Sweet harm and benefits. Why sweets are harmful

Since childhood, many parents inspire their children that there are many sweets harmful. But it is also not good for health and refusal of sweet at all. Below can be familiar with the benefit of sweets in the human diet.

Harmful pleasures

Of course, an excessive amount of sweets can reduce vitamin B1, which in turn causes weakness and strong fatigue. Also, sweets can reduce magnesium stock, which can lead to aggression, depressive condition and irritability. And all famous factthat excess fat is recruited from excess sugar, due to which there are unpleasant diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.

If a person, used sweets in large quantities, but decided to start eating correctly, it should be remembered that cutting a decrease in the use of sweet, can cause the so-called "breaking". In this case, dizziness may appear or light ailments may appear, so it is necessary to reduce the amount of sweets gradually.

But along with these horrors about the dangers of sweets, it should not be completely abandoned from them, because In order for the brain to work correctly, he must receive his glucose rate. In addition, carbohydrates contained in sweets are also an important element for good health. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the golden middle, and determine which is more useful from sweets.

But nevertheless, even the Table opponents, can not disagree that no holiday passes without a cake. In order to bring the cake more benefit than harm, it is necessary to order it from natural components (dried fruits, chocolate, etc.) in reliable manufacturers. For example, delicious cakes to order, you can find the confectionery website B W.


Chocolate is rich in a variety of useful substances, such as: magnesium, iron, antioxidants, zinc, phenylethylamine, tonin, produces endorphins and so on. Only one hundred grams of chocolate per day improves vessels and protects the human body from radials. According to the study, it was revealed, which is already approximately two hours after taking chocolate, in the body there is an improvement in blood circulation.

Dried fruits

These sweets are useful and safe due to the content of trace elements and vitamins. In addition, dried fruits contain iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, fiber and pectin. But do not forget that dried fruits are ordinary fruits, i.e. Do not use them excessively.

Other sweets

Marmalade is useful due to gelatin, pectin and fruit juices. Marshmallow is useful for normal imminent work, hair growth and nails. Ice cream is useful due to the presence of vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. Even sweet popcorn is not harmful, due to the large content of a rough fiber.

Summing up, it can be noted that sweets made from natural products in moderate use will benefit the human body. The main thing is not to forget to clean your teeth after sweets, because You can earn caries.

All children love sweets, and many adult days can not live without something sweet. And tea, coffee we drink with candy, with cookies, with cakes, with jam and other sweets. On any holiday table, there will be all sorts of sorts. No birthday, anniversary, the wedding does not cost without a cake, and a colorful New Year's gift with candy is one of the main attributes of the new year.


Candy - Sweet pastries made of sugar, chocolate, sugar fruits and other products. In the world there are many varieties of sweets - these are sweets and bars, lollipops and caramels with various fillings, iris, truffles and grill, chocolate, dairy and waffle candies and many other varieties.

On the stores of shops you can find various varieties of candies wrapped in beautiful shiny candy or packed in colorful boxes. Children and many adults love candy very much and do not imagine how you can live without sweet. Almost every person has its favorite candy varieties.

Useful or harmful there are candy

The composition of sweets includes carbohydrates - fructose, glucose, lactose, sucrose and other carbohydrates, fats or lipids, and there are few proteins in sweets, very few minerals and vitamins. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for our body, increase mental and physical performance, raise mood. In chocolate candies there are antioxidants affecting metabolic processes in our body, preventing changes in the cardiovascular system and the formation of malignant tumors.

With overpressure in the body of sucrose, lactic acid is formed, which is destroying effect on the teeth, the dental enamel is damaged, the threat of the appearance of caries increases.

Since candy has high calorieness, you should not abuse them. The excess consumption of accessible carbohydrates leads to the deposition of fat in the body, the weight of a person increases, obesity develops. From a large amount of carbohydrates, the secretion of gastric juice increases and heartburn arises. There is a violation of metabolism, and as a result, allergic rashes on the skin - diathesis.

It is more useful to eat candies from dark chocolate with fruit filling from cherry, kuragi, raisins, prunes, which are rich in antioxidants, pectins, iron, potassium, magnesium. Candy with whole nuts; walnut, hazelnut, almonds and other nuts, they are rich in proteins, potassium, phosphorus and zinc and other useful substances.

Caramel and candy candy consist of molten sugar, which is added all sorts of dyes, flavors, no benefits from such candy, and harm is abuse. Often, children, and adults gnaw caramel, and it harms tooth enamel.

It is no secret that all sorts of nutritional supplements, flavors, dyes, taste amplifiers, preservatives and other chemicals that give the finished products of a pleasant smell, bright rich color, taste, and a bright rich color, taste, and the storage time of the product increases with finished products.

There are additives that are prohibited in the production of products that are harmful to human health and, in fact, are poisons-E121, E123, E128 are red dyes, as well as many other dyes and preservatives. Often manufacturers do not indicate the full composition of the product, and many buyers do not even think about what the product is made and that they actually buy.

Chocolate: Bitter, Milk, White

bitter chocolate

The most useful chocolate is bitter or dark. The composition of the bitter chocolate should contain a large amount of cocoa from 60% and more and cocoa oils, sugar, and there should be no milk and vegetable oils. Chocolate contains magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iron, rich in antioxidants. Bitter chocolate happens with all sorts of additives: with nuts, with raisins, and other fillers.

Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate is more common and more beloved of all kinds of chocolate, but does not possess useful propertieswhich are in dark chocolate. Dairy products are added to the milk chocolate: dairy powder and milk fat, oil-cocoa or cocoa powder, sugar, different flavors and all sorts of fillers.

White chocolate

There is no cocoa in white chocolate, but the fat in it is plenty of about 40% and the benefit from white chocolate is minimal. The composition of white chocolate includes: powdered sugar, powdered milk, oil-cocoa, vanilla and salt is added.

The benefits of chocolate

Substances - Fenamine, Serotanin, Penetinamine and others create a feeling of love, increase sexuality, improve the mood and the person has a sense of anxiety, help with stress and in the fight against depression.

Caffeine and theobromin contribute to improving the creative activity and human performance, improves memory and attention.

Dark chocolate is useful for women during critical days.

And flavonoids - antioxidants contained in cocoa prevent the formation of blood clots in vessels, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular vascular system, downgrade arterial pressure and improve blood circulation, protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Damage chocolate

25-30 grams of bitter chocolate per day will bring the body great favorBut the extra consumption of chocolate can harm health.

Little children rack chocolate undesirable, as oveuse nervous systemAnd the baby will be capricious, it will be difficult to calm him, he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. Childs up to five years old chocolate chocolate is undesirable, and many children do not like such chocolate, because he is bitter taste. A three-year-old baby is better than milk or white chocolate, but quite in small quantities.

There is no chocolate in large quantities and in the evening, insomnia may appear.

Since chocolate is a high-calorie product, its excessive consumption is fraught with fat deposition and an increase in body weight.

Some people from chocolate may have headaches, since the Tanin contained in Cocoa narrows blood vessels. Such people are encouraged to better eat white chocolate in which there is no cocoa.

Chocolate people suffering from allergies, obesity, patients with diabetes mellitus.

Marshmallow, Marmalade, Pol

Of all the sweets, Marshmallow, Marmalade and Fastille are most useful. They are less calories and can be used in diet nutrition. In marmalade, marshmallow and shell there are no fats, and those who wish to lose weight, but without sweet can not do, it is better to replace other confectionery products that they.

Marshmallow and Pastila is better to choose white colorSince they do not have dyes and without all sorts of additives: - Glazes, nuts, coconut chips. They are more useful and contain less calories.

Marmalade is a favorite delicacy of many people. It is jelly, fruit and berry, children are very popular chewing marmalade in the form of animals, fruits, vegetables. Larous marmalade is less useful than marmalade dull shades, as there are more dyes in it.

Marshmallow, marmalade and grasses are made of fruit and berry puree, sugar, protein, with the addition of pectin, gelatin, agar-agar. Agar-agar is a product that is produced from red and brown algae and is used in the manufacture of confectionery products as a substitute gelatin. It contains iodine, calcium, iron and other substances and vitamins. Pectines are made of apples, watermelons and other fruits and vegetables. Also in the composition of the marshmallow, marmalade and pastes are added dyes and flavors.

The benefits and harm of Marsfira, Marmalade, Pastails

Marmalade, Marshmallow and Fastille are useful sweets. They help our work thyroid gland, liver, gastrointestinal tract. Improve digestion, blood circulation and metabolic processes, derived from our body harmful substances and toxins, reduce cholesterol levels, have a positive effect on the state of our skin and hair. Excessive use of marshmallows, marmalade and pastes can harm your health, as they contain sugar and dyes, it may increase weight, allergic reactions occur.

Halva and Kozinaki

Halva and Kozinaki are considered oriental sweets, but many nations love them and eat.


Halva is sunflower, peanut, takhinny - from sesame, nuts from a mixture of different nuts -mindal, pistachios, peanuts and other nuts. Halva is made of sunflower seeds, sesame or nuts, sugar and molasses, or honey.


The substances included in the halvah have a beneficial effect on the human body, rejuvenate and healing it, they will prove the aging of cells, improve the digestion, blood circulation and the work of the nervous system, the work of the heart and brain, lower cholesterol. Halva has a beneficial effect on hair health and skin, removes depression and migraine. It prevents the development of Malokrovia and should be used in the nutrition of children and pregnant women.


It should not be very involved in halvae, since it is a calorie product containing a lot of fat and sugar, which, as you know, lead to obesity, some people have allergies.

In Hulwe, cooked from sunflower seeds, cadmium can be kept. Cadmium is a heavy metal that comes from the soil into sunflower during growth and accumulates in seeds. Cadmium is a toxic substance and is dangerous to human health, as it is postponed in the body, and causes changes and disorders in the work of the kidneys and the nervous system. There are problems with bones, as cadmium is able to disrupt the mineralization of bones, to outpire such useful substances from the body as calcium, magnesium and zinc, and the production of vitamin D.


Kozinaki are sesame, sunflower, peanuts, from walnuts and other nuts, dietary - from oatmeal and fructose. Kozinaki is prepared from solid seeds or nuts with the addition of honey, sugar, and in kozinaki are added raisins, kuraga and other dried fruits. They are rich in various vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, calcium, zinc, iodine and other, amino acids and unsaturated fats.


Kozinaki is useful to include in the diet of children, athletes, people engaged in physical labor. Activities that are part of kozinakov strengthen and restore the body, help relieve fatigue, strengthen the liver and muscles, normalize pressure and improve blood composition, rejuvenate the body and help strengthen the immune system.


Like many sweets, kozinaki are a calorie product containing a large amount of sugar and fats. Honey and nuts that are part of kozinak can cause allergies. When sowing kozinakov, you can damage the dental enamel.

Sweets cause positive emotions in children and adults, improve the mood, increase energy and in limited quantities should be included in the diet and adults and children, it is best to use sweetness during a punch.

Excessive intake of sweets and other sweets leads to a violation of metabolism and obesity, can harm the body. For the normal operation of our body enough from 50 to 100 grams of sweet, including sugar, jam and honey.

If you do not engage in physical work, sports and move little, then the use of sweet needs to be minimized. If you can't give up sweets, try to increase the physical activity, more walk, make a charge, walk, and then you will not have to fight extra kilograms.


The benefits and harm of the sweet

What is sweets for a modern person

Sugar and sugar-containing products

For which the human body needs sugar. Sweet benefits

Harm sweet

Sugar effects on teeth

Impact of sugar on the skin

How to reduce the harmful effects of sugar on health

What sweets are useful

Sweet substitutes

sugar sweetness harm benefit man

1. What is sweets for a modern person

People always and at all times pulled to sweet. This thrust is so strong that such words as "pleasure", "delight" and the expression "sweet life" occurred from the word "sweetness". That is, sweetness is always perceived as pleasure, joy and holiday. In a person's consciousness, the relationship between sweet and pleasure appeared very long ago, probably at the dawn of evolution.

In nature, sweet food, and this honey, many fruits and some vegetables, always rich in carbohydrates (sugars). Consumeing such food, a person could quickly restore the body's forces after tense labor, because in human body carbohydrates are best source Energy. Probably sweet food in the ancient people was shortened: honey had to disintegrate in wild bees, and the fruits were not at all times of the year and they had to share them with tribesmen. Therefore, Nature laid a craving for a sweet at the level of instinct, and the consumption of sweet turned into pleasure.

But the life of a modern person has changed a lot: sweets have become a lot and they have become publicly available in large quantities. And the man became hostage of his instincts.

On the one hand, the need for a sweet in humans has been preserved, and it may even be intensified as sweet food is a kind of medicine against modern stress.

For some sweets, it is a pleasure taste for others - an antidepressant, and for someone it is a daily need. And although, as a rule, each of us has not yet heard, starting from the childhood, that "sweet is harmful to health," nevertheless, still can not accept the fact that these crazy beauty air cakes, a variety of candies and fitness - Cakes can somehow harm our body. The love of sweet in humans is innate and transmitted genetically. Even babies distinguish the taste of sweet. And begin to smile if they give something sweet to suck.

2. Sugar and sahamo-containing products

Glucose provides more than half of the energy costs of the body. The normal concentration of glucose in the blood is maintained at 80-120 milligrams of sugar per 100 millilitals. Glucose has the ability to maintain the barrier function of the liver against toxic substances due to the participation in the formation of so-called paired sulfur and glucuronic acids in the liver. That is why the taking sugar inside or the introduction of glucose into Vienna is recommended for some diseases of the liver, poisoning.

Sugar - synonym for the concept of carbohydrates; This name occurred due to the fact that many of the first open carbohydrates had a sweet taste.

Sugar is an integral part of the diet of almost any person. This is an important ingredient of various dishes, beverages, bakery and confectionery. It is added to tea, coffee, cocoa; is he main component Candies, glaze, creams and ice cream. Sugar is used in preserving meat, stretching the skin and in the tobacco industry. It serves a preservative in jams, jelly and other products from fruits. Sugar is important for the chemical industry. Thousands of derivatives used in various fields are obtained from it, including the production of plastics, pharmaceutical preparations, effervescent drinks and frozen foods.

Exist different kinds Sugar, the most common of which: sucrose, fructose and glucose.

Sugar is mainly produced by plants under the action of sunlight. Basic sugar suppliers (sucrose) - sugar beets and sugar cane

When processing with high temperatures and chemicals, the useful substances in the Sahara does not remain. And for the absorption of sugar in the body, life-air mineral salts and vitamins are spent, which can lead to impaired work of the immune and endocrine system.

3. For which the human body needs sugar. Sweet benefits

First, sugar is a supplier of glucose and carbohydrates necessary for the production of energy.

Secondly, sugar is a good mood stimulator that contributes to the production of serotonin hormone. Clean sugar can hardly lead to obesity, of course, if he is not consumed in some exhaust doses. Only then the non-painted carbohydrates turn into fats. Vegetables, fruits containing sugar is an indispensable source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Sweet benefits<#"justify">1) Energy. Carbohydrates - the main source of energy. Fats and proteins can also be used as alternative energy sources, but for this we need special nutritional conditions or long-term hunger strike. In sweets, carbohydrates is the main component. In addition, these carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and quickly quench the hunger (why it happens to be explained below).

Due to the traditionally high content of fats, cakes, chocolates, cakes, have significant calorie content. Sweet is ideal for nutrition in conditions when large energy consumption is present, but it is limited to me to fully eat. It is because of this, chocolate and condensed milk are included in the products of climbers.

2) psychological. Many people have improved mood after eaten chocolate or cupcake. This is a purely psychological moment, since it is not related to the development of endorphins or other hormones (see below).

4. Damper sweet

1) physiological. Each product has glycemic index (GI)<#"justify">. If briefly, Gui is a differ, which shows how rapidly the level of insulin in the blood is growing after glucose falls into it. Sweets glycemic index Traditionally big. Products with high sicks quickly quench the hunger, but also quickly cause new.

More understandable can be explained by the example. Suppose we ate chocolate. Sugar in it is split to glucose in the digestive tract and is absorbed into the blood. The blood glucose level is growing. An indication of how quickly the level of glucose in the blood increased, and there is a glycemic index. High blood glucose concentration is dangerous for the body, so in response to its increase there is a hormone insulin (in diabetics it is not allocated), which evenly distributes it along the tissues of internal organs and muscles, reducing the blood glucose content. Another insulin function is blocking fat decay and enhancing their synthesis. It also accelerates protein synthesis. If there are no muscle injuries, mostly fat cells are synthesized, because they have a higher priority than the muscles (fat - the body's energy reserve). A quick leap of blood glucose (a chocolate or cake eaten) causes an as quick insulin jump.

Part of it goes to transport glucose in the body. The rest is used to create fat cells and blocking the decay of already existing fat. If the blood glucose level is growing slowly (low gi, probably not a chocolate), insulin also stands out smoothly and uniformly. The slower - the more chances that its excess in the blood will not be used to deploy fat.

Sharp glycose jumps that occur when we eat a lot of sweet, it is harmful by themselves - excess glucose poisoning blood, causing hyperglycemia<#"justify">. In the simplest case, hyperglycemia causes fatigue and apathy. This is the main harm of the sweet. These symptoms can be permanent if most of the daily diet is a high glycemic index.

) Psychological. Yes, sweet can cause addiction. Although this dependence is purely psychological and is not connected with the popular myth of the production of endorphin from the use of sweet.

Endorphins (endogenous (Greek. ενδο ( inside) + Greek. γένη ( knee, genus)) + morphine (on behalf of the ancient Gergic god Morfei (Greek. Μορφεύς or Μορφέας - « the one who forms [dreams] ")) is a group of polypeptide chemical compounds, according to the structure of similarities with opiates (morpho-like compounds), which naturally produced in the brain neurons and have the ability to reduce pain, similarly to opiate, and influence the emotional state. Endorphins are formed from the naturally produced substance - beta-lipotrophotine (Beta-Lipotrophin); It is believed that they control the activities of the endocrine glands in the human body.

3) aesthetic. If you do not work a logger in Altai and your age for 30, the excessive use of the sweet will invariably lead to the accumulation of excess weight. Or not even excessive, but quite moderate, if physical activity during the day is low. Damage is sweet in this case is that saturated fats and trans-fats with composition increases blood cholesterol and in general have a negative impact on health. Thickeners, balastifiers and preservatives in cakes, bias and cakes adversely affect the skin, condition of hair and nails.

Per lately scientists revealed a lot of new things about harms of sweet foods:

· Infertility . A recent study conducted by experts from Harvard University showed that the use of a large amount of sweets affects the production of testosterone and estrogen.
Sugar increases the level of lipid-produced liver, and they, in turn, reduce the level of special protein - SHBG. It is SHBG that is responsible for the balance between testosterone blood content and estrogen, whose deficiency may later lead to the development of infertility.
· Thrush . Ladies that are unable to deny themselves in a piece of cake or chocolates, more often suffer from the thrush (urogenital candidiasis). It is known that the cause of thrush are fungi from the genus Candida. They live almost in every person, but the disease arises only when they are getting too much.
Most often it happens against the background of antibiotics, but provoking the increased activity of fungi can and food rich in carbohydrates - that is, sweets.
· Cancer intestinal . American scientists also warn that the crushes to sweetness addresses and cancer. The use of a large amount of sweet flour products causes the pancreas to produce insulin to produce insulin - it can provoke the formation of malignant tumors in the intestine. Such a conclusion was done by doctors based on observation of several thousand women.

· Sweets are destructive for the brain . Special fears cause specialists a possible disastrous effect of sweets on the human brain. Spanish specialists argue: sugar negatively affects the brain. Scientists have studied on mice a rare hereditary disease - refinery syndrome. In this case, glycogen begins to postpone in brain cells. As a result, epileptic seizures, motor disorders and dementia are developing. So that in the cells of the brain does not "postponed" glycogen, 2 types of special protein are produced in the body. For each of these proteins corresponds to a certain gene. In case of damage to one of the genes and develops the lather syndrome.

· Sugar and mental abilities . Scientists from California came to interesting conclusions during the study state University. They were tested in 803 boarding schools and 9 colonies for minors. Sugar and sweets were seized from the diet of these children, and replaced them with vegetables and fruits.
The results were striking: the evaluations of children rose on average by 1 score on the 5-point system, and 50% of all mentally retarded children were recognized as healthy.
· Life expectancy is shrinking . The pros and cons of health sugar are interested in scientists from Germany. They found that glucose is able to significantly reduce the life of a person - on average by 25% (this is equivalent to about 15 years of human life). Later, the conclusions of German scientists were confirmed by American researchers from the Institute of Biological Studies of Salka in California.

· Danger for pregnant women . Another danger associated with the consumption of sweets: Excess carbohydrates in the nutrition of pregnant women can provoke allergic reactions in children and increase the risk of developing diseases of the nervous system.

5. Impact of sugar on teeth

The main "dental" pest is sugar, which is contained in most types of sweets. It is the main power source of bacteria that accumulate on the dental enamel between the cleaning of the teeth. Rapidly multiplying the bacteria to the dental enamel, which in turn leads to Caries.

There is a ranking of sweets for their degree of negative impact on the state of the teeth. The most harmful are Irisky, Tyantchuk and other candies of this kind, sticking to all parts of the mouth, with the exception, perhaps, the language and stuck between the teeth, which increases the time of their dissolution.

The second in harm is various caramel derivatives. Firstly, this type of candy by 58% consists of sugar with the addition of molasses, and, secondly, caramel is resolved for a long time, which increases the exposure time of sucrose to dental enamel.

It closes the top three harmful sweets - chocolate, for the preparation of which a mixture of cocoa, sugar and taste additives are used, and the share of sugar is exactly half of the entire mass of the finished chocolate. True, according to the latest research on modern American scientists, a substance possessing a substance in Cocoa antiseptic propertiesproviding the development of bacteria in the oral cavity. But it concerns mainly bitter chocolate.

6. Impact of sugar on the skin

The skin condition may worsen such sweets as cakes, cupcakes, cakes, rolls, in which there are many not only sugar, but also fats with simple carbohydrates. The abundance of such components is a beneficial medium for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, and, as is well known, the disorder of intestinal microflora, in other words, dysbacteriosis, one of the reasons provoking unwanted rash on face, chest or back. In addition, rarely who can boast a balanced diet, the absence of which is the root cause of problem skin, which, in combination, with excessive consumption of sweets can further aggravate its appearance.

It also has also been proven that sugar accelerates the process of cell aging, which leads to the premature appearance of wrinkles. At the same time, the danger is taking not only sweets in their usual manifestation, but also products containing maltose, a pattern, barley malt or fruit juice concentrate.

7. How to reduce the harmful effects of sugar on health

As you know, there are no hopeless situations, and if a person cannot or does not want to abandon the sweet, we should change its diet and lifestyle, so that in the future it is possible to enjoy your favorite taste.

First you need to remember the antioxidants, substances that not only come into combating free radicals, but also contribute to the prevention of the negative impact of sugar on the collagen structure. Antioxidants are rich in such products like blueberries, cranberries, Bulgarian peppers - periodically adding them to their diet, you will strengthen the collagen fiber.

Another no less useful substance is a fiber, must be present on the table of sweet tooth. Eating bread from the flour of coarse grinding, legumes, nuts, seeds, figs, coconut and bananas reduces the percentage of glucose absorption into blood, neutralizes the effect of carbohydrates and accelerates the process of outputting the spree of sugar.

It should also be paid to regular sports that not only strengthen health, but also can help overcome the "sweet" dependence. Physical activity leads to the emission of adrenaline, which tones the entire body is better than any sugar, with something the effect this is much longer and naturally absolutely harmless.

If you are sweet tooth:

· limit the consumption of glucose and go to "natural" sweeteners: fructose or lactulose (they are in large quantities in fruit);

· try to drink tea without sugar, and instead of sweet carbonated drinks, use mineral water.

The weight control is not at all implies a categorical abandon from the sweet. Something can even lose weight. For example, dried fruits, homemade paste, marmalade and jam. They contain all the same easily carbohydrates, but less calories than biscuit cakes, duff and cakes, because they have no fats. The cream of oil is much more dangerous for the shape than sugar glaze or the sweetest jam. Dried fruits and grazing contains fiber. With her losing weight, it is helpful to be friends, because it does not give absorbing a simple sugar. Good way "Decacy" dessert - to eat a couple of tablespoons of dry bran in front of him. Do not buy fruit cakes that manufacturers are positioning as low-calorie - there is nothing diet in them. As for chocolate, from time to time to indulge with their whims, thus nutritionists are allowed. But only if you laugh from chocolate with a high cocoa bean chocolate, not a dairy or white. Read the label: Such chocolate must contain at least 70 percent of cocoa.

8. What sweets are useful

First of all, these are natural products created by nature and do not require any additional processing.

Honey is a multicomponent natural product. In addition to simple sugars, glucose and fructose, the honey contains fruit acids, mineral salts, essential oils, amino acids and other elements that endow it with healing force. It has antimicrobial properties, useful for colds, constipation, insomnia. Calorie - in 100g - 320 kcal. Using honey should not forget about the measure that all of the above useful components do not touch its artificially created counterpart. Fresh fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts. Their utility for the body has never been doubtful, and their combination can replace one or two eating. Fruits and berries can be separate, do fruit salads, mousses, expose thermal processing. Dried fruits are very rich in fiber (especially dates and uryuk: 1.5 g per 100 g of product), iron, magnesium. This is useful for vessels, hearts and gastrointestinal tract. Calorie - in 100g - 240 - 270 kcal.

Some purchased sweets consumed in reasonable quantities can also provide the body with useful substances.

Marmalade, Marshmallow, Fastille. They contain pectin, which improves intestinal peristalsis and contributes to the purification of the body from toxins. Also contributes to the purification of the body from "bad cholesterol". Calorie - at 100g - 290 kcal.

Fructose-based sweets are another alternative to saham-containing products, but they have enough calories and fats in them, which cannot favorably affect the figure. And of course, a variety of desserts based on low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese in the form of casserole, salads, cocktails, too, can also be boldly attributed to the category of "cold" sweets.

9. Sweet substitutes

Some people in search of the best alternative to Sahara begin to use his substitutes - they are not so calorie, and they differ little from the "original" by taste. One of the most common sugar substitutes includes: Sakharin, Suklamat, Aspartame, Xylitis and sorbitol.

However, these substances can harm their health if not observed. For example, Sakharin (produced in the form of 40 mg tablets) in large doses can contribute to the formation of malignant tumors - it is recommended to use no more than 4 tablets per day. TO side effect Suklamat and Aspartama applies allergies, and xylitol and sorbitol have choleretic and disgraceful actions.

Glucose or grape sugar is mainly in fruit. Glucose is not much more useful than ordinary sugar. Grape sugar is even quickly faster than sucrose, which leads to even faster fatigue, as well as to the formation of fat.

Fresh fruits that contain vitamins and minerals can be a good alternative glucose. In addition, as is well known, they relate to slimming products.<#"justify">Fructose is slower to be absorbed into the blood, without causing "sugar shock", insulin's participation is not required.
Fructose is a good alternative for diabetics, but the problem is that it is contained in small quantities.
Often advise to consume honey instead of sugar.
In the honey, in addition to fructose, 80% of glucose is present, which is not quite good for our body.
Useful substances that are contained in honey quickly destroyed during heat treatment. Children up to one year honey at all is contraindicated, as it can lead to allergic reactions.

There is also countless sugar substitutes that promise zero calories.

Calories Artificial sweeteners do not contain, and they are sweeter than ordinary sugar 300 times. Chemical sugar is not absorbed by the organism and is derived by naturally. But from excess weight they do not save.

For the reason that the taste receptors are sent to the brain the "Sweet" signal and the reflex will be triggered into the blood insulin, as if there are real sugar. The hormone begins to recycle sugar contained in the blood. As a result, due to the reduced sugar content, the "Hunger" signal comes into the brain. And the person begins, there is everything in a row.


1. Dimova C. Nutrition with diabetes mellitus. M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 384c.

The benefits of the body and harm from the sweet must be known to protect themselves from the possible negative consequences, the development of diseases. It is believed that the use of candies and cakes can influence only negatively, but in fact the positive sides in the eating of these delicacies also exist. To make a decision on the share of sweet foods in the diet, you need to weigh all the "for" and "against", and understand whether it is worth abandoning the sweet us.

Sweet benefits

First, it is necessary to understand that there are harmful sweets (saturated by letters, dyes, preservatives and flavors) and useful (those in which natural glucose and fructose contains natural sweeteners). All experts unanimously advise at the maximum replace the sweet, damage to the body, reducing harm to health, as far as possible. The most famous alternatives are harmful confectionery products:

  • marshmallow;
  • marmalade;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • halva and Kozinaki.

In addition, scientists have long proved that even unhetatic sweet food components carry benefits:

  • especially useful sweet for women, as it plays a role in normalizing a hormonal background;
  • having high calorie and nutrition, sweet can be a good imaginary in extreme situations associated with high exercise - often athletes thus get additional energy and power during severe competitions;
  • sweet improves mood, eliminating depressive state.

If you highlight the useful qualities of natural sweets, they will be much larger than:

Product Benefit
  • Helps to cope with viral, fungal and infectious diseases,
  • strengthens bone and muscle tissue,
  • soothes the nervous system.
White chocolate
  • Has an anti-inflammatory action
  • helps to cope with diseases of the respiratory tract,
  • improves brain circulation.
bitter chocolate
  • Leads to a tone
  • is an excellent antidepressant
  • establishes metabolism,
  • recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis,
  • stimulates brain activity.
  • Protein source
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases,
  • beneficial effect on skin and hair
  • In general, fruits are the source of a large number of trace elements, vitamins,
  • strengthen immunity
  • improve the work of the intestine.
  • Agar-agar-based product promotes weight loss
  • displays toxins and heavy metals,
  • lowering cholesterol.
  • Normalizes metabolism
  • benefits to work liver and pancreas,
  • reduces appetite.

Harm sweet

Before determining the level of harm applied sweet, it is necessary to consider that it means a large amount of food eaten. Without going beyond the permissible norm, the harm will be minimal. Nevertheless, it is possible to allocate negative sides when exposed to the Sweet on the human body:

  • it turns out influence on the figure, there is an increase in body weight, as a result - development of obesity;
  • the harm from the sweet manifests itself in negative influence on the state of the teeth;
  • sweet use increases the risk of development sugar diabetes;
  • sharp and constant jumps of blood sugar levels cause apathy, fatigue;
  • sweet brings harm to work with hearts and vessels;
  • particular dyes, preservatives can cause allergic reactions in the form of itching, rashes on skin or redness;
  • many species of sweet desserts are able to exacerbate atherosclerosis or provoke its approximation;
  • frequent eating sweet in large quantities is addictive.

No need to abuse and useful delicacies - fruits can provoke allergies, white chocolate enhances blood pressure, and Halva brings harm to liver. In everything you need to know the measure, distributing the products evenly on the entire day diet, eating the portion of the sweet after the reception of the main food.

Influence on the body of the child

Children are the most exposed sugar on the body of the age group due to the developing organism. Sometimes it is difficult to force the child to abandon the sweet, and it does not work out to explain the degree of damage. In this case, it can be advised to minimize the fraction of the sweet in the diet of the kid due to natural sweeteners - berries, fruits or honey. The table lists both the benefits and the harm, brought by the children's body from sweets:

There are also some features of the introduction into the children's diet:

  1. until 3 years, it is not recommended to feed the child with any sahamo-containing components, and you need to enter them in the menu gradually. You should start with marmalade (based on agar-agar) and fruit puree, then move to homemade jam, dried fruits;
  2. do not give sweet to the main welcome;
  3. do not replace the sweet gas production of everyday drinks;
  4. those sweets are most harmful to children, which consist of half of fast carbohydrates, and on the other half of the fats. These include glazed raws, cakes, cakes - you need to try to protect the child from them, choosing more useful alternatives (already mentioned natural substitutes or the same products, but based on light creams - cottage cheese, yoghurt).

The impact of sweet when used overnight

The use of sweet for the night can bring only harm. This statement is categorically confirmed by many facts. In addition, it is recommended to minimize the eating sweet substitutes in the evening. Justified this as follows:

  • the greatest activity of the digestive organs falls on the morning (if more precisely, from 6 to 11 am), higher the ability of their splitting, above the rate of metabolism;
  • sweet, eaten as a replacement for basic food causes appetite;
  • if the delicious food is eaten after the usual dishes, there is a feeling of gravity in the stomach, it can provoke insomnia;
  • at night, you need to give the opportunity to rest, and sweet is a heavy variety of food, which causes the gastrointestinal tract to work.

Video about the benefit and harm of sweets

It is not necessary to finally refuse sweet, it is enough to reduce its amount in the diet or replace more useful dried fruits, honey, dark chocolate or fruit. But you always need to know the measure and try to eat sweet in the morning. Only this can be learned from delicious products.

With the word "Sweet", a person is always associated with only something delicious, good and pleasant. This is stable such sustainable revs as "Sweet Life", "Sweet Speech", "Sweet Sleep". The first food in life is also sweet. Maybe sweet - is it the best meal? I would like, but no ...

Why are so many people like sweets?

We agree that it will be about Sahara now. This is a unique product, clean energy in edible video. It splits on glucose in a matter of minutes and the person has not yet looked for a chocolate, and already feels a tide of strength and feels how the mood rises. By the way, about the mood. From the point of view of banal biochemistry, the more easier the food gives the body of energy, the stronger the brain will be encouraged using serotonin and dopamine - "compounds of happiness". These are very pleasant substances, almost drug production, so they will want to be again and again. It is because of this, people who have been abandoned by sweet, such "sour" - because they no longer feel the "natural" background of these hormones due to the developed habit of improving it. Also, the love of sweetly affects the community hormonal background. So, the hormone estrogen affects blood sugar levels, which makes women with big sweets than men. But it is important to remember that sweet is different and sometimes very uncomfortable.

What makes food sweet?

Sweet taste dishes gives not only sugar, but also other substances and products. Moreover, they can be natural, such as fructose, xylitis, sorbitol, stevia. But there are artificial: Sakharin, Aspartame, Cyclamat and Taumatin. Natural have fewer contraindications and potential side Effects, but a number of shortcomings to them still inherent:

  • Fructose, besides the fact that considerably swelling sugar, also much more calories, which will not help to deal with overweight;
  • Xylitis and sorbitol necalorines have a soft laxative effect, nor have a low level of sweetness;
  • Stevia, in the form of crushed herbs, very sweet, well affects the body, but it is difficult to use in cooking, and the extract from it can be harmful.

Artificial sweeteners, as a rule, do not have nutritional value, but make a number of threats to health:

  • Aspartame is a strong allergen, and can also affect the operation of the peripheral nervous system, caused the cause of headaches or insomnia;
  • Cyclamat may cause renal failure, in view of which it is forbidden to take people with weak kidneys and women waiting for the baby;
  • Sakharin has carcinogenic properties, resulting in a number of countries banned its application.

In addition to all of the foregoing, it is important to remember that these additives are primarily focused on people whose organism is not able to split carbohydrates and extract glucose from them, that is, diabetics. Therefore, if a person wants to correct his weight, then it is better to reconsider his diet, avoiding the use of sugar substitutes.

And what did not please sugar?

Sugar itself is not evil. On the contrary, in small quantities it is even very necessary. But not everyone can take himself and stop at this "small quantity". What happens when an excess of sugar or the fastest carbohydrates in the human nutrition? As mentioned above the sucrose (as well as fructose, galactose, lactose, glucose) is the most powerful and fastest source of energy. Since all these substances are splitted very quickly, then after meals, a man feels an emotional lift, a tide of strength. But if these forces do not apply to any type of physical activity, the energy released from the meal will be distributed between glycogen reserves in the liver (for quick access at first need) and reserves in fatty depots (for an indefinite future). Thus, it is possible to eat sweetly without harm for the figure only, provided that this energy will be all is raster. But it is important to remember that 100 grams of dark chocolate contains about 550 kilocalories, and to spend them, you need a whole hour, without a breather, jumping on the steppe with a mad speed. And it is not a fact that everything "burns", since all the energy "shoot" into the bloodstream for 10 minutes. But excess weight - It is Polwy. It is much more dangerous to a sharp jump in insulin, occurring with a sharp increase in blood sugar. Regular such "shakes" can cause a diabetes of a second type. It is worth adding that 4 million people are dying from diseases associated with diabetes every year, and replenish the ranks of the sick - seven million, which puts it in fourth place in the list of deaths.

Everything is good in moderation

These terrible figures are not at all reason to urge everyone forever forget about Sahara. Sugar is safe and needed, it is simply important to comply with a number of small recommendations:

  • Do not have breakfast sweet - contrary to the expectation, it will give a feeling of lethargy and drowsiness for a whole day, because sugar tends to wash vitamin B1 responsible for working capacity and endurance;
  • The share of sugar and other fast carbohydrates should not exceed 5-7% of the total diet, the rest is better to learn from one-piece croup and products from whole grain flour;
  • It should not eat sweet for the night - all the liberated energy will not be able to be spent and distributed on the sides and hips;
  • It is worth remembering that brown sugar is still sugar, although retained some of the beneficial substances in itself compared to white. Therefore, it should also be taken into account as a quick carbohydrate in making a menu;
  • Alternative sources of "Hormones of Happiness" should be found - it can be physical exertion, any art, just walking outdoors with friends, family or four-legged friend;
  • Better to beware of sugar substitutes - they are not so harmless and diet, some even more calories.

Thus, it is possible to achieve that life is enough "sweet", and at the same time this sweetness did not have bitter consequences.