Terrorist attack in england. Homemade bomb at Manchester Arena stadium detonated by suicide bomber

The explosive went off at 10:35 p.m. local time (00:35 p.m. Moscow time) at the Manchester Arena stadium, when people dispersed after a concert by American pop singer Ariana Grande. At the same time, the performer herself was not hurt, but she plans to interrupt her tour.

According to police, it was an improvised explosive device. It was laid in the foyer of the indoor stadium, in the ticket sales area.

How many people were affected?

According to the latest data, 22 people, including children. Ariana Grande is popular with young people, so the concert was mainly attended by minors and students, Reuters reported, citing police.

In addition, another 64 people were injured, who were distributed by the ambulance to six city hospitals.

Is it known who committed the attack?

The terrorist organization Islamic State (IS, banned in the Russian Federation) is responsible for the explosion at the Manchester Arena.

According to law enforcement agencies, a suicide bomber detonated the explosive device. Greater Manchester County Police Chief Ian Hopkins said Wednesday that the terrorist was part of a terrorist cell. Already on Thursday, law enforcement officers announced the detention of eight people in the case of a terrorist attack.

The terrorist was 23 years old and his Salman Abedi. He recently returned from Libya, where his father was on the extremist lists.

According to media reports, the suicide bomber initial military training in Syria.

How did British society react?

Residents of Manchester promptly reacted to the tragedy. So, the lost minors were placed in a hotel, and local taxi drivers took people home for free.

Prime Minister Theresa May interrupted the campaign for parliamentary elections. She happened to be a terrible terrorist attack. Manchester Mayor Andrew Burnham tweeted that the night was "terrible" for the city.

What is the situation in Manchester now?

The Greater Manchester police urged residents and visitors to the city to refrain from visiting its central part in connection with the work carried out by experts at the scene of the attack and near it.

Many central streets of the city were cordoned off, and the departure and arrival of trains from Victoria railway station, which adjoins the Manchester Arena stadium, was almost completely stopped.

In the British capital, the terrorist threat level has been raised to critical.

What was the international reaction?

On Tuesday, British condolences in connection with the terrorist attack, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

US President Donald Trump also expressed condolences and announced the need to destroy the radical ideology of IS.

On March 22, in London, a criminal drove a car across Westminster Bridge, drove onto the sidewalk, knocking over people, and drove to Parliament, where a police officer stopped the car. The man in the car was shot by another police officer. were.

On March 11, two improvised explosive devices, near the Bab al-Sagir cemetery. As a result of the terrorist attack, another 120 were injured. Iraqis visited sacred tombs in the Bab al-Sagir area.

March 8, militants of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (banned in the Russian Federation - ed.), Located near the US Embassy. As a result, more than 30 people were killed and 70 were injured.

On March 8, two explosions took place during a wedding celebration. The explosive devices detonated two suicide bombers. As a result of two explosions, 26 were injured.

On February 25, in the Syrian city of Homs, the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra (banned in the Russian Federation). The suicide bombers blew themselves up outside the building of the state security department and the military intelligence service, killing at least 35 people, including the commander of the army security department for the province of Homs, General Hassan Daabul.

On February 24, a car filled with explosives exploded at the checkpoint of the Free Syrian Army and a group of security officials, killing 60 people and injuring dozens. Later, a second explosion thundered, eight people were killed, among them two were Turkish servicemen. The terrorist group "Islamic State" (banned in Russia) claimed responsibility for the attack.

On February 19, 39 people died in the market as a result of a bomb planted in a truck, about 50 were injured.

On February 16, an explosion occurred in the Pakistani city of Sehwan Sharif on the territory of the mausoleum of the Sufi philosopher and poet Lala Shahbaz Kalandar, killing at least 80 people. The Islamic State terrorist group (IS, banned in Russia) claimed responsibility. The attack took place when there were many followers of Sufism on the territory of the complex, who performed a regular ritual.

On February 15-16 (north) and Baiaa (south), 56 civilians were killed and more than 80 injured as a result of car bomb explosions. The terrorist group IS * (banned in the Russian Federation) claimed responsibility for the attack.

On February 7, an explosion took place near the building of the Supreme Court (VS). A suicide bomber was blown up in the parking lot of the building as court officials boarded the bus after the end of the working day. The explosion killed 22 people.

January 21 in northwest Pakistan. A homemade bomb exploded, killing 21 people, about 40 injured.

On January 18, in northeastern Mali, a military camp in Gao occurred. As a result of the terrorist attack, 77 people were killed, more than 100 were injured.

January 10 next to the parliamentary complex in Kabul. 51 people died. Responsibility for the attack (banned in Russia).

It happened on the night of January 1 in Turkish Istanbul. A terrorist armed with a submachine gun shot and killed a police officer guarding the club, burst into the room where there were more than 700 people, and opened fire on them. According to the Turkish Interior Ministry, 39 people were killed and 69 were injured. The terrorist group IS * (banned in Russia) claimed responsibility for the attack.

* Terrorist organization banned in Russia

Material prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti

London was under attack again. At least seven people were killed and 48 injured in a terrorist attack that took place in the heart of London, popular with tourists.

Among the victims, most of whom are young people under 30, there are citizens of France, Australia and New Zealand. The police shot and killed three suspects in the attack. According to eyewitnesses, these are three men of "southern appearance". They were found to have dummies of suicide belts; one of the attackers had a can of gasoline attached to the shirt of the Arsenal football club.

The attack occurred a few days before the elections to the British Parliament, which will be held on June 8. And already yesterday, Prime Minister Theresa May said that "the parliamentary elections in the UK will not be postponed." “Out of respect for the victims and the injured, the main political parties have suspended their election campaign today. But these attacks will not stop the democratic process. The campaign will resume normalcy on Monday,” May said. According to her, the attacks are associated with a vicious ideology, a distortion of Islam. "In order to defeat this ideology, it will take a change in the mentality of the people. We cannot allow this ideology to spread. We have a reliable strategy to combat terrorism, but the threat is becoming more fragmented, it is more difficult to fight it," the British Prime Minister said. adding that over the past three months, the country's special services have prevented five major terrorist attacks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the terrorist attack in London and expressed deep condolences to the British people, the Kremlin press service said.

The terrorist attack began on Saturday at 22.08, when a white minibus, moving at a speed of at least 80 kilometers per hour, turned off the road and ran into pedestrians on the sidewalk of the famous London Bridge. The attack took place near the metro of the same name, an underground intersection and a bustling square with restaurants and bars. According to eyewitnesses, the van, zigzagging as if its brakes had failed, literally mowed down pedestrians. One person jumped from a bridge into the water to avoid being hit. People were thrown several meters into the air. About 20 people were injured on the bridge, at least three of whom were killed.

The terrorists left the car and, with a thirty-centimeter machete in hand, first began to finish off the victims on the bridge, and then headed down Borough High Street towards the Borough Market, a popular market with gourmet food and several restaurants inside, lashing out at passers-by along the way. The restaurants were packed with people watching the Champions League final. "A lot of people were stabbed to death, including a transport police officer who responded to the London Bridge incident," said Scotland Yard spokesman Mark Rowley. 48 casualties, some in critical condition, were taken to five hospitals across London. People with less serious injuries were treated at the scene by more than 80 doctors.

An eyewitness told CNN that he was at the entrance to the market when a large group of people began to flee in panic. “I asked:“ What's going on? ”, And one of the running people said:“ There is a man inside with a big knife, and he is heading here, ”the witness said. According to eyewitnesses, the attackers looked very angry and shouted:“ This is for Allah "The criminals inflicted at least ten wounds to one of the young girls. She, bleeding, begged:" Help! "A pregnant woman was wounded. The criminals tried to cut the throat or stab their victims in the face.

A masked terrorist appeared at the elite restaurant "El Pastora" with a huge knife. He attacked the waitress, who was hiding behind the partition, and cut her carotid artery, then, at the exit from the restaurant, stabbed the man in the back with a knife.

Jack Appleby, who owns a restaurant of the same name in the next block, said he was standing in the street when people ran down it. One of the girls shouted: "They cut everyone." Appleby quickly ordered his customers to move deeper into the restaurant. When he started to lower the shutters in the street and turned around, he saw three people with knives and a machete. According to him, the men looked at people in the restaurant, and Appleby managed to run into the restaurant and close its doors. Five minutes later, shots rang out and the police liquidated the attackers.

The terrorist attacks in the UK were committed not by newcomers, but by homegrown terrorists

Later it became known that the police arrived at the scene of the tragedy eight minutes after the first call about the terrorist attack. The attackers, who were trying to hide in the crowd, were eliminated at 22.16, but police helicopters patrolled over London almost all night, and boats patrolled the River Thames. “The armed police officers responded very quickly and courageously, having managed to fight back three suspects in the attack who were shot at the Borough market,” said Mark Rowley. Nevertheless, these words about the valor of Scotland Yard do not make it easier for the relatives of the victims and dozens of those injured in the bloody terrorist attack.

Let us recall that ten weeks earlier, according to an absolutely similar scenario, a lone terrorist launched an attack on another London bridge - Westminster. The attack, which killed four people, was committed by a 52-year-old Briton, who had several convictions. And on May 22, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the Manchester Arena: 22 people were killed.

Experts point out that British law enforcement never learned any lessons from these attacks. At such a busy Saturday hour, there were almost no police officers in the popular and crowded place of the British capital, and only one transport police officer was forced to repulse the criminals. Now, as they say, after the fact, Scotland Yard is reporting that not even tomorrow, but "in the coming days, it will deploy additional forces of police officers and employees throughout the capital."

Infographics WG / Anton Perepletchikov

The position of the mayor of London Sadiq Khan looks even more surprising. He, calling the incident "a deliberate and cowardly attack on innocent Londoners and guests of our city who enjoyed it on Saturday night," preferred to focus not on the tragedy, but on congratulations to the police. "Our staff is very well trained and our police system is the best," the London mayor said. And then without a shadow of embarrassment he added that he considered London "the safest city in the world." Although foreigners after such terrorist attacks in the most popular and crowded places will certainly prefer other european capitals... In the meantime, residents and guests of the city are advised to avoid appearing in crowded places. The advice given to people in such a terrible situation is also surprising. It is from the series "rescuing a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself": "Run, hide, report."

Despite statements from Downing Street that the authorities "control the situation", the attacks in Great Britain can be regarded as a consequence of the insufficient intelligence and preventive work of the local special services, primarily in local religious communities. ISIS militants claimed responsibility for the attacks in Westminster and Manchester (the Arabic name of a group banned in the Russian Federation - approx. "RG"). However, they were carried out not by visitors, but by the so-called home-grown terrorists. Those who were born and raised in the UK in far from poor and disadvantaged families. The arrests of dozens of individuals that regularly occur in Albion on terrorism charges suggest that extremist recruiters have spread networks across the UK. And the center of recruitment is no longer mosques, but prisons. What can I say if the situation inside most British correctional institutions is already controlled not by the so-called criminal "thieves", but by jihadists who have returned from the battlefields in Syria and Iraq. There is a real recruitment of new cannon fodder, suicide bombers who are ready to "mow" people in cars and hack them with knives.

Later it became known that Scotland Yard carried out a large-scale special operation in east London, during which 12 suspects in assisting terrorists were detained. Women in Muslim headscarves were led out of the apartment building where one of the attackers lived. Shots were heard and some of the suspects were taken away by ambulances. Meanwhile, the doctors assessed the state of 21 wounded as a result of the terrorist attack as critical.

One of the first to react to the tragedy in London was US President Donald Trump. And he again spoke in favor of tightening the migration policy. "We must be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts (vetoing Trump's anti-immigration decree. -" RG ") return our rights to us. We need a ban on entry (for immigrants from certain Muslim states. -" RG ") , which will provide the highest level of security, "- announced the owner of the White House in his microblog" Twitter ". He later wrote that the United States would do everything it could to help London and all of Britain. "We are with you. God bless you!" - concluded Trump.

"Today we are united across borders in our horror and sorrow, but also in our resolve," German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a statement. "I affirm that Germany stands firmly on the side of Britain in the fight against terrorism of any kind." French President Emmanuel Macron wrote about the "new tragedy" faced by Europe on social networks. As is known, at least two French citizens were among the wounded. The prime ministers of Canada, Australia and New Zealand expressed their condolences to London.

The head of government of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, at an emergency meeting admitted that "tolerance towards extremism in the country was too great." According to her, "what has happened so far should not continue." The head of the British Cabinet ordered to check whether the police and anti-terrorist units have all the necessary powers. "The whole country must unite to resist extremism," she said.

Meanwhile, the New York City Police Department's Counterterrorism Bureau has ordered more patrols on busy streets. At the same time, American security officials, who are in constant contact with British colleagues, believe that there is no increased threat to the city's residents. "Go to bed, the cops of the New York police are protecting you. Our prayers are with London," spokesman Peter Donald wrote in the night.

In Manchester, the investigation of a terrorist attack that killed 22 people continues. The police detained 18 suspects of involvement in the attack, six of them were then released without charge, 12 remain in custody. The wording of the reason for the detention is rather vague - suspicion of violation of anti-terrorist legislation.

According to law enforcement agencies, the 22-year-old Salman Abedi, a Briton of Libyan origin, committed the terrorist attack on May 22 at the Manchester Arena during a concert by American singer Ariana Grande. He detonated an improvised explosive device in the foyer at the moment when the performance was over and people started leaving the hall. The suicide attack killed 22 people, including children, and more than 100 were injured. The terrorist group Daesh (banned in the Russian Federation - "RG") claimed responsibility.

A few days before the attack, Abedi returned to Britain from Libya. During a search of his apartment in the city center, a bomb-making workshop was found. The remaining explosives could be enough to create several more devices.

Interestingly, several leaks of information in the American media forced the British authorities to interrupt the transmission of information about the investigation to the American special services. Thus, the press in the United States published the name and photo of the terrorist much earlier than the British police confirmed this information. British Interior Minister Amber Rudd noted that this behavior is "annoying."

At the same time, it became known that the FBI, back in January, informed the British special services about Abedi's belonging to a North African terrorist group based in Manchester and is looking for a political target in the country. FBI agents have been tracking the young man since the middle of last year. Then the secret services believed that Abedi had planned the murder of the politician, but this version was not confirmed and the investigation was terminated.

Many of the victims of the explosion still remain in hospitals. A few days ago, singer Grande visited her young fans. She inquired about their well-being, took pictures and signed autographs. "I am so proud of you. You are so strong and you hold on very well," the 23-year-old star told the children. Immediately after the terrorist attack, she interrupted her tour "Dangerous Woman" and canceled concerts scheduled until September.

The tragedy happened during a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande, where tens of thousands of people came, most of them children and adolescents.

According to the latest data, the number of victims of the explosion at the stadium after the concert of the American singer Ariana Grande increased to 22, including children. Almost 60 people were injured. This was reported by the police. They noted that the suicide bomber most likely acted alone, and the bomb he detonated was homemade. The explosive device, according to eyewitnesses, was filled with striking elements: nuts and bolts. The site of the tragedy is still cordoned off, criminologists continue to work inside the "Manchester Arena" and next to it.

The explosion at the Manchester Arena universal complex occurred at 22:35 British time, about half past midnight Moscow time. The explosive device went off at the moment when the audience began to leave the hall after the concert of the American singer Ariana Grande.

It seems that this happened when the singer left the stage, performing the last song. She immediately wrote about her feelings in one of the social networks.

The video, filmed with a mobile phone in the auditorium, shows that people run in panic between the rows of chairs, clearly not understanding where to hide and what actually happened. Many eyewitnesses say that just a few moments before the explosion, the guards standing at the doors began to shout for people to run inside the building. That is, perhaps they saw a terrorist and tried to protect the public.

The police did not rule out the version that the bomb was detonated remotely. It looks like the explosion happened in the foyer of the concert hall, next to the ticket booths.

“We were moving towards the entrance when we heard an explosion. I shouted to my friend: "Let's run," and we rushed through the door, into the street, and without stopping we ran to our hotel. Everyone around us was shouting, running in different directions, there was complete chaos, ”says Anima.

It is still unclear how many spectators were in the hall. In the concert and sports complex "Manchester-Arena" 21 thousand seats, it seems that the concert was sold out.

"Until the police have other information, it is considered a terrorist incident," - said the police in Manchester.

An hour after the first explosion, the second thundered. But the police warned: in this way the sappers defused the suspicious bag. Now investigators are working in the area of \u200b\u200bthe attack, and doctors from several hospitals in Manchester and other cities in the north of England are fighting for the lives of the victims. On this night, many taxi drivers took people home for free.

“When we heard about this terrorist attack, we immediately went there and began to pick up people near the entrance to the hall. Then they drove and returned there again. It was necessary to take home those poor fellows who came to the concert from Liverpool, ”says taxi driver Robbie.

People spent the whole night near the Manchester Arena, whose relatives went to the concert and until they returned home. There were many children and teenagers at the show, many after the show had to be met by their parents.

"What for? Who needed it? We thought we had arranged a holiday for our children, took them to a concert. And what will they remember about him as a result? Innocent people have suffered, ”says the father of one of the teenagers.

The concert complex where the explosion took place is located essentially in the center of Manchester. All adjacent areas were immediately cordoned off by the police. Traffic jams in many areas. Trains do not run, and so far public transport is intermittent.

The terrorist attack in Manchester made adjustments to the election campaign, because the parliamentary elections are due to take place in three weeks. The Prime Minister interrupted the campaign, today she will chair the meetings of the special committee "Cobra", it is convened during emergency situations.

“We are working to establish all the details of the situation, which is considered by the police as a horrific terrorist act. All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of the victims, ”said British Prime Minister Theresa May.

In the last minutes, there are reports that law enforcement officers are conducting raids on the outskirts of Manchester. Perhaps there was evidence that local residents could be the perpetrators or organizers of the terrorist attack.

This is the second significant terrorist attack in Britain in the past three months. In late March, a lone terrorist in his car knocked down several passers-by on a bridge near Parliament, and then stabbed a policeman guarding the entrance to Westminster Palace with a knife. After the terrorist attack in Manchester, the country declared the highest level of terrorist threat.

So far, the authorities assess the incident as a terrorist attack. The incident took place at 22.35 local time at the Manchester Arena concert complex, where Ariana Grande's performance was just ending.

The singer herself was not injured, but at least 22 people were killed, reports The Telegraph, and another 59 were hospitalized by emergency services, and several received medical assistance on the spot.

Details of the tragedy

Presumably the terrorist attack took place outside the concert hall, in the foyer (according to other versions, on one of the sides of the arena). “A huge blast wave hit, it frightened everyone very much, everyone tried to leave the arena,” an eyewitness told reporters.

Panic began immediately after the explosion. Spectators ran out of the stadium screaming and crying. In the first reports of local media and police, it was said about the victims and injured, but immediately after the fact their number was not known. A little later, it was reported about 20 dead and more than 200 injured.

The ambulance service states that the number of hospitalized wounded as a result of this incident was 59 people. Ambulance workers said that the victims had "wounds like shrapnel."

A few hours after the explosion, the Manchester police officially reported 22 dead and at least 50 injured. It was stated that the incident was regarded by law enforcement officers as a "possible terrorist attack." The media reported that the police are checking the version according to which a suicide bomber, acting alone, detonated the bomb.

After the explosion, the Manchester Arena area was cordoned off. Ambulance was transferred to the state of emergency - local residents were asked to contact the doctors only in the most urgent case, since all the brigades were busy helping the victims of the terrorist attack.

Later, a suspicious object was discovered in a park near the stadium. The police made a controlled detonation of this object - it was assumed that this is another "hell of a machine". It turned out that it was someone's thrown clothes.

According to the latest information, terrorists of ISIS (a banned terrorist organization in Russia) posted a video on the network in which they claimed responsibility for the explosion in British Manchester.

Ariana Grande concert

Ariana Grande is an American film, television and voice actress, singer, songwriter, songwriter, and fashion model. It is very popular among teenagers who were at the Manchester Arena during the tragic explosion.

Musical career Ariana began in 2011 with the recording of the soundtrack for the series Victorious. In the same year, the performer signed a contract with the recording company Republic Records.

In 2013, Grande released her debut album Yours Truly, which debuted at # 1 on the US Billboard 200. The singer's second album, My Everything, debuted at # 1 on the United States charts. The record was a global success thanks to the hits Problem and Break Free. Along with the songs "Break Free", "Bang Bang" and "Love Me Harder".

Ariana Grande has already given concerts in Birmingham and Dublin as part of her European tour, and was due to make two performances in London after Manchester on Thursday and Friday.

Tickets for Grande's concert cost around £ 35.00. Manchester Arena, the largest indoor stadium in Europe, was opened in 1995 and can accommodate up to 21 thousand people.

British authorities' reaction

The Manchester bombing is the largest terrorist attack in Britain since the tragedy in the London Underground in 2005, which killed more than 50 people.

Now the country has introduced the second most important level of terrorist threat. British Prime Minister Theresa May called the incident a "horrific terrorist act" and suspended the election campaign in early parliamentary elections.

World leaders have already expressed their condolences to the British authorities, and thousands of people around the world are sending words of support to the families of those killed and injured.