Summary of military events in Novorossia from the military browser Boris Relovina ("Colonelcassad"). Forbidden Donbass fighting in Novorossia

"Yesterday, fighting in Novorossessia, fighting in all fronts were intensified: from the southern borders of the DPP on the Mariupol direction to the northern borders of the LDP - on Stanic Lugansk. As a result of the host of the Army of Novorossia, it was possible to achieve certain success in the Debaltsevsky district, where the divisions of the LNR army managed to go to The borders of the DPR and LNR and take N.P. Rarkodub.

Along the highway Bakhmutka, Ukrainian security forces began preparing for the offensive, but thanks to the successful actions of the militia, apparently, the offensive potential of the WMS was reduced.

Meanwhile, politicians do not leave attempts to peacefully resolve the conflict in the Donbas. Thus, the OSCE invited the chapters of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic of DPR and LUN to the next meeting of the participants in the contact group in Ukraine in Minsk, which is scheduled for January 16.

On the other hand, President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko signed a decree on the next mobilization. This is the fourth wave of mobilization, in April and June two more will be held. And the deputies of the faction of the premiere of Ukraine Arseny Yatsenyuk in the Ukrainian parliament offer to cancel the cessation of fire in the Donbass and introduce a martial law.

In such a situation, it is unlikely that representatives of Novorossia cost about something to negotiate with the Ukrainian side.

Military events in the DPR

From 6 am (here and hereinafter - Moscow time) in Donetsk there were periodic shootouts, mainly from small arms. About 06:30 in the sky over the Petrovsky district, a Ukrainian unmanned lethal apparatus was seen, the militia tried to knock him down - unsuccessfully. From 8 o'clock began full-fledged artillery duels. During January 14, Petrovsky, Kiev, Kuibyshev districts, Putlivka, 1-aya, 2nd platforms, TC "Volvo-Center" and "Metro", Oktyabrsky, Cheerful, Spartak, SPARTAKI, SPARTAKI, SPARTAKI, SPARTAKA TCS, Ukrainian security forces produced the shelling of Donetsk from the RSZO "Grad", SAU and Gaubitz from N.P. Orlovka, Sands, Avdeevka, Umansky, thin. On the evening of January 14, Ukrainian security officials from N.P. The sands began shelling the Terrikon Mine Panfilovskaya incendiary shells.

VSU continued to pull troops to Donetsk. During the day, the movement of Ukrainian columns of armored vehicles, transport with personnel and maintenance machines through several settlements was recorded.

From about 6 am, Ukrainian security forces began to attempt to repel the territory of the Donetsk airport, occupied on the eve of the divisions of the DPR Army. It is worth noting that on January 14, the new airport terminal was neutral territories. The fierce battle rose on the outskirts of the airport, ongoing during the day on January 14 and accompanied by artillery shelling. From N.P. Avdiyevka Ukrainian security forces fired a region of the old terminal, from N.P. Orlovka was fired by the runway. From N.P. Sands from mortars Ukrainian military fired a holy-Iversky monastery. By the end of the day, on January 14, the Ukrainian security forces began the discharge of their divisions from the Donetsk airport, as of 23:00 in the vicinity of the air harbor, there were separate groups of the ASU, almost the entire territory of the Donetsk airport is under the control of the DPR.

Artillery DNR led a response fire for suppression in the direction of the Ukrainian position in N.P. Sands, Orlovka, Krasnogorovka from Gaubitz and RSZO "Grad". As a result of the fire of artillery, the DPR in the south-west of the Petrovsky district, two self-propelled-artillery installations 2C19 "Msta-C" were destroyed, one more damaged. In the late evening on January 14, Donetsk residents observed a strong glow north of the city, as reported in the militia, glow - the result of the work of the DPR artillery on the positions of the VSU in N.P. Experimental and water. Also, the militia artillery from Makeyevka led the shelling at the positions of the Ukrainian WSU, which Donetsk was fired.

Around 13:30, Ukrainian security forces struck from Grad to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Yasinovatsky checkpoint, there was a fierce battle. Details and battle results were not reported.

After midnight, on January 14, the work of Ukrainian artillery resumed in Gorlovka, who faded to the morning. But around noon, Gorlovka was again under the intense fire of Ukrainian artillery. Almost all areas of the city were shelled: Kalinovka, Mine No. 6-7, Bessarabka, Majorsk, Finnish, Rumyantsevo. From 13:00 Ukrainian security forces during the shelling of Gorlovka were used by large-caliber heavy guns 2C7 "Peony", at 13:31 they were recorded on the residential sector in the Kurgan microdistrict. As of 17:30, all the areas of Gorlovka were under fire. Ukrainian security forces led the shelling mainly from the Artyomovsky direction from N.P. Kurdyumovka. As a result of the shelling, one of the substations was damaged, therefore there was no light in the neighborhoods of the 5th quarter and Rumyantsev, in the Komsomolets microdistrict there was a fire in the store's building due to the direct hit of the projectile. From 19:00 in Gorlovka, the calm came, however, from 22:00, the Ukrainian artillery resumed the shelling of the city from Dzerzhinsk.

January 14 began fighting for N.P. Herry and dolomite, the taking of which will reduce the intensity of the shelling of Gorlovka, as well as in the case of installation in the settlements of the artillery guns of the DPR, to shoot the shelling at the positions of the Armed Forces near Artyomovsk.

At 8:00 in the sky over Enakievo, a Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle, which performs exploration of the militia positions was shot down. During January 14, fleets of unmanned aerial vehicles VSU above N.P. Red Partizan, Carlo-Marxovo, Nikitovka Station, as well as over N.P. Torez.

On January 14, battles were activated by Debaltseve, where the relative lull was previously observed. Artillery VSU led fire on the positions of the militia in the Debaltsevo area. Response Fire in the car junction Debaltsevo (so-called "Cross", where the Blockpost of the Armed Forces is located) as a result of a successful hit from the RSZO "HRAD-1P" of the militia, Ukrainian security forces suffered losses, reported one dead and about five wounded.

On January 14, the artillery of the DNR led fire to suppressing the positions of Ukrainian security forces in the mound of the grave of acute, the fighting was activated almost through the entire front line in the Debaltsev protrusion.

In Nikishino, the night and morning of January 14 passed calmly, about noon began active shooting, ags, clocks and small arms worked. As of 14 o'clock in the afternoon, a powerful cannonade was heard around Nikishino: outgoing and leaving shots, to understand who and from where he hits was difficult. At about the same time, Ukrainian security forces opened fire from Nona, shot volley, shells flew to the position of the militia in Nikishino, did without loss. As of 17:00 in Nikishino, the rifle fight broke out with a new force: the militias were covered with dense fire of ags, the positions of the Armed Forces, Ukrainian security officials were probably the fire from the gun of BMP, small arms, mortars, RPGs actively worked. The result of the day in Nikishino on January 14th. Fight with the support of artillery, both from the DPR, and from the SUE, lasted in Nikishino all day. The militia managed to move forward to the western outskirts of the village. As of 22:00, shooting in Nikishino practically styled. DPR fighters at night remained at busy borders. As a result of the battle at the Armed Forces of the DPR, the DNR sniper, the second is covered by an explosion of mine); The militia has one wounded (non-combat injury). The militia in Nikishino expects from the NGU from the settlement in connection with the taking N.P. Rarkoduba, since this option will allow Ukrainian security forces to avoid the environment. With the support of the coming from the rakeodub, the parts of the army of Novorossia militia will have real chances to lock the divisions of the Armed Forces in the boiler, unless, of course, the security forces do not have hidden reserves in this section. Judging by the sounds of working techniques that were heard at night, the VSU began to be filmed and leave their positions.

On the night of January 14, the Mortar shelling from the Armed Forces, the positions of militia, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Elendovka. At 14:35, Ukrainian security forces from mortars was fired by the bridge in Elendovka.

At 14:45 from the Volnovakh destination, the Ukrainian military defeated the RSZO "Grad" on the outskirts of Dokuchaevsk.

At 13:35, 14:03 and 14:40 Ukrainian security forces from the tank guns were carried out by shooting on the divisions of the militia, defending in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Maryevka.

Mariupol, the militia during the day was led by the freshers of the Blocks of the Armed Forces, and attempts were also attempted to forgive the positions of the VSU. Apparently, there is no order for the offensive. N.P. Granite atmosphere similar, but the scale of hostilities is less. It is known that the militias knocked out BRDM "Azov", the data on the last losses were not specified. In general, in the southern direction of the DNR there is an intensification of the Ukrainian army, but information on this site comes poorly.

Military events in the LDP

In the LDP on January 14, the fighting on the entire front line from the Western LNR border to the village of Lugansk was significantly activated.

On January 14, the brigade "Ghost" of the brain reserved to the border of the DPR and LNR, to the rakeodub (, DPR, south of Debaltsevo) and the field (next to the Sanzharovka, north of Debaltseve). Hu rush began to strengthen the Nizhneelose and seating. During the day, the militia of the LNR attacked N.P. Chernukhino, Mius and Debaltsevo (DPR). Since its position in Stakhanov, LNR artillery supported the advancing parts of the militia on the Western Front of the LDP.

Day information about N.P. Rakodube by the detachments of the Ghost Brigade together with DPR detachments was confirmed.

From the Popasnaya VSU drilled Pervomaisk during the day.

January 14 Active fighting continued along the Bakhmutka highway. In this area of \u200b\u200bprofit from the reserve mechanized parts of the LNR. The divisions of the LNR Army were uninterrupted fire from mortars, tanks and leads on the Blocks of VSU No. 27, 29, and 37. The group of Ukrainian security forces fell into an ambush in the 31st checkpoint area, the details were not reported. In the sky over the 29th block, the helicopter of the Armed Forces was noticed. Ukrainian security forces began offensive on the highway Bakhmutka from Frunze to the former 32nd Blockpostu N.P. Bold with the support of artillery from N.P. Crimean and threehipes. At this site as of 18:30 on January 14, a fight was fighting.

Militia attacks continued on N.P. Novotoshkovskoye. As a result, the militia managed to strengthen on the approaches to the village. Ukrainian security forces, in turn, intensive fire from the RSZO "Grad" on the part of Lisichansk was covered by the position of the militia in Novotoshkovsky.

All over the front line, along the Seversky Donets, starting from the village of Lugansk, the city, happiness and almost to the Crimean, in turn, Ukrainian security forces began massive artillery training. Also, as part of preparation for the Offensive of the Armed Forces, apparently, the radio communications was carried out using Rab. However, thanks to the accurate strikes of the LNR artillery, substantial adjustments were made on the plans of the NRS against the offensive.

During the day, Ukrainian security forces fired the position of the LNR Army in the N.P. Slavnoserbsk and fun mountain. As a result of the shelling of Slavnoserbsk, numerous damages in the residential sector are fixed. The militia from the RSZO "Grad", SAU "Acacia" and "carnation" led fire on the positions of the Armed Forces in the area N.P. Olkhovoy, Kolesnikovka, Stanja Lugansk, Trirah Bench, Happiness.

The Ukrainian army put forward columns of technology to crossing the river in the areas of N.P. Happiness and village Lugansk. The artillery of the LNR Army was opened on the suppression of the firepoints of the Armed Forces of the Army, as well as on the moving column of armored vehicles. As a result, part of the Ukrainian technology was forced to move away, part of the tanks and the BBM were left by the person on the road.

From the side of happiness, the Northwood of Lugansk (Metalist village) from RSZO "Grad" was fired. There are no data on destruction and affected. The militia in response fired the position of the VSU from Old Idar.

Under the village of Lugansk and Valyan militia, attacks were launched on the position of the VSU in N.P. Makarovo and Olkhov.

Outcome by losses at all sites of the LDP Front: VSU - up to 50 units (tanks, BTR, BMP, supply machines, jeeps and pickups, guns and mortars), as well as an unidentified number of dead and wounded; The militia is 5 tanks, 9 BTR, 2 BMP, BMD, 2 Urals, 2 pickups, 5 mortars, 1 warmness, not set by the number of dead and wounded.

From the airfield of Melitopol at 10:50, a jet plane took off, followed by the second. The direction was not reported. In Zaporizhia (observation point Crossing March 8 and st. Kuibyshev) at 22:15 The hum of the transport aircraft of the AN in the southern direction was heard at an altitude of approximately 1000-1500 m. The review was complicated by low cloud. Perhaps the local board went to the landing.

In Pavlograd, the Dnipropetrovsk region on January 14, a large column of Ukrainian equipment, moving towards Krasnoarmeysk, was noticed on the M04 highway.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia will send the 12th column with humanitarian assistance to the Donbass, additionally, food and medicines will be delivered to Donetsk and Lugansk. The Ministry of Emergency Situations, together with the subjects of the Russian Federation, forms the goods for the need to assist residents of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. "

08.11.15 Video from News-Front.

In Odessa, at night there was an inscription on the house of trade unions. Do not hide the truth! Odessans fixed the fence on the sticker field. Now the composition is supplemented! And fully identifies all of what happened on May 2, 2014. We will remind, the fence at the House of Trade Unions was painted in the red and black colors of the UPA flag on the night from 6 to 7 November. The photo of a freshly stained fence posted on his page the leader of the Odessa Auto-Man.

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11/10/2015 at 15:57 News

"How much wolf does not feed ..."

08.11.15 Note from blogger "RUSSORUM".

The enemy in our house!

This week, all publications reported to us the news that 10 fighters of the Battalion of Azov were detained in Moscow. Operatives conducted searches in 15 apartments of Ukrainian nationalists who entered into the ranks of the Azov battalion and sold weapons in Russia. Fighters of the armed group seized martial pistols, cartridges, drugs, as well as cylinders with gas for robes. In order to find out the details, I turned to my long friend, minimized in the daughters. He told me a lot of interesting things that did not get into the media.It turns out that the arms trade was not held in Moscow, but in the regions (in Moscow there was something like the Central Staff). Next, the weapon was illegally sold by neo-Nazi groupings in places, local bandits and the radicals of the Volga region and the North Caucasus! In addition, the recruitment of new members among the low-cost and its ideological processing was carried out! Do everyone remember the schoolboy who escaped into the "right sector"? This is their work! The gang distributed chevrons and stripes of other neo-Nazi organizations, books and benefits for beginner "revolutionaries", where it was described in detail how to build barricades, prepare Molotov's cocktails and rules in batting with the police!

What can I say? We had an extensive network of ectremists and future militants of the Russian "Maidan" under his nose. The root cause of such incidents is the aggression of the 40 million Rusophobian state in our side! Ukraine will try to destabilize the situation in Russia by all means, throwing saboteurs using "volunteer battalions" by financing terrorists. No matter how much our elites have tried to draw the junta of our gas, electricity and blood mined and then mines of coal, the Ukrainian monster will not stop it! The output is only one - the elimination of the threat from Ukraine. Dismantling of the hostile fascist regime - a deposit of stability from us at home.

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11/10/2015 at 15:23 News

Several months of the Ukrainian captivity

08.11.15. Video from edition "Anti-Fascist".

The militia from Slavyanska Ruslan Shekin spent several months in the Ukrainian captivity. "Anti-Fascist" met with him in Donetsk, where he told us that he led him to the militia, as he was captured by punishers. We learned about what criminal orders to stripping cities were given to the Ukrainian command, the fact that both the Ukrainian military are people who refuse to commit crimes against their people, and what sentiments reign among supporters of the creation of the Kharkiv People's Republic. About this and not only, look in our video.

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11/10/2015 at 14:19 News

Under Gorlovka every day Shooting between the Armed Forces and Psa

08.11.15. Message from the militia with the call sign "Yang."

Over the past two weeks, the situation sharply aggravated.

The enemy challenged to the front edge in the second half of the month in the Krasnogorov direction - about the battalion of mercenaries from the vertegencies, Poles and Negros, which are located on one of the enterprises; In the Auduevian direction, in addition to 93 brigades, the contracts arrived, in the Gorlovsky section of the Front, in addition to the thermal dogs arrived (concentration in the area of \u200b\u200bbeams, beamed and wide), there are also mercenaries; At the southern section of the front for Volnoveha, the units of mercenaries are seen, in particular negros.

There is also a strengthening of units with motorized parts.

11/10/2015 at 10:58 PM News

"Bloody P ... P" misses without war

08.11.15. Message from journalists.

"Bloody Pastor" misses without war. Minister Avakov told how his friend Turchinsky misses without war. It was not for nothing that the secretary of the NPW received the nickname "Bloody Pastor", and now his inclination for the murder of peaceful Ukrainians revealed the consonant in the party. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that without War, Turchinov simply scared, does not get out of the office, he lost and sleeps badly at night. Secretary of the Security Council pulls on the feats in the ATO zone, and instead, it should control the removal of arms from the distinction line.

11/10/2015 at 00:16 News

Zaitsevo, light shooting. Majorsk, Zames.

07.11.15. Message from the militia "Angel".

Zaitsevo, light shooting. Majorsk, Zames. Rifle, machine gun, RPG and BETER.

Message from the militia from the LDP:

Front Bakhmutka, throughout the line of contact during the day, shelling. Tanks, BBM, AGS, mortars, grenade launchers, rifle, PRRK, PS and Ptthi are used. The militia is responsible from the arms of the same list. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe 29th - groove battle, used BBM, small armament to the side of ukrov and grenade launchers, small arms and ptur from the militia. The enemy's DRG tried to cross the Line Line line 3 times, 2 times attempts were supplied. One DRG taking advantage of the militia shelling from the mortars, it was able to quickly pass through the front line. In the end, it was scattered inside the republic 3 hours after the breakthrough. Losses of the militia per day - 1 deceased, 12 wounded, the enemy destroyed 2 passenger car of the militia and the Urals. The loss of ukrov - up to 5 dead, on the wounded 7+, since there are no accurate information, destroyed by BMP and BRDM Ukrov, are covered with 2 mortars. Throughout the front check from the north .

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11/09/2015 at 23:46 News

Return Ukraine in the Russian world can and need

07.11.15. Note from blogger "Worker points".

The need for liberation and return. Return the bulk of Ukrainian in a single Russian people (the term "Russify" is not very suitable, since these are the former Russians, which in due time Ukrainized and they only need to correctly remind their own) and it is necessary, and it is not so difficult to do it, as they try to impose Some citizens. And this mass of people does not need to "get" anywhere, you need to work with them, and the idea of \u200b\u200bUkrainians without the most active support for the Ukrainian propaganda car for which the civilian curators are standing. On the territory of the Novorievsia (from Kharkov to Odessa and east), the Ukrainians are honored quite quickly, with a somewhat more complicated with Malorusia, but no more.Under ideological work with people meant humanitarian educational programs etc. And personally, I do not agree with the aggressive rhetoric to these people, it repulses in advance. And of course, it should be remembered that a huge mass of people live on the territory of Novorossia and Malorusia, who continue to consider themselves Russians, despite the skating rink of Ukrainian propaganda.

The appropriate plot of labor weekdays "Heroes" appeared on the Road Control page in Youtube.

As the ex-head of the regional region from the Kherson region, Alexey Zhuravko, similar to the checkpoints are fruit throughout Ukraine, and, in hundreds of kilometers from the ATO zone.

"And the worse there will be the economic situation of the country, the more similar" heroes "will strive to get started at their own citizens," the politician warns.

"That we have a" legal state "- incomprehensible cattle spoiled from citizens of the car, ride them without numbers, arrange where the checkpoints got, and the state, in the police / police, instead of stopping their illegal activities, legalizes their right of illegal inspections and becomes towards marauders, against their own citizens.

So far, such a chaos is going on in our country, no question of anything can be about anything, is the ex-president. -

All those who went to the Maidan with bright hopes for the European Future should understand that such Gopniks, and the power of them the right to rob in broad daylight to rob their own people, and there is a major obstacle to Ukraine to Europe!

As soon as we unite and stop these armed unexpected afraid, they will empty the eyes, fit and run away - it is only in Facebook status, they destroy on 20 armatians, and in fact, for the most part, these are cowardly school hooligans that blow up as soon as you give They will rebuff! "He writes on his page in the social network.

18:30 Contact Group agreed on the breeding of forces and funds in the village of Lugansk on June 10

Representatives of the LNR and Ukraine at a meeting of the participants in the contact group in Minsk confirmed their readiness on June 10 to breed forces and funds in section No. 1 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Luganskaya. This was announced by the authorized representative of the LNR in the negotiations in the Belarusian capital, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Vladislav Daison.

"Today in Minsk at a meeting of the contact group LNR and Ukraine confirmed readiness no later than a day on June 9 to send the SMM (special monitoring mission) of the OSCE notice of readiness on June 10 to fulfill the breeding of forces and funds in the section No. 1 - Stanjan Luganskaya," informed Deine.

18:00 Representative of NM LNR on the situation on the line of contact

17:20 LNR offered Kiev to start a direct dialogue about the removal of the blockade of Donbass

Direct negotiations of representatives of Kiev and Donbass in the framework of the Minsk process can launch the issue of the decisions of Ukraine's blockade of the region. This was stated by the authorized representative of the LDP on the Minsk negotiations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Vladislav Dainy.

"Ukraine, in the presence of desire from Kiev leaders, can quickly solve the problem of the blockade of Donbass, which was introduced with the previous president (Petro Poroshenko) as a result of illegal actions of radicals and nationalists he supported. For this, Kiev is enough to start a direct meaningful dialogue with the people's republics, as prescribed by Minsk agreements, "said Dainy.

He recalled that the agreement achieved in the Belarusian capital "clearly suggests that it is necessary to fully restore economic relations, social payments, a banking system, which they even promised to help establish Germany and France, which is also recorded in Minsk agreements."

"Therefore, we offer to proceed in the framework of the economic group to discuss all the complex of these issues directly with Kiev. Such a format will solve a number of fundamental moments, namely: the order of mutual passage of industrial and humanitarian cargo, the procedure for managing industrial assets, as well as the principle of income and expenses from their activities, "said the representative of the LNR.

Daine also pointed out that "Kiev should provide for residents of the republics certain compensation payments for damage caused by the illegal blockade, which led to loss of jobs, wages, debt on pensions and social payments."

16:40 MGB LNR encourages the army of Ukraine to abandon the mining of bridges in the Luhansk region

Information about mining of the Kiev security forces in the "Lugansk region" in the "Lugansk region" in CMI and social networks is reliable. This was reported by the head of the Center for Public Relations of the MGB LNR Evgenia Lubchenko.

"Bridges across the river Kerklok in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlements of Red Talovka and the township, which are in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the 25th airborne brigade of the Armed Forces, are indeed prepared for destruction and are currently under constant enhanced securing fighters of this unit," she informed.

The Ministry of State Security of LNR encourages military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine not to comply with the criminal orders of command to destroy civil infrastructure in the Luhansk region.

16:00 Two Kiev security forces received firearms during the conflict

As a result of the conflict, the two military personnel of the WMS received firearms. This was announced by the officer of the press service of the Department of People's Militia of LNR Ivan Filiponenko.

"Thus, on June 4, in the first battalion of the 54th separate mechanized brigade, against the background of the conflict caused by the excessive use of alcoholic beverages, two servicemen received injuries from the tablet weapon," Philiponenenko said.

At the same time, the officer of the Defense Office of the Republic did not rule out that wounds of servicemen could issue for "the next victims of shelling from the divisions of the People's Militia".

"The battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel (Sergey) highly hides this fact from the command of the Brigade," he explained.

15:30 Kuchma called the transfer of negotiations on Donbass from Minsk absurd

A representative of Kiev in the Contact Group on Donbass Leonid Kuchma called Minsk the only place where the "normal dialogue" is to settle in the region, he considers absurd to transfer negotiations from the capital of Belarus.

Earlier, in the post office of Ukraine, the UN has already been offered to postpone the negotiation platform for Donbass from Minsk to another capital, accusing Belarus in voting against any Ukrainian UN initiatives. The DPR said that Minsk is the only official platform for peaceful dialogue.

"The role and place of Minsk in the work of the trilateral contact group has a tremendous value. You probably know well that many votes were heard, which should be transferred somewhere. This is an absolute absurd that does not have any reason. Minsk is selected, this is the only place where the normal dialogue can be carried out. And taking into account how the power of Belarus belongs to these processes, so doubly, "said Kuchma in Minsk at a meeting with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.

The representative of Kiev noted that he personally "always joy to be in Minsk" and in Belarus, to meet with the head of the republic, to whom, according to Kuchma, he refers "with great respect."

Ukrainian politician also expressed confidence that "History and Tomorrow" talks about the need to jointly solve those problems that are currently in Ukraine.

"And we look forward to the help of a personfully president, and Belarus," he added.

15:00 Shelling Donetsk Mosque in Uraza Bayram is the crime crime of the VSU

The shelling of the mosque "Alf Gay" in the Holy Holiday Muslims Uraz-Bayram is the crime of the Ukrainian army. This opinion was expressed by the head of the DPR representative office in the joint center for the control and coordination of the cease-fire regime Ruslan Yakubov.

"Accident that (shelling a mosque) cannot be called. On this day, Muslims of the whole world celebrate one of the main religious holidays - Uraza Bayram. In the Donetsk mosque in the service gathered believers from different cities of the republic, among them there were women and children. These are peaceful citizens who came to ask for a joint prayer to ask for the world on earth Donbass. I consider it a blatant crime to make the shelling of both Orthodox churches and Muslim mosques, "said Yakubov.

He stressed that it looks particularly cynical, against the background of the recent appeal of religious leaders in the residents of Crimea and Donbass with calls for reconciliation and unity. Yakubov called this appeal "next unfounded statement."

"In reality, we see the escalation of the conflict: only last week in the republic from the shelling from the armed formations of Ukraine, seven civilians were injured, of which two children were injured. All these facts testify that the policy of Ukraine with the change of power has not changed, and the situation with safety on the contact line only aggravated, "said the head of the Representative Office in SCCP, expressing hope for an objective assessment of the OSCE Mission.

14:20 The Army of Ukraine strengthens the position near the portion of breeding forces in gold

VSU divisions strengthen positions near the portion of the breeding of forces and funds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Golden, tightening military equipment. This was reported today by an officer of the press service of the People's Militia of LNR Ivan Filiponenko.

"Ukrainian security forces started re-equipment and strengthening positions near the dilution site in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the Golden, also the arrival of two BMP-1 was noted in this area," he said.

"In the settlement of a slogan near residential buildings, the placement of two anti-tank missile systems was recorded. In the residential sector of the village Gayovka recorded BMD and two BTRs, "the representative of the Defense Office of the Republic informed.

Filipoenko calls on residents living on the territories under the Kiev territories under the Kiev territories, take all measures to prevent the placement of weapons and military equipment of the WSU near residential buildings and civil infrastructure facilities and contact all the facts of violations of their rights and freedoms to representatives of the OSCE SMM.

13:40 Nm PNR military personnel shot down Ukrainian UAVs in Donetsk

The NM DNR units prevented an air attack in the microdistrict area of \u200b\u200bthe Textian in Donetsk. This was announced today by the head of the press service of the Department of People's Militia Daniel Klundov.

"The Ukrainian security forces from the 24th Brigade was launched drone. Forces of our air defense accidents enemy was shot down, "noted Klundov.

According to him, the incident occurred in the microdistrict in the Textian, where today the Muslims of Donbass were going to celebrate Uraz Bayram.

13:00 B. DPR reported the death and injury under the shelling of two military servicemen

As a result of shelling from the standpoint of Kiev security forces, one serviceman NM DPR was killed and one was injured. This was announced today by the head of the press service of the Department of People's Militia Daniel Klundov.

"As a result of enemy shelling, one defender of the republic died and one was injured," said in a statement.

Klundov expressed condolences to the family of the deceased defender.

12:20 In Minsk, three working subgroups for Donbass began to negotiate

The economic, humanitarian subgroup and the security group after 1.5 months of the break began to work in Minsk. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic.

"Working groups on economic issues, security issues and humanitarian issues opened the negotiation process in Minsk after a semi-April break," the press service of the DPR Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

In turn, the representative of the Ombudsman of the Donetsk People's Republic reported to journalists that at the meeting of the humanitarian subgroup it is planned to discuss issues of the exchange of retaining persons and the organization of finding citizens missing.

11:30 AMU fired a mosque in Donetsk to the Holiday of Uraza Bayram

10:40 Summary of the situation on the contact line from the SKKK

The army of Ukraine over the past day released in the territory of the DPR 420 ammunition. This was reported today by the head of the Representative Office of the Republic in a joint venture on the control and coordination of the cease-fire regime Ruslan Yakubov.

"Over the past day, the total number of violations by the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to 29 times. The total number of ammunition applied is 420 units, "the head of the Representative Office said.

According to SKKK, shelling from the Ukrainian troops: the district of the capital airport (Volvo-Center), the village of Spartak, the villages of the Oktyabrskaya village, Staromihaylovka, Mineralnye, Zhabichevo on the outskirts and in the vicinity of Donetsk, Gorlovskaya settlements of Shakhty 6/7, Zaitsevo, Dolomit, Verkhnetoretsky and the village of Belaya Kamenka, Dokuchaevsk, as well as the village of Nikolaevka and the village of October in the south of the DPR.

When shelling, mortars were used by calibers 82 and 120 mm, armor of BMP and BTR, grenade launchers, small arms, including large-caliber. Entrepreneurs issued by an opponent with a caliber of up to 12.7 millimeters are not taken into account when specifying the total number of intertwined ammunition in the daily mining report.

9:50 VSU suits provocations to the CPVV "Stanitsa Lugansk"

Over the past day, the shelling of the territory of the Lugansk People's Republic on the part of the Army of Ukraine was not fixed. This was reported in the representation of the republic in the joint venture on the control and coordination of the cease-fire regime (SCPC).

Operational information from the fronts of the DNR and LNR, Military reports from the Armed Forces of Novorossia, the news of the ATO, photo and video materials of military journalists from the hottest points of Donbass, current interviews with the leaders of Novorossia.

18:45 Representative of the Office of NM DNR on the situation on the front line

18:00 Rashid Bragin: Today I miraculously managed to avoid human victims

The chairman of the Muslim community Donetsk Rashid Bragin noted that the VFU was purposefully shot on the mosque and the territory on which she was, at that moment, when the prayer had to begin: "Today, the miracle managed to avoid human victims. Just began shelling, we immediately took women and children in safe place", he said.

Recall that today, on June 4, during the beginning of the celebration of the Muslim holiday, Uraz-Bayram, VFU fired at the Cathedral Mosque by Au-Jami in the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk.

17:40 Ukrainian militants fired a mosque in Donetsk

17:00 Representative of NM LNR about the situation in the line of contact

16:25 Named priority topics of negotiations of the contact group in Minsk

"Priority themes for the new meeting of the Contact Group on Donbass should be the cessation of fire and the launch of the breeding process," said Russia's authorized representative in the contact group to resolve the situation in Donbass Boris Gryzlov.

15:35 VSU impede the work of the OSCE Mission in the Donbas

Ukrainian security forces intensify the work of the radio electronic struggle teams in order to prevent the OSCE mission of drones in Donbass, the head of the press service of the People's Militia of the People's People's Republic of Daniel Vestonov reported on Tuesday.

"In order to obstruct the work of the OSCE Mission Employees, the OOS Commander (Operation of the United Forces - Ed.) Alexander Syrsky gave an order to enhance the work of mobile radio-electronic combat groups with the task of improved GPS signal of the OSCE CAPA, as well as restricting access to the mission patrols to heavy weapons "," Noted Klundov.

14:55 SBU in the "OOS" zone will arrange a "parsing"

Employees of military counterintelligence of the SBU arrived in the zone of the so-called "operation of the united forces" ("OOS") to stop the illegal removal of weapons and ammunition, the officer of the press service of the People's Militia Department of the LNR Ivan Filiponenko said.

Earlier, he said that the military personnel of one of the VSU brigades involved in the zone of the so-called "operation of the united forces" ("OOS"), sold the cartridges box and a box of the grenade fighters of the People's Militia of the LPR.

"The promulgation of arms trade information and ammunition in the 25th Brigade of the Ukrainian Army provoked an immediate response of the command composition of the Ukrainian army," said the representative of the Defense Office of the Republic. - According to our intelligence, after the statement and publication of the video adoption with Ukrainian security forces, employees of military counterintelligence of the SBU arrived in the responsibility zone of the 10th separate Mining and assault team in order to eliminate the illegal export of weapons and ammunition. "

14:15 The situation on the line of contact of the parties (shelling card)

13:35 VSU placed military equipment near residential buildings

Kiev security forces placed near the residential buildings near the line of contact with armored vehicles, anti-tank guns MT-12 "Rapira" and anti-tank missile systems (PTRK). This was announced by the officer of the press service of the Department of People's Militia of LNR Ivan Filiponenko.

He stated that the command of the VSU "continues to increase the strength and means along the line of combat contact."

"In the settlement of Alexandrovka near residential buildings, the placement of two BMP-1 and three 100-mm anti-tank guns of MT-12" Rapira ", and in the village of Smolyaninovo two anti-tank missile systems," said Filipoenko. - In such a cynical manner, Ukrainian criminals, hiding behind the civilian population, expose their fatal danger. "

He did not rule out that this technique would be used by the servicemen of the 10th Brigade of the Armed Forces for the shelling of human settlements of LNR.

"Call residents of the territories of the Donbass occupied by Ukraine of the territory of the Donbass occupying all the measures to prevent the placement of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces near residential buildings and civil infrastructure facilities and contact all the facts of violations of their rights and freedoms to representatives of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) OSCE," - Service.

12:50 SKKK: The consequences of the OCBC microdistrict

Earlier it was reported, today at 7:40, the armed formations of Ukraine opened fire from N.P. Sands along the northwestern edge of Donetsk - Oktyabrsky microdistrict with 82 mm mortars. Currently 9 min.

As a result of the shelling, the dome of the mosque is damaged at ul. Marshal Zhukova, 1a. At the time of the shelling in a mosque at prayer worship in honor of one of the main Muslim holidays, Bayram was those who were believes. People were forced to go down to the basement.

12:00 Summary of the situation on the contact line from the SKK

The divisions of the VSU over the past day were released on the territory of the DPR 579 ammunition. This was reported today in the Representative Office of the Republic in a joint center for controlling and coordinating the cease-fire regime (SCPC).

"Over the past day, the total number of violations by the armed formations of Ukraine was 23 times, - noted in the SCKK. - The total amount of ammunition applied is 579 units. "

According to the representative office, in the fire area from the Ukrainian security workers: the district of the capital airport, the village of Spartak, the villages of Mineralnye and Alexandrovka on the outskirts and in the vicinity of Donetsk, Gorlovskaya towns are wide beam, Mine of Isotova, Gagagrina and the village of Mikhailovka, Yasinovaya and adjacent to it Vasilyevka village and cool beam.

In SCKP, it was noted that during the shelling, mortars were used by a caliber 82 and 120 mm, anti-tank controlled missiles, BMP and armored steel armament, grenade launchers, anti-aircraft installations and small arms, including large-caliber. The number of ammunition issued by the caliber is up to 12.7 mm not included in the overall statistics of the number of ammunition in the daily summary.

11:20 Oktyabrsky microdistrict under the fire VSU: Mosque suffered

Today at 7:40, the armed formations of Ukraine opened fire from N.P. Sands along the northwestern edge of Donetsk - Oktyabrsky microdistrict with 82 mm mortars. Currently 9 min.

"As a result of the shelling, the dome of the mosque is damaged at the address ul. Marshal Zhukova, 1a. At the time of the shelling in a mosque at prayer worship in honor of one of the main Muslim holidays, Bayram was those who were believes. People were forced to go down to the basement.

We call on the Ukrainian side to stop the shelling of residential arrays and adhere to obligations to comply with the comprehensive, unconditional, sustainable and permanent cease-fire regime, "the DPR representation says in the SCCP.

10:40 It's impossible to get used to war!

Valentina Mikhailovna - Mom Tatyana Semenhenko - Sniper DnR with the call sign "Viva" - about genocide, about how Ukrainian formations applied systematic strikes on Donetsk, destroying the infrastructure and terrorizing the peaceful population.

video: Yuri Kitten

9:50 Ukrainian security forces in the morning opened fire on Spartacus

This morning, the representation of the DPR in SCCP was recorded fires from the VFF of the village of Spartak.

"From 05:45 to 06:00 from your position in Avdeevka (Ventholov sh-you" Butovo ") Ukrainian security officials fired Spartak: 40 shots from BMP-2 were committed, 2 grenades from LNG were produced, large-caliber machine guns were also used;

From 06:20 to 06:50 Shelling the village of Spartak continued: 20 shots from BMP-2 were committed, "the report says.

Kiev security forces six times a day violated the "Mode of Silence" in the LPP Area. This was reported in the representation of the republic in the joint venture on the control and coordination of the cease-fire regime (SCPC).

The areas of urban-type settlements Kalinovo and Frunze, villages of Novoaleksandrovka and Golubovsky were attached to the shelling.

The fire was conducted from 82-mm mortars, Machine anti-tank grenade launches of LNG, automatic machine gunners of AGS, manual anti-tank grenade launchers of RPG and small arms, including large-caliber.

The beginning of the Military Operation of Bandera against Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic

At the end of May, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Banderovtsev battalions began the first full-fledged military operation against the militia. In the offensive, the Special Forces took part in Donetsk, which were covered with aviation and artillery.

Second June, the offensive of Bandera to Slavyansk

In early June, the Ukrainian army with several directions began a full-scale offensive at the strategic importance of Slavyansk. In addition to strategic importance, the city was also a symbol of resistance. Fights using armored vehicles and aviation took place in other places in Donetsk and Lugansk regions

Nineteenth century

The so-called summer offensive Poroshenko.
In mid-June, the Ukrainian army began active combat actions, trying to ride the main groups of militias. The largest combat clashes occurred in the Red Limana area and in the Metalist village - 9 km from the center of Lugansk.

Fourteenth of July - Southern Optores Offensive

In mid-July, after the month of retreats, the militia attempted to occur in the southern direction. The purpose of the offensive is the destruction of the corridor created by the Bandera along the Russian border and the return of lost control over border points. The operation was led by Igor Strelkov. Unfortunately, until the border itself, it was not possible to move. The value of the boiler in which the Bandera fell was very exaggerated. They shouted their wounded in and escaped from the boiler.

Attempt by Bandera to surround Lugansk

The fourteenth of July, the onset of Bandera troops on Lugansk began. The main task was to define the grouping of the militia.

Malazian Boeing Fall Map

Seventeenth of July over the Donetsk region was shot down by the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines airline. All those who were on board two hundred ninety eight people died. Presumably the plane was shot down from the beech-m1 anti-aircraft missile complex, although the SU-25 attack aircraft was noticed at the disaster. Ukrainian security forces and militia are accused of attack on Boeing each other. Western countries looked loudly accusing militia and Russia loudly, but lately, like water in the mouth they scored - apparently found a true castera of the catastrophe.

Loss of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk

A few days after the crash of the Malaysian passenger aircraft, the Ukrainian army continued the offensive and knocked out the militia from Severodonetsk and Lisichansk. In addition, the security forces continued the offensive operations in the suburbs of Donetsk and Lisichansk.

Numerous attempts by blockade of Donetsk and Lugansk

On July 28, the Ukrainian army near Donetsk made an offensive on the North (from Debaltsevo to Kirovskoye) and South (from Amvrosyivka for Torez, Snow and Shakhthersk) directions. The successes of the security forces allowed the Ukrainian side to talk about the creation of the Donetsk boiler, although there was no complete environment of the city.

In the first days of August, Bandera declared the almost complete blocking of Lugansk and Donetsk, and also noted that the territory controlled by the rebels since the beginning of the hostilities decreased by three quarters. However, at the same time, the militias achieved success in the areas of the Luhansk region adjacent to Russia. Martialctions The Russian border led to such a shameful phenomenon as the evacuation of border guards from the border.

The fifth of August, the command of the anti-terrorist organization announced the concentration of the military group from Donetsk and Lugansk. Bandera's main task was called the rupture of militia communications. The most fierce battles in the first days of August were in the city.

By the tenth of August, militants managed to restore control over most of the boundary of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics with Russia. At the same time, Bandera seized a number of settlements located on the tracks connecting various groups of militia Lugansk and Donetsk republics.

Delivery of Russian Humanitarian Aid

The twelfth of August Russia sent a column with a humanitarian cargo to residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republic. Two hundred eighty white "KAMAZ" arrived to the border and twenty-second August crossed it through the checkpoint "Donetsk" (on the Russian side) and "Ivarino" (on the Ukrainian side). Why unarmed foods with food products all the time called I am not clear to me. Caravan reached Lugansk in the territory controlled by the militia, and under their cover.

Two more attempts to achieve the full environment of Lugansk and Donetsk

The Thirteenth of August, Bandera Forces took the next steps to take Lugansk in blockade. The Ukrainian army was occupied by several settlements in the vicinity of the city, including Novosvellovka, located on the highway connecting Lugansk with border withdrawal. Under Donetsk, due to battles, railway communication with the settlement of Jasinovataya, which has important strategic importance were discontinued.

August august Bandera took another offensive on Donetsk and Lugansk. The security forces argued that several regions of Lugansk switched to control. On the Donetsk direction, heavy battles were carried out for Yasinovatoy - suburb of Donetsk. On the same day, at the meeting of the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko with security forces, it was decided to regroup the troops in connection with the estimated transition to the Ukrainian territory of thousands of volunteers and heavy weapons from Russia.

The offensive of the militia

I do not know whether volunteers crossed the border with heavy weapons or this is a simple coincidence, but after receiving Russian humanitarian aid, the militia moved to the offensive. And in a very successful offensive.
They managed to stop the opponent's offensive immediately in several directions, as well as go to the offensive in some areas. The most serious battles unfolded for Ilovaisk - the city south of Donetsk. The success of militias command the command of Bandera explained the fact that professionals from Russia are fighting on the side of the militia.

New direction

The twenty-fourth of August, the militia suddenly told the offensive in the direction of Mariupol. That is, in Lugansk die from hunger, Donetsk are far from the earth, but the offensive goes to Mariupol. In addition, the militia reported several boilers in which Bandera fell.

Fights on the border with Russia

By the twenty-seventh of August, the militias established control over the entire border with Russia, went to the Azov Sea and began promoting Novoazovsk. Under Ilovaisk, there were volunteer battalions of Bandera, as well as the companies of the military brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Another boiler was formed under the helenovka.

Fights for Novoazovka and Saur grave

The militia occupied Novoazovsk, located forty kilometers east of Mariupol. In the vicinity of Donetsk, the strength of the Ukrainian army continued to resistance in three boilers - under Ilovaisk, Ambrosievka and Starobeshevo. The militia returned under their control the strategic height of Saur-grave. On the same day, President of Ukraine Poroshenko once again announced the invasion of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine.

The last battles of August

On the night of September, Lugansk militias knocked the opponent from the Luhansk airport and the village of Georgiyevka. In Donetsk, the rebels also attacked the airport, but they could not immediately take it. Under Donetsk, the surroundings of the forces of the Ukrainian army continued. In a few days, almost seven hundred people were surrendered. Not far from Mariupol were fired by two Ukrainian border boats. One boat as a result of shelling sank.

Position on the third

Mariupol is completely surrounded by reconnaissance battle. The militias took control of the route Novoazovsk - Mariupol. On the night of the fourth of September, the militia continued to assault the airport of Donetsk and partly taken it under control. In addition, the offensive began on the wave.

2015 year

For several weeks, active fighting has been resumed, but there is nothing to show on the map. Bandera displaced from the Donetsk airport. And the same slowly squeezes the ring around Debaltsev. Bandera do strikes in different places in the hope of distracting the militia from Debaltsev. And I sincerely wait when the Ukrainian economy will tear away from this war and the people of Ukraine will populate the fascists who are now in power.


04/18/19. Message from the war bar Oksana Skoda. While Russia helps Orthodox Donbass, Ukraine destroys the churches and priests in LDNR.

"So far, Russia helps Orthodox Donbass, Ukraine destroys churches and priests to LDNR. In the Art-Donbass Art Museum, within the framework of the Orthodox project of spiritual assistance and strengthen Orthodoxy, an exhibition "Unbreakable Wall" opened in the Donbass, consisting of fifteen icons of work of the icon painters of the city of Bryansk and the village of Mster Vladimir region.

Carved images of St. Panteleimon, the Kazan Mother of God, the Lord of the Almighty and Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky are manufactured by the Bryansk Master Ivan the Bogomaz. The icons of the Most Holy Theotokos "Allzaritsa", St. Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarovsky, as well as the Lika Lady and Jesus Christ are written as a gift to Donbass icon painters of the Vladimir Earth. Recall, on the eve of the Mster Masters handed over the chair-chapel of St. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, built in memory of the warriors who died on Saur-grave, a unique icon of the Mother of God "Industrable Wall".

Also as a gift, the Orthodox Donbass, namely, the regimental priest - the crucifixion passed from the rector of the St. Nicholas Temple of the Mister Father Alexander. It is worth noting that each icon is actually nominated: the icon paints themselves determined where and whom volunteers of the International Group "Moscow-Donbass" should deliver it. Total, all these magnificent creations of Russian masters at the end of the exhibition in Art-Donbass, which will last until April 21, will be directed as a gift to the warriors of the DNR, to the children's office of the Republican Oncocentre, Dokuchaevskaya boarding school, the Cadet Corps. Alexander Zakharchenko, City Children's Hospital Donetsk and Hospital Gorlovka, to the Society of Blind and others.

And if the inhabitants of Russia, as they can, help the Orthodox Donbass to stand in difficult hours of testing, the inhabitants of Ukraine, who dream of the return of LDNR to the composition of the "uncomfortable", five years in a row destroy the Donbas Temples and kill priests.

TOTAL, during the war years in the Donbass died: Archpriest Sergius Paveen and his wife Lyudmila (Kirovskoye, DPR); Ieria Georgy Nikishov, the cleric of the Holy Petro-Pavlovsky temple of Pervomaisk (LRR); Archprienes Pavel Zhuchenko, Igor Sergienko, Evgeny Podgorny (DPR); Archpriest Vladimir Krassesky (Lugansk). All of them died during shelling from the Ukrainian paramilitary formations.

As a result of the art robes destroyed: the Blagoveshchensky temple in Gorlovka; Temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Uming" and the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Lugansk; Holy Iverly Women's Monastery in Donetsk; Temple in honor of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt in Kirovsky; Resurrection Temple, Church of St. Seraphim Sarovsky, Church of St. Alexander Nevsky and the temple of the Mother of God's holding icon in Slavyansk.

In addition, Orthodox communities on the territory of Ukraine itself are being severely persecuted. So, only over the past few days several facts of attacks on the believers and the KSTO Church in the regions of Ukraine (sad leadership for the Rivne region) are recorded:

On April 12, in the village of Daozvanov, the Goschensky district of the Rivne region, PCU militants broke out the doors in the church house, which for more than a month serves the house church for the parishioners of the captured temple. The rector of the captured church, Archpriest Vladimir Koval, together with his family left the village of the day before this event;

On April 13, the Holy John-theological temple in the village of Kopytov, Rivne Region, was captured by the PCU militants. During the seizure, they applied physical strength towards the believers of the temple and mocked the priest;

On April 13, in the village of Dubensky district of the Rivne region after a long interfaith conflict for the Holy Trinity Church, the temple was sealed, and on the eve of the militants of PCU intended to capture him;

On April 14, the militants of PCU storm seized the temple of Saints Cosmas and Damian in the village of Rivan region, beating people and throwing them away from the church. The police did not interfere and simply watched what was happening.

And in the city of Lyubotin of the Kharkov region on April 14, the Nikolaev Temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church burned down and burned down and burned down. In the Communications Department of the Main Police Department of the Kharkiv region, the investigation of the fear of fire began. Open criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Art. 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional destruction or damage to property ").

We will remind, "Witnesses of Tomos" received maps in hand on January 31, 2019, when the law "On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine regarding the subordination of religious organizations and the state registration of religious organizations with the status of a legal entity entered into force in Ukraine. Now the transition to the community of Constantinople Patriarchate in Ukraine is accompanied by the language of force: aggression in the address of the parishioners and the priesthood of the UEOs on the part of radical nationalists and administrative pressure on the part of local officials has become in Ukraine everyday life. "

04/18/19. Note from Victor meal. The first repair team of the DNR beats the Socialists of the OOS them.

"The first repair team of the DNR beats on the Socialists of the OOS by their own technique.
Repair units are an important part of the army machine. Military equipment has a bodging property, and therefore people who can maintain it in a healthy state are needed.
The correspondent of the news agency "Kharkov" visited the division, which, although there is a rear, but performs extremely important work in the war - repair company, where he talked with her commander and the founder - Sergey Viktorovich Dugin.
"When we started two years ago, on May 25, 2015, there was an old Republican Guard. The building was removed under the repair company, there was nothing. I gave this base and said: "Collect the company." I collected specialists all over Donetsk - with "Gormash", there are people who are temporarily located Ukrainian security forces. The company is fully equipped with specialists. Even with other departments and other repair bases are addressed to us - asked to assist. We help, "says Dugin.
Sergey Viktorovich notes that the whole technique is repaired by the brigade. The whole broken technique arrives in the service for repair. Basically, overhaul is carried out.
"Engines are pulled out, completely defects, disassembled, replacing unsuitable parts, then we collect everything. At the same time, without a difference, what technique is a tank, it may be BMP, it may be "Ural", maybe KAMAZ. Specialists in two years are chosen so that they easily cope with these tasks, "explains the combine.
Dugin focused on the fact that there were no tracked technician specialists, but everything decided. In September 2014, he got into a snowy, then Ukrainian security officials tried to capture Shakhtarsk. Sergey Viktorovich with other militia holds the defense of the snowy and managed to capture the Ukrainian BMP.
"Somehow guessed how it starts, brought it. Someone remembered how he launches the engine there since the service in the army. Somehow managed with control. The machine needs not only to manage, and you still need to know to repair. Therefore, I had to invite civilian specialists with Dieselists. For them, the diesel engine of armored vehicles was not supernatural. Then come people who explained what it works. Quietly learned everyone. Already, of course, weigh with a gun with a machine gun. But, quietly and deal with this, the experience accumulated - something on the Internet was found, someone could tell us something. Do not burn pots burn! " - remembers the combine.
Sergey Viktorovich also recalls that there were a lot of abandoned Ukrainian equipment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe train station, where the base of the Armed Forces was located. The Combrig notes that it was there that the so-called branches of Donbass were overwhelmed with all their damaged techniques, even the one that was finally broken.
"After the liberation of Debaltsevo, the redistribution of military equipment between divisions, who participated in those battles. We also got a technique, which was previously Ukrainian - with white stripes. She is now in the ranks. But, accordingly, without white stripes, she now continues to help fight the Ukrainian security officials, "said Dugin.
He also said that at the presentation of the banner of the 100th motorized rifle brigade of the Sun DPR, the Minister of Defense of the Republic reported on the restored technique of the Armed Forces, which was captured by Debaltsevo, Ilovaisk and in the structures under the sands. In addition to the significant number of Ukrainian equipment, a huge amount of ammunition was captured. Also, a lot of techniques were taken in Uglegorsk. Dugin recalls that there were cases when someone from the Ukrainian servicemen, got drunk, came to a weapon in full uniform to put up. These are also disarmed. "

04/18/19. Review of relevant and combat information from the John Yuz military bar.

"Donbass today: Kiev is preparing a performance for the OSCE, the paratroopers of the VSU" won "the mythical DRG. Ukrainian troops strengthened the shelling of the DPR, in the LDP - anxious silence. Another military Armed Forces deserted due to the bullying of colleagues. The Ukrainian general saves the image and chair, coming up with fake victories. Latest news Novorossia - in the review of the Federal Agency News.

Operational atmosphere

At Donetsk and Mariupol direction, the defense of the Donetsk People's Republic recorded 11 shelling on the part of the Silovikov of Kiev, the DPR representation in the joint center of control and coordination of the cease-fire (SCPC) reports.

We note that the density of fire in these directions has increased. The Armed Forces of Ukraine issued more than 180 minutes and grenades to the areas of seven settlements. 120-mm and 82-mm mortars, various grenade launches and small arms were used. Under Donetsk, Ukrainian fighting machines infantry and armored personnel carriers worked.

Representatives of the Lugansk Army Corps report the absence of shelling of the Lugansk People's Republic last day. But it is unlikely that this means the decision of the Ukrainian commanders to observe a truce. The reasons are rather in the banal redeployment of units and passing rotary events.

Kiev is preparing a performance for the OSCE

On April 19, at the headquarters of the United States of Ukrainian troops in Kramatorsk, the command of the power transaction will demonstrate to the OSCE representatives prepared in advance, produced video materials, on which the divisions of the People's Militia of the DPR allegedly lead fire on the enemy. Information with reference to these intelligence reported Military Speaker of the Republic Major Daniel Klundov.

The delegation of foreigners will be headed by the Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in Ukraine Mark Eterington. Earlier, in the Donetsk Army Corps, informed about the involvement of civilian media in the conflict zone for the preparation of staged materials. The fruits of this work will be demonstrated by foreign guests.

Ukrainian soldiers continue to desert with advanced for various reasons. From the report of the head of the press service of the People's Militia of LNR Yakov, the sediment became known that out of the 54th separate mechanized brigade, which was stationed in the Popasnaya area, fled another military personnel of the VSU.

As clarified sediment, the motive of the fugitive was constant bullying over him from colleagues. With you, the deserter grabbed the tablet weapon and complete ammunition to it.

In Donetsk, refuted the information of the headquarters of the OOS about "Sharding DRG"

The Ukrainian media on Tuesday reported to suppress the attempt to penetrate the territory under the Mariupol of some "sabotage-intelligence group of the military DPR". As follows from these messages, "the saboteurs were broken, suffered losses and retreated."

According to the Ukrainian version, the Donongs were going to penetrate the rear of the positions of the 79th landing assault brigade, to damage the live strength of the Armed Forces and take their position. Why do you think it is not reported, the main thing is to "Peremog".

Information on the real state of the Fan correspondent was told by Major Klundov - the official representative of the DPR Defense Office. As follows from the information officer, the whole story told by Ukrainian media resources is a fiction from the beginning to the end.

The fact is that in the ardent-assault troops of Ukraine there is a catastrophic deterioration in the moral and psychological state of fighters, which often pushes them on crimes against civilians, desertion and disassembly inside the units.

The other day, the departments of the paratroopers visited the commander of the ardent assault troops General Mikhail Okroodsky. After the inspection, a high-ranking officer realized that the situation was not changed, but, apparently, fearing his place to lose his place, decided to build a "victory", even if Facey, told Daniel Khunov.

"Everything happened on a repeatedly rolled scenario - they themselves came up with a sabotage-intelligence group, and it was successfully" destroyed "," the Major of the DPR army concluded. "

04/17/19. Message from the militia. On the eve of the second round of elections in Ukraine, the Armediations intensified snipers along the entire line of distinction.

"On the eve of the second round of elections in Ukraine, the Armediation of NUS intensified snipers along the entire line of distinction. "Through the entire line of combat contact, in the areas of settlements, Stanitsa Luganskaya, Crimean and Golden-4, there is an intensification of the work of snipers with the support of mortar settlements" - reported in the command of the LNR Army. "

Video from the military bar Yuri Kittenka: "Fritz call sign:" Someone has to go to the attack. " Artemy Razuev (call sign "Fritz") - the fighter of the national militia of Donbass - that the current positional confrontation in the Donbas will end in that one of the parties should go ahead; About the fools "Phantom", his serious injury in battle for survival. "

04/17/19. Photo from journalists. Ukrainians sell "healing ash-lady healing."

"Ukrainians sell the" healing ash of Notre Dama. " The ashes "hurts horror on the surrounding enemies and Putin," says one of the ads. After a fire in Notre Dame de Paris on the Internet sites, announcements appeared for the sale of ashes and coals alleged from this cathedral. Several ads are published on Olch users from Odessa. "Different garbage burned in the cathedral the other day, collected himself, with his own hands. In stock 5 kg, to the one who takes everything at once, Bonus is a figurine of Horboon from Kinder. Helps from the evil eye, barley, impotence, damage, hurts fear and horror on the enemies around you and Putin, "says one of the ads. The specified cost is 100 hryvnia. In another declaration, it is indicated that "the ashes of the burnt cathedral in Paris heals, removes the curse and damage," because "consists of a variety of burnt icons." Price for it - 200 hryvnia. As Lenta .ua reported, according to the preliminary conclusions of criminals, the fire began due to problems with electrical network. The fire began to spread from the basis of the specified spire. "

04/17/19. Note from Svetlana Safonova. Filed gas: As Russian passports are connected by residents of LDNR and North Stream-2.

"Floored gas: as Russian passports are associated with residents of LDNR and North Stream-2. Russia is ready to issue a passport to residents of LDNR on a simplified scheme. In the Kremlin, they are waiting for the outcome of the second round of elections. A new round of rumors around the topic of donbass certification was launched no longer ordinary journalists on their pages in social networks.

Now they hit "Large calibers", edition with a solid reputation "Kommersant". And everything would be very dirty, if it were not for one "but" - the news about the passports suspiciously coincided with the news that Denmark had froze the construction of the "Northern Flow-2" for an indefinite time. The main supplier of Russian gas to Europe can again become Ukraine. Trades are started around the conclusion of a new transit contract, and the distribution of passports can become an element of this bargaining.

Briefly remind the history of the issue. Once again, the topic of issuing Russian passports to residents of the LNR and DNR rose in March of this year - exactly to the first round of the presidential elections in Ukraine. Moscow journalists working, including in the DPR, said that Russian passports "already in April" will issue all military, officials and ... retirees. In the latter, it was hard to believe, because pensioners only in DRR over 600 thousand people. But the rumors did not wash, an increasing number of people believed in them, and in the passport tables, Donetsk was not to push back - the inhabitants of the republic were sought to raise local passports faster in order to receive Russian after them. But passed the first tour of the Ukrainian elections, whose winner was Vladimir Zelensky. And the noise around Russian passports is somehow very quickly. "I do not have any information on this matter, I do not know what messages are you talking about," said the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov to comment on the request of the journalists to comment on the fact that Russia plans to begin issuing Russian passports to residents of LDNR. It was 4 April.

Two weeks after the first round of Ukrainian elections were relatively calm, about passports were slowly forgotten. Vladimir Zelensky, whose rating according to the latest data exceeded 72%, during this time did some statements on Donbass. Not to say that too peaceful, but certainly not militant. Promised to continue the Minsk negotiations, with the involvement of the United Kingdom and the United States (representatives of these countries, by the way, did not comment on the initiative), to start paying pensions to the residents of LDNR, to communicate directly with Moscow and exclude from the negotiation process Viktor Medvedchuk. Here, perhaps, that's all. On the continuation of the fighting - not a word. About the exit from Minsk - as well. And therefore, the words of the source of the Kommersant, motivating the possible issuance of Russian passports by the fact that "in resolving a dead end", look at least, there is no strange - there is no dead end. On the contrary, let me be a meager, but the chance of what can still work out.

Nevertheless, in the evening of April 15, the Schroat information field shot at once from two trunks of "large-caliber artillery" - RBC and Kommersant were simultaneously reported that they were planning to issue passports in the Kremlin. According to the simplified system, without passing exams in such cases and the necessary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for five years. The main conditions for changing citizenship will be the presence of LNR and DPR passports and the delivery of the Ukrainian passport. The question, allegedly, has already been fully worked out and only the corresponding decree of the President of Russia is needed for its final decision. It may appear immediately after the presidential elections in Ukraine, that is, next week. But may not appear, the head of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs Leonid Kalashnikov said about the publication, saying that "if only some political feasibility will arise to see how new Ukrainian president, if he appears there, will do anything or not will do in terms of settling the situation in the east of Ukraine. "

But is it just that the new Ukrainian president will resolve the Donbass conflict?

Yesterday, in the day in the same "Kommersant" there was another important news: Denmark for an indefinite time frozen the construction of "Northern Flow-2", and without coordinating the pipe gasket route. The deadline for entering the gas pipeline was finally shifted beyond 2019. Thus, Denmark unequivocally made it clear that her decision would be accepted only after the conclusion of the transit agreement of Russia with Ukraine.

Now, to maintain gas supplies to Europe, Gazprom will have to enter into a full-scale transit agreement with Ukraine. "Northern Stream-2", in this case, becomes an additional and secondary route regarding Ukrainian. In addition, the EU adopted amendments to the gas directive, according to which "SP-2" will function only if third suppliers receive access to it. This means that Gazprom can use no more than half of the capacity of "Northern Flow-2", and the rest should be reserved under alternative gas suppliers who are not related to Gazprom and Russian gas.

Thus, Ukraine remains the main transitor of Russian gas to Europe. And during this year, the corresponding contract must be concluded between the two countries. And no longer for 15 billion cubes, as previously assumed, and, at least, on the full-time 50-70.

The conclusion of the transit contract is always a big bargaining. And the possible issuance of Russian passports to the residents of the Donbass remaining in the territories of LDNR may be an element of the upcoming bargaining. In unrecognized republics, citizens of Russia will appear to protect the Russian Federation will always be able to introduce their troops to the region. A rather strong trump card in negotiations with the new Ukrainian leadership, especially since Vladimir Zelensky is perceived by Ukrainians purely as a peaceful person, in many respects, and his huge rating is explained. "President of the World" is unlikely to agree to war, as well as the fact that Ukraine will not forgive the new leader of the direct invasion of Russian troops into the territory of Donbass.

So it turns out that the good detention, aimed at improving the lives of long-term LDR residents, may be just an element of bargaining for the European gas market. God forbid that we mistaken. "