Who was Anna Chapman. Anna Chapman - biography, information, personal life

Anna Vasilyevna Chapman (February 23, 1982, Volgograd) - Russian public figure, entrepreneur, disclosed Russian intelligence agent, operating in the United States.

Childhood, Youth

Anna Chapman (nee Kuhnko) was born in the family of a diplomat worked in Zimbabwe, Kenya and Papua New Guinea. According to Anna, her father was a KGB officer. The mother of future scouts worked as a teacher of mathematics. When her parents moved to Moscow, she remained to live with her grandmother in Volgograd. Anna's secondary education was obtained in Volgograd Gymnasium No. 11. But grade 11 she graduated in Moscow.

In 1999, Anna entered the Economic Faculty of RUDN. During training, she married a resident of Great Britain Alex Chepman. In 2003, Anna graduated from studying at the university and moved to the UK.

Professional activities in the UK

2003 - Being in the UK, Anna founded Southern Union, where they were engaged in financial operations with Zimbabwe. In particular, Chapman helped Zimbabvians living in Britain, transfer money to their homeland much cheaper than the banking institutions offered. These operations were carried out through fake companies and numerous bank accounts. After Anna Chapman was sent from the USA, the British intelligence service began investigating the activity of this company in connection with suspicion of money laundering.

May-July 2004 - Anna worked in the London company NetJets Europe assistant referent. Although Anna Vasilyevna's herself argued that she was engaged in the named company by rent and selling aircraft to Russia, closely communicating with the owner of NetJets Europe billionaire W. Buffett.

August 2004 - July 2005 - worked as an ordinary employee of Barclays Bank.

2005-2007 - According to the summary, Chapman was headed by the Department of Primary Placement of Shares in the British company Navigator. True, the company itself denies this information.

Business activities in Russia

2006 - Chapman returned to Russia, where he founded and headed the company "Search for Real Estate". In 2008, this company created the Domdot.ru Internet resource, which positioned itself as a "real estate search engine". Anna claimed that she received the starting capital for his company, selling all his jewels. Financial support provided by its project. For example, an innovative enterprise development agency provided Anna 250 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, the described project did not bring high results. Experts associate the site failure with the lack of interesting content, a wide advertising campaign, and the main thing a clear business model. At the moment, the site domdot.ru does not work.

2007-2008 - worked as a vice president in Kit Fortis Investments. True, the general director of the named company explained that such a position had all the workers who were engaged in sales.

Chapman in the USA or the largest failure of Russian special services

In February 2010, Anna moved to the United States. For her words, she moved to promote her American online project Nycrentals.com. (Real estate search engine). Many experts noted that this site did not differ in high quality, and some stated that he was just a cover for intelligence activities. At the moment, the named Internet resource is not available.

During his stay in the United States, Chapman was seen in the exchange of encrypted messages with a Russian, working as part of the UN representation. In June 2010, a man who was called "Roman" contacted Anna and stated that he was her curator. In fact, the mentioned person performed the role of a passage agent of the American special services. Soon "novel" suggested Anna a personal meeting, during which he instructed her to convey a fake passport "Russian illegal". Then Anna rang his father and reported that "close to failure." Immediately after that, she delivered a fake passport to the police, where he was arrested. Actions Chapman provoked the arrest of another 10 alleged agents of Russian intelligence.

Anna Chapman was accused of cooperation with foreign exploration of the Russian Federation (an attempt to obtain US nuclear service information, about congressmen and the heads of the CIA). Anna admitted that she was engaged in intelligence activities and was sentenced to imprisonment, confiscation of property and expulsion from the United States. In early July 2010, she was sent to Russia in exchange for 4 convicts for espionage in favor of Great Britain and the United States. In August, Anna was on Quarantine in the Moscow region, where he met with V. Putin.

Despite all the events described above, some Russian media believe that A. Chapman had no relation to the Russian intelligence services.

Life in Motherland

October 2010 - Chapman is becoming an adviser to investments and innovations of the head of the Fondservisbank, working on free graphics. The representative of the fundServisbank said that with the support of Bank Anna Chapman will work on a project dedicated to the protection of the planet from factors affecting it from space (asteroids, meteorite rains, etc.).

December 2010 - Anna Chapman enters the public council of the Young Guard of United Russia.

2011 - becomes the leading program "Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman" (Ren TV). In the same year, Anna became the chief editor of the Venture Business News edition.

Personal life

Anna Vasilyevna married is pretty early, being a student RUDN. In the summer of 2001, during a trip to Britain, she met Alex Chepman, a recording studio worker. Already a few months later, Alex arrived in Moscow, and in 2002 a wedding took place. Anna decided to take the surname of her husband, writing her in a passport with some change - she replaced Chapman on Chapman. After Marriage, Anna continued his studies at the university, and Alex at that time worked as a tutor of the English language.

It is worth noting that in the British newspaper Daily Mail, information appeared in due time, as if Anna married Chepman was married only to get a British passport. Such an opinion is most likely caused by the fact that in 2005 she left her husband, and in 2006 the spouses divorced. Chapman himself believed that the cause of their separation was the strong desire of his wife to material well-being. He also argued that Anna met with the American Industrialist and the Swiss banker. In addition, Chepman complained that during their marriage Anna very quickly turned from a carefree girl in the "unpleasant and extremely arrived" person, entitled to influential spheres. At the same time, he called her "extremely smart."

One of the girlfriends Anna, argued that he was living in London, Chapman met with many rich people, including with the oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

Mysterious, extraordinary and just beautiful woman Anna Chapman became famous in 2010. A terrible scandal thundered, in which the girl was accused of espionage. According to the official version, Anna herself admitted a crime. Today it is famous and in demand all over the world.

  • Height: about 168 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Age: 35 years

Anna Chapman (Maiden Surname Kushchenko) was born on February 23, 1982 in Volgograd. The father of the girl, from her words, was a diplomat, attended Africa and Australia. Soon she reported that he was the usual employees of the KGB. Mother was a simple teacher and taught mathematics.

Soon the parents went to Moscow, and the girl left to live with her grandmother. She changed a lot of educational institutions. In Volgograd, he studied in the gymnasium, then in the special institution for children with scoliosis. In 1999, became the graduate of the Moscow school. In the same year, he entered the Russian Peoples Friendship University and received a diploma of an economist.

Marriage and moving abroad

In 2001, I traveled to London and met Alex Chapman, who later became her husband. The couple got married in 2002 in Russia. Alex stayed in Moscow to enable Anna to complete the university. A year later, the couple moved to live in the UK.

In a new place, the spouses created an illegal business. With the help of one computer, they carried out money transfers in Zimbabwe. In this way, they helped the natives of Africa to send funds to their country and took the commission less than in banks. During the existence of their company, huge amounts of money were translated.

According to the resume of the Anna itself, she in 2004 was one of the collaborations of the London airline. This company in its task was to sell aircraft to Russia. But the information was not reliable - the airline's management reported that the girl served as the assistant assistant to the referent.

In 2005, Anna left her husband and settled to work in the bank. In the new workplace, the girl was engaged in small business. Two years later, the spouses officially divorced Chapman to Russia.

Return to Moscow

In Moscow, Anna Chapman created and began to lead the Firm "Search for Real Estate". Her sponsors became famous and scandalous businessmen. But the girl itself denies this fact. According to her version, she got money for the creation of a company and the site itself. According to famous entrepreneurs, Anna's work was a fault, the site was flawed. There is an opinion that the firm was created for other purposes.

Spyware in the US

In 2010, the girl revealed a desire to promote his site abroad. Her choice fell on the United States. Upon arrival, she settled in the skyscraper, which is located in Nizhny Manhattan. Promoting his idea she did not do. Her time was occupied by meetings with influential and rich people. The purpose of staying in the United States was to collect information about the relationship between the country with Iran, nuclear weapons and the personalities of the CIA.

But in June 2010 the country's authorities exposed Anna Chapman and sent to Moscow. RF officials refute the fact of the girl's exploration of the country, but Anna itself does not deny anything.

Personal life

Today it is known that Anna Chapman was married once. Many argue that it was a fictitious marriage. After all, about the causes of the divorce with Alex Chapman still do not know anything. In 2015, the girl gave birth to a son. She carefully hid his pregnancy from the public.

Anna Chapkin today

Upon returning to Moscow, the young girl became an adviser to the head in the "fundServisbank". Also received membership in the Young Guard Council of United Russia. In 2011, the television project "Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman" started. He starred in many photo shoots, including erotic, participated in the TV show "Let them say", but the profit of the canal did not bring this issue.

The biography of Anna Chapman (previously worn by the surname Kushchenko) is amazing and mysterious. This, at first glance, the most ordinary girl, at one point she became incredibly well-known and attracted great attention to the most detailed public. Her recognition is that at the time of work by a foreign entrepreneur in the USA, she was also an agent of Russian intelligence, stirred by the world community.


On the parents of Anna

On the one hand, the biography of Anna Chapman is freely access, and on the other hand, some points in its history are covered with dark spots. So, for example, by one version, the father of the girl, whose name is Vasily Kushchenko, worked as a diplomat, and his work obliged to attend such places as: Zimbabwe, Papua-New Guinea and Kenya. However, according to Anna itself, his father was an influential KGB officer and nothing more.

Anna Chapman in childhood

As for the mother (Irina Nikolaevna), then she in high school engaged in teaching mathematics.

In 2010, according to obscure reasons, they officially separated.


At one moment, the parents of the young Anna went to the capital - Moscow, and she moved to Grandma in Volgograd. For all the time of his youth, the girl changed not one training institution, among whom were:

  • Volgograd Gymnasium №11 (dates are unknown);
  • From 1996 to 1997, the Volgograd gymnasium of the artistic and aesthetic profile. It was the only gymnasium in the country, designed for children who were sick with scoliosis;
  • The last, 11th class Anna has already finished in Moscow;
  • 1999 - the girl's arrival in the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN) on the Economics Faculty. With this direction Chapman and connected itself in the future.

Anna Chapman in youth

Work abroad

The first activity of Anna abroad began in the UK. There, she with her first husband, which will be said later, made an individual entrepreneur and opened the company called Southhem Union.

In their personal disposal there was only a home computer, with which Chapman and her spouse helped the British natives from Zimbabwe to transfer money to the native country in cheaper tariffs. Such a process was carried out by a variety of ways, for example, translated through various bank accounts, and also did not cost without fake companies.

Anna Chapman

Ultimately, as it was supposed, nothing good did not come out. Even the company owner, signable on papers with allegedly real and conscious signatures, did not have the idea of \u200b\u200bits existence.

By the way, as Chapter Chapmans chose Steve Sagden - seller of telecommunication services 36 years old, which lives in Dublin. The investigation into the case of suspicion of washing of Anna money began after its expulsion from the country.

Anna Chapman

But on the company alone, the girl did not stop. In 2004, Anna settled in the London private airline Netjets Europe, where he worked relatively long - from May to July. And here, already seemingly with official employment, Chapman has its own inconsistencies.

In the Summary provided by the girl, the girl says that the girl allegedly engaged in renting aircraft and selling them to Russia. However, as the company itself says, Anna was only an assistant to the referent and performed significantly less significant work.

Anna Chapman

From August 2004 to July 2005, the girl became an ordinary employee of Barclays Bank, in a division that was engaged in issues of small business.

Then, as its summary tells us, exactly 2 years (since 2005) Chapman stayed by the head of the department in the London Hedge Foundation "Navigator". She specialized in primary accommodation.

It is also important to note that in this company could not confirm its presence ever.

Anna Chapman

In 2010, Anna, returning back to the States after a small break, held in Russia, was engaged in the promotion of his new project "Nycrentals" - creating a convenient search for rental housing. And in this, that it will be important to emphasize how the expert of one of the American portals of TechCrunch commented, first, there was no original idea.

Secondly, the site itself was incredibly ignorant and illogical. Hence the assumption that Anna or used the site only as a cover for justifying meetings with influential people, or was so naive and stupid, in fact, deciding "to conquer the New York Real Estate Market in this way. By the way, since March 13, 2011, there is no access to the site.

Anna Chapman in the USA

In 2010, this was the first version of the reasons why she returned abroad. In another interview, Chapman explained this to the fact that the Time Ventures company was going to establish.

According to her, the tasks of the organization included the search for promising Russian startups and further attracting venture financing from New York himself, as well as the search for entrepreneurs from Russia to open branches of various American companies.

Spy Scandal in the USA

Anna Chapman caused a great suspicion to his connections, as well as implausible activities. As a result, she was accused of a secret espionage to Russian foreign exploration. Its purpose was allegedly the study and transfer of US relationship information with Iran, as well as sending secret data on nuclear weapons and the individuals of the CIA.

At the court session, Anna recognized his guilt and was sent to Russia with the confiscation of all foreign property.

Anna Chapman in the USA

Anna Chapman after scandal

Anna Chapman's biography, as already stipulated above, rather saturated and after returning to their homeland, the girl was waiting for the glory and the work of the TV presenter on the "Secrets of the World of Anna Chapman". Of course, she also participated in "Let them talk" and other similar programs.

Anna became a member of the "Youth Guard" and the Advisor to the head of the head of the fundServisbank, which is engaged in innovation and investments, refusing a variety of other proposals from organizations and parties.

Anna Chapman on the transfer "Let them say"

Personal life

At the moment, in the biography, the personal life of Anna, there is information that it was married only once. In 2002, there was a marriage of a Russian spy and an employee of Alex Chapman's recording studio. As many talked, marriage was needed only for citizenship. In 2006, the spouses divorced.

According to Alex's comments, it becomes clear that Anna became stricter and sought to be more security.

Wedding Anna and Alex

Former Kushchenko also has children - son. After a long concealment of pregnancy, the girl confirmed it in social networks.


Here are a photo of the current Anna Chapman. At the moment it is actively involved in social activities. It is impossible to say that the child's birth did not affect the ex-spy of Russia. Even the opposite.

Anna Chapman

On the newly published video, as well as the photo, it is noticeable that Anna added weights, even though the shortcomings are still hiding behind the skillful makeup and professional photoshop. But despite this, the daughter of the diplomat remains one of the most attractive and desirable women.


Anna Chapman is a popular TV presenter. She leads on the Ren - TV show program, which tells about the unknown. Often, a woman explores questions dedicated to legends and fairy tales. After the transmission, the averages often make up the impression that everything that was said, actually happened.

Personal life of the stars of television screen under the ban. She never shares information about his family, especially carefully the calm of her little son is protected. Only gender and the year of appearance are known about him. About your favorite men Anna Chapman does not apply, believing that it concerns only her.

After expulsion of Anna Chapman from America and the deprivation of her British citizenship, the girl is beginning to be interested in Russians. A popular leading presenter becomes especially popular after going to the television screenshots of the "Secrets of Anna Chapman". Seeing at least once the show program people begin to be interested in a woman. The most popular TV presenter does not hide anything about himself, including what her height, weight, age. How many years Anna Chapman is easy to learn from social networks.

The woman was born in the middle of 1982, so in 2018 she will celebrate his 36th anniversary. Many talent admirers leading do not believe it, as our heroine looks like 5-8 years younger than its biological age.

Anna Chapman, the photo in the youth and now that remains almost unchanged, weighs 55 kg with growth in 168 cm. Its physical shape of the star of television screen supports physical exercises. In addition, a woman feeds correctly. Once a week she makes a unloading day during which the kefir only drinks.

Anna Chapman's biography

The girl appeared in the early 80s of the last century. Father-Vasily Kushchenko worked on the diplomatic service, which was admitted in 2011 Sergei Ivanov, acting by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The latter told that Anechka knows almost with her appearance to light, he saw her for the first time in 1982. Mother - Irina Kuchenko taught mathematics in one of Kharkiv schools. Our heroine was brought up not alone. She has the younger sister of Catherine.

From 4 years of age, the girl brought up her grandmother living in Volgograd. Here the popular TV presenter went to grade 1. She showed good knowledge in the sciences studied at school. In particular, the girl liked the exact sciences.

In high school classes, Anna moves to parents to the capital of the Russian Federation. Having received a certificate, the girl without any problems enters the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples.

At the beginning of the new Millennium, our heroine goes to a tourist trip to London, where he met Alex Chapman, who soon became her spouse. From this point on, the biography of Anna Chapman begins. Soon she, having received the Rudn diploma, moves to England for permanent residence.

Since 2003, Anna has been working with his spouse in his own company. They are engaged in translations of funds living in the UK residents of Zimbabwe to their homeland. Operations were carried out on their own computer.

Then Chapman worked in one of the private aircraft companies, after which she served as an ordinary employee in the London Bank. At the end of 2005, the Star of Telekerman parted with his spouse. The divorce of the former lovers passed in mid-2006, after which the girl returns to his homeland.

Immediately upon arrival in the capital of the Russian Federation, Anna began work on the establishment of a company related to rental and selling real estate. Together with business activities, worked in the company engaged in sales of various goods.

In 2010, Chapman moved to the United States to work with real estate not only in Russia, but also over the ocean.

In mid-2010, our heroine was in the center of scandalous history. Anna Chapman arrested in the States. The girl was accused of dealing with intelligence for the Russian Federation. Despite the confidence of the TV presenter that she has never been a spy, many believe that this is not true.

Under pressure, Anna is recognized in the deed crime. Then our heroine and several more people were sent to the Russian Federation, banned entry into the United States of America. In addition, Chapman was accused of conducting spy activities during the period of finding it in the UK, as a result of which a woman was deprived of English citizenship.

Returning to Moscow, Anna Chapman begins to lead telecast. Since 2011, its own show has come out on the Ren-TV channel, which is devoted to the discussion and research of all sorts of mysteries of the planet. In the transmissions are investigated by mythical stories, legends and non-residents.

The popular TV presenter writes books, visits other shows. Since 2016, a woman is engaged in the release of its own clothing line.

Personal life Anna Chapman

Anna Chapman's personal life is very saturated and diverse. In 2002, our heroine began to meet with the UK citizen Alex Chapman. Soon he moved to Russia to be closer to his beloved. Literally a few weeks after the acquaintance, the man offered to register a marriage. Anna agreed. The marriage was short. In some media, it is often possible to read that Chapman's marriage was needed to go to a permanent residence in English Albion.

After breaking with the spouse, our heroine is found with other men. According to the girlfriend, Anna had a relationship with several fans. One of them was an influential banker having their business in Switzerland. Another - was engaged in the industry in the United States of America. In addition, according to some information, the girl was in relations with the oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

In 2015, it became known that the popular TV presenter became Mom. Anna Chapman said this on his page in Instagram. About a man who was born a child, nothing is known.

Family Anna Chapman

Anna Chapman's family often moved from place to place, so her grandmother lived in Volgograd was engaged in herring girl. She grasped his beloved granddaughter for literature and history. It was in the circle of interests of the women included the riddles that she told Anna. Having become popular leading, the star of television screen. Some transmissions devoted to the memory of his beloved Gabli.

The father of the girl is a diplomat working at different times in several countries of Africa. According to the lead itself, the man occupied an important post in the KGB.

Mom worked as a teacher at school. She taught mathematics. Anna has a younger sister Katya, with which our heroine is very friendly. A woman is married, raising her daughter and son.

Children Anna Chapman

A few years ago, in some media, articles appeared reporting that the popular TV presenter is preparing to become a mother. Anna dismissed. She ignored all the questions relating to this topic. After some time, in social networks, Anna Chapman wrote that her wonderful boy was born. Details on this occasion has not appeared since.

Children Anna Chapman are her television show programs. Each of them, a young woman is preparing with love, believes that with his children, what he speaks in an interview.

A fairly often popular journalist is involved in various charitable shares to collect funds for children. Anna collaborates with funds that help seriously ill children.

Son Anna Chapman.

The son of Anna Chapman was born in mid-2015. For a long time his mother hid his delicate position. But for a long time to hide, Anna did not. After the birth of the child, the popular TV presenter shared his joy with fans on his page in Instagram. But besides the gender and the date of birth of the firstborn, the inhabitants have not been known for the pores.

Recently, a woman said that he was like her. But about his father chose to be silent.

The boy is still small. His popular TV presenter does not lay out in social networks. A woman is trying to spend all his free time with a baby. While mom at work, he is engaged in grandson grandmother.

Former husband Anna Chapman - Alex Chapman

During the tourist trip to the foggy Albion, the popular TV presenter met a young man. The girl immediately broke out feelings, and the guy did not remain indifferent to Charm Anna. He went after the chief of Russia. Here the man began to teach English for people who wish to master the pronunciations.

Literally a few months after the acquaintance, the lovers began to live together, and then issued their union officially. After receiving a diploma, Anna Spouse moved to London, where they began to engage in entrepreneurship.

The woman had a genetically laid alkali to accumulate funds, but her spouse was absolutely unsuitable in this regard. This, according to acquaintances, and led to the rupture of the former lovers. Some media argue that marriage between spouses was concluded by calculation. He was needed to receive an Anna visa and registration of citizenship.

The former spouse himself said that he married Anna for great love. She also answered him reciprocity on his feelings. The man said that rumors about their union on the settlement are gossip. In response to questions why he filed for a divorce, Alex Chapman reported that he did, because he realized that he could not make a girl happy and to provide her a brilliant future.

In 2015, the former husband Anna Chapman - Alex Chapman left his life. The reason was the overdose of narcotic drugs. The popular TV presenter at his funeral passed in London was not forbidden to travel to the territory of Great Britain to the end of her days.

Naked Anna Chapman

Recently, in the expanses of the global web you could see pictures on which naked Anna Chapman posing. First, the popular TV presenter itself stated that this is a photomontazh, as she starred in the style of Nui only in his youth. But on social networks, these photos were not laid out.

After some time, it became known that the photo of the naked Anna Chapman sold her former husband Alex Chapman to journalists. But the man did not want anything wrong. He wanted to boast that he was married to such a beauty.

Popular TV presenter recently starred in a frank form for several men's publishers.

Anna Chapman, Playboy, Maxim, which was asked for a long time for a frank photo shoot, since 2013 began to regularly appear on the pages of publishers.

Anna Chapman, photo Playboy, Maxim, which is invariably aurora, shows his perfect body without constraint, bring fans crazy.

Photo Anna Chapman in the magazine Maxim is invariably expected by fans. The woman has already participated in photo shoots several times for this publisher. In 2016, our heroine starred naked. Snapshots caused such a furor that our heroine publishes proposed to participate in the next photo session.

Soon, the candid photos of Anna Chapman will appear again on magazine pages. This announcement is printed on the site of the publication. Popular television host this time on the cover will appear in a swimsuit. Then on multiple pages will feature Anna pictures in the style of NU.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Chapman

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Chapman are sources of information about the vital path of the popular TV presenter. Here fans can find out where it was born, where she lived, who were her parents than the girl did.

Wikipedia gives an idea how the career of the girl developed. But here you can not read about children and your favorite men of our heroine.

On the Instagram page, a popular TV presenter is quite often laid out. On them, it is represented by one and colleagues on the shooting platform. Son's pictures, parents and sisters Anna Chapman does not lay out, believing that this side of her life should not touch anyone, which heats the interest of fans to their person.


Vasily Kushchenko


Irina Kushchenko


Alex Chapman (divorced)


Anna Vasilyevna Chapman (nee Kuchenko; Rod. February 23, 1982, Volgograd) (English. Anna Chapman.) - a public figure, an entrepreneur, according to Russian special services and its own indications given during the court - the disclosed Russian intelligence agent, operating in the United States under the legend of the entrepreneur of Russian origin (although some media expressed doubts that Chapman actually relates to Russian special services).


Childhood and youth

Anna Vasilyevna Kushchenko was born in Volgograd (according to other data - in Kharkov) on February 23, 1982. Father, Vasily Kushchenko - a diplomat worked at different times in Papua - New Guinea, Kenya and Zimbabwe. However, according to Anna himself, V. Kushchenko was a high-ranking KGB officer.

In September 2011, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Sergey Ivanov (in the past, an employee of the foreign integration of the KGB of the USSR) confessed to the interview with the Obraaster of Kommersant, Andrei Kolesnikov, which he knew Anna since childhood, and also familiar with her father with whom he worked together.

From childhood I know, "Sergey Ivanov admitted. - Even here ...
He showed what he saw it, and I realized that, it seems, Sergey Ivanov knew Anna Chapman even from infant age. He, however, did not tell where he saw her.
"I was friends with her father," Sergey Ivanov added.
- And worked together? - I asked (Mr. Ivanov, as you know, worked in foreign exploration. - "Kommersant).
- Worked, "Sergei Ivanov confirmed. - Yes, he works now ...

Sergey Ivanov, Deputy Head of the Government of the Russian Federation in an interview with A.Krasnikov

Anna's mother, Irina Nikolaevna, worked as a teacher of mathematics in high school. Anna has a younger sister of Catherine. The parents and sister of Anna live in Moscow, in the Ramenki area (according to other data - in the Moscow region).

In the summer of 2001, during a tourist trip to the United Kingdom, met on one of the parties to London with a recording studio worker, who was called Alex Chepman (h e.pMEN, if closer to the English pronunciation - Alex Chapman). Since Anna was still studied at Rudn at that time, Alex arrived in Moscow, where in March 2002 their marriage was recorded.

Anna took the surname of her husband (apparently, writing it in a Russian passport with some change - C. andpman across and instead e. or e.). It is possible that the choice of such a sounding of the surname, and not genuine, was caused by the fact that her husband had too "famous" one-fampots - Mark Chapman (Eng. Mark Chapman). The surname of John Lennon's killer, the former member of The Beatles, constantly arises in the media, especially American and British, and causes unpleasant associations. And Annie Chapman (Annie Chapman) was called the second sacrifice of Jack-Ripper.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, received from a friend of adolescence by A. Kushchenko, she married A. Chepman in order to obtain a British passport.

After marriage, Anna continued to education, and Alex worked in Moscow English tutor. In 2003, Anna received a higher education. After graduating from the Institute in 2003, Anna went to the UK.

Life in United Kingdom

In the UK, Anna Chapman, together with her husband, created the company Southern Union. Using a home computer, spouses were engaged in financial operations with Zimbabwe: helped Zimbabvians living in the UK translate money to their homeland cheaper than offered banks. Cash translated into Zimbabwe through numerous bank accounts and fake companies. Alex Chepman told the press that for the period from 2002 to 2005, they and his wife were transferred in this way "millions" pounds sterling. According to the British newspaper The Guardian, Southern Union continues to exist, its director is a 36-year-old seller of telecommunication services to Steve Sagden (Steve Sugden). Sagden himself declares that nothing knows about Southern Union, and his signatures are formed on documents, and intends to demand an investigation into this case. The MI5 British Intelligence Service after the expulsion of Chapman from the United States began investigating the activities of Southern Union on suspicion of A. Chapman in money laundering.

About three months (from May to July 2004) he worked in the London private aviation company NetJets Europe. In summary A. Chapman contains information, according to which in the airline, she has been working in the rental and selling of business class aircraft to Russia for almost a year, but according to other data, it performed in NetJets Europe significantly less responsible work, in particular, was an assistant to the referent. Chapman has repeatedly emphasized that this company belongs to the billionaire Warren Buffett and declared that he worked in close contact with him. However, the NetJets EUROPE employee called it unlikely.

From August 2004 to July 2005, Chapman worked as an ordinary employee in the Barclays Bank Small Business Division. In 2005, Chapman left her husband and moved to another apartment in London.

In 2006, Anna and Alex broke up. According to the former husband, Chapman, one of the reasons for their parting was the desire of Anna to the material well-being, which Alex could not provide her: "She wanted to move to Maifer and go to chic clubs." According to the information of the former husband, Chapman, after their parting, Anna was met with a banker from Switzerland and industrialist from the United States. Alex, who is currently engaged in psychiatry, said that during the existence of their marriage Anna turned from a carefree girl to the "arrogant and unpleasant" woman entering influential spheres. At the same time, according to his own words, Anna is a "extremely smart" girl, and it constitutes a value of 162. Anna's girlfriend, together with which she shot the apartment after parting with her husband, said that Chapman met in London with many rich people, among which was also a support oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

From July 2005 to July 2007, according to the summary of A. Chapman, published by it in the social network LinkedIn, she held the position of head of the Primary Placement of Shares in the London Hedge Foundation Navigator, but in the fund itself, this information could not be confirmed.

Spouses Chapman officially divorced only when Anna decided to return to Moscow.

Business activities in Russia

Despite solid financial support, the project did not bring the expected results. As of the summer of 2010, the site attended every day an average of 700 to 900 people, a small splash of attendance occurred after the start of the spy scandal. Real estate market experts associate failure with the insufficient elaboration of the site business model, the lack of a wide advertising campaign and interesting content. According to the creator of the Internet company LiveInternet, Klimenko, created by A. Chapman, the site is not distinguished by the quality of execution and does not correspond to the level of the claimed investment. According to him, Domdot.ru does not have a clear business model, and its creators seem to have no experience in the Internet business. According to the same Klimenko, in the late 2008 - early 2009, Chapman tried to sell the site. As of January 1, 2011, the site Domdot.ru is not available. According to the expression of Mother Anna, Irina Kushchenko, spent on the creation of the site, the money went into the sand. According to the state ticket "Komsomolskaya Pravda", A. Chapman did not fulfill the conditions of the concluded agreement and should be a newspaper 80,000 rubles.

In parallel with entrepreneurial activities, from July 2007 to March 2008, he worked as vice-president in the management company KIT Fortis Investments. The CEO of V. Kirillov explained that the position of "Vice-President" should not be misled, as in Keith Fortis Investments, such names are owned by sales workers. Chapman itself in his resume pointed out that Kit Fortis Investments organized an affiliate network of distribution of financial products of the company and worked out with key clients.

Activities in the USA

As later established a consequence, during his short stay in the United States, Anna Chapman at least 10 times was noticed on a laptop in various public places. At the same time, a Russian, which was working as part of the representative office in the UN, between the laptop and the laptop Chapman was installed wireless communication, according to which they were supposedly exchanged by encrypted files and messages.

In June 2010, A. Chapman called a man called "Roman" and declared that he was her curator. "Roman", who turned out to be a submarine agent of the American special services, suggested Anna to meet personally, which was not before. In the course of the meeting held, the FBI agent told Chapman that she had to transfer the fake passport to "Russian illegal". The call and the instruction of "Roman" caused A. Chapman suspicion.

Arrest and expulsion

On June 26, 2010, Chapman acquired a mobile phone on a fictional name and specifying a non-existent address - 99 Fake Street (from English - "Fake, Fake Street"). On the acquired phone, Anna made a phone call to Father V. Kushchenko and a friend in New York, during the conversation with which he said that "close to failure." Both recommended to refuse this task. V. Koshenko advised his daughter to transfer the false passport received from the "scout" to the police. Listening to the words of the Father, Chapman on June 27, 2010 brought a fake passport into one of the police departments of New York and told about everything, after which he was arrested. It is calls and actions of A. Chapman that provoked the FBI operation to arrest the ten proposed participants in the US intelligence network.

According to the prosecution materials, in 2009, Anna Chapman and Mikhail Semenko received from the "Center" (under which the headquarters of the Russian External Intelligence Service) is an encrypted message of the following content:

You were sent to the United States with a long-term task. Your education you got, your bank accounts, cars, houses, etc.- All this should serve as one goal: fulfillment of the main task of finding and developing links with circles that make decisions in US policy and sending reports to the center

July 8, 2010, Anna Chapman, like other people arrested in the United States, as part of this case, citizens of Russia recognized their intelligence activities in the United States, after which the court decision was sentenced to imprisonment (relevant period carried out in pre-trial consequence), confiscation of all property and funds in the United States and expulsion from the country. On the same day, it was expelled along with other defendants of the case to Russia in exchange for four Russian citizens who were convicted at different times for espionage in favor of the United States and the United Kingdom, and serving a sentence in Russia.

On June 27, 2011, the Moscow District Military Court (MOBS) sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment of a high-ranking employee of the foreign intelligence service (CVR) of the Russian Federation of Colonel Alexander Poteeva. Previously, the sources in the special services reported that it was the sweat that fled to the United States was suspected of issuing the American side of the Group of Russian Russian intelligence officers, including Anna Chapman, which was caused to the court and gave testimony about his intelligence activities in the United States and that What, in her opinion, it was Poteyov who transferred information about it and other Russian intelligence services to the United States. Currently, the ex-colonel is located in the United States.

According to the Washington Law Firm, Trout Cacheris, Anna Chapman, despite the charges and its confessions, is not a spy according to the current US law, since in the course of its activity it has never received access to any classified information capable of harming the United States. Information on the fact that the activities of deported citizens of Russia did not cause any damage to the United States, confirmed Prime Minister V. V. Putin. Chapman was blamed only that he did not put American authorities in fame of their cooperation with the foreign government. According to the materials of the court, A. Chapman was the most inexperienced of the exposed agents, the "experience" of its intelligence activities did not exceed six months. There is a version according to which Chapman in the USA was engaged in laundering money for high-ranking Russian officials, but the documentary confirmation of this version was not promulgated. Nevertheless, in the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper, it was told about this version, according to which Chapman was "to the group formed by the Unforgettable Vyacheslav Ivankov" and his relative Evgeny bvoskin.

April 3, 2012 The Deputy Director of the FBI on Counterintelligence Frank Filivzi stated that the spyware "was already so close to one of the members of the presidential administration that we could no longer wait." According to him, Chapman tried to seduce one of the approximated Barack Obama and "sampled" is getting closer to more and higher officials. "She got close enough to start disturbing us."

After deportation to Russia

In August, she was (as expected by everyone expelled) in compulsory quarantine in the Moscow region, where the Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin met with all ten ex-spies. Later, V. Putin said that the exposure of agents is the result of the betrayal of the defector. The Prime Minister called the "pig" and the "cattle", and the exposed agents of people who "laid their lives on the Altar of the Fatherland."