Billets from Yoshta for the winter recipes. Yoshta: useful recipes for winter blanks

Yoshta is an interesting hybrid of gooseberry and black currant, which in our time is gaining great popularity among the gardeners.

Its berries are very helpful, have a rich chemical composition And at the same time, ideally suited for the workpiece for the winter. And today we will tell about how to prepare jam from Yoshta with cold and hot ways.

Depending on the quality of berries and their ripeness, you can prepare jam different ways: Cold and hot.

  1. If the yoshi harvest was assembled at the stage of semi-fried berries, then they are suitable for cooking hot jam. The fact is that the fully affected harvest during cooking will weld and turn into a jam, and we do not need it. The yoshta is not fully affected by the presence of sourness, but the sweetness in taste is still prevailing.
  2. For the preparation of jam used usually freshly collected yosh berries, of course, it can be stored a couple of days in the refrigerator, but during this time most useful properties Just lost. Therefore, it is recommended to put it in recycling as soon as possible after collecting.
  3. Yoshta berries need pretreatment - rejection and washing. At first, the harvest need to be sideways, leaving only healthy berries without signs of damage to diseases and pests (crushed copies also rejected), and then rinse well in water and cut a little on a paper towel. Frames with berries are removed at will.
  4. As well as for all winter blanks, it is necessary to pre-prepare banks in which the finished jam will be kept.

Recipes Billet Jam from Yoshta

Below are a few interesting recipes For the processing of the harvest yoshta for winter storage. They will suit not only for tea drinking and treating guests at the festive table, but also for cooking, in the future, sweet baking with Yoshta.

Cold Method of Blank Jam

This recipe is the easiest, since no heat treatment of berries is required here. However, the storage period of the finished product is 2-3 times shorter than that of billets with cooking berries.

First you need to stock in the ingredients:

  • yoshta - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

After preliminary training, the yoshta berries are passed through a meat grinder. Sugar is added to the resulting mass.

It is necessary to leave the whole mixture for 12 ... 24 hours. Once sugar is completely melted in the juice juice, you can begin to the next point of preparation.

The resulting jam is unfolded by pre-prepared pure banks. In this case, polyethylene covers are suitable.

Store dessert prepared in a cold way, you need in a dark cool place. The shelf life of the workpiece is 6 months.

Recipe for boiling jam hot way

In order to prepare the winter dessert in this way, you will have to be patient, since the booger's cooking will be though short but repeatedly repeated.

For the workpiece of jam, you will need:

  • yoshta - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water is 1 cup.

After preliminary preparation of berries, you need to prepare sugar syrup, that is, in a saucepan, pour sugar with a glass of water and put on fire. Bring to boil and cook syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Berries need to be added to boiling syrup and cook everything together for 3 ... 5 min.

After cooking the resulting mixture give time to completely cool.

The operation of cooking-cooling is repeated at least 2 ... 3 times.

Ready jam should be decomposed on pre-prepared clean banks and roll.

Finished banks are additionally wrapped and left to cool at room temperature. After the jam is completely cooled, it can be transferred to a cool dark place for winter storage.

In this case, the cooking berries will be one-time, but longer.

To prepare such a jam, you will need:

  • yoshta - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemonic acid or lemon juice - to taste.

Pre-prepared Yoshta berries need to be suspended in a saucepan and fall asleep sugar.

Leave for a couple of hours all the mixture is to be improved so that Yoshta let juice. After that, the mixture is added lemonic acid or lemon juice depending on the taste of berries (sweet or with sourness).

Mass put on fire and bring to a boil, after which the fire must be reduced and cook the mixture for 10 minutes. During this time, a foam will appear that you need to carefully remove the spoon.

In pure prepared banks shift the resulting jam and rush.

Ready jam from Yoshta for the winter, you need to leave at room temperature to a complete cooling without wondering, after which you can endure in a dark cool place for long-term storage, up to 1.5 years.

Yoshta is a hybrid of gooseberry and black currant. This plant largely adopted the beneficial properties of "parents", but there are also completely unique features. "The world of berries" will introduce you to the recipes of the workpiece of this original berry culture.

Harvesting Yoshty

Black with purple berries, berries begin to ripen in mid-July, and this process is delayed for two to three weeks. Berries have dense skin, and in size resemble cherry. Interestingly, at the beginning of maturation, they are similar to the taste with the gooseberry, and only as the taste of another "parent" - black currant is brightly manifested vividly. From each bush, it is possible to get 5-10 kg of berries (depending on the variety). In order to increase yield next to Yoshi plant bush currant or gooseberry.

The harvest is collected in dry weather. Berries are folded in shallow tanks. Before recycling, the fruits are processed, remove branches, leaves and crushed instances. In the refrigerator, the berries are stored 2-3 days, but it is better to use them immediately - during storage, most of the useful elements are lost.

Cold jam from Yoshta

Yoshta berries - 1 kg
Sugar - 2 kg

Only freshly plated berries are suitable for cooking cold jam. They are shifted, removed "nose", washed thoroughly and dried directly in solid. Prepared berries are crushed with a meat grinder or blender. Mass mixed with sugar, placing in enameled dishes, give sweet grains to mock (it takes several hours). The jam is then shifted into sterilized banks, close with clean and dry polyethylene lids. Banks put in a cold and dark place for storage. In compliance with all conditions, such jam does not deteriorate for six months.

Jam from yoshty

Yoshta berries - 1 kg
Water - 200 ml
Sugar - 1.5 kg

For jams, semi-fruit fruits are suitable (fully matured ripen, and it turns out the jam). Separated berries are soaked under running water. Separately prepare sugar syrup. Berries are poured with syrup, bring to boil and boil 3 minutes. Then the product is allowed to cool and the procedure is repeated again (only 3-4 times). The finished jam is shifted into sterilized banks, roll, wrapped and allowing to stand a couple of days before fully cooling.

Jam from Yoshty

Yoshta berries - 1 kg
Sugar - 2 kg

Severed and washed berries kneading or crushed by a blender. Sugar is introduced into the mass, stirred, allowed to dissolve the grains and boil on a weak heat to a dense. The finished jam is shifted into sterilized banks and shapport.

Wine from Yoshty

Yoshta berries - 3 kg
Sugar - 2 kg
Water - 3 l

The berries are moved, passed through the meat grinder and placed in a bottle. Sugar syrup is added there, stirred and allowed to stand in a warm place (the liquid is periodically shaking). Then the juice is drained from the sediment, overflow into another bottle, closed with a plug with a water shutter and give to stand another week. The finished young wine is filtered, overflow into clean bottles, closed the plugs and leave in the cellar for 2-3 months.

Liquor from Yoshty

Yoshty berries
Cherry leaves or black currant - 10 pcs.
Vodka - 1 l
Sugar - 750 g
Water - 1 l

Yoshta is placed in a bottle, filling 3/4 volumes, add purely washed cherry leaves or currants, poured with vodka, insist a month and a half, filtered, filtered and connected to syrup. The liquor is overflowing into bottles, close and give to stand a couple of months.

Juice from Yoshty

Yoshta berries - 1 kg
Water - 200 ml for cooking berries + 1.5 l for syrup
Sugar - 4 tbsp.

In boiling water (200 ml), prepared berries are laid out and steamed before softening. The mass in the hot layer is wiped through fine sieve and boiling syrup with it. The juice is transfused into banks, sterilize (20 and 30 minutes - 1 and 3 l, respectively) and shapple. Banks turn over, wrapped and allowed to cool.

Compote from Yoshty

Yoshty berries
Water - 1 l
Sugar - 200-300 g

Berries are moved, wash, give to dry, shift into sterilized banks (about half of the volume), poured with boiling water, allowed to stand 5 minutes and drained. Sugar is added to this water, they are adjusted to a boil, poured the berries with syrup, collapse, turn over, wrapped and leave so much to fully cool.

Frozen Yoshta

Freshly placed berries are subject to freezing. They are moved, wash, dried on the tissue, peep sugar, shift into a plastic container and placed in the freezer. Without sugar, the berries are frozen by scattering, and then their packages.

Dried yoshta

Berries wash, thin layer lay out on the sieve and give it to dry. Drying yosh in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C (in the process of drying the berries are stirred).

Without heat treatment, Yosht is dried under a canopy, posing on the sieves, flat pallets or plywood sheets. Dry berries are stored in boxes, banks or packages in a dry room (when all the conditions of the berries are not spoiled for two years).

This berry culture is very useful and completely unpretentious. About how, we will tell in the next article.

When copying the materials of the site, keep an active reference to the source.

In the berry world, the yosht is perceived as a "doubled Janus": to taste the mysterious hybrid resembles a gooseberry, and currants - at the same time. Large and meaty yosh can not be powered in syrup. Canned, it is good in itself and as a component of complex desserts: berries will be useful for decorating a cocktail salad, orange-red syrup - as an impregnation of biscuits and an incredibly delicious, bright glazing fill for the cake (it is necessary to heat the yoshite syrup and melt the gelatin plate in it ).


  • yoshta - 700 g
  • sugar - 450 g
  • water - 400 ml
  • lemon Acid - ½ teaspoon

How to prepare yosh for winter

Yoshta is not completely sweet. Reclusive acid - its natural trait. When choosing berries oriented on color: when the bunches darkened, the yosh is collected.

1. My berries, unsuitable emit. Doodles in Yoshta tiny, you can not cut.

2. Put berries into sterilized banks. Fill out the dishes so that there is a half centimeter to the shoulder - the free space is reserved for the syrup (it is not inferior to the bodies - the more fluid, the more tastier the workpiece).

3. Sugar sugar in a saucepan.

4. Add citric acid.

5. Pour water. Syrup boil 5-7 minutes. During this time, the density will not appear, but some density of the liquid will open.

6. Banks pour hot syrup, not exceeding the level of the shoulders. Cover with sterilized lids.

7. We put banks with a yosh in a saucepan with water (so that boiling water does not damage the glass, the bottom of the pan is tall). Semolitone banks are sterilized 12-15 minutes.

8. We ride banks. At this time, you can see the change in the color of the syrup. After sterilization, elegant red shades are dominated in it.

Yoshta is an amazing berry.

Time signs - mix everything possible, bring new varieties, crossing far from the relatives. So yoshta appeared - the hybrid of the gooseberry and black currant. The bush of this plant is beautiful and decorative. Externally resembles a black currant with splashing shoots without spikes. The leaves are falling late, bushes are resistant to cold, budding.

The word "yoshta" occurred from two German "currants" and "gooseberry" - Johannisbeere + Stachelbeere \u003d Josta.

Black berries, large (5 g), oval form. The taste of berries is pleasant, medium between the black currant and gooseberry. Yoshta berries contain 2 or 4 times (depending on the hybrid variety) more vitamin C (900-1000 m /%) than black currant.

The yield from the bush is an average of 5.5 kg, the maximum is 10.7 kg. Yoshta is well tolerate even the strongest frost, not amazed muced dew, anthracnose and kidney tick.


Rounded black berries 1.5 times larger than the middle currant berries. In the first half of the summer it will seem to you that this is a gooseberry with a flavor of black currant, and then - on the contrary. In any case, there are excellent home billets from berries, but they are good and in raw form - dense berry peel allows you to carry them over long distances.

Treatment by Yoshta. Yoshta fruits possess medical properties - They are used in gastrointestinal diseases, they improve blood circulation and contribute to the elimination of radioactive substances and heavy metals from the body.
Berries use B. fresh form and frozen. From semi-fried berries, jam are boiled, and juices, compotes, jam, joy and jelly prepare from mature.

Yoshta in cooking

From the unreleased yoshta berries, the delightful jam is boiled, jelly, jelly and jam, and you can squeeze juice from ripe, cook compote. And, of course, these berries can be consumed fresh or frost. Due to dense skin, they are easy to dry, and at the same time they retain most of their useful properties. So in winter a decoction of dried berries Yoshta will support your immune system a good dose of vitamin C and worst your taste receptors with a pleasant sour-sweet taste with a light nutmeg aroma.

Recipe jam from Yoshta

For jam, it is better to take semi-fried berries - they are not welded.

It will take sugar syrup - pour the glass of water 1.5 kg of sugar and warm up. You can add a pinch of vanilla. Then pour them 1 kg of berries and let leave minutes 3, and then cool. This action repeat times two.

Jam is ready. Bon Appetit!

Wine from Yoshta - Recipe

4 kg of yoshta berries (better suppress) to put in a 10 liter bottle, pour 2 kg of sugar and pour warm boiled water to the top. Bottling close the medical glove.

After a month, the berries squeeze and throw away. The future of wine strain and give to settle, adding 1 kg of sugar to it. Then add 0.5 kg of sugar in a month twice.

Jelly from Yoshty

Yoshta - 1 kg
Sugar - 1 kg

The fruits of Yoshta wash and grind with the help of a meat grinder. Stay in a saucepan, fall asleep with sugar and heat to a boil. Cook for about 15 minutes, on low heat, constantly interfering. Sake juice and cook it for 10 minutes. Pour jelly into sterilized banks and immediately roll.

From the pressed berries of Yoshta, you can cook compote or jam.

"Cold jam" from Yoshta - Yoshta rubbed with sugar.

1 kg of yoshty
- 2 kg of sugar

Yoshta is better to collect in sunny dry weather. It follows directly on the day of cooking cold jam.

Yoshta is sorted, removed brushes and "nozzles". Berries are thoroughly washed in cold water, dried in solid. Yosht is crushed on a meat grinder (well-washed and spoiled boiling water) or in a kitchen combine (blender). Mixed with sugar in enameled dishes. The prepared mixture is left for several hours to dissolve sugar, it is periodically stirred. Then shifted in dry clean banks (in advance passed), are covered with dry clean metal covers (pre-boiled) and slightly roll (not hermetically). You can close the cans with polyethylene lids. Banks are placed in a cold place.

"Cold jam" from Yoshta can be saved in a cold place to 6 months.

Yoshta rubbed with sugar can be used in winter for cooking jelly, compotes, like filling for pies, cakes, etc.

Bon Appetit!

According to the materials of sites.

Jam from cinnamon - replenish the breech with another delicacy. Yoshta is a black currant hybrid and a gooseberry. Such a berry will not have any taste, but as the basis for billets it is just perfect. Even after all sorts of heat treatment, Yoshta retains characteristic kissing, saturated beautiful color. Today, the jam is not only suitable for a cup of tea or a biscuit layer, it can be served accompanied with cheeses. Cheese, in combination with such a jam, it turns out excellent.

Jam from yoshty

stock Foto Recipe blank for winter

First of all, wash the berries several times under the jet of cool water. We lend yosh on the sieve, we give a track of excess fluids.


  • yoshta - 450 g,
  • sugar 600-650 g
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks or 3 g.

Cooking process:

In a bowl of the blender, we set the nozzle "Metal Knife", lay the yosh, pre-breaking around green tails in berries.
We turn on the blender, crushing yosh for 40 seconds. If desired, we leave the solubular pieces.

We take a saucepan or a pan with thick walls, shift crushed berries.
Sucking to yosh the dumpled amount of sugar sand, mix, leave about 30 minutes so that the berry gives all his juice, and it has its rather large amount. Therefore, the billets from Yoshta practically do not need to be adding water.

Now add cinnamon - focus on your taste, for a more saturated fragrance, add ground cinnamon, about one teaspoon, for a remote aroma we throw a wand-other, but do not forget to remove it at the end of the cooking.

Shopper We send on the stove, with moderate heating, bring the contents to a boil. After about two minutes of cooking, we remove the resulting pinkish foam. Cook jam from Yoshta three more minutes. This time is quite enough for the jam to acquire a rather thick consistency. Well, thanks to a large number of sugar added, our billet does not even need additional sterilization. After 6 minutes, we remove the saucepan from the stove.

Jars prepare in advance: sterilize in a convenient way - above the ferry, in the oven or microwave. Fill the finished jam banks.

Covers throw in boiling water, give three minutes so that they are completely sterling, carefully remove. Hermetically tighten the covers, put the jars on the side, if the liquid and air do not seep - the ordering is done successfully. Now we boldly turn the banks up the bottom, cover with a warm blanket, we leave for 24 hours.

After the specified time, we send cooled billets from Yoshta to a cool dark place, where they store them.

Enjoy your meal!