Game summary polyclinic senior group. Synopsis of the role-playing game "Clinic" in the preparatory group

Abstract role-playing game "Hospital" in a group of 6-7 years.

Intended game: "Hospital" Companion game: "Daughters-Mothers", "Pharmacy"

Objectives of the game: to encourage children to more widely and creatively use in games knowledge about the hospital, about the work of doctors, about the pharmacy and the work of the seller, about the life of the family; develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly deploy the game, continue to form the ability to negotiate; continue to teach to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes, to encourage children to independently create objects, parts (tools, equipment) that are missing for the game; to cultivate goodwill, a willingness to help out a comrade.

Preliminary work: viewing the illustrations "Hospital", "Pharmacy", acquaintance with the work of a doctor, a conversation with a nurse from kindergarten; a conversation with children about how they went with their parents to the hospital, pharmacy, the stories of children about what they learned new about the profession of a doctor.

Developing environment: signs "Hospital", "Pharmacy"; all attributes and equipment are prepared in advance, tables, chairs in doctors' offices, white coats, medical supplies, syringes, a thermometer, a table, a flashlight, medicines, a cash register; household items for playing Mother and Daughters; dishes, chairs, tables, etc., bags for mothers; references - papers, cards - cardboard, pens, money - papers, dolls.

Guys, recently we talked about the hospital. And you all talked about how you went to the hospital with your parents. Is that so?

Let’s guys, we will once again remember which doctors work in the hospital. Who knows, raises his hand.

Sasha: Oculist.

That's right, well done! Still?

Anya: Surgeon.

Good girl. What else? Guys, let's be bold!

Julia: Pediatrician.

That's right, a pediatrician is the most important children's doctor. There is also a neurologist, massage therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist working in the hospital, you cannot name all of them.

But you are great, coped with the task!

And today, guys, a new hospital will start working with you. But there is a problem in the new hospital there are no doctors at all. Let's fix this mistake and choose the players.

We have a reception, a pediatrician's office, an ophthalmologist's office, a treatment room.

Who will work at our reception? Nurse required.

Children: Let it be Anya. - Why Anya?

Children: She is helpful and polite. Anya will cope with this role.

Yes, guys, I agree with your choice. Julia is very caring and attentive. Julia will be a pediatrician.

Okay. Who will be our surgeon?

Sasha, will you be a surgeon?

Guys, we still have a treatment room. Who will vaccinate with us?

Nastya: Can I work in the treatment room.

Guys, we will also have a pharmacy with you and a cashier is required there.

Ilya, I entrust you with this responsible role. You are our responsible boy. I think you can handle this role.

Ilya: Good.

Guys, who will play Mother Daughters? Who will play mom and dad here?

Children: Let Vika be our mother.

Why Vika?

Children: Because she is caring and economical.

Okay. And then who will be our dad?

Ilyusha: Can I be a dad?

Okay, Ilyusha.

Ilyusha and Vika go to the play corner. You are a dad and mom, and you have a daughter, a doll Katya.

Cook everything there.

Doctors and nurses wear gowns.

The rest of the children who are left without a role will be patients. You also take dolls for yourself - these will be your children.

You can take your bags.

So, all the roles are assigned. Now let's open our hospital.

Children, look at which offices have opened: a surgeon's office, a pediatrician's office, a treatment room.

All doctors are assigned to their offices and are ready to receive patients.

So, I'm Vicki's roommate.

We must go to visit a neighbor.

Hello Vika!

Vika: Hello.

But I've decided to drop by, can I?

Vika: Yes, yes, of course, come in.

What are you doing now?

Vika: And Ilyusha and I are preparing breakfast.

Hmm, I see. Vika, did you hear that a new children's hospital was built nearby?

Vika: Yes, I heard. Today we are just going to go with our daughter to see a pediatrician.

Yes?! And my daughter and I were also going to go to the reception. Well, okay, I'll go, otherwise I have to take the line. Goodbye.

Vika: Goodbye. Registry.

Guys, let's get in line.

Who's the last one, to the registry?

Ulyana: "I am the last."

Okay, then I'll be behind you.

Guys at the front desk, we'll get directions to see a doctor. And do not forget to say the words "thank you", "please."

Vika and Ilyusha: Please give us a referral to a pediatrician.

Anya: Now wait, I'll write you a referral ... Take it, please.

Vika and Ilyusha: Thank you.

Ulyana and Daniil: Please give us a referral to a surgeon.

Anya: I'll write now. Please take.

Hello, could you write us a referral to a pediatrician?

Anya: Yes, of course, I'll write now.

Who is the last one to see the pediatrician?

Vika: I'm the last one.

Well then we'll be behind you.

Please tell me, has the reception already started?

Vika: Yes, we'll go in now (comes to the doctor)

Guys don't forget to say hello.

Vika: May I?

Julia: Yes, come in.

Vika: Hello, doctor!

Julia: Hello. Sit down, what hurts your daughter? What are you complaining about?

Vika: My daughter needs a flu shot. Doctor, write us a referral, please.

Julia, are you going to listen to the patient through the phonendoscope?

Julia: Let me listen to your daughter. Pull up your dress, please. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. Everything is fine. Now I will write you a referral for a flu shot.

Vika: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Julia: Goodbye.

The teacher enters the doctor's office.

Hello, Doctor.

Yulia: Hello, sit down, what are you complaining about?

My daughter has a sore throat and also coughs.

Yulia: Let me examine your daughter. Open your mouth. Say ah! So the throat is very red. Julia: And now I'll listen to you. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. So everything is clear. Take a thermometer and hold it for 5 minutes.

Julia: Oh, what a high temperature your daughter has. I will write you a prescription now, you can buy this medicine at the pharmacy. Take it 3 times a day. Also, drink hot milk with honey every night.

Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.

Treatment room.

Vika: May I?

Nastya: Yes, yes, come in.

Vika: Hello, we've come for a flu shot.

Nastya: Hello, come on well, have a seat. We will now vaccinate you. Prep the sleeve for now.

Nastya: (giving an injection) Like this. Hold cotton wool.

Vika: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Nastya: Goodbye.

Reception at the surgeon.

Sasha, take your patients, they are waiting.

Daniel and Ulyana: Can we? Hello.

Sasha: Yes, yes come in. Have a seat. Hello! What are we complaining about?

Ulyana: We came to the usual appointment to be examined.

Sasha: Good. Then I'll examine your child now.

Ulyana, help the doctor, make your daughter comfortable, prepare for examination.

Sasha (examining) So I examined your daughter. She is healthy. Now I will write her a certificate stating that the child is healthy. Take your help.

Ulyana: Thank you. Goodbye.

Sasha: Goodbye.

Serezha, don't forget to use medical instruments. In order not to be mistaken and correctly diagnose.

Children, look how our hospital started working, what good doctors are here. I'm going to go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine the doctor prescribed for me.

Guys don't forget to be polite to each other.

Vika: Please give me a drop according to this recipe.

Ilya: Hold on. From you 12 rubles 50 kopecks.

Vika: Here, take it.

Ilya: Your change, drops, take the recipe, please. Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again. We will always be glad to see you at our pharmacy. Goodbye.

Vika: Goodbye.

Hello, would you be so kind as to give me the medicine for this prescription?

Ilya: Yes, of course, wait a second. Here is your medicine. From you 76 rubles 34 kopecks.

Take it please.

Ilya: Your change. Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again.

Thanks you. Goodbye.

Ilya: Goodbye.

Daniel: Hello. Please give me vitamins for the children.

Ilya: Hello, how many packages do you need?

Daniel: I have two packs.

Ilya: So from you 35 rubles.

Daniel: Take it, please.

Ilya: Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again. We are always glad to see you in our pharmacy.

Daniel: Yes, of course I will definitely come. Goodbye.

Ilya: Goodbye.

Guys, it's getting late today and our hospital is closing, and with it the pharmacy. But tomorrow the hospital and the pharmacy will be glad to see you. And you can come to the doctor's appointment tomorrow. Did you guys like the game? Guys, it's game over. And now everyone is putting the toys back together, putting things in order in the group room.


Preschool pedagogy. Textbook. manual for students of pedagogical school on specials. 2002 “Doshk. education "and 2010" Education in preschool institutions" / IN AND. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhin, T.A. Ilyin and others; Ed. IN AND. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhina. - 2 - ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Education, 1986 .-- 415 p.

S.A. Kozlova, Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: Textbook. manual for stud. Wednesday ped. study. institutions. - 4th ed., Erased. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 416 p.

From birthbefore school. Approximate basic general education program preschool education / ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2011.

Anna Karkazova

Role-playing game "Polyclinic"

Tasks of the management:

Arouse children's interest in the medical profession. Encourage children to more widely and creatively use in games knowledge about the hospital, the clinic, the work of doctors, the pharmacy and the work of the seller, about the life of the family.

To deepen the knowledge of children about the work of a doctor, nurse, pharmacy worker; to bring up a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, culture of communication.

Develop active speech communication of children in the process play activities, expand and enrich vocabulary.

Intended game: "Polyclinic"

Game situations: "Reception", "At an appointment with an ophthalmologist", "At a reception with a pediatrician", "Pharmacy", "Daughters-mothers".

Game actions: The patient goes to the registry, takes a coupon to the doctor, goes to an appointment. The doctor accepts patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, looks at the throat, makes an appointment. The nurse writes the prescription, the doctor signs. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, vaccinations.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office d / s. Observing the work of a doctor (listening with a phonendoscope, looking at the throat, asking questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in the recording. Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor or nurse. Examining illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (dressing gowns, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)

Equipment: tables, chairs in doctors' offices, white coats, medical supplies, syringes, thermometer, table, flashlight, medicines, cash register; household items for playing Mother and Daughters; dishes, chairs, tables, etc., bags for mothers; references - papers, cards - cardboard, pens, money - papers, dolls.


Pediatrician, ophthalmologist, nurse, receptionist, patients.

Ig manual roy:

Educator:- Guys, recently we talked about a hospital, a polyclinic. And you all told about how you went to the clinic with your parents. Is not it?

Children: Yes.

Educator: - Let’s guys, we will once again remember what doctors work in the clinic. Who knows, raises his hand.

Yaroslav: Oculist.

That's right, well done! Still?

Angelina: Surgeon.

Good girl. What else? Guys, let's be bold!

Ruslana: Pediatrician.

Educator: - That's right, a pediatrician is the most important children's doctor. There is also a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist, a dermatologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist at the polyclinic, you cannot name them all.

Well done, you did the job!

And today, guys, a new hospital will start working with you. But there is a problem in the new hospital there are no doctors at all. Let's fix this problem and select the players.

Educator: - We have a registry, a pediatrician's office, an ophthalmologist's office, a treatment room.

Who will work at our reception? Nurse required.

Children: Let there be Sophia.

IN dweller: - Why Sophia?

Children: She is helpful and polite. The sofa will handle this role.

Educator: - Who will be our doctor - pediatrician?

Children: Angelina.

Educator: - I think guys this right choice... Angelina is very caring and attentive. She will be our pediatrician.

Educator: - Who will help the pediatrician and take on the role of a nurse?

Arina: May I be a nurse.

Educator: - Okay. And who will be our ophthalmologist?

Sasha, would you agree to be an ophthalmologist?

Sasha: Yes, can Lena work for me as a nurse?

Educator: - Of course.

Guys, we still have a treatment room. Who will vaccinate with us?

Tasya: Can I work in the treatment room.

Educator: - Okay.

Guys, we will also have a pharmacy with you and a cashier is required there.

Alina, I entrust you with this responsible role. You are an attentive and responsible girl. I think you can handle this role.

Alina: Okay.

Educator:- Guys, who will play in "Mothers and Daughters"? Who will play mom and dad here?

Mariam: can i be a mom?

Educator: - Yes of course!

Mariam is caring and economical, do you guys agree with me?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: And then who will be our dad?

Roma: Can I be a dad?

Educator: - Okay, Roma.

Roma and Mariam go to the play corner. You have the role of dad and mom, and you have a daughter, the doll Masha.

Doctors and nurses wear gowns.

The rest of the children who are left without a role will be patients. Choose your dolls - these will be your children.

You can take handbags, wallets.

Styopa will be the chief physician of the polyclinic. Stepa you will monitor the situation in the hospital.

So, all the roles are assigned. Now we will open our hospital, and the chief doctor will solemnly cut the red ribbon.

Guys, look what rooms have opened here: a pediatrician's office, an ophthalmologist's office, a procedure room.

All the doctors have dispersed to their offices and are ready to receive patients.

The teacher, I will also play with you: - So, I am Arina's neighbor.

We must go to visit a neighbor.

Hello Arina!

Arina: Hello.

Educator: - But I've decided to come to you, can I?

Arina: Yes, yes, of course, come in.

Educator: - What are you doing now?

Arina: But Vasya and I are preparing breakfast.

Educator: - Ahhh, OK. Arina, did you hear that a new children's clinic was built nearby?

Arina:Yes I heard. Today we are just going to go with our daughter to see an ophthalmologist.

Educator: - Yes! What a coincidence, but my daughter and I were also going to the reception. Well, okay, I'll go, otherwise I have to take the line. Goodbye.

Arina: Goodbye.

Plot in the "Registry"

Educator: - Guys, let's get in line.

L yesha and Vika: - And who is the last, to the registry?

Sonya: "I am the last."

Okay, then we'll be behind you.

Educator: - Guys at the reception, we will receive referrals and coupons for an appointment with a doctor. And do not forget to say the words "thank you", "please."

Lesha and Vika: Please give us a referral to a pediatrician.

Sofia: Now wait, I'll write you a referral ... Take it, please.

Lesha and Vika Thank.

Nikita and Nastya: Please give us a referral to the optometrist.

Sofia:I will write now. Please take.

Nika: - Hello, could you write us a referral to a pediatrician?

Sofa: Yes, of course, I'll write now, take it.

Nika: Thank.

The plot "At the reception at the pediatrician"

Educator: - Who is the last one to see the pediatrician?

Nika: I am the last one.

Educator: - Well then we'll be behind you.

Please tell me, has the reception already started?

Nika: Yes we come in now

Educator:- Guys do not forget to say hello.

Nika: (goes to the doctor) - Can I?

Angelina: Yes, come in.

Nika: Hello, Doctor!

Angelina: Hello. Sit down, what hurts your daughter? What are you complaining about?

Nika: My daughter needs a flu shot. Doctor, write us a referral, please.

Educator: - Angelina, will you listen to the patient through the phonendoscope?

Angelina: Let me listen to your daughter. Pull up your dress, please. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. Everything is fine. Write the patient a referral for a flu shot (gives the card to Arina, the nurse).

Arina: Here, take your direction.

Nika: - Thank you so much. Goodbye.

Angelina: Goodbye.

The teacher enters the doctor's office.

Educator:- Hello, Doctor.

Angelina: Hello, sit down, what are you complaining about?

Educator:- My daughter has a very sore throat and she also coughs.

Angelina: Let me examine your daughter. Open your mouth. Say ah! So the throat is very red.

Angelina: Now I will listen to you. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. So everything is clear. Take a thermometer and hold it for 5 minutes.

Angelina: Oh, what a high temperature your daughter has. I will write you a prescription now, you can buy this medicine at the pharmacy. Take it 3 times a day. Also, drink hot milk with honey every night.

Educator:- Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.

The plot "Treatment room".

Nika: - Can?

Tasya: Yes, yes come in.

Nika: Hello, we've come to you for a flu shot.

Tasya: Hello, come in well, have a seat. We will now vaccinate you. Prepare your hand, please.

Tasya: (injecting) Like this. Hold cotton wool.

Nika:- Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Tasya: - Goodbye.

Plot: "Reception at the ophthalmologist."

[b] Educator: - Sasha, take patients, they are waiting.

Roma and Mariam: Can we? Hello.

Sasha: Yes, of course come in. Have a seat. Hello! What are we complaining about? Have eye complaints?

Mariam: We came to you for examination.

Sasha: Okay. Then I will now examine your child's eyes.

Educator: - Mariam, help the doctor, make your daughter comfortable, prepare for examination.

Sasha: (examining) I examined your daughter. She is healthy. Her eyesight is good.

Sasha (speaking to Lena to the nurse) Write her a certificate stating that the child is healthy.

Lena: Okay ... Take your help.

Mariam: Thank. Goodbye.

Sasha: Goodbye. Come next.

Nikita and Nastya: Hello, Doctor!

Sasha:Hello, have a seat, what are you worried about?

Nastya: Our son has one eye hurting. The doctor, you see, even blushed a little.

Sasha: Let us now examine your child.

Educator:- Sasha, do not forget to use medical instruments. Shine a flashlight. In order not to be mistaken and correctly diagnose.

Sasha (examines): The eye needs to be treated, for this you need to buy eye drops. Now I will write you a prescription ... Here, take it, you can go to the pharmacy right now and buy these drops.

Nastya:Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.

Sasha: Goodbye.

Educator:- Children, look how our hospital started working, what good doctors are here. I'm going to go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine the doctor prescribed for me.

Plot: "Pharmacy".

Educator: - Guys do not forget to be polite to each other.

Nastya: - Hello! Please give me a drop of this recipe.

Alina: Hold on. From you 12 rubles 50 kopecks.

Nikita:- Here, take it.

Alina: - Your change, drops, recipe, please. Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again. We will always be glad to see you at our pharmacy. Goodbye.

Nikita: - Goodbye.

Educator:- Hello, girl, please, give me a medicine according to this prescription.

Alina: - Yes, of course, wait a second. Here is your medicine. From you 76 rubles 34 kopecks.

Educator: - Take, please.

Alina: - Your change. Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again.

- Educator: Thanks you. Goodbye.

Alina: - Goodbye.

Sveta: - Hello. Please give me vitamins for the children.

Alina: - Hello, how many packages do you need?

Sveta: - I have two packages.

Alina: - So from you 35 rubles.

Sveta: - Take it please.

Alina: - Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again. We are always glad to see you.

Sveta: - Thank you very much, I will definitely visit you. Goodbye.

Alina: Goodbye.

Educator: - Guys, the end of the working day has come, and our hospital is closing, and with it the pharmacy. But tomorrow the hospital and the pharmacy will be working again, and they will be glad to see you at their place. You can see your doctor tomorrow. Game over. Did you guys like the game? And now let's all put things in order in the group room together and put all the toys in place.

The outline of the role-playing game "Polyclinic" was made by the teacher Nechaeva Ya.A.

Purpose: Formation of ideas about the work of adults (polyclinic workers), its role in society and the life of every person.


    To form an idea about the purpose of the work of medical personnel, about the specialization of doctors (ophthalmologist, therapist, traumatologist), about the content of the work of medical workers.

    Promote the child's development of social roles: doctor, patient, receptionist.

    To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game: independently and variously combine in games knowledge gleaned from observations, books, stories of adults

    Foster respect for various professions.

Preliminary work:

Children visiting the clinic with their parents. An excursion to the kindergarten's medical office, a nurse demonstrating various medical instruments, explaining their purpose, showing how to work with them. Consideration of illustrative material on the topic. A conversation about the profession of a doctor (Who is a doctor? What kind of doctor can be called a good one? How should a patient behave? Who can work as a doctor?) fiction:

Making attributes for the game (cardboard thermometers; medical cards from sheets of paper folded in half; tables with pictures for an ophthalmologist, etc.). Role-playing game “Polyclinic” (the “polyclinic” has a reception desk, an office of a therapist, ophthalmologist, traumatologist, and a treatment room). Role Assignment for the Upcoming Game: Medical Professionals


Children's white medical gowns, hats; homemade medical records, leaflets for prescriptions, directions for injections and vaccinations, pills; items from the "Puppet Doctor" set (phonendoscope, tweezers, spatulas, syringes, bandages, etc.); empty bottles, medicine boxes, pieces of foam rubber, etc.

Game progress

Educator: Guys, what do you want to become?

Answers of children (builder, traffic police officer, teacher, doctor, etc.).

IN : wants to become a doctor? Let's not wait and play the game "Clinic" right now. - Who do we need for this? Doctor, honey. sister, patient, receptionist.Who Wants to Be an Ophthalmologist? Who wants to be a pediatrician? Who wants to be a doctor - surgeon? Who is the registrar? A nurse? (choice of roles at the request of children). The rest of the children will be patients.

IN .: And I will be the chief physician and will supervise the work of all doctors and other employees of the polyclinic.

Here we have a real polyclinic with different doctors. A pediatrician, an ophthalmologist, and a surgeon work in the polyclinic. Let's remember again what the doctor does?

doctor - accepts the patient, listens, examines, prescribes treatment;

And the registrar?

registrar - makes appointments with patients, issues a medical card;

Doctors take their jobs. And you all the rest will be patients.

Children who work at the polyclinic place signs on their desks, lay out equipment, doctors put on white coats, and nurses put on medical caps. When the “polyclinic” is ready to open, the announcement is made: “We invite patients to the polyclinic”.

The clinic has opened.

Children take turns coming to the reception.

The receptionist asks: - Hello. Your last name, first name, address. Your policy.

Medical registrar: - Take your card (on the cards are drawn the same geometric shapes as on the policies of children-patients). Which doctor are you going to?

Patient: - To the pediatrician.

Q: - Each doctor has an appointment at a certain time.

Registrar: - Your doctor takes in office # 1.

Patient: - Thank you.

Q .: - The appointment is started by a pediatrician.

Patients go to the doctor's office.

B-I. Child-pediatrician: “Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? "

Child - patient: "I have a sore throat, a strong cough."

Doctor: “Let's see you. Open your mouth, say "ah-ah" I will look at you with a spatula, do not be alarmed. Yes, the neck is red. The nurse will write you a prescription. Get the medicine at the pharmacy. "

Child - patient: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.

Q: - Now the doctor-surgeon is starting the appointment.

B-I. Child surgeon: “Hello, come in, sit down. What are you complaining about ”?

Child - patient: Hello, doctor. I ran onto the bus and fell. I have a pain in my leg".

Doctor: “Let me see you now. Yes, you have a bad bruise. The nurse will put an ointment and bandage on you. I will prescribe an ointment for bruises. "

B-II. Child surgeon: “Hello, come in, sit down. What are you complaining about ”?

Child - mother with son: “Hello, doctor. My son was swinging on a swing and fell. His arm hurts. "

Child surgeon: Show me your hand. Nothing wrong. The nurse will now anoint with brilliant green and bandage. Here is the prescription. Buy brilliant green at the pharmacy kiosk. "

Patient Child: Thank you, goodbye.

Child-ophthalmologist: “Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? What worries you?"

Child - patient: "I can't see well."

Doctor: Sit on a chair. Close your left eye. Name the pictures that I will show.

Child - patient: car, crane, etc.

Doctor: I will write you a prescription for glasses so that you can see better.

Child - patient: Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: You can get glasses at the pharmacy kiosk with a prescription.

Child patient: Goodbye.

IN.: - Everybody got the recipes? (Yes). - Did everyone get the help of doctors? (Yes).

The game continues until the last child patient.

IN: Guys, it's already late today and our clinic is closing. But tomorrow the hospital will be glad to see you. And you can come to the doctor's appointment tomorrow. Did you guys like the game?

Educator : Evening comes, the working day for builders and medical workers ends. Doctors see recent patients and clean up their offices

Children put things in order and sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Questions for analysis:

To patients:

    How many of you visited the clinic?

    What doctor did you go to? Why?

    What treatment has the doctor prescribed for you?

    How did you feel after the treatment?

    What happened if you didn't see a doctor? (My stomach would not stop hurting, I would feel bad; I would see worse; I would cough badly and would not be able to walk or go to work). What would happen if you came to the clinic and the doctor was not there? (for example, the doctor is on vacation or is ill).

To health workers:

    What complaints did you make?

    Did you do what you assigned them?

To all:

    What do you think, for what and for whom are doctors and nurses needed? What other doctors do you know? Next time we will invite these doctors to our clinic.

    Where do patients get medicines for treatment? (at the pharmacy).

    Who wants to be a doctor? How?

    It's great to be a doctor! What a noble profession this is!

How are we going to play next time at the clinic? What other doctors to hire?

Tasks: To form in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions, use medical instruments during play and name them; promote the emergence of a role-based dialogue, form a sensitive, attentive attitude to the sick, evoke sympathy for the sick toys.
Ppreliminary work: excursion to the nurse's office, reading art. literature, consideration of plot illustrations.
ANDtributes: didactic manual "Miracle tree"; toys: doll, bear, bunny, cat; hats, dressing gowns for children; set of the game "Doctor": thermometer, syringe, bandage, cotton wool, pipette, phonendoscope.
ANDgrove task: to cure sick toys.
Org. Moment: Children are included in the group. There is a tree against the wall with bright bags with colored bows hanging on it.

Game progress:


And at our gate

The miracle tree is growing.

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle


Not leaves on it

And the bags on it

And the bags on it

Like apples!
Educator: Look, guys, here it is, what a wonderful tree! Let's see what has grown on it. Let's get it out and find out. There is a lot of something there. Sit on the carpet in a circle.
The teacher removes the bags from the branch and gives each child. The teacher opens his bag, in the bag….

Who is most useful in days of illness

And heals us from all diseases? (Doctor)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a doctor, and now let's see what you have in your bags?

Children take medical supplies from their bags, examine and name them.

Educator: Guys, do you hear someone crying in our corner. Oh, but this is the doll Masha. Let's find out what happened to Masha?

The doll reports that she is ill.

Our doll got sick.

I didn't even eat in the morning.

Barely opens his eyes

Doesn't laugh, doesn't play.

She is silent all day

Even "mama" doesn't scream.
Educator: Let's ask Masha what hurts her, where does she hurt?

Children ask. The doll shows: it hurts here.

Educator: What hurts Masha?

Children: Head.

The doll shows, and the teacher offers to name what else hurts the doll. The children guess that the throat hurts. The doll complains: it even hurts me to swallow!

Educator: We urgently need to do something. How can you help Masha? How can I help you?

I came up with. Now I will put on a white robe and treat her. I am doctor. Here I have a hospital, my office. Here are medicines, thermometers, syringes for injections, bandages.

Educator: How will we treat Masha?

Children begin to offer: measure the temperature, give medicine, etc. The teacher listens to everyone.

Educator: Well done, everyone wants to help! Let's start. Help me.

Hello patient! Come in, sit down! What do you have a headache, a throat?
Educator: Now I will take the phonendoscope and listen to you. The lungs are clean. Let's look at the neck, open your mouth wider, say "ah-ah-ah". If you still need to measure the temperature, we will put a thermometer on it. Our doll has a sore throat. Let's give her pills and sprinkle the neck.

Suddenly the doll came to life again,

Now she is healthy!

Can blink eyes.

Bending over, call my mother.
Educator: Masha, in order not to get sick, you must definitely do exercises in the morning.

Phys. a minute

Do you all exercise in the morning? Let's make it together.

The sun looked into the crib

One, two, three, four, five.

We all do our exercises

We need to sit down and get up.

Stretch your arms wider,

One, two, three, four, five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

(Children make those movements that are mentioned in the poem,
repeating words after the teacher.)

Educator: And now I will have lunch. Another doctor will take my place. Alyosha, come on, now you will be a doctor. Put on your white cap, you are now a doctor in a dressing gown, you will examine the sick and prescribe medications. Maxim will be a nurse, he will treat patients: give injections, give pills.

Educator: Andryusha, come on, as if a bunny got sick and also came to the hospital.

Bunny ear has a cold -

I forgot to close the window.

Need a doctor to call

And give medicine to the bunny.
Educator: What hurts the bunny? How can we help him? (children's answers).
Educator: Maxim, the bear also fell ill.

Crying teddy bear

Pricked his hedgehog

Straight into the black nose

Agile forestry

Educator: What hurts Mishka? How can we help him? (children's answers)

Educator: Maxim, Murka's cat also fell ill.
The unhappy cat hurt her paw

He sits and cannot step a step.

Hurry to heal the cat's paw,

We need to hurry to the doctor
Educator: What hurts Murka? How can we help her? (children's answers)

The teacher distributes toys to the children, asks them to feel sorry for their toys, calm them down and offers to queue up for the doctor so that he can help them.

The game continues.


Educator: Well done, guys, they helped their toys, they cured everyone! Did you like the game? What did we play today? (to the doctor). Correctly!

Always attentive, with love

Our doctor treats you guys.

When your health improves -

He is most happy!