Money check from checkbook blank. Rules and procedure for filling out a money order to receive cash at a bank - an empty form and a completed sample

Almost every normally functioning enterprise has one or even several opened in banks. With the help of these accounts, the company can carry out the necessary non-cash payments. But what if you need to pay in cash? There are three main methods of cash payments, approved by current legislation.

A checkbook is the most common means of replenishing cash at a company's cash desk. Previously, this book must be purchased at a servicing bank. There are books with 25, 50 or more sheets. In order to withdraw money from the account, you must fill out a check and present it to the bank. The check can be written in the name of any person who will receive the funds. The bank will pay money on the presented check only if this check is filled out in strict accordance with the established procedure for filling out and using checks. This order includes several points:

  • The check is filled by hand only with ink or ballpoint pen. The amount of the check is indicated in numbers and in words. When specifying the date of issue of the check, the month is written in words.
  • When filling in the “amount in figures” field, double crossing of empty seats before and after the amount of rubles is required.
  • On the personal check, after the printed word "pay", the surname, first name, and patronymic of the person in whose name this check is being written, in the genitive case, are fully indicated.
  • The amount in words must be started from the very beginning of the line. After the amount, the word "rubles" is put in words, and there should be no free space between them.
  • The drawer signs the check exclusively with a ballpoint pen or ink.
  • It is forbidden to sign a check until all its details are filled in.
  • Any amendments to the check will invalidate the check.
  • The completed and signed check is sealed with the seal of the organization. An imprint of the seal is not required only if the mark presented to the bank upon opening the account contains a note that the seal of the organization has not been assigned.
  • The bank selects a receipt for receiving money only by a personal check on its reverse side.
  • All details of the check spine are required.
  • The receipt of receipt of the check is located on the spine of this check and is selected by the owner of the bank account.
  • The drawer is obliged to keep the backs of paid checks, as well as all the checks damaged by him and their backs for at least three years.
  • When closing the current account, its owner is obliged to return to the bank all available checkbooks with the remaining unused stubs and checks with a statement containing the check numbers.

The pros of using a checkbook are:

  • strict control over the withdrawal of cash from a bank account (since withdrawals are made only by check);
  • a very high degree of security (money will not be issued by the bank in the absence of the necessary details, the signature of the drawer and the seal imprint).

Cons of a checkbook:

  • additional expenses in the form of a bank commission for cash withdrawals;
  • extra time required to travel to the bank and receive money;
  • in case of the slightest violation of the rules for filling out a check, this check will not be accepted by the bank for payment.

Method two. Corporate plastic card (electronic checkbook)

Many banks keeping pace with the times offer their clients to open a corporate card. It can be a personalized or anonymized plastic card with a pin code. Quite often, businesses that use a corporate card provide it to the responsible person to pay for current purchases. An employee making a payment using a corporate card must report to his business for each amount spent. In this case, the supporting documents are forms strict accountability, cash and sales receipts.

Each bank endows its cards with certain features or impose some restrictions. Some banks, for example, do not allow cash withdrawals from an ATM using a corporate card. And other banks, whose range of services is much wider, allow, for example, to set certain limits on each card.

Advantages of a corporate plastic card:

  • no banking commission when spending funds;
  • round-the-clock access to funds in the current account;
  • significant time savings for receiving funds from the bank and their subsequent issuance against an advance report;
  • control of the use of funds using statements received at the bank;
  • the ability to pay various kinds of expenses: representation, travel or business expenses of the enterprise.

Method three. Personalized plastic card

This option is most suitable for individual entrepreneurs.

In this case, the entrepreneur is given the right to choose one of two options:

  • each time separately transfer the required amount from your current account to a plastic card;
  • submit an application to the servicing bank with a request to transfer all funds received to the current account to the designated plastic card. In this case, the card will be attached to the account, and with its help you can spend funds within the limits available on the current account.

Minus this method the bank may prohibit the transfer of funds from the current account to the personalized plastic card of an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the servicing bank, as a rule, offers the individual entrepreneur to open a corporate card (such as the one opened by organizations).

Checkbook is a strict reporting document that is used to receive cash in a bank.

Since the form of a money order is not established by law, each bank can develop its own form, while maintaining the necessary details.

To obtain a book, a client applies to his bank with a corresponding application. It usually has 25 or 50 pages. Each page has a spine that remains with the client and the check itself, which is returned to the bank.

It is necessary to store this document in a closed safe with the chief accountant. Damaged checks and paid stubs are stored for at least three years.

Filling out and maintaining a checkbook

The check is filled in by hand by one person, with a ballpoint pen, without changing the ink. If there are errors, blots or corrections on the front side, the form is considered invalid. It is glued to a book and quenched with a stamp. "Spoiled".

The name of the check holder and his details are affixed upon receipt on each sheet, by stamp or by hand.

"Check ... for ..."... This line indicates the check amount in numbers. If there is free space in the field, it must be crossed out with two lines.

"The date"... The date and year are indicated in numbers, and the month in letters (in words).

Then the field is filled "Suma in cuirsive"... After writing the amount (from the very edge of the line with a capital letter), the free space is crossed out with a double line.

Most often, the check is signed by the head and the chief accountant of the organization, or by persons whose signatures are indicated in ""

It is necessary to certify the form with a seal carefully so that the print does not run over the allotted field.

The reverse side of the document contains a table that indicates the expenses (in the form of symbols) for which funds are issued.

Then the signature of the employee is put, who presents the check to the bank.

"Recipient identification marks"... The passport details of the recipient of the money are indicated.

The marks of the bank employees are put under the horizontal line when dispensing cash.

Spine remains with the buyer, it indicates the amount to be issued, date, full name of the recipient of funds. Below are the signatures of the head and the chief accountant.

After receiving, the money is credited to the cashier by, the number of which is affixed on the back of the spine.

In the process of buying and selling goods to the client one of the documentsconfirming the fact of purchase is a cashier's check. The legislation governing the procedure for issuance and their registration is periodically changed.

Why do you need

The very concept of a cash register receipt can combine two different meanings: direct cash register receipt and sales receipt.

A cashier's check (it is also called a fiscal check) is issued directly when purchasing a thing, value, goods and its registration takes place on the basis of data in Art. The need to print and create such a document is caused by following factors:

  1. Proof of purchase. Often, buyers need such a proof of purchase, either to prove the amount spent on the purchase or simply the purchase itself at a specific time frame.
  2. It is important when buying equipment or things with a certain warranty period for them. Often, in the event of a breakdown as a result of operation, in addition to the warranty card itself, it is necessary to provide a cashier's receipt - without it, they cannot always carry out repairs or eliminate the malfunction.
  3. Confirmation of withdrawal from the remainder of a specific item. Often, when carrying goods through the checkout (if these are retail chains, supermarkets, stores), the automated accounting system simultaneously produces from the main balance when a purchase document is knocked out at the checkout. At some enterprises, the goods are shipped first, and then a check is knocked out. In any case, the amount of money for the released material values must match the amount passed through the checkout.
  4. The cash register receipt is a kind of confirmation of the total sold amount of the goods for those business entities whose chosen taxation system obliges to issue such a document to the buyer when purchasing the goods. Accordingly, when submitting reports (profit from sales, turnover of funds for a specific period of work), the amount according to the periodic report of the cash desk must coincide with the figure indicated in tax declarations.

The sales receipt has several differences from the cash register:

  • is a form filled in manually by the seller or the person in charge;
  • contains data about the place where the purchase of value was carried out, the article or the type of the product, the price, the name and signature of the seller.

Sales receipt not required for individual entrepreneurs (the exception is the sale of technical goods or others, which are guaranteed for a certain period of use). One important feature is its invalidity, printed on the fiscal apparatus.

Sample for 2020

In accordance with the current law of July 3, 2016, which regulates issues related to cashier's checks, from July 1, 2021 for most organizations and individual entrepreneurs use of online cash registers is mandatory, which simultaneously with the printing of the document via the Internet connection instantly transmit information about the sale to the server of the Federal Tax Service.

Existing requirements for machines that generate and print cashier receipts, following:

  • the cash register operating online must have a body with information containing the serial number of its manufacturer;
  • the fiscal apparatus must contain a built-in clock mechanism, as well as a device to ensure uninterrupted printing of receipts;
  • the fiscal information storage available at the checkout must independently receive, decrypt and process data from any type of checkout, at the same time there must be a ban on the possibility of correcting any data;
  • the fiscal apparatus must be connected to the Internet in order to be able to transfer data to the Federal Tax Service, and, if necessary, send it by e-mail (except as otherwise provided by law).

Previously, as part of a cash register receipt, only 7 details were required to be displayed on it. At the moment, in connection with the introduction of online cash registers, the required amount of information has increased and should consist of following information:

  • name of the organization;
  • individual number of the enterprise (firm);
  • registration number of the cash register;
  • (the number is calculated per work shift);
  • date and time when payment for the purchase was made;
  • the rate of value added tax and the amount of the tax itself;
  • fiscal attribute of a cash register receipt;
  • place of payment (if the receipt of funds was carried out at the premises, then the postal code, if in transport, then the name of the car and its number, if the purchase was made by ordering and paying via the Internet, then the website address is displayed on the check);
  • number of the shift in which the purchase of material value was carried out;
  • the name of the purchased goods, or works performed or services rendered;
  • the cost of one unit of goods, work or services performed (also, if available, the discount and trade margin are taken into account);
  • the total quantity and the total cost of the goods or services sold, taking into account discounts (if any) and existing product margins;
  • the taxation system on which the company is located that sells goods or services;
  • the form of payment for the purchase (in cash or by bank transfer);
  • payment amount - if payment is made partly in cash, and partly by card or money transfer, then the amount of each of such payments;
  • a sign of the calculation made according to the corresponding classification: receipt, return of receipt, expense and return of expense (in this case, the classification refers specifically to the operation carried out by the seller - for example, in the case of the sale of goods, the calculation and receipt of funds to the company's account occur - then according to the classification the receipt displays "arrival");
  • document's name;
  • for a check that is stored in the machine or transmitted to the Federal Tax Service, a special fiscal message sign;
  • document number in order;
  • serial number of the device;
  • the position of the person who received funds from the buyer (the exception is settlement via the Internet);
  • in the event that the purchase is made through the Internet, then the email address of the company;
  • the buyer's mail address if he wants to receive a check via the Internet;
  • the address of the site where you can check the available information on the check.


The main requirements for cash register receipts are as follows:

  • full presence on the document of all the requisites required for display;
  • legibility of the data displayed on the check and the ability to read them within 6 months from the date of issue;
  • the obligation to print and issue cash receipts to customers when making a purchase and making payments for it (except for single tax payers or those on the patent taxation system);
  • adherence to the principle of issuing a document - generating a cash register receipt after making a payment, transferring information to a fiscal drive, sending data to an operator, checking and confirming information, transferring data to the Federal Tax Service.

It should be noted that the existing online cash register system in individual casesprovided by law may not apply. This mainly includes remote settlements that do not have the ability to connect to the Internet.

In the event that a separate legal entity or individual does not execute the cashier's receipt (permanently or in individual cases), or the printing of the document and the information contained on it does not meet the existing requirements, the supervisory authorities have the right to bring the manager and authorized persons to responsibility, which threatens to impose a fine and the possibility of deprivation of licenses and existing permits to carry out activities.

What can be issued instead of a cash register receipt? Details are in this issue.

What actions to take to get it, how is it going filling out a money order (sample, example), you can find answers to so many pressing questions in our article.

Checkbook - this is an order to the bank to provide the person with the amount specified in the check. Typically, checks are used by legal entities. persons for settlements. With the help of a check, any organization has the ability to withdraw cash from a personal current account or pay with counterparties. With regard to physical. persons, then checkbooks in this case, have not yet received mass distribution. Individual entrepreneurs and organizations actively use checks, as it is quite convenient, safe and reliable, only withdrawing cash on a check takes quite a long time, and this is a direct drawback.

How to have a checkbook?

To write money checks, you need to get a book from a bank. To do this, you will need to apply for a checkbook with the bank where you have an open current account. After that, for a certain amount of money, the applicant will be given a checkbook, which will contain a certain number of checks, for example 60. From that moment, you can write money checks and receive cash from the bank using them.

Sample checkbook filling

It is necessary to fill out a money check very carefully and carefully, since this is a strict reporting form, corrections and errors must not be allowed in it. If an error was made during the checkout process, it is considered invalid, and the form itself is crossed out and it says “canceled”. A damaged check should not be pulled out of the book. The check form consists of a tear-off part and a spine. It is necessary to fill in both parts, after that, along the cut-off line, the right part is torn off and transferred to the bank branch for issuing money, the spine (left part) remains in the book.

The procedure for filling out a money order

The check must reflect the specific amount (in words and figures) that is issued to the bearer. From the beginning of the line, the amount is written in words, the currency and the amount itself are also indicated in the form of a number, the empty space that remains in the line is crossed out,
Mandatory, the check indicates the details of the owner of the book and the bank details,
The date of filling out the form and the place of preparation should also be indicated. The check is considered valid for 10 days.
The line "to whom" indicates the name of the recipient, to whom the check was issued, as well as to whom the bank is obliged to pay the prescribed amount,
The check must contain an instruction to issue the registered cash to the bearer,
The seal of the drawer and the signatures of authorized persons must be present,
The recipient needs to sign, as a sign of confirmation that he has received the check,
In the checkbook, the expense goals are written in accordance with the need to spend the planned amount,
The checkbook is filled manually in black or blue.

The canceled and used checkbook must be kept in the organization for 3 years, after which it is transferred to the archive.

Accounting for check books

The opening of a checkbook and the subsequent issuance of checks is reflected in accounting. When issuing monetary amounts, the 2nd sub-account 55 of the accounting account is applied. In addition, the checkbook appears on the off-balance sheet account 006. The costs associated with receiving the book are written off on transaction D91 / 2K51 as other expenses. When a money order is issued, the transaction is D60 / K55 / 2. The used check must be debited from the credit. If at the end of the year there are unused checks, they are given to the bank, as for the balance of funds, they are transferred to the account (posting D51 K55 / 2. To draw up a check correctly and without errors, you can use our recommendations on

A money order is a type of security. It is a kind of "order" allowing the payment of a certain amount to the person who provided the document to the bank.

Checkbook: Application, Pros and Cons

The main purpose of a money order is to provide funds at the bank for various needs. This type of settlement has become very common, since cash can be obtained using checks quickly and without any problems. Now in Russian banks they accept samples of completed money checks of a new type, on which it is not necessary to put a stamp. The advantages of using check receipts include:

    A clear control of the cash flow of the current account: a payment is made of a strictly defined amount specified in the receipt.

    High level of reliability. The paying bank will refuse to provide funds if the basic required details are not indicated in the receipt in the manner prescribed by law.

The disadvantages of managing the finances of an organization (or an individual) using cash checks are the following:

  • The slightest mistakes and adjustments in the check are strictly prohibited. If the document is not drawn up correctly, it will already be canceled.
  • When withdrawing cash on receipt, the bank may charge a commission.
  • To receive money on a money order, you must go to the bank. It will take time to travel and wait at the bank, plus transportation costs.

Money Check - Sample Completion: Regulatory

Regarding regulatory regulation, the laws of the Russian Federation do not provide approved forms or samples for filling out money checks. Since 2017, the keeping of checks has been regulated by the Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia of February 27, 2017 approved by the Ministry of Justice.

For the document to become legally valid, you must fill in the basic details. The receipt consists of two parts - the back of the check and the receipt itself. The receipt is given to the bank, and the spine remains with the company.

In an organization, this type of security must be held by the chief accountant and accounted for as an off-balance sheet account. In Russia, unlike the United States, for example, checkbooks are used by organizations, not individuals.

How to get a checkbook

So, all checks of an organization or an individual are stored in a checkbook. To get such a book, you need to apply to the bank. It contains a limited number of pages - usually up to 50 checks. In addition, this book requires a current account with the paying bank. The storage period of the document after full operation is 3 years.

Sberbank's checks: requirements for filling

Sberbank, known as a trustworthy institution, is most prevalent among businesses opening checkbooks. It should be noted that not all branches can accept this type of securities. Therefore, first you need to clarify this issue. You can call, go and pre-register. We list the basic requirements for samples of filling out a money order in Sberbank:

  1. You can use gel pens or ballpoint pens to fill out checks. The color of ink is allowed black, blue and even purple.
  2. The amount for issue is written both in words and in numbers.
  3. The location of the amount should be on the left edge, the inscription ends in currency.
  4. When filling in the date, the month is written in words.
  5. The check should be free of blots and corrections.
  6. If, nevertheless, a mistake is made, you must sign "Spoiled" / "Canceled".
  7. The check must be stamped, unless otherwise specified in the contract with the banking institution.
  8. The recipient of the funds must sign on the back of the check. Samples of filling in the stubs and the check itself can be obtained from the bank upon request.
  9. Recipient name is required. Another person cannot receive money, and a check without a name is no longer valid.
  10. The drawer keeps the stubs. They must be archived for a period of 3 years.
  11. Only certain employees have the right to sign an organization's check. These are, as a rule, managers and their deputies.
  12. If the bank account is closed, then the checkbook must be returned to the bank. The application contains the numbers of the remaining pages.

These rules also apply when filling out checks of any bank. Let us consider, using the example of a certain Sidorova O.V., how a completed sample of a money order in a Savings Bank should look like:

This is what the money check looks like on the back.

How to get money by check in the bank?

To do this, you need to go to the bank and cash a money order. A sample of filling out an application is provided by the bank. You will also need a document proving the identity of the recipient. It is necessary to inform the cashier operator of the amount that is written in the receipt. The operator verifies the information specified in the citizen's passport, and also checks the information on the application and on the check. Then he sticks a sticker on a special area in the receipt and gives out cash. The issued amount must be checked immediately.

What should be considered when filling out money checks? First, the signature pattern on all sides of the check must be the same. Secondly, the same date should be put down both when receiving money and when filling out the organization's cash book.