How to read Namaz night. Time of prayer Tajud.

"Isha (Yasta) Namaz

"Isha Namaz consists of 4 cancer" Atov Farza and 2 cancer "Atov Sunny.

FarM "Isha Namaz

FarM "Isha Namaza is performed in the same way as Farz Zuhr Namaza. Only the intention is different:" At the interim of the 4th Cancer "Ata Farza today's" Isha Namaz for the sake of Allah ".

Sunna "Isha Namaz

Sunna "Isha Namaza is performed just like Sunna Fajr, Zuhr Namaza. Only the intention is different:" At the interim of 2 cancer "Ata Sunny today's" Isha Namaz for the sake of Allah ".

Vitr Namaz

Vitr Namaz consists of 3 cancer "Atov. He is made after" Isha Namaz. Vitri Namaz differs from other magazines by the fact that in the 3rd cancer "ATE after reading the Sura" Fatiha "and another sura from the Quran, before making a hand" A (waistback) with the words "Allah Akbar" hands raise (as during Introductory horses), and then fold again. After that, read Du "A al-Kunut", and with the words "Allah Akbar" make a hand. "

The order of the harbor

1st cancer "AT:

1. Stand in the direction to the kibl so that the distance between the footsteps was width in 4 fingers.

2. The intention: "I intended to perform 3 cancer" Ata Farza of today's Vitri Namaz for the sake of Allah. "

3. With the words "Allah Akbar", make an introductory tack. Men raise their hands by sending them to the palms towards the Kyble - so that the pillows of the big fingers touch the urchin. Women raise their hands by sending them with his palms to Kyble with closer fingers so that the fingertips are at the level of shoulders.

4. Kyyyy - stand after takakov. Hands are closed, look preferably at the scene of the judge. Men should put your right hand on top of the left, with the little finger and thumb of the right hand clap the brush left. In such a position, the hand should be kept on the stomach just below the navel. Women put her right hand on the left and keep them at the chest level.

5. In the position of Kyiy (standing), it is consistently read by: Du "A" Subhanak "," A Uzu-Bisimillary ", Sura Al-Fatiha and Sura from the Quran.

6. Hand "- a belt bow. With the words" Allah Akbar "to make a belt bow and in this position read:

Men during the hand "And the hands with diluted fingers are put on their knees and keep straight legs and back; in women knees and the back are not completely bent, and the fingers are collected together.

7. Straightening with the hand "And pronounced:

"Allah Limid Hamida"

Fully straightened, pronounced:

"Raban Lyaklyal Hamd"

8. Sudjud - earthly bow. Having said "Allah Akbar", touched the floor first knees, then with hands, then forehead and nose; At the same time, the head is between the hands of the hands, the legs do not break away from the ground, eyes look at the tip of the nose. In this position, repeat 3 times:

"Subhana Rabbi Al A" La "

During the judge, men elbows do not touch the Earth and divorced from the sides. The feet feet are parallel to each other, the fingers are directed towards the Kyble. Women elbows are pressed against the sides, legs in the same position as men.

9. KU "UD - seat between two judges: with the words" Allah Akbar "to tear the forehead from the ground and sit on his knees. Hands put on her knees, look directed to the hips.

Men sit on the left leg, with the fingers of the right leg, rushing, are directed towards the Kyble; Women sit on the left hip, like both legs on them and sending the feet to the right side, fingers to Kyble.

10. With the words "Allah Akbar" performed the second Sudzhud and in this position reads:

"Subhana Rabbi Al A" La "- 3 times

11. Exit from judge. First, you should raise my head, then taking off my hand from the ground, put them on the hips and climb from the knees. Stand up with the words "Allah Akbar" (for reading the second cancer "Ata) and in the position of kyama (standing) fold hands on the stomach (men) or on the chest (women).

2nd cancer "AT:

2. Just as in the first cancer, "Ate, with the words" Allah Akbar "to make a belt bow and pronounce:

"Subhana Rabbi al" Azim "- 3 times

3. Straightening pronounced: "Allahi Limida himself". Fully straightened to pronounce

"Rabbana Lyaklyal Hamd".

4. With the words "Allah Akbar", perform Saddi. In this position it is read "Subhana Rabbi Al A" La "3 times.

5. With the words "Allah Akbar", sit down between judges

6. With the words "Allah Akbar", make the second Sudzhud and pronounce "Subhana Rabbi Al A" La "3 times.

7. Seat. Having uttered "Allah Akbar", climb Saddi and take his knees. Hand brushes are on his knees, eyes look at the hips. Men sit on the left leg, with the fingers of the right leg, rushing, are directed towards the Kyble. Women sit on the left hip, like both legs on them and sending the feet to the right side, fingers to Kyble.

8. Sitting, read "Tashahhud" (this is considered the first seat).

After standing with the words "Allah Akbar" (for reading the third cancer "Ata).

3 - Cancer "AT:

1. Standing, consistently read "Bisimillas", Sura "Fatiha" and another suver.

2. With the words "Allah Akbar", hands rise to the level of ears (as during the entrance takak), then the hands are rejected again.

3. Read Du "A" Cunut "

4. With the words "Allah Akbar" makes a belt bow and pronounced:

"Subhana Rabbi al" Azim "- 3 times

5. Straightening, the words are primarily pronounced: "Allah Limid Hamidah", fully straightened to pronounce:

"Rabbana Lyaklyal Hamd".

6. With the words "Allah Akbar", perform Saddi. In this position it is read "Subhana Rabbi Al A" La "3 times.

7. With the words "Allah Akbar", sit down between judges.

8. With the words "Allah Akbar", to make the second Sudzhud and pronounce "Subhana Rabbi Al A" La "3 times.

9. Last seating. Having uttered "Allah Akbar", climb Saddi and take his knees. Hand brushes are on his knees, eyes look at the hips. Men sit on the left leg, with the fingers of the right leg, rushing, are directed towards the Kyble. Women sit on the left hip, like both legs on them and sending the feet to the right side, fingers to Kyble.

11. Salam - first turn the right to the right (at the same time look at the shoulder) and say "Assalam Aleikum Va Rakhmatullah".

12. Also, turning his head to the left, pronounced Assalam Aleikum Va Rakhmatullah.

13. Raising your hands to the level of shoulders, palms to the top to read Du "And after Salam:" Allahumma Antassamma Va Minkassaeum Tabarakt Ya Zhalyalyali Val Ikram ". After that, I wipe my face with my palms.

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How to start a woman performing namaz? Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what namaz is how to read it, find out the order of maze for women.

Namaz - the most important pillar Islamic faith, one of five concepts that determine the very essence of religion. Each Muslim and Muslim is obliged to fulfill Namaz, because it is the worship of the Most High, prayer to him and the sign that the believer fully conquers the Lord, gives himself His will.

The making of Namaz purifies the soul of a person, helps to illuminate his heart with the light of good and truth, raises its significance in the eyes of Allah. In essence, Namaz is the direct communication of a person with the Lord. Recall how the Prophet Muhammad spoke about Namaz (peace!): "Namaz is a religion support. Whoever leaves Namaz, he destroys his religion. "

For Muslim Namaz - the way to clean the soul from sinful thoughts, from the desire to vices inherent to people, from the evil accumulated on the soul. Namaz is needed not only to men, but also women. Once the Prophet Muhammad (peace!) He turned to his supporters: "Does your body stay on your body if you swim five times in the river, what flows in front of your home?". Those answered the Prophet: "About the Messenger of Allah, no dirt will remain." The Prophet (peace!) Said: "This is an example of five namazov, which makes a believer, and through this Allah blends sins from him how this water washes off dirt."

What is the key, even critical for Muslim importance to Namaz? The fact is that the Lord will define the value of a person for himself on the Namazu on the Judgment Day, will consider his earthly actions. And Allah does not make distinction between men and women.

It is known that many Muslims are afraid of the beginning of the commission of Namaz, because they do not know how to do it correctly. In no case cannot be an obstacle to the Women's way to fulfill its obligations to the Lord. Not fulfilling Namaz, a woman deprives her soul of peace, peace, she does not receive generous awards from Allah. Her family will not be peaceful and prosperous, and she will not be able to educate their children on the norms of Islam.

Namaz for beginners should be under control and with the help of experienced Muslims, ready to help incentive newcomer.

How to fulfill Namaz women?

First of all, you need to know what is solid, how many mandatory magazines exist and how many rocates are included in them.

Salt is a prayer, appeal to Allah, Namaz. Namaz consists of three parts - Fard-Namaz, Sunna-Namaz, Nafl-Namaz. The most important stage on the implementation of Namaz is the Fard-Namaz, mandatory for each Muslim.

The rocket is customary to call the procedure for performing certain actions during Namaz. In the morning Ard Fajr, 2 rocata is included, in the midday (AZ-ZUHR) - 4 Rakata, in the afternoon (al-ASR) - 4 Rakata, in the evening or al-Magrib - 3 Rakata. On the night Namaz Al-Isha, 4 rockets stand out.

The Rakat includes one hand (so in Islam is called a bowl), as well as two sorry - so called earth bows. To start performing this namaz for novice women, it is important to immediately memorize the suras and DUAs used when performing namaz, learn to rockets and the order of their execution. You need to know at least 3 koranic seur, about 5 Dua and Sura Fatiha. In addition, a woman will learn to perform Voodoo and Husl.

The fulfillment of the namaz novice woman can teach a spouse or relatives. You can also take advantage of educational videos, which are a lot on the Internet. With the help of a Muslim video will clearly see the action during Namaz, their sequence will recognize the order of reading Dua and Sur, learn how to keep hands and body in the right position. It is worth remembering the words of Al-Lucnavi: "Many actions of a woman during namaz differ from the actions of men ..." ("AS-Siya", Volume 2, p. 205).

Namaz for beginners of two rocates

In the morning Namaz-Fajra, only two rockets are contained, so it cannot be called difficult. In addition, this NAMAZ is used when performing additional prayer.

The order of Morning Namaz for women common to all Muslims. The main difference between the male and female Fajr-Namaz is the position of the limbs. To properly perform this variety of namaz, a woman needs not just to pronounce the courts and Dua in Arabic, but also be sure to understand what the point is invested. In this article we will give the order of mapping with the translation of SUR. Of course, if a woman managed to attract to the memorization of Sur teacher arabic, It would be the perfect option. But, in the absence of such, you can use educational programs. The most important point is the correct utterance of all the words in Arabic. For a beginner woman to be easier, we led Sura and Doua in cross-country crossing, although, of course, a similar translation cannot fully reflect the pronunciation of words.

Two Fard-Namaz Rakat

  • Before the fulfillment of Namaz, a woman must achieve complete ritual purity. For this, the husl and voodoo are made - so in Islam they call two varieties of ritual ablution.
  • The body of a woman should be almost completely hidden. In open state, only brushes of hands, feet and face remain.
  • Get face to Kaaba.
  • We inform Allah in the heart of what kind of Namaz we are going to implement. For example, a woman can read about himself: "I intend for the sake of Allah to make 2 Rakata FARDA of today's morning namaz."
  • We raise both hands, so that the pillows of the fingers reached the level of shoulders. Palms must be rotated to Kaaba. I pronounce the initial tackper: الله أكبر "Allah Akbar". With a takir, a woman should look at the place that her head will affect when implementing the globe. Hand keep your hands in your chest, we have fingers at the level of shoulders. Foots should be placed in parallel with the distance of about one palm without thumb
  • Taking a tackir, put hands on the chest. The right brush at the same time should lie on the left brush. Men with Namaz take themselves for the wrist of the left hand, but this woman does not need to do this.
  • Having achieved the above position and still looking at the place of Szaja (Ground Down), read the Dua "San": بحانك اللهم وبحمدك, وتبارك اسمد, وتعالى جدك, ولا إله غيرك "Subhanakya Allahumma Va Bihamdika Va Tabaraba-Smuna Va Ta'al Jaddukya Va La Ilyaha Gairuk. " (Allah! You are above all the flaws, the whole praise you, infinitely the presence of your name in everything, your highness is yours, and except you we do not worship anyone). Recall the Aisha, who informed the next Hadith to people: "The Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah) began his prayer after the opening takaki by this gloriousness:" Subhanak ... ".
  • The next stage is reading أأوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم "Auuzu Bil-Lyayah Mina-Shaitaani R-Radaja" (I am looking for a refuge with Allah from Satan, beaten by stones).
  • We read بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "Bis-Mi Llyaji-Rhrahni Rrandim" (in the name of Allah, gracious merciful).
  • Without changing the position of the body, we read the most important Sura Fatiha in Namaz:

بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّ‌حْمَـٰنِ الرَّ‌حِيمِ

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ رَ‌بِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

الرَّ‌حْمَـٰنِ الرَّ‌حِيم

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَ‌اطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ

صِرَ‌اطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ

غَيْرِ‌ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ

Alhamdulllyah Rabbi-L-'Alimin! Ar-Rakhmani-R-Rahim! Maliki Yaulamiddin. Iyaka Nasta'in Nast'in. Rydi-on-s-Srat al-Mustachem. Syrat Al-Lyazina An 'Amta' Alyaichim. Gairi-L-Magydby 'Aleikhim Va Laddaaa-Llyin.

(Praise - Allah, the Lord of the Worlds! Gracious, Mercy, King on the Day of the Court. You worship you and ask you to help you! We have the straight line on the way, on the way of those you have enforced - not those who are under anger, and not Lost).

  • Keeping the position of the body, we read any Sura famous for us. Sura "al-Kausar" is perfect:

إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ‌

فَصَلِّ لِرَ‌بِّكَ وَانْحَرْ‌

إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَرُ‌

"Inna A'tyna Cal-Kausar. Li Rabika Vanhard facal. Inna Shaniaca Huva-L-Amber. (We granted you al-Kausar (countless benefits, including the River of the same name in Paradise). Therefore, do Namaz for the sake of my Lord and challenge the victim. Truly, your hater himself will be unlucky).

In principle, with Namaz for novice women, it is enough to read the Sura Fatiha, followed by the transition to the commission.

The hand is made as follows: bend in a bow, leaving the back parallel floor. Send "Allah Akbar". Representatives of the weak floor is not necessarily enough just a little leaning forward, because completely align the back is hard enough and it is capable of not every woman. When making the hand, the hand should be dried into the knee cups, but you do not need to wrap them. Bending thus pronounce:

سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْعَظِيمِ

"Subhouse Rabian Azyom" - (Glory to my great Lord).

This phrase is pronounced from 3 to 7 times. Mandatory condition: the number of pronouncements should be odd.

  • The way out of the position "Bow" is also accompanied by the reading of the sura:

سَمِعَ اللَّهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ

رَبَّنَا وَلَكَ الحَمْدُ

"Sami'llah Limidakh."

(Allah heard those who praise it).

"Rabbana Ua Lyakal Hamd."

(About our Lord, you are all praise!)

  • Straightening, again we carry out a number, while saying "Allah Akbar". Different parts of the body fall on the floor gradually: first we press the knees, then hands, and finally the nose and forehead. It is important that the head is located during the Sajda directly between the hands, divorced in such a way that the fingers are pressed to each other pointing towards Kaaba. Elbows should be located near the abdomen. Calf tightly press the hips, it is impossible to close the eyes. Having achieved this situation, Muslim says:

سبحان ربي الأألى "Subhana Rabbihal A'Laaa." (Glory to my Lord Almighty).

  • We return to the sedentary position, uttering "Allah Akbar". We occupy a new sedental position: knees bending, the brushes of the hands are placed on them. We hold this position as long as pronounced Subhanalty. We say again "Allah Akbar" and occupy the position of SAZD. In Surede, I pronounce three, five or seven times: "Subhana Rabbihal A'lyaa". Important moment: The number of repetitions should be unchanged and in the Sage and in hand.
  • The first Namaz Rakhat is completed with a standing position. Of course, while we say "Allah Akbar": the praise of the Most High necessarily almost with each action during the commission of Namaz. Hands keep folded on the chest.

Second Rakat Fard-Namaz

  • We repeat all the actions described above, but from the moment of reading the Suury Fatihi. Referring to Sura, we use another text, for example, "Iylas":

قُلْ هُوَ اللَّـهُ أَحَدٌ

اللَّـهُ الصَّمَد

لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ

وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ

"Kul Huwa Llaakhu Ahad. Allaah Chesamad. Lyam Yalid Vaj Juilar. Varaj Yakullyah Cufuvan Akhad. (He - Allah - One, Allah Eternal; did not give birth and was not born, and he was not equal to him!) (Sura 112 - "Ihlas).

An important point: when making Namaz Muslims, it is prohibited to read the same SUR in different rockets. From this rule there is only one exception - Sura Fatiha, which is an indispensable part of any rocket.

  • We use the same scheme of action as during the first rocade, up to the second sage. Making a bow, do not rise, as described above, but sit down. A woman sits down to the left, legs, touched to the outside of the thighs, directs to the right. It is important that the woman who makes Namaz, sat on the floor, and not on his legs. Hand brushes placing on the knees, tightly pressing fingers.
  • By adopting such a provision, it is necessary to read the most important du'a Tashahud: التحيات المباركات الصلوات الطيبات لله, السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمة الله وبركاته, السلام علينا وعلى عباد الله الصالحين, أشهد أن لآ إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله, اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم, وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم, في العالمين, إنك حميد مجيد «Al-tahiyayatu Lillyayahi you-Salavaatu vat-Tayibat Al Salyayamu aleukia Ayuhan-nabiyu wa Rahmat Llaahi Va Barakayatuh. Assalam Alena Va Alla Ibaadi Llaahi-Sasalikhin Ashkhada Allaha Ilyaha Ilyallahu Va Ashkhada Anna Muhammadan Abduha Vaululyuh "(greetings, prayers and all the good things belong only to Almighty Allah. Peace to you, about the prophet, grace of Allah and his blessing world, as well as All the righteous servants of Allah testify that there is no God deserving worship, except for Allah. And I testify that Muhammad is a slave and a messenger).

In the words "La Illyha" it is necessary to raise up the right index finger. In the words "Illy Llakh", the finger is lowered.

  • The next part of Namaz is reading the Dua "Salavat", the famous prophet Muhammad (peace to him!).





ALLAAHUMMA SALYA ALAYA SAIDINA MUHAMMADIN VA 'ALAYA EELI SAYADINA MUHAMMAD, KYAM SALLAYTE' Alya Saydina Ibraahiima Va 'Alaya Eeli Saidina Ibrahim, Baarik' Alya Saydina Muhammadin Va 'Alaya Eeli Saidina Muhammad, Kyama Baarakte' Alya Saydina Ibraichiima VA 'Alya Eeli Syadida Ibraahiima Movie-'aaalimine, Inna Hamiidun Madzhihod. "

(About Allah! Bless Muhammad and the genus, as you blessed Ibrahim and the genus. And the blessing of Muhammad and his kind, as you sent a blessing to the Ibrahim and the family of him in all the worlds. Truly, you are praised, glorified).

  • Immediately after the duo to the glory of Muhammad, we read an appeal to God: اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلما كثيرا, ولا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت, فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك, وارحمني, إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم «Allahumma Inni zolyamtu nafs zulman kasira wa la yagfiruz zunuuba illa Ant . Fagfireli Magfirates Min 'Indic Warhumni Innak Antal Gafuurur Rachehim. " ("Oh Allah, truly I was extremely unjust with you, and only you forgive sins. So forgive me for my side and hindle me! Truly, you are the simplest, the most advantageous).
  • Dua in the glory of Allah is replaced by greeting. It must be read by turning his head to the right and looking at the right shoulder. Send:

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ

"Assalayamu 'Alekum Va Rahmatu-Llaakh" (peace and blessing of Allah).

Turn your head to the left, we look at the left shoulder and say: "Assalayama 'Aleukuma Va Rakhmat-Llaah", which means "the world of you and the blessing of the Most High."

This ends with two-color Namaz.

If desired, praying can expand Namaz, reading three times at the end of the prayer session "Astagfirullah", then "Ayatul-Kursy". In addition, you can prone 33 times the following taxi:

سبحان الله - Subhanallah.

الحمد لله - Alhamdullyl.

Thirty four times I pronounce "Allah Akbar".

After that, you need to read:

لاَ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ.لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ

وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

"La Ilyaha Illyhalah Wahdah La Balls, Lyakhul Mulk Ua Lyakhul Hamdu Ua Hua Alya Kully Schain Cadir."

The next part of the extended version of Namaz is the reading of the Dua from the Prophet Muhammad (peace to him!). You can read any other DUAs that are not in conflict with the ball. When reading the open palms, hold together in the face, slightly tilting them into the upper side.

Two-pane Sunna and Naful Namaz

Sunna and naful-namazy is customary to do during the morning namaz immediately after its Fard-Rakatov. In addition, after FARD-Rakatov NamaZa Zuhr used for 2 Rakata Sunna and Naful.

Also, 2 Rakata Sunna and Nafl are used after FARDA (Magreb), Farda (Esha) and immediately before Vitr-Namaz.

Namaz Sunna and Nahph are almost similar to a two-meat fart-namaz. The key difference is the intention, since immediately in front of the fulfilled Muslim woman, it is necessary to read the intention for this namaz. If a woman performs Sunna Namaz, then the intention she should read about him.

Proper reading of a woman three-sided namaz

How to read Fard-Namaz correctly, consisting of 3 rocates? Let's figure it out. Such Namaz can be found only in Namaz Magreb.

Namaz begins with two rocates, similar to what is used in two-paved Namaz. In a simplified form, the order is as follows:

  1. Sura Fatiha.
  2. Brief sura.
  3. Santa.
  4. The second is sad.
  5. Sura Fatiha (re-reading).
  6. One of the familiar female Sur.
  7. Hand.
  8. Santa.
  9. The second is sad.

After the second sage of the second rocket, a woman needs to sit down and read the Dua Tashahud. After reading the Dua, Muslim can move to the third rocade.

The third rocket includes the Sura Fatiha, hand, sadness and second sadness. Having coped with the second saddy, the woman sits down to read the Dua. She will pronounce the following suras:

  • Tashahud.
  • Salavat.
  • Allahumma Inni Zealytu.

Having finished with this part of Namaz, Muslim says a greeting similar to the greeting from a two-meady prayer session. Namaz is considered completed.

How to do namaz vit

In Namaz, Vitr includes three rocata, and its performance is significantly different from the above. When performing, specific rules apply, not used in other namaz.

A woman needs to face Kaaba, to pronounce the intention, then - the classic Tabier "Allah Akbar". The next stage is the utterance of the Dua "Sana". When the Dua pronounced, the first Rakat of the Viter begins.

The first Rakat includes: Sura "Fatiha", a brief susta, arm, saddja and the second sage. We become for the fulfillment of the second rocket, which includes Fatiha, a brief susta, hand, sadzh, the second sage. After the second Szhi, we sang and read the Dua Tashahud. It is important to comply with the correctness of the landing. We rise to the third rocket.

The Sura Fatiha and one of the famous women of short seur is read in the third Rakate of Namaz Viter. An excellent option will be the Sura "Falac":

قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَ‌بِّ الْفَلَقِ ﴿١﴾ مِن شَرِّ‌ مَا خَلَقَ ﴿٢﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ‌ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ ﴿٣﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ‌ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ ﴿٤﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ‌ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ ﴿٥﴾

"Kulu A" Uzuu Bie Rabbi, Falak. Minn Sharrie Maa Khalak. Va Minn Sharry 'Gasikyn Izaa Vakaab. Va Min Sharry Nafazatati Fii I "Ukhad. Va Minn Sharry Haasidine Izaa Hassad. "

(Say: "I resort to the defense of the Lord of Dawn from the evil that he created, from the evil of Mraka, when he comes, from the evil of the sorcerer, stretching on the knots, from the evil evorter when he envies).

Note! When performing namaz Viter for beginners, it is permissible to read the same SUR in different cancers.

At the next stage, Allah Akbar should be pronounced, having a hand as in the execution of the initial takak and return them to the original position. I say dua kunut:

اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّا نَسْتَعِينُكَ وَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَ نَسْتَهْدِيكَ وَ نُؤْمِنُ بِكَ وَ

نَتُوبُ اِلَيْكَ وَ نَتَوَكَّلُ عَلَيْكَ وَ نُثْنِى عَلَيْكَ الْخَيْرَ كُلَّهُ نَشْكُرُكَ

وَ لآ نَكْفُرُكَ وَ نَخْلَعُ وَ نَتْرُكُ مَنْ يَفْجُرُكَ

اَللَّهُمَّ اِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَ لَكَ نُصَلِّى وَ نَسْجُدُ وَ اِلَيْكَ نَسْعَى وَ نَحْفِدُ

نَرْجُوا رَحْمَتَكَ وَ نَخْشَى عَذَابَكَ اِنَّ عَذَابَكَ بِالْكُفَّارِ مُلْحِقٌ

"Allahumma Inna Nastajunka Va Nastaghvika Va Nastahdika Va Nu'mina Tika Va Tatuba Ilyaika Va Netavakkul Aleika Va Nusni Aleiku-Lie Heira Kullehu Netshekua Vaa Liaa Profyuka Naa Laa Nestruck Ma Yafdyuuk. Allahumma Jiaka Na'Buta Vas Nusalley Vaju Vas Vas Ilyaika Naja Va Nakhfida Narraja Rakhmatika Va Shahz Azabak Inna Azabak Bi-L-Kyoffari Malik »

("Oh Allah! We ask us to lead us along the true path, we ask for forgiveness and rely on you. We believe in you and rely on you. We sing you in the best way. Thank you and are not wrong. We reject and renounce you who do not obey You. About Allah! You worship for you, pray and commit earthly bows. We are striving for you and go. We hope for your mercy and the punishment of your punishment. Truly, Kara is comprehended by unbelievers! ")

Dua "Kunut" is a very difficult sura, to memorize the woman will need a lot of time and effort. In the event that Muslims have not yet managed to cope with this suice, you can use more simple:

رَبَّنَا اَتِنَا فِى الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَ فِى اْلآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَ قِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

"Rabbana Atina Fi-Dnunya Khasanatan Vi Fi-L-Akhui Khasanatan Va Kyna Azan-Naz."

(Our Lord! Give us in this and in the future life of good, to protect us from the fire of hell).

If this is a Dua woman until he memorized, it is possible to pronounce "Allahumma-Gfirley", which means: "Allah, forgive me!". Permissible and tripled: "Ya, Rabbi!" (O my creator!).

By saying the Dua, saying "Allah Akbar!", Make your hand, sorry, one more stern and sit down to pronounce the following texts:

  • Tashahud.
  • Salavat.
  • Allahumma Inni Zolaimut Nahsis.

Conducts Viter greeting Allah.

Four-meat Namaz for beginners

Having obtained a certain experience in the performance of namaz, a woman can start 4-rocket.

The namazam from four acts includes Zuhr, Esha Fard and ASR.


  • We become so that the face is drawn to Kaaba.
  • Express your intention.
  • Articulating Tabier "Allah Akbar!".
  • Send DUA "Sana".
  • We become for the fulfillment of the first rocade.
  • The first two rockets are read as in the 2-rocket FAP-Namaz, with the exception that in the second rocket it is enough to read the "Tashahud" and after the Sura of Fatiha do not read anything else.
  • After completing two rockets, read the Dua Tashakhud. Then - "Salavat", Allahumma Inni Zolyutu Naphsi. Perform greeting.

Women need to remember the rules for maze. The body must be covered, it is impossible to do Namaz during menstruation and after delivery. Namazu, which Muslim missed at this moment, do not need to restore.


hadith on this topic

"Angel Jabrail (Gabriel) came [Once] to the Prophet and exclaimed:" Stand up and make a prayer! " The Prophet Muhammad (and bless his Most High and welcomes) committed it when the sun passed by Zenith. Then the angel came to him in the afternoon and appeared again: "Stand and make a prayer!" The Messenger of the Most High committed another prayer when the shadow of the subject became equal to him. Then Jabrail (Gabriel) came in the evening, repeating his appeal to prayer. The Prophet made a prayer immediately after sunset. Angel came and late in the evening, once again encouraging: "Stand and make a prayer!" The prophet made her as soon as the evening dawn disappeared. Then the Angel of God came with the same reminder at the dawn, and the Prophet prayed with the advent of dawn.

The next day at the midday time, Angel came again, and the Prophet prayed when the shadow of the subject became equal to him. Then he appeared in the afternoon, and the prophet Muhammad prayed when the shadow of the subject was in his two lengths. In the evening, the angel came at the same time as the day before. Angel also appeared at the expiration of half (or the first third) of the night and made a night prayer. For the final time, he came at dawn, when it was already significantly more (shortly before the sunrise), prompting the Prophet to make the morning prayer.

After that, Angel Jabrail (Gabriel) said: "Between these two (temporary boundaries) - time [committing mandatory prayers]."

In all these prayer-namaza, Imam for the Prophet Muhammad was Angel Jabrail (Gabriel), who came to teach the Prophet to prayers. The first midday prayer and all subsequent were committed after the Night of Ascension (Al-Mi'raj), during which it became mandatory by the will of the Creator committing five daily prayers.

In theological works and vaults, which gives this Hadith, emphasizes that, along with other reliable narratives, it has the highest degree of reliability. Such was the opinion and Imam al-Bukhari.

Temporary borders of prayers

The opinion of Muslim scientists is one that the main preference in the time of the commission of five mandatory prayers is given to the beginning of the time interval of each of them. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "The best of affairs is the performance of prayer (Namaz) at the beginning of it." However, it is important to know that prayer is considered to be timely fulfilled until the most recent minutes of its temporary gap.

1. Morning Prayer (Fajr) - From the moment of the appearance of the dawn before the start of sunrise.

The onset of the prayer time. In determining the start of the morning of the morning prayer, it is very important to take into account the valuable ignition contained in the prophetic tradition: "Two varieties of dawn should be distinguished: the dawn is true, prohibiting the adoption of food [during the post] and allowing the time of the prayer [with which the morning of the morning prayer comes]; And the dawn is false, during which the meal is allowed [in the days of the post] and prohibited the morning prayer [for the time of prayer has not yet come], "said the Prophet Muhammad (and he blesses his Allah and welcomes).

In these words, the Prophet is about natural phenomena associated with the sacrament of the change of day and night - the "true" and "false" dawn. The "false" dawn, appearing in the form of a vertical strip of light, as directed up the sky, but behind which the darkness should be again, it comes shortly to the present dawn, when the morning glow is evenly spread across the horizon. Proper definition The dawn time is extremely important for compliance with the post, morning and night prayers installed by the Sharia.

The end of the time of prayer It comes with the beginning of the sunrise. In a reliable Hadith, it is said: "The [fulfillment] of the morning prayer (Fajr) continues until the sun goes out." With the sunrise, the time of timely (hell ') fulfillment of the morning prayer is completed, and if it has not been made in this interval, then it becomes already debt (kada', Kaza-Namaze). The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "Who will have time to make one raakyat of the morning prayer before the start of the sunrise, he overtakes it."

Theologian claims: This and other reliable Hadiths on this topic suggest that if a person has time to make one Rakäat with all its components, including the earthly bow, he completes the prayer as usual, despite the attack of the sunrise or sunset. From the context of the Hadith, in this case, Namaz is counted as fulfilled on time. All the opinions are adhered to all Muslim scientists, as the text of the Hadis is clear and reliable.

In his book, Gybadate Islamia, written at the beginning of the last century, the well-known Tatar scientist and theologies of Ahmadkhadi Maxoudi (1868-1941), touching this issue, writes that "the morning prayer is broken if the sun starts during its commission." These words need to be understood in the context of the above-mentioned Hadith and his theological interpretation: the sunrise during the morning prayer violates it only if the prayer did not have time to complete (or begin to perform) her first Racäyat.

In conclusion, we note that such a detailed analysis of this issue does not at all testify to the permitting of the prayer at such a time.

Preferences. It is extremely undesirable to leave the morning prayer at the end of the time interval, making immediately before the sunrise.

2. Halfood Prayer (Zuhr) - From the moment the sun passes Zenit, and before the shadow of the subject becomes longer it.

The onset of the time of prayer. As soon as the sun bent zenith, the point is the highest for the locality of its location in the sky.

The end of the time of prayer It comes as soon as the shadow of the subject becomes longer it. It is necessary to take into account that the shadow, which was at the time of finding the Sun in Zenith, is not taken into account.

Preferences. From the beginning of its temporary interval before, "until the afternoon time is coming."

3. Faithful prayer (ASR) - Begins from the moment when the shadow of the subject becomes longer it. It is necessary to take into account that the shadow, which was at the time of finding the Sun in Zenith, is not taken into account. The time of this prayer with sunset is completed.

The onset of the prayer time. With the completion of the time gap of the midday (zuhr), the time of afternoon prayer ('ASR) occurs.

The end of the prayer time comes with sunset. The Prophet Muhammad (and Bless His Most High and Welcomes) said: "Who will have time to make one penny of the afternoon prayer before the start of the sunset, he will overtake the afternoon prayer."

Preferences. It is advisable to make it before the sun "starts shy" and lose its brightness.

Leave this prayer finally, when the sun is nearing the horizon and already blues, it is extremely undesirable. The Messenger of the Most High (may Allah bless and welcomes) about the afternoon prayer left at the very end of her time, said: "This is a hypocrisy prayer [in cases where there are no significant reasons for such a significant delay]. He sits and waits until the sun sits away between Satan's horns. After that, he gets up and begins to accelerate four rakeat, not mentioning the Lord, except as negligible. "

4. Evening prayer (Magreb) - It starts immediately after sunset and ends with the disappearance of the evening dawn.

The onset of the prayer time. Immediately after sunset when the Disk of the Sun fully leaves for the horizon.

The end of the prayer time comes "With the disappearance of the evening dawn."

Preferences. The time interval of this prayer, compared with others, the most short. Therefore, it should be especially attentive to the timeliness of its implementation. Hadith, telling detail about the arrival of Angela Jabrail (Gabriel) for two days, makes it possible to clearly understand that preference in this prayer is given to the very beginning of its temporary interval.

The Prophet Muhammad said: "Does not leave my followers of benefit and well-being until they start to leave the evening prayer until the appearance of stars."

5. Night prayer ('Isha'). The time of her commitment falls on the period after the disappearance of the evening dawn (at the end of the time of evening prayer) and before the start of the dawn (before the start of the morning prayer).

The onset of the time of prayer - With the disappearance of evening glow.

The end of the time of prayer - With the advent of the signs of morning dawn.

Preferences. It is advisable to make this prayer "before the expiration of the first half of the night", in the first third or half of the night.

In one of the Hadiths mentioned: "Make it (prayer 'isha') in the interval between the disappearance of the glow and the expiration of the third of the night." There were several cases when the Prophet Muhammad (and bless his Most High and welcomes) performed a fifth prayer with a significant delay.

Some Hadiths pointing to the desirability of this:

- "The Prophet [Sometimes] left the fifth prayer at a later time";

- "The fifth prayer was made in the time interval between the disappearance of the dawn and the expiration of the third of the night";

"The Prophet Muhammad sometimes made the fifth prayer at the beginning of her time, and sometimes she was postponed. If he saw that people had already gathered on prayer, he made it right away. When people were delayed, he postponed her at a later time. "

Imam An-Nawavi said: "All references to the post-off of the fifth prayer implies only the first third or half of the night. None of the scientists indicated the desirability of leaving the fifth compulsory prayer at a later time than half the night. "

Some scientists expressed the opinion of the desiracy (Musthab) of the fifth prayer a little later of its time. If you ask: "And what is better: to make it immediately on the occurrence of time or later?" On this occasion there are two main opinions:

1. It is better to make a little later. Approved this argued their opinion by several Hadiths, where it was mentioned that the Prophet several times did the fifth prayer much later to start her time. Some associates waited for him and then made a prayer with the Prophet. In some Hadith, the desirability of this is emphasized;

2. Better, if there is such an opportunity, make a prayer at the beginning of her time, as the main rule that the Messenger of the Most High adhered to, was the commission of mandatory prayers at the beginning of their time intervals. The same cases when the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) committed prayer later, were only an indication of what it is possible.

In general, the Hadiths about the desirability of a later commission of the fifth prayer is, but they are referred to about the first third of the night and half of it, that is, the unfortunate leaving of the fifth prayer at a later time becomes undesirable (macroh).

The total time interval of the fifth compulsory prayer begins with the disappearance of the evening dawn and is completed by the appearance of dawn, that is, the beginning of the morning prayer Fajr, as mentioned in the Hadith. It is preferable to make a prayer 'Isha' with the onset of its time, as well as in the first third of the night or before the completion of half the night.

In the mosques of Imams should do everything on schedule, with some possible expectation of fallen. As for private situations, the believer comes in accordance with the circumstances and, taking into account the Hadiths and explanations given above.

Forbidden time for prayer

In Sunna, the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) a few temporary intervals are negotiated during which the commitment of prayers is prohibited.

'Ubn Ibn' Amir said: "The Prophet banned the commitment of prayers and the burial of the dead in the following cases:

- during the sunrise and before it does not rise (on the height of one spear or two);

- at a time when the sun is in Zenith;

The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "There is no prayer after the morning prayer and before the sunrise, as well as behind the afternoon prayer to the disappearance of the Sun beyond the horizon."

Also in Sunne, there are narrations about the undesirability of sleep, when the time is approaching the sunset and during sunrise. However, this should not disorient a person in regulating its biorhythms, taking into account various factors of life. Canonical undesirability is canceled if there is an objective necessity, and even more so - forcing.

Difficulties with definition of Namaz

As for the ritual practice in northern latitudes, where there is a polar night, the time of prayers in such a terrain is established on the schedule of the prayer of the nearest city or the region, where there is a separation feature between day and night, or - on the Meccan schedule of prayers.

In difficulties (there is no current time; complex meteo conditions, the absence of the Sun), when there is no possibility of accurate determination of the time of prayers, they are committed at approximately approximately. At the same time, it is desirable to commit with a certain twist (zuhr) and evening (Magreb) prayers, and after the urgent commission of the afternoon ('ASR) and Night (' Isha ') prayer. Thus, there is a peculiar convergence of the second with the third and fourth with fifth prayers, which is allowed in exceptional situations.

It happened a day after the historically important and notable night of Ascension (Al-Mi'raj).

Hadith from Jabab ibn 'Abdullah; sv. x. Ahmada, AT-Tirmisi, An-Nasai, Hell Dara Kutno, Al-Bayhak, etc. See, for example: Al-Benna A. (known as AS-Sa'ati). Al-Fatah Ar-Rabbani Lee Tartib Musand Al-Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Ash-Schaibani [Lord Opening (Help) To streamline Hadithov Akhmad Ibn Hanbal Ash-Saybani]. At 12 t., 24 h. Beirut: Their of At-Turas Al-'Araby, [b. G.]. T 1. Ch. 2. P. 241, Hadith No. 90, "Hassan, Sakhih"; AT-Tirmisi M. Sunan AT-Tirmisi [Arm of Hadisov Imam At-Tirmisi]. Beirut: Ibn Khazm, 2002. P. 68, Hadith No. 150, "Hassan, Sakhih"; Al-Amir 'Alaud Din Al-Farisi. Al-Imban fi Tarib Sahih Ibn Habban [noble act in approaching (to readers) of the Hadithov ibn Hubbana]. In 18 tons. Beirut: Ar-Risal, 1997. T. 435, Hadith No. 1472, "Hassan, Sahah", "Sakhih"; Ash-Shavkyani M. Neil Al-Avtar [achieving goals]. In 8 tons. Beirut: Al-Kutub Al-'ylmia, 1995. T. 1. P. 322, Hadith No. 418.

For details, see, for example: Al-Benna A. (known as AS-Sa'ati). Al-Fatah Ar-Rabbani Lee Tartib Musand Al-Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Ash-Saybani. T. 1. Ch. 2. P. 239, Hadith No. 88 (from Ibn 'Abbas), "Hassan", according to some - "sahih"; There's also Hadith No. 89 (from Abu Sa'id Al-Lyubi); al-kary 'A. Mirkat al-Mafatih Sharch Mishkat al-Masabih. In 11 tons. Beirut: Al-Fikre, 1992. T. 2. P. 516-521, Hadith No. 581-583.

See, for example: al-kary 'A. Mirkat al-Mafatih Sharch Mishkat al-Masabih. T. 2. P. 522, Hadith No. 584; Ash-Shavkyani M. Neil Al-Avtar. T. 1. P. 324.

See, for example: AT-Tirmisi M. Sunan At-Tirmisi. P. 68; Al-Benna A. (known as AS-Sa'ati). Al-Fatah Ar-Rabbani Lee Tartib Musand Al-Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Ash-Saybani. T. 1. Ch. 2. P. 241; Al-Amir 'Alaud Din Al-Farisi. Al-Issan fi tarib sahih ibn hubban. T. 4. P. 337; Ash-Shavkyani M. Neil Al-Avtar. T. 1. P. 322; Az Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh [Islamic Law and its arguments]. In 11 tons. Damascus: Al-Fikre, 1997. T. 1. P. 663.

See, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. T. 1. P. 673; Al-Khatyb Ash-Shirbinine Sh. Mugni Al-Mukhtage [enriching needy]. In 6 tons. Egypt: al-McTaba AT-Tavficia [b. G.]. T. 1. P. 256.

Hadith from Ibn Masmud; sv. x. AT-Tirmisi and al-Khakim. In the arches of the Hadithov Imamov al-Bukhari and Muslim instead of "at the beginning of it" said "on time." See, for example: al-Amir 'Alaud dein al-Farisi. Al-Issan fi tarib sahih ibn hubban. T. 4. P. 338, 339, Hadith No. 1474, 1475, both "sahih"; As-San'ani M. Subul As-Salam (Tab'itun Mohakkaka, Muharraja). T. 1. P. 265, Hadith No. 158; Al-Kurtby A. Talchys Sahih Al-Imam Muslim. T. 1. S. 75, section "Vera" (Chinese al-Iman), Hadith No. 59.

For details on the topic, see, for example: Mudduddin A. Al-Igotyar Lee Ta'lil Al-Mukhtar. T. 1. P. 38-40; Al-Khatyb Ash-Shirbinin S. Mugni Al-Mukhtaj. T. 1. P. 247-254; AT-Tirmisi M. Sunan AT-Tirmisi. P. 69-75, Hadith No. 151-173.

For details, see, for example: al-Khatyb Ash-Shirbinin S. Mugni al-Mukhtaj. T. 1. P. 257.

Hadith from Ibn 'Abbas; sv. x. Ibn Huzaima and Al-Khakim, according to which the Hadis is credited, "sahih". See, for example: AS-San'ani M. Subul Salam (Tab'itun Mohakkaka, Muharraja) [Ways of the World (the edition of the rechecable, with the refinement of the accuracy of the Hadiths)]. In 4 tons. Beirut: Al-Fikre, 1998. T. 1. P. 263, 264, Hadith No. 156/19.

See Hadith from 'Abdullah Ibn' AMRA; sv. x. Ahmada, Muslim, An-Nasai and Abu Dauda. See, for example: An-Nawavi Ya. Sahih Muslim Bi Sharh An-Nawavi [Arch of Hadith Imam Muslim with the comments of Imam An-Nawavi]. In 10 tons, 18 h Beirut: al-Kutub al-'ylmium, [b. G.]. T. 3. Part 5. P. 109-113, Hadith No. (612) 171-174; Al-Amir 'Alaud Din Al-Farisi. Al-Issan fi tarib sahih ibn hubban. T. 4. P. 337, Hadith No. 1473, Sakhih.

Usually in the schedules of the prayers after the Fajr column there is a graph "Shukur", that is, the sunrise time so that the person knows when the time interval of the morning prayer (Fajr) is completed.

Hadith from Abu Khruire; sv. x. Al-Bukhari, Muslim, AT-Tirmisi et al. see, for example: Al-Oaschalyani A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari. T. 3. S. 71, Hadith No. 579; Al-Amir 'Alaud Din Al-Farisi. Al-Issan fi tarib sahih ibn hubban. T. 4. P. 350, Hadith No. 1484, Sakhih; AT-Tirmisi M. Sunan AT-Tirmisi [Arm of Hadisov Imam At-Tirmisi]. Riyad: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davlia, 1999. P. 51, Hadith No. 186, "Sakhih".

See, for example: As-San'ani M. Subul Salam. T. 1. P. 164, 165; AS-SUYUTY J. Al-Jami 'as-Sagyr. Pp. 510, Hadith No. 8365, "Sakhih"; Al-Khatyb Ash-Shirbinin S. Mugni Al-Mukhtaj. T. 1. P. 257.

The theologian of the Khanafitsky and Hanbalite Mazhabs believe that a sufficient minimum in this situation is "Tabier" at the beginning of prayer (takachtul-Ivyram). The words "who will make one Rakäyat" they interpret in the meaning "who will begin to make one cancerat." See, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. T. 1. P. 674.

See, for example: Al-Oaschalyani A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari. T. 3. P. 71, 72; Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. T. 1. P. 517; Amin M. (known as IBN 'Abidin). Radd al-Mukhtar. In 8 tons. Beirut: Al-Fix, 1966. T. 2. P. 62, 63.

Maxoudi A. Goybadate Islala [Islamic Ritual Practice]. Kazan: Tatarstan Chinese Kitap, 1990. P. 58 (at the Tatar. Yaz.).

See, for example: An-Nawavi Ya. Sahih Muslim B. Sharh An-Nawavi. T. 3. Part 5. P. 124, explanation for Hadis No. (622) 195.

The view is that the completion time of the midday prayer (zuhr) and the beginning of the afternoon ('ASR) comes when the shadow of the subject becomes twice as long as it is not true. Among the theologian-Khanafitov, only Abu Hanifa spoke about this and only in one of his two judgments on this issue. The coordinated opinion of the scientists of the Khanafitsky Mazhab (the opinion of the Imam Abu Yusuf and Muhammad Ash-Schaybani, as well as one of the opinions of Abu Khanifa) completely coincides with the opinion of the scientists of the other mazhabs, according to which the time of the midday prayer is completed, and the afternoon starts when the shadow of the subject becomes longer His himself. See, for example: Mudjduddin A. Al-iartyar Lee Ta'llie Al-Mukhtar. T. 1. P. 38, 39; Al-Margynani B. Al-Hidai [Guide]. 2 tons, 4 h. Beirut: al-Kutub al-'ylmia, 1990. T. 1. Part 1. P. 41; Al-'aini B. 'Madda Al-Kari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari [Support reader. Commentary for the village of Hadith al-Bukhari]. In 25 tons. Beirut: al-Kutub Al-'ylmia, 2001. T. 5. P. 42; Al-Saskaliani A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari [Opening the creator (for a person in understanding the new) through comments to the village of Hadith al-Bukhari]. In 18 tons. Beirut: Al-Kutub Al-'ylmia, 2000. T. 3. P. 32, 33.

See, Hadith from 'Abdullah Ibn' Amra; sv. x. Ahmada, Muslim, An-Nasai and Abu Dauda. See: An-Nawavi Ya. Sakhih Muslim B. Sharh An-Nawavi. T. 3. Part 5. P. 109-113, Hadith No. (612) 171-174.

The time of prayer ('ASR) can be calculated by a mathematical manner, separating the time interval between the beginning of the midday prayer and the sunset on seven parts. Four are the first of them will be the time of the midday (Zuhr), and the three last time of the afternoon ('ASR) prayers. This form of calculation is approximate.

Hadith from Abu Khruire; sv. x. Al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: Al-Oaschalyani A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari. T. 3. P. 71, Hadith No. 579.

Ibid. Pp. 121, 122, Hadith No. (621) 192 and an explanation for it.

See: An-Nawavi Ya. Sakhih Muslim B. Sharh An-Nawavi. T. 3. Part 5. P. 124; Ash-Shavkyani M. Nale Al-Avtar. T. 1. P. 329.

Hadith from Anas; sv. x. Muslim, An-Nasai, AT-Tirmisi. See, for example: An-Nawavi Ya. Sahih Muslim B. Sharh An-Nawavi. T. 3. Part 5. P. 123, Hadith No. (622) 195; Ash-Shavkyani M. Nale Al-Avtar. T. 1. P. 329, Hadith No. 426.

See Hadith from 'Abdullah Ibn' AMRA; sv. x. Ahmada, Muslim, An-Nasai and Abu Dauda. See: An-Nawavi Ya. Sakhih Muslim B. Sharh An-Nawavi. T. 3. Part 5. P. 109-113, Hadith No. (612) 171-174.

For details, see, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. T. 1. P. 667, 668.

Hadith from Ayuba, 'Ukba Ibn' Amir and Al-'abbasa; sv. x. Ahmada, Abu Dauda, \u200b\u200bAl-Khakim and Ibn Maja. See: AS-SUYUTS J. Al-Jami 'AS-Sagyr [Small Collection]. Beirut: Al-Kutub Al-'ylmia, 1990. P. 579, Hadith No. 9772, "Sakhih"; Abu Daud S. Sunan Abi Daud [Arch of Hadith Abu Dauda]. Riyad: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davlia, 1999. P. 70, Hadith No. 418.

See Hadith from 'Abdullah Ibn' AMRA; sv. x. Ahmada, Muslim, An-Nasai and Abu Dauda. See: An-Nawavi Ya. Sakhih Muslim B. Sharh An-Nawavi. T. 3. Part 5. P. 109-113, Hadith No. (612) 171-174.

See Hadith from Abu Khruire; sv. x. Ahmada, AT-Tirmisi and Ibn Maja. See: Al-Kari 'A. Mirkat al-Mafatih Sharch Mishkat al-Masabih. At 11 t. Beirut: Al-Fix, 1992. T. 2. P. 535, Hadith No. 611; AT-Tirmisi M. Sunan AT-Tirmisi [Arm of Hadisov Imam At-Tirmisi]. Riyadh: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davlia, 1999. S. 47, Hadith No. 167, "Hassan, Sakhih".

Hadith from Jabab ibn Samra; sv. x. Ahmada, Muslim, An-Nazai. See: Ash-Shavkyani M. Neil Al Avtar. In 8 tons. T. 2. S. 12, Hadith No. 454. The same Hadith in St. x. Al-Bukhari from Abu Barza. See: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 tons. T. 1. P. 187, ch. № 9, section number 20; Al-'yney B. 'Madda Al-Kari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari. At 20 t. T 4. P. 211, 213, 214; Al-Oaschayani A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari. In 15 tons. T. 2. P. 235, as well as with. 239, Hadith number 567.

This is about 2.5 meters or when the sun itself is not visible, approximately 20-40 minutes after the start of the sunrise. See: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. T. 1. P. 519.

Sv. X. Imam Muslim. See, for example: As-San'ani M. Subul Salam. T. 1. P. 167, Hadith No. 151.

Hadith from Abu Sa'id al-Lyube; sv. x. al-Bukhari, Muslim, An-Nasai and Ibn Maja; and Hadith from 'Umar; sv. x. Ahmada, Abu Dauda and Ibn Maja. See, for example: AS-SUYUTS J. Al-Jami 'as-Sagyr. Pp. 584, Hadith No. 9893, "Sakhih".

See, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. T. 1. P. 664.

See, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. T. 1. P. 673.

The most detailed description: Isha Night Prayer - for our readers and subscribers.

"And stand the prayer, and let's clean up, and bow to worshiping. Do you really care for people mercy and forget themselves, while you are reading Scripture? Do you really make sure? Contact your patience and prayer; After all, it is a great one, if only not for humble, who think they will meet their Lord and that they return to him "(Sura Al Bakara Ayata 43-46)

Time Namaza Isha

During the training of the Prophet's Namaz (peace and blessing of Allah), Angel Jibril (peace) said to him: "Do Night ('Isha) prayer when the evening dawn disappears" (An-Nasai, AT-Tirmisi. Hadith reliable. "Iruuul-Galill" 250). But when performing the unification of Namaza Magrib and Isha, the night Namaz is done immediately after making Maghreb. Shiites believe that there is a special time to make Namaza Isha - time after Maghreb and until midnight (by Sharia). Shiites are convinced that in the interval of the onset of Maghreb and until midnight, it is common for Maghreb and Isha and you can read one after another. But the Sunni believes that with the onset of time Magrib - time only for Namaz Magrib and doing Namaz Isha immediately after magnib is not allowed. And when the time is over for the implementation of Maghreb and the time will come, Isha Namaz, then at this time the Namaz Magrib cannot be performed.

How long does night prayer last

Among scientists there are disagreements about the end time of the prayer isa. Some of them believe that the time of Isha Namaza lasts until the time of morning namaz, and others believe that the time is Isha Namaz only until the middle of the night. The first scientists lead to the proof of the Hadith: "Sleep is not negligence, negligence allows those who delay the committing prayer before the next prayer!" (Muslim 681). And the second lead the Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah): "Time of prayer 'isha until mid night!" (Muslim 612). The majority believes that the first Hadith is generalizing and therefore follows the instruction that the time of Isha Namaz lasts until the middle of the night. The night begins with the moment of sunset and ends before the time of morning namaz. ("Shahul-Mumty '" 2/110). Umar Ibn Al-Hattab wrote Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (may Allah be pleased with them): "Make a prayer 'Isha in the first one third of the night, and if you delay it, then until the middle of the night, and do not be among the negligence! " (Malik 1/96, Ibn Abu washer 1/330, at-Tahaui 1/94. Sheikh al-Albani confirmed accuracy).

According to the Hanafi Mazhab, it is preferable to make Namaz at the end of the first third of the night. Machion in the second third of the night - "Mubah" (permitted), and in the third part of the night - "Makruh Tahrim" (strictly crown).

About what is desirable to postpone Ish Namaz at a later time

Here are a few Hadiths confirming the postpowting of Isha Namaz at a later time: Aisha (may Allah be pleased) told: "Once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah) delayed the prayer 'Ishant until the considerable part of the night passed. Then he came out, made Namaz and said: "This is a true time of this prayer, if only I was not afraid to burden my followers." (Muslim 219).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah) said: "If it were not burdensome fori am my community, I would have commanded them to postpone the prayer 'Isha to the first third of the night or the middle of the night. " (AT-Tirmisi 167, Ibn Majakh 691. Hadis's accuracy confirmed Sheikh al-Albani).

However, it is necessary to take into account the number of Muslims gathered for namaz in the mosque. Jabir told: "Sometimes the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) hurried with a night prayer, and sometimes he was slowing with her. When he saw that the people were already going, I made a prayer early. When people were delayed, he was postponed Namaz "(al-Bukhari 568, Muslim 1/233).

The commission of the night Namaz (ISH) at the beginning of her time in Jama'ate is better than the commission of Isa Namaz alone, but in the first third of the night. Just if a person is afraid that may not wake up at this time, it is better to make Namaz at the beginning of his time.

Nama time isa for places where it is difficult to determine the time on the sun

Problematically make Ish Namaz in those regions where night lasts 2 hours or vice versa more than 22 hours, and for the polar circle - in general for half a year. Many of the scientists advise to take the time of the time of Namaz in Mecca, many to focus on the nearest cities or countries where the day and night are replaced regularly. The latter method is more correct.

And on the Khanafitsky Mazhaba, Ish Namaz and the next Hitri Namaz, next to him, are not performed in those places where the night there is no night. According to scientists of the Khanafi Mazhab, in this case there are no reasons for making namaz, or rather the onset of this namaz. In the book "Maroal Faoh", Bulgaria is indicated as an example, where in the summer there is practically no nights.

Isha Namaz (Night Prayer)

2. Dua for Azan.

3. Four Rakat Sunna.

4. Kalimatu-sh-Shahada: Ashkad Alla Ilyah Ilylalla; Va Ashkhad Anna Mukhammadan Abduha Va Rasuluh (3 times) and quiet:

I testify that there is no god besides Allah, and Muhammad is his servant and the envoy) - peace and blessings of Allah.

Astagfir Lla (100 times).

6. Suatu-L-Ihlas ((Sura No. 112) (3 times).

Subhana Rabikia, Rabbi-L-Szati Amma Yasyfun, Va Salaamun Alya-L-Mursalin Va-Lie Hamu Lee-flasks Rabbi-L-Alyamin.

Glory to you, Lord, the Lord of the power, (which for Peloys, exceeds), all that people prick him and will be the world of envoys. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of Worlds.

7. DUA: Ilya Sharafi-n-Nabiyiai (Salla Allah Alayhi Va Salimam) Va Alikhiva Sakhbihi-L-Kyram, Va Ilya Mashaykhina Fi-T-Tarikati-n-N-N-N-N-N-N-Troikati-L-Alya, Hassan Ilya Ruhi Imami-T-Tarikati Va Gausi Oh Khalika, Shah Bahauddin Nokkbadi Muhammadini-L-Weiji-Fn Bukhary Va Ilya Maulyan Sultani-L-Aulia Sheikh Abdi-Llya-Fizi D-Dagestan, Sairi Sadatina Va-Sidikyun. Al Fatiha.

May the Prophet (CAC) and his family and its outstanding associates. And our sheikham in the excellent Nakshbadian Tarikat, especially the spirit of Iman Tarikat, Gaus al-Khalik, Sheikh Bahauddina Nakshband Muhammad Al-Ways Al Bukhari and our teacher, Sultan Avliya, Sheih Abdalla Al-Phasis hell Dagestani and all our teachers and boilers. Al Fatiha.

8. Ikamat (a second call for prayer).

9. Four graft racks.

(Optional): La Ilyaha Ilylalla (3 times) Muhammad-R-Rasul-Lla.

(Whisper): Sal Allah Aleikha Va Salla.

Istigarfar (sorry sorry): Astagfiru-Llacha-Fa Azuma - Fa Lyazi La Ilyaha Ilya Khuva-Ilya-l Qayym Vas Atuba Ilyaich. (3 times)

(I apologize (3 times) by Allah Almighty, there is no God besides him: the eternal, self-existing, and I appear in repentance in front of him).

Or: Astagfir Lla (3 times).

Dua: Allahumma Anta-Salam Va Mincia-S-Salam, Tabarata Tabahaita, I am for Jalali Va-Icram. La Ilyah Illyallahu, Wahdahu La Shiarica Lyakh. Lyakhu-Li Mulk, Lyahu-Fel Hamdu, Va Vawa Alya Kully Chayin Cadir. Samiana Va Atana, Gufranakya, Raban, Va Ilyaika-L-Masyr.

About Allah! You are the world, and the world comes from you. Blessed and elevated you, about the Lord of Great and Generosity. No BGA besides Allah. He is one, and he has no companion. His is the kingdom and his all praise, and he is above all the rural. We heard and listened to your forgiveness, about our Lord! You are our direction.

10. Two Sunna and two naphle of the cancer without spoken of Salam after the first two Rakaatovb ie. Only one Tosslim (2 + 2). (Our sheikh performs these 4 cancer together or, in the language of Sharia, without Taslim between each block of 2-rockets).

11. Salyatu-I-Wit (3 Rakataat).

Prayer is kunut (prayer kunut is inserted into the third rocket after reading the Sury al-Fatiha and any other sura of the Quran (our sheikh usually reads Sura Al-Ihlas), and to position hand, (the slope of the body, palm on the knees). After you Finished reading Suru Koran, raise your palms to the ears, as you do this at the beginning of the prayer, and say the Takbir ("Allahi Akbar!"), and then say the Dua specified in the text. After that, do the hand. And then continue to do as the usual Prayer): Allah Akbar! Allahumma Inna Nastajnukya (Va Nastouchdikya) Nastagfuoka (Va Natuba Ilyaja), Numeno Bikya, Vatvakälyal Alyaika, Va Nusni Alyaika (Kullyhah), Najarukaya Va La Natrukaya, Washa Vas Natruckman Man Yafdyuuk. ALLAHUMMA IYYAKA NATIBUD, VA LIKY NUSALLY VA NAZHFIDA, VA NARJA Rakhmatakya, Vahasha Azabakya, Inna Azabakya-li Dzhidda Bi-Llkiffari Malhak. Va Sal Allah Alya N-Nabiyia Va Alya Ali Va Salla.

Allah Akbar! (Go to hand).

Allah is great! About Allah! You are alone we pray for help, about the leadership and forgiveness. And in front of you we appear in repentance. We believe in you and behave and raise your praise to you all that is good. We thank you and do not be in ungratefulness. We leave those who sin against you. About Allah! We only serve you, and we pray and make an earthly bow, and we rush to you and strive. We hope for your mercy and worry your punishment, for, truly, your harsh punishment lowers unbelievers. May the blessings of Allah and the world with the Prophet and his family will. Allah is great! (Go to hand).

12. (After greetings - Tosslim): Alya Rasulin Az-Salavat. Astagfiru Llah, Subchan-Alla, Varan Hamu Lylahi, Va Lahaha Ilya-Llahu Va-Allah Akbar, Va La Khavvata Ilyl Bi-Llya-L-Alya-L-Azim.

Blessing the Prophet! I apologize to Allah. Praise be to Allah! Praise Allah! There is no god besides Allah and Allah great. There is no power and power of anyone besides Allah, Almigh and Almighty.

13. Read: (2: 163) and Ayatu Round (2: 255).

Subhanakya ya azum. Subchan-Alla.

Alya Niamati-Ozlyam, Sharafi-L-Iman, Daiman Al-Hamdu Li Lla.

Al-Hamdu Li Llya (33 times).

Taalian Shaanuha, Va Laaha Gairuh, Allah Akbar.

Allah Akbar (33 times).

Glory to you, about Almighty! Praise Allah!

For the sake of the gift of Islam, the nobility of Iman (faith), always, praise Allah. Praise Allah!

Great his act, and there is no god besides him.

Allah Akbaru Kyabiran, Vashend Lee-llander Kyasiran, Va Subkhan Allahi Budtan Va Asylan. La Ilyha, Ilya-Llahu Wahaja La Shiaricia La, Lyahu-l-ly, Vahau-Fel Hamd, Yuhia Va Yumita Va Huiva Alya Kully Cheyin Kadir.

Allah is the greatest in his greatsts, and many praise Allah. Slava Allah Utrne and Evening. There is no god besides Allah. He is one, he has no companion. His is all the kingdom and all praise him. He brings life and death, and he is over all things authorby. Glory to my Lord, the Almighty, the Highest, Allowing.

15. Dua. Your request.

17. Shahada (evidence of faith):

Ashkhadu Alla Ilyah Ilylalla Va Ashkhad Anna Mukhammadan Abduha Va Rasul (and quiet): (Salallhah alayhi wa sallam).

18. Astagfir Lla (100 times).

19. DUA: Astagfiru-Llacha-L-Azim, Min Kully Zanbin Va Maasyatin Va Min Kullya Ma Yuhalifa Dina-Fest Islyam, I am Arham-R-Rakhimin.

I apologize to Allah for all sin and disobeying and for everything that opposes religion to Islyam, about graciously alien!

20. Surat-Ul-Mulch: (Sura "Power", No. 67).

Auzu Bi-llander Min-Sh-Shayatani-R-Rady. Bismi-Llya-R-Rakhmani-R-Rahim. (Then read the Sura al-Fatiha and Sura al-Mulch) (sometimes instead of Sura al-Mulk read "Aman R-Roll." (2: 285-286)).

21. Suatu-L-Ihlas (No. 112) (3 times).

22. Suatu-Falak (No. 113).

23. Suatu-n-us (No. 114).

24. La Ilyha Ilyland-Lla (10 times), and after the 10th time Muhammadar-Rasul-Lla, Salla Allahu Taalian Aleikha Va Salla.

25. Salavat: Allahumma Sally Alya Muhammadin Va Alya Muhammadin Va Salim (10 times).

26. DUA: Ala Ashrafi-L-Alyamin Siadina Muhammadin AS-Salavat (CAC).

Alya Afdali-L-Alyamin Siadina Muhammadin AS-Salavat (CAC).

Alya Akmali-L-Alyamin Siadina Muhammadin AS-Salavat (CAC).

The most noble creation is our master (teacher) Muhammad - blessings (CAC).

With the most perfect creatures, our teacher Muhammad - and will be blessing, with the most commemorated from the creation, our teacher Muhammad - and will be blessing)

Salavatu-Llakhi Taalya Vas Malya'yachi Va Ankyai Va Rusulich, Va Jamia Halki Alya Muhammadin Va Alya Ali Muhammad, Aleikha Va Aleikhima S-Salam, Va Rakhmat-Llakhima Taalya Va Barakatuh, Va Radya-Allahu Tabarai Va Taalian Academy of Sciences Sadatina Asshabi Rasuli Ajmain, Va Ani-T-Tabina Bihim Bi-Izan, Va Ani-L-Aimmami-Fa Majtahidina-Fn Madyn Va Ani-L-Ulyamai-L-Muttakin, Va Ani-L-Avalii-Salikhin, Va En Mashaykhina FI-T-Tarikati-n-N-N-N-N-Allahi-L-Ailya, Kaddas Allahu Taalya Arvahahumu-Z-Zasyia, Va Vaver-Allahu Taalya Adrikhayumu-Fa Mubaraba, Va AAAD-Allahu Taaly Alya Min Barakatihim Va Fiudatihim Daiman, Va -L-Hamdu Lee-flasks Rabbi-L-Alyamin.

Allah's blessing (he was praised!) His angels, his prophets, his messengers and his whole nation will be with Muhammad and the Muhammad's family, and the world will be preserved and Milly Allah (he was praised!) And his blessings with him and them. Yes, there will be Allah blessed and sublime, pleased with each of our teachers, the associates of the message of Allah and those who followed them in compulsory. (May he be pleased) the first brave imams and pious scientists and righteous saints (Avalia) and our sheikhs in the glorious Nakshbadian Tarikat, and the Allah will overthrow (he was praised!) Their clean souls and sighs the light on their graves. Let Allah prolongs us (he was praised!) From their grace and inexhaustible generosity, always. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of Worlds.

Night Prayer (ISH)

Isha, Night Namaz (Arab. صلاة الششاء - night prayer) - Night four-fold Muslim prayer. One of the five mandatory daily prayers.

Time of commission [| the code ]

The time of maze comes immediately after the end of the time of Namaz Magnib and ends immediately before the morning Namaz Fajr. The time from which you can make namaz is associated with the disappearance of the evening dawn after sunset. In the Khanafi Mazhabe, Isha is made 1.5 hours after the evening prayer of Maghreb.

The end of the prayer time comes before the start of the Morning Prayer. Some theologians believe that Prayer-Isha should be fulfilled until midnight. Other theologians consider it a desirable action.

Additional prayers [| the code ]

After committing prayer, ISH it is advisable to make an additional two-meat prayer and Namaz-Vitr.

Procedure for execution [| the code ]

1 Rakat [| the code ]

Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar Allah Akbar, Allahu Akbar

Ashkhadu Alla Ilyah Illy Llah Ashkhadu Alla Ilya Haja Llah

Ashkhad Anna Muhammadar Rasullah Ashkhad Anna Mukhammadar Rollen Llakh

Heya Alya Xaja Alya Ssalah

Heya Alal Faoh Heya Alal Faoh

Kat Kamati Cady Cat Kamati Seda

Allah Akbar Allah Akbarla La Ilyah Illy Llah

Allahu Akbar (men touch the uches with their hands)

Kyyama. Dua "Subhanak" is read:

Cubchanak Allahumma UA Bihamdik ( Glory to you, about Allah, and praise you)

uA Tabarakasmuk ( blessed is yours) UA Taalian Juduk ( above all your greatness)

wa La Ilyha Goyuk (and there is no God except you)

Auzu Billahi Minash-Shaytanir Rada ( I resort to Allah for help against Shaitan)

sura "Al Fatiha" is read

sura "Kausar" is read

Inna Akutnakyal Kausar (we gave you al-Kausar (countless benefits, including the river the same name in Paradise)) Lee Robbika Ouanhar (therefore, do Namaz for the sake of his Lord and temper the sacrifice) Inna Sani'aka Halal Abtar (truly, your hater himself It turns out to be unlucky).

At the end of the second sura, the tag-tone says and makes a belt bow - a hand with the words "Allah Akbar".

In this position, the praise of Allah is pronounced 3 times: "Subhana Robbihal Azum".

Saddi. In this position, it is desirable to pronounce the praise of Allah 3 times. Subhana Robbial Agla

Sit between Saddi. Robbie Hill-Lee, Robbie Hill-Lee (My Lord, forgive me. My Lord, forgive me) Saddha. Subhana Robbihal Agla (thank my Highest Lord) After, praying rises to the Kyama position.

The first rakat of prayer is considered to be fulfilled. Allahu Akbar (Allah above all)

2 Rakat [| the code ]

Also, al-Fatiha is read in the first Rakat, after her Sura "Ihlas" (cleansing):

Kul Huyuha Ahad (Say: He is Allah One) Allahu-Samad (Allah - Permanent) Lyam Yalid Wah Lam Yulda (not born and was not born) Waam Yakullyah Cufuan Akhad

AT-TAHIATIA LILLAHA WALA-SALAUATATU UAT TAYYIBAT (Welcomes of Allahu, Prayers and Good Deeds) As-Salaim Galekaya Ayjahn-Nabiyu Ua Rakhmatullahi UA Barakatuhuh (peace to you, about the prophet, grace of Allah and his blessings) As-Salam Aleina Ua Alya Ibadillahis -Salikhin (the world of us and the true servants of Allah) Ashkhadu Alla Ilyaha Illyallah Ua Ashkad Anna Mukhammadan Abdukhu, Ua Rasulukh (I testify that there is no deity besides Allah and testify that Muhammed is his slave and his envoy) reading Tashahhud, praying rises to the third rocket . Allah Akbar (Allah above all)

3 Rakat [| the code ]

4 Rakat [| the code ]

Rabbana Aatina Fiddunia Khasan

uA film Ahchi Khasan

uA Kina Azabannar

As-Salamu Aleikum Uau Rakhmatullah

The words DUA "Istigfar":

Astagfirullah! Astagfirullah! Astagfirullah!

Namaz night. Night Namaz time. What is the name Namaz?

Do you know what is called night Namaz? Everyone knows that Islamic worship can acquire various forms that directly depend on his time of the commission. Prayer is also modified according to the circumstances accompanying its events, on the occasion of which is performed.

The most noticeable difference between the namazomas among the cancer, which are included in them, although most of the prayers consist of two cancer. The only worship service that does not have the usual cancer is called the pierced prayer (Janaza). He is reading standing, waiting for his hands to the sun and uttering between the prayer-dua Tabier.

Namaz night is called "Isha". This is a four-fold mandatory prayer, which is started to read after sunset (with the care of the evening dawn) and are completed at dawn. I wonder why many believe that this worship can be completed at midnight.

So, Isha is one of the five daily mandatory prayers. The night Namaz time comes immediately after the completion of Magreb's prayer and ends before the start of the morning prayer Fajr. In the Khanafitsky Mazhab, ISHA is read after an hour and a half after the overthrow of the evening prayer Magreb.

The completion of worship comes before the start of reading the morning prayer. By the way, Namaz night has auxiliary prayer. After reading the prayer-ist, it is recommended to perform an additional two-time worship service and Namaz-Vitr.

  • Aisha told the story: "It happened that the Messenger of Allah prayer was delayed until he had passed deeply over midnight. He came out then, made Namaz and Ozrin: "This is the true time of this prayer, but I am not afraid to burden my students."
  • The Messenger of Allah told: "If it were not painful for my community, I would have commanded them to read the prayer isa to postpone until the first third of the night or until the middle of the night."
  • Jabir said: "Sometimes with a night prayer, the prophet rushed, and sometimes he was slowing with her. When he contemplated many people, read prayers early. When people came late, he was postponed Namaz. "

Night Namaz

And now we will try to consider the most detailed to consider Namaz Night (al-Ish) and Namaz Vitr. Making a night prayer, you need to first pronounce four Sunna Rakate, similar to the Sunne of the afternoon prayer. Then the ICAMAT is performed, and after four Farda Rakat, similar to the Fard of Housing Services. Next, the praying reads two Sunna Rakate, similar to Sunnu Morning Namaz. Between them, the difference is possible only in Niyyat.

Then there are three prayer prayer wrappers. By the way, Namaz Vitr is considered to be Vajibum and consists of three cancer. He is read after night prayer. In general, "al-Fatiha" is performed in each rocket and another sura.

How is Namaz Vitr? At first, you need to make Niyat: "It was born for the sake of Allah to fulfill the prayer of the Wit," and then, by saying the Tabbir: "Allah Akbar", it is necessary to get up to read the namaz. After the commission of two rakaatov, as with the Sunne of the morning prayer, only "Attachiyat ..." is read.

Then the praying pronounces "Allah Akbar" and gets up for the fulfillment of the Third Rakat: now he reads Al-Fatihu and another suver. Then the hands are lowered down, rose to the ears and turns the tack: "Allah Akbar".

Next, praying, folding hands on the stomach, reads the Dua "Kunut". He then lowers his hands and says "Allah Akbar", making the "hand." After the sale of two sitting sitting read "Attachiyat ...", "Salavat" and Dua. Next is pronounced Salam.

In general, there are special schemes for performing night prayer cancer and for women, and for men.

How does Muslim read Namaz?

How to start namaz night woman? As a rule, at first they find out what Namaz is and why should it be done. In general, Namaz is one of the five Islamic pillars. He is obliged to read every Muslim and Muslim. This worship cleans the soul of man, lights the heart of the believer and exhibits it in front of Holy Allah. It is through this sacred prayer that man worship is expressed by the Almighty.

Only during the prayer, people can personally chat with Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing from the Most High) said this prayer so: "Namaz is a support of religion. Who ignores him, he destroys his faith. " Magnifying Namaz clears his soul from all sinful and vicious.

Generally for a woman muslim prayer It is an inseparable part of her worship of God. One day, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing to Him and the blessing of Allah) asked for his comrades the question: "Does the dirt remain on your body if you swim in the river five times, which flows before your hut?" They replied: "Oh, God's messenger, the body will be our pure and dirt will not remain any!"

To this, the prophet said: "This is an example of five namazov who read Muslims: thanks to them Allah blends sins as this water cleans the body from dirt." Prayer will be a key point when calculating the day of human accomplishments in the vessel day, because in relation to Muslim prayer, his actions on Earth will be judged.

Night Namaz for women is the same mandatory prayer as for men. Many Muslims are afraid to read prayers, as they do not know how to make it. But such a nuance should not be an obstacle to the accomplishment of believing its obligations before Allah. After all, if a woman refuses Namaz, she is deprived of not only the divine award, but also peace of mind, family peace and the possibility of raising babies in the Islamic faith.

How to make a night Namaz woman? At first, it should remember the number of necessary magazines and know, from which rocade they consist. Muslims need to be understood that each Namaz is made up of Nafl-Namaz, Sunna-Namaz and Fard-Namaz. Interestingly, for Muslims, Fard-Namazov is a mandatory action.

What is Rakat? This is the order of manipulations and words in Namaz. One rakat consists of a single waist bow (hand) and two sages (earth bows). To fulfill these namaz, a beginner woman should be very quickly to drive the Dua and Sura, which are read in Namaz, master all the steps and the order of action.

Muslim must remember how to really do the husl and voodoo, to learn at least three suras from the Quran and Sura Fatiha, a few Dua.

To properly learn to make Namaz, a woman can seek help to relatives or her husband. It can also explore various learning video and books. A good teacher will tell in detail the oddness of actions at what point are the suras and Dua, how to position the body during the sage or hand.

After all, even Allama Abdul-Hi Allasnavi wrote that "many actions of Muslims during worship differ from manipulations of men."

And now I will study the prayer Tahaud. This night prayer, which is read in a certain part of the night, in the intervals between the prayer of Yatsa (ISH) and the morning namaz. This Namaz has its own characteristics: after Yatsa, it is necessary to sleep for several hours and only then, awakening, to fulfill this prayer.

By the way, Takhaud is in the group of additional magazines. For each believer (mummin), this worship is a Sunny Mohakkad. And an indispensable prayer is considered to worship the Lord. The messenger broadcasts as: "Moluba Tajud is the best, important and useful after the required fivefold worship."

However, for the most Mohammed Mohammed Namaz was indispensable. Allah says so: "awaken in a certain part of the night and fulfill a prayer. Perhaps the Lord Your Honorary Paradise will be erected. "

This prayer is performed in the same way as other, two cancer. You can read the sura here both to yourself and out loud.

Night treasure

And yet, what is the name of the night Namaz? Usually, Tajud prayer is referred to as a night treasure. Interestingly, in the book "Havi Kudsi" it is written: "The smallest number of cancer in Tahaud-prayer is two, and the greatest - eight rakaatov." And in the works of "Javhara" and "Marakil Flach" it is written: "The most smaller number of cancer in the night prayer is eight. You can choose here at will. "

Time of prayer Tajud.

So let's consider the night Namaz in detail. How much should it be done? It is known that better time To read the prayer Tahajud is considered the second half of the night (to the morning sunrise). And during the final third of the night, the omnipresent Allah gets Dua and proclaims: "Who will decide to ask me (about something) so that I give it this? Who will pray for forgive me, so I pardon him? "

But if anyone in this part of the night is not able to, he can read the night prayer (Tajud) at any time after the accomplishment of Isa-Namaz (night prayer). Messenger Allah Ozrozk: "Everything that happens after ISH is referred to as the night (considered Tahaud)."

If the believer is that he can wake up at night, not sure, he must fulfill the Vitr before bedtime. At the same time, if he still rose at night, he can read Tahaud, but repeating the Wit here is not necessary.

In general, the onset of Ramadan provides a great opportunity for a wonderful Sunna of our adorable mentor firmly entrenched in each life.

Dignity of Namaz Takhaud

So, the time of night Namaz we studied thoroughly. Consider now his advantages. The Quran states: "They separate their sides from the couch, calling with fear and hope to their Lord. They consume out of what we were supplied. No one person is unknown, what glades for the eyes are hidden for them in the form of gifts for what they have done. "

It is known that the Messenger of Allah continuously late at night performed Nafl-Namaz (Tajud). Mrs. Aisha told: "Do not leave the night Namaz, because even the messenger of Allah never left him. Even in the case of weakness or illness, he made him sitting. "

It is known that the Messenger of Allah inspired Umm to fulfill Tahaud. Fakii identified: Tahaud is the most significant of all napht-namaz.

The prophet appeared: "Close to pray at night! After all, it is really the custom of righteous ancient peoplewhich will allow you to get closer to Allah, refraining you from sin, you will redeemed your small sins. "

The Prophet also said: "Yes, he raises the Allah of that man who night woke up and made Namaz, and then began to wake his wife. But if she refused, it sprinkled with her water. Yes, he merges Allah that woman who, awakened at night, made Namaz, and then woke her husband and asked him to make a prayer. But if he refused, his wife should sprinkle with water! "

Nine good

And Umar Bin Hattab said that the Prophet is Ozrozk: "Who will fulfill the ideal way to Namaz, that Allah has nine blades - four in Achirate and five in worldly life."

You must remember the five products existing in worldly life:

  1. Allah will protect from troubles.
  2. Creator submission trail will be revealed on the face of Muslim.
  3. He will love all the righteous people and hearts.
  4. Wisdom will come from his language.
  5. Allah gives his understanding, turns into a sage.

You need to know the four benefits that will be given in Achirate:

  1. Muslim will rise, and his face will be illuminated by light.
  2. The report on the day of the court will be facilitated by him.
  3. He, like a shine of lightning, through the Sirate Bridge will pass.
  4. On the judy day will be given to him in the right hand the book of Acts.

Muslim hygiene in Namaz

And how to read the night Namaz woman? Muslims are obliged to closely treat this prayer, especially during the offensive and end menstrual cycle. In order for Namaz not to become a debt, first of all you need to know the time of execution of all worship services. Today, everyone has the opportunity to purchase a clock and the schedule of prayers (Radmon).

In general, the beginning of namaza can be determined by Azana. The completion of the time of prayer can be found in this way: the beginning of the dining prayer time until the moment of the afternoon prayer is the time of lunch service, until the evening Azana - the prayer time committed after lunch. With the onset of evening mol bes until night - this time evening worship. After the night Namaz, the night occurs, which ends at dawn. And from dawn to sunrise - the time of morning prayer.

So, if the dining plea time comes at 12 o'clock, and after-day at 15 o'clock, then the deadline of dinner namaz is called three hours. It is known that if the longitude of the day and night changes, the time of magazine is changing, which indicates Roman to.

After the woman learned and recognized the time of Namazov, she should trace the start and completion of his menstrual cycle.

Start cycle

So, how to read a woman's night Namaz, and everyone else at the beginning of the cycle? Suppose the time of lunch services begins at 12 o'clock. If Muslims have after that moment in five minutes (in fact, at the time of starting time, the prayer) will begin monthly, then after it is cleared, it is obliged to compensate this namaz.

This is interpreted: at the time of the beginning of the execution of the prayer, the woman immediately, fulfilling only the most important (phase) a little ablution and, after reading the prayer, after the "al-Fatih", a short sumary and not stretching his hand and the descent, could execute a phase. All these actions are performed only within five minutes. Muslim not taking advantage of this time, but having had the opportunity for this, obliged to refund prayer.

Many have already understood how to make night Namaz, other types of prayers. But it is impossible to conclude that if Muslim did not make a prayer at once, as soon as it was time, it will be considered a sin. The woman, as well as a man, has the right to postpone the moment of mazaz. However, if she had the opportunity to read the prayer at that short time and did not read it, after purification, it should be reimbred.

Circle completion

So, we studied the most detailed night Namaz. We also identified the name. But let's consider cleansing the woman and the order of the fulfillment of Namaz it at this moment. As an example, take a dining prayer. It is known that the dining prayer time ends at three in the afternoon. If Muslim will be cleaned to the expiration of the dinner period, and she will have a minute for which you can speak "Allah Akbar" until afternoon Azana, it must compensate for dining prayer. After all, the believer in purity was, even if a minute of the term before this service.

The question appears: how does a woman define the cessation of menstruation? It should be very attentive in those days when its cycle ends. Claimed, she must immediately swim and fulfill Namaz until the term is expired.

If the believer, having the opportunity, did not hurry to make namaz, then she will sink just as if Pharg will miss. It is impossible to make a complete ablution. At any convenient case, you need to swim and read Namaz. To achieve this goal, it is possible to endure a small cold, in order to fulfill the phase in time.

Perhaps, with the help of this article, readers will be able to sort out the rules for performing night namaz.


When we go to bed without making night Namaz, and then we get up at night and do night namaz, can we immediately make Namaz Tahajud or after the night Namaz do we need to sleep a little?


Here, first of all, it is necessary to understand in the temporary interval of night Namaz, and whether it is possible to go to bed without having a night Namaz, because, before you need to know, to correctly make Namaz, waking up for about three o'clock in the morning, as agreed in asked question. After that, we can move on to the question of the commission of Namaz Tahajud.

When one of the associates asked the Prophet (peace and blessing of the Most High!) What kind of act is the best, the honorable prophet replied: "Namaz, perfect at one time or at the beginning of its time interval."

"In Namaz, perfect at the beginning of its temporary gap, there is a contentment of Allah, and in Namaz, perfect at the end of its temporary gap, there is the forgiveness of Allah."

In fact, in general, as becomes clear from the above-mentioned Hadiths, it is advisable to make each Namaz at the beginning of its temporary interval. Along with this, if you draw attention to Sunna of the Messenger of Allah, we will see that, depending on the time of year, climate and various other situations, mazaz may later be considered more preferable than its commitment immediately after the onset of its temporary interval. In some legends associated with the time of night Namaz and the nuance that we mentioned above, the following says:

"Undoubtedly, the Messenger of Allah was postponing the commissioning of Night Namaz until the first third of the night was held, and also did not welcomed the dream before the night namaz and conversations after him (long conversation), considered it all undesirable."

"In one of the nights, the Messenger of Allah postponed the commission of night Namaz until midnight. Then he approached us and said: "People committed Namaz and went to bed. You, waiting for the time to make Namaz, received a remuneration that is given for the commission of Namaz. "

"If I were not afraid that it would be difficult for my community, I would have commanded to postpone the accomplishment of night Namaz until the first third of the night would be."

Recalling this, the Hanafitis considered that the postpowing of the night Namaz until the first third of the night was held, it was a desirable action, postponement of his commission until midnight, they called the neutral action, and as for the post of night Namaz after midnight, then they called undesirable action. Part of the Khanafi scientists considered it extremely undesirable and huge action, while the other part was expressed only about ordinary undesirable. However, it is worth noting that this desirability is relevant only for winter time. As for the summer, then, since the summer nights are short, in the summer night Namaz it is advisable to perform earlier.

In addition, we believe that it is worth disassembling the issue of wisdom, which laid down in the fact that postponing the performance of the night namaz until the first one third of the night is taken, it is considered desirable. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him!) Says: "The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and welcomes!) I poured our conversations after the night Namaz, that is, forbade us to do so."

As we see, the Prophet (may Allah bless and welcomes!) It did not welcomed the idle and useless conversations after the night Namaz, because of which people later went to sleep, because the person coming down in this way, with a lot of probability, could morning NamazAnd also lost the opportunity to get up for Maza Tahaud. In addition, the person begins the day from worship and must complete it in the same way.

Along with this, the views of other mazhabs are different about this. For example, Malikita, relying on the general statements mentioned above, about the desired time of the commission of each Namaz, believed that each Namaz was best done at the beginning of its temporary interval. According to the shafis, the commissioning of namas at the beginning of their temporary gap is desirable, except for the midday namaz, which in the case of strong heat should be postponed before the onset of the coolness. According to Hanbalit, all the namaz, except for the night, is preferable to perform at the beginning of their time interval.

In response to the desire of a certain person to go to bed, and waking up, to make night Namaz, considering that he makes it the most and additional Namaz, Imam Rabbani (may Allah be satisfied!) Said the following:

"Of all this, it becomes clear that to make night Namaz after midnight, thereby wanting to earn a reward and for the commission of an additional night Namaz, it is very wrong, because according to Imamam Khanafitsky Mazhab, the night-nighting is undesirable. It is clear from their words that this is an extreme undesirable, close to full prohibition, because they said that the night of Namaza was neutral to midnight. The exact same thing is that neutral, is undesirable and even extremely undesirable.

In the Shafitsky Mazhabe it is believed that the commission of night Namaz after midnight is unacceptable. That is why to make an additional night Namaz, and before it is to have a rest at rest, you should not postpone the accomplishment of night namaz for the night of the night after midnight, especially since such behavior is considered to be relied. People thinking in this way, as mentioned above, is advised to postpone the night after midnight, only the commission of Namaz Vitr. Moving the Vitra after midnight is desirable. Thus, a person will be able to make Namaz Vitre at that time, which is desirable to commit it, make an additional night Namaz, and also get such a good as wakefulness during Sahura. "

After we disassemble the question of time, when you preferably make night Namaz, let's talk about whether it is possible to go to bed without hopping Namaz. Regarding this topic, it is worth saying that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes!) I did not welcome and considered it unwanted sleep until Namaza, as well as conversations (long conversations) after him.

Most scientists, among which respectable Umar, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Imam Malik and other great personalities, believe that it is undesirable to go to bed without hoping.

On the other hand, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and welcomed!) She was postponed to the night of Namaz until the first third of the night was held, and the honorable Umar (may Allah be satisfied!) He reported that women and children had already fell asleep. Some Fakiii, among whom were honorable Ali, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (may Allah be pleased with them!) And Imam A'Zam, relying on legends that the Prophet did not affect those women and children that they went to bed before night namaz, believed that if a person instilled his habit to go to bed, and after some time waking up, or if he had anyone who wakes him, then in such a case, for such a person, sleep until the night namaz is not considered a borne and undesirable .

Some scientists have expressed that if a person wants to sleep very much or very tired, because of which it will not be able to make Namaz properly, he can relax a little and after that make Namaz, because Namaz is an important worship that needs to be done With trepidation and alone, and if a person wants to sleep in order to make Namaz that, then, most likely, this is not an undesirable action, but Allah know better. But in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that you should not leave the mazaz to the interval of the night after midnight (when calculating the duration of the night, you should take the sunset and the time of the appearance of the morning dawn).

Having completed the analysis of the issues related to the night Namaz, we turn to the question of the time most preferable to make Namaz Tajud. Below we give a few legends associated with this topic:

"Every night, when the last third of the night comes, the great and powerful Lord unknown usually descends on the bottom of the heavens and says:" Is there anyone who prays me about anything to answer his Molub? Is there anyone who asks me about something to give him (what he asks for)? Is there anyone who asks me for forgiveness to forgive him? " .

"After the mandatory Namaz, the most valuable namaz is an additional night Namaz. If you split the night into two parts, then its last part is most preferable to make this namaz. If you split the night into three parts, then the best part to make this namaz will be the middle of the night. "

As the term, the word "Tajud" was used to designate the night carried out in the commission of Namaz and the commemoration of Allah. Namaz, which is accomplished after night namaz and a small interval of sleep or immediately after night namaz, are usually called an extra night namaz ("Salatu-L Lyile"). Namaz, for the sake of the commission of which a person interrupts his night's sleep and gets up, called Namaz Takhaud. The great personalities of the era of Tabianins Assad and Alcama said: "Tahaud takes place after sleep."

Noble facals argued that Namaz Tahajud is better to make closer towards the end of the night. In fact, the prophet's instructions are also told about the same (may Allah bless him and welcomes!) On this issue. Some of the scientists said that in worship you need to spend the second night, while others said that they need to make Namaz when two thirds of the night are held, and the third group of scientists argued that if you divide the night of six parts, then in worship it is best to spend The fourth and fifth of the night.

If you look at the question in a new way in the light of the above clarification, then we will see that the most the best option Maza Tahaud's making is to make night Namaz, sleep after it is committed, and then awakening when the first half of the night will be passed, and the commission of Namaz Tahaud. However, if a person, having a good reason, fell asleep, without making night Namaz, then he should wake up before the first half of the night will be held, and make night Namaz.

If a person is not going to get up more after that, he can make Namaz Tahajud, following the night Namaz. If a person woke up for the night of Namaz then, when the first half of the night was held, he could also make night Namaz (committing it, of course, already in an undesirable time for him), and then Namaz Takhaud. Scientists even talked about the fact that if a person constantly committing Namaz Tahajud is afraid that he will not be able to wake up at night, he can make Tahajud after night Namaz, and this namaz, if the will of Allah is, will be counted, Like a real Namaz Tahajud.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that, as in the case of other worshipings, Namaz Tahaud should be performed in the best possible way, in the most suitable time. Finding and distinguishing all this depends on the desire and will of the person himself.