Role-playing game gas station in the senior group. Role-playing game "Autosalon" (older age)

Scenario of the role-playing game "Auto workshop" For older preschool age

Goal: Reflection in the game of stories related to the activities and relationships of people in the car workshop.


  • To expand children's ideas about the work of a car mechanic, car washer, and gas station.
  • To organize an educational environment for active independent creative play of children on the theme of an automobile workshop (attributes, algorithms, thematic albums).
  • Awaken the play creativity of children, the desire to bring something new to the game.
  • Exercise children in coming up with new plots, role-based dialogues, elements of a play environment.
  • Learn to use a variety of buildings and items related to the car workshop in the game.
  • Teach children to independently agree with each other about a common game plan.
  • Encourage preschoolers to create and use homemade toys in play (homemade gas coupons, fake products for cafes, driver's licenses, models of diagnostic devices, etc.)
  • Encourage the ability of children to communicate about the game (name their role, define verbally depicted events).


  • Locksmith tool sets,
  • models of diagnostic devices for car malfunction,
  • sponges and bottles for car wash,
  • model of a filling station with a flexible hose,
  • toys - "steering wheel",
  • fake money,
  • "Driver's license",
  • aprons and arm ruffles of dark color,
  • attributes for the "road cafe" (fake coffee maker, doll dishes, fake products, etc.),
  • thematic albums on the topic "Transport", magazines about cars,
  • diagrams with samples of building cars from chairs, a large builder, etc.
  • schemes "Game situations";
  • plot development schemes
  • car models made from hoops,
  • driver's caps.

Preliminary work:

  1. Consideration of thematic albums "Transport", "Automobile workshop".
  2. Excursion to the auto repair shop.
  3. A conversation about the work of a car workshop.
  4. Simulation games “We will not say where we have been, but we will show what we did” (on the topic of a car repair shop).
  5. Making attributes for the game.
  6. Constructive games "Build a car", "Guess which car I built", etc.
  7. Director's games with cars and toys "Auto workshop" (working out dialogue interaction).
  8. Game tasks in the corner of the fine arts "Fix (finish) a broken car", "Car painting workshop", "Come up with an unusual car coloring".
  9. Modeling "Cars, cars literally flooded everything!" (Schemes with step by step instructions for self-sculpting).
  10. Attention games "What part of the car is missing in the drawing?"
  11. School of Polite Sciences "At the Gas Station", "At the Roadside Cafe", "Automotive Locksmith and Driver", etc.
  12. An outdoor game "Taxi drivers" (with hoops).

Game roles:

  • Locksmiths
  • Drivers
  • Passengers
  • Roadside cafe waiters
  • Gas station workers
  • Car washers

Main plot:

"Gas station" is equipped with:

  • locksmiths put on aprons, sleeves, prepare tools and appliances;
  • gas station workers put on brightly colored baseball caps and install a gas station with a flexible hose;
  • roadside cafe waiters put on uniforms (aprons and caps), put chairs and a table, prepare menu folders and fake products;
  • car washers prepare bright sponges, tubes with diffusers, bottles of detergents;
  • drivers build cars from chairs or a builder, you can use hoops-models of cars with headlights and a number, passengers take seats with the drivers.


DRIVER: (addressing passengers) I need to go to a car repair shop, my car is out of order, the engine is not working well.
(Drives up to the workshop, honks)
A locksmith approaches him.

AUTOMOTOR: Hello, what's up?
DRIVER: My car is faulty and the engine is not working properly

AUTOMOTOR: We will definitely fix it for you. You and your passengers can still go to the cafe and eat ice cream.

The driver gives the keys to the car mechanic, the passengers get out and go to the cafe.

Auto locksmiths use tools and devices to determine the malfunction of the car and repair it.

DRIVER: well, what have you fixed?
AUTOMOTOR: Yes, we have repaired the engine, but you need to refuel, you don't have enough of it.

The driver thanks for the work, pays with money or a card, goes to the gas station.

DRIVER (addressing a gas station employee): Good afternoon! I need to fill my car with gas.

FILLING STATION WORKER: Hello, we are very glad that you came to us, we have the best gasoline!
(He refills the car.)

DRIVER: Thanks! (Paying off)

FILLING STATION WORKER: I would advise you to wash your car, it is too dirty, you can't even see the license plate.
DRIVER: thanks, I will definitely wash it. (Heading to the sink)
WASHER: Hello, I see you have decided to wash your car?

WASHER: we have different car shampoos, which one do you want? (Banana, mint, orange or apple scent?)
DRIVER: I love with the smell of orange.

The washer washes the car.

WASHER: Would you like to wash the inside of the car?
DRIVER: Oh sure.
WASHER: We'll wash it right now, while you go and have a coffee in our cafe.
DRIVER: thanks, I'm on my way.

The washer finishes washing the car and takes him to the cafe. The driver thanks him, pays the price, invites passengers to continue the trip.


Passengers pass to the cafe, sit down at the table. The waiter brings them the Menu.

WAITER: Good afternoon, what will you order? Are you ready to place an order?
PASSENGERS: Hello, we want ice cream. (Review the Menu, place the order).
(The waiter brings the order)

WAITER: Enjoy your meal. In our cafe there is a branded dessert "Fruit Mix", I recommend trying.
Where are you going, if it's not a secret?
PASSENGERS: We are going to visit another city.

WAITER: it's far away, maybe you can dine with us? Our cafe also bakes amazing cakes, we can pack them for you to treat your friends in another city.
PASSENGERS: yes, we should probably dine and we'd love to try the cakes.

Options for game situations:

  1. The car needs to change the wheel, headlights, etc.
  2. The family goes to the sea, on the way it is necessary to check the serviceability of the car, refuel it and wash it.
  3. The driver decided to repaint his car, he has a sketch of an unusual coloring of the car.
  4. The driver in his car got under a huge hail, came to fix the car.
  5. A motorcyclist came to the auto repair shop.
  6. A transforming robot came to the auto repair shop.
  7. Batman turned to a car repair shop to make his car fly.
  8. Baba Yaga turned to a car repair shop, her stupa broke.
  9. Emelya came to the auto repair shop on the stove and wants to repair his vehicle.
  10. Mobile auto repair shop.
  11. There are magical fuels in the auto repair shop (the car starts jumping, flying, singing, making everyone laugh, etc.)

Plot options:

  1. The car mechanic has a set of "Car malfunctions" cards.
  2. There are 2 car mechanics in the workshop. First, the driver is sent for diagnostics.
  3. A car mechanic, using instruments, examines vehicle malfunctions and issues cards to the driver with a picture of the identified malfunctions.
  4. The driver with these cards turns to another locksmith for repairs, the oil can be changed at a gas station, the car can be washed in a "car wash".

Synopsis of a role-playing game for children 6-7 years old "We will serve the army!" (preparatory group)

Goal: Promotion of military-patriotic education of preschoolers.


  1. Clarify children's ideas about Soviet army, to form concrete ideas about soldiers in preschoolers, to develop a desire to be defenders.
  2. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game, to be able to work in a team. Combine different plots in the game.
  3. To bring up in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, courageous.

Preliminary work to enrich the subject-development environment:

The enrichment of the subject-developing environment was carried out with the involvement of parents.

  1. Sewing clothes for doctors.
  2. Collection of attributes for the clinic.
  3. Cones, plastic glasses, tubes, toy microscope.
  4. Tables for the examination of eyesight, jars with medicines, drops, phonendoscopes (broken from the hospital), syringes, tubes, small cans, otolaryngologist's mirror, tweezers.
  5. Each "doctor" had his own box with necessary material and equipment.
  6. All the material was located in a place accessible to children and was used to play in the "clinic".
  7. On the eve of February 23, toys with the image of soldiers of different types of troops, illustrations, toys with military equipment were brought into the group.
  8. Material used by boys to play "War"
  9. During the educational week, parents were asked to dress their children, at will, in military camouflage clothing to create an emotional background.

To enrich life experience

There was a viewing of informative presentations about the work of doctors, conversations

  • "If your ears or throat hurt";
  • "How to protect your eyes";
  • "If you are sick."

Children and children watched short educational videos "at the doctor's appointment"

Playing with the teacher of small plots (we pass the tests, the ear hurts, we check the eyesight ... ie joint games of the teacher with the children, observation of the children's games, their role-playing actions, role-based dialogues).

We watched the presentations and talked about the army

  • “How they serve in the army” (the life of soldiers in a military town: what they do, how they sleep, how they eat, what clothes they wear ...);
  • "We will serve in the army" (on the branches of the army).


  • medical cards with pictures of boys,
  • agendas for every boy
  • sailor suits;
  • attributes for the game "polyclinic": "Therapist", "Oculist", "Otolaryngologist", "Laboratory";
  • attributes for the game "House": dishes, food.

Roles are distributed (girls are doctors according to the teacher's observations of the game plot, role-based dialogues, the rest of the girls are girlfriends.

Creating a game situation:

The entrance of the postman who hands the boys summons to the army.

Educator: Only healthy people are hired to serve in the army. Therefore, you need to pass a medical examination.

(children are invited to go to the clinic for a medical examination)

All the boys in the polyclinic pass according to the directions received at the registry, doctors, take a blood test.

After passing the medical examination, the boys are invited to rest, go to the girls who have laid a festive table for them.

The “General” enters, who says that “all the boys have successfully passed the medical examination and can go to serve in the army. All the boys were taken to serve as sailors on a large warship. "

Music sounds music V. Shainsky "Young soldier", sailors march and get on the bus, "Go" to the ship.

At the end, the teacher says that in the evening all the guys will get on a warship and begin to serve in the army as sailors.

(continuation of the game's plot).

"Multi-colored bottles" is a smart educational toy made of waste material

My motto: Do not rush to throw away unnecessary things: boxes, lids, corks, color pictures, cream jars - let the children play with them first, and after that they can be disposed of.

Empty plastic bottles of hair dye are so neat and smooth that it is a shame to throw away.

I kept saving them and thinking, where to adapt them? Pieces of colored self-adhesive paper were waiting in the wings. What would we make of all this? "Multi-colored bottles" will be just the way!

We glue the label on the bottle with colored self-adhesive, add a circle to the lid of the same color as on the bottle, and now: everything is ready for an exciting game that you cannot buy in a store!

The rules of the game are simple:

  1. The child plays only under the supervision of an adult!
  2. It is more interesting to play together or three together!

Game progress

So, multi-colored red, blue, yellow bottles fell into curious tenacious children's hands. Experienced mothers know that children test everything for strength. So it is with our bottles: sooner or later, the caps turn out to be unscrewed. Little experimenters did a great job! Bottles separately, caps separately.

And so, now the main game begins.

Firstly, you can play, repeat the colors: we select the lid of the same color as the bottle. An adult, under whose supervision the game is going on, unobtrusively tells the child the name of the bottle's color ("Red bottle! We need a red cap for it. No, look, it's not that color. Find a red cap, the same as the bottle"), asks to repeat or show with your finger this color among other unscrewed caps.

Secondly, we develop coordination, fine motor skills. The caps unscrewed from the bottles simply need to be screwed back, and this is no longer so simple. It takes a lot of diligence and patience from a child to complete the task. The adult's task is to show, encourage and praise the child.

If you fill our bottles with a suitable filler, we get “Colorful musical bottles” that will fit well in a small child's hand. Depending on the filler, the bottles can be “rustling”, “thundering” or “ringing”.

Development plan for the role-playing game "Autopark"
in senior group

(prepared by: senior educator Radkina S.A.)


  1. To enrich the content of the role-playing game "Autopark" by expanding children's ideas about the world around them (excursions, fiction, didactic games, etc.);

  2. Continue to develop the ability to change the role and role behavior during the game, if it is necessary to introduce new characters into the plot, to develop in children the ability to connect two (or several) peers to the game, finding a role that is appropriate in meaning;

  3. Continue to teach how to unfold the plot on their own, teach children to prepare the environment for the game, independently and with the help of a teacher, to make the necessary attributes.

Preparatory stage

Changing the gaming environment



  • Excursion to the carriageway

  • Targeted walks along the streets of the district, monitoring the traffic in order to fix traffic rules, the names of car brands, their purpose

  • Poems, riddles about transport

  • Didactic games "Types of transport", "Find out by description", "Pick up a garage for the car"

  • Joint production of attributes: "keys" to cars, a sign, taxi drivers' hats

  • Equipment entry: large constructor, fire extinguisher, telephone
Dictionary:radiator, headlights, cabin, body, road transport, speed, route

B - the head of the garage
M - driver
D - dispatcher

Gas station

  • Target walk to the gas station

  • Didactic games: "Find the symbol of the type of transport", "Know the car", "Find a safe route"

  • Fiction: N. Kalinina "How the guys crossed the street", collection "Rides, floats, flies", "Three traffic signals"

  • Working with posters of the series "Traffic rules for kids"

  • Working with parents - driving a private car to a gas station

  • Joint production of attributes: special. petrol station workers clothing, signboard, receipts, coupons

  • Equipment entry: gas station, operator panel, fire extinguisher, telephone
Dictionary:gas station, petrol station, cashier, petrol station, fuel, gasoline

D, M - gas station operator
B - refueller


  • Excursion to the tire workshop

  • Meeting with a car mechanic

  • Didactic games: "Assemble the car", "Recognize the car by silhouette", "Who needs what they need for work", "Fleet dispatcher"

  • Fiction: J. Rodari "What do the crafts smell like?", "What color are the crafts?", The collection "Rides, floats, flies"

  • Joint production of attributes: drawings of parts, drawings of machines, "technical blanks", journal of applications, registrations

  • Equipment introduction: "Workshop" game center, signboard, control room, cars, deputies
Dictionary:car mechanic, repair work, equipment, engine, spare parts, service

M - master
M - car mechanic


  • Excursion to the kindergarten medical office, conversation with the doctor

  • Excursion to the polyclinic (pre-doctor's office)

  • Didactic games: "Pick a sign", "Guess the profession by movement", "Who needs what for work"

  • Fiction: an excerpt from the work of V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination", Janis "The doll got sick", Kuprin excerpt from the work "Elephant", K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

  • Joint production of attributes: forms "admission to work", stamps, medical records

  • Equipment entry: medical center, signboard
Dictionary:first-aid post, medical examination, admission to work, health status, well-being

D, M - doctor
R - nurse


  • Excursion to the kitchen

  • Working with parents: family outing to a children's cafe

  • Meeting with a cafe employee, a story about working in a cafe

  • Didactic games: "Setting the table", "Who needs what is needed for work", "Self-assembled tablecloth", "Treat", "Cooking dinner"

  • Fiction: J. Rodari "What do the crafts smell like?", S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

  • Joint production of attributes: baking, menu, napkins for serving, sign

  • Equipment introduction: aprons, "Kitchen" centers, cash desk
Dictionary:menu, chef, waiter, visitor

D, M - waiter, cook, visitor

Development plan for the role-playing game "Family"
in the second younger group

(prepared by educators: Pripadalova L.V., Shilkina E.A.)

  1. Learn to carry out game actions based on your experience and knowledge.

  2. To form the skill to apply techniques that can be used in the development of the plot of games and game situations.

  3. Continue to acquaint children with modes of transport, be able to distinguish between a truck and a passenger car.

  4. Introduce the work of a nurse. To foster respect for the work of medical professionals.

  5. To establish emotionally - positive contact with children, to arouse interest in joint activities with an adult, to encourage the use of substitute objects in the game.

  6. Cultivate friendships.

Preparatory stage

Subject-play environment



  • Examining illustrations.

  • Conversations: "Where does dad work?", "How to meet guests", "How we moved to a new apartment."

  • Didactic games "Give the doll some tea", "Put the doll to sleep", "Tell the bear how to meet guests", "Set the table", "Prepare dinner"

  • Reading: Kaputikyan "Masha is having lunch", "Lullaby", A. Vvedensky "This is the mother", F. Mugur "Grandma's hands"

  • Dinnerware set

  • Dolls

  • Strollers

  • Dollhouse and growth furniture

  • Doll clothes

B - grandmother


  • Conversation about the work of the driver.

  • Consideration of illustrations about the work of a driver, with the image of transport.

  • Didactic games “Let's show Carlson how a chauffeur works”.

  • Reading A. Barto "Truck", E Blaginin "About the car", B. Zakhoder "Chauffeurs", N. Pavlova "By car".

  • Cars, other transport

  • Set of tools

  • Special clothing, caps
Dictionary: srefueling, transport, gasoline, cargo

M - drivers


  • Excursion to the kindergarten medical office, conversation with the nurse.

  • Examining illustrations.

  • Didactic games: "Guess the profession", "Who needs what they need for work."

  • Conversation "How the doctor treats children"

  • Fiction: Janis "The doll got sick", E. Krylov "How the rooster was treated"

  • Robes, kerchiefs, doctor hats

  • Substitute items for medicines

  • Telephone

  • Sets "Little Doctor"

  • Furniture corner "Hospital"

Dictionary:sick, illness, thermometer, vitamins, syringe, injection, vaccination

B - doctor

M, D - nurse

M, D - patients


  • Guided tour of kindergarten and group room

  • Conversations "What is our group", "What do we do in kindergarten"

  • Examining illustrations

  • Reading G. Bill "Newbie for a walk", S. Kaputikyan "Yasochkin kindergarten"

  • Toys

  • Dolls

  • Books

  • Strollers

  • Dishes

Dictionary:nursery, caregiver assistant

B - educator

D - educator

M, D - children


  • Conversation "How I went to the hairdresser's"

  • Didactic game "Let's show the doll how a hairdresser works", "What a hairdresser needs to work"

  • Productive activity - manual labor "Hairbrush for Fuzzy"

  • Peignoirs, aprons

  • Combs, toy scissors

  • Game set "Little hairdresser"

  • Albums with hairstyles for girls and boys

  • Set of cosmetic products (artificial)

Dictionary:men's room, women's room, master, hairstyle, hairdresser

B - hairdresser

M, D - hairdressers

M, D - clients


  • Conversation: "What are the shops"

  • Didactic games: "What products are sold in the store", "Let's help the doll to make a purchase"

  • Targeted walk to the store

  • Productive activity "The store sells red apples"

  • Examining illustrations

  • Reading Ch. Yancharsky "In a toy store"

  • Store layout

  • Cashbox

  • Product kits

  • Clothing for sellers

  • Toys

  • Handbags

Dictionary:buyer, seller, product, products

M, D - sellers, buyers

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard

Our group is of different age. The payroll is 26 children, of which 6 are older and 20 are middle age. Therefore, using play techniques, we take into account the peculiarities of a given age and model the situation so that the elders learn to act according to the role and help their younger peers to master manipulative skills. Middle-aged children, observing their elders, learned to act according to the role.

Role-playing game "Autoservice"

goal: creating conditions for the game, which contributes to the reflection of knowledge about the professions of their parents and fosters a positive and emotional attitude towards any type of work.

Tasks: contribute to the implementation in the game of cognitive experience about the work of a car service; to form behavioral and communication skills that contribute to the socialization of the child in the society of the immediate environment; to develop in children creativity in choosing an idea, setting game tasks, in choosing subject and role-based methods for solving them; activate the speech of children.

Preliminary work

Reading fiction: E. Segal “Cars on our street”, L. Nekrasova “Wonderful driver”, B. Zhitkov “What have I seen?”, T. Shorygina “Labor fairy tales”. Conversations about the work and professions of a driver, a police inspector of the traffic police, a dispatcher, a car washer, a gas station operator, a car mechanic. Participation in the project "Children should know the rules of the road". Didactic games " Road signs"," Traffic light is our friend "," Pick up the load to the car "," Special vehicles ". Excursions to the crossroads, to the bus stop. Outdoor games: "Sparrows and the car", "Colored cars", the musical and didactic game "Pedestrians and Taxi" (music by M. Zavalishina). Observing how food is brought to kindergarten... As a result of observation, children should understand that being a chauffeur does not at all mean just turning the wheel and humming, that the chauffeur drives a car in order to bring bread, milk, etc. Constructing from building material "Garage for several cars", "Truck", followed by playing with buildings. Making a gas station by teachers, sewing by parents uniforms of a policeman, a gas station.

Description of the game

The teacher begins the game, brings in a newly made gas station. Invites children to the grand opening of gas stations and service stations, gives out chevrons to television journalists.

Children assign roles independently. Tanker of cars (the teacher asks: what kind of cars there are: cars, trucks, special vehicles).

The teacher offers to make a promotion - the first driver has a free car wash (asks what is needed for this: a vacuum cleaner, car shampoo and a car washer).

Additional inclusions in the game:

The inclusion of a traffic police inspector into the game, who checks cars for the presence of a child seat, seat belt, first aid kit and fire extinguisher (what is it for?). When checking the "rights to drive vehicles" children name the brands of cars ("Volga", "Lada", "Audi", etc.)

Creation of problem situations:

cars go fast and pedestrians cannot cross the road (set a speed limit sign, pedestrian crossing, traffic light); a tire burst and there is no spare, what to do? (go to the service station, to the tire service, call a tow truck).

The taxi dispatcher ("Yandex-taxi") accepts orders from where and where to take passengers (knowledge of the home address, kindergarten, social facilities, attractions, train stations).

End of the game: the dispatcher announces the end of the working day and offers to plan the work for the next day, shift.

Role-playing game project in the senior group
on the topic "City of Masters"
 building role dialogues, role interaction of children;
 to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe professions "waiter" and "administrator";
 to form in children the ability to play according to their own design, to encourage the creative activity of children in the game.
 to consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the work of the seller, hairdresser and builder.
 help create a playful environment, establish interaction between children who have chosen certain roles.
 cultivate friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanity, responsibility, friendliness.

Preliminary work:
 Conversations about professions using illustrations.
Virtual tour to the hairdresser.
 Reading fiction: Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, D. Rodari “What does the crafts smell like?”, “What color is the craft?”

Vocabulary work:
1.enrichment of vocabulary-waiter, administrator
2. activation of the dictionary: driver, conductor, hairdresser, client, builder.

Individual work: help in choosing a role for Maxim.

Methods and techniques: creating a game environment, conversation, artistic word, questions, motivation “City of Masters”, gramophone recording.

Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.
Educator: You, everyone have years growing
You will be seventeen.
Where do you work then
What to do?
-When you grow up, what will you work as? (Answers of children.)
-What do you think to become a doctor, hairdresser ... what should you do first? (Answers of children.)
- That's right, in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, seller, you first need to study at school, then graduate from a technical school or institute, get a specialty. But how long to wait for this, and how you want to become an adult right now and work!

I know one such city where you can find your favorite job. All children, getting there, immediately become adults and choose a profession for themselves. Would you like to go on a journey with me to the magical “City of Masters”? (Answers of children.)
-What do you think you can use to travel? (Answers of children.)
-I suggest you take the bus with me. (The group has chairs in a row.)
-Guys, who will we choose as a driver and a conductor? (children's answers) Come in, please, sit back. Boys, be polite.
Driver: Kachu, I'm flying at full speed.
I am a driver and a motor myself!
I press the pedal
And the car rushes into the distance.
Educator: And so let's go! To make the road more fun, I'll turn on the music. (The song “Merry Travelers” sounds.)
- Here we are! Come out, please. Don't stray far, you can get lost in an unfamiliar city. Look at each other, everyone is gathered, everyone is ready for a city tour. (Answers of children.)
-Oh, what's wrong with you? You are all grown up! There are many different organizations in the “City of Masters”. Let's go through and see what this city has.
-Here we have a "Hairdresser"
It's light and interesting here:
Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs.
-Do you know who works at the hairdresser? What is he doing? Who comes to the hairdresser? How do you talk to a client? How do clients behave in a hairdressing salon? (Answers of children.)
-And here is the "Shop".
And now we are in the store -
All products on display:
Tea, candy, sausage -
Eyes scatter.
Educator: And here we have a construction site.

The whole area knows the builder,
He is a great master
With his brigade, he
Builds a brick house.
House among other houses
And slimmer and taller.
They say up to the clouds
The house will reach the roof.
And here we live
Dolls, hares, bears,
They are waiting for people to come to them
Baby moms.

Educator: Guys, here we have the Children's Cafe. The cafe has a chef who prepares dishes; a waiter who takes an order from a client and an administrator who keeps order in the cafe and in the kitchen.
Educator: You see how many interesting things there are in our town.
-You can choose the profession which you like.

Who do you think can handle the job of a salesperson? (Answers of children.)
-And who can work as a waiter, cook and administrator? (Answers of the children.) Will they be able to talk politely with clients?
-Who can we appoint as a hairdresser? (Answers of children.)
-Who do you think will handle the job of a builder? (Answers of the children.) Their work is responsible, since our city must grow and become prettier.
-In our city there is a good one, cozy homewhere toys live, which need to be taken to the hospital, to the hairdresser, to buy sweets and food for them in the store, go for a walk, see how the house is being built. Anyway, love them and take care of them. Who will be the mom?
-Hear, music. This means a new day begins in the city and everyone starts to work. Go to your workplaces, see what else you need to cook ...

As the game progresses, I help to create a game environment with the help of questions, tips, suggestions. I draw your attention to the relationship of children in the game. I get involved in the game with the permission of children (I play the role of a client in a cafe, a client in a hairdresser, before coming to visit my family, I buy a treat in a store, etc.).
Music sounds.
Educator: Evening has come in our town, the working day is over. A shop, a cafe, a hairdresser are closing, and they are finishing work at a construction site. Everyone is putting things in order at the workplace, as new children who want to become adults will come to this town. (Children are putting things in order.)
Bus signal. Is everyone gathered? See that no one is left alone here. Get on the bus, sit back, relax, you are tired after a hard day. And I'll turn on light music for you. (A calm melody plays.)
-This is our kindergarten. Come out, please.
Look at each other, you are children again. (I call them by names.)
Did you like the “City of Masters”?
We will definitely go there and take with us those guys who were not there.

Participant of the exhibition - competition:

Basmanova Irina Georgievna,

MADOU "Isetsk kindergarten" Ivushka "

Plot - role-playing game "Car showroom"

Purpose of the game: reflection in the game of plots related to the activities and relationships of people in the car service.

Objectives of the game:

  1. To expand children's ideas about the work of car service workers.
  2. Develop partnerships in the game, learn to communicate.
  3. Give children the opportunity to intensify the game, supplementing it with manuals from waste material.

Integration of educational areas used:

Cognitive development:

  • enrichment and expansion of children's knowledge about the work of adults, namely, car service workers, coherence, accuracy in their work;
  • acquaintance with the names of the tools necessary for working in a car service;
  • the combination of knowledge obtained from different sources, their reflection in a single plot of the game;

Speech development:

  • the skill of business and play communication with peers, the desire to participate in joint collective activities;
  • the use of dialogical speech, the ability to develop dialogue in various game situations;
  • expansion of ideas about the rules of speech etiquette, the ability to observe the ethics of communication in conditions of collective interaction;

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • the formation and activation in children of manifestations of aesthetic attitude to the world around them in various situations, to various household objects, social phenomena;
  • development of aesthetic perception, taste;
  • development of children's creative abilities.

Social and communicative development:

  • the ability to agree on a topic before the start of the game, assign roles, prepare the necessary conditions for Game;
  • development of independence in action;
  • the ability to take into account the mood, the emotional state of the interlocutor in the process of communication; develop the ability to coordinate your plan with that of your partner;

Physical development:

  • harmonious physical development children;
  • physical activity;
  • physical qualities in children: general endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, orientation in space.

Intended roles and play actions:

  1. Police officer, traffic control inspector - monitors compliance with the rules road traffic, checks the serviceability of cars and the availability of documents, issues fines;
  2. Car washer - washes vehicles;
  3. Gas station operator - refueling cars with gasoline;
  4. Car mechanic - takes orders, leaves for urgent troubleshooting, conducts technical inspection, repairs cars;
  5. Nurse -conduct inspections of drivers and write out a permit to work, measure pressure;
  6. Buffet seller - organizes meals;
  7. The hairdresser - she cuts the drivers who turned to her;
  8. Chauffeur cars - withobey traffic rules, use services car washes, gas stations,undergo a medical examination, use the services of a buffet and a hairdresser.

Used toys:

1. Gas station - made with the help of parents, from waste material - boxes;
2. Pump - the child brought from home (took from his grandfather);
3. Cash - made by parents, on a color copier;
4. Buffet and hairdresser equipment - used from the corners creative games children.

Preliminary work:

  • Consideration of thematic albums "Automobile workshop".
  • Excursion to the auto repair shop (observation: the work of the master; the cars).
  • Conversation about the work of a car service.
  • Simulation games “We will not say where we have been, but we will show what we did” (on the topic of a car repair shop).
  • Making attributes for the game.
  • Constructive games "Build a car", "Guess which car I built", etc.
  • Director's games with cars and toys "Autoservice" (working out dialogue interaction).
  • Game tasks in the corner of the fine arts "Fix (finish) a broken car", "Car painting workshop", "Come up with an unusual car coloring".
  • Modeling "Cars, cars literally flooded everything!" (Schemes with step-by-step instructions for self-sculpting).
  • Attention games "What part of the car is missing in the drawing?"
  • School of Polite Sciences "At the Gas Station", "At the Roadside Cafe", "Automotive Locksmith and Driver", etc.
  • An outdoor game "Taxi drivers" (with hoops).
  • Consideration of plot pictures on the themes "Drivers", "Auto repair shop", "Car repair", "What are different cars".
  • Examination of illustrations in the album "All works are good" (professions: mechanic, welder, car mechanic, diagnostics, tire changer, etc.).
  • Conversation with children: "What is a car service for", "What is a garage", "What professions do you know?"
  • Child's story "How my dad and I went to the auto repair shop."
  • Reading fiction: "Garage", "Car repair".

Game guidance (activation of gaming skills, creating problem situations):

  • Children choose the role they like - using the "arrow", because there are many boys in the group so that all the children have been in different situations. The following dialogues are used in speech:

The car is dirty, visit a car wash urgently or you will have to issue a fine;

You have a broken headlight; there is an Avtomasterskaya store nearby;

You do not have a mark on the passage of a medical examination in your rights, urgently

see a doctor or I will not let you on the flight;

A tire has burst, but there is no spare, what to do?

The inside of the car smells of gasoline, what should I do? and etc.

  • The educator, during the game, helps to create a playful environment, to establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles; helps to realize in the game the impressions received by children earlier.

Possible complications of the game:

  • Making road signs with children and using them by drivers in the game;
  • Opening of the Avtodetali store
  • Manufacturing of capes for car service workers.

Expected results:

  • Enriching children's personal experiences;
  • Formation of ideas about social reality in children;
  • Expanding the circle of role-playing actions in children.
  • Enrichment and expansion of vocabulary.
  • Developed dialogical and monologue speech.
  • Gaining knowledge about the specialists working in the car service.

video game organization: