"Cute Georgie" and "Starina Niki". Why Georg V did not save Nikolai II

The story of love you are trying to rewrite the descendants.

Matilda Kshesinskaya. /

    People who lived in Russia in late XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century, a little thought about how their image would be in the eyes of distant descendants. Therefore, they just lived - they loved, betrayed, they committed meanness and disinterested deeds, not knowing that a hundred years later, one of them would be put on the head of Nimb, and the other will be posthumously refusing in the right to love.

Matilde Kshesinsky got an amazing fate - glory, universal recognition, the love of the strengths of this world, emigration, life under German occupation, the need. And after decades after her death, people who consider themselves with high-fourth personalities will stream her name on each corner, the sickness of themselves the fact that she once ever lived in the world.

"Kshesinskaya 2nd"

She was born in League, near St. Petersburg, August 31, 1872. The ballet was her fate from birth - Father, Pole Felix Kshesinsky, was a dancer and teacher, an unsurpassed performer of Mazurka.

Mother, Yulia Doming, was a unique woman: in the first marriage, she made five children into the world, and after the death of the spouse married Felix Kshesinsky and gave birth to Troy. Matilda in this ballet family was the youngest, and, according to the example of parents and senior brothers and sisters, decided to associate her life with the scene.

At the beginning of the career, the name "Kshesinskaya 2nd" will enaches. The first was her sister Julia, brilliant artist of the imperial theaters. Brother Joseph, also a famous dancer, after the revolution will remain in Soviet Russia, will receive the title of the Honored Artist of the Republic, will put the performances and teach.

Felix Kshesinsky and Julia Doming. Photo:

Joseph Kshesinsky will be repressed, but his fate, nevertheless, is tragic - he will become one of the hundreds of thousands of victims of the blockade of Leningrad.

Little Matilda dreamed of glory, and worked hard in class. Teachers of the Imperial Theater School said between themselves, that the girl has a great future, if, of course, she will find a wealthy patron.

Fateful dinner

The life of the Russian ballet of the Times of the Russian Empire was similar to the life of the show business of the post-Soviet Russia - one talent was not enough. Careers were made through bed, and it was not very hidden. The faithful married artists were doomed to be a background for brilliant talented curtains.

In 1890, a 18-year graduate of the Imperial Theater School of Matilde Kshesinskaya was given a high honor - the emperor Alexander III itself was present on the graduation performance with the family.

Ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. 1896 year. Photo:

"This exam solved my destiny," Dr. Kshesinskaya in memoirs.

After the play, the monarch with a retinue appeared in the rehearsal hall, where Alexander III was crushed Matilda compliments. And then the young ballerina on a festive dinner, the emperor pointed the place next to the heir to the throne - Nikolay.

Alexander III, unlike other representatives of the imperial name, including from his father who lived in two families is considered a faithful husband. The goal of the "left" emperor preferred other entertainment of Russian men - the consumption of "whlen" in the company of friends.

However, nothing is gallopped in the fact that the young man before marriage is recognized by Aza Love, Alexander did not see. In order to pushed his phlegmatic 22-year-old son in the arms of the 18-year-old beauty of Polish blood.

"I do not remember what we said, but I immediately fell in love with the heir. As I see him blue eyes With such a good expression. I stopped looking at him just like the heir, I forgot about it, everything was like a dream. When I said goodbye to the heir, who spent the whole dinner next to me, we looked at each other no longer as when meeting, in his soul, as in my, the sense of attraction was already embryed, "the Kshesinskaya was written about that evening.

Pasia "Gusar Volkov"

Their novel was not stormy. Matilda dreamed of a meeting, but the heir busy by state affairs did not have time on dates.

In January 1892, a certain "Gusar Volkov" arrived in Matilde to the house. A surprised girl went to the door, and she was going to meet ... Nikolai. That night they first spent together.

Visits "Gusar Volkov" were regular, and the entire Petersburg knew about them. It came to the point that once at night to the in love with a couple broke the St. Petersburg township, which he entered a strict order to deliver the heir to the Father on an urgent cause.

This relationship has no future. Nikolai knew the rules of the game: before the enrollment in 1894 with the princess Alice of Hessian, the future Alexander Fedorovna, he broke up with Matilda.

In the memoirs, Kshesinskaya writes that was inconspicuous. Believe it or not, everyone's personal matter. The novel with the heir to the throne gave her such a patronage, which could not be at her opponents on stage.

We must pay tribute to getting the best parties, she argued what he deserves them. Becoming the Ballerina, she continued to improve, took private lessons from the famous Italian balletmaster Enrico Chekketney.

32 Fuete in a row, which today is considered a signature sign of the Russian ballet, Matilda Kshesinskaya began to perform the first of the Russian dancers, having taken this trick from Italian.

The soloist of the Imperial Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya in the ballet "Daughter of Pharaoh", 1900 Photo:

Breaking triangle

Her heart was not free. The representative of the House of Romanov, Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich, Grandfather Nikolai I and the cousin Uncle Nicholas II, was again the new chosen. Unbried Sergey Mikhailovich, who heard a man who was closed, experienced an incredible attachment to Matilda. He worked out for many years, thanks to which her career in the theater was completely cloudless.

Sergey Mikhailovich's feelings passed violent tests. In 1901, Great Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich, Uncle Nicholas II, began to care for Kraszinskaya. But it was only an episode before the appearance of a real opponent. The opponent was his son - the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich, the cousin of Nicholas II. He was ten years old by his relative and seven years younger than Matilda.

"It was no longer an empty flirting ... From the day of my first meeting with the Grand Duke, Andrey Vladimirovich, we became increasingly and more often began to meet, and our feelings soon have moved to a strong mutual attraction," says Kshesinskaya.

Men of the genus Romanovs flew to Matilde, like butterflies on fire. Why? Now none of them will explain. And the ballerina is skillfully by them manipulated - knitting relations with Andrey, she never broke up with Sergey.

Having left in the fall of 1901 on a journey, Matilda felt bad in Paris, and when he appealed to the doctor, he learned that in the "position." But whose child is, she did not know. And both lover were ready to recognize the child with their own.

The son was born on June 18, 1902. Matilda wanted to call him Nikolai, but did not risk - such a step would be a violation of the rules that they once established with now the emperor Nikolai II. As a result, the boy was named Vladimir, in honor of the Father of the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich.

Son Matilda Kshesinsky will succeed interesting biography - Before the revolution, he will be "Sergeyevich" because he recognizes the "senior lover", and in emigration will be "Andreyevich", because the "younger lover" marries the mother and recognizes his son.

Kshesinskaya, in the end, it will assume that the son is conceived was still from Andrei. So be it.

Matilda Kshesinskaya, Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich and their son Vladimir. Around 1906 photo:

Mistress of Russian ballet

In the theater, Matilda was frankly afraid. Having leaving in 1904 from the troupe, she continued one-time speeches, receiving breathtaking fees. For her and only for her, all the parties that she liked them were fixed. To go on Kheshesin's alternation in the early 20th century in Russian ballet meant to finish his career and spoil his life.

The director of the imperial theaters, Prince Sergey Mikhailovich Volkonsky, once dared to insist that Kshesinsky came out on the stage in a suit she did not like. Ballerina did not obey and was fined. After a couple of days, the Volkonsky resigned, so the emperor Nichola II clarified himself himself.

The new director of the imperial theaters, Vladimir Teljakovsky, did not argue from the word "at all."

"It would seem that the ballerina, serving in the Directorate, should belong to the repertoire, and then it turned out that the repertoire belongs to M. Kshesinskaya, and both from fifty submissions are forty belonging to balletomans and in the repertoire - from all ballets more than half the best belong to Kshesin's ballerina - He wrote a calmanic in memories. - She considered them their property and could give or not to give them to dance to others. There were cases that the ballerina was discharged from abroad. In a contract, she was due to ballet tours. So it was with Ballerina Grimaldi, invited in 1900. But when she attended one ballet, marked in a contract, rehearse (this ballet was "vain precaution"), Kshesinskaya said: "I will not give, this is my ballet." Began - phones, conversations, telegrams. Poor director rushed there, here. Finally, the Minister's encrypted telegram in Denmark, where he was at this time at this time. The case was secret, special state importance. And what? Gets such an answer: "Since this Kshesinskaya ballet, then it is left behind it."

Matilda Kshesinskaya with son Vladimir, 1916 Photo:


In 1906, Kshesinskaya became the owner of a luxurious mansion in St. Petersburg, where everything, from beginning to end, was made by her own ideas. The mansion was a wine cellar for a man visiting the ballerina, in the yard the hostess was waiting for horse crews and cars. There was even a barn, as the ballerina adored the pair of milk.

Where did all this magnificence come from? Contemporaries said that even Matilda's cosmic fees would not have enough for all this luxury. They argued that the Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich, a member of the Council of State Defense, "repelled" for his beloved little bit from the military budget of the country.

Kshesinskaya had everything that he dreamed of, and, like many women in her position, bored.

The result of boredom was the novel of 44-year-old ballerina with a new partner in the scene by Peter Vladimirov, who was Matilda's younger for 21 years.

Great Prince Andrei Vladimirovich, ready to share his mistress with equal, was furious. During Kshesin's tour in Paris, the prince called a dancer to a duel. Unfortunate Vladimirov an offended representative of the genus Romanovs shot his nose. Doctors had to collect it in pieces.

But, an amazing thing, the Grand Duke and this time forgave the windy beloved.

Fairy Tale End

The fairy tale ended in 1917. With the fall of the empire collapsed and the former life of Kshesinsky. She was still trying to sue the Bolsheviks mansion, from the balcony of which Lenin was played. Understanding how seriously everything came later.

Together with the son, Kshesinskaya wandered in the south of Russia, where the power changed, as if in Kaleidoscope. The Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich fell into the hands of Bolsheviks in Pyatigorsk, but those, and without determining what he was to blame, let him go to all four sides. The son of Vladimir was sidelled by Spanish, twisting millions of people in Europe. We miraculously avoiding a rapid typhus, in February 1920, Matilda Kshesinskaya on a steamer "Semiramid" forever left Russia.

By this time, two of her beloved from the genus Romanov was no longer alive. The life of Nicholas was interrupted in the house of Ipatiev, Sergey was shot in Alapaevsk. When his body was raised from the mine, where it was dropped, in the hand of the Grand Duke found a small gold medallion with the portrait of Matilda Kshesinsky and the inscription "MALA".

Juncker in the former mansion of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinsky after moving from him the Central Committee and the Petrograd Committee of the RSDLP (b). June 6, 1917. Photo:

The bright princess at the reception at Muller

In 1921, in Cannes, the 49-year-old Matilda Kshesinskaya for the first time in his life became a legitimate wife. The Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich, despite the oblique views of relatives, issued a marriage and adopted the child, whom he always considered his own.

In 1929, Kshesinskaya opened his ballet school in Paris. This step was rather forced - the former peaceful life remained behind, it was necessary to make money on bread. Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, who announced himself in 1924 by the head of the Romanov's head in emigration, in 1926 assigned the title and her origin of the title and the name of Prince Krasinsky, and in 1935 the title began to sound like "the bright princes of Romanovsky-Krasinsky."

During the Second World War, when the Germans occupied France, the son of Matilda was arrested by Gestapo. According to legend, Ballerina, to achieve liberation, achieved personal audience at the Chef Gestapo Muller. Kshesinskaya herself never confirmed this. Vladimir spent 144 days in the concentration camp, unlike many other emigrants to cooperate with the Germans refused, and yet was released.

There were many long-lived kshesinsky. Grandfall Matilda lived 106 years old, Yulia's sister died at the age of 103, and the Kshesinskaya 2-I left from life just a few months before the 100th anniversary.

The building of the October Revolution Museum is also known as the mansion of Matilda Kshesin. 1972 Architect A. Gogen, R. Melzer. Photo: / B. Manushin

"I cried with happiness"

In the 1950s, she wrote memoirs about her life, which were first published on french In 1960.

"In 1958, the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe came to Paris. Although I do not go anywhere anywhere, making my time between the house and the dance studio, where I earn to live, I made an exception and went to the opera to see Russians. I cried with happiness. It was the same ballet that I saw more than forty years ago, the owner of the same spirit and the same traditions ... "," wrote Matilda. Probably the main love for her lifetime and remained ballet.

The place of resting Matilda Felixes Kshesinskaya was the Cemetery of St. Geneva de-Bois. She was buried with her husband, who survived for 15 years, and son who left his life three years after the mother.

The inscription on the monument reads: "The bright Princess Maria Felixesna Romanovskaya-Krasinskaya, Honored Artist of Imperial Theaters Kshesinskaya."

Relief from Matilda Kshesinskaya Living Life will not be able to not be able, as no one can redo the history of the last decades of the Russian Empire in his taste, turning live people in obsolete creatures. And those who are trying to do this, do not know the tenth stakes of those paints of the life who knew the little Matilda.

Matilds of the ballerina Matilda Kshesin and Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich Romanova in the Saint Geneviev de Bou Cemetery in St. Geneva-de-Boisa of the Paris region. Photo: / Valery Melnikov

And the observant of the royal family on martyrdom

Photo: ru.wikipedia.org.

Amend text size: A A.

Nicholas II with his wife, children and loved ones was shot on the night of July 17, 1918 in Yekaterinburg.

The mystery of the story: Why, after renunciation from the throne in March 1917, the last Russian king remained in Russia, and did not leave the household abroad. After all, the chance of salvation was.

"As for the evacuation of the royal family, we decided to send them through Murmansk to London," said the head of the temporary government A. F. Kerensky later. - In March 1917, the British government was consent, but in July, when everything was ready for travel to Murmansk and Foreign Minister Tereshchenko sent a telegram to London to send a ship to meet the royal family, the Great British Ambassador received from the premiere of Lloyd George a clear answer from Prime Minister : The British government, unfortunately, cannot accept the royal family as guests during the war. "

Therefore, instead of the planned Murmansk, the Provisional Government was forced to send a family to Tobolsk. Since in St. Petersburg intensified revolutionary traffic, anarchy.

Evacuation in Russia did not save Nicholas II. The Bolsheviks overthrew the temporary government. And destroyed the family in the basement of the Ipatiev house.


Kerensky did not smelled, did not obey himself with a back number, "said the historian of the special services, the writer Gennady Sokolov. - Declassified documents fully confirm his words.

England would really be the best refuge for the royal family in the Large World War Europe. Russia was an allied British in the fight against Germany. In addition to allied debt, Petersburg and London combined close related reference ruler. Nicholas II and his wife Empress Alexandrafödorovna had to kill Georgi V cousins \u200b\u200band sister.

- Even how?!

I explain. Mother George V, Queen Alexander - Sister of the August Mother of the State Department of Nikolai II Widdling Empress Maria Fodorovna. Native aunt of the last Russian king.

George V Father, King Eduard VII - Mother's Mother of Empress's Mother Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Native uncle spouses of the last Russian king.

The cousins \u200b\u200b(cousins) Nikolay II and Georg v even outwardly were very similar! Closely friendly, called each other "Starina Niki", "Cute Georgie."

"Yes, my most expensive Niki, I hope that we will always continue our friendship with you; You know, I am unchanged, and I always loved you so much ... In my thoughts, I am constantly with you. God bless you, my dear old nickname, and remember that you can always count on me as your friend. Forever your loyal friend Georgie.

So I wrote Georg V Nicholas II.

Having lost the spring of the 17th throne, the couple of Romanov hoped for a temporary refuge in England from "Cute Georgie." It was dangerous to remain in Russia. Here, calls were openly distributed to kill the spouse of the former sovereign as a "German spy". And at the same time "Nicholas Blood".

On March 22, 1917, the Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain decided to give "the emperor and the Empress of the shelter in England for a while, while the war is going." About this in Petrograd told the temporary government Ambassador George Bucanen.

However, in a week, March 30, "Delo friend Georgie" made an attempt to disavow the invitation of the Government of his Russian cousin. "Because of the danger of the flight and for reasons of the expediency of staying the imperial family in this country ..." What is the personal secretary of the king, Lord Steymformham, informed the Russian Foreign Ministry.

April 2 Minister of Foreign Affairs of England Lord Arthur Balfour tried to explain to the king, which is not good to go to the opponent: "The Ministers of Your Majesty ... don't think that if the situation does not change, it is possible to take back its invitation that was sent, and they believe that the king Agree to adhere to the previous decision, which was sent by the Council of Ministers of His Majesty. "

- And what "Cute Georgie"?

On the morning of April 6, the Secretary of Georg Steymformham answered Balfur: "The king wished me to ask you if he should not offer the Russian government after consulting with the Prime Minister of Sir George Bucanene to offer any other plan regarding the future Meacy of their imperial majesty .

In the evening of the same day, Georg V written by the head of the Foreign Ministry:

"Instruct the Ambassador Buchenna, so that he says Milyukov (the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Temporary Government. - Ed.) That we must refuse our consent to the proposal of the Russian government."

In the postscript, Georg emphasized to this letter, which was not a king, and the government invited the royal family.

The political intrigue of the king worked.

In May 1917, the British Foreign Ministry through his ambassador Bucken was transferred to the new Russian foreign minister M. I. Tereshchenko, that "the British government cannot advise him to provide hospitality to people whose sympathies for Germany are more than well known."

Georg achieved his own. Threw a cousin on the mercy of fate. In fact, under the bullets of the Bolsheviks.

Saved enemies

Someone else's hands threw. Say, the government decided so. Maybe the English king was so weak, which really could not help his Russian relative, so twitched? They have a constitutional monarchy there.

Facts say the opposite. George V gave the ruler's defense several times, much more distant from him than the Russian king - cousin. So, he agreed to the secret plan of the allies to save the Romanian royal family, when she threatened the capture during the onset of the German armies in the winter of 1917.

In 1922, another cousin Georg V, Prince Andrei Greek, the son of the overthrown king of Greece Constantine, threatened death from the hands of revolutionaries. He was hurry sent by the English cruiser Calypso. At the same time saved the Greek Prince Philip. The husband of the ruling English Queen of the Duke of Edinburgh was then the second year ...

In the end, in 1919, Georg V Linkor Malboro in the Black Sea in 1919, in order to take her aunt from the Crimea, a widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna (Mother Nicholas II). Her together with great princes, their families were delivered to the English naval base in Malta. She then moved to his native Denmark, where he died with the world in 1928. The personal defense of George V stretched even on the rulers, who during the war were his enemies. In 1919, after the overthrow of the monarchy in Austria-Hungary, the emperor Karl with his family could die from the hands of deserters. By order George V to Carlo, they sent an experienced British intelligence officer. He helped former vengeials to leave Austria.

So "Georgie" could safely save and "dear nickname." Moreover, Nicholas II was an ally in the First World War, and even the Feldmarshal of the Royal British Army. The wand was presented in the bid in February 1916, General Paget and Lord Pagken. And if so, then Georg V so much had to make every effort to save not only of his August relative, but also a man who had the highest military rank in the English army. I had to, but did not. Although the temporary government, I remind, did not prevent the departure of the royal family, on the contrary, it was ready to take it to Murmansk and put to the English ship.

However, "forever devotee Georgie" preferred to betray his Russian cousin.

- Why, Gennady Evgenievich?

Historians claim, they say, "the king thought a lot about the proposal of the government to invite the emperor Nicholas and his family to come to England." After a long fluctuations, still did not decide to take her hot beloved cousin and his family from Russia. I was afraid, they say, public opinion, protests from workers and trade unions, which then sympathized by the Bolsheviks. Requires the king in England. It could compromise the position of the king and the queen. And for the sake of conservation of the crown, he, fastening his heart, sacrificed a relative.

But it turns out that Georg V from the very beginning was against the idea of \u200b\u200bgranting asylum Nikolai II. This, in particular, his secretary wrote the English ambassador in Paris Lord Beatier: "It was a firm conviction of the king, who never wanted it."

There was another option to arrange Romanovs in France. On April 22, Lord Bertier, knowing the attitude of the king to the royal family, so answered the request of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of England Charles Harding: "My dear Charlie, I don't think the ex-emperor in France would meet with joy. Empress - German not only by birth, but also in their upbringing. She did everything that could have to conclude a peace treaty with Germany. She is called a criminal and crazy. And the former emperor, since he was submitted by his weakness, they also consider it a criminal. "

- It turns out, the British closed the topic about the emigration of Nicholas second to France, without even discussed her with Paris?

It turns out so. Although the ruler about the Empress is a "German spy" the residency of British intelligence distributed in Petrograd back in 1916. Preparing the operation "Dark Strength" to eliminate Grigory Rasputin, close to the Empress itself. The British were afraid that Rasputin would become the mediator of the separation world of Russia with Germany. Without the support of Russians, the United Kingdom would clearly lose war.

Georg V really turned out to be then in a difficult political situation. The Russian emperor was unpopulated in Britain, especially in the left circles. Propaganda turned it into "Nicholas Blood", despot and Tirana, repressing political opponents. Public opinion Could be against his political asylum on a foggy albion.

But still the main reason for the betrayal of "loyal Georgie" was in another.

The dynasty changes the name

- What happened that day?

Exactly one hundred years ago, King George V officially changed the name of the ruling dynasty with German Saxen-Coburg-Gothic to Windsor. By the name of the castle, the residence of British monarchs.

Very patriotic step! But clearly belated. It was necessary to break away from the German monarch of the roots in 1914, when the war with Germany began.

Seen, waited. Like the USA. In April 17th, America joined the first world on the side of the Entente (Military Union of England, Russia, France). The outcome of the war became clear. This is the king and changed the name of the dynasty. Announces members of the House of Windsor's descendants of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert on the men's line.

Princes and princesses of the new Windsor House, which previously obliged to marry exclusively with siblings of German dynasties, was recommended to pay their attention to British brides and grooms. The day of the decree, July 17, the king called in his diary "historical". The German monarchical dynasty has turned into a "British royal family."

Changes the royal surname, Georg V distanced himself from his August relatives. First of all, from Nicholas II. Therefore, he did not let him in England.

And smoothly in a year, on the first birthday of the windsor houses, the royal family was shot in Yekaterinburg.

- Mystical coincidence!

I will say more! The heir to the Russian throne of the Ipatiev house, tortured in the basement of the Ipatiev house, accounted for by the great-granddamous English Queen Victoria. On her line boy and got dangerous disease Hemophilia, for the sake of treatment of which was close to the court of Gregory Rasputin.

- Even the great-grandfather of the dynasty donated Windsors! I'm not talking about his sisters.

End justifies the means. Let me remind you in 1914, at the beginning of the First World War, the 5th World Empires clung to each other: Austro-Hungarian, British, German, Ottoman, Russian. And when the war ended, only one - British remained. With a new dynasty - Windsor. Founded by Georg V. For the sake of such a triumph, you can sacrifice relatives. However, we will not pour everything on the king. The dynasty of Windsor was a major financial capital and special services. Their priority task, both then and now weakening Russia, for a long time the main geopolitical rival and a competitor of Great Britain in the world.

In order to have the elimination of the Russian monarchy and the empire. Even if Georg V and wanted to save the Russian cousin, he would not allow it to do.

In any case, the royal family was doomed.

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The beginning of the 20th century was one of the most ambiguous and saturated periods in russian history. Memories and documentary evidence of that era mostly subjective, and during the years of Soviet power they were adjusted and often even falsified. Especially the few preserved written descriptions of events left by those who were "on the other side of the front" were valued. In particular, the diaries who for many decades led the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich Romanov, nicknamed in the life of the August archiving, allow you to make an idea of \u200b\u200bhow inflated the February revolution, the first world War And the October coup on the privacy of Russian aristocrats, and also find out what they have survived in the first years of emigration.

A family

Andrei Vladimirovich was born in the royal village on May 2, 1879. His father was the third son of Emperor Alexander Second, who manifested himself by brave commander during the war with Turkey and many years held posts of the commander of the St. Petersburg Military District. As for the Mother of the Grand Duke, she was the daughter of the Great Duke of Malkonburg-Schwerinsky and occupied a special position in the Russian court, heard a large intrigue and sometimes even the Empress itself Alexander Fedorovna.

In addition to Andrei Vladimirovich, there were still four children in the family:

  • Alexander, who died in infancy.
  • Kirill, who proclaimed himself in 1924 by the All-Russian emperor, but not recognized by other great princes and Empress Maria Fedorovna.
  • Boris, Major General, Ataman of all Cossack troops.
  • Elena, married to the Greek Prince Nicholas.

Childhood and youth

Like many other offspring of the royal family, Andrei Vladimirovich (Grand Duke), whose biography is presented below, the general education received at home. His education was engaged in his mother who invited the best teachers of St. Petersburg for classes with sons.

At 16, the young man was enrolled in the service, and after some time he entered the Mikhailovsky Artillery School and graduated from 1902.

After the completion of studies, the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich was appointed a suborpecik to the fifth battery of the Guards equestrian artillery brigade, but decided to continue their education.

For this, he became a listener of the Alexander Military Law Academy and, having graduated from her first category, was enrolled in the staff of the Military Delegation. Since Andrei Romanov was superbly owned by several European languages, from 1905 to 1906 he was seconded to their native university for transfers of the military criminal statutes of other countries.

Further career

In August 1910, the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich was appointed commander of the fifth battery of the equestrian-artillery brigade of the Life Guard, and a few months later, an artillery battery was accepted the Donskoy Cossack. In about the same period, he consisted of a senator without the need for presence in the departments.

When the First World War began, Andrei Vladimirovich (Prince, whose biography is known to the smallest details) received an order to remain at the General Staff. However, at the end of the spring of next year, he was appointed commander of the Horse Artillery of the Life Guard, and on August 15 produced in Majora General.

After the October Revolution

On April 3, 1917, even before the start of revolutionary events, the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich filed a petition about dismissal with the uniform.

After the October events, he and his mother and elder brother Boris moved to Kislovodsk. In August 1918, both great princes were arrested and transported to Pyatigorsk. By the lucky accident, the Commander of Convoirov turned out to be a former artist who once in Paris Andrei Vladimirovich saved from poverty. He let go of the brothers under house arrestAnd together with their adjutant, Colonel F. F. Cuba, fled to the cabin, where they hid in the mountains until the end of September.

In order to be able to leave the country in the event of a negative development of the situation, great princes, together with the mother moved to the city-Port Anapa. At the end of 1918, General Puli arrived there - the Chief of the English Base in Russia arrived. He handed over Maria Pavlovna the official proposal of the government of the United Kingdom to go abroad under the protection of his military.

The Great Princess refused to leave his homeland and noted that it would do it only if there was no other exit. In response, General Pul inquired whether Andrei Vladimirovich intends to join the Volunteer Army, to which Maria Pavlovna stated that the members of the Romanov dynasty had ever received and would not take part in the Civil War.


In March 1919, Anapa left Boris Vladimirovich, who was accompanied by his future wife Zinaida Rashevskaya. Soon the British were secondally sent for Maria the Pavlovna Ship, and Admiral Seymour suggested her and the son to go to Constantinople if the Bolsheviks are suitable for the city.

The Great Princess again refused and moved to Kislovodsk, where he lived with her son until December 1919.

When it became clear that the white movement was hopelessly lost, representatives of the royal family moved to Novorossiysk, where about a month lived in the wagons, until February 19 did not leave Russia on the "Semiramid" steamer. Arriving in Constantinople, Mother and Son got French visas and went to Europe.


In March 1920, the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich arrived in the city of Cap-d "Ay on Riviera (France), at the villa of the famous ballerina in for different years This woman was the mistress of the future king Nicholas, and however, the Ballerina's true love was Andrei Vladimirovich, from whom she gave birth to a boy who got the last name Krasin.

After the Kshesinsky revolution, together with the child followed the Grand Duke and lived next door to him in Kislovodsk, in Anapa and Novorossiysk, as Maria Pavlovna was categorically against the Son's relationship with a woman who had an immoral behavior.

In 1921, after the death of Mother, Andrei Vladimirovich finally married Matilde Felix, and he was adopted by Vladimir Krasinsky, who received the middle name of Andreyevich.

Life in emigration

After the death of the royal family, the Grand Duke of Kirill became one of the probable applicants for the Russian throne. The younger brother fully supported him, despite opposition to the remaining members of the royal family.

Moreover, he took over the responsibilities of the Augusts representative of the emperor Cyril I in France. It is also known that he spoke in favor of Anna Anderson, who gave himself for the great princess Anastasia - the daughter of Emperor Nikolai Secrets, but under pressure from the imperial family subsequently refused his recognition.

In the years of World War II

During the fascist occupation of France, Vladimir Krasinsky was arrested by Gestapo as a member of the Union of Youthsov, who holds the prosecutor's views. When Andrei Vladimirovich found out that the young man was concluded in the concentration camp, he almost mad from grief. He rushed in Paris and was looking for help from representatives of Russian emigration, but never received support. Only after 4 months, Vladimir Krasinsky's conclusion was released, removing accusations of "harmful" activities with respect to Germany.

In the post-war period

After the liberation of France, Andrei Vladimirovich actively participated in the life of emigrant organizations. In particular, since 1947 he headed the Russian Guards Association. Then the health of Andrei Vladimirovich deteriorated sharply, and he had a long time. In addition, the financial means of the Grand Duke and Matilda Felixes are strongly exhausted, and they cope only through the help of the nephew of Vladimir Kirillovich's nephew and the former students of his spouse.

Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich: Awards

Over the years of their service in the army, A. Romanov repeatedly received promotions from the command. In particular, in the pre-revolutionary period, he became a cavalier of orders:

  • St. Alexander Nevsky.
  • St. Anna I Art.
  • White eagle
  • St. Stanislav I Art.
  • St. Vladimir, etc.

In addition, he was repeatedly awarded the orders and medals of the monarchs of Bulgaria, Serbia, Prussia, and so on.

Now you know, who was Andrei Vladimirovich Romanov (Grand Prince). The history of his life could be quite different if he were not born in the era of great changes that changed the fate of millions of people around the world.

Nicholas II possessed amazing external similarity with his cousin - British King Georg V.

Nicholas II "cousin nickname" and Georg V "Cousin Georgie"

Nicholas II and Georg V

King George, 1893

Nicholas II, The Last Emperor of Russia, Visits England for the Wedding of King George V and Queen Mary. 1893.

The fact is that their mothers are native sisters:
- Princess Dagmar - after marriage Grand Duchess Maria Fedorovna, wife Alexander III and Mother Nicholas II
- Princess Alexander Danskaya - King Eduard VII's wife and Mother George V.
They were the daughters of Christian IX King Denmark.

Ilya Savich Galkin
Emperor Nicholas II in white uniform with epolutes.

Luke Fields.
George V WHEN Prince of Wales, Painting by Sir Samuel Luke Fildes

Empress Maria Fedorovna with her sister Alexandra Wales.

Since 1842, Christian was married to Louise Hesse-Kasselyskaya (1817-1898), King Christian's niece VIII. Spouses had six children:
Frederick (1843-1912), King Denmark Frederick VIII from 1906 to 1912;
Alexandra (1844-1925), married to the king of Great Britain Edward VII;
Georg (1845-1913), King of Greece Georg I from 1863 to 1913;
Dagmara (1847-1928), married to the Russian emperor Alexander III;
Tira (1853-1933), married to Prince Hannover Ernst August II;
Waldemar (1858-1939) was married to Maria Orleans (1865-1909).
King Christian was in close related relatives with royal houses in Europe. He was the father of two kings - his successor to Frederick VIII and the King of Greece George I, the British Queen Alexandra, the wife of Eduard VII, and the Russian Empress Maria Fodorovna, Alexander III wives.
Christian, thus, was thus Deant Nicholas II, who called him in his diary of Apapa ("Grandfather", French Children's Word). Among other Christian's grandchildren - Konstantin I Greek, Georg V British, Hokon VII Norwegian.
Christian and Louise called the "father-in-law" and "mother-in-law".
Now most European monarchs are direct descendants of Christian IX.

Nicholas II, King of Great Britain Georg V, King Belgium Albert I (from left to right). 1914.

The last Russian self-container Emperor Nicholas II and the British monarch Georg V, being cousins \u200b\u200b(in his private correspondence they turned to each other, no other than the "cousin nickname" and "cousin Georgie"), were extremely similar.

Solomon Joseph Solomon.
King George V.
National Portrait Gallery 1914

American Robert Macey in the famous bestseller of the late 1960s. "Nikolai and Alexandra" cites a very curious episode, once again indicating the external similarity of two brothers.
In July 1893 at the wedding of the future George V (at that time he was the Duke of York) and Princess Victoria Maria Teksk Russia and the House of Romanov represented the heir to Zesarevich and the Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich, that is, the future Nicholas II. English The latter was so good and his external resemblance to the groom so amazing that many guests, taking him for the Duke of York, congratulated him with a legitimate marriage, and some official face asked him as the groom, not to be late for the wedding ceremony scheduled for tomorrow. And to Georg himself, who by mistake was taken by Nikolai, at the same time approached the goal of his visit to London and further plans.


Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II.

But their similarity was only external. On the one hand, straightforward, gullible Nikolai, who always came to help the cousin in personal and state affairs. On the other - betrayed Him Georg.

E. K. Lipgart. Portrait of Nicholas II. 1914.

As a result of the First World War in Russia, the February Revolution occurs, and the cousin George, Nikolai second, was forced to sign the renunciation of the throne. In return, he was promised the possibility of unhindered check-out in England with the whole family.
When Nicholas II renounced the throne and, together with his family, was arrested by a temporary government, he could save the royal family, giving her permission to enter England. If I wanted. But he did not want. Apparently, realizing that he carries his brother to death with the help of the English ambassador in Russia George Bucanien, who later admits that he was put pressure on him.
Alexander Kerensky honestly tried to fulfill his promise. He added twice to the English ambassador Bucanien with a request to give a royal family to refuge in England and send him a private battleship to him. What Bucanien answered that he would not distract such a trifling sovereign, because his country in such difficult conditions is not up to some Russian king there.
Already having resigned, Bucanien admitted that he was pressure. Georg simply Strestil, or did not want to have Russian Empire As a competitor, and took care that she was never revived.

Lance Calkin.
King George V.
National portrait gallery about 1914

It is curious that the British government destroyed all documents and telegrams containing a categorical refusal of entry into England of the royal family. And if it were not for the memories of the staff of the British Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe British would still have done a surprised look.

Ilya Efimovich Repin Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II.
State Museum of Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.1895

Georg V.

Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II.

Photo A. A. Pasetti Tsar Nicholas second, aged 30 years in St. Petersburg, 1898.

Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov
Portrait of Nicholas II. 1900.
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

And Makovsky. 1903.
Portrait of Nicholas II.

Portrait of Nicholas II. 1894.

George Becker. Portrait of Nicholas II. about 1900.

King George V.

King George, 1893

Samuel Luke Fields (1843-1927) - Georg V (1865-1936) - 9th king British Empire
In coronation of clothes. 1911.

Series message "

Is the descendants of Nicholas II and his spouses alive? Their sisters - brothers ... and got the best answer

The answer from the name obliges [Guru]
Descendants of Sisters and Brothers Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna are alive. Their 4 daughters and son Alexey were killed.
At the beginning of 1917, the Romanov Dynasty numbered 32 representatives of the male floor, 13 of which were executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918-19. Those who escaped this, settled in Western Europe (mainly in France) and the United States. In 1920-30, a significant part of the representatives of the dynasty continued to hope at the collapse of Soviet power in Russia and the restoration of the monarchy.
All dynasty representatives are descendants of the four sons of Nicholas I:
Alexandrovichi, descendants of Alexander Nikolaevich. This branch has two now living representatives - the Dmitry brothers and Mikhail Pavlovich Romanovski-Ilinsky, the youngest of which was born in 1961.
Konstantinovichi, descendants of Konstantin Nikolaevich. According to the men's line, the branch stopped in 1973 (with the death of Vsevolod, the son of John Konstantinovich).
Nikolayevichi, descendants of Nikolai Nikolayevich Senior. Two now living male representatives - the brothers Nikolai and Dmitry Romanovichi Romanov, the youngest of which was born in 1926.
Mikhailovichi, descendants of Mikhail Nikolaevich. This branch belongs to all the other Men-Romanov's living (see below), the youngest of them was born in 1987.
In just September 2008, the genus Romanov has numbered 12 male representatives. Among them are only four (grandchildren of Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich) - no older than forty years.
Seniority in dynasty
After eliminating the monarchy in Russia, the order of seniority in the family of Romanovs looks like this:
1918-1938 - Kirill Vladimirovich (1876-1938), the cousin of Nicholas II;
1938-1992 - Vladimir Kirillovich (1917-1992), his son;
1992-2004 - Pavel Dmitrievich (1928-2004), Vladimir Kirillovich's secondary brother;
since 2004 - Dmitry Pavlovich (r. 1954), Son Pavel Dmitrievich.
Further order of dynastic seniority:
Mikhail Pavlovich (r. 1961), Brother Dmitry Pavlovich
Nikolay Romanovich (r. 1922), great-grandfather Nikolai Nikolayevich senior
Dimitri Romanovich (r. 1926), Brother Nicholas Romanovich
Andrei Andreevich (r. 1923), grandson Alexander Mikhailovich
Alexey Andreevich (r. 1951), son of Andrei Andreevich
Petr Andreevich (r. 1961), son of Andrei Andreevich
Andrei Andreevich (r. 1963), son of Andrei Andreevich
Rostislav Rostislavovich (r. 1985), great prince Alexander Mikhailovich
Nikita Rostislavovich (r. 1987), Rostislav Rostislavich brother
Nikolai-Christopher Nikolaevich (r. 1968), great-grandda of the Grand Prince Alexander Mikhailovich
Daniel Nikolaevich (r. 1972), Brother Nikolai Nikolayevich