The most powerful conspiracy to call. Love spell to call to read at home

Read the special handkerchief plot, which you use to wipe your face three times before entering the courtroom. The conspiracy reads as follows:

I will stand, blessing,
I'll go crossing myself
Door to door, gate to gate.
I will go out into the open field,
In this open field they stand
Iron constipation, damask gate.
I will become a servant of God (name),
Between the iron constipation,
Damascus gates
And I will put a crown of gold on my head,
I will put a bright month.
On this bright month I will put
Red sun
To this in the red sun
Can't nobody
Neither get angry or upset.
And so would the servant of God (name)
Nobody could
Neither be angry nor upset:
No kings-princes, no kings-princes,
Neither worldly courts, nor earthly courts.
And neither the whole world is right glorious
Couldn't get angry or upset
The servant of God (name).
If they were in front of me
Like a leaf in front of a grass
And below the low water, the cut grass.
The sky is the key, the earth is the lock.
Keep away from my words.

Conspiracy to soften cruel hearts

If you have to communicate with people on whom your well-being depends, but they are for one reason or another angry with you, then you should read such a conspiracy three times in a row before contacting them:

Jesus Christ, stand up to help me.
I go to the room, they sit there
Kings with kings, lords with lords,
All power over me, dumb as walls.
They take the plates, I take the knife out from under my heart,
I plug my enemies' throats.
My top, my truth, my victory.
I'll turn around on all sides
And I am not afraid of you, my enemies. Amen.

Wealth conspiracy

If you see a lot of goodness that will appeal to you, or a large amount of money that you can only dream of, put the fig and read a special conspiracy - all the wealth will go to you. The conspiracy words are as follows:

You don't care, but I have full boxes,
And I’m full of bins and barns,
House of good, wallets of money,
Gold with silver.
I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen.

A conspiracy for wealth and good luck

Good luck and success will accompany you in everything, if on any Thursday you dig a hole near your house and throw a coin, a small remnant and a cockroach into it, and then bury it all, saying:

How quickly the soap is washed
My bad luck would have disappeared so quickly.
How many cockroaches a thin mistress has,
I would have had so much luck and money.
Conspiracy for good luck, I bury luck,
I fall asleep with damp earth. Amen.

A quick word (to fulfill a wish)

If during the year you saw a star falling at least once and managed to say a quick word at the same time, then on New Year's Eve, go outside, look at the sky and make a wish - it will definitely come true.

A quick word - I KNOW.

How to get your lot back

With the help of damage, you can take away not only health, but also a happy share. Thank God that there is a special ritual that helps to scold the unfortunate from troubles and misfortunes.

Pour black cow milk into a bottle, hide it on your chest and go to church. There, settle for matins, then light nine candles and return home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way. Put milk on an empty table, light a candle next to it. Sweep floors everywhere. During the ceremony, do not be distracted either by knocking on the door or by phone calls - nothing should bother you.

If you just met a guy, he aroused your interest, but the continuation of communication did not follow, then you can magically evoke memories of you in him, make him call. This is not a very dangerous influence, as you are not imposing feelings or strong desires on him. You just try to force him to pay attention to you, and leave the rest to his will.

Rite rules

Any magical conspiracy is aimed at changing the energy field of a person to whom secret words are addressed. Magic also has strict rules. Here are the main ones:

  1. Words must be pronounced clearly and clearly.
  2. Magic does not tolerate interference from outsiders, so when uttering secret words, make sure that no one hears you.
  3. Conspiracies to attract attention, as well as rituals and work best on the growing moon. On other days, you can also read, but the effect will not be as strong.
  4. As often as possible, remember and imagine in your head the guy to whom your attention is drawn. Imagination will help to make what you want in reality.
  5. Do not tell anyone that you did a conspiracy, otherwise someone else's energy may interfere with you.

During the ritual, it would be nice to have a photo of him in front of your eyes. If it is not there, then it's okay: imagine a person in front of you, how he smiles at you, thinks about you, wants to call you. Then you will succeed.

The simplest and easiest slander

This conspiracy is used when it is necessary for the guy to call immediately after the meeting or on the third day. Get a small red candle and light it by placing it on the table. Place your mobile phone next to it, cover it with your left hand. Say these words of conspiracy:

“As the candle on the table burns and burns out, so your heart (the guy's name) is worried, knows no rest. Your hand dials the number, my voice wants to hear my heart. Quickly dial my numbers, calm your soul, take care of yourself. Let it be so!"

That evening, you will receive a call from the person to whom the secret words were addressed. If this did not happen, then the guy was very busy and will definitely call after three days. The conspiracy is one hundred percent working!

Ritual if you know the phone number

Take the thing he touched, or his photo, or write his phone number on a piece of paper. At night, show what you have chosen to perform the ritual to the Moon. And say such a spell for a love spell:

“As the moon looks at me, as the night longs for the white day,
So you are a servant of God (guy's name) longing for me, run to me.
I am a beauty, illuminated by the moon, I am fitting, placed in your thoughts.
As the breeze murmurs in the foliage, so will my voice live in you.
Run faster, bring your speech.
As you hear my dear voice, your heart will be filled with love longing! "

They said a conspiracy and go to bed, putting the thing that they said under the pillow. If everything is done correctly, the next day the desired call will definitely be there. The main thing is that the ritual must be carried out with conviction, without feeling even a shadow of doubt. Then everything will definitely work out. Your thoughts will be passed on to the guy. He will remember you and feel like calling you.

Conspiracy to the phone if there is no number

If you do not have a phone number or a guy's belongings, and you really want to call him, you can use the following conspiracy. Take your cell phone. Imagine well the situation when he calls you. You can visualize his photo on the phone screen, you can - the music of the call, you can - your feelings. And if it works out, then it's better all at once. This will be much more effective. Now, looking at the phone seven times in a row, read this conspiracy:

“My beloved (name) you miss, you miss, you look at that phone - you are jealous! You were offended, you sulked, turned away from the phone! My beloved (name), you take the phone in hand, call your beloved (your name)! As my voice will sound in the receiver, so will your heart beat! Love will flow into your body, as my voice will respond! My beloved (name) call! Connect our hearts! Amen!"

After reading the conspiracy seven times, keep the visualization of your conversation for a while. This will make the connection between your energy bodies stronger. If everything is done correctly, the guy should call you within three days.

Conspiracy to call a guy who doesn't know your number

This conspiracy is used if you met a guy, you liked him, but there was no continuation of the acquaintance. In order not to suffer and not suffer in the unknown, you can do a small magic ritual to remind the guy of your existence. Usually, even if he did not ask for your mobile number, the call will certainly follow. (Everything is within reason, if he has the opportunity to find out your phone number from mutual acquaintances!)

Stand in front of a large mirror. You should see yourself from the waist down. The reflection should not cover the entire surface of the mirror. Take a good look at your image and think about what could attract his attention (face, eyes, lips, etc.). Now imagine that behind your right shoulder is yours, and behind your left is the guy you like. Read the plot nine times in a row, trying not to lose images in the reflection:

“Any (name) got lost, got lost in a deep forest! My angel, you go after him for the mountains into the forests, or fly to heaven! Let the Servant of God (name) be found! He will turn to me with the news! My angel, don't let me down! Bring the servant of God (name) to me! Amen!"

After reading, you need to cover the mirror with a handkerchief for a while so that the energy is preserved. If a guy knows your phone number, after a conspiracy, he will definitely call. And if there is no opportunity to know him, he will try to meet with you in the place where you met. So go to meet your destiny exactly where the acquaintance happened!

Conspiracy for the guy to call and apologize

And if you are in a quarrel with a guy, and you want him to call first, then you can use another conspiracy. You can, of course, be the very first to go to reconciliation without resorting to magic. This is even better. This will make you look wiser and more feminine. But this is not always possible.

It happens that the circumstances are not clear to you and you cannot understand what is happening. Then you can turn to magical powers for assistance. Perhaps a little push from you will keep a strong relationship that will lead both of you to happiness.

For the ritual, a photo of a loved one is used. It is imperative to carefully look into his face and imagine that he is currently talking to you. Then take a piece of paper and write his phone number on it. Cut the leaflet with the number so that only numbers remain on it (the edge should be as small as possible). Put a piece of paper with a number on the photo (it should represent a mobile phone).

Read the following words three times:

“As a stork flies to the south, as a fish swims in the ocean,
As the earth cannot be without a clear sun,
So you (name) do not sleep without me (name), do not eat, according to my words, you yearn.
Like a nightingale in a grove chirps, sings songs, love calls,
So you (name) miss my speech (name), you remember me with your heart!
As you hear my answer in the receiver, the trace of your melancholy will disappear. Amen!"

Speak while imagining that he is already dialing your number. You can even imagine that music is playing from the speakers of your phone, which usually means it is ringing. The visualization must be very convincing. Now roll a piece of paper with his phone number into a small ball and tie it to your mobile phone with a red thread (or yellow, white, green). The color of the thread will depend on the relationship you want.

  • Red is passionate love
  • yellow - romance,
  • green - friendship,
  • white - marriage proposal.

Wear the balloon tied to your phone until it rings. You won't have to wait long! Then it is better to burn the piece of paper so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. This is a magical binding that can be used to destroy your relationship.

The second conspiracy to call when parting

This conspiracy is used in case of separation. When you broke up "forever", and you want to keep the relationship, if you can't take the very first step, but really want to continue pleasant communication, then use the following slander:

“The crows have arrived, we scattered to the sides! The birds flew away - let the beloved (name) return! Holy Mary, help! Save our love and save! Servant of God (name) Let the servant of God (name) send a message. Holy Mary! Send his heart flying! Let him not toil and suffer, but rather dial my number. Amen!"

You need to read five times in a row, having a good idea. There is one indispensable condition, you must stop being angry and offended by him. What's done is done, you need to go further without anger and negativity. Remember all the good things that happened between you, and read the conspiracy. Your beloved guy will certainly call you! If the conspiracy, for some reason, did not work, there are other stronger ones. Use them.

If you want your loved one or employer to call you urgently, use the secret magical teachings. Ritual actions are performed at any time of the day or night, regardless of the lunar phase.

With the help of a conspiracy, you can make any man call

Conspiracies for calling a loved one

A conspiracy for a man to call is ideal for a situation where the meeting happened once and you left him a phone number, and he is embarrassed to dial you. You will need it during the meeting. If there is no such item, write its number on the album sheet and start reading:

“Call me dear. Grab your phone, dial my number. "

Repeat the spell 9 times. As you say the words, imagine how a smile appears on his face when he finds your number. Wait for a call within half an hour.

A conspiracy for a loved one to call if a couple is in a quarrel, read over the photo. Take it, light it up and looking at the photo start reading:

“I remember your strong camp and I am sad. Missed me, so call me. Take your phone as soon as possible. My sweetest, beloved, dear, unique. Don't hide the evil offense, forgive me and dial the number. "

The husband turned off his cell phone and you do not know how to contact him - use a strong rite of passage to call "Ray of Love". Imagine that your beloved man is standing right in front of you at this moment. Draw every detail clearly in your mind, focus on the little things. Imagine your husband dialing a phone number. Next, imagine a picture of how you send a ray of light from the solar plexus area, which moves to a similar point on the husband's body. If the imaging procedure goes well, you will feel a surge of warmth in your solar plexus. You can be sure that your beloved will call in a matter of minutes or within an hour.

Rites for an instant call

The following ritual is performed using several attributes:

  • crushed stone;
  • red marker;
  • self-sewn canvas pouch.

The number of stones is the same as the number of digits in your own telephone number (taking into account the country code). Wash the crushed stone thoroughly under running water, lay it out in the sun and dry it. Use a marker to write one digit of your number on each pebble. Put the pebbles in a bag and read the conspiracy on your phone:

“My dear man, I've been waiting for your call for a century. As I wrote the numbers on the pebbles, I remembered (guy's name) about me and called. I heard my call, called me on a date, only longed for me. "

Read the plot 7 times. This is a proven, boyfriend, husband, ex. It works flawlessly even to attract customers if you work in the field of online consulting.

The next fast-acting ritual is performed using a mobile. Relevant in the case when there was at least one telephone conversation with the querent. Take the device in hand and read the plot to the guy's call loudly and clearly:

“I can hear the bell right now. This is my dear calling. Even at a distance I can hear his breathing. The first time I remembered, I picked up the phone and put it aside. I plucked up courage and called the second time. My magic is strong, and love, like an ocean, is boundless. "

Imagine the voice of a loved one, timbre. The image of a guy should always be in front of your eyes. This powerful home ritual will allow you to immediately receive a call or message from the guy you like. It can be read if it is necessary for the lover to come today.

Conspiracy to call from a loved one

Conspiracy for the love of a man

The most effective telephone conspiracy allows you to make a man fall in love with you without memory or the ex remembered his feelings. You will need:

  • candles are red;
  • pink ribbon;
  • telephone;
  • rose petals;
  • mirror;
  • white cloth.

Perform the ritual on a starry night and it will work much faster. Open the window, spread a piece of fabric on the floor. Place candles, tie them with ribbon, light them. Scatter rose petals around and put your phone next to it. On one of the petals, inscribe the guy's name and light him from a candle, reading an extra-strong conspiracy:

“As a petal burns in fire, so is your soul toiling. Call and the mental itching will diminish. And as soon as you come to my house, you will immediately find peace in it ”.

Put your phone in front of the mirror and start reading the second part of the conspiracy:

“You love, you can't live without me. You stare at the phone endlessly. I wrote a message - I accepted the challenge of fate. I called on a date, expected a quick meeting. As wax melts, it melts from fire, so your soul is exhausted without me. "

Put out the candles, wrap in a cloth. Go to a deserted place and bury them under the largest tree, preferably an oak tree. As you bury the candles, continue to recite the third part of the spell:

“I longed for my love, longed with all my soul to me, as this tree stretches with branches to the sun. It grows, its trunk becomes stronger, and our love grows. There is no urge to wait, rather call and come. "

Many women who have used the three-phase spell confirm that it really helped. Under the influence of such a conspiracy, even a married man.

Conspiracy to talk with a missing person

The most powerful and powerful rite of passage to find out if a person is alive takes place at midnight. To help in such rituals

“Higher powers, heavenly ones, create wonderful dreams for me. The beautiful Son of God, who has taken all our sins upon himself, help the person to find. Send your angels, show me the way. Let the Servant of God (name) send a message about himself. Amen".

After reading the conspiracy, go to bed, presenting in front of you the image of the right person.

Ritual of gypsy magic

Gypsy magical performances are held at night, in the waxing moon phase. One of the rituals is perfect for people who want to Submit your resume, indicating all personal data in the morning, and at night read the conspiracy, taking a silver pendant or Hold the little thing in your palm and say:

“I can skillfully use both my head and my body. I'll leave my number, I'll lure employers. My protective thing, like a honey, attracts customers, but dares unscrupulous people. I'll show the moon to the moon and hide it, and tomorrow I'll schedule an interview. "

Open your palm, then quickly hide the thing in your pocket and don't look at the moon anymore. Go to bed quickly. A girl can read a conspiracy for her boyfriend if she wants him to find a higher-paying job. Then the trinket must be placed on him imperceptibly.

You will need a silver coin for the ritual.

Rite of Vanga

The magic of nature is capable of making a man call. Take your phone, go to the forest, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Free your mind, walk around the edges, find daisies. Sit down under the most beautiful tree and, tearing off one petal from a flower, read the conspiracy

“I tore off one petal, let it go in the wind, you remembered me, longed for me. The second one let go - he stopped sleeping. The third - and completely sad. He met me - immediately a stone fell from the soul, became mine forever. "

Rituals of Natalia Stepanova

The Siberian healer has a huge arsenal of conspiracies for all occasions. Strong conspiracy to call from Stepanova:

“They invited the fellow to the table, but he rests, they say I won't go. They begged him for a long time, then they spat and stopped calling. And he grabbed his head, remembered the beautiful girl, returned home, then the phone turned up under his arm. Let him call her, beg her to forgive. Now she is picky, she lures her own into the net ”.

After reading, sprinkle sugar on your threshold and say:

"Sugar on the nut, dear at my feet."

Effective conspiracies operate throughout the day. If during this period the person did not call, perform the ceremony again. In order for a friend to immediately call and come to visit, take the necessary components.

  1. Glass (2 pcs.).
  2. Broom.
  3. Sugar.

Sprinkle sugar on the threshold and start sweeping it inside the apartment, saying:

“I sprinkled sugar on the lane, invited me to be a guest. She smelled sweetness quickly directed her steps in my direction. I didn’t leave my phone number at home; I ran along the road. She called me, rattled about the news. "

Pour tea into both glasses and say:

"Call and come quickly, I'm waiting."

During the day, a friend will definitely call you, even if she was offended.

Prayer for a call from a friend

Ritual with salt and water

Would need:

  • extra salt;
  • glass of water;
  • white sheet of A4 format;
  • simple pencil.

Draw a large circle on a piece of paper, place a glass in the center. Take salt in your palm and sprinkle water, recite a magic spell:

“A sad girl sat in the kitchen wondering, waiting for her sweetheart, but he did not call or write. I sprinkled some salt on the water, the heart of the sweet melancholy tickled. The guy looks at the phone, remembers the number. They took the phone in their hands and dialed the numbers right away.

Pour water under a large fruit tree, burn the paper and spread it in the wind, whispering:

"Fly in the direction of the wind, bring my friend."

Coin ritual

The ceremony can be performed by both a girl and a man. Suitable if a person you know well has not written a single message in six months. You will need a coin with a human profile picture. Go to the crossroads. Look at the profile, visualize that this is the person you need. Remember a few interesting points associated with it and read the words:

“Alaman Ashmanar Haruda Kalabar. Ibn Ambaran Gushnabar Aknabar. Ismahara Kabala Magara ".

Clutch a coin in your fist and go quickly home without looking back and without talking to anyone. When you come home, drink a glass of water and say:

“That you are silent, as you took water in your mouth. Write, call, come. Visit an old friend. As a fast train rushes along the road, so my friend hurries to me, he is sad without me. "

Conspiracy on a personal thing

If you want a person to call, find an object that he often touched and show it to the moon at night, saying the words:

“As the moon hides its love for the sun, so you suffer without me. Run to me, strive for me. I am a moonlight beauty, with my light I attract you like a moth. My magic is strong, I can make my will do. You hear my tender voice in the noise of the rain, in the rustle of the wind. Hurry, bring your speech. "

Put the thing under the pillow and go to bed. The guy will definitely call the next morning.

You should sleep on a charmed thing

Final part

A quick conspiracy for a guy to call or any other right person is a quick way to get what you want. White magic is completely harmless, so you will not face any consequences. Those who have tried the rituals in action claim that the spell really helped.

We have made a selection of love conspiracies for you. Conspiracies to attract a loved one, love conspiracies for a husband or wife, and many others.

Selection - Conspiracies for love

Only the most powerful and proven conspiracies that will help you attract your soul mate, strengthen the love of your husband or your lover.

Strong conspiracy to love her husband

Conspiracies for your husband's love are used only if it seems to you that your husband has lost interest in you. Such love conspiracies work especially well if the couple was married in a church. But for those who have not married, the conspiracy will also work.

This strong conspiracy for her husband's love is read three times in a row, looking at the growing moon:

“I will stand on the threshold of the church and create a talisman for my family. My dear husband (husband's name), give me your peace. I stand in front of you, and behind my back is a holy protective icon. I will bow to her and stand at the altar. I gave the slave (husband's name) my heart, my soul. So now he would be jealous of me, he would not let go of me anywhere. Would love me, shore and caress. As a mother suffers for her children, so you will suffer for me, love and wait for me, and never change. My word is strong, true. Amen.

Another strong conspiracy for the love of a husband should be done like this. In the morning, when you wash, look in the mirror and slander into a bar of soap:

"As people look in the mirror, so the husband would look at his wife but not see how quickly the soap will wash off, so quickly the husband will love his wife, what is the shirt on his body is white, so the husband would be clean and bright."

"As was the shirt on the body, so was the husband to his wife."

Thus, the husband's dislike and indifference to his wife should go along with the old garment. The shirt should then be discarded.

When cooling the feelings of a spouse

When you first felt that your husband has grown cold towards you, but feelings for your spouse are still burning in your soul, then you can awaken in him his former passion with the help of magic. For the ritual, a red silk ribbon should be prepared.

The tape should be placed under the sheet on the matrimonial bed before bed. The next morning, you need to wake up very early and carefully pull out the tape. The edge of the tape must be drawn over the lips of the husband, so as not to wake him up, and he does not suspect anything.

Zthen you need to go to another room and weave a ribbon into your hair and say the following words:

“I will wake up early in the morning, the Servant of God, (my name), but I will go to a clean field, to look for my beloved. If I look in all four directions, I won't see anyone! I will address with sincere words to the wind that walks across the wide field, I ask him to call my beloved to me. And then I will return home and see my beloved there. He will sit in the entryway, sulking, and miss me, Servants of God (his name). I will gladly hug him and accept him. My words are strong and strong. And so it will happen. Amen".

After that, the tape must be removed and hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find it. After such a ceremony, the husband will very quickly wake up in his soul the former passion for you and the relationship will improve.

Rite of passage with wine

Allows you to enhance the sexual attraction of the husband and the ceremony with wine. The ceremony is a romantic dinner with enchanted wine. An alcoholic drink is spoken in a glass before the start of dinner in complete privacy.

The conspiracy sounds like this:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name), speak intoxicating red wine with a strong spell. My beloved husband, the Servant of God (spouse's name), will drink a sip of wine and will want me, he will not be able to live without me any longer. His thoughts, day and night, will be only about me. He will love my body, I will always awaken a strong passion in him. Amen".

Words need to be pronounced once, putting all your feelings into them. After this, this charmed drink can be drunk with your beloved husband.

Love conspiracy on smoke

Write on a blank sheet of paper with your hand the words of a love conspiracy:

“I will get up early, wash my white face, go out the door and into the clear field, and turn my gaze to the east. And there are three ovens: copper, iron and brick. And as those furnaces flare up and burst with heat from heaven to earth, so the heart, soul and body of the servant of God (the name of the beloved) about me, the servant of God (his name) would have flared up. And my words are strong - stronger than iron, denser than copper and harder than brick. "

Then roll the paper into a tube and put a dry wormwood sprig in it. Next, set fire to one end and whisper the plot written on it into the smoke.

Love conspiracy on the needle

Speak the words of a love conspiracy on a new purchased needle:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into the clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow flies across the sky. So fly you a sharp arrow into a zealous heart, into hot blood, into the eyes of the clear servants of God (name of the beloved). So that she dries up for me as a servant of God (her name) and yearns always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will be fulfilled. "

Hide this needle discreetly in the house or in the things of your beloved.

Love conspiracy - How to meet your betrothed

If all else fails, you can resort to magic. For this, there are conspiracies that are used so that a betrothed-mummer appears in their lives.

When it is raining or snowing, place the dishes on the window, the ground, into which water or snow will be collected. After the rain stops or the snow ends, the dishes can be brought into the house. If you had snow, then wait until it melts. For the conspiracy to work, you need to pronounce it on Friday during the growing moon. It is best if it is a day between 2 and 14 lunar days. In principle, water can be collected a little earlier, there is nothing terrible in this. Now, the conspiracy: "How to meet the betrothed." Take water and splash it over the corners of your bed, a few drops are enough. Sit down in the center of the bed with the rest of the water. And repeat three times:

"I ask You to present me a person through this sweet, fresh rain, who will ease my sorrow of loneliness."

Then, leave the water in an open container and let the water evaporate. The main thing is not to run every hour to the bank and do not look to see if the water has evaporated or not. After the ritual, go to bed.

Each girl is looking forward to a call from her lover. Waiting for news after a recent acquaintance is especially exciting. However, it often happens that a young man forgot to call you, or something prevented him from doing it. In any case, in order to bring this moment closer, to make a sweetheart dial your phone number, you can use magic, love conspiracies. After reading a special text on a call from your beloved guy, you will push him to take the first step, to show initiative, a special sign of attention by calling you on the phone.

Many existing love spells are capable of exerting an energetic effect on a particular person. They also include a conspiracy for a loved one to call, who will help achieve what you want.

The first conspiracy, which is perfect for beginners who have not previously encountered magic, is quite effective. He does not cause much affection, however, he makes the necessary adjustments to the fate of the man you like. In order for a guy to please with his call, you need to do the following.

On the evening of any lunar day, sit on your bed. Closing your eyes, completely immerse yourself in yourself, concentrate on what you want. Believing in the success of the event, whisper the magic words of the conspiracy:

“My dear, beloved (say his name), why didn't you call? Either you don’t want to talk to me, you don’t want to hear my voice. After all, I'm a red and stately girl, beautifull for everyone, but for you, let me become your beloved. Take your phone quickly, dial my number. As soon as you hear my sweet voice, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

After speaking the text of the love prayer, you can complete the ritual. Visualization of the image of your beloved, the strength of your desire will make him call. The main thing is to believe and wait for a positive result, and also want it sincerely. This is the most important condition for the conspiracies to work, and the guy called very soon.

An effective spell to hear the voice of a loved one

In order for your beloved guy to call you, you can use another conspiracy. He is stronger than the previous one.

The ceremony accompanying the reading of the magical text can also be performed on any of the days of the lunar calendar.

Like many love conspiracies, this one must be pronounced alone. Sit by the window with your phone in hand. Concentrating all your attention on what you want, you can read the text:

“The city is broken on the Russian land. In that city, a stately mansion stands. In this mansion, my beloved man (whisper his name) lives. Loneliness gnaws at him, he misses, he doesn't know fun without me. Let him take his phone, let him dial my number. As soon as he calls me on a date, he will find happiness. Only with me he can be and enjoy. Amen".

The effect of this spell will be noticeable very soon. The person in the direction of whom you read the conspiracy will not only decide to call first, but will also invite you to spend time together. This magical text is not capable of negatively affecting a person. The words you pronounce in the text will make the guy feel affection, an irresistible desire to call you.

Strong impact from photography

To cause a stronger effect, to get the guy to call as soon as possible, pay attention to this spell. This rite of passage with the reading of a magical text can be used by girls who have a photograph of their beloved. It is desirable that the photo shows only one person (your beloved).

If you decide to use this conspiracy so that the guy calls you, prepare in advance:

  • his photograph;
  • a blank sheet of paper;
  • a pen with a red ampoule;
  • candle;
  • matches.

After writing your phone number on a white piece of paper with a red pen, line it up with the photo. This must be done in such a way that the numbers are in front of the guy's eyes. Next, bring objects to your lips, whisper a conspiracy over them three times.

His text reads like this:

“My beloved, long-awaited, clear falcon! Open your heart and soul to me. Remember how good we are together. Hurry to dial my number, call me on a date. "

Next, put the charmed things without removing the paper from the photo. Then go to bed, and in the morning remove the sheet first. Burn it with a candle light. After that, the ashes will need to be taken out into the street and scattered in the wind for the conspiracy to take effect. For a loved one to call you, you must not tell anyone about what happened. Confidentiality and sincere faith are the main ingredients for the success of magic techniques.

Rite of passage for those who wish to hear the voice "today"

Girls who are already dating a guy can also turn to magic to get a loved one to call you. For such situations, there are conspiracies for a guy so that he not only calls, but also thinks about you constantly. Also, such conspiracies are used if a loved one is offended for any reason, does not want to call.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need a cute device. It is desirable that the person be absent from home at this time. Having tied your phone and your boyfriend's device with a red thread (satin ribbon of the same color), read the words of the conspiracy:

“I want to hear my beloved voice. Every hour, every day, let him call, talk about his love. Let the dear need me like a river in water, let it reach out to me, like the stars to the Moon, like a living one to the sun. Let the spark of love fly by, connect our phones. Forever and ever so be it. Amen".

After reading the magic text, you can remove the thread binding the device, put everything in place. With this conspiracy, you will be able not only to make your beloved call today, but also to feel a strong impulse to do it every time you touch the phone.

Ritual with stones

There is another powerful spell that will help you quickly hear the voice of your beloved. You will be able to bind a guy for a long time if you use this conspiracy. For a guy to call, prepare the following items:

  • a hand-sewn bag made of natural fabric;
  • marker;
  • pebbles picked up from the road.

Sew a bag with your own hands to perform the ritual. You will need to put the charmed stones in it. Their number should be equal to the number of digits of your phone number. Using a marker on each stone, put all the digits of your phone number, including codes, one by one. After putting all the objects in the prepared cloth container, start shaking it. Read the words of the conspiracy at the same time:

“As my number is engraved on the stones, so it will be written in the memory of my beloved. As these stones knock and beat, so let the dear heart beat when he remembers me. Let my number be in my head, my chest is on fire, it makes me ring. Let the servant of God (say the guy's name) call! Amen".

After completing all the instructions, after reading the conspiracy, hide the conspiracy bag of contents in the most secret place in your home. This ritual is quite strong, so you can notice the effect within the next few days (hours).

There are many magical ways to make a loved one call. Among them there are light and more powerful conspiracies that can cause strong effects and painful affection. Therefore, the conspiracy you use to make your beloved call should not cause doubts, negative feelings.