The main reactions of transformation of histidine in the human body. Gistidine structural chemical formula

Each of us at least once in life was conceived about her nutrition. For example, what daily rate of various necessary organisms of substances come to us with food? What amino acids we need and for what? Today we, of course, will not talk about proper nutrition In general, because for this there is little one and even a dozen articles. We will only tell about one substance that is undoubtedly very important for the body. Gistidine. The chemical name it sounds difficult - L-2-amino-3- (1H-imidazol-4-yl) but about everything in order.

What is amino acid?

Before discussing the properties of histidine and its role in the body, we will deal with the concept of "amino acid". Those who were fond of sports heard of these substances. The amino acid is an organic compound that has two basic functional groups that make it special: it is an amino group -NH 2 and the so-called carboxyl group -COOH.

The first is responsible for the basic properties of this unusual class of compounds. Thanks to the nitrogen and its pair of electron amino acid, positively charged ions can form. In this case, the amino group turns into such an ion: -nh 3 +.

The second functional group is responsible for it can give a proton, turning into anion -Coo -. Such a phenomenon makes it possible to form salts from the carboxyl group.

Thus, the amino acid has two parts, each of which is capable of forming salts. One of them provides these compounds of acid properties, and the other - grounds. In general, the amino acid can be represented as follows: NH 2 -CH (R) -COOH. The letter R here should be understood as a "radical", that is, any organic particle consisting of functional groups and a carbon skeleton and a capable communication (or communication) with the basis of an amino acid molecule.

As a rule, even those who are not familiar with the pharmacology and were not fond of sports, at least once heard, at least from advertising that we need amino acids and are very helpful. Let's figure out what functions they perform in the body and why you need to get them in the necessary norm from food.

in organism

As you know, we all consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And we consume them in food to maintain their vitality. But in the subject of this article, we are interested only proteins. These are huge molecules that perform completely different and very important functions in our body: transport substances, the creation of new cells, strengthening bonds between neurons of the brain.

We spoke about the proteins we are not just like that. The fact is that all such substances consist of amino acids, which include histidine. The formula of even the simplest protein has at least a dozen amino acids connected to the polypeptide chain. Each of them has its own structure and a form that allows it to perform the function for which he was created by nature.


The formula of any amino acid includes how we have already found out at least two functional groups and a carbon skeleton connecting them. That is why the difference between all amino acids (which, by the way, has already been found already several million) consists in the length of the carbon bridge between the two groups and in the structure of the radical attached to it.

The topic of our article is one of the amino acids - Gistidin. The formula of this indispensable acid is not easy. In the main carbon chain between the two functional groups, we see only one carbon atom. In fact, all essential proteinogenic (capable of creating proteins) amino acids are also only one carbon atom in this chain. In addition, histidine has a complex structure of the radical, including a cycle. Above you can see what is histidine. The peculiarity of which lies in the heterocycle (the inclusion of any other atoms, except carbon), is actually far from the most complex substance.

So, since we disassemble the basic concepts, we will turn to reactions that can be carried out, having a histidine with you.

Chemical properties

The reactions in which this amino acid enter, is very few. In addition to reactions with acids and bases, it enters a buret reaction, forming painted products. In addition, histidine, the formula of which includes the remains of imidazole, can interact with sulfanyl acid in Pauli reaction.


Perhaps we disassemble all the basic details. We hope that the article was useful for you and gave you new knowledge.

Turning into the body in the process of decarboxylation in histamine
Gistidine (abbreviated His or H) is an alpha-amino acid with imidazole functional group. This is one of 22 proteinogenic amino acids. It is denoted by CAU and CAC codons. Gistidin was opened by the German Kossel Albrecht in 1896. Gistidine is indispensable for man and other mammals. It was originally assumed that this one is indispensable only for babies, but during long-term research it has been established that it is also important for adults.

Chemical properties

The imidazole side chain of histidine has an angle (negative decimal logarithm of the dissociation constant) of about 6.0, and in general it has an angle of 6.5. This means that with physiologically appropriate pH values, the average chain charge can be changed relatively small changes in the pH. At pH below 6, the imidazole ring is mainly protonated, as in the Henderson-Hasselblach equation. When protoning, the ring of imidazole has two NH communications and a positive charge. A positive charge is evenly distributed between two nitrogen atoms.


Ring of imidazole in histidine is aromatic with all pH values. It contains six pi-electrons: four of two double ties, and two of the nitrogen pair. It can form pi-ties, but it is complicated by it positive charge. At 280 nm it is not able to absorb, however, at the bottom of the UV band, it absorbs even more than some.


The hytidine imidazole chain is a common coordinating ligand in metal products and part of catalytic centers in certain enzymes. In catalytic triads, the main nitrogen of histidine is used to obtain a proton of, threonine or, and activate it as a nucleophile. Gisticidine is used to quickly transfer protons, abstraction of the proton with its main nitrogen, and creating positively charged intermediates, and then using another molecule, buffer to remove the proton from nitric acid. In Karboanhydrase, the histidian proton transfer is used to quickly transport protons from the zinc-bound water molecule to quickly regenerate the active forms of the enzyme. The histidine is also present in the hemoglobin spirals E and F. Gistidine helps stabilize oxymemoglobin and destabilize CO-bound hemoglobin. As a result, in hemoglobin, carbon monoxide binding is stronger than only 200 times, compared with 20,000 times in free heme.
Some can be converted to intermediate connections in the Krebs cycle. Carbons of four amino acid groups form intermediates of the cycle - alpha-ketogllutarate (alpha-CT), Succinyl-CoA, Fumarate and oxaloacetate. forming alpha-kg - glutamate, glutamine, proline, and histidine. Gistidine is converted to formimizlutamate (Figlu). Formamino group is transmitted to tetrahydrofolate, and the remaining five carbon atoms form glutamate. Glutamate can be deaming glutamate dehydrogenase or subjected to transamination, forming alpha-kg.

NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)

As expected, 15N chemical shifts of these nitrogen atoms are indistinguishable (about 200 parts per million relative to nitric acid on a sigma scale, on which an increase in shielding corresponds to an increase in chemical shift). Since the pH increases approximately 8, the protonation of the imidazole ring is lost. The remaining proton now neutral imidazole can exist in the form of nitrogen, which leads to the occurrence of H-1 or H-3 tautomers. NMR shows that the chemical shift N-1 slightly falls, while the chemical shift N-3 drops significantly (about 190 against 145 ppm). This means that the N-1-H Tautomer is more preferable, due to the formation of hydrogen bonds with adjacent ammonium. Protection N-3 is significantly reduced due to the paramagnetic effect of the second order, which includes a symmetric interaction between the vapor nitrogen pair and excited PI * states of the aromatic ring. When the pH rises above 9, the chemical shifts of N-1 and N-3 become approximately 185 and 170 parts per million. It is worth noting that the depotonic form of imidazole, imidazolate ion, is formed only with the values \u200b\u200bof the pH above 14, and, therefore, is not physiologically significant. This change in the chemical shift can be explained by a visible decrease in ammin hydrogen bonds on an ammonium ion, and a favorable hydrogen bond between carboxylate and NH. This should serve as a reduction in the preferences of the N-1-H Tautomer.


It is the predecessor of histamine and biosynthesis carnosine.
The enzyme histidine ammonia-liases converts histidine into ammonia and classic acid. The lack of this enzyme is observed with a rare metabolic disorder of histidinemia. In antinobacteria and nichly mushrooms, such as Neurospora, histidine can be transformed into antioxidant ergotioneine.

Gistidine in products

Gistidine is rich in such products like tuna, salmon, pork clipping, beef fillet, chicken breasts, soybeans, peanuts, lentils.

Histidine additives

It was shown that histidine additives cause rapid zinc allocation in rats with an increase in the speed of excretion from 3 to 6 times.


Gisticidin - heterocyclic alpha-amino acid. It refers to proteinogenic amino acids, which are already 20. Biological role It is that it is an indispensable amino acid (along with Lysin, Alanin, Leucine, Valin, etc.), necessary for both children's and adult organism.

Chemical name

The substance has such chemical names: L-histidine monohydrate hydrochloride, L-β-imidazolylalanine, or L-α-amino-β- (4-imidazolyl) -propionic acid. Reduced it is called GIS, HIS, H.

Chemical properties

The substance has low-rise chemical properties. This is due to the fact that the molecule is the residue of imidazole. Formula of substance - C₆h₉n₃o₂.

Due to the reaction of Pauli, painted products that are used to determine the amount of substance are arising. Together with arginine and lysine, this element forms a group of individual amino acids, forming transparent crystals.

Composition and form of release

Available in the form of a 4% solution in 5 ml ampoules with the same-effective substance.

Pharmacological properties of GISTIDIN

The drug has quick suction, regardless of the method of its introduction.


Reduces pain sensations, hypoproteinemia, struggling with the anemia, strengthens the walls of the vessels, normalizes the work of the liver, contributes to improving the myocardial contractivity, activates cell regeneration processes, improves the sleep and rhythm of heart abbreviations, and normalizes the lipoprotein exchange and nitrogen balance in the body.

Increases the reaction rate, is an antagonist of histamine, improves local immunity, contributes to the production of globin, absorb iron and transferrrinemia.

It helps to improve gastric and intestinal motility and secretion (it is believed that this is due to the transformation of the substance in histamine). Reduces negative influence The organism of various factors to which elevated temperatures include low barometric pressure, ionizing radiation.


1 hour after injection in Vienna, the amount of substance in the blood plasma increases, and after 2 hours it drops slightly. But even after 4 hours, its level does not become the same. After 3 hours from the moment of the introduction of a substance for a change of hyperamicidemiology, hypoamication diplominia comes, which is the result of the accelerated secretion of the somatotropic hormone.

Entry into the body of an additional amount of this substance increases its excretion in the process of urination. This is because in the renal tubules, the process of reverse absorption of the substance is weaker than other types of amino acids.

Most of the substance is consumed on protein synthesis, and its remaining amount is disintegrating under the action of the enzyme histididecoxylase, from which histamine is obtained. Gistidase, affecting this substance, forms glutamic acid.

This substance can be oxidized, as well as to enter into dipeptides (carnosine and anseryin).

What products contain

This substance is contained in such products:

  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • pork;
  • fish (tuna, salmon);
  • eggs;
  • lentil;
  • squid.

Indications for the use of histidine

Applied in medicine and sports nutrition. The drug is prescribed by early stage Gastre and duodenal ulcers, gastritis (with increased acidity), liver diseases, with complex treatment of atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

The drug is used as an intramuscular injection of a 4% solution of 5 ml every day for a month. After this course, it is necessary to make 5-6 injections every 2-3 months.

For various diseases The drug is prescribed as intravenous infusions. The substance is part of the mixtures of amino acids.

In the disturbed synthesis of this substance shows the reception of the drug inside 2-3 times a day at 0.5 g during meals. Such a course lasts from 1 to 3 months in parallel with a small-blade diet.

How to take Gistidin

The daily need for this substance for an adult is 2 g. It is not recommended to exceed the dose in 6 g. The dosage is calculated individually for each person, based on its physical parameters, age and health status. The correct reception of the amino acid will help support its balance in the body, since the excess substance has negative consequences. These include the lack of copper, which entails a depressive condition and psychosis.

It is necessary to comply with the correct proportion when receiving amino acids.


The drugs based on this substance are contraindicated to those who suffer from the CNS disorders, has the individual intolerance to this element, arterial hypotension and asthma. It is not recommended to use the drug to be overweight.

Side effects

TO side effects Weakness can be attributed, which quickly passes, pale skin, painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach.


An excess of this substance can lead to stress, mental disorders, anaphylactic shock, collapse, quinque edema, etc. Allergies may also occur, headaches, dizziness, perception disturbance, reduce systolic pressure, trembling in the body. Increasing the temperature, redness of the skin, bronchial spasms, vomiting, nausea, increased blood viscosity - all these are signs of overpressure of amino acids in the body.

special instructions

No overdose should not be allowed.

Is it possible to take during pregnancy and lactation


Insufficient admission to the body of the infant of this element can cause eczema. It is necessary to take care that the child gets the dose of amino acids you need, since its drawback is capable of leading to negative consequences. This is important in children's and adolescence when the body is in the process of growth and intensive development.

With violations of the kidney function

If there are disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, the reception of this drug and mixtures on its basis are shown.

When violations of the liver function

In case of diseases, accompanied by violation of the liver functions, the reception of amino acid mixtures with a reduced content of this element is shown in the composition, since the process of deamination of amino acids occurs in this organ.

Medicinal interaction

The effect is enhanced if we take the drug in the complex with other amino acids. If the patient has renal anemia, it is necessary to use iron-containing drugs in parallel with this tool. This will contribute to the reabsorption of iron in the intestine, the junction of the heme and globin.

Studies were conducted, as a result of which it was found that the combination of zinc with this amino acid is a powerful medicine from colds. Zinc facilitates the absorption of amino acids. Such a compound accelerates the process of recovery and restores immunity after viral and bacterial infections. The disease retreats for 3-4 days faster.

Gisticidine - amino acid obtained from proteins as a result of hydrolysis. In the highest concentration (almost 8.5 percent of the total) is contained in hemoglobin. First was allocated from proteins in 1896.

What is Gistidin

It is well known: when we eat meat, we consume protein, and in the composition of proteins - amino acids. Gistidine is one of the most significant amino acids to maintain life on earth. This proteinogenic substance is involved in the formation of proteins and affects a number of metabolic reactions in the body.

All amino acids are construction blocks for proteins. After digesting the protein, the body receives individual amino acids. Some of them are replaceable (the body is able to produce them) and indispensable (can only be obtained through a diet). Gistidine in this regard is a unique substance - an amino acid with a replaceable and indispensable at the same time. Or as it is customary to be called - half-send.

Babies feel the highest need in this amino acid, as Gisticidin is needed as an increase agent. Baby get it through breast milk or from baby food. This substance is also indispensable for adolescents and persons after severe diseases. Unbalanced nutrition I. frequent stress They lead to a deficiency of amino acids, which can manifest itself a slowdown or complete growth of growth in children and rheumatoid arthritis in adults.

Gistidine functions

One of the most striking characteristics of histidine is the ability to transform into other substances, including histamine and hemoglobin. Also participates in a number of metabolic reactions, contributes to the supply of organs and tissues. In addition, it helps to remove heavy metals from the body, restore fabrics and strengthen immunity.

Other functions of histidine:

  • blood acidity regulation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • coordination of growth mechanisms;
  • natural restoration of the body.

Without histina, all processes associated with increasing will stop, and the regeneration of damaged tissues will become impossible. Also, the consequence of the absence of histidine in the body is inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the body, and the recovery after surgical operations will delay for a longer time. In addition, histidine has a therapeutic effect with inflammation, which means it is an effective medicine during arthritis.

In addition to already named useful propertiesThis amino acid has another no less significant ability - helps to form myelin shells of nerve cells (their damage causes Parkinson and Alzheimer's disease, as well as other degenerative diseases). Also, this half-generable amino acid participates in the synthesis of red and white blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) than again contributes to the strengthening of immunity. Well, finally, it is important to say that histidine protects the body from radiation emissions.

Gistidine in medicine

Although the prophylactic and therapeutic potential of histidine has not yet been studied to the end, but a number of studies have already proved the effectiveness of amino acids. In particular, it is known that this useful substance helps to reduce arterial pressure. Relaxing vessels, prevents hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack and other cardiac diseases. It has already been proven that the daily consumption of this substance reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by almost 61 percent.

Another sphere of gistidine is nephrology. The amino acid has a positive effect on the state of persons with chronic renal failure (especially in old age).

In addition, this substance has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of hepatitis, stomach ulcers, urbin, arthritis and AIDS.

Daily norms

The therapeutic doses of histidine fluctuate from 0.5 to 20 g per day.

But even the use of 30 g of amino acids per day does not cause side Effects. So, in any case, the researchers convince. But immediately clarify: provided that the reception does not last long. But nevertheless, the most adequate is called the dosage of 1-8 g per day. More accurately individual minimum need for amino acid can be ahead of the formula: 10-12 mg of substance - by 1 kg of body weight. Gistidine in the form of a biodowder is better to take on an empty stomach. So its action is more efficient.

Combination with other substances

Recent studies have shown that the combination of histidine and zinc - effective tool vs cold illness. In addition, zinc contributes to a lighter absorption of amino acids. In addition, the experiment with the participation of 40 people showed that the "cocktail" from zinc and histidine minimizes the duration of disease caused by viruses or bacteria. Cold Against the background of amino acids lasting on average, 3-4 days less.

Features of reception

Gistidine in the form of a biographic supplement is useful to people with arthritis, anemias or after operations.

Persons with bipolar disorders, allergies, asthma and various kinds of inflammation is better to avoid this drug. Also with caution to additives containing an amino acid, it is worth treating women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as people with folic acid deficiency.

Chronic diseases, injuries and stresses increase the need for histidine. In this case, satisfy the needs of the body exclusively through products is quite difficult. But problems are solved using bioactive additives. Disruption of digestion and reduced acidity are also the cause of a more intensive reception of the substance.

The impaired metabolism of histidine is manifested by a rare genetic disease of histidinemia. In such patients there is no enzyme that splitting the amino acid. As a result, in urine and blood, the level of amino acid rises sharply.

Danger deficit

As studies show, people with rheumatoid arthritis usually have a reduced level of histidine. The deficit of amino acids in babies often causes an ecase. In addition, insufficient consumption of the substance leads to Cataract, and also provokes the diseases of the stomach and duodenum. It is known that histidine affects the immune system, for this reason the amino acid deficit enhances allergies, makes the body more prone to infections and inflammatory processes. Insufficient consumption of the substance extremely negatively affects the health of children and adolescents during the intensive growth and formation of the body.

Also, the deficit of amino acids can "remind" about themselves delays in the development, reduced libido, worsening hearing and fibromyalgia.

Whether excess is dangerous

Information about the possible toxicity of histidine is not. But still the consumption of amino acids in particularly high doses can cause allergic or asthmatic reactions, provoke a deficiency of copper and zinc, and cholesterol concentration in the blood, on the contrary, to increase. In men, the overabid of histidine causes premature ejaculation.

Gistidin in food

Properly selected products will help to satisfy the daily need for amino acid. For example, only 100 g of beans provide more than 1 gram portion of histidine (1097 mg), as much chicken fillet Enrich the body with an additional 791 mg of substance, and a similar portion of beef will give approximately 680 mg of histidine. As for fish products, approximately 550 mg of amino acids is contained in 100 grams of salmon. And among vegetable food, wheat embryos are most nutrient. In 100 g of the product - within 640 mg of amino acids.

However, it is important to note that these numbers are approximate, since food saturation with useful substances depends on many factors. And the conditions for storing the product have important meaning. If we are talking about histidine, then to preserve its maximum amount in the pea, walnuts Or corn, products need to be kept in hermetic conditions, away from direct sunlight and oxygen. Otherwise, histidine is quickly destroyed.

To maintain the balance of amino acids in an adult body, usually grabs that substance that is synthesized in the liver from other amino acids. But for children during the period of intensive growth and some other groups of people, it is important to complement the aminozapas from properly chosen food.

Protein products contain in themselves, if not all, at least most of the necessary amino acids needed. Products of animal origin contain in themselves the so-called, full proteins, therefore are more useful in terms of supplying aminems. In plant food, only some of the necessary are contained. Although the reserves of histidine is not difficult, especially since the body is able to produce it, but still there are cases of a deficit of matter. Avoid decline in concentration will help the use of products from different groups.

High concentration of histidine is in meat, fish, dairy products, some cereals (rice, rye, wheat). Other sources of amino acids: seafood, beans, eggs, buckwheat, cauliflower, potatoes, mushrooms, bananas, citrus, melon.

Provide daily rate Amino acids can be made of beef, pork, lamb and poultry, different varieties solid cheese, soy products, as well as fish (tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, halibut, sea bass). From a group of seeds and nuts, it is important to consume almonds, sesame, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios. And from dairy products - natural yogurts, milk and sour cream. In the category of cereals, a lot of histidine is contained in the wild rice, millet and buckwheat.

Gistidine is an important amino acid health. It is necessary for the growth and restoration of fabrics, blood cell production and neurotransmitter histamine. This substance is able to reliably protect the tissues from damage to radiation or heavy metals. Therefore, it is important to keep track of your diet, in order to provide the body with a sufficient amount of amino acid. Products rich in substance are necessary for children and adolescents, as well as persons after injury or operations. This half-ray amino acid has already proven its effectiveness to maintain human health. And how to ensure yourself with this whole substance, you already know.