Elastic plinth. Flexible plinth floor: rubber and soft.

It has long been enough, that's just with the implementation of this project, everything was somehow set off, then the materials were not flexible enough, then the technologies are not fairly modern. In the end, it happened.

It has long been enough, that's just with the implementation of this project, everything was somehow set off, then the materials were not flexible enough, then the technologies are not fairly modern. In the end, it happened.

Floor design: creative ideas"Href \u003d" http://shkolapola.ru/ustroystvo/dizain/dizajn-polov-1 "\u003e in the design of the floors arose enough long ago, just with the implementation of this project, everything was somehow set off, then the materials were not flexible enough, then technology Not modern enough. In the end, it happened.

As soon as a person abandoned boring rectilinear directions in the walls, overlaps, began to install columns and various decorative architectural forms with a curvilinear cross section, immediately asked how to install the plinth, and the main thing.

What was not invented by enterprising self-telkins: gypsumbed fragments were bent and put on plastic flexible inserts, tried to simulate the plinth from plywood, which can also bend, ordered special gypsum designs.

The need for these actions is absolutely understood:

  • Many coatings are very difficult to fit under semicard or curvilinear wall structures. This applies primarily to the initially dense material, such as tile floors and laminate. In this case, the multi-level slots will remain, which from aesthetic point of view it is better to close;
  • The plinth hides the uneven edges of the wallpaper and does not allow the penetration of dust and other garbage, so no one has canceled the barrier and protective function of the plinth;
  • Flexible plinth floor for the column is very difficult to dial from pieces, firstly, the appearance of such a design will be, to put it mildly, not very, and secondly, no one promises you the integrity of the entire ensemble for a long time, several mechanical impacts and the whole "card house "if not scattered, then external view It will not be accurate.

Currently, there are three simplest and affordable products:

  • Flexible plastic floor plinth;
  • The so-called liquid plinth;
  • Flexible plinth for floor cork veneered and without coating.

With them and work.

Plastic and plastic again

Yes, where we are without it. Although, to be honest, it is from plastic and such necessary flexibility was expected. Thanks to the newest chemical formulasThe composition was opened, which can repeat any curvature that you want to emphasize the plinth.

Installation instructions read:

  • In place of the intended installation place the fastener flexible bar. It is done quite simple. The fastener brand itself already has holes for self-tapping screws. Place the fastener on a stationary place and in the floor drill the holes with a drill with a win-insert (if you install the plinth in wooden base, then drilling to anything, screws spin directly into the tree). Then insert plastic dowels and twist the bar in the stationary position;

Tip! If the radius of curvature is large enough, then there is no need to fix the fastening plank in each nest, it can be mounted through one, when you design more steep bends from fixing into each socket.

  • Next, plastic plinth is lowered into the container with hot water, temperature and soaking time are indicated on the package (approximately it may be the temperature to 70 degrees Celsius and time until 15-20 minutes;
  • After that, the plinth is easily pressed into the finished and mounted fasteners, the trimming of the size is also quite simple.

Look like a tree

The so-called liquid plinth in its structure was once a tree and an externally reminded it very much. And it is even made from the real tree, but why he is liquid and how to such a lifetime, please, our reference:

Interesting to know! By origin, the plinth refers to wood, and commercial breeds: ash or oak, or beech. But the applied technologies made it possible to give solid matter of wood with a practically a jelly-like shape, which should be given proper rather quickly acquires stiffness when contact with air, therefore stored in hermetic packaging under vacuum conditions. Therefore, you have a little time for installing it. Tip! Consider the most important thing, the woody plinth, hidden, may not repeat all the bends of the wall curve, so it is not recommended for it, since it is quite high enough, and he does not tolerate it.

Cork - a gift from India

NFrobink on the floor: a great solution for flooring "href \u003d" http://shkolapola.ru/drugie/probk/probka-na-pol-2 "\u003e Floor cork can be veneered (i.e., a layer of veneer is applied to the cork base from natural wood. Technology is like the manufacture of plywood), and this is twice environmental friendliness;

  • The cork material is quite wear-resistant and withstands mechanical loads;
  • Waterproof material is not even discussed;
  • The fact that cork material has good noise insulation and thermal insulation everyone knows. As far as applies to the plinth, it is difficult to say definitely, but in the sources you will find such a link. Although it can be neglected;
  • With the material it is easy to work, it cuts out quite easily with your own hands and glued to the wall without much difficulty. Considering the fact that the material itself is easy and has excellent adhesion with adhesive compositions, then any quick-sinking adhesives are suitable for working with it;
  • Veneered products can be treated with a veil and varnish. As a result, you will receive not just a curvilinear beautiful surface, but also practically a wood product.
  • Finally

    As you have already been convinced of the curvoline "width \u003d" 450 "height \u003d" 334 "Frameborder \u003d" 0 "AllowFullScreen \u003d" AllowFullScreen "\u003e

    If the perimeter of the placement of the correct geometric shape, problems with the installation of the decoration elements does not occur. What to do in cases where you need to bypass the border column or convex / concave part of the wall. To do this, you will need a flexible plinth, which could repeat the curb geometry. Taking into account the fact that now many homeowners seek to diversify the interior, including curvilinear sections of various radius, including in the bathroom, have to search for suitable decorating elements. What are offered by manufacturers in response to the available demand, consider in the article.

    What materials bend

    Not all material used for the manufacture of ordinary straight borders has elasticity, that is, the ability to change the form, without damaging. But some natural and polymeric products can be adapted under the existing curvature. Created and are on sale such plinths capable of changing the form:

    • plastic (PVC);
    • cork;
    • polyurethane.

    There is also a so-called liquid tree, a substance resembling externally wood and frozen when in contact with air. As a mounting of floor plinths, this material is extremely rare, as it is not always possible to give it the necessary configuration, and its value is rather big ($ 30-40 per fragment 40-50 cm). To create a curvilinear imitation of a wooden border resort to all sorts of tricks and technological tricks and make it using the installation of the materials listed above, so consider which options for plastic, cork and polyurethane soft floor plinths offer manufacturers.

    Flexible plastic

    The very name of the material speaks of its plasticity. The name "plastic" is generalized and includes several polymers. We are also interested in polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is used to make a conventional floor plinth and its flexible option. The fact is that the usual plastic border is also well grinding, but the channel cable and longitudinal ribs used to fix it with the installation clips, give the product to the hardness. Some samples of ordinary outdoor PVC profiles You can be bent and make them the corresponding defined radius of curvature (rounding). How it is done in practice, look at this video.

    If there is no desire to experiment, buy ready pVC flexible plinth You can in any specialized store. What he really is? it rolled materialWhat is sold on the route meters. It is often called a plinth ribbon, as it bends without problems and takes any proposed form, so we will not get around the column or any other rounding of labor will not be.

    There are self-adhesive options for an outdoor plinth ribbon, although specialists are still recommended for the reliability of fixation to additionally apply suitable contact glue (any "liquid nails" on an acrylic basis).

    PVC PLINT TAPE Available in various sizes (40-150 mm), so it is not possible to choose it at the desired height of the labor. The factor of the face is diverse. It imitates a tree, natural stone, or made painting into certain colors, so there is a suitable pattern or a roller for laminate, linoleum or a tile in the bathroom. Often a small-width fled tape is used for docking with a wall of the kitchen tabletop or plumbing in the bathroom, where it is necessary to just glue.

    In addition to the self-adhesive PVC tape there are bent plinths from the same material that is fixed on the installation clips. Before mounting, to give an elasticity product, it is necessary to warm it, for which it is for some time (more precisely indicated by the manufacturer) is placed in the water about 75-80 ° C. Installation itself is carried out like this:

    1. On the rounded section of the wall or column in the usual way (on a dowel or self-tapping screw) a mounting bar or clips is recorded.
    2. Plastic flexible baseboard for the floor is maintained in hot water Before the emergence of the necessary elasticity, after which it is exhibited by the required length.
    3. Installation is made, for which the curb is snapped on the installation mounts.

    When the temperature of the product drops to room, it becomes rigid again, acquiring the quality characteristic of the usual plastic plinth. Fairly provided instructions and for mounting in the bathroom.

    In addition to the universality of flexible plastic floor edges attracts their price. Plinth tape of domestic producers will cost $ 1.2 to $ 3 per stranded meter. It is difficult to submit, due to something so cheap you can make high-quality edging of the column, for example.

    Flexible cork border

    IN lately Extremely popular floor coverings and other decoration Materialsperformed by cork cork. Demand is explained not only by the ecology of the natural product, but also its functional qualities. One of these is the support of cork products and the ability to take the necessary form. This characteristic is used in the manufacture of plinths, which can easily close the rounded sections of the wall.

    With the help of cork borders covered with thin lamellas of valuable wood, the question of decorating curvilinear sections in the rooms, where the main plinth is wooden (massive or veneered). Laminated transparent film cork flexible curb will successfully complement the wall with relief wallpaper and the floor made in the same (cork) outdoor coating. The usual products made by the cork of cork trees are well painted, the material itself, having good adhesion to most adhesive compositions, is usually worth only to glue the wall, which is the installation.

    In addition, such products cannot be used in the bathroom and other places with high humidity, the disadvantage of cork plinths is one - their price, which exceeds $ 20 per item (length 240 cm). However, if necessary, nothing can be done, it will have to go to spend and qualitatively energize the rounded section of the wall.

    Burning polyurethane

    Ordinary polyurethane products when trying to flexing them, simply break. Despite the strength, the material is fragile and elasticity is no different. What if there is a rounded area or a column indoors where high polyurethane plinth? Manufacturers have found a way out of the situation and created flexible variants of such borders, which have the part of the rubber, and therefore are sometimes called rubber. Outwardly, they are the same as polyurethane, have the same dimensions and shape in the section, just as easy to paint, with the difference that podiatiles and are not destroyed when bending. The material is hydrophobic, so nothing prevents the installation of such a product in the bathroom.

    Installation of polyurethane flexible plinth is performed using special adhesive mixtures, self-adhesive samples of products, unfortunately, is not provided. What does a combination of conventional and flexible polyurethane borders in the interior of the room look like, look at the photo.

    Flexible polyurethane plinth is approximately the same as its innocent analog. Prices differ depending on the manufacturer and the height of the products and fluctuate in the range of $ 5-15 per M2.


    Regardless of where a flexible plinth was needed to complete the finishing work, in the bathroom, living room or kitchen, you can now find the desired version of this product. So it is not a problem to energize the column or the rounding of the wall. Moreover, the materials are for every taste and "Tugness" wallet.