journalist, three citizens were detained, two of whom - Andrei Medvedko and Denis Polishchuk - were related to the nationalist movement. For both criminals, a punishment was chosen - house arrest. Oles Buzina's mother tried to involve the authorities in reviewing the case and tightening the punishment. But the next court session did not affect the outcome of the case. The criminals never went to jail.

The funeral of Oles Buzina was held with a large crowd of people. In Kiev, 500 people came to say goodbye to the journalist. Everyone had tears, even the clergy who performed the funeral service. The grave of the writer is located at the Berkovetsky cemetery.

Now fundraising continues for the monument to Oles Buzina, which will be created by sculptor Andrey Kovalchuk. In 2016, the film "Oles Buzina: Life Out of Time" was released, which was immediately banned from showing on the territory of Ukraine. A year earlier, the book "Oles Buzina: If they tell you that I died, do not believe ..." appeared, and in 2018 the presentation of the collection "Oles Buzina. Prophet and Martyr. " 48 authors contributed to the book.


  • 2000 - "Ghoul Taras Shevchenko"
  • 2005 - "The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus"
  • 2008 - "Bring back the harems to women"
  • 2010 - "Revolution in the swamp: the view of a white guard"
  • 2012 - "Resurrection of Little Russia"
  • 2013 - "Union of a plow and a trident: how Ukraine was invented"
  • 2014 - "Dokievskaya Rus"
  • 2015 - Consolation with History