Simple and clear about homeopathy: action, principles, advantages and disadvantages, rules of admission, contraindications. Homeopathy in a person's life Treat like like like

In human life can make a big difference if you know what it is and how to properly use homeopathic medicines for treatment. I am writing about this because most people either do not have information about or have heard about it, but homeopathic medicines have not yet been used for treatment in their family.

After reading about cases by the similarity method (homeopathy - like is treated like), many people immediately form the opinion that everything is easy and simple - you just need to take the most suitable one once and this will be enough for recovery.

Everything would be so or close to this if a person lived in ideal conditions of a paradise oceanic island, breathed clean sea air, ate organic food, and did not experience stress. In this case, a single dose of the drug would be enough for the entire duration of treatment.

On the one hand, there is an ideal version of life, and on the other hand, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of people usually live in a world far from ideal conditions. Considering this, we need to further clarify something.

When prescribing a homeopathic drug for treatment, the doctor always proceeds from the level of energy in the patient's body at the current time. On the one hand, it is difficult, but on the other hand, any person has signs by which he can be calculated.

Each person has their own energy level - it can be high, medium, low or very low.

In this context, the word does not directly correlate with the physical strength of a person or the strength of his spirit. With a high energy level, it is unlikely that a person will be sick with something serious. Or, there may be the opposite option - "strong" autoimmune disease equal to strength human energy. Or diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, myopathy, diseases associated with neural connections or other similar pathologies. Suffice it to recall Stephen Hawking, who has the highest energy level, since it allows him to understand such complex things, but his illness is just as strong.

Most often, diseases in people with a high level of energy do not linger for a long time - once inside the body, any disease, according to the rules, quickly comes out.

A person with a strong energy can safely take homeopathic remedies in high potencies, ignoring the risk of getting an exacerbation of the disease - their treatment goes smoothly, without exacerbations. Suitable potencies of homeopathic remedies, which are also called "dilutions" (the word "dilution" does not quite correctly reflect the essence of the homeopathic remedy), in such cases - 1000C, 10000C and even 50,000C.

It is easier for people with a high level of energy to live - any acute diseases do not linger inside them, unless these are rare miasmatic pathologies, which the body cannot get rid of on its own.

In the case of medium or weak energy of the organism, the potency of homeopathic remedies is used medium and low.

Lifelong health support

Life goes on and the body changes over time. Something escapes his control and begins to develop, at first imperceptibly, then stronger. At the same time, a person has sensations that are unusual for him, which he did not notice before.

Usually, thoughts and sensations "in tune" with the disease and associated with it appear before the symptoms clearly begin to bother. As they say, everything starts small. For a person unfamiliar with such sensations do not mean much, they are perceived as " just thought"and they immediately forget about them.

For a homeopath, a person's thoughts and feelings are consonant with descriptions of homeopathic remedies, which have exactly the same thoughts and feelings. Therefore, homeopathy in human life may be of more importance than simply treating a disease when it has already appeared and acquired full strength.

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In other words, each person has their own homeopathic remedy for the symptoms of a disease that already exists. And there is such a drug that will be needed for treatment in the near future - it can be taken even on the basis of what a person thinks about recently, what he cares about, what he feels and in what situations he finds himself. The features of the homeopathic remedy should be in tune with the thoughts and behavior of the person.

For example, a person is trying to do something, but he does not succeed - then circumstances interfere, then the bosses, what else is there. To go forward one has to overcome difficulties and obstacles. For a person, all this is life, but for a homeopath the understanding that there are obstacles that need to be overcome.

The group analysis technique makes it possible to understand that signs similar in meaning can appear in parallel in the body, since a person begins to notice what he did not notice before - obstacles... What you care about outside can take place inside too

Since I began to think about "obstacles" in life, it means that they could appear somewhere in the body itself, for example, in the vessels. Further, it remains to understand how a person relates to them (go from private to general) and ultimately determine the signs and name of a homeopathic drug to reduce or at least slow down the formation of obstacles in the vessels.

The speed of health recovery in such cases depends on the energy of the disease and the body - who is faster: recovery will go faster or the disease will progress faster. Little depends on the homeopath in the internal struggle of the patient's body (almost everything depends on the surgeon only), because this is the personal work of the body - he received instructions in the form of a homeopathic preparation and then he remains to fight for the restoration of health.

With this in mind homeopathy in human life can be of great value and benefit.

Here's another example: a person began to notice that after coffee his heart, stomach or head hurt. The same thing appears from any overexcitation, even from joy - this is also a certain homeopathic remedy that can contribute to such an "uncomfortable" feature as " agitation worse"

There can be many such situations in life. Over time, they accumulate and do not disappear anywhere - everything remains inside and, like an admixture of salt in the metal, break it. " mineral structure". In this way, latent and sluggish, still weak pathologies appear in the body.

Based on this, it will not be superfluous, in parallel with the course of life, to immediately try to get rid of pathologies as they appear, increasing the chance of staying in a healthy body. As the saying goes, it is better to prevent disease than to cure. Everything becomes more difficult when the disease has already gained strength - then the treatment is much more difficult.

To be treated immediately or to wait?

This all adds up to the fact that many people think that it is enough to take the medicine once. It turns out to be more and more difficult - if you are treated immediately and take medications on time, there is less chance of acquiring a chronic disease. As I said a little above, life does not stand still and from time to time different thoughts, sensations begin to appear, as well as symptoms corresponding to them, which from temporary can become permanent and take shape into an already obvious disease.

Life goes on, and health, like a path in the forest, can change direction - go uphill, downhill, or just a cliff. It would be better to know in advance where it will turn and what is on the way ... If you can control at least a small section of the road in front of you, then it is better to do this and use something that helps to calmly move forward. A climber always needs to have the appropriate equipment and equipment for the situation - this is more reliable than climbing Mount Everest in theater shoes.

In other words, if you wish, you can periodically adjust the state of the body in difficult and incomprehensible situations, which, without control of the situation, it is not clear where they will lead. Based on this, you can periodically take a homeopathic preparation corresponding to the state and sensations for the last period of life - days, weeks, months.

Such periods of strengthening and restoring health are beneficial to any person. It is better to treat a disease as soon as it appears than to try to get rid of it when it has already gained strength.

You can take into account:

There are a great many different "themes" and sensations that can be taken into account for the definition of medicines in homeopathy, for example: ties are torn, tension, stalemate, misunderstanding of the situation, prostration, sudden changeability, block, trapped, trampled, shrunken, shrunk, lost some yourself (hair, children, favorite cup), shocked, fear of being spoken to, fear of contact, fragile, broken, empty, filled, overflowing, stuck, barrier, twisting, tied, gnawing, freedom, heaviness, weightlessness, no sense of support , defenselessness, expelled, do not recognize as their own, neglect, as if in hell, insipid life, nostalgia, insulted, like a bare nerve, the soil leaves underfoot, overexcitement, darkness and light, black and white, a blow of fate and many other topics and sensations of homeopathic remedies.

A lot of such situations can relate both to simple sensations and emotions of a person, and to the physical body, when an unnoticed illness is already taking place. For example, blockage or impaired patency (obstruction) of the heart vessels, overstrain of the heart due to high blood pressure (cancerous miasm), and so on.

Such a system of treatment and prevention can be realized if you have a homeopathic medicine at home, or you know where to get homeopathic medicines. At the same time, you need to know which of the available set of drugs to take - for this at home you need to have appropriate reference books on homeopathy and know the tactics of taking drugs. During difficult periods of life, this can be a good support for the body.

Like cures like. Myths and Reality.
(From Hippocrates to Hahnemann


The article describes the main stages in the development of the homeopathic method of treatment, the origins of its formation, the variety of manifestations.

Examples of using the similarity principle in folk medicine antiquity, describes the experience of the practical application of this principle and its theoretical development in the works of Hippocrates and Paracelsus.

The historical role of the outstanding German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) in the creation of homeopathy as a holistic method of treatment is noted.

"The Chaldeans, likening things earthly to things heavenly and heaven to the lower world, saw in this mutual sympathy of the parts of the universe, separated by their position, but not by their very essence, the harmony that unites them like a musical chord."

(Philo of Alexandria "On the resettlement of Abraham")

There are certain patterns that permeate all spheres of the universe, penetrate into the most secret areas of matter and spirit, affect our consciousness, cover the depths of the subconscious, and at the same time are pivotal, cornerstone for everything that is called visible and invisible, immanent and transcendental, internal and external, male and female. Perhaps one of the most famous and, at the same time, mysterious phenomena of our reality is the principle of similarity, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich was outlined back in the III-II centuries. BC. Hermes Trismegistus in the treatise "The Emerald Tablet" with the following words: "What is below is like what is above, and what is above is like what is below. And all this is only for the miracle of the only One to be accomplished. "

But, unfortunately, apparently the most common use of the principle "like produces like" is the attempts made by many people in different epochs to harm the enemy or destroy him by mutilating his image or destroying the latter in full confidence that the person against whom these actions, will experience the same suffering or die.

“Thousands of years ago he was known to sorcerers Ancient India, Babylon and Egypt, as well as Greece and Rome, and even today in Australia, Africa and Scotland, insidious and malicious people resort to it. North American Indians believe that by drawing a figure on sand, ash or clay, or mistaking an object for a human body, and then piercing it with a sharp stick or causing some other damage, they inflict corresponding harm on the depicted person. For example, when an Indian of the Ojibway tribe wants to invite an attack on someone, he makes a wooden image of his enemy and drives a needle into his head (or heart) or fires an arrow at him, believing that it is worth the needle or arrow to pierce the doll, as the enemy will feel in this part of the body is in sharp pain. If he intends to kill the enemy on the spot, he burns and buries the doll, while casting magic spells. Peruvian Indians made images of people they disliked or dreaded from fat mixed with flour, and then burned these images on the road along which the victim had to pass. It was called "burning the soul."

Image-based homeopathic magic was usually practiced with the malicious intent of sending unwanted people to the next world. But it was used (although much more rarely) with benevolent intentions, for example, to help others, including with the goal of facilitating childbirth or for giving offspring to infertile women. In Bataks (Sumatra island), a sterile woman who wants to become a mother makes a wooden doll, which she holds on her knees, believing that this will lead to the fulfillment of her wish.

Some of the Dayaks from the island of Borneo invite a shaman to the woman in labor, who is trying to facilitate childbirth by massaging her body, that is, in a rational way. Meanwhile, outside the room, another shaman is making efforts to achieve the same goal by means that would seem completely irrational to us. He pretends to be giving birth: a large stone, tied to his stomach with a rag wrapped around his body, depicts a child in the womb. Following the directions that his colleague shouts out in the actual field of action (in the room), he moves the imaginary child throughout the body, accurately reproducing the movements of the real infant until he is born.

IN Ancient Greece a person who was mistakenly considered dead and for whom funeral rites were performed in his absence was considered dead until he went through the rite of rebirth. He was carried between the woman's legs, washed, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in the care of a wet nurse. Only after the scrupulous performance of this rite, the returned could freely enter into communication with living people.

The scope of the principle of similarity was dictated by internal and external motives, prompting the bearer of this principle to act, which in ancient times was usually a sorcerer. At the earliest stages of the development of primitive society, magical rituals and rituals were performed by any member of the tribe, more often by old people who had experience in performing the necessary ceremonies. Subsequently, people appeared who were considered endowed with special abilities, and, above all, the ability to communicate with the supernatural world and its inhabitants. They were called differently among different peoples - a sorcerer, a sorcerer, a spellcaster, a shaman, etc. But they had one social function in pre-class society: magical practice, with its purpose to provide the primitive community with the protection of supernatural forces and to protect against witchcraft intrigues sides of unfriendly tribes and evil spirits.

“Magical thinking is based on two principles. The first of them says: like produces like, or the effect is similar to its cause. According to the second principle, things that once came into contact with each other continue to interact at a distance after the termination of direct contact. The first principle can be called the law of similarity, and the second, the law of contact or infection. From the first principle, namely the law of similarity, the magician concludes that he can perform any desired action by simply imitating it. On the basis of the second principle, he concludes that everything that he does with an object will also have an impact on a person who once was in contact with this object (as part of his body or otherwise). Homeopathic, or imitative, magic can be called witchcraft techniques based on the law of similarity. Witchcraft techniques based on the law of contact or infection can be called contagious magic. "

For many centuries, the ritual side of healing practices prevailed over the medical one, at the same time, magic was increasingly intertwined with the developing religion.

Starting with Homer, against the background of the already established temple medicine, scientific medicine began to emerge, in addition to practical therapeutic activities, which was engaged in the study of normal and pathological processes in the human body, placing the scientific approach at the fore. In Ancient Greece, and then in other countries, a number of medical centers were formed, the most famous of which was the Greek Kos, where about 460 BC. e. the famous Asclepiades Hippocrates was born. In the Asklepiad family, a privileged stratum of doctors who consider themselves the direct heirs of the god of medicine of the classical era - Asclepius, in Cnidus and Kos, the transfer of medical knowledge was carried out from father to son.

The main method of treatment for hippocrats - a group of doctors who in different years wrote all 62 treatises (not counting apocryphal works) that are part of the "Hippocratic collection" - is the opposite principle of treatment, that is, antipathy. However, the teachings of Hippocrates are so diverse that examples of similar treatment are found in it.

In his work dedicated to Hippocrates and his teachings, the famous representative of scientific medicine of the XYI century, Jan Kornarii, referring to the "Hippocrates collection", writes: "Per similia morbus fit, et per similia adhibita ex morbo sanantur. Velut urinae stillicidium idem facit si non sit, et, si sit, idem sedat. Et tussis eodem modo, velut urinae stillicidium, ab iisdem fit et sedatur, aliquando autem a contraries. " “Disease is produced by means similar to those used to cure it. For example, urinary retention is caused by the same thing that is cured of it. Likewise, a cough can come from the same remedies that usually stop it - sometimes, however, from the opposite. "

The founder of classical homeopathy S. Hahnemann in his work "The Organon of Medical Art" mentions: "Already the author of the book attributed to Hippocrates speaks of a very stubborn cholera, cured by the only white hellebore (helleborus albus), which, by its nature, produces cholera - as seen by Forectus, Ledelius, Reimann and many others. "

One of the laws that ancient physicians and philosophers referred to to explain the differentiation of the parts of the embryo was that like tends to like. Thus, in the treatise On the Seed and the Nature of the Child, attributed to Hippocrates, it is said: “The body, growing from breathing, is divided into limbs, and in it everything like that rushes to what is like it: dense to dense, rare to rare, moist to wet; everything rushes into its own place, to that with which it has an affinity and from which it also came. And everything that came from the dense becomes dense, and everything that is from the moist becomes moist, and everything else arises in the same way during growth. "

Another facet of the law of similarity is revealed in the treatise "On the nature of man", which talks about the principle of action of a medicine in the human body: “when a medicine enters the body, it first of all extracts everything that is most akin to it from all the elements existing in the body. nature, and then already extracts and cleans everything else, just as the planted plants, when they enter the earth, each of them extracts from the earth that which is adapted to his nature. "

Over time, the teachings of Hippocrates went far beyond the narrow circle of knowledge of specialists and became part of the cultural heritage of educated people. In the II century A.D. the glory of Hippocrates spread to the most distant borders of the Greek world. A significant contribution to the dissemination of his ideas was made by the outstanding physician of antiquity Galen from Pergamum, about whom the famous French physician of the 19th century Charles Darambert wrote: “Galen glorified himself with his admiration for Hippocrates, whom he calls his teacher, no less than the enormous contribution he made in the development of medical sciences ".

Epochs changed, new teachers appeared with their original concepts that had their followers. Theories were born, lived their day, and most of them have sunk into oblivion or remained as a historical fact of their existence, as well as their authors - often talented and outstanding representatives of medical science. But only the real practical experience of treating a suffering person at all times remained the main criterion for the effectiveness of the work of doctors and healers.

The name of Philippe Aureol Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim went down in the history of medicine and philosophy as Paracelsus (1493 - 1541). He was not only a physician, but also an alchemist, philosopher, active fighter against scholasticism. His great service to science lies in the combination of medicine with chemistry. Engaged in healing and alchemy, he introduced a number of chemicals into medical practice, laying the foundations of iatrochemistry.

According to his worldview, primary matter is the result of God's creation. The world around him, nature in all its manifestations seemed to him as a macrocosm, and man in it was viewed as a microcosm. Understanding the complete dependence of man on nature, he considered him in unity with it, believing that between them there is a close unity, complete correspondence, and in their totality they represent a single whole. The process of cognition for Paracelsus began with nature. This is how Paracelsus differed from many of his authoritative predecessors and contemporaries. They waged an uncompromising struggle with "vulgar" spirit spellcasters and those who "summon" them.

Paracelsus believed that every creature is not limited to only one physical body, it also has other bodies invisible to the human eye, which he called - stellar bodies, human and Divine soul. A person is able to influence the world not only physically, but also with his thoughts and feelings. Thus, in the philosophy of Paracelsus, the question is raised about the responsibility of man to the universe and the ethical requirements arising in connection with this. If a person opposes the laws of the universe, does not observe the Law, then he introduces discord into world harmony.

In the book "Secrets of Alchemy, Discovered in the Nature of Planets", he writes: "The doctor needs to know the root cause of all diseases, so that he can discern which stems from bad meat or drink, and which comes from apples, herbs and other earthly fruits; and it is useful for him to know the secrets of herbs and roots, which can heal disease. But if the reason lies in minerals, such diseases must be cured with the secrets of the known metals, for the secrets of herbs and roots are completely different and are powerless here. Likewise, if illnesses are caused by the influence of heaven, none of the aforementioned mysteries can get rid of them, but they must heal by astrology and heavenly influences. Finally, if this or that ailment or attack is brought to bear on a person by some supernatural way, by witchcraft or by some magical sorcery, then none of the three remedies mentioned will help; but there must be a magical remedy that can heal her "

Paracelsus lived in an environment that was characterized by external piety, often hiding an internal emptiness and, as a Christian, he preached the following principles: “We must establish the foundation and cornerstone of our wisdom on three main principles. The first of these is prayer (a strong desire and desire for what is good) ... and if we do it in the right way and with a pure, open heart, we will receive what we ask for and find what we are looking for. The doors of the Eternal that have been locked will open before us, and that which has been hidden from our sight will be revealed to us. The next principle is faith; not a mere conviction of something that may or may not be true, but a faith based on knowledge, an unshakable conviction, a faith that can move mountains and throw them into the ocean and for which anything is possible. The third principle is Imagination. If this power is properly awakened in our soul, it will not be difficult for us to bring it into harmony with our faith. A person immersed in deep thought looks like one who has lost all his feelings. The world considers him a fool, but for the Almighty he is wise. He can reach God through his soul. In this way, we can become like the apostles and not be afraid of death, prison, suffering, torture, fatigue, hunger and nothing else. "

The impotence of the nosological approach in prescribing medicines and the homeopathic principle of “curing like with like” are preached by Paracelsus in the following words: “The name of the disease does not serve as an indication for a medicine. This is like, which must be compared with his like, and this comparison leads to the discovery of miraculous compounds for healing. ... Not a single hot disease is cured by cold, nor cold - by heat. But it often happens that like his own heals his ... ”.

The genius of Paracelsus at the end of the Middle Ages made a desperate attempt to break through the blockade of established traditions, for the first time introduced into medical practice a number of new means, both plant and mineral origin, on the basis that the same “elements” that are part of the all bodies of nature; developed the theory of medicine, proceeding from the priority of a holistic approach to human health over nosological, and this contributed to the early emergence of a therapeutic method known to us under the name "Homeopathy" and the founder of which is the German physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)

Medicine in the 18th century was in a bleak situation. Physiology, pathology, and diagnosis were almost nonexistent; but, nevertheless, every disease was invariably tried to explain in some way more intricately, as a result of which all sorts of and varied theories and hypotheses of the origin of diseases were created, which were composed at a writing table and had no real basis behind them.

Being a genius doctor combining a realistic view of the surrounding reality, encyclopedic knowledge in various fields of science of his time and a huge creative potential, Hahnemann saw all the incapacity of modern medicine, and in 1808 he said: “Finally, we need to loudly and openly say, and let it be said loudly and frankly before the whole world: our medical art requires a complete transformation from head to toe. Everything that is not needed is done, and what is most essential is completely visible. The evil has become so great that the good-natured gentleness of Johann Huss will no longer help, and only the fiery zeal of Martin Luther, hard as a rock, can sweep away the extraordinary rubbish. "

Hahnemann realized that all modern medicine was becoming more and more detached from reality, and was in constant search, read a lot, professionally conducted chemical experiments, translated outstanding works in the field of medicine and chemistry from French, English and Italian. He did not confine himself to a simple transfer of these works from a foreign language to German, but supplemented them with his own, very valuable, notes and independent research. At this time, he already enjoyed a reputation throughout Germany as one of the best scientists and doctors, whose name was respected everywhere and served as the best adornment of Krell's famous "Chemical Annals". His work "On Arsenic Poisoning" was considered a classic of its kind and has not lost its significance to this day; his methods of researching wines throughout Germany were called "Hahnemannian wine tests"; his preparation of pure mercury nitrate still bears his name "Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni".

In 1790, an event happened that served as the birth of a new method of treatment. During the translation of the section of Köllen's work "Pharmacology" devoted to the action of cinchona, he decided to try it on himself and discovered that it causes a special kind of fever. “This fact led him to wonder whether china cures intermittent fever, because it has the ability to induce another artificial, but more or less similar fever, and whether this is not the specificity of all medicinal substances that they are able to produce painful conditions similar to how they cure in sick, i.e. on the basis of the relationship between disease and medicine, which he later christened under the name "homeopathic." Deep reflection on this issue and diligent study over 6 years of ancient and modern literature, in order to trace the traces of this (homeopathic) principle in ancient authors and later writers, led him to a more mature conviction that at the root of any real radical cure through drugs lies the principle of similia similibus curantur, and the result of this six years of mental work, he published in 1796 in Hufeland's journal, in a wonderful article under the title: "Experience of a new principle for finding the healing powers of medicinal substances." In this work, the essence of S. Hahnemann's teaching was first expressed: “Each influential drug excites in the human body a certain type of its own disease, which is the more peculiar, definite and stronger, the stronger the drug. It is necessary to imitate nature, which sometimes heals a chronic disease by means of another joining it, and it is necessary to apply to the (mainly chronic) disease to be cured that medicinal substance, which is in a state to excite another, possibly similar, artificial disease, and the former will be cured; similia similibus ".

1796 is considered the year of birth of Homeopathy.

In 1805, S. Hahnemann also published in Hufeland's journal an article entitled "Experienced Medicine", in which the main provisions of his "Experience of a New Principle" were further developed. It contains a serious and concise exposition of the entire teaching, based not on any speculative guesses about the essence of diseases, but solely on experience and observation. Hahnemann now proposes his rule of thumb for treatment in a much more confident and persistent manner, and not only as applied to chronic but also to acute illness. “The success of such a treatment, according to the laws of nature, is so reliable, so true without any exception, so quick beyond expectation, that no method of curing diseases can provide anything like it. The cure of acute and chronic diseases, no matter how threatening, difficult and prolonged, comes so quickly, so completely and so imperceptibly that the patient imagines himself directly transferred to a state of real health, as if through a new creation. "

At the same time, Hahnemann continued to test other drugs, suggesting that they, like quin, could induce disease states in a healthy organism, similar to those which they cure in sick. He has students and followers who join these experiences.

He studies all the medical literature available to him and collects many positive testimonies confirming his assumption: wherever it was reported about a reliable case of curing any disease with any medicinal substance, it turned out during verification that this medicinal substance has the ability to cause symptoms in a healthy person like those that it cured in a patient.

Based on all the work done, he concludes that all the cases of curing patients known to him, differing from each other in all respects, have one thing in common, namely the similarity or homeopathicity between the symptoms of the disease and the symptoms of the physiological action of the drug that caused the cure, and, therefore, these remedies must cure in the patient such diseases which are similar to those which they produce in the healthy.

The doctrine of Hahnemann received its development in his classic work "The Organon of Medical Art or the Basic Theory of Homeopathic Treatment", which was published in 1810 and subsequently went through five more editions (the last, 6th edition, was published only at the end of 1921, many years after the death of the author).

In this amazing book, Hahnemann, who until now called his method of treatment "specific", first named it "homeopathic", from the Greek word "homeyon" - similar and "pathos" - disease, completely in accordance with the basic rule of thumb of this method - "similia similibus curentur" - treat like with like. This word was picked up on the fly to separate the teachings of Hahnemann into a separate heresy. He himself was put in a forced position of a heresiarch, and the disciples gathered around him now received the sectarian nickname "homeopaths", and the original and grammatically accurate meaning of the word was completely forgotten and distorted, and has now become an ironic nickname for something small and ridiculous.

Hahnemann walked straight ahead along the path intended for him; besides teaching and tireless testing of medicines, he was zealous in private practice and, thanks to his amazing cures, became more and more famous every year. His disciples also applied the homeopathic method in their practice, also received outstanding cases of cure and, thus, contributed to the success of the spread of the homeopathic method of treatment.

The basic principles of Hahnemann's teaching were reduced to the following provisions: 1) to study the effect of drugs in the light of their testing on healthy people; 2) to apply the medicines studied in this way at the patient's bedside on the basis of the homeopathic principle, that is, to treat diseases with such medicines that themselves cause similar diseases in a healthy person; 3) to use drugs selected according to this principle in small doses, i.e., in such methods that are no longer able to manifest their pathogenic effect, guided in the question of the dose not by reasoning, but by clinical experience and observation; 4) prescribe each selected remedy separately, in a simple form, and not in a mixture with many others. These four principles, in his deep conviction, were to underlie rational and successful therapy, and they constitute the whole, healthy and unchanging core of the method of treatment, which since the appearance of the Organon has come to be called "homeopathy."

Hahnemann recognized that the essence of healing according to the law of similitude, which he called "natural", was unknown to him; as well as the mechanism of its action is unknown, but as a result of numerous trials of various medicines and on the basis of the richest many years of clinical experience, it reveals the regularities that formed the basis of the "formula" of this law: "The healing actions of the homeopathic method are due to the natural law, which not yet recognized to this day, but on which, however, at all times all true healing was based. Here is the formula of this law: The weakest dynamic defeat is reliably destroyed in a living organism by the other strongest, if the latter is different from the first in its essence, but is very similar in its manifestation. "

Hahnemann did not seek to provide any scientific basis for his method of treatment because of its self-evidence. Nevertheless, he gives the following explanation, which he considered the most correct, since it is based solely on the data of pure experience: “Any disease (non-surgical) consists only in the dynamic deviation of the vital force from the normal state, consisting in a change in the functions and sensations of the body and visible seizures. Prescribing a homeopathic medicine to a patient, the doctor exposes him to the influence of another dynamic force, which turns a natural disease into an artificial one, which is very similar to the first one and is somewhat stronger than it. And since the force producing the disease is something immaterial, purely dynamic, then the natural disease ceases to exist, as soon as it is replaced by an artificial one, the former is overcome and destroyed by the latter. But as the duration of an artificially caused illness is usually insignificant, it is immediately overcome by the vital force, so that this keeper of our body will soon return to a normal state of integrity and initial health. "

Treatment of the like with the similar in one form or another had been practiced long before Hahnemann, and in his treatise "Organon" he points to Hippocrates, Buldyuk, Detarding, Major, Brendelius, Dankverts, Bertholon, Tours, Störck, Stahl, and makes the following note : "I cite these excerpts from writers who had a presentiment of homeopathy, not as evidence of the solidity of this doctrine, which in itself is firmly established, but to avoid the reproach that I kept silent about these predictions in order to ensure the primacy of this idea." ... From these words it is clear that Hahnemann's appropriation of someone else's discovery is out of the question; he only pointed out that "if sometimes some wise man dared to suggest something like similia similibus, no one paid attention to it"; and he also had every reason to say that “no one has taught this homeopathic method of treatment until now,” “no one has developed it” (italics of Hahnemann).

Great ideas always have their forerunners and great inventors always have their predecessors. Many scientists were already dimly aware of the existence of the homeopathic principle in nature, but Hahnemann was the one and the first to have the merit of a clear and deep appreciation of the homeopathic idea and raising this idea to the level of a strictly scientific inductive law.

Over the next two centuries, many scientists from different fields of knowledge were engaged in the development of the concept of the principle of treatment for like like like. Physiologists, physicists and, of course, homeopathic physicians, who continue the work of their Teacher, made a particularly great contribution to this common cause.

The principle of similarity is raised to an unattainable and mysterious height in the Bible, where in the 1st chapter of Genesis it is said: “And God said: Let us make man in our image [and] after our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air , [and over beasts,] and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creeping things that creep on the earth. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created them ”[Genesis 1: 26-27]

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah, who saw the apostasy of the kings of Judah, the wickedness of the people and followed in connection with this in 705-701. BC The Assyrian invasion and siege of Jerusalem says on this occasion: “So to whom will you liken God? And what likeness will you find Him? " [Is.40.18]

Healing Divine Power is revealed in the epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans: “As the law, weakened by the flesh, was powerless, then God sent His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh as a sacrifice for sin and condemned sin in the flesh” [Rom. 8: 3]

After the Jews made an idol for themselves in the form of a golden calf in the image and likeness of their illusions about the essence of God who brought them out of Egypt, Moses, returning from Mount Sinai, “threw the tablets from his hands and broke them under the mountain; And he took the calf, which they had made, and burned it in the fire, and rubbed it into dust, and scattered it on water, and gave it to the children of Israel to drink ”[Ex. 32: 19-20]

A vivid example of the principle of treating like like like is given in the book of Numbers, which describes an episode that occurred during the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, when as a result of snake bites “a lot of people from [the sons of] Israel died” [Num.21.6]. “And the Lord said to Moses: Make for yourself a [brazen] serpent and set it up on a banner, and [if a serpent stings any man], having been bitten, looking at him, he will remain alive. And Moses made a brass serpent and put it on a banner, and when the serpent bit a man, he looked at the brass serpent and remained alive ”[Num.21: 8-9].

The apotheosis of this event is what is said in the Gospel of John: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” [John 3: 14-15] ... Literature:

1. Bible // Synodal translation.

2. Nevedomskaya L. "Messenger of the Gods" // gas. "Opakul", No. 7.1995.

3. James George Fraser Golden Bough. Study of magic and religion. " // Translated by M.K. Ryklin. Moscow: Politizdat, 1980.

4. Joana Jacques "Hippocrates" // Phoenix, Rostov-on-Don, 1997.

5. Hahnemann Samuel "Organon of Medical Art" (5th edition) // "Aurora", St. Petersburg, 1992.

6. Hippocrates "Selected Books" // Translation by V.I. Rudnev. M .:, "Svarog", 1994.

7. Chikin S.Ya. "Doctors philosophers" // M .: "Medicine", 1990.

8. Theophrastus von Hohenheim Paracelsus "Secrets of alchemy discovered in the nature of the planets" // From the "Magical Archidox"

9. Hartmann Franz "The Life of Paracelsus and the essence of his teachings" // M .: "New Acropolis" 1997.

10. Brazol L. Ye. "Samuel Hahnemann: Essay on life and work" // St. Petersburg, 1896.

11. Hahnemann Samuel "Experience of a new principle for finding the healing properties of medicinal substances" // Translated by L.Ye. Brazol. Publication of the St. Petersburg Society of Homeopathic Physicians, St. Petersburg, 1896.

12.Hippocratis Opera Jano Cornario interprete, 1564 pp. 87, 88.

13. Charles Victor Daremberg “Oeuvres anat., Physiol. et medic. de Gallen "(1854-56); "Oeuvres choisies d \\" Hippocrate etc. " (2nd ed. 1855).
Igor K. Nurmeev.

Let likes be cured by likes. Myths and reality (from Hippocrates to Hahnemann)

In article the description of main phases in the homeopathic method history, origins of its formation and variety of its demonstration are recorded. Examples of similarity principle using in antiquity folk medicine are listed, experience of practical administration of this principle and its theoretical development in works of Hippocrates and Paracelsus are described. Historical role of conspicuous German doctor Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) is noted. - In 1986 he graduated from the Military Medical Faculty at the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute, specializing in general medicine. In 1987, as a doctor at the medical center of a military unit, he took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Since 1995, private medical practice "Diagnosis and treatment of patients with a therapeutic profile using homeopathy and manual therapy." Currently - Vice-President of the public organization "Association AntEra - Institute of Clinical Medicine and Social Work named after MP Konchalovsky ".

Homeopathy is a special direction in medicine, which would have been unthinkable without thorough years of research by Friedrich Hahnemann and the works of his followers. The term "homeopathy" is derived from two Greek roots: "home" - like and "patio" - disease, all together means "to treat like".

Frederick Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) - the founder of homeopathy; in his main work, The Organon of the Art of Medicine, he detailed all the principles of homeopathy. This work is still a reference book for every practicing homeopath.

For the first time, Hippocrates formulated the principle of similarity: "Many drugs can be successfully applied to the same patient, some of which are similar to the disease, and others are opposite to it." Paracelsus also believed necessary condition for successful treatment, adherence to the principle of similarity and the correct dosage of drugs. Priest Athanasius Kircher came to a similar conclusion: "Each poison is its own antidote." However, it was Hahnemann who stubbornly fought to establish the principle in medicine: to treat like with like! He carried out thorough research, systematized facts and results of observations. Hahnemann's merit is that he laid the foundation for a new, effective method of treatment.

Hahnemann's criticism of allonation.

Allopathy is a term coined by Hahnemann for non-homeopathic treatments. At the age of twenty, Hahnemann began studying medicine in Leipzig. He soon realized that he could not agree with some methods of treating patients. He considered it fundamentally wrong to drown out symptoms of diseases such as fever, inflammation or a rash on the skin. In his opinion, the doctor should prescribe to the patient such medications that would facilitate the processes occurring in the body.

Physicians of today to Hahnemann often prescribed bloodletting to patients, the use of leeches and cans, the intake of poisonous substances (for example, mercury) as laxatives or emetics. Hahnemann considered such treatments unjustified and ineffective. Deeply disappointed in modern medicine, he rejected almost everything in it and began to look for alternative ways.

Similarity law

One day Hahnemann came across the recommendation of the Scottish physician Cullen to treat marsh fever (malaria) with the cinchona tree, the healing effect of which is provided by the bitterness contained in the cinchona bark. Hahnemann found this explanation unconvincing, and he decided to conduct experiments on himself. For several days, he took small doses of cinchona bark twice a day, observing all the symptoms of malaria. With amazement, Hahnemann realized that china helps in malaria because in a healthy person it causes a condition similar to malaria.

It was this experience that served as a kind of impetus for the development of that new method of treatment, which Hahnemann would later call homeopathy. The conclusions made meant a refutation of all the truths that reigned in medicine until now, because until now it was believed that it was possible to fight the disease only by the opposite means. However, the healing effect of cinchona bark was based on the fact that it could cause disease. This means that the drugs that cause a certain state of poisoning must cure just those diseases, the symptoms of which are similar to the state of poisoning.

Hahnemann collected and studied all the available clinical pictures of poisoning. Numerous experiments carried out on healthy and sick people have confirmed his truly revolutionary discovery. A remedy that causes certain signs and symptoms in a healthy person heals the very disease that has these signs and symptoms.

Hahnemann's research and conclusions were so innovative that they could not fail to provoke attacks. However, despite all the obstacles of the official authorities, homeopathy gradually became more widespread and gained adherents. In 1829, the Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians was founded in Leipzig, which promoted the spread and recognition of homeopathy as a healing method.

G. Reff-Eberwein, MD and W. Stumner, MD, Germany
Literature: "Treatment by natural methods", M: "Kron-press", 1998

Question: Hello, Sergey Vadimovich! Thank you very much for your answer! (beginning in the message). I have already taken homeopathic medicines Lithium carbonicum and Lithium muriaticum, and Beryllium too (metal). No effect.

I will try to outline my understanding of the process. In my understanding, the soul is the same as the life force in homeopathy.

Life force is human energy.

For some reason, I always thought that I needed a drug from the beginning of the row, up to the seventh or eighth column, since the feeling of lack is due to the fact that I never had a home. Wherever I live, I don't feel this place as my home, as if there is no place for me anywhere.

I have my own apartment, but I don't feel that it is mine, I don't live in it, although I really need my house. At the same time, I rent mine so that I can pay for my daughter's accommodation in Moscow.

I feel guilty before my daughter that I give her very little, although I give her everything that I have, denying myself everything. But by the standards of the capital, this is my "everything" - in general, very little, only for life.

There are no hobbies, in my free time I practically do not leave the house, only for groceries and for a part-time job. At home I am on social networks, but I don't communicate with anyone.

I look for acquaintances on social networks and look at their pages: someone is a leader, someone is a deputy leader, and by my forty years I have achieved and achieved little. I spent twenty years in one organization in the lowest position in the hope that there would be some kind of career advancement.

But, new employees came and somehow moved quickly enough, and I was still in the same place, while plowing like a horse. And now there is no hope at all that something will change in terms of work, and I will sit in this place until retirement.

In such a situation, you feel even more sorry for yourself. The feeling that almost all my life has passed, and I, one might say, did not live at all.

What homeopathic remedies do you think you can still pay attention to?
Thanks again for your answers.

Answer: Hello, Oksana! What like cures like it is one hundred percent true, this is based on.

I left thinking about a song in a person a long time ago, it seemed strange to me from the first reading. I look at it all differently, because everyone has their own experience.

Such reflections on the song are needed only so that a person who is unfamiliar with the technique will understand how homeopathy works. You understand a lot correctly and know a lot.

In your case, it is difficult to navigate the words about material values, because sometimes people find themselves in life situations that do not correspond to their inner world. As a result, the artist is forced to plow in the field or work in the factory at the machine, doing monotonous work every day.

The question, then, is whether a person is satisfied with such a routine work. Some people like it, others don't.

If you like such work, then his homeopathic remedy belongs to the row, and if not, then you need to look in another row - hydrogen, carbon, silicon, silver or gold. Or maybe his drug generally belongs to the kingdom or.

Considering your thoughts on how hard it is to work in one place and not move anywhere, you can hardly come to a number of iron, because such a situation in life is quite satisfactory, but you are not.

In addition, an iron product needs a pill that just works, without creativity. People from a number of people are usually interested in homeopathy, and even more often people from a group or birds, and sometimes even objects.

That is, such people have developed spirituality and the ability to be creative, they can understand and make non-standard decisions. Routine does not suit them, it does not suit you either, as far as I understand. And again, you do not like the factor of deterrence, restrictions, when you say that " all your life you will have to work in one place"This indicates a tuberculin miasm, that is, not pure metal, but salt.

Based on this, it is better to ask: "what would you do if you had everything?" So to speak, an occupation for the soul, a hobby. This always characterizes a person more accurately than the situation in which he temporarily found himself. Although the state "temporarily" can stretch for a long time.

The soul revives the life force, gives it the opportunity to act. She kind of controls, and how much vitality will manifest itself depends on the level of her energy. Like a battery. One battery has a voltage of one and a half volts, the other has nine, and the third has four hundred volts.

This means that the initial energy can be large, but it can be blocked by the same miasm that hobbled the horse like a fetter and does not allow it to run at full strength. Or energy almost "burned out" if a person is constantly in a state of overstrain.

And yet, reasoning about the impossibility of achieving the goal. This is a fifth column drug. If the row is iron, then Vanadium. He is constantly on the move, but does not reach the goal. Doesn't reach yet. And Gallium has already reached, but lost. You say as if "you haven't reached yet."

And if we talk about what he did not achieve, and did not even try, just stands still, then this is the chemical element Titan. This version of the drug also complies with the principle like cures like.

If you still order the drug, then Vanadium Sulfuricum 200C and 1000C is better. Potencies below are not needed, above too. You make a lot of comparisons, so your energy is high, you can take drugs in high potencies.

As an easier option, you can start with Calcium Sulfuricum 1000C - take three granules for two weeks. In effect, Vanadium will be partially similar.
(continued in the message)

Homeopath Grigor Sergei Vadimovich

Few of us are not familiar with the situation (by our personal example or by the example of our relatives and friends), when traditional medicine was powerless. We know of numerous cases when, during the examination, a certain disease that is difficult to treat was revealed in a person. Despite the fact that the patient followed all medical recommendations, he could not achieve the desired recovery. And in this absolutely dead-end situation, a certain doctor, prescribing another mountain of pills and spreading his arms out of impotence, cautiously advised him to try the method of homeopathy. Out of despair, the patient turns to homeopaths. Suddenly - lo and behold! The sore recedes, the skeptical mindset of the patient himself refuses to believe it, and everyone around, wrinkling their nose, categorically declares that it was only the placebo effect that worked.

Despite the fact that homeopathy has recently been talked about everywhere and everywhere (they write about it in magazines, broadcast from TV screens, whisper in offices and talk on forums), many still do not understand how this method works. Some believe that homeopathy is herbal medicine. Others are convinced that homeopathic remedies do not have any healing properties, and the cure that occurs in the process of taking them, according to skeptics, is just the power of the patients' own thoughts. Still others do not believe in this method of treatment at all, and small sweet balls are considered harmless sweets. In this article we will try to tell you which of this is myth and which is true.

From the history

The very word "homeopathy" literally means "disease-like." This name was invented for the new method of treatment in the late 18th - early 19th centuries by a German doctor, professor at Leibzig University Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Based on his own observations, he came to the conclusion that drugs can be healing if their effect is similar to the signs of the disease.

So, studying the properties of the effect of the cinchona tree on the human body, a pharmacist found that ingestion of cinchona bark causes symptoms similar to those of a person. Having experimented with various other medicinal plants and minerals, S. Hahnemann found out that in case of illness, the medicine that causes symptoms similar to this disease in a healthy person helps. This prompted him to think that like is treated like. This is how the first and basic principle of homeopathy was formulated.

With further research, S. Hahnemann was faced with exacerbations of the disease in the process of treating his patients. However, he was able to find a solution to this problem by simply reducing the dose of the original drug in the finished drug. At the same time, it turned out that the therapeutic effect of the drugs is preserved even at a low concentration of the starting substance. This is how the second basic principle of homeopathy arose - the principle of small doses.

Despite the fact that homeopathy has existed for more than two hundred years, in Russia this method was officially recognized quite recently - only at the end of the last century.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a whole system of treating diseases, which consists in the use of minimal doses of substances that, in large doses, cause phenomena similar to the symptoms of the disease. To date, this method of treatment has established itself as one of the safest and cheapest. It does not cure the symptoms, it helps the body to cope with the disease itself.

As we have already found out above, one of the main principles of homeopathy is “Similia similibus curentur” (“like cures like”). Proceeding from it, the homeopath at the beginning of treatment selects a homeopathic remedy similar to his painful state for each patient. At the same time, the doses of substances that cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of this disease in homeopathic preparations should be negligible.

Another important principle of homeopathy is an individual approach to each patient. Homeopaths should take into account that the same disease is carried by different patients in different ways and can cause a lot of individual symptoms.

The difference between homeopathy and conventional allopathic (classical) medicine is that homeopathy

observes the basic principle of medicine - to treat the patient, not the disease;

considers a person as a single indivisible system;

heals a person in the unity of his spirit and body;

heals the causes of the disease, and not its consequence;

activates the body's own defenses in the fight against disease.

One of the misconceptions about homeopathy is that it is classified as herbal medicine. In response, we will say that homeopathy uses medicines borrowed not only from the plant world, but also from the animal and mineral world. However, the use of all substances follows the principles that we have listed above.

Homeopathic remedies

To date, the medicinal properties of all the main homeopathic medicines have long been studied and described.

As we have found out, homeopathic medicines contain microscopic doses of substances of natural origin. The drugs are based on water molecules that can carry information about the substance dissolved in it.

In this case, the doses of homeopathic medicines can be decimal or centesimal. So, decimal dilutions are prepared as follows: 10 parts of water are added to one part of the drug, mixed and shaken to evenly distribute the active substance in the solution. The first decimal dilution is obtained. Then one part of this solution is combined with 9 parts of water, mixed and shaken - this is the second decimal dilution.

The minimum dilution used is 3X, the third decimal dilution, and the maximum dilutions in thousandths.

Sometimes a homeopathic remedy does not contain a single molecule of a substance, but only water, which carries the memory of it. So, there are no molecules of the active substance in dilutions greater than 12C - only energy, the so-called "memory" of water, works in them.

Meanwhile, the higher the dilution, the stronger the drug works. A special way of preparing the preparations also consists in repeated shaking and stirring. Homeopaths believe that in this way the latent energy of the drug is released.

Homeopathic medicines are available in tinctures, granules, powders, tablets, or grains. The so-called homeopathic "balls" are made from milk sugar, which is then impregnated with a medicinal substance. When preparing homeopathic tinctures, as a rule, extracts of the original medicinal substance prepared with alcohol are used.

Homeopathic remedies are also widely used in the form of ointments, suppositories, rubbing, topical creams and oils. In addition, there are homeopathic cosmetics and homeopathic toothpastes.

Diseases curable with homeopathy

In practice, homeopathy can cure many diseases. In general, this is a fairly safe method of treatment that restores the individual's ability to recover. Its strong point, in addition to the mildness of action and the regulatory nature of the effect, is its effectiveness in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases.

Due to the fact that homeopathy heals the patient himself, and not the disease, the body is considered as an inseparable whole with all its medical and psychological characteristics. A true homeopath will never prescribe a medicine just based on the name of the disease. The medicine is selected based on symptoms, complaints and even the patient's constitution. In addition, a homeopathic physician, when choosing a medicine, pays special attention to the character and mental reactions of the patient.

Homeopathy turns out to be effective both for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, female and male genital tract, and for various allergic, acute infectious, skin and other diseases.

In general, the effect of homeopathy can appear in almost any disease. Except for those that require urgent surgery, such as heart attack or appendicitis.

At the same time, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as infants and allergy sufferers can be treated with homeopathy.

However, be patient with treatment. Homeopathic remedies do not help immediately, but gradually, but do not cause absolutely any dependence.

In addition, it is worth considering that at the beginning of treatment, homeopathic exacerbation very often occurs. But, as experts say, this is a completely predictable reaction. In some cases, it is quite difficult to cope with a chronic illness without it.

At a homeopath's appointment

Remember once and for all: homeopathic treatment can only be carried out by a homeopathic physician with appropriate education, many years of experience and practice. In addition to deep knowledge, he must be able to understand the patient's psyche, and also be personally responsible for his results.

When you get an appointment with a homeopath, you should pay attention to how the consultation takes place. A good specialist begins a reception with a careful study of the complaints and medical history of the patient himself, and then proceeds to study the patient's comorbidities and their treatment. He is also interested in the diseases of relatives, as well as in what ways and how they were treated earlier.

The doctor should pay much attention not only to the physical, but also to the psychological well-being of his patient, as well as the individual reactions of his body. All these, in your opinion, little things, are important details in the process of clarifying the diagnosis and selecting a homeopathic remedy.

Based on the information collected, the homeopath selects homeopathic remedies that are appropriate for a particular patient and his condition. Only this way of working with a patient will help the doctor get positive results in the treatment of even the most advanced cases of the disease. The work of a classical homeopath is akin to fine jewelry work, in the process of which no detail and nuance can be overlooked.

Treatment with homeopathic remedies is usually prescribed for 1.5 - 2 months. In this case, medications must be taken strictly according to a certain scheme. This is the main rule in homeopathy treatment. The dosage of the drug, the frequency of administration and the combination with other drugs is prescribed in each case individually. After the expiration of the appointed period, a second appointment is required in order to track the dynamics of the state change.

Attention! If during homeopathic treatment you are forced to continue taking conventional medicines, you should definitely inform your homeopathic physician about this.

Important: if in the course of homeopathic treatment you have any questions or you notice any changes in your condition, including its deterioration, be sure to call or come to an appointment with your homeopathic doctor.

How much does homeopathy treatment cost?

On average, an initial consultation with a homeopathic doctor in a specialized homeopathic center in Moscow costs from 2,200 rubles. up to 5,000 rubles. The range of prices, as you can see, is quite large.

However, a second consultation costs, as a rule, cheaper - 1,700 rubles. - 3 600 rubles.

In general, the homeopathic treatment itself, despite the rather high cost of taking a homeopathic doctor, can be significantly cheaper than traditional pill treatment. This is because homeopathic medicines themselves are much cheaper than many pharmaceuticals.

You can believe in homeopathy, or you can not. It does not matter. Be that as it may, this method works, and homeopathic remedies do indeed cure. And the point here is clearly not faith. With the help of homeopathy, not only adults are treated, but also newborn babies and even (!) Animals. Homeopaths doubt that the latter cure with faith. It is unlikely that children and animals in general can be subject to any psychotherapeutic influence. However, as the great practice of many homeopaths shows, almost all patients have the effect of taking correctly selected homeopathic medicines.