The worldview and its historical forms of philosophy. The concept of worldview and its historical forms

If we take as a basis for classification, the solution of the main issue of philosophy, then the worldview can be materialistic or idealistic. Sometimes the classification is given in more detail - the scientific, religious (as shown above) is distinguished), anthropological and other types of worldview. However, it is easy to make sure that the worldview is in a broad sense - there is before in philosophy and other social sciences.

People already in historical times have created ideas about the world that surrounds them, and the forces that are managed by the world and man. The existence of these views and ideas is evidenced by the material remains of ancient crops, archaeological finds. The most ancient written monuments of Middle Eastern areas do not represent holistic philosophical systems with an accurate conceptual apparatus: there is neither the problems of being and the existence of peace, nor honesty in the question of the possibility of a person to know the world.

The predecessors of philosophers relied on the concepts taken from mythology. The myth is one of the forms of expression by the person of his real at the initial stage of attitude towards peace and indirect comprehension of social relations of certain integrity. This is the first (let a fantastic) answer to questions about the emergence of the world, about the meaning of natural order. It also defines the purpose and maintenance of individual human existence. The mythical image of the world is closely associated with religious representations, contains a number of irrational elements, is characterized by anthropomorphism and personifies the forces of nature. However, it also contains the amount of knowledge about nature and human society acquired on the basis of century-old experience. This indivisible integrity of the world reflected changes in the socio-economic structure of society, and in political forces in the process of centralizing the oldest state entities. The practical importance of mythology in the worldview and is currently not lost. The images of mythology, mostly Greek, Roman and a little ancient German, resorted in their works as Marx, Engels and Lenin, and supporters of nice views - Nietzsche, Freud, Fromm, Cami, Shubart. The mythological foundation allocates the first historical, the naive type of worldview, which is now preserved only as auxiliary.

To trace the moment of social interest in mythological performances is very difficult, but since it permeates all the ideas, show changes in the public consciousness it is very necessary. In the first manifestations of philosophical thinking found in the oldest worlds, the ideological aspect is extremely important. He performs on the fore there, where we are talking about the problem of a person in society. The ideological function of the world can be attributed, for example, underlining the divine origin of monarchical rule, the value of the priesthood, as well as the rationale for the movement of political power, etc.

With objectively historical conditions, the separation of philosophy from mythology took place. Community organization - Daffodle or in the form of "patriarchal slavery" - retained public relations. From here and interest in the problems of managing society and the state organization. The formulation of ontological issues, thus, was determined by the philosophical and anthropological orientation, which manifested itself in the development of problems of ethical and social hierarchy and the substantiation of the preservation of certain public relations conducive to the formation of the state. But it should be noted an important difference for further presentation: philosophy was separated from mythology, but not from religion. In this case, religion is completed, even "one-person" system of primitive ideas of partly taken from mythology. Religion has a selective nature until religious smoke (Christians even often loose dogmatically, but having the power "church traditions do not always correspond, and often contradict mythology, on the basis of which religion has been built. Moreover, medieval philosophy is subject to submission Religions, took to justify the religious plants of the situation from any views, which were, in particular, neoplatonism and theological aristotelism.

Oh, as already mentioned, the basis of religion - faith, and science - doubt. On the pores before the time, religion could restrain the development of science with the help of political power (and the symbiosis of religion and power in the middle of the century is obvious, and now the power reserves the opportunity to resort to the help of religion). But ultimately, the political hierarchy of religion becomes more important than the religion itself. Protestantism was a form of a massive social protest precisely against such a rebirth. Marne, characterizing Luther's activity, indicated that the latter sought to destroy the authority of the Church and restore the authority of faith. By discrediting itself as a dominant worldview, the religion could no longer be that. And parallel to the religious form of the worldview begins to develop the scientific form of the worldview. Starting with the philosophy of nature, a person opens up new horizons of knowledge, comes to convincing the possibility of his lasting, creative and free consolidation in this world, believes that he is able to know the natural nature of the world and himself. The idea of \u200b\u200ban indispensable value of a person, the ideals of freedom are a spiritual climate, in which the new philosophy of nature is born.

However, the religious worldview was not going to pass his position. And therefore naive looks like the statement of M. Meeting and H. Vargas Kullel: "Maybe the fact that natural sciences, already starting with N. Copernicus, and then Galilee, I. Newton, and finally, Ch. Darwin, - They began to separate from theology, made a peaceful recognition of the theory of relativity and other revolutionary ideas. In the end, A. Einstein, unlike Galilee, did not have to resist the system of ideas associated with political power. " Meanwhile, the struggle of science and religion did not cease until then, and the initiviation simply changed the name, there is only an autodfe. The American religious figures "Monkey Process" in 1925 were started. Religion invented and more original ways to combat scientific worldview, one of these methods is imaginary cooperation. The most brightest of such examples is the interpretation of the theory of relativity by Student Einstein Eddington, who argued the equality of Copernicus and Ptolemy's systems, that is, it can be supposedly considered to consider the land as moving towards the Sun (to the solar system) and the sun moving around the Earth. Even in the framework of Einstein's theory, this leads to contradictions, for example, to the conclusion about the endless old age of the movement of remote celestial bodies relative to the rotating earth (while one of the foundations of Einstein's theory says that the speed of light is the greatest possible in the material world that there are no endless speeds) . Perhaps it is such an understanding (practically - politicization and ideology) the theory of Einstein led to the fact that the Academy of Sciences of the USSR were gladly perceived the work that attempts to reject the theory of relativity subsequently these attempts turned out to be erroneous). Often the "Union" of the religious and scientific worldview is under pressure from the commercialization of science. Then it became obvious that the dominant classes of society finance the patching of their comfortable views. It is known that the German Military Industrialist A. Kruppa established large cash premiums at the beginning of the twentieth century for the best works, popularizing the ideas of Social Darwinism among the workers. The concept of "comfortable" views means that political power promotes the majority in order to their benefits to the views with which herself does not agree. "Union" of two opposing worldviews is a kind of political and social deception. Here it is appropriate to quote the statement that gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe distinction between propaganda and beliefs: "How does the prophet differ from the deceiver? Both of them lie, but the prophet himself believes on this lie, and the deceiver is not "(Yu Latin) *.

The area of \u200b\u200b"cooperation" of science and religion should, of course, should be attributed to the explanation of the latest achievements of science, which gives Me, including the indication of them that religion has opened something before science. In addition, literally in last years Representatives of religion offered representatives of science "to combine efforts in the context of the crisis and to develop some kind of survival technology." In a number of publications, the word "technology" is replaced by more frank "Theology". It seems that religion wants the scientific worldview to stretch his hand and ... it remains without it.

There was a worldview that performs the role of an intermediary between scientific and religious and therefore is also used as the last for a hidden struggle with the first. The satisfactory name of this worldview is not yet invented. It is really called "anthropological", but this name for this work will be made purely conditional.

"The anthropological worldview appeared as a reaction to the crisis of the religious worldview and the successes of the worldview of scientific, especially Marxist. After all, the first ideologists of the" anthropological "worldview were legal Marxists who made an attempt to try on a Christian religion with the Marxist worldview. S. Bulgakov he has identified intuition with faith) wrote Article Karl Marx as a religious type ", where he joined religious existentialism with anthropocentrism, reproaching Marx that he focused on all humanity, forgetting about a separate person. N. Berdyaev even wrote his own biography as a philosophical work ("self-knowledge" - so this book is called, and at the same time self-knowledge "is one of the main categories of the worldview" anthropological "). Currently, the anthropological" worldview is the field of military operations of two worldviews - religious and Scientific. After all, along with religious Marxists, existentialists were gradually appeared - atheists (Camius, Sartre), but this does not mean the emergence of some new forms of worldviews the opportunity to restore their forces, and supporters of scientific worldview - the opportunity to conduct a dispute, violating the formal scientific framework. Here, for the first time, we feel the question of the science of philosophical worldview, which will be discussed below.

So we allocated four historical forms The worldview in the order of their occurrence: mythological, religious, scientific, "anthropological". The first of these now does not exist as an independent form, but it did not disappear at all, the remaining three, somehow, is at the heart of all existing philosophical systems, social sciences and ideologies.

The topic of the XXII World Philosophical Congress "Rethinking Philosophy Today" suggests that it was time to take a look at philosophy. But in which direction should be approached by its rethinking? What to rethink in a situation claiming: "Philosophy is not alone, there are many of them"? On the other hand, as soon as the philosophy arose, she immediately began to rethink and in this state and to this day. In the second third of the XIX century. Against the background of Neokantian judgments about the subject of philosophy provoked by Windelband, a truly serious situation was created for the indigenous revision of philosophy. Neokantians saw the theoretical and informative entity in philosophy and brought it to the teachings about values. Along with neocantianism in the XIX century. Another theory was formed. It was associated with the discovery of a materialistic understanding of history (or that the same, materialistic dialectic), which allowed people on earthly conditions to transform the world and implement a person a social essence. F. Engels expressed the idea of \u200b\u200brethinking the whole story from the position of a materialistic understanding of history. At the same time, he did not bypass the question of the old philosophy, which ends with Gegel philosophy. In that suctoral opinion, Voice F. Engels was not heard. Now we can say that you can do this work only within certain social conditions together with natural and humanitarian sciences on a dialectic and materialistic basis. During the Soviet authorities, efforts were made to develop a Marxist theory. In the process of restructuring social life in Russia, there was a resuscitation of the bourgeois theory, the development of materialistic dialectics was stopped and the country was reversed in the theory.

Public theories, formed on the basis of private ownership of the means of production, have several dozen hundreds of years. Materialistic dialecticism There is a little more than one hundred and fifty years, a significant part of which was located and in extreme conditions. And even during this time it has done a lot.

The existing image of Western European philosophy has developed in ancient Greece thanks to the works of Aristotle. As you know, this period is associated with the slave-ownership method of production and the completion of the third historical public division of labor - the department of mental labor from physical. Professional activities were formed. The panorama of the current situation in the social form of vital activity allows you to distinguish large areas of public consciousness, which were a reflection of public existence. Among them can be distinguished by political, legal, religious and number of others. Philosophy as a form of public consciousness belongs to them. It represents a professional type of activity. Its "task" is a generalized idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe as a whole, which started the beginning of the beginning of all began. This is a purely intelligent form of activity. She dwells in the field of thinking and separated from practical life. All of her "practice" is neurodynamic changes in the human brain cerebral. The reason leads to the ordering of the universe in the consciousness of a person lying outside his head; Build it, including his own life. Such is the essence of the specialized form of brain activity.

Along with the professional activity of the mind (caused by the division of physical and intellectual labor), as a limited area in humans, there is a natural tendency to combine thoughts and actions corresponding to thought. This is a manifestation of universal human being regardless of the specific form of life as a natural essence. In the system of historical division of labor, the unity of thought and actions does not leave a person, but does not characterize him as a specialist.

Two dedicated trends of the specifics of human life correlate so that, while in the conditions of the historical public division of labor, a person initially represents a socially defective, divided life within itself. On the one hand, the absence of the integrity of social being is predetermined by the presence of a biological part that requires the process of metabolism that satisfies biopsychysiological grounds. On the other hand, being included in the society's fabric, a person in these circumstances is forced to perform certain social functions that are predetermined by the internal needs of their natural being as a free universal-universal creative creature, but as the necessary external, dividing their biophysiological foundation.

Under these conditions, there are forms of public consciousness, among which is a philosophy. Two circumstances allocate philosophy among other forms of public consciousness. First of all, this is a desire to reproduce a single picture of the world in holographic form. Here it behaves like a professional form of activity. Along with this she has (thanks to its semantic side) the relevant human nature is love for wisdom. Only a person has this side. These two circumstances allocate philosophy from other forms of public consciousness: a person who is in the limited form of being, never implements its demands, but he is always guided by its parcels and has an appropriate result that constantly displays a person beyond its own limitations. .

People have a different attitude to philosophy. Some recognize it with science, others refuse to her. Regardless of this part of the case, everyone notes its ideological character.

The article is the analysis of the concepts of "worldview", the "historical form of worldview" and their essential signs are distinguished.

In our opinion, there are three historical forms of worldview: mythical, religious and philosophical. In this regard, there is primarily the question of finding out the content of the worldview, its place and role in social development and, in particular, in philosophy.

1. Semantic and metaphysical sides of the worldview

The use of the term "worldview" can be found in the literature of any rank wide and in a narrow sense. The worldview is broadly understood from the aggregate of all views on the world. In a narrow sense, the worldview implies only metaphysical views expressed by the set of images and ideas or a system of concepts and categories that are subordinated to the "main issue of worldview that defines the place of people in nature, their historical origin and purpose." At the same time, the main issue of the worldview is defined as a question about the relation of thinking to being, that is, the main issue of philosophy. Sometimes the worldview is understood as "the personal beliefs of a separate thinker listed in the system." In the daily life of people and from the position of common sense, the word "worldview" is used as a systemic view of people to the world as a whole and a person in this world. Such is the general contour of the understanding of the worldview in the reference and encyclopedic literature.

If you look at the current state of the word and the term "worldview" and its use both in artistic, scientific and metaphysical literature, then several approaches to its understanding can be distinguished. In the Encyclopedic Dictionary "The Worldview" is represented as "a system of generalized views on the objective world and a person in this world, the attitude of people to the surrounding reality and themselves, as well as their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity." In the philosophical encyclopedia, released during the Soviet power, the "worldview" is defined as "a generalized system of human views on the world as a whole, the place of individual phenomena in the world and its own place in it, understanding and emotional assessment of the man of the meaning of its activities and fates of mankind , a combination of scientific, philosophical, political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic beliefs and ideals of people. " The new philosophical encyclopedia, published in the post-Soviet time, notes that the worldview is "a system of human knowledge about the world and about the place of a person in the world, expressed in the axiological plants of the personality and the social group, in convictions about the essence of the natural and social world." It is easy to see that the academic approach to thinking of the worldview considers it rather in the theoretical and cognitive structure, rather than in the socio-practical area of \u200b\u200bbeing related to the specific "regulatory-regulatory" sphere of life of all people in society. It is not an exception and evaluation of other signs manifested by a person: "The meaning of its activities and the fate of mankind", which also do not leave the conceptual apparatus of a person.

Distinguishing the leading and determining the theoretical and introduction process in the understanding of the worldview, we somehow restrict the significance and influence of the worldview on an objective system of public life activity of people. It turns out that the worldview, joining the structure of human relations to the world, along with other forms of interaction of people with reality, represents only another plan in the framework of the theoretical and gnoseological understanding of the world. And then no feature in contrast to other forms of human relations to the world (scientific, aesthetic, etc.) It does not represent. But this is not the case, because the worldview is a holistic, and not partial form of people's relationship to the world.

It is illegally to reduce worldview only to the gnoseological side. This could be adopted if we assume that in the structure of the world as integrity except for gnoseology there is nothing else. But, as is well known, in addition to the theoretical and gnoseological side, there is also a practical attitude of people to the world, which is included in the structure of the worldview. The theoretical understanding of social and natural phenomena is of great importance in the life of people, but it is not exhausted only by this form of relationship. Social life contains a gnosological aspect only as one of the parts of its own being. In turn, the practical development of public phenomena, although it is crucial in the lives of people, but does not exhaust the latter, because social life also contains a gnoseological (theoretical) aspect as one of the parts of its own being.

In terms of private ownership of the means of production, these two parties constituting the essence of a person as a single social being are located on different poles of public life. They manifest themselves as specialized forms of activity that reduce the person to the animal level. But in its essence, a person is a free universal-universal creative being, the daily life of which should flow as a free universal-universal creative process. Being in professional activities, a person reveals itself as a partial one-sided being. He is an appendage to the production process.

The worldview historically acts as the last and higher form of the relationship of the human race to the world of objective reality. By its content, it removes all the wealth of both valid and illusory relations of individuals to the world.

We do not set ourselves the task of allocating and classifying all the variety of human relationships to the world (it is not necessary to do here), but pay attention only to immediate, nearby, sensual-rational relations: world-representation, minorozing, world-up -ring. Along with this, one more series of human relations can be distinguished: the worldview and worldview. It is clear that all the phenomena named express the direct relationship of man to the world, where the nature of the relationship depends on public and specific forms of interactions of individuals with the outside world. At the same time, all these concepts allocate general and private moments in relation to people to the world. The generals they are where the attitude of a person and society to the world is shown. Their difference is manifested in the fact that they record every time a person's definite relationship from their particular way to interact with the world. Without going into the private differences of each of the forms of relations of human or society to the world, which are quite a lot, we note again, that the concept of "worldview" is for people living on Earth, the highest and last.

Higher because it is such a human attitude to the world, which expresses the interaction of a person with a world and peace with a person leading to a general change in both the first and second. The latter it is not only due to the fact that there is no such thing that would exceed its content, reflecting a continuous attitude, leading to a mutual change in the man of the world and the world of man on earthly conditions (that is, it does not follow any other, removing him Concept), but also due to the fact that it removes all the lower related relationships, going beyond their limits.

The output beyond the limitations occurs due to the appearance of a new element - a particular method of human action, which predetermining the previously established understanding of the world. It follows that the main content of the worldview lies not only in understanding the world in its integrity (this is a world-up-way), and also in the specific conversion interactions of a person (social practice) and society to the world and peace per person and society as exhaustive integrity of reality.

The worldview, understood only in the theoretical and educational aspect, is actually the highest human attitude to reality. It is a world of refective by one side - thinking. Logically and semantically, as part of common sense, such an use of the word "worldview" is justified and fair. But in the field of metaphysics as universal being, such an idea does not exhaust the entire valid wealth of human life and the world.

At this place we will stop and try to explain the said. It is known that the latter form of sensual knowledge (presentation) in context general Theory The cognition (logical-gnoseological act), in relation to the world as a whole detects itself in the removed form in the first intention of generalization (pale expressed "rational" form). The presentation in the structure of human knowledge is able to summarize the information received from the sensation and perception and "build" the image of the subject that is not directly in front of the senses. Presentation at the psycho-physiological level has a complex structure. On the one hand, it is deprived of any practical action of its own contemplation. On the other hand, it represents a latent form of contemplation, expressed in the ability to summarize the signs of the subject resulting from the sensation and perception. The presentation is exempt "from practical ... Put", towering over them, overlooking "free eyes ... internal and external life."

At the same time, no practical action does not deprive the contemplation of action as such. It exhibits itself here in sensitly thought procedures, which are accompanied by neurodynamic processes occurring in the cerebral cortex. The physiological process of contemplation begins with a direct connection of the researcher with a learned subject through direct contact, which manifests itself in the fact that the pupil runs, feelings the contour of the subject (A. L. Yarbus), which from the retina it enters the brain area responsible for the visual analyzer . As a result of such a movement, the most common signs of the subject are built. This is what Kant calls "empirical contemplation." The empirical contemplation is a specific contact of the individual with the perception of the fragment of real reality (subject). Individual, as it were, "intellectual", "mental" method, "internal vision" covers what is happening from the general signs of the subject so that the presentation generates. Due to the presentation (and there is a sensation and perception in it, there is a sensation and perception) an individual (through the reflection of the subject) removes specific sensual images of the world in the form of an integrated, generalizing factor, as an image. This "image" is reproduced in its own internal world "I". When the individual is connected to the subject by vision (direct connection) and displays it in a holistic way (feedback), contemplation as such is not yet; There is an empirical contemplation that snatching a fragment (its external form) from reality. On the basis of empirical contemplation, a presentation is formed. Contemplation as such begins to occur when a perfect model (image, diagram) appears in the process of direct communication, which is perceived by the internal "I" based on feedback (reflection). This model (image, diagram) is formed in the head of the individual. It is "located" next to the inner "I". This model (image, diagram) displays the occurring reality events and exists in a man's head so that "distinguishes" itself from the inner "I". Between the inner "I" and the model forms a "gap". This "space" separates them from each other. The inner "I" directs its effect on the emerging model (image, scheme) in the cerebral cortex. When the inner "I" exercises direct connection with the model (way, the scheme), then there is a contemplation as such. Therefore, our own contemplation, contemplation, as such, there is a direct connection between the inner "I" with the model (image, scheme), but not with a real object, which is formed as a result of the manifestation of sensations, perception and presentation. Contemplation is an intermediary between the last form of sensual knowledge (representation) and the first form of rational knowledge (concept), that is, it takes place in feelings, and in thinking. According to Kant, contemplation is "a way, what kind of knowledge directly relates to them (subjects. - V. A.) And to which any thinking seeks as a means. " Kant believes that the sensuality "generates", "creates" contemplation (this is an empirical contemplation). But the sensual side of contemplation does not limit herself, for ultimately contemplation relates to thinking. The complexity in determining the place of contemplation in the structure of cognition is characterized by a contradiction: there is "as a representation before any act of thinking", it is in the field of direct intelligence.

The mind in its highest development through worldview is not only mental, but also practical actions. This theoretically comprehended Kant in his "critics". Mental and practical actions are meaningful, so practical is the main part of the worldview.

In the content of the mind, the worldview is an abstract reflection of the world (only in the sphere of reflection). The world viewing "busy" by refusing processes and items. It comprehends the particular space in which the person is located, comparing it with the meaning of which it "lives" for the sake of which it "lives" and simultaneously gives everything to the interpretation. The view "draws attention" is not so much on the worldly vanity (although it may noted), in which a person is every day, how much to the "transcendental oscillating" (in a single start), to which worldopony (not this business) does not reach and Practical activities implements himself in the world.

As a rule, thinkers, speaking of the worldview, often mean this aspect and stop on it. But the worldview does not remain within the limits of the theoretical (thought) motive, comprehending the integrity of the world, and receives its practical implementation on the basis of world-upsion. The worldview is capable of seeing not only something lying in front of a person (this is a matter of world-upsion), and see the invisible man of the beginning of the world, lying "far" outside of his perception, and implement a specific relationship with him. It spreads the framework of everyday understanding of the world and inclines people to practice the development of new objects of their living space. Even if it is strictly stopped only on the formal side of the use of these concepts, then in this case we have the opportunity to give preference to the term "worldview" as superior and mineosmery, and world viewing. For world viewing (in the limit) exists only due to the worldview: do not be the worldview, there would be no idea of \u200b\u200bthe world that masses the world. The basis for such an act is not only the position contained in the word "worldview" in the form of the prefix "WHO" as the aspiration of the gaze to the top, the beginning. In addition, in the word "Mi-Rovozrug" there is an independent word "call". It means not only to "look", "watch", "see", but also "understand", "comprehend the visible in action." Therefore, there was an understanding (peaceopony), it turns out to be an integral part of the worldview, which makes it possible to talk about the worldview as higher in relation to world view, which "removes itself" in the worldview.

At the same time, in the metaphysical (philosophical), scientific and artistic literature there is no distinction of the analyzed concepts. Very often their substitution and identification occurs. For example, instead of the concept of "worldview", the concept of "mineosozer" is used or vice versa. Thus, in the article "Worldview", placed in the "new philosophical encyclopedia", the term "worldview" is used as a synonym for the term "Mirosozenia". The author of the article, indicating the use of the concept of "worldview" by Hegel in "Lectures on aesthetics", writes that "Hegel is using the concept of" theoretical worldview "to characterize the ideological position of the artist." This quote is taken from 14 of the compositions of Hegel, in which the "aesthetics lectures" are published, for which the author of the article "Worldview" is published. But this page of the hegelev essay "Lectures on aesthetics" in translation into Russian uses the concept of "Theoretical Mirosal", and not the worldview. Judging by the subject pointer to this, the translator in this part of the lectures does not use the term "worldview", and resorts to the term "Mirosozer". Therefore, the above quote may sound and so: "Hegel uses the concept of" Theoretical Mirosal "to characterize the ideological position of the artist." This is how this phrase is given in the 14 volume of the compositions of Hegel's "lectures on aesthetics", published in 1958 as a result of the same German term translated in a different way, which makes it possible to replace the concepts. We associate this situation with the technical side of the translation of the word "worldview" with german language In Russian, which gives a certain basis for identifying the terms "Worldview" and "Mirosal", where these words are perceived as identical. And there is nothing special about this: Such is the specificity of the term "worldview". Bad is that, referring to a specific source ("Lectures on aesthetics") and leading to a quote from it, the author of the article "Worldview" admits liberty in the citation of the source. And this means that they do not pay due attention to their difference. The fact that scientists do not pay attention to the severity of the use of analyzed concepts, says the fact that Gegelian "Lectures on Aesthetics", which came out for the period 1968-1973. In the "Art" publishing house called "Aesthetics" in 4 volumes, this term uses otherwise. Here in the subject pointer (as an independent heading), the concept of "worldview" is made. At the same time, this pointer is also present to the term "world-coating", which is characterized as "consistent steps of certain mineososters and their artistic formation." This circumstance suggests that the authors of the translation of "Aesthetics" into Russian are missing from the type of the difference of the concepts of interest to us. The confirmation of our words is that the analyzed place of the third book "Lectures on Aesthetics", where the concept of "mineosozer" is used, in "aesthetics" is transmitted to the concept of "worldview". If the author of the article "Worldview", published in the "new philosophical encyclopedia" (in the study of the use of the term "worldview"), would not refer to the "aesthetics lectures", released in 1958 in Russian translation, and on "aesthetics" or on the original, then there would be no confusion in the use of the terms "worldview" and "minerosoznia" in "Lectures on aesthetics" Hegel. At the same time, we would have the same understanding of the analyzed terms in the specified works of Hegel.

A person is always the center of all events taking place in society, and manifests itself not only as a theoretical entity, but above all, as a practically active being. In order to implement a specific social and practical action, a person needs knowledge (more precisely, understanding) of this action. Conversion changes in the world require people to understand the original bases, funds and end results of their actions. This means that a person initially manifests its attitude to the world with an understanding of the general picture of the world and only in accordance with it begins all its transformations.

The worldview, understood as a totality of views on the world, that is, in a gnoseological aspect, excludes a person from the world and puts it over the world in the form of an observer, a methodologist. In such a position, a person is alienated from the real world and acts as a transcendental, intellectual statist, which records the events occurring in the world. This follows from the position of the "population of the world", which eliminates the specific practical action of man.

A really person is not. Even when he acts as a methodologue (although the last state of affairs, strictly speaking, cannot be considered human actually, and perhaps only in the structure of biosocial being), its actions acquire the public form of behavior and characterize it as an active being. It follows that the understanding of the worldview as a higher attitude of a person to the world in the form of a set of views on the world does not exhaust the completeness of reality, since it is limited only by direct intellectual, mental act.

2. The concept of "historical form of worldview"

The everyday consciousness responds to the concept of "the historical form of the worldview" directly. It comes from the literary, semantic, commonly used meaning of the words presented in language dictionaries and reference books. Since the supporting word of this concept is the term "worldview", the inspection and interpretation of this concept is reduced to the fact that under the "historical form" means a worldview that undergoes a change depending on certain historical and epoching events, periods and trends of chronological order.

In the metaphysical understanding, it seems to be somewhat different. Along with the general use of language forms and semantic values \u200b\u200bof words that are the necessary party of communicative function in society, there is also a meaningful, conceptual use of terms in scientific and theoretical regions. They are taught in the form of the same characters and words as in the common language. But in contrast to the word, the term is given somewhat different content. And in this case, it is useless to refer to language dictionaries. Indeed, if we proceed from the generally accepted meaning of the word "worldview", based on, for example, in the dictionary of the Russian language, it should be perceived by us as "a system of views, views on nature and society." Taking this importance, we must talk about the worldview in the aspect of the views and the views of people in nature and society, which corresponds to their own semantics of the word, but does not respond to the content of the term used in the context of theoretical knowledge. It turns out that people "leverage" the world, that is, they rush their eyes or send vision on something that has "top", and through this procedure form a holistic picture of the world (worldview) within the framework of mental acts. However, the viewing of people to the world is such a connection with the world, which turns a person not only and not so much in the contemplator, as in the leader (as a returned, overturned with the opposite sign of sight in the world). Man as an active social individual is not turned off from the actual world; In thinking, he stood over the world and drew, directed his eyes to him in order to transform the world, and on this actions end. This situation is the necessary point in all scientific and theoretical activities. But this is the attitude of people, the person to the world is not limited. It has already been said that the direct connection between the person with the world at the contemplation level allows you to display and fix the observed world in the thinking forms and systematize its internal intellectual "I". This contributes to the formation of the understanding of the world. A person in this state can highlight its place in the previously contemplated world. At the same time, people (man) do not go beyond the boundaries of the thought act, they are in it. Is it possible to call such a state of people (person) the highest form of their relationship to the world? It is impossible. The denial of this provision is based on the fact that the world-coating and world view, however, as other, simpler relations of people (human) to the world, are an integral part of the development of the world in the form of his knowledge, that is, the penetration of the thought in his essence. Society will know the world in order to figure out its content, and not to entertain himself and wonder the world (although this outside of social production can take place). A person in accordance with his essence exercises life so that he changes the world, consistent with its needs, the laws of nature, the laws of its own and public being. Whatever the wealth of knowledge has a man, it is meaningless if it does not receive a specific implementation. Only due to the direct or indirect action (practice), organized on knowledge, people can live.

The worldview consists of two parts: understanding the worldand practices of real lifeaccording to the established understanding of this world, which are guided individuals in the public relations system.

The worldview accompanies in the life of every person. Outside the worldview can not be a person. Only a person has a worldview; Animal, despite the fact that it has a soul (Aristotle), it is deprived. The historical form of the worldview exists on the basis of the general developed by all society of the understanding of the world, which are guided in everyday life, both each individual and society (in its mass) as a whole. Therefore, when we are talking about the historical forms of worldview, then under the "historical form" we understand this situation when the overwhelming majority of people (the main mass) of people of a particular society, living in a certain time period, in a certain spatial coordinate, are guided in their actions and operate on The basis of a certain single world view. All practical actions of people are committed depending on the significant majority of people's individuals.

In the public life of people there are only three historical forms of worldview: mythical, religious and philosophical. There are no other historical forms of worldview. Types and types of worldview are many. The concept of "type of worldview" can be given a lot of values. Under the notion of "type of worldview" means individual actions of people who are implemented on the basis of a specific understanding of any aspect of reality. "The appearance of the worldview" for me means a structural division into individual and social activities, the determinant of which is certain myropony. The "form of worldview" suggests a holistic organization of cumulative actions of people undertaken on the basis of their mining. The difference in understanding the concepts of the "historical form of the worldview" and "the form of the worldview" is that the second concept is less than the first: it is manifested in the conditions of individual or several societies. The historical form applies to the joint activity of all (the overwhelming number) of people living on Earth, who in their daily lives are guided by the uniform picture of the world. The form of worldview is limited by regional social conditions in which people are based on their world-upsion.

The first historical form of the worldview was the mythical (it is not necessary to confuse it with mythological as stylization of the mythical form), the "role" of which was reduced to the possibility of the survival of mankind as the Rodovoid Community. It arises simultaneously with the advent of an ancient person (possibly Australopitheka) and ends (presumably) on the verge of extinction of the Neanderthal (Homo Habilis) and the appearance of Homo Sapiens. Researchers who studied the preserved primitive tribes (WUNDT, Taylor, Levi-Bruhl, Levi-Strauss, Mill and many others), noted the presence of the mythical form of worldview in these tribes. Homer and Gesiod submitted a stylized form of mythical worldview - mythology.

Religion as the historical form of worldview is a "removed form" of the mythical worldview. Its main "appointment" is associated with the problem of preserving the human race. Her highest level of development is the unity of a person with God. But it will not be able to achieve this on their own. Philosophy as the historical form of worldview is capable of solving this "task", which is a "removed form" of religion. This provision follows from the comment Aristotle that the first philosophy is theology. This means that philosophy is a kind of continuation of religion in the implementation of a general development trend, which is expressed in the fact that the mineral strives for the plant, the plant - to the life of the animal, the animal to human life, and the person to the Divine Life (Aristotle). It follows from this that the movement towards Divine Life begins with religion, but it does not end. Relying on the theological understanding of God, philosophy as the historical form of worldview leads a person to divine life. Philosophy as a form of public consciousness This task is not for the power. Its impact applies only to partial, one-sided (abstract) life. It is tied to the understanding of fragments of life, but claims to express a holistic universe. From here and a different attitude towards it: some people see in it human greatness, others relate to it as an empty phenomenon that does not give any utilitarian use, and in this connection representing useless knowledge for a person. Such extremes are not able to determine the real meaning of philosophy as a professional area. In my opinion, modern philosophy is a preparatory step towards the formation of philosophy as a historical form of worldview.

In modern conditions, philosophy is considered not as the historical form of the worldview, but as a form of public consciousness, which arose during the period of public historical form of labor division. The historical public division of labor has formed professional species of both material and spiritual social production. One of the numerous types of spiritual production is philosophy. This is its lower level.

The worldview is a strategic trend of the unity of practical and theoretical in the context of public life. In addition to the worldview in society there is an ideology. Ideology performs the tactical role of the theoretical state device in order to implement the tasks facing a specific way. This situation is quite admissible in which ideology and worldview will be able to be gossipped in such a way that it will be impossible to carry out the border between them. But this is typical for those public devices in which antagonism is overcome. In such societies, the place of ideology begins to occupy the worldview.

With regard to the modern state of the world community (it is in its essence class), the specific role of universal "ideology" performs religion as the historical form of the worldview. And in this regard, I think, firstly, now and will still be maintained for a long time that against the background of classiness, the universal ideological function in society (but not in the state) will perform religion. And, secondly, the spiritual development of people will flow so that the socio-class structure and scientific progress for the overwhelming majority of contemporaries will be of secondary importance. This is not disregard by the socio-class approach and scientific progress of social development. This states that the majority of people in the world has not yet dial before understanding the place and role as a socio-class structure and science in the life of society. Partly understands this state body. This applies not only to developing countries, but also industrially developed. In this regard, it is not necessary to talk about the formation of a single picture of the world and the corresponding method of action of all people. Until now, the societies existing on Earth are isolated by government systems, and people are in separation of both within their communities and societies between themselves.

The development of a single picture of the world (peaceopony) is not an individual, but an universal deal. The worldview manifests itself through a specific way of action of people (among Aristotle, Kant and others - behavior). It is carried out on the basis of the previously accumulated and "removed form" of the world's reality and man with reality as a whole. Schematically, this idea can be expressed in another way: world-up -ring is a guide to action, and the worldview is an action guided by the understanding of this world. The worldview is not just a set of views on the world and the place of a person in this world, and represents a particular interaction of a person with the world, as a result of which, on the basis of a certain world-uponymation, a specific interconnection of both human and the world has been in accordance with the previously developed understanding. The worldview is formed on the unity of the entire positive heritage of the human race. Historically, it looks so that the holistic contour is manifested depending on the relationship with the means of production, which, essentially, two: public and private. The first forms the life of people on public ownership to the means of production as their natural, generic being. The second "unites" people on a private attitude to the means of production as a partial basis separating people. He is the temporarily acquired sign of the "joint" life of people and exists only until the private property is retained. These two lifestyles are predetermined mainly both the material and spiritual life of every person. Today in the world reigns partial, defective (not having integrity) Life of people. And no matter how intelligently developed human individual, its mental processes are associated with the appropriate way. This confirms the dialectic and materialistic lesion, the basis of which is a materialistic understanding of history. Materialistic understanding of history is scientific. It is an algebra of understanding the nature of man and society. In terms of private property (arithmetic level), it can manifest itself partly, indicating both the tendency of the formation of a socially homogeneous society and concrete actions leading to the natural life of society and man. Its complete implementation is a distant perspective associated with the elimination of domestic public antagonism.

As long as people in their daily lives will come from the satisfaction of their psycho-physiological needs as first living needs, the spiritual determinant of a single understanding of the world will be religion as the historical form of worldview, the meaning and content of which is expressed in the preservation of humanity.

With the development of dialectical and materialistic teaching, the place of religion "will take" philosophy as the historical form of worldview. In the meantime, it did not happen, philosophy acts as a form of public consciousness.

So, the essential signs of the historical form of worldview are: 1) a single picture of the world(minority), shared by the overwhelming majority (the main part of society) people living on Earth, on the basis of which the appropriate 2) a specific form of activitya specific way to approve their lives: "It is necessary to return, restore the understanding of philosophy as a lifestyle"

The human worldview historically developed together with the advent of a person as a thinking creature and develops in connection with the needs of a person and society. To allocation form and types of worldview There are various approaches. It is possible to distinguish the artistic-shaped level of worldview, manifested in art and conceptual-rational, which is expressed in a sign form.

On the basis of artistic and figurative spiritual development of reality, a mythological and religious worldview is formed. On the basis of the rational-concept level, the philosophical and scientific forms of worldview are formed.

In the history of mankind, 4 historical forms (types) of worldview : mythology, religion, science and philosophy.

First type - mythological worldview - formed in the early stages of the development of society and was the first attempt to explain the origin and the device of the world and its place in it.

Mythology (from Greek.mythos - narration, tale) -fantastic imagination comprehension reality in the form of sensual visual images and views. Formythology It is characteristic of the anthropomorphic (like man) understanding of the world, to revive the forces of nature.

Mythological worldview is inherent syncretism (mucifice, abuse of knowledge) objective and subjective, real and fictional world. In the myths of different peoples, elements of art and life observations are presented in an inextricable connection. This manually gave the opportunity to a person to adapt to the world and develop the optimal form of its own life device;

For mythology is characteristic symbolism , i.e. the use of conventional signs to designate material and spiritual items.

In myths manifests itself unity of diachronic and synchronism , i.e., combining two temporary aspects - narration about the past (diachronic aspect) and explanations of this, and sometimes the future (synchronical aspect).

The peoples with developed mythological systems, the myths on the origin of the world, the universe (cosmogonic myths) and man (anthropogonic myths) played an important role.

Myths. approve the value system adopted in this societySupport and sanction certain norms of behavior. Excuse the essence of things in myths usually prevails over their explanation. The content of the myth does not need evidence, and is accepted on faith. Mythological comprehension of the world is often based on vera in supernatural And close to religious worldview. The boundaries of the ancient myths and primitive religions are extremely blurred, for example, in animism - an animation of elements and objects, totemism - an idea of \u200b\u200bthe fantastic relations of animals and man and fetishism - endowing things supernatural properties.

Mythology as a type of worldview has had a significant impact on the spiritual life of humanity, religion, art and science, imprinted in legends, sayings, signs, metaphors and expressions of the "Tantalian Flour", "Susifers of Labor", "Ariadna Thread" and more ..

Religious worldview Formed at a relatively high stage of development of ancient society.

Religion (from lat. Religio - piousness, shrine, object of cult; or religare - bind, connect) - the worldview and worldview, as well as appropriate behavior and specific actions (cult), based on faith in the existence of a sacred, supernatural. Supernatural, sacred, from the point of view of religious worldview, is for a person unconditional value.

Vera in supernatural - The basis of the religious worldview and its main sign. In myth, a person does not distinguish himself from nature, the gods live in a natural, "earthly" world, communicate with people. Religious consciousness splits the world on the "earth", natural (faulty) and "heavenly" (sacral), comprehended through the state of faith and inner experience with the highest absolute.

Religion is a complex ideological system. The following features of the religious worldview are distinguished:

Religion is based on conviction in the existence of phenomena possessing supernatural properties (Elements, Earth, Sun, Time, etc.). In developed world religions, the main object of religious relations is the highest transcendental spiritual principle or a single God.

Religious worldview is inherent Conviction in the reality of contact with the highest principles. Cult actions (rites, posts, prayers, victims, holidays, etc.) are channels and means of communication with the deity, which affects human destinies, declares their will their will, knows their thoughts.

Religion suggests feeling addiction from religious worship objects. Communication of a person with God "None equally". Dependence is expressed in a sense of fear for submission, in an enlightened humility, spiritual increase as a result of awareness of its own imperfection and the desire for moral ideal (holiness).

Religion is one of the universal cultural mechanisms for the regulation of human activity. She is Cultivates universal moral norms and valueshas a positive effect on streamlining and preservation of morals, etc.Through the system of cult action, it significantly affects everyday life. Using the development of the creed, the worldview and religion causes a person to think about the basics and sense of its own life. According to K. Marx, Philosophy "Philosophy is first produced within the limits of a religious form of consciousness."

Religious worldview has two levels: mass religious consciousness,in which, as a rule, the central place occupies an emotionally sensual attitude towards peace and cult practices, as well as rationally decorated consciousness involving the development of the content of the creed. The highest level of religious worldview is presented in theology (theology),the teachings of the fathers of the church or religious thinkers , Based on the sacred texts (Vedas, Bible, Koran, etc.), taken as divine revelation. Religions are inherent belief in knowledge , the construction of knowledge in the cult.Religion is a massive consciousness .

Philosophy was originally developed as elitar-professional knowledge. The main difference mythola-religious and philosophicalthinking style -- in way of attitude to knowledge (wisdom) and forms of its comprehension. Philosophy as a type of worldview built onrational Explanation of the world. Representations of nature, society, the person becomes in it the subject of theoretical consideration (comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization) and argumentation.

The backylosophical types of worldview interpreted wisdom as some kind of higher, outstanding force, to comprehend the privilege of a few. Warehrs of knowledge in ancient cultures - oracles, pythies, priests, priests - revered as owners of the highest secrecy, and were surrounded by a halo of mystery and custom closetness. Keepers and translators (teachers) knowledge based on experience, mainly traditionally conservative, concerned with commonness, everyday life, were folk wise men.

With the progress of society, the attitude between man and the world changed. The need for a deeper rational understanding of the world, activities and consciousness of man has increased. This led to the appearance of thinkers of a new type - philosophers rationally and critically considered and explained the world .

Characteristic features of philosophy are reflexiveness, rationality, criticality, evidence, That assumed a fairly high level of culture development. Narget philosophy appeared transition from myth to Logos, From the authority of the tradition to the authority of the mind, i.e., logical and reasoned reasoning.

The formation of philosophical knowledge coincided with the cardinal change of the foundations of civilization, the new cycle of human history. K. Yaspers determined it as the beginning of "axial time", the main distinguishing feature of which was "awakening" of human self-consciousness .

The consequences of the "philosophical revolution" led the intellectual "aging" of mankind. There was a system of logical ordering knowledge, and, therefore, and Quickly individual learning. As a result of the growth of individually personal self-consciousness occurreddecay of traditional mythological worldview and started search for new religious and moral and ethical ways to self-determination of a person in the world. Originated world religions.

Philosophy from the most sources destroyed the mythological and religious tradition of the deification of wisdom. It arose in connection with the transition to an independent, independent of external authority, reflection about the world and about human destiny, when the seeming and issuing human mind itself began to be perceived as authority.

The specifics of philosophical knowledge lies in the very the method of philosophical reasoning -reflection . The essence of philosophy is not in complaints about the possession of the eternal and absolute truth, but in verysearch for this truth by man . Antidogmatic philosophy. All of her problems focused around a person's self-consciousness in various cultural and historical systems. Any problem becomes philosophical only when it is formulated as correlated with me, becoming a way to rational self-determination of a person in the world.

Reflection destroys mythological syncretism, divides the scope of objects and the sphere semantic values Objects (knowledge of objects). Exactly sphere of meaning (breathey) It is the subject of philosophy - speculative knowledge. Philosophical reflection formed a conceptual frame of human thinking. With the help of philosophy, humanity has passed from mythological metaphors, analogies and senses for operating Concepts and categories that organize and streamline human thinking. She contributed to development scientific worldview .

interrelated . , identifying patterns.

Philosophy and science as the types of worldview historically closely interrelated. Philosophy acted as first hypothesis of human thinking . Many sciences rose from philosophy. But scientific knowledge is specifically different from the philosophical. Science is a form of thinking and field of activity aimed at the substantive comprehension of peace, receipt and systematization objective knowledge of reality, identifying patterns.

Special sciences serve as a separate specific needs of society, learning a fragment of being (physics, chemistry, economy, jurisprudence, etc.). I am interested in philosophy the world as a whole Universum.

Private sciences facing phenomena existingobjectively . Regardless of man. The value-human aspect is attributed to the background. Science formulates its conclusions in theories, laws and formulas. The law of gravity, square equations, the Mendeleev system, the laws of thermodynamics are objective. Their action is really and does not depend on the opinions, moods and identity of the scientist. In philosophy, along with the theoretical and informative aspect, the special significance is acquired value aspects. She discusses the social consequences of scientific discoveries, arguing the absolute value of a person's life.

Science sees reality as a set of causally caused natural events and processes subordinated laws. The results of scientific research can experimental Check repeatedly. Philosophical theories can not be verified using the experiment, they are dependent on the identity of the thinker.

Science answers the questions that there are tools for obtaining a response, such as "How?", "Why?", "What?" (For example, "How does a person develop?"). Philosophical knowledge is a problem-alternative. For many philosophical questions: - You can not find an answer in the scientific laboratory. Philosophy is trying to answer questions to which there is no specific way to receive an answer.For example, "What is the meaning of life?" etc. Philosophy is engaged in problems that, in principle, cannot be resolved in either in science or in theology. For any fundamental question, philosophy gives many different, including contradictory answers. Philosophical ideas depend on their authors.

The absence of generally accepted resultsAs the fundamental difference of philosophy from science, it was noted by Jaspers in his work "Introduction to philosophy". In Ne. there are no such truths that would not cause objections. The creed of the philosophical mind expresses the famous saying: "Are subject to all doubt!" He denies Dogmata.. Philosophy puts on the judgment of the mind, rational criticism, all, including its own, ideas. The main instrument of philosophy - opening and critical rust of truth. As reflection philosophy gives science a self-awareness. To bring thinking to reflection means to raise it to the level of the idea, clearly and connected - for yourself for others.

Philosophy performs heuristic function in relation to scientific knowledge. Science puts forward and refutes hypothesis and theory. Philosophy performs the function of control over the achievements of science (natural science, physics, etc.), exploring the criteria Research, rationality and the social significance of the latest scientific and technological developments. Philosophy comprehensies scientific discoveries. Includes them in the context of scientific knowledge And thereby determines their meaning. The ancient idea of \u200b\u200bphilosophy is connected with this as a queen of science or science (Aristotle, Spinosa, Hegel). Philosophy imposes on himself responsibility for science Before humanity.

Philosophy deals with a higher, secondary level of generalization, reuniting private sciences. The primary level of generalization leads to the formulation of the laws of specific sciences, and the task of the second - detection of more general patterns and trends . Using categories, philosophy forms a generalized theoretical image of the world - Universum. Hegel called the philosophy of the spiritual quintessence of time, self-awareness of the era. Philosophy performs coordination and integrative function, Various sciences and knowledge of knowledge coincides, overcomes the disunity of natural and humanitarian sciences, promotes the implementation of ties between science, art and morality.

So, each historically specific type of worldview sets a generalized model of human and peace interaction, reflecting the most universal forms of human activity.

The ideological model It is the unity of the spiritual and subject-practical attitude of a person to the world and is characterized by a large variety of methods of its expression: a common language and artistic images, scientific definitions and moral principles, religious canons, technological and instrumental methods, etc. The task of philosophy is an logical structuring of culture and the expression of universal ideological principles in a logical-conceptual form.

FROM pecification of the philosophical worldview The most clearly manifested in the fact that the philosophy has a form of problematization of consciousness by developing multivariate concepts of being, a method for forming a critical attitude towards various forms of worldview. The basis of philosophy is the principle of free, individual personality world. Philosophy has a specific subject of knowledge (knowledge of the meaning, not about things), able to implement itself in almost any field of human life (the philosophy of Being, the philosophy of art, the philosophy of technology, the philosophy of morality, etc.).

The universal picture of the world is a certain amount of knowledge accumulated by the science and historical experience of people. A person always thinks about what his place in the world, why he lives, what is the meaning of his life, why there is life and death; As should be treated for other people and to nature, etc.

Each era, each public group and, therefore, each person has a more or less clear and clear or blurry idea of \u200b\u200bsolving issues that worry humanity. The system of these solutions and answers forms the worldview of the Epoch as a whole and a separate personality. Answering the question about the place of a person in the world, about the attitude of a person to the world, people on the basis of the worldview existing on their disposal produce both a picture of the world, which gives generalized knowledge of the structure, the general device, the laws of the emergence and development of everything that one way or another surrounds a person .

The worldview is a developing phenomenon, so it in its development passes through certain forms. Chronologically, these forms are followed by each other. However, in reality, they interact, complement each other.

In the history of mankind, three main types of worldview are distinguished:




As a complex spiritual phenomenon, the worldview includes: ideals, motives of behavior, interests, value orientations, principles of knowledge, moral standards, aesthetic views, etc. The worldview is the source and active spiritual factor in mastering and changing the world around the world. Philosophy as a worldview integrally unites and summarizes all worldview plants that are emerging in a person's consciousness from various sources, gives them a holistic and completed appearance.

The philosophical worldview was formed historically in connection with the development of society itself. Historically, the first type is mythological worldview - represents the first attempt of man to explain the origin and the device of the world. The religious worldview is, as well as mythology, a fantastic reflection of reality, differs from mythology faith in the existence of supernatural forces and their dominant role in the universe and life of people.

Philosophy as a worldview is a qualitatively new type. From mythology and religion, it is characterized by an orientation for a rational explanation of the world. The most common ideas about nature, society, the person becomes the subject of theoretical review and logical analysis. The philosophical worldview inherited from mythology and religion. Theoretically substantiate the provisions and principles.

The basis of this typology is the knowledge constituting the core of the worldview. Since the main way of producing, storing and processing knowledge is Science, the inspection of the worldview is carried out on the originality of the relationship of the worldview to science:

Mythology is a daughting worldview;

Religion is an indecent scientific worldview;

Philosophy is a scientific worldview.

This typology is very conditional.

All of the above historical forms of worldview in certain forms have been preserved to the present day and continue to be present (transformed) in the fiction, customs and traditions, mentality of a native, art, science, everyday ideas.


We live in the 21st century and see how the dynamics of social life increased, surprising us with global changes in all structures of politics, culture, economics. People lost faith in the best life: elimination of poverty, hunger, crime. Every year, crime increasingly increases, becomes more and more. The goal is to turn our land into a universal house, where everyone will be given a worthy place, passed into unreality, in the category of utopia and fantasy. The uncertainty put a person before choosing, forcing himself to look around and think about what was happening in peace with people. In this situation, the problems of worldview are revealed.

At any stage, a person (society) has a completely definite worldview, i.e. The knowledge system, ideas on the world and the place in it in Him, on the attitude of a person to the surrounding reality and to itself. In addition, the worldview includes the basic life positions of people, their conviction of ideals. Under the worldview, not all knowledge of a person about the world should be understood, but only the knowledge of fundamental - the ultimately common.

How is the world?

What is the place of a person in the world?

What is consciousness?

What is the truth?

What is philosophy?

What is the happiness of man?

These are worldview issues and main problems.

The worldview is part of a person's consciousness, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and place in him. The worldview is a more or less holistic system of assessments and people's views on: the world around; The purpose and meaning of life; means of achieving life goals; The essence of human relationships.

There are three forms of worldview:

1. Most: - emotional psychological side, at the level of sentiment, feelings.

2. The worldview: - the formation of cognitive images of the world using visual representations.

3. Mills: - the informative-intellectual side of the worldview, it happens: vital and theoretical.

There are three historical types of worldview - this is mythological, religious, ordinary, philosophical, but we will talk about it in more detail in the next chapter.

2. Historical types of worldview

2.1 Oddan worldview

The worldview of people always existed, and this was also manifested in mythology, and in religion and philosophy, and science. An ordinary worldview is the simplest appearance of the worldview. It is formed by observing nature, labor activity, participation in the lives of collectives and society, under the influence of the living conditions, forms of leisure, existing material and spiritual culture. Each has its everyday worldview, which differs in different degrees of depth, completeness from the influence of other types of worldview. For this reason, ordinary worldviews different people may even be opposite in their content and therefore incompatible. On this basis, people can share people on believers and unbelievers, egoists and altruists, people of goodwill, evil will. An ordinary worldview has many drawbacks. The most important of them are incomplete, non-systemic, the incompleteness of many knowledge of the partned worldview. An ordinary worldview is the basis for the formation of more complex species of worldview.

The integrity of the ordinary worldview is achieved through the prevalence of the association and the establishment of an arbitrary relationship of knowledge about different spheres of being; By random (disordered) mixing the results of the globility and the results of world-uponymia into a single whole. The main feature of the ordinary worldview is its fragmentation, eclecticity and impurity.

On the basis of an ordinary worldview, the myth is historically born - i.e. The creative mapping of the world by consciousness, the main distinguishing feature of which is logical generalizations that violate the logical law of a sufficient basis. The logical parcels for the mythologized perception of reality are available, they lie on the basis of the practical experience of a person, but conclusions about the structure and laws of the existence of reality in myth, as a rule, quite relevant to the observed facts from the life of nature, society and humans, correspond to these facts only in Choosing the number of relationships.

2.2 MythologicCememization

Mythology is historically considered the first form of worldview.

Mythology - (from Greek - legend, tale, word, teaching), is a way of understanding the world, characteristic of early stages of social development, in the form of public consciousness.

Myths are ancient lesions of different peoples on fantastic creatures, about the affairs of gods and heroes.

Mythological worldview - regardless of whether it applies to the distant past or today, we will call such a worldview, which is not based on theoretical arguments and reasoning, or on the artistic and emotional experience of the world, or on public illusions born inadequate perception by large groups of people ( classes, nations) of social processes and their role in them. One of the features of myth, unmistakably distinguishing it from science, is that the myth explains "everything", since there is no unknown and unknown for him. It is the earliest, and for modern consciousness - archaic, form of worldview.

She appeared at the earliest stage of social development. When mankind in the form of myth, legends, legends tried to answer such global issues, as the world occurred and arranged in general, to explain the various phenomena of nature, society in those distant times, when people just started to peer into the world around us, just start studying .

The main topics of the myths:

· Space - an attempt to answer the question of the beginning of the device of the world, the occurrence of nature phenomena;

· On the origin of people - birth, death, trials;

· On the cultural achievements of people - the production of fire, the invention of the crafts, customs, rituals.

Thus, myths had in themselves the primitives of knowledge, religious beliefs, political views, different types of arts.

The main functions of the myth believed that with their help, the past was associated with the future, ensured the connection of generations; The concepts of values \u200b\u200bwere fixed, encouraged certain forms of behavior; Reasonable ways to resolve contradictions, the path of unity of nature and society. During the rule of mythological thinking, the need has not yet arisen in obtaining special knowledge.

Thus, the myth is not an initial form of knowledge, but a special kind of worldview, a specific shaped syncretic idea of \u200b\u200bthe phenomena of nature and collective life. The myth is considered as the earliest form of human culture, which joined the primitives of knowledge, religious beliefs, a moral aesthetic and emotional assessment of the situation.

For a primitive person, it was impossible to fix his knowledge, so make sure of his ignorance. For him, knowledge did not exist as something objective, independent of its inner world. In primitive consciousness, the thought should coincide with the experienced, acting - with what is valid. In mythology, a person dissolves in nature, merges with it as its inseparable particle. The basic principle of solving ideological issues in mythology was genetic. Explanations about the origin of the world, the origin of natural and social phenomena came down to the story of who spawned someone. So, in the famous "Theogonia" of the Gesiod and in Iliad and "Odyssey" of Homer - the most complete meeting of the ancient Greek myths - the process of creating the world seemed as follows. Initially, there was only an eternal, limitless, dark chaos. It consisted of the life of the world. Everything arose from an infinite chaos - the whole world and immortal gods. The goddess Earth occurred from chaos - Gay. From chaos, a source of life, rose and mighty, all reviving love - Eros. Unlimited chaos gave rise to darkness - ereb and dark night - Nyukta. And from nights and darkness there were eternal light - the ether and a joyful bright day - Homer. The light spilled around the world, and began to replace each other night and day. Mighty, the gracious Earth gave rise to the boundless blue sky - uranium, and spread the sky above the ground. Gondo the high mountains born to him, born, and widespread the ever-noisy sea. The sky, the mountains and the sea are born by the mother of the earth, they have no father. The further history of the development of the world is associated with the marriage of land and uranium - the sky and their descendants. A similar scheme is present in the mythology of other peoples of the world. For example, we can get acquainted with such representations of the ancient Jews in the Bible - the Book of Genesis.

"... Abraham gave birth to Isaac; Isaac gave birth to Jacob; Jacob gave birth to Judas and his brothers ... "

Mythological culture, issued in a later period of philosophy, specific sciences and creatures of art, retains its importance throughout the world history to the present. No philosophy and science and life are generally dominated, destroy myths: they are invulnerable and immortal. They cannot be challenged, because they cannot be justified and perceived by the dry force of rational thought. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know them - they constitute a significant fact of culture.

2.3 Religious elements

Religion is a form of worldview, the basis of which is a belief in the existence of supernatural forces. This is a specific form of reflection of reality and so far it remains a significant organized and organizing force in the world.

Religious worldview is represented by the forms of three world religions:

1. Buddhism - 6-5 centuries. BC. For the first time appeared in ancient India, the founder - Buddha. In the center - the doctrine of noble truths (Nirvana). In Buddhism there is no soul, there is no God, as the Creator and Higher Being, there is no spirit and history;

2. Christianity - the 1st century AD, first appeared in Palestine, the general sign of Faith in Jesus Christ as the Godchor, the Savior of the world. The main source of creed of the Bible (Scripture). Three branches of Christianity: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism;

3. Islam - the 7th century of our era, formed in Arabia, the founder - Mohammed, the main principles of Islam are set forth in the Quran. Main Dogmat: Worship of the One God Allah, Muhammed - Messenger of Allah. The main branches of Islam - Sunnism, shinnimism.

Religion performs important historical functions: forms the consciousness of the unity of the human race, develops universal norms; Speakers the carrier of cultural values, streamlining and preserving the morals, traditions and customs. Religious ideas are contained not only in philosophy, but also in poetry, painting, architectural art, politics, ordinary consciousness.

Worldview structures, including the cult system, acquire the nature of the creed. And this gives worldview of a special spiritual and practical nature. The worldview structures are becoming the basis of formal regulation and regulation, streamlining and preservation of morals, customs, traditions. With the help of the ritigation, religion cultivates human feelings of love, kindness, tolerance, compassion, mercy, debt, justice, etc., giving them a special value by tying their presence with sacred, supernatural.

Mythological consciousness is historically preceded by religious consciousness. Religious worldview is more completely than mythological, in a logical plan. Systematic, religious consciousness implies its logical orderliness, and continuity with mythological consciousness is provided by the use as the main lexical unit of the image. The religious worldview "works" at two levels: on theoretical ideological (in the form of theology, philosophy, ethics, social doctrine of the church), i.e. at the level of mining, and socio-psychological, i.e. The level of minigration. At both levels, religiosity is characterized by faith in the supernatural - faith in a miracle. Miracle contradicts the law. The law is called unchanged amendments, indispensable homogeneity of all homogeneous things. A miracle contradicts the very essence of the law: Christ walked around the water, Aki on land and this miracle is. Mythological ideas have no idea of \u200b\u200ba miracle: they are naturally anti-exceedy for them. Religious worldview already distinguishes natural and unnatural, already has limitations. The religious picture of the world is much contrast than the mythological, rich in paints.

It is much more critical than mythological, and less arrogant. However, everything that revealed by the world's incomprehensible, contrary to the mind, the religious worldview explains the universal force capable of violating the natural course of things and harmonize any chaos.

Belief in this external superpower and is the basis of religiosity. Religious philosophy, so, as well as theology, proceeds from the thesis on the presence of a certain ideal supreme, capable of manipulating in their arbitrariness and nature, and the fate of people. At the same time, religious philosophy, and theology, justify and prove theoretical means and the need for faith, and the presence of an ideal supreme-god.

Religious worldview and religious philosophy are a kind of idealism, i.e. such a direction in the development of public consciousness, in which the original substance, i.e. The foundation of the world, perfect spirit, idea. The varieties of idealism are subjectivism, mysticism, etc. The opposite of religious worldview is an atheistic worldview.

Nowadays, religion plays a small role, it has become more to open religious educational institutions, in the pedagogical university and school practice, the direction of the cultural representation of religions in the framework of a civilization approach is actively developing, while atheistic educational stereotypes are preserved and religious-sectarian apologetics are found under the slogan of absolute Equality of all religions. The church and the state are currently going on an equal footing, there are no hostility between them, they loyally belong to each other, go on a compromise. Religion gives meaning and knowledge, which means that the sustainability of human being, helps him overcome everyday difficulties.

The most important features of religion are sacrifice, faith in paradise, a cult in God.

The German Teolog of G. Küng believes that religion has future, for: 1) the modern world with his immediacy is not in due point, he excites melancholy on a friend; 2) the difficulties of life put ethical issues growing into religious; 3) Religion means the development of relations to the absolute meaning of being, and this applies to every person.

the worldview of the MIF Number Religious

2.4 Philosophical worldview

The worldview is a broader concept than philosophy. Philosophy is an understanding of peace and man from the perspective of the mind and knowledge.

Plato wrote - "Philosophy is a science of judging as such." According to Plato, the desire to understand the existence as a whole, gave us philosophy, and "the larger gift to people, like this gift of God, never happened and will not" (G. Hegel).

The term "philosophy" comes from the Greek words "Philia" (love) and "Sophia" (wisdom). According to legend, this word first introduced the Greek philosopher Pythagora, who lived in the 6th century BC. In such an understanding of philosophy as love for wisdom, a deep meaning is rooted. The ideal of the sage (unlike a scientist, intellectual) is the image of a morally perfect person who not only responsibly builds its own life, but also helps others to solve their problems and overcome everyday adversity. But what helps the sage to live with dignity and reasonable, sometimes contrary to cruelty and madness of their historical time? What did he know in contrast to other people?

Here both the philosophical sphere begins: the sage philosopher is in charge of the eternal problems of human being (significant for each personality in all historical epochs) and seeks to find reasonable answers on them.

Two activities are allocated in philosophy:

· Scope of material, objective reality, that is, objects, phenomena exist in reality, outside the consciousness of a person (matter);

· The sphere of the ideal, spiritual, subjective reality is a reflection of the objective reality in the consciousness of a person (thinking, consciousness).

The main philosophical questions are

1. What is primary: matter or consciousness; Matter determines consciousness or vice versa;

2. The question of the attitude of consciousness to matter, subjective to objective;

3. Do you know the world and if so, to what extent.

Depending on the decision of the first two questions in philosophical exercises, there were two opposite directions.

· Materialism - primary and determining the matter, secondary and determined - consciousness;

· Idealism - the spirit is primary, the matter is secondary, in turn divided into:

1. Subjective idealism - the world is created by the subjective consciousness of each individual person (the world is only a complex of human sensations);

2. Objective idealism - the world "creates" a certain objective consciousness, a certain eternal "world spirit", absolute idea.

Sequential subjective idealism inevitably leads to its extreme manifestation - solipsis.

Solipsychism is the denial of the objective existence of not only surrounding inanimate objects, but also other people, except for themselves (there is only one rest of my feeling).

Falez first in ancient Greece rose to understanding the material unity of the world and expressed the progressive idea about the transformation of a one according to its essence from one of its state to another. Falez had companions, disciples and successors of his views. Unlike Falez, who considered the material basis of all the existing water, they found other material foundations: Anaximen - air, heraklite - fire.

When answering a question, the world is known or not, the following directions of philosophy can be distinguished:

1. Cognized optimism, which in turn can be divided into:

· Materialism - the objective world is also cognized with infinitely;

· Idealism - the world is known, but a person knows not objective reality, but his own thoughts and experiences or "absolute idea, world spirit."

2. He knows the pessimism, from which they leak:

· Agnosticism - the world is completely or partially not known;

· Skepticism - the possibility of knowledge of objective reality is doubtful.

Philosophical thought - there is a thought of eternal. Like any theoretical knowledge, philosophical knowledge is developing, enriched with new and new content, new discoveries. At the same time, continuity is preserved. However, the philosophical spirit, philosophical consciousness is not only the theory, especially the theory of abstract, impassively speculative. Scientific theoretical knowledge is only one side of the ideological content of philosophy. The other, unconditionally dominant, leading his side, forms a completely different component of consciousness - spiritual and practical. It is he who expresses sense, value-oriented, that is, the ideological, type of philosophical consciousness as a whole. There was a time when no science had ever existed, but philosophy was at the highest level of its creative development. Philosophy is a general methodology for all private sciences, natural and general, in other words, she is the queen (mother) of all sciences. A particularly important impact of philosophy has on the formation of the worldview.

The statement of Epicura, from the letter to Mereke: "... Let no one in the youngest postpones philosophy's classes ..."

The attitude of a person to the world is an eternal subject of philosophy. At the same time, the subject of philosophy is historically moving, Conden, "Human" measurement of the world varies with a change in the essential forces of the person himself.

The innermost goal of philosophy is to bring a person from the field of ordinary, to captivate him with the highest ideals, give his life true meaning, open the way to the most perfect values.

The main functions of philosophy are the development of general representations of people about the Being, natural and social reality of a person and its activities, about the proof of the possibility of knowledge of the world.

Despite its maximum criticality and scientific, philosophy is extremely close to the ordinary and religious and even to mythological worldview, for, as well as they, she chooses the direction of its activities very arbitrarily.

Conclusion: The worldview is not only content, but also a way of awareness of reality, as well as the principles of life that determine the nature of the activity. The nature of the ideas about the world contributes to the formulation of certain purposes, from the generalization of which the general life plan is formed, ideals are formed, making an effective force to the worldview. The content of consciousness turns into an worldview when it acquires the nature of the belief, the full and unshakable person's confidence at the right of his ideas. The worldview varies synchronously together with the outside world, but the basic principles remain unchanged.

All the types of worldview detect some unity, covering a certain range of issues, for example, as the spirit relates to the matter, what is a person, and what is his place in the universal relationship of the phenomena of the world, as a person knows the reality, what is good and evil, for which laws are developing human society. The worldview has a huge practical life point. It affects the norms of behavior, on the attitude of a person to work, to other people, on the nature of life aspirations, on his life, tastes and interests. This is a kind of spiritual prism, through which everything surrounding is perceived.