Voronov is the husband of Maksakova. What will Maksakova get after Voronenkov's murder

To meet the love of your life is probably the greatest success. And all lovers dream of living hand in hand together, helping each other and overcoming all obstacles together. Maria Maksakova thought so, who in 2015 tied the knot with Denis Voronenkov.

On March 27, they would have celebrated a paper wedding, but fate decreed otherwise - on March 23, former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kiev. In an instant, the life of the opera singer Maria Maksakova turned upside down - she was left alone with her little son in her arms.

Fate brought future spouses together in the State Duma Russian Federation... Maria Maksakova was a deputy from a political party " United Russia"and Denis Voronenkov represented the" Communist Party of the Russian Federation. "Despite the fact that they met at meetings, the future spouses looked at each other only as colleagues for a long time. A little later Maksakova admitted that friends more than once hinted to the man that they become a wonderful couple.

The passion between the opera singer and the politician flared up during a trip to Japan. Denis later recalled that this is love at first sight. The couple felt very comfortable together. Soon, the lovers realized that they were made for each other.

“We should have met, probably 20 years ago. And indeed we were always there. We worked in the State Duma and met in Japan, but I think we had love at first sight,” Denis said in an interview with the TV channel. TV Center ".

Lovers had to sacrifice a lot in order to be together. The fact is that the man was married at that time. But love for Maksakova turned out to be stronger than family ties - despite everything, the man divorced to be next to the opera singer.

Maria admitted that she did not strive for marriage. She felt quite comfortable without relying on a man's shoulder - she herself raised two children, Ilya and Lyudmila, whom she gave birth to in a civil marriage. However, the meeting with Voronenkov completely turned her views on marriage.

The opera singer appreciated the bold step of the chosen one, who risked changing his life because of his love for her. Maria admitted that after his divorce, she considered herself obliged to make him happy. Voronenkov was not embarrassed that he would have to participate in raising the children of his beloved.

The couple played a gorgeous wedding on March 27, 2015. The wedding was attended by numerous celebrities, colleagues and friends of the couple. According to Denis, it was Maksakova who insisted on the magnificent celebration. It was a special holiday for her - she believed that she was getting married only once, and therefore wanted everything to go perfectly.

"Probably, he is the best thing that ever happened to me. It is very important to feel like a husband, safe, protected ... For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I am happy ..." - Maria shared her emotions.

After the wedding, Maksakova and Voronenkov seriously thought about children. Maria at that time was 37 years old, but she passionately dreamed of giving birth to her beloved spouse a child. At the end of April 2015, the singer admitted that she would soon become a mother. She was expecting twins. However, fate decreed otherwise. Due to the criminal prosecution and charges against her husband of fraud, the opera diva was very worried. This could not but affect the health of the artist - there was a miscarriage.

Nevertheless, Maria and Denis did not indulge in despair. A year later, fate gave Maksakova another chance - and in April 2016 she became the mother of a charming baby. The couple were beside themselves with happiness and could not get enough of their son. Immediately after giving birth, the opera singer decided on a name. The boy was named Vanya.

“I am grateful to God that he gave me the opportunity to become a mother again, and I don’t need anything else,” Maria admitted in an interview.

After the birth of the child, Denis and Maria became even more united. Real harmony reigned in their relationship. The spouses did not hide that they value each other very much and are grateful to the occasion for the meeting. Voronenkov admired his wife and more than once told reporters how much he appreciated Maksakova.

"What fascinated me with Masha at the beginning of the relationship - she is a delicate, kind, not vindictive, sincere person. She is the best wife in the world. You constantly feel that a person loves you. She is my inner motivator and an atomic battery," Denis said in an interview to journalists.

Maria, in turn, experienced similar feelings. She was glad that she met her soul mate - a man who perfectly understands and appreciates her. Next to him, she felt absolutely happy. Maria regretted only that she had not met Denis earlier. Maksakova over time realized that throughout her life she was looking for those qualities in men that she found in Voronenkov.

“This is my first love. Conscious and unconditional, in which I do not want to change anything,” said Maria.

The opera diva was ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of her beloved spouse. Not so long ago, a man decided to move to live in Kiev. Maksakova unconditionally followed Voronenkov to support her husband. She left two children in Russia, and took little Vanya with her to Ukraine. After that, a flurry of criticism from the public fell on the spouses.

“I left because I have a child who is eleven months old and who needs me very much. When I left, I did not know what would be waiting for me upon arrival ... Unfortunately, now I cannot come to Moscow and I cannot see my mother , dad and two beloved children ... To leave was originally Denis's choice, because he is half Ukrainian. When husband and wife become, as ordered, one flesh, we should not think about other people and their actions. For our part, we must to behave as the Lord God wants. This is marriage ... "- the artist explained the situation in the program" Live ".

"A person is free to choose where to live," Voronenkov explained. "I left because I just don't want to live in lies and hypocrisy anymore. Sometimes you have to make a decision: do you want to change something or are you ready to live quietly as a timeserver?"

In mid-February it became known that Voronenkov had been put on the wanted list on charges of raider seizure.

In the early spring of this year, there were rumors that the opera singer was pregnant. In a close circle, the performers told reporters: "Maria is very worried about the upcoming birth. She does not plan to contact Russian doctors, although the investigation has no complaints against her. Most likely, she will not give birth in Kiev, where she is now, but in Germany - she is also has German citizenship. "

An investigation into the murder is now underway, and various versions of the reasons for the brutal massacre in the center of Kiev appear.

The "interlocutor" studied in detail the biography of the communist deputy accused of "raider seizure".

The deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Voronenkov this spring proved that it is possible to "build love" - \u200b\u200bhe married the deputy from United Russia Maksakova. True, from the hero of the Duma novel, the newlywed now risks turning into a character in a criminal chronicle.

Consequence of the wedding

Before the well-known events, the broad masses had hardly heard of deputy Voronenkov - he "served" his first term in the State Duma without much fuss in the press. He became a co-author of 26 laws, the most famous is the prohibition for foreigners to have more than 20% of the capital in the Russian media. As a member of the Communist Party, he criticized the ruling party from the Duma rostrum, and usually voted with the majority.

And suddenly, at the end of March, Voronenkov is playing a wedding with his political opponent from the United Russia - Maria Maksakova. The first inter-party marriage in the Russian parliament, and a rather sudden one. Maksakova was published in the fall with her previous common-law husband. Voronenkov, judging by the tax return, in 2013 was still married to his first wife, Yulia, from whom he has two children.

The deputy's wedding is magnificently celebrated in the concert hall on the territory of the Olympic Village, among the VIP guests - and the speaker of the State Duma Naryshkin, according to the tradition of Duma corporate events, sings a duet with the bride. That would be the end of the fairy tale, but the honeymoon for the young is suddenly spoiled by the representative of the IC Vladimir Markin - according to him, Voronenkov is suspected of a raider seizure of a building in the center of Moscow. And the department allegedly is already busy with depriving the newlywed of parliamentary immunity.

According to a representative of the Investigative Committee, as well as from the materials of the case, which were soon leaked to the press, the theft took place in 2010-2011, and Denis Voronenkov allegedly led a whole group of accomplices, having welded about $ 2 million on it. The building belonged to businessman Kobakhidze (later he managed to return it through arbitration).

In the spring of 2010, Kobakhidze handed over the object for temporary management to the general director of his firm Vladimirskaya, and she decided, taking the opportunity, to sell it to the side. She shared the idea with an acquaintance, a retired colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then the current FSB officer Shishakov, a former employee of the same department Murzikov and future State Duma deputy Voronenkov were involved. The latter allegedly coordinated further machinations. Including the exclusion of Kobakhidze from the number of owners as a result of forging documents. And the search for a buyer: in the spring of 2011 Voronenkov attracted his friend businessman Kachura for this purpose. An object worth $ 5 million was offered to him for 2 million. Within six months, Kachur transferred the amount to Voronenkov in parts. But he did not succeed in taking over the ownership of the building - the true owner Kobakhidze filed a lawsuit.

- Voronenkov very convincingly said that there would be no problems with operation. And when this was not confirmed, my client demanded to return the money, - says Kachura's lawyer, Vadim Lyalin. - But out of $ 2 million, the deputy gave only $ 100 thousand. As a result, because of him, my client lost both money and freedom.

In the summer of 2014, Kachur, along with his lawyer, were arrested on suspicion of complicity in fraud. Both made a deal with the investigation, and Kachur testified against Voronenkov.

Have you passed the service?

The deputy himself, after the statements of the representative of the Investigative Committee, said that he was aware of this case and that it was all built on the testimony of the conciliators, in particular, "a certain lawyer Krylov, a previously convicted drug addict."

- Krylov was hired by Voronenkov to complete the deal. Apparently, he knew this person well, ”says lawyer Lyalin.

It was Krylov who was the first to be arrested back in 2012, through him the investigation reached Shishakov and Murzikov, who also testified against Voronenkov and received suspended sentences.

Maria Maksakova / Anatoly Lomokhov / Russian Look

Thus, the name of the deputy appeared in the case for a long time. Why did you decide to voice it only now? Voronenkov himself hastily said that someone was jealous of his wedding. Then he clarified that some people have been trying to jail him for many years, especially since he became a deputy. As the communist put it in the press, “an alarming hog has been thrown out for him for three years now.” Moreover, "purely political persecution" is connected either with its " former work in drug control ", or with participation in the investigation of the" Three Whales "- further versions of Voronenkov differed. We failed to get a more intelligible comment from the deputy.

Moreover, in the official biography of Voronenkov, work in the authorities, including the Federal Drug Control Service, does not appear (although in 2006 he was awarded the medal "For Distinction in Service in the Drug Control Bodies"). After graduating from the Law Faculty of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense in 1995, Voronenkov worked in the military prosecutor's office. But by the time the Three Whales case was investigated, he had no longer served there.

“In 2000, he became a lawyer for the Unity faction, and at the same time began working in the judicial department of the Supreme Court,” says Mikhail Ignatov, ex-RUBOP employee. - True, at the time of his arrest by us in the spring of 2001, several certificates were found with him, including those of the law enforcement agencies, but all of them turned out to be invalid.

In 2001, Voronenkov, along with his fellow lawyer Igor Novikov, was detained while receiving $ 10,000 from businessman Trostentsov.

- The latter needed help with the supply of food to the regions of the Far North. Voronenkov and Novikov promised to resolve the issue if he would "help the party" for $ 10,000 a month, ”says the former investigator for especially important cases under the Prosecutor General Vladimir Kalinichenko. - Trostentsov gave them about 150 thousand, but never got help. Then he went to RUBOP, and when the next amount was transferred, the lawyers were caught red-handed. But soon the case was turned in such a way that the ubopists themselves were accused, including Ignatov, although he was later fully acquitted by the court. And the case against Voronenkov was taken by the prosecutor's office of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, and there it was quickly closed.

System business

At that time, Voronenkov, they say, was helped by connections in the prosecutor's office of the capital, he had patrons in the head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moreover, the episode with Trostentsov was allegedly only one of many cases when lawyer Voronenkov “helped business”. For example, in 2002, at the suit of a certain Zolotov, a fraud case was initiated against the head of the capital construction company Litovchenko. The developer allegedly did not provide the promised apartments to the plaintiffs. True, Litovchenko himself called it a provocation: allegedly, before filing a lawsuit, Voronenkov and Zolotov came to him under the guise of RUBOP officers and demanded $ 800 thousand so that he would not have problems with the authorities. How the matter was resolved is unknown, the construction company has long ceased to exist, and Litovchenko emigrated abroad.

Moreover, officially Voronenkov at that time and until 2006 worked in the North - deputy. mayor of Naryan-Mar, then deputy. Head of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. After he took up science: since 2010 he was listed as head. department at the Law Institute in St. Petersburg. And unofficially, apparently, he continued to do business.

- According to various acquaintances of Voronenkov, a train of participation in unscrupulous events was constantly behind him, - says lawyer Lyalin. - Everyone who did business with him found themselves in a bad situation - Voronenkov was always the only one who made money, having the opportunity to use force. I don't know if he was officially an employee of the structures, but he constantly flaunted that he had connections everywhere, everything was bought, etc. As one of the defendants in the "business with the building" Murzikov said, raiding was his systemic business.

Murzikov said this publicly after a fight with a deputy in the Courchevel restaurant in December 2013.

- The conflict occurred due to the fact that I testified against him. He, like me, is being prosecuted for a raider takeover, I was in jail for 10 months because of him, ”Murzikov explained then (now it is obvious that he meant“ the case with the building ”).

True, for Voronenkov it has so far cost only verbal announcements of the Investigative Committee. 1.5 months have passed since the wedding and Markin's statements, and the issue of depriving the deputy of immunity in the State Duma was not even discussed. Voronenkov's faction colleagues limited themselves to sympathetic statements in the press.

- I am generally amazed that he became a communist. According to my information, one of the United Russia deputies, who was familiar with his previous affairs, came to Zyuganov: who are you taking to the party? He replied: you in your ER deal with personnel, - says Vladimir Kalinichenko. - It is even more paradoxical that such a person works in the anti-corruption committee. I strongly doubt that he will be held accountable this time too.

To meet the love of your life is probably the greatest success. And all lovers dream of living hand in hand together, helping each other and overcoming all obstacles together. Maria Maksakova thought so, who in 2015 tied the knot with Denis Voronenkov.

On March 27, they would have celebrated a paper wedding, but fate decreed otherwise - on March 23, former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kiev. In an instant, the life of the opera singer Maria Maksakova turned upside down - she was left alone with her little son in her arms.

Fate brought the future spouses together in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Maria Maksakova was a deputy from the United Russia political party, and Denis Voronenkov represented the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that they met at meetings, the future spouses looked at each other for a long time only as colleagues. A little later, Maksakova admitted that friends more than once hinted to a man that she and Maria could become a wonderful couple.

The passion between the opera singer and the politician flared up during a trip to Japan. Denis later recalled that this is love at first sight. The couple felt very comfortable together. Soon, the lovers realized that they were made for each other.

“We should have met, probably 20 years ago. And indeed we were always there. We worked in the State Duma and met in Japan, but I think we had love at first sight,” Denis said in an interview with the TV channel. TV Center ".

Lovers had to sacrifice a lot in order to be together. The fact is that the man was married at that time. But love for Maksakova turned out to be stronger than family ties - despite everything, the man divorced to be next to the opera singer.

Maria admitted that she did not strive for marriage. She felt quite comfortable without relying on a man's shoulder - she herself raised two children, Ilya and Lyudmila, whom she gave birth to in a civil marriage. However, the meeting with Voronenkov completely turned her views on marriage.

The opera singer appreciated the bold step of the chosen one, who risked changing his life because of his love for her. Maria admitted that after his divorce, she considered herself obliged to make him happy. Voronenkov was not embarrassed that he would have to participate in raising the children of his beloved.

The couple played a gorgeous wedding on March 27, 2015. The wedding was attended by numerous celebrities, colleagues and friends of the couple. According to Denis, it was Maksakova who insisted on the magnificent celebration. It was a special holiday for her - she believed that she was getting married only once, and therefore wanted everything to go perfectly.

"Probably, he is the best thing that ever happened to me. It is very important to feel like a husband, safe, protected ... For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I am happy ..." - Maria shared her emotions.

After the wedding, Maksakova and Voronenkov seriously thought about children. Maria at that time was 37 years old, but she passionately dreamed of giving birth to her beloved spouse a child. At the end of April 2015, the singer admitted that she would soon become a mother. She was expecting twins. However, fate decreed otherwise. Due to the criminal prosecution and charges against her husband of fraud, the opera diva was very worried. This could not but affect the health of the artist - there was a miscarriage.

Nevertheless, Maria and Denis did not indulge in despair. A year later, fate gave Maksakova another chance - and in April 2016 she became the mother of a charming baby. The couple were beside themselves with happiness and could not get enough of their son. Immediately after giving birth, the opera singer decided on a name. The boy was named Vanya.

“I am grateful to God that he gave me the opportunity to become a mother again, and I don’t need anything else,” Maria admitted in an interview.

After the birth of the child, Denis and Maria became even more united. Real harmony reigned in their relationship. The spouses did not hide that they value each other very much and are grateful to the occasion for the meeting. Voronenkov admired his wife and more than once told reporters how much he appreciated Maksakova.

"What fascinated me with Masha at the beginning of the relationship - she is a delicate, kind, not vindictive, sincere person. She is the best wife in the world. You constantly feel that a person loves you. She is my inner motivator and an atomic battery," Denis said in an interview to journalists.

Maria, in turn, experienced similar feelings. She was glad that she met her soul mate - a man who perfectly understands and appreciates her. Next to him, she felt absolutely happy. Maria regretted only that she had not met Denis earlier. Maksakova over time realized that throughout her life she was looking for those qualities in men that she found in Voronenkov.

“This is my first love. Conscious and unconditional, in which I do not want to change anything,” said Maria.

The opera diva was ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of her beloved spouse. Not so long ago, a man decided to move to live in Kiev. Maksakova unconditionally followed Voronenkov to support her husband. She left two children in Russia, and took little Vanya with her to Ukraine. After that, a flurry of criticism from the public fell on the spouses.

“I left because I have a child who is eleven months old and who needs me very much. When I left, I did not know what would be waiting for me upon arrival ... Unfortunately, now I cannot come to Moscow and I cannot see my mother , dad and two beloved children ... To leave was originally Denis's choice, because he is half Ukrainian. When husband and wife become, as ordered, one flesh, we should not think about other people and their actions. For our part, we must to behave as the Lord God wants. This is marriage ... "- the artist explained the situation in the program" Live ".

"A person is free to choose where to live," Voronenkov explained. "I left because I just don't want to live in lies and hypocrisy anymore. Sometimes you have to make a decision: do you want to change something or are you ready to live quietly as a timeserver?"

In mid-February it became known that Voronenkov had been put on the wanted list on charges of raider seizure.

In the early spring of this year, there were rumors that the opera singer was pregnant. In a close circle, the performers told reporters: "Maria is very worried about the upcoming birth. She does not plan to contact Russian doctors, although the investigation has no complaints against her. Most likely, she will not give birth in Kiev, where she is now, but in Germany - she is also has German citizenship. "

An investigation into the murder is now underway, and various versions of the reasons for the brutal massacre in the center of Kiev appear.

Denis Nikolaevich Voronenkov is a Russian politician, a former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation. Wide and scandalous fame came to Voronenkov after his escape to Ukraine, where he abruptly changed his political views, compared Russia with Nazi Germany, surprisingly quickly received Ukrainian citizenship and testified against former President Ukraine.

Denis Voronenkov was born in Gorky (today Nizhny Novgorod) in April 1971. According to some sources, the family left Gorky when Denis was one year old, according to others - when he was 7 years old. Father was a military man, which explains the frequent change of places of residence of the Voronenkovs. They managed to live in Karelia, Minsk, Kiev and Leningrad.

In addition to Denis Voronenkov, three more children have grown up in the family - two brothers and a sister. According to the ex-deputy, his grandfather Nikolai Mikhailovich in the Great World War II was a pilot and took the Seelow Heights near Berlin, which the Voronenkovs were very proud of.

There is no information about Voronenkov's childhood years. It is known that in 1988 he graduated from the Suvorov School in Leningrad and continued his education at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, from which he graduated in 1995 with honors. At the same time, Denis Voronenkov studied at the Ryazan University named after, and a year later, one more was added to the diploma of a military university - in a legal specialty.

In 1999, Denis Voronenkov defended his dissertation at the Moscow Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and after 3 years russian ministry Education awarded him the title of Associate Professor.

In 2009, the young scientist defended his second dissertation in order to obtain a Doctor of Law degree.


According to Voronenkov, a striking event in his career was the military service, which he served in the RF Military Prosecutor's Office. Denis Voronenkov started as an investigator, then quickly (from 1995 to 1999) went through the career stages to the position of deputy prosecutor.

In 2000, the lawyer came to The State Duma RF: he was appointed senior referent of the "Unity" faction apparatus. A year later, Denis Voronenkov first came to the attention of law enforcement agencies: in April 2001, he was detained while receiving a bribe of $ 10,000 from businessman Yevgeny Trostentsov, allegedly for lobbying his interests in the Duma, but in the middle of the summer of the same year the case was closed.

In the same year, Denis Voronenkov worked as an advisor to the general director of the judicial department at the Supreme Court of Russia.

2001 was an incredibly eventful year for Voronenkov: he was elected deputy mayor of the city of Naryan-Mar in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. He worked in this position until 2006 inclusive.

Denis Nikolayevich's career developed in an ascending order: he worked as Deputy Head of the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and dealt with land use issues, but soon received a promotion and became the first deputy head of the Okrug administration. He was entrusted with solving working issues with the government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

From 2004 to 2007, Denis Voronenkov (according to unconfirmed reports in the rank of colonel) served under General Alexander Bulbov in the Federal Service, which controls drug trafficking. Voronenkov later said that he was under intense pressure when a major corruption case known as the Three Whales case was being investigated. But General Bulbov denied this information, saying that Denis Voronenkov was not included in the list of those 12 people who were investigating the sensational case.

In 2011, Denis Nikolaevich Voronenkov was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation and became a member of the Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption. In addition, Voronenkov headed the Office of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

According to the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Denis Voronenkov was a member of the Communist Party and in 2013 was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. It was the communists who nominated him to the auditor of the Accounts Chamber, but the nomination was not crowned with success.

In December 2013, a State Duma deputy was hospitalized with minor injuries. Soon, scandalous details of the reason for Voronenkov's admission to the hospital surfaced. As it turned out, he had a fight in the Courchevel restaurant with a former FSB officer. But even on this, the scandals around the deputy's name did not subside: information was leaked to the press about a letter from Anna Etkina (an entrepreneur who was convicted in absentia in Russia) sent by her to the Prosecutor General. In the letter, the businesswoman accused Voronenkov and the FSB officer who had been beaten by him for organizing the murder of her business partner Andrei Burlakov.

Denis Voronenkov is also known for several loud statements and resonant initiatives. In the winter of 2014, he commented on the forceful change of power in neighboring Ukraine, stating:

“Ukraine today is not only the tragedy of our brotherly people. This is a lesson for all of us! This is what happens to young people who have been purposefully exposed to certain influences for many years. … For 25 years, several generations of young people have been brought up in an anti-Russian and Russophobic spirit. We see the result. "

They started talking about the State Duma deputy again when in the summer of 2016 he turned to the heads of the FSB and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to ban the distribution of the mobile game Pokemon Go in the Russian Federation. According to Denis Nikolaevich, users of this game are potential spies and terrorists.

In 2016, Denis Voronenkov became a candidate for the State Duma of the 7th convocation in a single-mandate constituency No. 129 in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but lost the election.

Personal life

The first wife of Voronenkov was Yulia Alexandrovna Voronenkova. In a marriage with this woman, two children were born: in 2000, a daughter, Ksenia, was born, and in 2009, a son, Nikolai.

Ksenia Voronenkova in the winter of 2015 became the winner of the junior ballroom dancing championship of the capital, and in October of the same year she managed to win the world championship. Ksyusha is engaged in the Moscow dance and sports club "Latin Quarter".

Nikolai Voronenkov received a generous gift from his father in the spring of 2009 - half a 9-room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200balmost half a thousand square meters in the center of the capital, on Tverskaya Street. According to some reports, the second half of this housing belongs to Denis Voronenkov's business colleague and co-owner of an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands, Alexander Plotnikov.

In the spring of 2015, they started talking about Denis Voronenkov's personal life in connection with his new marriage: he married an opera diva and his colleague, a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party, the daughter of a famous Russian actress. The ideological differences of the two political parties to which the newlyweds belonged did not become an obstacle to building a new family.

It is noteworthy that in the fall of 2015, Maria Maksakova appeared in public with her common-law husband, jeweler Jamil Aliyev. Maksakova, like Voronenkov, has a son and a daughter from previous marriages.

Denis Voronenkov with his wife and son Ivan

The wedding of the two deputies was attended by the former speaker of the State Duma.

In April 2016, Maria Maksakova gave birth to Denis Voronenkov's son Ivan. According to unconfirmed rumors.

Escape from the RF

At the end of 2014, the Moscow administration of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation sent a request to the State Duma to deprive Denis Voronenkov of his parliamentary immunity. The reason was the opening of a criminal case on the raider seizure of a mansion in the center of the capital, in which the deputy was allegedly involved. As stated in the case file, Denis Voronenkov found a buyer for a house on Mezhdunarodnaya Street, for which he received an advance payment of $ 100,000.

A criminal case was opened against Denis Voronenkov

In April 2015, the TFR sent documents to the General Prosecutor's Office, according to which Denis Voronenkov was supposed to lose his immunity.

The decree on the involvement of the deputy as an accused of committing crimes was issued on February 15, 2017. The charges were brought under two articles of the RF Criminal Code. But at this point Denis Voronenkov was already out of the reach of Russian investigators: in October 2016, the fugitive deputy, taking his family, left for Ukraine and settled in Kiev. In December of the same year, he received citizenship (this speed was due to a personal decree).

They say that Voronenkov was able to obtain citizenship without delay, having testified in the case of Viktor Yanukovych. Allegedly, the ex-deputy took the initiative and went to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Denis Voronenkov partially confirmed the earlier testimony of his former colleague Ilya Ponomarev, announcing the alleged agreements between Yanukovych and the top leadership of the Russian Federation on a possible military invasion.

Voronenkov said that he refused a Russian passport and left the country due to persecution by the FSB. According to the ex-deputy, he did not vote for the annexation of Crimea to Russia - his card voted without his knowledge.

In February 2016, the TFR put the ex-deputy on the wanted list, and in early March 2017, the Basmanny Court of the capital arrested Denis Voronenkov in absentia.


On March 23, 2017 it became known that Denis Voronenkov. He, together with the security guard, left the building of the Premier Palace Hotel and was shot. The killer shot at the fugitive deputy and wounded the guard, but the latter managed to wound the killer.

Denis Voronenkov was killed in Kiev

Denis Voronenkov's death was caused by several bullets from a TT pistol. Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that Voronenkov received one bullet in the neck, two in the head and one in the stomach.

Shortly before his death, Voronenkov gave his last interview to the Gordon newspaper, in which he suggested that he could be killed, "how."