Eggs in the steamer Panasonic how much cook. Eggs in a double boiler: a simple recipe for your pleasure! Steam cooking process

Steamer is a real kitchen assistant for any mistress. It is in it that can be delicious and quickly cooking a hearty lunch, a delicious dinner and even a nutritious breakfast. For example, cook eggs - screwed up, in a bag or sick.

However, be prepared for the fact that the first time the perfectly welded egg may not work. After all, the cooking time of eggs in a double boiler depends on many factors: the volume of water, poured into the device, the size of the egg, the model of the steamer. But do not be discouraged, over time, you will definitely pick up the optimal mode and learn to easily seek the desired result. Eggs cooked in a double boiler have a number of significant advantages: they are easily clean, their shell does not crack at all, and near the yolk is not formed a bluish film.

How to cook eggs in a double boiler? To begin with, inspect your boyfriend well. Some models have special bowls with grooves for eggs, you only need to take the instructions for it and read, how and how much time to cook eggs in your model of the steamer. But sometimes there are devices and without recesses. Do not worry ahead of time, you can also cook eggs. Just put them directly into the bowl without adding water.

How to cook eggs in a double boiler?

We take eggs, well under running cold water, wipe them dry with a towel and put in a bowl or intended deepening.

How much cook eggs in a double boiler?

It all depends on what you want to get in the end. If you wish to cook boot eggs, then set the timer exactly 15 minutes. But so that the egg turned into a bag, cook it 10 minutes, and the skeyka it is prepared in general in 7 minutes. Please note that small eggs are preparing a little faster, and JXTYM large will boil longer.

And what to do, if suddenly you like boiled boiled eggs. And your household prefers only schozyku? Do not worry, the exit will be there here! Everything is very simple, put the eggs into the bowl, set the timer for about 7 minutes, by its signal, remove the egg that was boiled by the sick, and the rest just leave to do, programming the steamer for another 6 minutes.

Eggs, cooked sick, immediately remove from the bowl so that they do not digest. But those made boiled screwed, you can leave cool right in the steamar, without pouring them with cold water. Please note that the eggs prepared in the steamer of the shell separated very easily, without sticking to the welded protein.

In the morning, when the fees catastrophically lacks time, you have to save every minute. If you know how to cook eggs in a slow cooker or similar device, the process of cooking breakfast can be noticeably optimized. The use of modern household appliances allows not to follow how much time has passed since the beginning of the component processing, do not wait for the water boils. And, for example, in a double boiler, even instances with a cracked shell can be welded without any problems. The finished products are perfectly cleaned, it is difficult to reap them, and yolks do not lose their brightness.

Recommendations for the boiling eggs using a double boiler

Even in the simplest double boiler, if desired, you can cook a gentle and exquisite dish. At home, one of the following approaches is usually used:

  • In the shell. Fill in the steamer the desired compartment with water. Maximum fresh (no older than 4-5 days) I wash eggs and lay out in the bowl. We close the capacitance with a lid and set the time on the timer. How much components will be processed, depends on the desired result. To cook eggs into the bag, you need to spend 5-6 minutes, skeyka - up to 10 minutes, screwed up - up to 15 minutes. As soon as the timer on the double boiler reported on the preparedness of the product, the products need to be removed and put it in cold water, otherwise their cooking will continue.

Tip: In the steamer, quail eggs are perfectly obtained. To bring them to complete readiness, you need to spend no more than 5-6 minutes. The exact duration of processing is established by experimental.

  • Egg-pashota in a double boiler. Not so simple, but a very decent approach, for the implementation of which, in addition to eggs, you need to take vegetable oil, food film and small cups. Food film Cut with squares with parties by 20 cm and lubricate vegetable oilSo that you can easily separate the finished product without any problems. Cups are laying with a film, lay out the egg designs, we collect bags and tie the threads. Billets lay out in the bowl, close the lid and prepare from 3 to 5 minutes. In the manufacture of such a dish in a double boiler, it is often unfolded by pieces of cheese, ham, spices, greens.

According to experts, if everyone is done correctly, then it is in the steamer that the most delicious and useful boiled eggs are obtained. This method of processing is considered the most gentle and practically does not change chemical composition Product.

Under the boiling of products can be adapted both advanced multicookers from proven manufacturers, for example, Redmond and the simplest devices with minimum set functions and modes. True, a special regime for such a case is not even provided. To do everything correctly, you need to use one of the following approaches:

  • Pour water into the bowl of the device, lay the eggs there. We close the lid, select the "pair" mode (it can be called a little differently). Processing continues no more than 10 minutes. The exact duration of cooking is installed by an experimental way.
  • Well, if complete with the device is a basket for processing components to a pair. In this case, we pour 2 cups of water into the bowl of a multicooker, and put the prepared eggs in the basket. How many minutes are set on the timer depends on the desired result. The preparation of components of the schiek requires about 10 minutes, screwed up - at least 12-15 minutes.

Eggs can be prepared on other modes. Practice shows that the type of approach has a significant impact on the final result. By samples and experiments, it is necessary to choose the best and stick to it:

  • "Soup". Components fill with water, add a slight salt into it so that the shell does not crack, close the lid and exhibit the time. This is a rather long processing option. To cook the egg, you will have to spend not less than half an hour, so it is better to use the method better to fans of eggs schitchka and in the bag. In this case, the cooking will take 20 and 15 minutes, respectively.
  • "Pilaf". We lay eggs into the container, fill with water, which is brought to a boil under the closed lid. The product is booked already under the open lid - from 7 to 12 minutes. The same manipulations can be carried out using the "buckwheat" and "rice" modes.
  • "Boiling". One of the fastest modes that allows for 5 minutes to get eggs in the bag, for the 8th - skey, for 10-12 - screwed.

It is worth considering that the figures are largely conditional. The indicators affect the size of the eggs, their freshness, the power of the device and the features of the mode used.

Each mistress is worth taking these useful advicecapable of facilitating the process of working with components and achieve an optimal result:

  1. Fresh eggs are not so easy to clean, no matter how much they are processed. Everything will be much easier if you add a little salt into water during boiling, and immediately after manipulation, hold the elements within 2-3 minutes under cold flow water.
  2. Eggs can not be boiled longer than 20 minutes. It is believed that if it is violating this rule, the product will not remain nutrients and it will even become harmful to health.
  3. In order for the elements began to begin evenly, and the yolk turned out to be strictly in the center, the eggs are recommended before cooking several times shake or ride along the solid surface.
  4. Regardless of the principle and duration of treatment, the egg is necessarily washed with warm water with soap.
  5. The preparation time of products is counted from the moment the water boils. If you can set the timer on the device with such a condition, it is recommended to do.

It turns out that the boiling of eggs in a slow cooker and a steamer has solid advantages. The main thing is not to deviate from the rules and recommendations, strictly adhere to the features of the selected mode. Do not risk, glowing a nonstore product. At best, it practically will not contain useful components, in worst - can cause poisoning.

Steamer is a real kitchen assistant for any mistress. It is in it that can be delicious and quickly cooking a hearty lunch, a delicious dinner and even a nutritious breakfast. For example, cook eggs - screwed up, in a bag or sick.

However, be prepared for the fact that the first time the perfectly welded egg may not work. After all, the cooking time of eggs in a double boiler depends on many factors: the volume of water, poured into the device, the size of the egg, the model of the steamer. But do not be discouraged, over time, you will definitely pick up the optimal mode and learn to easily seek the desired result. Eggs cooked in a double boiler have a number of significant advantages: they are easily clean, their shell does not crack at all, and near the yolk is not formed a bluish film.

How to cook eggs in a double boiler? To begin with, inspect your boyfriend well. Some models have special bowls with grooves for eggs, you only need to take the instructions for it and read, how and how much time to cook eggs in your model of the steamer. But sometimes there are devices and without recesses. Do not worry ahead of time, you can also cook eggs. Just put them directly into the bowl without adding water.

How to cook eggs in a double boiler?

We take eggs, well under running cold water, wipe them dry with a towel and put in a bowl or intended deepening.

How much cook eggs in a double boiler?

It all depends on what you want to get in the end. If you wish to cook boot eggs, then set the timer exactly 15 minutes. But so that the egg turned into a bag, cook it 10 minutes, and the skeyka it is prepared in general in 7 minutes. Please note that small eggs are preparing a little faster, and JXTYM large will boil longer.

And what to do, if suddenly you like boiled boiled eggs. And your household prefers only schozyku? Do not worry, the exit will be there here! Everything is very simple, put the eggs into the bowl, set the timer for about 7 minutes, by its signal, remove the egg that was boiled by the sick, and the rest just leave to do, programming the steamer for another 6 minutes.

Eggs, cooked sick, immediately remove from the bowl so that they do not digest. But those made boiled screwed, you can leave cool right in the steamar, without pouring them with cold water. Please note that the eggs prepared in the steamer of the shell separated very easily, without sticking to the welded protein.

Today everything more people Decavor a report that healthy food is the key to a healthy body. At the same time, those who begin to gradually change their diet in favor of more useful productsSooner or later think about buying a double boiler.

Steamer allows you to prepare food in such a way as to reduce the consumption of fats as much as possible, and at the same time maintain a substance and vitamins for the body. This provides a very subtle method of heat treatment, while not negatively affecting taste sensations. Eggs are a source of a full protein, and they are simply necessary for the diet. They are especially convenient to cook in a double boiler.

How to cook


  • several chicken or quail eggs;
  • water.


  1. rinse the eggs well;
  2. fill water into a double boiler;
  3. place the eggs into the double boiler bowl or in the appropriate recesses that are in some models;
  4. put the device timer for 5 minutes, if you want to cook the eggs sick, for 7-10 minutes, if you want to cook them "into the bag", or for 12-15 minutes to make eggs screw. However, it is important to understand that there is a direct correlation between the size of the eggs and the time of their preparation. That is, quail eggs in this case are boiled only five to six minutes.

Important! Cooking the eggs sick either in the bag, they need to immediately omit it into the capacitance with cold water, because otherwise they, and after their extraction from the steamer, will be repeated for some time.

Omelet recipes



  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. milk.


  1. break all the eggs into the container, mix;
  2. next, fill the milk there, gradually stirring a fork or spoon content;
  3. pour the mistlette mass into the world's bowl;
  4. prepare a dish of 25 minutes.

Useful video: how to cook

For clarity, here is the video with the preparation of a standard omelet without any of the sizes in the steamer:

Important! Do not forget about vegetables. This is the basis healthy nutrition, and even if you cook a standard omelet or other dish, try to spread the dish with a greenery or sliced \u200b\u200bonions.

With cabbage

This is the famous recipe for dietary egg dish, having an excellent classic flavoring in the form of finely sliced \u200b\u200bfresh cabbage leaves. This recipe uses a classic taste combination, while the cauldron content in the dish is relatively small - it is the eggs that are a starting taste point.

Omelet structure consists of diet products, no third-party additives are present. For the recipe, such cabbage varieties like white-coined, Beijing, color will be suitable. You can use broccoli.

Solit the dish should be very careful not to disturb the dietary structure. No seasonings, of course, cannot be added. The recipe is very well suited for a double boiler.


  • pair of chicken eggs;
  • some salt.
  • 1/3 of Art. milk;
  • fresh cabbage (color, white, Chinese) - 100 g.


Important! Cooking time can be different, it depends, including from the model of the steamer itself.

With zucchi

This dish has a recognizable dietary structure. Zucchini give him a large amount of vitamins and improve the digestibility of the dish by the body, the eggs give the necessary organism of the protein.

Salt in the dish need to be added in extremely small quantities, only for individual improvement in taste sensations. Zucchini is recommended to take from young fruits, so they will be better absorbed.


  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • 1/3 of Art. milk;
  • young zucchini;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. fold and clean your zucchini from the peel, then cut it with small cubes. Move it into the pairing capacity;
  2. now you need to prepare an omelet. Slide the eggs, add milk and chinful salt into one pan and thoroughly mix all this with a spoon or fork. Stirring need long and carefully, but not to beat;
  3. as soon as the mixing process is completed, proceed all this mistletal mass into the heat-resistant capacity of your double boiler;
  4. you need to cook for 15 minutes, although there are other options, depending on the desired thickness of the finished dish, for example.

With ham


  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 100 ml of fresh milk;
  • 100 g of ham;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • a little dill;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • chopping pepper.


  1. alternately, scroll the eggs into the hotter container and beat them together with salt and pepper to a homogeneous state. After that, slowly fill the milk, simultaneously stirring the contents of the bowl with a spoon, and boil again;
  2. stodit cheese;
  3. the ham is very finely cut, stirred with cheese and sent to the total milky-egg mass, which is then thoroughly mixed;
  4. this omelette mixture should be so magnificent whipped that you should see the foam. Cooking this dish takes up to 25 minutes (depending on the device);
  5. hot omelet, just pulled out of the oven, it is recommended to decorate with fresh sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables.

With vegetables and cheese


  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 150 ml of fresh milk;
  • 100 g of solid cheese;
  • 1 large red tomato;
  • middle Bulgarian pepper;
  • some parsley / dill;
  • chiny salt;
  • chinful ground pepper.


  1. break all the eggs in a separate bowl. Add salt to taste, pinch pepper and start hit;
  2. after that, fill a little milk, mix, then pour again, mix again, etc.;
  3. take the Bulgarian pepper, separate it from the fruits and seeds, cut into thin pieces;
  4. tomato divide, and then distort into small cubes;
  5. cheese should be grate in a small grater;
  6. all the greens are finely cut;
  7. the above-described ingredients (pieces of tomato, pepper, cheese and greens) are thoroughly mixed and laid out in the container of the double boiler;
  8. all these vegetables are then flooded with a mistletal mass of the bowl;
  9. cooking takes up to 25 minutes.


Omelet in the steamer, in addition to the convenience of use, also eliminates from various burning, subpalin, etc.
Of course, some it may seem even a minus, especially those who love crispy crust. But dishes received from the double boiler are the most "clean" options that we can get.

All the above recipes, despite their differences, converge in one: this is the present diet nutritionthat you most likely can even assign your doctor's patient. Therefore, if you have problems with the stomach or overweight, then be prepared for buying a double boiler, the benefit today it is quite inexpensive.

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Electric steamer - multifunctional kitchen helper. It is permitted rapidly and appetizing a healthy lunch, dinner and even breakfast. Say, cook eggs - in the bag, screwed either sick.


1. Prepare for the fact that the first time completely cooked egg may not work. The cooking time depends on the magnitude of the egg, the number of water, poured into the device, the model of the steamer. However, testing the device two or three times, you will pick up the best mode for yourself. The advantages of cooking for a couple are obvious - later they are easily cleaning, their shell does not burst, and a bluish film is not formed around the yolk.

2. Look back your double boiler. Some models have bowls with special deepening for eggs. If you have found similar to your device, read the instructions - the cooking period will be specified in it, the best for a specific model. Pouring water into the device, also follow the instructions.

3. There are steamers without rewards. They are also allowed to cook eggs. Place them right into the bowl. Do not place them in the water tank located at the bottom of the device.

4. Wash eggs, removing clogging, wipe them with a towel and place in the bowl or special recesses. If you want to boil the egg by screwing, put the timer for 15 minutes. In order to get an egg to the bag, cook it for 10-12 minutes, and it will prepare the sick in 7 minutes. The same grows and quail eggs screwed. Dieuzhe small eggs will prepare rapidly, especially huge to boil a little longer.

5. Your baby loves the eggs sick, and you choose the welded screw? Put the timer for 7 minutes, by its signal, get the egg that prepared the sick, and leave the rest to do, exposing another 5-7 minutes. One-time with the eggs are allowed to cook other breakfast dishes - say, omelet or sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. Load them on the 2nd floor of a double boiler.

6. Eggs, prepared by the sick, immediately, later, get the cooking from the bowl, so that they do not digest. Those that are welded screwed, allowed to leave cool right in steamer without shifting in cold water. The shell cooked for a couple of eggs is easily separated, without sticking to the welded protein.

It would seem, there is nothing easier than cooking an egg. We put it in a saucepan, pour it with water, boil for a while. Then you change the burning water on the cold. The egg cools and it is allowed. However, even such a frequency process has its own characteristics.

What you need to envisage in order to cook eggs?

Chicken egg is a source of suitable substances and trace elements. But in order to be saturated with each other, the main thing is to apply a fresh product. In dismissance, it is allowed to be in an extremely sad, painful state. Make sure the freshness of eggs is not difficult. Pretty lower it in every container with water. Good product, the shelf life of which does not expire, either fall on the bottom, or will move in water in the vertical direction.

What should be observed when cooking eggs?

To make the eggs positively, it is necessary to comply with the following rules:

  • Do not lower the eggs elongated from the refrigerator, opposite the sharp drop of the temperature of their shell crackle.
  • Cooking eggs for any recipe is necessary in a small container, not allowing their contact with each other and adding water when it is swollen.
  • In the process of preparation, it is desirable to be used to make a powerful flame, but to add salt to water.
  • Such measures will be allowed to save integrity and presentability external view Product.

    How much do you need to cook eggs?

    The eggs are boiled by each 2-3 minutes, in the "bag" - twicear than, screwed up - no more than 10 minutes. If the product is digested, all its components will be unattractive. In particular, the protein will become approximately rubber, and the yolk will cover with a gray raid. Dietary experts believe that an egg, a cooked schittle, is especially excellent with a human body. It is not good in the diet of those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

    Video on the topic

    Helpful advice
    If you plan to prepare salads everyday or other cold dishes with eggs, weld a few pieces in advance. You will save electricity and you will not expect the freshly prepared eggs cooled.

    For this simple recipe You will need only raw eggs.

    Fill water into the steamer and put the bowl on it. Take fresh chicken eggs (not older than 3-4 days), thoroughly wash them and put them in the bowl. Close the lid and set the cooking time with the pairing timer:

    Eggs in the bag - 5-6 minutes; - Eggs Skump - 7-10 minutes; - Screw eggs - 12-15 minutes.

    Quail eggs that are three times less chicken, boil around in a double boiler for 5-6 minutes. The exact time of preparation depends on the size of the eggs and is determined only by the experimental way.

    As soon as the double frame turns off, immediately remove the eggs from the bowl and hold under cold water. If this is not done, they will continue to boil some time, and instead of liquid yolk, you risk getting solid

    Pashota eggs in a double boiler

    Eggs-pashota are boiled without a shell as much as they need to grab the protein. Yolk remains liquid. Ideally, he must be completely hidden by the protein. Eggs need to be taken very fresh, otherwise the protein breaks up and the yolk is screamed

    You will need: - Eggs; - vegetable oil; - Food film; - Little cups.

    Cut the food film into squares with a side of about 20 cm. Lubricate with vegetable oil so that the eggs are not adhered. Put the cups of the film.

    Wash eggs and carefully scroll into the cups. Collect the film into the bag. Throw the neck to thread so that the contents do not flow when cooking. If you wish, the egg can be salted, pepper, put inside the bag a small piece of ham, soft cheese, finely chopped greens.

    Fill water into the steamer. Put the bowl on the double boiler and put the bags with eggs in it. Close the bowl with a lid and turn on the double boiler. Preparing pashote eggs need 3-5 minutes.

    Eggs-pashota in the steamer is also convenient to prepare in silicone molds for muffins. Carefully break the eggs in the molds and put the steamer in the bowl. Close the lid and boil for a couple of 3-5 minutes

    Remove the finished eggs from the bags. Fry slices of bread and spread them with Dijon mustard. Lay out eggs to toast, serve to the table with sauce, vegetables and greens.

    You can use traditional ketchup or mayonnaise as a sauce to the pashota eggs. However, the dish will be much more delicious and sophisticated with Dutch sauce, spicy cream-based cheese sauce or sharp tomato sauce With garlic, olives and greens.

    In the morning, when the fees catastrophically lacks time, you have to save every minute. If you know how to cook eggs in a slow cooker or similar device, the process of cooking breakfast can be noticeably optimized. The use of modern household appliances allows not to follow how much time has passed since the beginning of the component processing, do not wait for the water boils. And, for example, in a double boiler, even instances with a cracked shell can be welded without any problems. The finished products are perfectly cleaned, it is difficult to reap them, and yolks do not lose their brightness.

    Recommendations for the boiling eggs using a double boiler

    Even in the simplest double boiler, if desired, you can cook a gentle and exquisite dish. At home, one of the following approaches is usually used:

    • In the shell. Fill in the steamer the desired compartment with water. Maximum fresh (no older than 4-5 days) I wash eggs and lay out in the bowl. We close the capacitance with a lid and set the time on the timer. How much components will be processed, depends on the desired result. To cook eggs into the bag, you need to spend 5-6 minutes, skeyka - up to 10 minutes, screwed up - up to 15 minutes. As soon as the timer on the double boiler reported on the preparedness of the product, the products need to be removed and put it in cold water, otherwise their cooking will continue.

    Tip: In the steamer, quail eggs are perfectly obtained. To bring them to complete readiness, you need to spend no more than 5-6 minutes. The exact duration of processing is established by experimental.

    • Egg-pashota in a double boiler. Not so simple, but a very decent approach, for the implementation of which, in addition to eggs, you need to take vegetable oil, food film and small cups. The food film is cut by squares with sides of 20 cm and lubricate with vegetable oil so that then you can easily separate the finished product. Cups are laying with a film, lay out the egg designs, we collect bags and tie the threads. Billets lay out in the bowl, close the lid and prepare from 3 to 5 minutes. In the manufacture of such a dish in a double boiler, it is often unfolded by pieces of cheese, ham, spices, greens.

    According to experts, if everyone is done correctly, then it is in the steamer that the most delicious and useful boiled eggs are obtained. This processing method is considered to be the most gentle and practically does not change the chemical composition of the product.

    Under the boiling of products can be adapted both advanced multicookers from proven manufacturers, such as Redmond and the simplest devices with a minimum set of functions and modes. True, a special regime for such a case is not even provided. To do everything correctly, you need to use one of the following approaches:

    • Pour water into the bowl of the device, lay the eggs there. We close the lid, select the "pair" mode (it can be called a little differently). Processing continues no more than 10 minutes. The exact duration of cooking is installed by an experimental way.
    • Well, if complete with the device is a basket for processing components to a pair. In this case, we pour 2 cups of water into the bowl of a multicooker, and put the prepared eggs in the basket. How many minutes are set on the timer depends on the desired result. The preparation of components of the schiek requires about 10 minutes, screwed up - at least 12-15 minutes.

    Eggs can be prepared on other modes. Practice shows that the type of approach has a significant impact on the final result. By samples and experiments, it is necessary to choose the best and stick to it:

    • "Soup". Components fill with water, add a slight salt into it so that the shell does not crack, close the lid and exhibit the time. This is a rather long processing option. To cook the egg, you will have to spend not less than half an hour, so it is better to use the method better to fans of eggs schitchka and in the bag. In this case, the cooking will take 20 and 15 minutes, respectively.
    • "Pilaf". We lay eggs into the container, fill with water, which is brought to a boil under the closed lid. The product is booked already under the open lid - from 7 to 12 minutes. The same manipulations can be carried out using the "buckwheat" and "rice" modes.
    • "Boiling". One of the fastest modes that allows for 5 minutes to get eggs in the bag, for the 8th - skey, for 10-12 - screwed.

    It is worth considering that the figures are largely conditional. The indicators affect the size of the eggs, their freshness, the power of the device and the features of the mode used.

    Each hostess should be adjusted by these useful tips capable of facilitating the process of working with components and achieve an optimal result:

    1. Fresh eggs are not so easy to clean, no matter how much they are processed. Everything will be much easier if you add a little salt into water during boiling, and immediately after manipulation, hold the elements within 2-3 minutes under cold flow water.
    2. Eggs can not be boiled longer than 20 minutes. It is believed that if it is violating this rule, the product will not remain nutrients and it will even become harmful to health.
    3. In order for the elements began to begin evenly, and the yolk turned out to be strictly in the center, the eggs are recommended before cooking several times shake or ride along the solid surface.
    4. Regardless of the principle and duration of treatment, the egg is necessarily washed with warm water with soap.
    5. The preparation time of products is counted from the moment the water boils. If you can set the timer on the device with such a condition, it is recommended to do.

    It turns out that the boiling of eggs in a slow cooker and a steamer has solid advantages. The main thing is not to deviate from the rules and recommendations, strictly adhere to the features of the selected mode. Do not risk, glowing a nonstore product. At best, it practically will not contain useful components, in worst - can cause poisoning.

    And the eggs cooked in the steamer not only retain much more vitamins, minerals, amino acids and others are very useful for the beauty and health of products, but also to prepare them much easier and more pleasant than on the stove. Cooking eggs in a double boiler is preferable if you have a big family and little time to stand at the slab and count the moments. Most steamers have special containers with recesses for eggs in the amount of 10-12 pieces so that the eggs do not fall and can be quickly and conveniently composed in the container.

    How to cook eggs in a double boiler

    1. Make the chicken eggs into the tank for eggs, put it on a cold double boiler. Do not forget to pour water into the pallet of the steamer, as for other products.
    2. Close the pairing with a lid and turn on the timer for 15-20 minutes. If you boil eggs in a double boiler together with other products, you need to prepare them more - up to 20-30 minutes. Do not cook eggs simultaneously with frozen products - it will take too much time.
    3. When the timer is angry, open the cover, remove the container with the eggs and put it on the cold, for example, under the open window, so that the eggs are cooled faster.
    4. When the eggs are cooled, you can get them from the container.
    5. In order to cook the eggs sick or in a bag in a double boiler, you must definitely turn them over in the middle of the preparation to top part Eggs also hardened. To do this, you need to put the mandrel-tap, so as not to burn. Cooked in the steamer eggs also need to be pouring cold water, and it is better to leave it for a while so that they are cooled and the shell is easily separated.

    Electric steamer - multifunctional kitchen helper. It is permitted rapidly and appetizing a healthy lunch, dinner and even breakfast. Say, cook eggs - in the bag, screwed either sick.


    1. Prepare for the fact that the first time completely cooked egg may not work. The cooking time depends on the magnitude of the egg, the number of water, poured into the device, the model of the steamer. However, testing the device two or three times, you will pick up the best mode for yourself. The advantages of cooking for a couple are obvious - later they are easily cleaning, their shell does not burst, and a bluish film is not formed around the yolk.

    2. Look back your double boiler. Some models have bowls with special deepening for eggs. If you have found similar to your device, read the instructions - the cooking period will be specified in it, the best for a specific model. Pouring water into the device, also follow the instructions.

    3. There are steamers without rewards. They are also allowed to cook eggs. Place them right into the bowl. Do not place them in the water tank located at the bottom of the device.

    4. Wash eggs, removing clogging, wipe them with a towel and place in the bowl or special recesses. If you want to boil the egg by screwing, put the timer for 15 minutes. In order to get an egg to the bag, cook it for 10-12 minutes, and it will prepare the sick in 7 minutes. The same grows and quail eggs screwed. Dieuzhe small eggs will prepare rapidly, especially huge to boil a little longer.

    5. Your baby loves the eggs sick, and you choose the welded screw? Put the timer for 7 minutes, by its signal, get the egg that prepared the sick, and leave the rest to do, exposing another 5-7 minutes. One-time with the eggs are allowed to cook other breakfast dishes - say, omelet or sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. Load them on the 2nd floor of a double boiler.

    6. Eggs, prepared by the sick, immediately, later, get the cooking from the bowl, so that they do not digest. Those that are welded screwed, allowed to leave cool right in steamer without shifting in cold water. The shell cooked for a couple of eggs is easily separated, without sticking to the welded protein.

    It would seem, there is nothing easier than cooking an egg. We put it in a saucepan, pour it with water, boil for a while. Then you change the burning water on the cold. The egg cools and it is allowed. However, even such a frequency process has its own characteristics.

    What you need to envisage in order to cook eggs?

    Chicken egg is a source of suitable substances and trace elements. But in order to be saturated with each other, the main thing is to apply a fresh product. In dismissance, it is allowed to be in an extremely sad, painful state. Make sure the freshness of eggs is not difficult. Pretty lower it in every container with water. Good product, the shelf life of which does not expire, either fall on the bottom, or will move in water in the vertical direction.

    What should be observed when cooking eggs?

    To make the eggs positively, it is necessary to comply with the following rules:

  • Do not lower the eggs elongated from the refrigerator, opposite the sharp drop of the temperature of their shell crackle.
  • Cooking eggs for any recipe is necessary in a small container, not allowing their contact with each other and adding water when it is swollen.
  • In the process of preparation, it is desirable to be used to make a powerful flame, but to add salt to water.
  • Such measures will be allowed to save the integrity and presentability of the appearance of the product.

    How much do you need to cook eggs?

    The eggs are boiled by each 2-3 minutes, in the "bag" - twicear than, screwed up - no more than 10 minutes. If the product is digested, all its components will be unattractive. In particular, the protein will become approximately rubber, and the yolk will cover with a gray raid. Dietary experts believe that an egg, a cooked schittle, is especially excellent with a human body. It is not good in the diet of those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

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    Helpful advice
    If you plan to prepare salads everyday or other cold dishes with eggs, weld a few pieces in advance. You will save electricity and you will not expect the freshly prepared eggs cooled.