How people opened the world. How people opened the world

Knowledge of the Earth, the continents, the oceans and the seas came to the people not immediately. They accumulated in small grains for many centuries and was systematized by many geographers and navigator scientists.

Nowadays, with satellites, you can easily take a picture and explore any corner of our immense planet. However, it was not always. People spent a lot of time and effort, in order to open the world.

First Opener Travelers

In the ancient world, the first discoveries of new lands were associated with the location of trade routes by sailors - merchants. In 600 BC, the ancient Phoenicians for the first time in the history of mankind were able to travel around Africa, which gave the opportunity to people to portray the first geographical maps of the mainland.

During this maritime travel, such islands as Madeira, Azores and Canary Islands were opened. Ancient Greeks, who managed not only to open such land as India, South of France, South-Western Lands of Britain, Greenland, but also to make faithful conclusions concerning natural phenomena and the planet conclusions were also used.

It was the ancient Greek navigators that first expressed the theory that the earth had a round shape. The ancient Greeks, who traveled along the northern lands, told in his state about the Northern Lights, about the breath of the sea (stuff and flow), but their compatriots took them for madmen, their stories sounded so implausably.

Great geographical discoveries

Thanks to the development of trade and improving shipbuilding, in the 15-17 century in Europe there was a period of great geographical discoveries, during which people managed to open the mainland and islands, which until then remained under the veil.

In 1492, the famous Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, in search of new trade routes with India, opened a new light, which later received the name of America. A significant contribution to the opening of new territories managed to make the Portuguese sailor Vasco de Gamma, who in 1948 discovered several island of Asia and Oceania.

In 1512, the first world journey made Portuguese Fernan Magellan. During this trip, the first maps of the Indian Ocean were made.

In the 17th century, Europeans opened New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands and Australia. In the same period, Russian pioneers conquered the entire territory of Siberia, and came to the Far East.

The last mainland, which was opened by people in 1820, became distant Antarctica.

The importance of geographic discoveries

As a result of the fact that people discovered new lands, humanity could accumulate knowledge of the world order: the movement of the Sun, the Moon, the change of seasons in different territories, the presence of poles.

Those benefits have become available to people and natural resourceswhich abounded new lands. Thanks to the geographical discoveries during the antiquity, Middle Ages and the New Time, we have the opportunity to fully explore the geography of our planet.

Knowledge of the Earth, the continents, the oceans and the seas came to the people not immediately. They accumulated in small grains for many centuries and was systematized by many geographers and navigator scientists.

Nowadays, with satellites, you can easily take a picture and explore any corner of our immense planet. However, it was not always. People spent a lot of time and effort, in order to open the world.

First Opener Travelers

In the ancient world, the first discoveries of new lands were associated with the location of trade routes by sailors - merchants. In 600 BC, the ancient Phoenicians for the first time in the history of mankind were able to travel around Africa, which gave the opportunity to people to portray the first geographical maps of the mainland.

During this maritime travel, such islands as Madeira, Azores and Canary Islands were opened. Ancient Greeks, who managed not only to open such land as India, South of France, South-Western Lands of Britain, Greenland, but also to make faithful conclusions concerning natural phenomena and the planet conclusions were also used.

It was the ancient Greek navigators that first expressed the theory that the earth had a round shape. The ancient Greeks, who traveled along the northern lands, told in his state about the Northern Lights, about the breath of the sea (stuff and flow), but their compatriots took them for madmen, their stories sounded so implausably.

Great geographical discoveries

Thanks to the development of trade and improving shipbuilding, in the 15-17 century in Europe there was a period of great geographical discoveries, during which people managed to open the mainland and islands, which until then remained under the veil.

In 1492, the famous Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, in search of new trade routes with India, opened a new light, which later received the name of America. A significant contribution to the opening of new territories managed to make the Portuguese sailor Vasco de Gamma, who in 1948 discovered several island of Asia and Oceania.

In 1512, the first world journey made Portuguese Fernan Magellan. During this trip, the first maps of the Indian Ocean were made.

In the 17th century, Europeans opened New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands and Australia. In the same period, Russian pioneers conquered the entire territory of Siberia, and came to the Far East.

The last mainland, which was opened by people in 1820, became distant Antarctica.

The importance of geographic discoveries

As a result of the fact that people discovered new lands, humanity could accumulate knowledge of the world order: the movement of the Sun, the Moon, the change of seasons in different territories, the presence of poles.

People have become available to those benefits and natural resources that have abounded new lands. Thanks to the geographical discoveries during the antiquity, Middle Ages and the New Time, we have the opportunity to fully explore the geography of our planet.

How people opened the world

Geography teacher

higher qualifying category

MBOU "General Education Bereznikovskaya Central School"

Golikova Lyudmila Sergeevna.

  • Get acquainted with the main stages of the study of the Earth.
  • Examine the results of each stage.

  • 40 V to N.E. Egyptians opened Lake Central Africa.
  • Finician nautical people, merchants opened the Canary Islands.
  • In 596-594 BC, BC made swimming around Africa.

  • Herodota created the work "History in nine books."
  • In 2 V to N.E. Eratosthen measured the circumference of the Earth. Created the work "Geographic".
  • Aristotle concluded that the earth has a ball shape.

  • In 860, Normans opened O. Lland
  • 982 - O. Greenland
  • 1000g. - Eastern shores of North America.

  • In 1271-1295, Marco Polo described the nature of Pamirs, India and China.
  • At the 14th century Athanasius Nikitin reached the shores of India, compiled a description of countries seen by him.

  • In 1492, Christopher Columbus opened America.
  • 1497-1499 Vasco da Gama passed by sea in India.

  • 1497 J. Cabot opened the shores of North America.
  • 1519-1521 Fernand Magellan made a world journey.

  • The detachments of the Great Northern Expedition were investigated and dealt with the Northern and North-Eastern shores of Eurasia. Reached the North-West Coast of North America.

  • In the late 19th and 20th century R.Amudsen, R. Scott, F. Nancen opened and investigated the polar regions of the Earth.
  • F. Nansen.

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How people opened and studied the land

The first knowledge of the Earth is rooted on the territory of the ancient East - Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Phenicia. Classes: agriculture, cattle breeding, trade, the resettlement of peoples and the war have increasingly expanded the knowledge of Earth. Moving through the desert and swimming in the seas people learned to navigate through the sun, the moon and the stars. Ancient world

Herodotus Ancient Greek scientist, historian and traveler wrote work - "History in nine books."

Aristotle Ancient Greek Filosies, through research and observations of the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, concluded that the earth has a shape of a ball.

Eratosthenes installed the diameter of the Earth. Posted by the book "Geography". Gave the title of science - geography.

860 - Normans opened Iceland Island. 982 - Normans opened the Island of Greenland. About 1000 G. - Normans opened the eastern shores of North America. about. Iceland about. Mr. Middle Ages

Marco Polo 1271-1295 - Journey of the Italian merchant Marco Polo to China. He described the nature of the Pamirs, Monso, India, learned a lot about the useful plants of China.

Athanasius Nikitin Athanasius Nikitin in the second half of the XV century. Crosses and the Arabian Sea reinforced and reached India, compiled a detailed description of countries.

The Portuguese Expedition B. Diash reached the southern tip of Africa, discovered Cape of Good Hope. 1487 - 1488

German scientist Martin Behaimim made a big globe. 1492 year

The first swimming of the Spanish expedition is H. Columbus and the opening of the new light (America). 1492-1493

Vasco da Gama on the sea route around Africa reaches the shores of India. 1497-1499.

The first round trip by F. Magellan. 1521 - 1524.

1538 - Edition of the Flemish scientist G. Mercator World Map.

Expedition to North - Eastern regions under the beginning of V. Barents. 1594 - 1597.

Sailing to the shores of Australia is the Dutch Expedition A. Tasman.

S. Dezhnev made sailing from the North Arctic Ocean In quiet. 1648

New time

Journey to the Kamchatka of the Earthlocks V. Atlasov and L. Morozko. 1697-1699.

Opening of the sea route from Kamchatka to North America. 1741

Around thetest swimming English expedition J. Cook.

First Russian Antarctic Expedition F.F. Bellinshausen and M.P. Lazarev

Draif "Frama" F. Nansen in the Arctic Ocean. 1893 - 1896.

Achieving the North Pole F. Cook and R. Pear 1908 - 1909.

R. Amudsen and R. Scott reached the southern pole.

The newest time of 1932 is the first end-to-end swimming in the Northern Sea in the icebreaking ship of Sibiryakov. 1937 Draif of the first station on the ice floe "North Pole" I.D. Papanina. 1955-59. Work of the Soviet Expedition in Antarctica. 1957 - Starting the first satellite. 1961 - Flight spacecraft "East"

  • Installed the diameter of the Earth.
  • Posted by the book "Geographic".
  • Introduced the word "geography" into use.
  • Allocated territories different from each other natural conditions, peculiarities of life and life of the population.
  • Made of the habitable sushi (Okumen).

Important labor Ptolemy "Geography" in 8 volumes, is a meeting of knowledge about the geography of all known to the ancient peoples of the world.

Ptolemy was a supporter of mathematical geography, and his essay is a detailed guide to compile the atlas of the world, with the instructions of the exact coordinates of each item.

Laid the foundations of country studies, and also listed about 8,000 geographical names.

Ibn Battuta (1304-1377), Arab traveler, wandering merchant.

In twenty-nine years, overcame the distance of 117,000 kilometers, having visited North and West Africa, South and Southeast Europe (including in the territory of today's Russia and Ukraine), in the Middle East, in India and China, on Sumatra, Ceylon And Maldives, visiting many countries.

All Ibn Battuta visited countries described with a possible fullness.

astrolabe .

g. radshtok

Normans opened Iceland Island, then Greenland Island, and in IX at reached the shores of North America.

1487 - 1488

The Portuguese Expedition B. Diash reached the southern tip of Africa, discovered Cape of Good Hope.

German scientist Martin Behaimim made a big globe.

1492 year

The first swimming of the Spanish expedition is H. Columbus and the opening of the new light (America).


Vasco da Gama on the sea route around Africa reaches the shores of India.


The first round trip by F. Magellan.

1521 - 1524.

Expedition to North - Eastern regions under the beginning of V. Barents.

1594 - 1597.

S. Dezhnev made swimming from the North Ocean in a quiet.



Approval of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shag-formation of the Earth, the unity of the World Ocean; Development of cartography, geography and other sciences. Description of various land, world ocean, people's lives

Ancient maps were improved;

the first globe, navigation devices (compass, gnomon, astrolabia) are created; New deposits opened


Universal (Humanistic)

The world was shared on the old and new light

The world is populated by various peoples, each has its own culture, customs, traditions that should be respected to achieve mutual understanding and share goods


Opening of the sea route from Kamchatka to North America.

Draif "Frama" F. Nansen in the Arctic Ocean.

1893 - 1896.

Achievement of the North Pole F. Cook and R. Piri

1908 - 1909

Arthur Nikolaevich Chilingarov

Russian scientist-oceanologist, researcher of the Arctic and Antarctic.

1969-1971 - headed the high-tech scientific expedition "North-21". The results obtained allowed to substantiate the possibility of year-round use of the Northern Sea Runway on the entire length.

Since 1971 - Head of the Antarctic Station Bellinshausen of the 17th Soviet Antarctic Expedition.

The head of the scientific expedition on the atom of "Siberia" to the North Pole and the transcontinental flight "IL-76" to Antarctica.