Beginning of the Board of Ivan III. Tasks and ideas

Historical essay.

This period of time comes to the Board of Ivan III of the Great (1462-1505) and his son Vasily III (1505-1533). At this time, the process of collecting land around the Moscow principality is completed, Moscow's approval is the capital of Russia and the final cessation of the vassal dependence of Russia from the Golden Horde, which continued for about three hundred years.

The first major process of this period of time is the process of collecting lands around the Moscow principality. Vasily III, continuing the policy of his ancestor - Danille Alexandrovich, who first began to collect lands, also collects land around Moscow. In fact, Moscow is already then formed by the political, economic and spiritual center of Russia, and the lands are almost already "collected." Therefore, there is a gradual completion of this long process. With Vasilia III, the Russian state includes: Pskov land, Ryazan land and Smolensk.

The second major event of 1462-1533 is the elimination of the Orda Iga over Russian lands. In 1476 Ivan III ceases to pay tribute to the Golden Horde, and in 1480 there are standing in the thief. Khan Ahmat did not manage to confront Russian ratings. The main results of this battle are: the final fall of the Ordane rule over Russian lands, the collapse of the hordes and the disregard of Akhmat to the southeast.

Speaking of causal investigation relations Between this process and the event, it can be said that, firstly, thanks to the elevation and strengthening of the Moscow principality, the cohesion and strengthening of the power of the Russian people also occurred. It is thanks to this that Russian troops were able to eliminate the vassal dependence of Russian lands from the Golden Horde. Secondly, due to the elimination of Ordia rule, there is a strengthening of the Russian statehood, the ceremony of the authorities and the formation of the state apparatus.

I believe that two historical identities are brighted with the listed event and the process: Tsar Ivan III and his son - King Vasily III. They both were the great rulers of the Russian state. Ivan III made a successful attempt to release the Russian people and Russian lands from vassal addiction, continuous control of the Golden Horde. Vasily III was able to finally reunite Russian lands, which, after feudal fragmentation of 11 century, the 12th century became independent of each other.

N.I. Pavlenko in his work "History of Russia from ancient times until 1861" emphasizes the personal qualities of these two rulers and indicates the significance of the process of the collection of land and the liberation of Russian lands, the Russian people from vassal dependence on the Golden Horde. I agree with the opinion of N.I. Pavlenko and also want to allocate the importance of the events specified by me and personalities in the time period from 1462 to 1533. After the reign of Ivan III and Vasily III, the Russian state is strengthened, which acquires sovereignty, state status. Development of economic and political ties, which significantly strengthens Russia's position on international arena.

Characteristic of historical period

In the middle of the XV century, Russian land and principality were in a state of political fragmentation. There were several strong political centers to which other regional units were adjacent. Each such unit conducted a fairly independent domestic policy, defended its lands from the invasion of the nearest enemies. Some united and created some unions, in the hope of helping the other side in opposed the external enemies. Such centers of power were Moscow, Novgorod the Great, Tver, as well as the Lithuanian capital - wine, which was subject to the entire huge Russian region, called Lithuanian Rus.

All this eventually led to the need to create a single centralized state, in particular Russian. The profitability of his education is the possibility of shared forces to organize opposition to external enemies. In addition, internal interval wars would have eradicated, and economic development would be facilitated by the introduction of unified legislation, a single mint system and uniform measures and weights. This was the goal of the reign of two great princes - Father and Son - Ivan III and Vasily III, they made a huge contribution to the collection of Russian lands under a single beginning. Many land resisted, did not want to lose their independence, but the result, as they say, "on the face". Rus has become much more powerful, many European states began to be considered.

temptation Centralized Russian State

Ivan III activities

Entry into the grand accepted throne.

Ivan III was born on January 22, 1440. His father is Vasily II dark. In trying to save the state from the troubled and legitimize new order Vasily II called Ivan the Grand Duke in Life. All the letters were written by them from two great princes.

It was 1462 g, when Vasily Dark got sick with dry shock. Apparently, he prescribed a treatment for himself (causticing by smoldering cloud) himself. The Grand Duchess tried to ban such self-medication, but the patient did not listen to the advice of his wife. As a result, the wounds of the prince got drunk and on the night of March 27 he died. Vasily Dark at that time was 47 years old. There was an old tradition, practicing for many years, in case of a sudden death, Moscow princes had previously written offenses or, as they also called, "spiritual letters." Sometimes they wrote down and before the soffsy itself. Spiritual Vasily Dark preserved in the original so far. This is a list of cities, villages, villages, various income articles and valuable things, which were inherited to each of the sons of the Grand Duke, as well as the princess-widow.

Since the death of Vasily Dark, the independent rule of the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich begins. He turns out, finally, from the shade of his father. Now he is already, not Vasily II, says a decisive word in the Moscow Kremlin. According to the will of his father, he exactly distributed between the four brothers the 12 cities assigned to them in the car. 14 cities that were the largest, Ivan III himself received. The new sovereign, at the beginning of his reign, has established due to Italian cash masters, the chasing of gold coins.

Exemption from the power of the horde.

While Russia overcame fragmentation, the horde was experiencing a decay. Nogai, Crimean, Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberian Hordes arose on its territory. The government was in the hands of Ahmat-Khan from a big horde.

Moscow stopped paying tribute to Tatars, and in 1480 Ahmat began to prepare a new offensive, in order to take possession of Russia again. The implementation of these plans atmosphere seemed favored, since all neighbors fell against Russia.

In the summer of 1480, Ahmat Khan moved to the Russian borders, but had long passed the time when the Horde could collect a hundred thousand riders. Now Ahmat-Khan has no more than 30-40 thousand warriors. Ivan III forces were approximately the same. For more than two months, Ahmat-Khan remained in idle of Moscow, while Ivan III was awaited by Tatars on the Oka.

The Moscow Principality was dangerous, it was not prepared for a long siege: the Kremlin dilapidated for a hundred years.

Fights in the thief lasted for about four days. Termination of hostilities caused the exchange of messengers. After the start of negotiations, Ahmat Khan moved and stopped not far from the shores. Han spent ten days at the end, of which six spent on obviously fruitless negotiations. He was afraid to catch the battle with the Russians, having help from the king. But Kazimir was not intended to fulfill his obligations and at the beginning of November, Ahmat Khan gave an order to retreat. The Day of Tatar's retreat, on November 11, 1480, it is customary to be considered the day of the complete liberation of Russian land from the Ordane Iga.

Having won the "standing in the thief", Ivan III persistently tried to subjugate the Kazan Khanate. The first "Kazan taking" was possible thanks to the weakening of the Horde. In 1502, Crimea defeated the sons of Ahmat-Khan and put a point in the history of a big horde.

Internal policy Ivan III

The main goal of Ivan III's domestic policy was to collect lands, the creation of a single centralized state. For this, he wanted to eradicate the residues of specific fragmentation. The second wife of Ivan III, Sophia Paleologist, was trying to maintain the desire of her husband to increase the Moscow state and strengthen the autocracy power.

About one and a half centuries, Moscow collected tribute from Novgorod, took the land and tried to completely submit him to himself, for which Novgorod did not love Moscow. The realization that Ivan III is in plans to subordinate to the Novgorod residents, made them together to create a society for the rescue of Novgorod, which was headed by Marta Boreletskaya.

Novgorod concluded an agreement with Casimir, the Polish king and the Grand Lithuanian Prince, which says that Novgorod goes under his supreme power, but retains independence and leaves himself the right to Orthodox faith, and Kazimir undertakes to defend Novgorod from the Moscow Prince.

Ivan III sent ambassadors to Novgorod several times for the purpose of peaceful settlement, but in vain. As a result, the campaign was made in 1471, during which the Novgorodians were broken down on the Ilmen and Schend river, without waiting for help from Casimir. After the meter suppressed in 1477, Veliky Novgorod was completely subordinated in January 1478.

Ivan III subordinate to himself different ways, Starting with wars and ending with competent policies. Including other principalities: Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474), Tver (1485), Vyatskaya lands (1489). And in the 1500th - Ugra land. And also found a way to interfere in the affairs of Ryazan, giving the sister for their prince, and later received the city by inheritance.

Gathering Ivan III was also reflected at his brothers, he took their lots, depriving the opportunity to participate in state affairs. In total, the territory submitted to Ivan III, during the years of its board increased by about six times (from 430 thousand square kilometers to 2800 thousand).

The question of the throne.

Maria Borisovna, the daughter of Tver Prince, became the first wife of Ivan III. They had a son - Ivan young, but soon Maria died, without reaching the thirty age. After that, the prince married Sophie Paleologist, niece of the last Byzantine emperor. Almost simultaneously with the birth of Vasily, the son of Sophia, the heir of Ivan the young - Dmitry also appears. But at the prevailing circumstances, Ivan is dying, and his father in 1498 makes a choice in favor of the grandson. But the celebration was short-lived, not without the participation of Sophia, soon her son of Vasily, who joined the throne in 1505, is becoming an official heir, and tells the enemy to arrest. He, in turn, dies in the chamber with obscure circumstances.

Foreign policy.

As for the foreign policy of Ivan III, first of all it comes to, over the exemption from the influence of the Golden Horde, but this is not all the achievements of the Grand Duke.

Moscow had a very tense relationship with Lithuania: war due to Russian land, but with an increase in the power of the Moscow Prince, many land were attached. King Casimir concluded contracts with opponents of Ivan III, promising collisions with him. But his strength was not enough to lead open War With Moscow and often allies turned out to be deceived. An example is Novgorod and even the Golden Horde, both clashes turned out to be successful for Ivan III.

The death of Casimir led to the division of his lands between the sons Alexander and Albrecht. Ivan III gave his daughter Elena for the New Lithuanian Prince Alexander, but then their relationship worsened, which ended with a war of 1500, which ended for Russia with success (won parts of Novgorod-Seversky, Smolensk and Chernigov princes).

Ivan III also tried to subjugate the Kazan kingdom several times, which eventually ended with the Take of Kazan in 1487 and the construction of Khan Makhmet-Amen on her throne, which for many years was good relations with Ivan Vasilyevich.

Vasily III activities.

Domestic politics

Vasily III practically continued the policy of his father. First of all, of course, it concerned the internal policy, namely the politicians of the gathering of Russian land. His goal was the same: overcoming fragmentation and strengthening of uniform power. Both, both, by the way, he managed to implement.

Conquest Pskov.

The first thing Vasily wanted to subjugate the Pskov, the independence of which was based on durable economic basis - They had trade relations with the Baltic States. Naturally, the Moscow Prince really wanted to keep such a highly profitable sphere under his control.

In the spring of 1509, the princess of Pskov's governor of Peter Vasilyevich Shestunov was replaced by Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Repnie-Obolensky. The new Pskov governor was very harsh, so it was probably such a casting was arranged specifically, in order to force people to appeal to the sovereign with complaints. I must say, the plan was successful, the townspeople did not make himself wait. But the Pskov governor naturally did not want to lose his position and filed a counterclaim. The conflict requested the intervention of the Moscow Prince.

In 1509, Vasily III arrived in Novgorod and gave an order for the arrival of the Pskovsky governor of Ivan Mikhailovich Ryapne-Obolensky and Civilians, with the goal of justice and the permission of their conflicts. In 1510, he, speaking in the Roli of the judge, made a decision that Pskovichi did not listen to the governor, and expressed all possible disrespect for the Messenger of the Sovereign and himself, respectively. Then Vasily III announced that Pskov passes under the power of Moscow, and the elder dismisses. Citizens decided to conquer. On January 13, the eunch bell was removed and sent to Novgorod with tears. After that, Vasily came to Pskov and moved 300 most noble families to Moscow, and the villages of Pskov Boyar were given to Moscow. Another city was conquered and joined Moscow.

Take Smolensk

In 1512, the Lithuanian war began, the purpose of which was Smolensk. Vasily organized a hike with Dmitry and Yuri brothers. Smolensk was in siege for more than six weeks, but unsuccessfully, the city was not going to give up, Vasily had to return to Moscow. But the Grand Duke was stubborn and soon again made a campaign, stopping in Borovsk, sending Voevod to Smolensk. The city was again precipitated and Vasily arrived near Smolensk, but this time the siege did not give results: the fact that Muscovites were destroyed in the afternoon, Smolyan was embedded at night. Vasily again ordered to retreat. July 8, 1514, he spoke for the third time. But this time, luck was on his side, on the same day Sologub (Smolensk governor) agreed to pass the city. Also for this campaign, Mstislavl, Krichev and Dubrovna were taken.

Righting Russian lands continued, and in 1517 Ryazan was joined. With the cunning Vasily caused Ryazan Prince to himself, after which he was captured. Soon the Starodubsk Principality were attached, in 1523 - Novgorod-Severskhey, it was captured in the same way as in the case of Ryazan.

Foreign policy.

As for the external affairs of Vasily III, then he also managed to show himself. At the very beginning of his reign, a war was held with Kazan, which ended unsuccessfully. Russian shelves were broken, and Kazan wanted to enter into peace, which was committed in 1508.

Also simultaneously simultaneously with Kazan events, the troubles formed in Lithuania, the cause of which the death of Lithuanian prince Alexander served, Vasily decided to take advantage of this moment and put his candidacy for the throne. But after the relationship began to deteriorate, as the result of the war with Lithuania, which led to the world famous for Moscow Prince in 1509, in which the Lithuanians were recognized by the seizures of his father.

After that, a new war was followed with Lithuania, which ended with the capture of Smolensk. However, in the same year, but a little later - on September 18, the Lithuanians with Orsha caused a serious defeat of Vasily III's army, but this revenge did not become significant, since Smolensk still remained for Russia.

Also, in addition to Lithuanians, the Crimean Tatars did not give rest to Vasily III during the years of his rule. After the subordination of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bTurkey at the end of the 15th century, the Crimea received tremendous support from her, thanks to which the Crimean Khan began to recruit the power again, and the number of raids to the Moscow state increased, which became more dangerous and more dangerous (raid in OKU 1507, for Ryazan Earth 1516, at Tula 1518, the siege of Moscow in 1521). Attempts were made to subordinate Kazan and Astrakhan in order to restore Golden Horde. Vasily III was trying to withstand the accession of Kazan to the Crimea, which resulted in a dangerous raider of 1521 Tatars on Russia immediately from the south and east. However, Kazan experienced internal differences, and more and more obeyed Moscow (siege of Kazan in 1506, climbing the throne of the friendly Khan Mohammed-Emina in 1507).

In 1518 Khan Mohammed dies in Kazan - Emin, the question of heir is rising. Two groupings are fighting: Promotional and Pierceman, the latter wins and turns to Vasily III with a request for the selection of the heir. The choice falls on Khan Shwighea. In 1521 There was a coup and rule the Crimean Princes in Kazan.

In 1521 Crimean Tatars make a raid, and the Kazan Tatars are attacked in the east. The troops reached Moscow, taking the deposit from Moscow boyars. However, the Voivod Simsky managed to break the opponent from Pereyaslavl Ryazansky (the current Ryazan), and the city itself is joined to the possessions of Moscow. And at 1524 A new campaign was held on Kazan, after which the world was concluded.

In the history of Russia, it is customary to allocate three stages of combining the formation of a single centralized state:

The first stage of the association (the first half of the XIV century) is associated with the activities of the Moscow Prince Daniel Alexandrovich (1276-1303) and Ivan Danilovich Kalita (1325-1340).

The second stage of the association (the second half of the XIV is the first half of the XV centuries) is associated with the activities of the Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (1359-1389), his son Vasily I (1389-1425) and the grandson of Vasily II Dark (1425-1462).

The third stage of the union (the second half of the XV is the first quarter of the XVI centuries), associated with the activities of the Grand Duke Ivan III (1462-1505) and his son Vasily III (1505-1533), completed the process of creating a single Russian state.

The third stage considered by us is considered finalizing in the process of formation. Long years Rus was striving for this: a single economy, unique power, the possibility of protection against external enemies, and finally the centuries-old activity is completed. And completed successfully. A lot of blood was praised, but the result is impressive. Rus took a huge territory approximately equal to the size of all Europe. The state of this scale shakes the imagination of contemporaries. The formation of a Russian centralized state has tremendous international importance. Russia occupies a prominent place among European states. Russia's authority has increased, it appears diplomatic relations with many countries, including Europe and Asia.


1.L.V. Cherepnin - "The formation of a Russian centralized state in the XIV-XV BB"

.Nikolai Borisov - Ivan III (Young Guard 2000)

.Skynnikov R.G. - "Ivan III"

.Filyushkin A.I. - "Vasily III"


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Ivan III (1462 - 1505) The years of the reign of Ivana fell into a difficult stage in the history of the Russian state. Rus was dependent on the Golden Horde, it was associated with the payment of Dani, and the partial loss of independence of the state. Payment of Dani made it difficult to economic development of the state. And also prevented the formation of a young, who has not yet formed a state in the international European arena. Alekseev Yu.G. Sovereign all Russia. Novosibirsk, 1991.

By the beginning of the board, Ivan III, Russian Earth disintegrated into many small and large political worlds, independent of each other, and among these worlds, the Moscow principality was not even the largest and most crowded. Actually, the Moscow region was also not still in the authority of the Grand Duke - four cars for the Ivan III brothers were allocated inside her and the lot for his uncle Mikhail. Russian lands were at the stage of political fragmentation. And the centralization stage just began and experienced difficulties. On the one hand, the excessive strengthening of the Moscow principality prevented the Horde, and on the other side of the city, as well as Moscow planned to lead the centralization, the association of Russian lands: Tver, Novgorod, etc.

In addition, in the Board of Father Ivan III, Vasily II Dark (1425 - 1462) between Uncle Yuri and cousins \u200b\u200bVasily Kosimy and Dmitry Shemyaka on the one hand and Vasily II, a feudal war took place. Which ended with the ruin and weakening of the Moscow lands, but still the preservation of the ruling dynasty. But how not to twist did not bring no benefit, not the benefits of Russian lands. A. N. Sakharov., V. I. Buganov "History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the 17th century." - Moscow: Enlightenment, 1995

From this it follows that at the beginning of the Board of Ivan III the following tasks were:

  • - Continuation of the centralization of Russian lands and picking them around Moscow.
  • - The victory of Moscow, for the political championship between Russian cities.
  • - Creating a combat-ready, professional troops.
  • - Liberation from the hated Goldenordinsky yoke.
  • - raising the authority of the Russian state in the international European arena.
  • - Guidance of the order within the combined lands.

Great Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich, the second son of the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark was born in Moscow on January 22, 1440 and accounted for Dmitry Donskoy, the winner in the Kulikovsky battle. Ivan's mother - Maria Yaroslavna, Daughter of Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich Borovsky. Interestingly, the prophetic prediction associated with Ivan III and Volny Novgorod, always leading a stubborn struggle with Moscow for its political independence. In the 40s The XV century in the Novgorod monastery at the subgrota tract Klopsk was facing the blissful Michael, famous in the decensic saints under the name Klopsky. It was in 1400 that his local archbishop of Eupimius was visited by his local archbishop. Blessed told Vladyka: "And today, the joy is big in Moscow. The son of the Great Prince of Moscow was born the son of the name Ivan Lord of the whole land Russian Karamzin N. M. "The history of the Russian state", Kaluga, "Golden Alley", 1997. "

Ivan was born in a rapid time of wars, internecial brass and sink. It was restless in the southern and eastern borders of Russia: Numerous Khans who have broken by the time of the Horde often made devastating raids on Russian lands.

Life made early to marvel the prince. From the most young years he was in the thick of the political struggle, became an assistant to his blind father. I was relentlessly next to him, he participated in all his campaigns, and at the sixth age he was engaged with the daughter of the Tver Prince, which should mean the Union of two eternal rivals - Moscow and Tver.

Already from 1448, Ivan Vasilyevich is tuting in the chronicles of the Grand Prince, as well as his father. Long before joining the throne in the hands of Ivan Vasilyevich, many levers of power are rendered; It performs important military and political instructions. In 1448, he was in Vladimir with an army who covered the important southern direction from the Tatars, and in 1452 he went to his first military campaign. Since the beginning of the 50s. XV century Ivan Vasilyevich took a step by step by a difficult sovereign craft, delving into the affairs of a blinded father, who returned to the throne, was not inclined to ceremony not only with enemies, but in general, with any potential rivals.

Father handed over the young prince fragile world with neighbors. Restlessly was in Novgorod and Pskov. In a big horde, an ambitious Ahmat came to power, which dreamed of reviving the powers of the Chingisids. Political passions drove into Moscow. But Ivan III was ready for decisive actions. At twenty-two years, he has already possessed a firm character, government mind, diplomatic wisdom. Much later, the Venetian Ambassador of Contarini outlined it like this: "The Grand Dance is in appearance about 35 years old. He is high in growth and thin, but with all those handsome man" Other witnesses of his life noted that Ivan III knew how his emotions subordinate to the requirements of the circumstances, he always carefully calculated all the possible consequences of his actions, was in this respect with an outstanding politician and diplomat, since he often acted as much as a sword as a word. Magazine "Our story. 100 great names." N 53.

At the end of 1461, a plot was revealed in Moscow. Its participants wanted to freely freeze in the captivity of Serpukhov Prince Vasily Yaroslavich and supported the connection with the camp of emigrants in Lithuania - Political opponents of Vasily II. The conspirators were captured. In early 1462, in the days of the Great Post, they were betrayed by painful execution. Bloody events Against the background of the bright-graded prayers, marked with a change of epochs and a gradual offensive of uniform. Soon, March 27, 1462, at 3 o'clock in the morning, the Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich Dark died. Encyclopedia "History of Russia and its closest neighbors", M., "Avanta +", 1995

In Moscow, now there was a new sovereign - 22-year-old Grand Prince Ivan. As always at the time of the transition of power, external opponents were revived, as if wanted to make sure that the young sovereign was hardly held in her hands. Novgorod residents have long been no longer carried out the conditions of the Jelubitsky treaty with Moscow. Pskovichi expelled the Moscow governor. In Kazan, Han Ibrahim had an unfriendly Moscow. Vasily Dark, in his spiritual directly blessed the eldest son "his secondary" - a great reign. Since the Bati subjugated Russia, the Horde Lord ordered the thrones of Russian princes. Now, no one asked his opinions. It could hardly come up with this Ahmat - Khan Large Horde, who dreamed of the glory of the first conquerors of Russia. Restlessly was in the most cereal family. The sons of Vasily Dark, the younger brothers Ivan III, received the Father's will, all together, almost as much as he inherited the Grand Duke, and were dissatisfied with this.

Ivan III had a steep temper and the cold heart, differed prudence, power and skill to go to the chosen goal. The process of combining with it significantly accelerated. However, it was not easy to achieve this. Ivan III Vasilyevich did not like to use gross power, preferring to act slowly, carefully, but for sure. And such a tactic was very successful. Alekseev Yu.G. Sovereign all Russia. Novosibirsk, 1991.

As N.M. Karamzin wrote: "The list of history is our acceptance of the dignity of truly state, describing no longer senseless fights of princely, but the actions of the kingdom, acquiring independence and greatness. Bill disappears with our citizenship; The power is formed strong, as if new for Europe and Asia, who, seeing with surprise, offer it a famous place in their political system. Already, our unions and war have an important goal: every special enterprise is a consequence of thought as directed by the good of the Fatherland. " N. I. Kostomarov "Russian history in the life writings of its main figures." - Moscow: Thought, 1993

The beginning of the Board of Ivan III is associated with many difficulties and global tasks that have had to solve a young sovereign. And Ivan at the beginning of his righteous rule began to solve accumulated tasks. The ideas, which should be the Russian state have long been called. Required a person who is able to implement them. Ivan III is the person who will quite successfully begin to implement them. We can divide the problem of standing tasks, on, internal and external. In the second chapter, we will consider the implementation and solving problems of Ivan III at the beginning of the Board. Platonov S. F. "Textbook of Russian History"


Do not forget to tell friends

January 22, 1440 Ivan Vasilyevich III was born. It will take another 22, as he will enter the throne of the Moscow state. And immediately matches the question, how did he remember in history? What were the results of his rule?
So, it is possible to say with hardness that the Board of Ivan III was generally successful! It is enough to recall his successes in the unification of all Russian principalities in one big holistic state with the center in Moscow. Perhaps this event is the most significant for the history of Russia! After all, it is then to originate, like a large seed, holistic Russian stateAlthough then it was also called Moscow. Then almost all principalities were attached, who had at least some kind of probability or the opportunity to give a challenge to the Moscow State. Among these were, of course, the Novgorod Republic. No one even thought about 200 years ago that the mighty and prosperous principality will be absorbed by Moscow!
Not much important was that finally, it was the final liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke that the Board of Ivan III. Of course, the bore, which preceded this joyful event at that time, was made long before Ivan III. Nevertheless, he managed to take advantage of his advantages!
At Ivan III, it begins, perhaps the construction of the construction in Moscow in its scale and scope. But the most significant in this area was, of course, the restructuring of the Kremlin, which then took the form of an already approximate to modern!

At the end of his rule, in 1497, Ivan III released the Faulician, who was named after his name. This event is also pretty much significant for Russia! After all, after the "Russian truth" Yaroslav wise nothing more did not come out! But the time in place is not worth it, and therefore it is always necessary to modernize the laws.
And what can I say, Ivan III's Board seemingly a little bit of luck among all past and future rulers! That the inner, that the foreign policy of him was impeccable, and Moscow lived "Podvayulyu". But it is impossible not to say that there was still a black band. For example, Ivan III, fearing internecine wars, began to enter all possible heirs in prisons or, even worse, Moscow-Novgorod Yerez, in which there were not few victims!
Nevertheless, it can be said that the Board of Ivan III was one of the best! He did a lot for the future capital of Russia, managed to unite the Russian principalities, finally release the Russian people from the Golden Horde and, finally, did not do a little in the political sphere. As for the black strip, on the background of all his luck, it is perhaps you can close your eyes, for everywhere there is white, and black!

Ivan III Vasilyevich was born on 01/22/1440, was the Son. From an early age, he settled a blind father in state affairs, went to hiking with him.

In March 1462, Vasily II was seriously ill and died. Shortly before his death, he made a testament. In the testament it was said that the eldest son Ivan received the grand per-chain throne, and most of the state, its main cities. The remaining part of the state was divided among themselves the rest of Vasily II.

Ivan III led a very productive, wise policy. In the internal policy, he, like his father, continues to collect Russian lands under the Moscow beginnings. Rostovskoe, Tverskova, Ryazan, Belozerskoye and Dmitrov Principality joined Moscow.

Internal policy Ivan III

Speeding Russian lands to Moscow took place very well and productively. It is worth saying that these lands were attached peacefully. Novgorod residents wanted independence, but the forces of the Moscow principality clearly exceeded Novgorod.

Then, Novgorod boyars decided to play with the Lithuanian prince Casimir. Such a progress was not satisfied Ivan III, who was undertaking to unite all Russian land at the Moscow beginnings.

On June 6, 1471, the Moscow Hospit appears in a campaign against Novgorod. Ivan III troops do not break with robbery and violence, trying to bring more fear at Novgorod boyars.

Novgorod boyars also did not sit, folded his hands, from the townspeople launched a militia, whose number was about 40 thousand people. However, the army, the collected nasp, was completely not trained in military cause. Novgorod people moved in the direction of Pskov in order to prevent the connection of the Moscow and Pskov troops.

But on the Sheloni River, the Novgorod army, randomly, faced with the detachments of one of the Moscow governors, where they were defeated by their opponent. Novgorod was in siege. During the negotiations with Ivan III, Novgorod retained its independence, paid the contraction, and no longer had the right to play with Lithuania.

In the spring of 1477, complainants from Novgorod arrived in Moscow. Ivan III III called the complainants, instead of a traditional gentleman. "Mr." - assumed the equality of "Mr. Grand Prince" and "Mr. Veliky Novgorod". Muscovites immediately clung to this pretext, and sent ultimatum to Novgorod, according to which Novgorod should have joined Moscow.

As a result of the new war, Novgorod was joined by Moscow, the position of Novgorod Planting is abolished, and the eunch bell is exported to Moscow. It was in 1478. After taking Novgorod, the king continued to collect Russian lands. It was the essence of his internal policy. He spread his power in the Vyazemskaya Earth, captured the land of Komi and the Great Perm, and also brought his orders in the land of Khantants and Mansi.

With the growth of the power of the country and the Grand Durability of the country. Under Ivan III in Russia, a system of service for land appeared. This progressive innovation has become the basis for the formation of a bed of the nobility, a new support of greatness, and subsequently the royal power. The centralized state could not exist without general legislation.

In 1497, communion leaves. The lawyer established the legal norms of the life of Russian society.

Foreign Policy Ivan III

In the foreign policy, the ruler also did not cost without major success. Rus finally ceased to depend on the Golden Horde, pay her tribute. This event occurred in 1480, marked "". Khan Ahmat moved big troops on Russia, she was preparing for a decisive battle for a long time, but in the end turned back. So ended the Ordane Igo.

Ivan III died on October 27, 1505. The name is forever entered the history of Russia.


For his board, he achieved great success in domestic and foreign policy, completed the process of collecting the land of Russian, once and permanently ended with the Orda's ig. Not in vain Ivan III Vasilyevich, in science and journalism got the nicknamed the Great.