Polypropylene Pipes - a real threat to human health

PVC (material polyvinyl chloride or just vinyl) It is the cheapest, and therefore the most common, type of plastic. Basically, PVC is used in building areas (building lifting, plastic windows, wall panels, pipes, etc.) and less than 20% of products from this type of plastics fall on domestic and other areas of life. Moreover, in Russia, this figure is almost 50%, while in Europe from this type of plastic they try to refuse as much as possible. Why is it going on? After all, the benefits of PVC are obvious: low cost, practicality, strength ...

In Europe, the name has long been fixed for PVC "Poison Plastic" (Poison Plastic). The harm of polyvinyl chloride for the environment and human health is huge: it not only contains many dangerous components, but also distinguishes poisoning gas when heated or burning.

Unfortunately, material polyvinyl chloride - Very common type of plastics. It can be found everywhere. This is a linoleum in the apartment, plastic windows, stretch ceilings, vinyl wallpapers, and plastic toys (from dental rings that kids take in the mouth, to dolls), and different types of packages (packages, bottles, fairy taras).

Buying products from PVC, should be remembered:

To give the polyvinyl chloride of elasticity, plasticizers add to it, which, falling into the body, reduce its immune properties, and are able to cause kidney and liver damage, cause infertility and cancer. This is the main harm of PVC. In addition, other dangerous elements may be contained in polyvinyl chloride: chromium, cadmium, lead, etc.

The advantages of PVC are absolutely incompatible with the danger that the burning material of polyvinyl chloride carries. In the process of combustion of 1 kg of polyvinyl chloride, up to 50 mg of harmful dioxins are formed. This amount is able to cause cancer tumors about 50,000 small laboratory animals.

The safe technology of processing PVC, like the production of PVC products, does not exist. The material of polyvinyl chloride is not recyclable, and high-tech dioxins that allocate in the process of disposal of products from this plastic are distributed by thousands of kilometers.

Production of PVC products carries no less danger to ecology. The damage of plastic windows, for example, is that in the manufacture of one window, 20 g of toxic waste is formed. And the full repair of the apartment using polyvinyl chloride forms about 1 kg of toxic waste.

How to determine the products from PVC?

In countries that monitor the environmental situation and prefer safe materials, the types of plastic are taken to label - put the icon with the number surrounded by the shooter. In Russia, so far the labeling of plastic products is optional, which means that all plastic products have such labeling, however, it is useful for us to know what a one or another sign indicates.

1. Pete or PET (polyethyleneterfthalate) - Plastic type that is used in the manufacture of bottles, boxes, cans and other packages for bottling water, juices and refreshments. This material is used in packaging for powders and bulk food. Polyethyleneterfthalate is one of the most common and safe types of plastic. In addition, it is perfectly recycled.

2. HDPE or PVD (high pressure polyethylene). This type of plastics is used in the manufacture of packages and circles for water or milk, bottles for shampoos, bleaching, cleaning and detergents, canister for machine oils. It is considered a safe type of plastic, it is well amenable to secondary use and recycling.

3. PVC or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) Refers to one of the most dangerous types of plastic. We are talking about it today. It is used for packaging of detergent liquids, windows, pipes, wall and outdoor coatings, garden furniture, films for stretch ceilings, oilcloth, blinds, bathroom shutters, etc. From it can also be made and tanks for food products, and children's toys. However, harm from PVC is quite large, because its composition includes heavy metals and plasticizers that can cause kidney and liver damage, infertility, oncological diseases. At the same time, it is poorly recycled, and during combustion, hazardous poisons are excreted in air - carcinogenic dioxides. If possible, it is better to abandon this type of plastic or reduce its use to a minimum.

4. LDPE or PND (low pressure polyethylene) - Plastic type used for production plastic bottles and other flexible plastic packaging. Thanks to this material we have polyethylene packages. This type of polyethylene is also safe plastic.

5. PP or PP (polypropylene) far from the most durable type of plastics, but absolutely harmless to ambient and human health. From polypropylene produce mainly covers, discs, cups for yogurt, bottles for syrup and ketchup. This plastic is also used for the manufacture of children's goods: toys, feeding bottles, etc.

6. PS or PS (Polystyrene) - Plastic type resulting from the polymerization of carcinogenic styrene. Hence his harmful effect. And although the polystyrene is often manufactured with dishes, cutlery, containers for eggs or pallets for meat, from such products it is better to refuse.

7. Other or more. This category includes polymers of a mixture of various plastics not specified above. For example, polycarbonate is a dangerous type of plastic, which, with a frequent heating or washing, sends a substance that causes hormonal disorders in the human body. But harmless environmentally friendly plastics can also be marked with this number.

The manufacture of products from wood-polymer composites is not associated with any specific hazards, but all production is associated with some risks. Not exception is the processes of production of products from thermoplastic DPK methods of pressing, casting and extrusion.

The following types of injuries are possible in these production processes:

  • mechanical injury
  • defeat electric shock,
  • thermal burns
  • poisoning and caregings from dust and gaseous products that are released during storage, transportation, preparation of components and processing of composite materials and their components.

A harmful factor in production processes may be noise from crushers, mills, conveyors if its level exceeds the established standards.

The accident is easier to prevent how to fix its consequences. Therefore, the organization of production should take into account the following dangerous factors of the production process.

The most severe mechanical injuries may occur when the moving parts of the equipment and moved products (crushers, mills, fans, injection molding machines, extruders, presses, saws, pulling devices, testing machines).

Form closures on injection molds during operation should be closed by safety shields, acquainted with the control bodies. Hydraulic presses should have emergency devices, scored with climbing mechanisms and lowering the slider. It is forbidden to make the edress of the press material, clean the molds during the movement of the plunger, the installation of molds without a safety stop between the movable slab and the press table. Grinding parts of crushers should not be available for contact with them working hands.

The cause of injuries can be a drop in heavy parts of the equipment, so the operations of the removal and installation of forms, a filler, calibrators, and the like. MUST be minimized as possible, they should be performed in strict accordance with the special instructions.

Electric shock is possible with the malfunction of heaters, engines and other electrical equipment. Only electrical components should be inspected and repairing electrical equipment. Pipples of pneumatic transport, cars and other equipment must be grounded. On the floor in front of the press and molding machines, etc. Rubber mats or wooden grids must be laid with electrical equipment. For electrical safety purposes, it is necessary to prevent the cooling water leaks on the elements of the equipment and on the floor.

With extrusion, the temperature of the polymers melts may be in the range of 100-250 ° C. Thermal burns may occur:

  • in contact with the heated parts of the equipment: hot cylinders and filters of extruders, press forms, injection cylinders of injection molding machines, heating plates of press, etc. Heated parts of the machines, if possible, should be covered with thermal insulation, the temperature of the outer layer of which should not exceed 45 * WITH.
  • when contacting with uncomfortable products. Therefore, it is advisable to use moving mechanisms and devices and (or) tools for hand protection (gloves, mittens)
  • when taping vapors and hot gases from extruders and mixers, compounders. It is necessary to monitor the condition of pipelines, pressure gauges, valves and automation tools.

General safety regulations when working with equipment are: mandatory briefing and periodic testing of knowledge of the service personnel, prohibition to work on other equipment, except for the commissioned, prohibition to conduct any repair or lubrication of machines when they are working, mandatory verification of the health service before starting work.

Work on extrusion equipment must be performed in accordance with safety regulations and firefinder technology, as well as the norms of production sanitation.

When storing chopped wood (sawdust) in a bunch, their self-ignition is possible. The temperature of self-ignition sawdust is close to 275 ° C. Explosion hazard can occur everywhere where there is a small and dry dry wood. Therefore, dry sawdust and wood dust are particularly dangerous in relation to fire and explosion. The conditions for the formation of an explosion are: a certain concentration of dust in the air; The presence of heat sources capable of ignite dust weighted in the air, as well as accumulation electrostatic charges, the presence in the air of a sufficient amount of oxygen consumed on the full combustion of aerosmes. Wood dust has an outbreak temperature of 430 ° C and the temperature of self-ignition 775 ° C.
The minimum explosive concentration of wood dust in the air (lower explosion limit) 12.6 g / m3, and sawdust - 65 g / m3.
These data refer to the product having a humidity of 6.35%, and ash content is 5.4%. With increasing humidity, the indicators increase, and with a decrease in ash, decrease.

At high temperature, polymers produce volatile gaseous substances, affecting the respiratory organs, the central nervous system and other human organs. The concentration of volatile substances and the degree of their impact on a person depends on the processing temperature, the effectiveness of the operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation, the exposure time of harmful vapors on the human body.

Below are typical allocations of harmful gaseous products in the processing of various thermoplastics, their influence on humans, extreme-permissible concentrations and some protection against action harmful substances.

The effect of some toxic substances on the human body is still not studied, therefore it is not always possible to put the correct diagnosis of poisoning. In some cases, data obtained when exposed to animal organism (mice, rats).


When heated to 150 ° C, the PENP sends acids, ethers, unsaturated hydrocarbons, peroxidation and carbonyl compounds, carbon monoxide, 1,2-benzpins.

As a result of the contact of the PEVP with air at 250 ° C in the gas-air medium, CO, aldehydes (including formaldehyde) are found.

Peng (dust, hood) do not have a noticeable effect on the body. Some brands are allowed for contact with food products.

Inhalation of steam products of thermal decomposition of PEVP leads to irritation respiratory tract, at higher concentrations - to break the breath. Animal check showed the presence of hemorrhages and dystrophic kidney changes. Long inhalation of dust PEVP (100 mg / m3) gives a weakly pronounced violation of the functions of the liver.

MPC in the air of the room. A mixture of volatile products of thermal acid destruction is proposed to normalize the amount of aldehydes of 5 mg / m3.

Polypropylene (PP)

Range of extrusion processing temperatures - 180-240 ° C.

Estimated harmful substances.

Under the action of oxygen and high temperature, PP decomposes with the formation of organic acids, esters, unsaturated hydrocarbons, peroxide compounds, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, CO, CO2.

Impact on the human body. Long inhalation of dust causes leukocytosis and changes in the lungs. When inhalation of destruction products may irritate the conjunctivities of the eyes and the upper respiratory tract.

MPC in the air of the room. For unstabilized PP - 10 mg / m3; For thermal destruction products - 5 mg / m3 (for aldehydam).

Individual protection. Preventive measures. Removal of volatile products from their places of their formation - Secondary ventilation, local suction.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Recycling temperature ranges, PVC: 150-210 ° C;

Estimated harmful substances.

PVC highlights the vinyl chloride even at room temperature. Its content in a dry polymer is 0.01-0.4 g / kg. When heated above 150 "with PVC partially disintegrates with the release of NS1 (up to 33.65% at 100-160 ° C). With thermal destruction of the polymer, carbon oxide is also distinguished.

Compositions containing plasticizers, stabilizers and other additives can be separated into air when preparation and processing, for example, dibutyl phthalate, used as a plasticizer for PVC compositions.

In the processing of foaming compositions, the NSPH is distinguished by the same harmful substances as when processing monolithic PVC. But besides them, pairs of Palofor CHZ-21 (azodicarbonamide) are distinguished.

Impact on the human body. If vinyl chloride is inhaled, vascular neurosis is developing; With prolonged inhalation and in large quantities there is a vegalous dystonia, leading to pathological changes in the bones. When the lead, headache, nausea, decreased appetite appear, appear, dizziness.

With a long action of plasticizers (DBF dibutyl phthalate), signs of toxic polyneurite are observed. In the manufacture or processing of the Pavinol, there is a headache, nausea, fatigue, rubbed in the eyes, throat. Dermatitis and eczema are gradually developing. Painful phenomena are undergoing when working and resumed during re-contact, DBF, like other phthalates, is able to call functional, and in the future and organic changes in the central and peripheral nervous system. Possessing moderately pronounced cumulative and weak annoying properties of the DBF pair when inhalation cause a decrease in the excitability of vestibular and olfactory analyzers and skin sensitivity, the disease of the gastrointestinal tract and the upper respiratory tract.

CHZ-21 couples cause skin disease (dermatitis). When contacting contact with CHW, painful phenomena cease and appear again when renewing contact.

Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) in the air of the room.

Polymer dust - 6 mg / m3. Dibutyl plealate (DBF) - 0.5 mg / m3.

Individual protection. Preventive measures.

When the monomer is selected, the destruction and dust products are necessary, first of all, the protection of the respiratory organs, for which exhaust devices are used, limiting the heating temperatures of the polymer. To protect against steam plasticizers, in particular, the DBF, the CHW vapor is used industrial gas masks of the brand A, the respirator, in the presence of fog (aerosols) DBF gas mask with a filter. The room where work is done with the DBF, the CHW should be equipped with exhaust ventilation and local suction.

Overalls, gloves, protective creams like "biological gloves" are used to protect the skin surfaces.

Polystyrene and its copolymers

Embossing harmful substances

At temperatures above 200 with polystyrene and its copolymers, such as ABS plastic, decompose with the formation of styrene and other low molecular compounds.

When the ABS plastic is heated over 250 s, partial destruction occurs with the release of minor quantities of styrene vapor, alpha methylstyrene, acrylonitrile, cyanide hydrogen and carbon oxide

Influence on the human body

Toxic effect is determined by the number of styrene. It causes a violation of the function of a vegetative system, asthenic reactions. With long-term inhalation of hazardous vapors and long-term contact with caustic products (more than 10 years), skin diseases (dermatitis) may appear. Poisoning products of the decay of the SNP are manifested in the excitation, change in the rhythm of breathing, irritation of the eyes and the upper respiratory tract, cramps of a clonic tonic nature, carboxygemoglobin is detected in the blood.

Methylstyrene pairs, released during the processing of ABS, cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract, disruption of the functions of the central nervous system and the liver, have an effect on the hematopoietic organs. Acrylic acid nitrile pairs have an irritating effect on the mucous shell of the eyes and the upper respiratory tract. Hydrogen cyanide can cause suffocity due to the paralysis of respiratory organs.

MPC in the air of the room: styrene - 5 mg / m3; Aerosol itself - 5 mg / m3; CO - 20 mg / m3. Acrylic acid nitrile pairs - 0.5 mg / m3; HCN - 0.3 mg / m3; A-methyl styrene - 5 mg / m3.

Individual protection. Preventive measures. Protection against inhalation of standby volatile compounds and dust. Skin protection. Mandatory local exhaust devices. If there are significant amounts of volatile substances in the air, the destruction of styrene compositions, and among them CO, HCN requires the use of an industrial filtering gas mask brand BKF. Removing the products of thermal decomposition in the places of their formation.

When working with each chemical substance (base resin, additive, filler), it is necessary to receive technical specifications on the material, information about the harmfulness of processing and application, instructions for safe work. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible unexpected reactions when mixing them.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that the products are packaged in plastic. Of course, it is convenient, practical, but at the same time, risky. Scientists argue that 80% of harmful substances found in the human body fall there first of all of the dishes. Plastic windows and furniture are contributed to your contribution. I have already written about, not the worst evil from chemical compounds. The fact is that polymer materials very diverse for safety health Does not interfere with knowing more about them.

Polymers themselves are inert, but there are intermediate substances - various technological additives, solvents, as well as chemical decay products that are able to penetrate food and have a toxic effect on a person. There are many reasons for the "launch" of the toxic selection process.

Polymer materials are susceptible to aging, resulting in destruction products. Different kinds plastic becomes toxic when different conditions - Some can not be heated, other washing, third engage in interaction with food as a result of improper storage, etc.

There is such a concept as food plastic. It uses a polymer based on chlorine-based polymer - polyvinyl chloride, from which various items are manufactured: from bottles for drinks and disposable dishes, to cosmetics boxes.

Manufacturers argue that these products are absolutely safe. I do not want to scare you, but with time, the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) begins to highlight the carcinogenic substance of vinyl chloride. The use of plastic bottles for this reason is not allowed.

Leaving on nature, we reserve disposable dishes. It is convenient and practical, but the material is gentle. From the heat he melts, cracks, so for strength to add special stabilizers, which are not safe for our body. Buying B. summer cafes A kebab that is served just on polystyrene plates, along with a portion of hot meat and ketchup, we get a "portion" of toxins.

What is the way out of the position, you ask? The fact is to ensure that plastic dishes are safe, it must be used strictly by appointment. If the polystyrene is indifferent to cold liquids, then hot tea is not allowed from such cups.

Plastic called polypropylene withstands the temperature to +100 degrees, however, if pouring vodka into such a glass, phenol or formaldehyde begins to stand out. And as a result of such a chemical attack, our kidneys suffer.

We want or do not want, but the plastic firmly entered our lives. To know what material is the material, or another product, as well as what conditions should be respected to use it, we will get acquainted with special international labeling. It should be present at any product. Designated as a triangle with arrows with a number inside. It is possible that under the triangle there will be an alphabetic code of plastic.

- RET - polyethylene terptulat. It is used to make bottles for water, juices, carbonated drinks, dairy products, vegetable oils, cosmetic products.

- HDP - high density polyethylene. Used for the production of packages and garbage bags.

- PVC - polyvinyl chloride. Serves for the basis for construction and finishing materials, manufacture of furniture, medical products, bottles for water and packaging food film.

LDP - low density polyethylene. It make children's toys, bottles for detergents and pipes.

- PP - polypropylene. It serves for medical products, packaging Food film, dishes for hot dishes.

- PS - polystyrene. From it make a disposable dishes, cups for yogurt and other dairy products.

Under No. 7 without a letter code, other plastic species are applied as a multi-layer packaging or combined plastic.

In addition to the knowledge of the marking of polymeric materials, it is necessary to comply with security measures and remember simple rules:

- In no case can not be used plastic packaging as food storage containers. If this is a special container for storing products, it is sure to be washed before the next use, and it is best to store products in glass and ceramic dishes,
- By purchasing products in the packaging film, at home immediately remove it. It is desirable to even cut the top layer from products stored in plastic packaging. If possible, try to avoid packed in plastic products, giving preference to weights,
- Do not use the dishes from plastics to feed children, buy baby food only in glass or cardboard,
- Buy drinks only in bottles with Ret marking and do not use this container again,
- Do not heal in a microwave food in plastic dishes.

Security measures For human health when applying in household products from polymeric materialsAs we see, very simple. Remember that the toxins accumulate over the years and destroy our body.

Plastic became an integral part modern life. It produces packages, bottles, tap pipes, dishes and food containers. This ensures constant contact of plastic with food and drinking water, which, in the opinion of many specialists, negatively affects human health.

Currently, five main types of plastic are widely used to produce household items - it is polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate, polystyrene, polyethylene and polypropylene. Moreover, the latter is officially recognized as safe for humans and is allowed to use in all countries of the world, in particular in Russia, European Union and the United States.

But some scientists do not warn consumers from the permanent use of dishes and other household items from polypropylene. According to them, the negative impact of this plastic on the human body is not manifested immediately, but after decades. They are confident that potentially polypropylene can cause many severe diseases to the oncology.

To establish the truth in this matter, it is necessary to study in more detail what is polypropylene, how this material gets and what properties it has. In addition, it is important to find out how to properly use products from polypropylene - for which it is suitable, and for which there is no.


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Polypropylene is obtained by heating and subsequent compression of synthetic raw materials. The material of the highest quality is produced with high pressure, which ensures the strength and complete safety of plastic. Such polypropylene is used for the manufacture of plastic dishes, packaging for yogurt, melted cheeses, semi-finished products and other food products.

It has a high heat resistance, withstanding up to 150. Therefore, such a plastic container can be placed in the microwave, without shifting food into glass or ceramic dishes. Glasses made of high-quality polypropylene are suitable for the use of hot tea, coffee and other drinks.

The only limitation concerns only alcohol. The fact is that when interacting with the alcohol-containing liquid, polypropylene can be released a poisonous substance - formaldehyde. The amount of this substance is extremely little to cause significant harm to man, but some people can provoke serious allergies.

Polypropylene, obtained at medium and low pressure, is prohibited to use for the production of dishes and containers for food.

This is explained by the fact that polypropylene manufacturing techniques low quality Require a mandatory presence of a catalyst - nickel, which can cause significant damage to human health.


Speaking about the dangers of polypropylene, most people are wondering how serious is the harm of plastic dishes for a person? And this is not by chance, after all, thousands of people use daily plates, forks and cups from polypropylene during a lunch break, snack in low-cost cafes, street stalls and picnics.

During numerous studies, it was revealed that plastic dishes are not so secure as glass or ceramic. It turned out that polypropylene is able to actively interact with fats, in particular with vegetable and butter, highlighting in food hazardous phenol and formaldehyde.

In addition, according to some data, toxic substances from plastic can penetrate into food under the influence of high temperature and with long-term contact with food. But does this mean that the use of plastic dishes and containers is harmful to health?

According to the results of numerous studies, during which scientists injected into the stomach rat high doses of polypropylene dust, no negative influence of plastic on the body of experimental animals was not revealed.

Only a long inhalation of pores formed during the heating of polypropylene above 200, caused irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs. Thus, plastic dishes are not harmful to humans, if consumers will not violate the rules of its operation.

But polypropylene utensils are not the most durable and safe. Plastic dishes made from polycarbonate raw materials have the highest positive properties. Thus, the objects of life from polycarbonate are able to withstand a very high temperature and have a strength of 200 times higher than the strength of the glass.

In addition, polycarbonate is an inert material and therefore does not react with food or drinks. For instance mineral water It can be stored in polycarbonate bottles for 1 year, while not losing their useful properties.

But in more detail about polycarbonate will be told in another article, and here the question of the safety of polypropylene for human health, in particular polypropylene, is discussed. water pipes. This topic is unusually relevant, as in our time there is a widespread replacement of obsolete metal pipes on modern plastic.

Many people scares such a tendency, as they do not believe in the harmlessness of pipes from polypropylene and fear for their health and health of their loved ones. Others easily agree on the installation of plastic pipes in their homes and apartments, while not interested in the main rules on their operation.

To begin, it is important to emphasize that the safest way to use pipes from polypropylene is to ensure cold water supply. This is explained by the fact that when interacting with low temperatures Such pipes do not distinguish dangerous toxins, which means they do not affect the quality of water.

Several otherwise, the situation is with hot water supply and central heating systems. The fact is that with long heating, plastic can be released poisonous substances, such as phenol and formaldehyde. However, for this, the water temperature in the pipes should be extremely high, whereas in reality it rarely exceeds 75.

Therefore, harm for plastic pipes is considered heavily exaggerated, since they do not have a noticeable effect on the human body. But this is true only for high-quality products, and low-grade polypropylene pipes can cause serious harm to health and significantly reduce life expectancy.

To avoid such consequences you need to know how to choose pipes from polypropylene in the store and in the construction market, and always follow these rules. Here are some of the most important of them:

  1. Buy only high quality plastic pipes from well-known manufacturers who are guaranteed will not contain harmful chemical compounds;
  2. An acquisition should be discarded if the product has too strong chemical smell;
  3. After installing the pipes in the toilet, the bathroom or in the kitchen you need to ventive this room for 2-3 days.


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Certainly, polypropylene products possess useful properties. So one-time plastic dishes are characterized by high hygienicness and helps to avoid the transfer of many dangerous diseases. In addition, it does not be afraid and has a minimal weight, so it is convenient to take with you on any trip.

Polypropylene pipes also have a whole list of positive qualities that provide them as high popularity. Among them, it is necessary to note the following beneficial properties:

  • Low price. Polypropylene pipes cost much cheaper than their metal analogues;
  • Easy and speed mounting. To connect plastic pipes, you do not need to use a welding machine;
  • Small weight. Little mass greatly facilitates the delivery and installation of polypropylene pipes;
  • Corrosion resistance. Plastic pipes are absolutely not subject to rust;
  • Hygienicity. In the plastic pipes, the plastic is almost not formed;
  • Reliability. Despite the problem of fragility plastic structuresPolypropylene pipes are very reliable and able to serve at least 30 years;
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations. Such pipes are not afraid of a sharp change of temperature regime.


Of all the above, it is suggested that even experts themselves find it difficult to say than the polypropylene is harmful to health. Negative influence This material on person has not yet been proven, so in almost all countries of the world, it is used for the production of dishes and water pipes.

Those who doubt whether polypropylene doubts or not, can be recommended as much as possible to protect themselves and their loved ones from contact with plastic. For this, all items made of polypropylene can be replaced with more eco-friendly products, and plastic pipes change to modern metal, made of copper or stainless steel.