What is the heart of the turtle. Topic: Anatomy and Turtle Physiology

The turtle refers to reptiles and has a circulatory system, similar to lizards and snakes, and crocodiles the system of supplying blood has some distinctive features. The body of the turtle is supplied with mixed blood. This is not a perfect blood supply system, but gives the opportunity to make the reptile perfectly feel in a specific habitat. Consider how the coolest system of the exotic inhabitant of the desert and seas functions.

The heart of the turtle is located in the central part of the body between the sneaker and the abdomen. It is divided into two atrium and one ventricle, it is three-chamber in its structure. Heart chambers function, filling the organism of reptile with oxygen and nutrients. The ventricle is also equipped with a partition (muscular ridge), but does not completely overlap.

Chamber heart allows you to evenly distribute blood, but with such a structure, it is impossible to avoid mixing the arterial and venous fraction. The flow of blood clothing in the heart is as follows:

  1. In the right atrium comes from different organs of poor oxygen. It enters the atrium, having passed on 4 veins.
  2. In the left atrium is "live water" from the lungs, which is saturated with oxygen. It is delivered left and right pulmonary veins.
  3. From the atria, with their reduction, the blood is pushed into the ventricles through the broken holes, so it is originally not mixed. Gradually, mixed composition accumulates in the right side of the ventricle.
  4. Muscular contractions push the "nutrient mixture" into two circles circulation. Valves stop her refund to the atrium.

Important! Blood at normal condition and breathing the turtle moves from left to right due to the difference in pressure. But if the breath is broken, for example, when immersed in water, this movement changes and goes in the opposite direction.

Pulsa frequency

The turtle pulse can be determined by applying a finger between the neck and the front limb, but it is not good. With the increase in the ambient temperature, the heart rate increases noticeably so that the heat is absorbed as quickly as possible. When cooling the rhythm of heartbeat slows down, which allows reptiles to preserve heat as much as possible. How many blows per minute produces a heart depends on age, species features, body weight.

The turtle pulse, its norm is associated with the temperature at which the animal feels comfortable (in nature - this is + 25- + 29C).

Pulse per minute ranges from 25 to 40 shots depending on the type of animal. In the period of complete rest (anabiosis) in some types of heart rhythm is 1 impact per minute.

Important! The speed of heartbeat and blood movement changes even before the body temperature has changed, which indicates the presence of thermistors on the skin.

Work circles of blood circulation

The blood circuit in the turtle forms two circles of blood circulation: small and large. This allows the blood turtle to clean the blood from carbon dioxide and deliver it to organs already saturated with oxygen. Movement in a small circle occurs as follows:

  • the ventricle is reduced in the area where the venous cavity is located, pushing the nutrient fluid into the pulmonary artery;
  • artery splits, heading towards the left and right light;
  • in the lungs there is an enrichment of composition with oxygen;
  • to the heart, the composition returns to the pulmonary veins.

A large circle of blood circulation is more difficult:

  • with a reduction in the ventricle, blood is thrown into the right (arterial) and left (mixed) arc of aorta;
  • the right arc is divided into sleepy and plug-in arteries, which supply the brain with a nutrient mixture and upper limbs;
  • the spinal aorta consisting of mixed blood feeds the pelvic region and the hind limbs;
  • the composition enriched with carbon dioxide returns to the right atrium on the right and left hollow veins.

This structure of the heart allows you to control the operation of the vascular system. It has its drawbacks: inhabited mixed blood into the bloodstream.

Important! In water species, the return of arterial blood is higher, their cells are better supplied with oxygen. This is due to the condition of hypoxia during immersion, when the blood fraction is delayed in capillaries. Such a process is adaptation to specific environmental conditions.

Video: Circuit Blood System

What color blood to the turtle

The composition and role of blood turtle blood cells and mammals are the same. But the composition may vary in the turtles and depends on the time of year, pregnancy, diseases. All blood components contain a nucleus, which is not typical for higher organized groups of animals.

The color of the blood from the reptile red and no different in appearance from human. The volume is 5-8% of the body weight, and the color of the arterial composition may be slightly darker, since the composition is mixed. Blood in the Reduzha Turtle, which is often held in the conditions of the apartment, does not differ from its relatives.

Important: Turtles are more slow and faster, they have metabolic processes, since the cells suffer from lack of oxygen when they are powered by mixed blood composition. But at the same time, lizards and snake are quite mobile and show more activity at certain points or periods of life.

The circulatory system of turtles, as well as other reptiles, more perfect compared to amphibians (frogs) and is less advanced than in mammals (mouse). This is a transitional link, but it allows the body to function and adapt to specific external environmental factors.

Cardiovascular and Blood Skin System

See also:

The respiratory system at the turtles Sex system in turtles Head organs in turtles Temperature of the body of red and land turtles Turtle mouth: mouth and teeth

The distinctive features of the turtle detachment (Testudines) are the following:

The torso is concluded in the bone shell, covered on top of the horny shields or leather (at the Far Eastern). Head on a long mobile neck, like legs, can usually be drawn under the shell. There is no teeth, but the jaws have sharp horny edges. Eggs with solid limestone.

Cleaning turtles

Skin turtles consists of two main layers: epidermis and dermis. The epidermis completely covers the entire body surface, including the shell. The skulls of the molting occurs gradually and the epidermis changes in some sections as it takes. In this case, a new horny layer is formed, occurring under the old one. Between them begins to flow lymph and joining fibrin-like proteins. Lithic processes are then growing, which leads to the formation of the cavity between the old and new horny layers and their separation. In the ground turtles, only leather is melted. Large shields on the head, paws and shells should not be lifted.

The head is located on a long mobile neck and usually can be drawn under the shell entirely or partially, or fit under the side sheath. The roof of the cranial box does not have temporal pits and zilly arcs, that is, it belongs to the anapsid type. Large sockets are separated along the midline of the fine interpidential partition. Rear in the roof of the skull goes out an ear clipping.

In the oral cavity of the turtle is placed thick fleshy language.

Cardiovascular Turtle System

Cardiovascular system is typical for reptile: three-chamber heart, large arteries and veins are connected. The amount of poor blood circulation falls into a large circle increases with an increase in external pressure (for example, by diving). The heart rate is reduced, despite the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide.

The heart consists of two atrial (left and right) and ventricle with an incomplete partition. Atrialia is communicated with the ventricle through a two-year channel. The ventricular develops a partial interventricular partition, due to which the difference in the amount of blood oxygen is established around it.

Unpaid thyroid gland is located in front of the grocery. Her hormones play a very important role in the regulation of common tissue metabolism, affect the development of the nervous system and behavior, on the function of the sexual system and growth progress. In the skulls, the function of the thyroid gland during wintering rises. Thyroid gland also produces calcitonin hormone, slowing down resorption (suction) calcium calcium from bone tissue.

All turtles breathe through nostrils. Breathing open mouth abnormally.

External nostrils are located at the front end of the head and have the kind of small rounded holes.

Internal nostrils (ogans) larger and oval form. They are located in the front third of the sky. When the mouth is closed, the joine is close to the sanding gap. Alone is closed in the rest and opened only during inhalation and exhalation using the muscle - dilator. A short trachea is formed by closed cartilage rings and in its base is divided into two bronchi. This allows the tortoises to breathe with the head-inside head.

Turtle digestive system

Most of the land skulls are rubbing, most water-carnivorous, secondary ground turtles are omnivorous. Exceptions are found in all groups.

All modern turtles have fully reduced teeth. Upper and lower jaws are dressed with horny covers - Ramfoteki. In addition to them, the front paws can participate in the grinding and fixing of the feed.

Vision turtles

The main structure of the eye is an almost spherical eyeball, located in the deepening of the skull - the eye and the brain-related optic nerve. He departs from the inside of the eyeball and enclosed in the case. The accommodation of the lens is carried out with a reduction in the cereal muscle, which in the skulls of the transverse-striped, and not smooth as in mammals.

Our planet is thickly populated by animals of various classes, detachments and species. Scientists explore their structure and functional importance of individual organs. About the heart of amphibians and reptiles, read in the article.

How did the heart of the three cameras turn into a four-chamber?

The vertebrates went to the land due to the fact that their pulmonary breathing began to develop intensively. The blood system began to rebuild. Fishes breathing habies, possess one circle of blood circulation, their heart consists of only two cameras. They can not live on land.

Three- or four-chamber hearts have ground vertebrates. They are distinguished by the presence of two circles of blood circulation. Their constant habitat is sushi. The organ with three cameras have amphibians and reptiles. Although individual species of reptiles have an incomplete division into four parts. The development of the present four-chamber heart in the process of evolution took place in parallel in mammals, birds and crocodiles.

Reptiles and amphibians

These two classes of animals have two circles of blood circulation and a heart consisting of three cameras. Only one reptile has an infallible, but possessing four is a crocodile. A full-fledged heart body first appeared in primitive mammals. In the future, the heart with such a structure inherited the descendants of dinosaurs - birds. It passed inheritance and modern mammal.


Four-chamber heart have feathers. Birds are distinguished by a complete separation of circles of blood circulation: large and small, as in humans, when blood is mixed - arterial and venous. The right and left half of the organ is fully separated.

its structure is represented by two atrium and the same amount of ventricles. In the ventricle, venous blood comes through the right atrium. There is a pulmonary artery from him, which is divided into the left and right branches. As a result, venous blood turns out to be in the appropriate light. At this time, blood in the lungs oxidizes and enters the left atrium. Such blood circulation is called his small circle.

A large circle of blood circulation takes the beginning of from it a single vessel, which is called the right arc of aorta, which immediately at the outlet of the heart separates two nameless artery: left and right. The same ash itself unfolds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right bronchus and goes parallel to the spinal column as a spinal aorta. Each unnamed artery is divided into sleepy and connective. The first goes to mind, and the second is again divided into breast and shoulder. Large arteries depart from the spinal aorta. The unpaired are designed to supply the blood of the stomach and intestines, and the pair of the hind limbs, the pelvis cavity organs and the muscles of the peritonean walls.

The four-chamber heart have birds, it is characterized by the fact that the play of blood is carried out mainly on large-scale vessels, and only a small part of it enters the renal capillaries. Birds are distinguished by the presence of a large heart with frequent cuts and flow into organs of only pure arterial blood. This made it possible to consider birds with warm-blooded animals.

Blood mammalian system

In mammals, a four-chamber heart, like a person or birds. Its formation with the full separation of circles of blood circulation is caused by the need to develop such quality as warmth. This is explained as: warm-blooded animals experience a constant need for oxygen, which is capable of satisfying the arteries with a large amount of oxygen. Ensure the body is capable only four-chamber heart. A mixed blood vertebral blood, in which the heart has three cameras, is not able to give the desired body temperature. Therefore, such animals are called composure.

Due to the presence of complete partitions, blood is not mixed. For a large circle of appeal, only arterial blood flows, which all the mammalian organs are supplied to the designer, which contributes to the acceleration of metabolism. This process contributes to maintaining temperature at a constant level. The four-chamber heart have mammals, birds and other animal classes, which are vital constant and stable body temperature. Now the environment does not affect them.


In fact, the heart in these reptiles has three cameras with two atrials and one ventricle. But the principle of his work makes it possible to argue that the four-chamber heart have lizards. Explanation This phenomenon has the following. The venous cavity is filled with poor oxygen blood, the source of the receipt of which is the right atrium. Arterial blood enriched with oxygen comes from the opposite atrium.

Pulmonary artery and both arcs Aorts communicate. It would seem that blood should be completely mixed. But this does not occur, since the presence of a muscular flap in aggregate with a two-phase reduction of ventricle and the further work of the heart prevent blood mixing. It is available, but in very small quantities. Therefore, according to the functional value of lizards, it looks like a four-chamber.


The crocodile has a four-chamber heart, although blood circulation circles are not completely separated by the partition. The reptile body (heart), which is responsible for the supply of the entire body with food through blood, has a special structure. In addition to the pulmonary artery, departing from the ventricle on the right side, there is an additional left. On it, the bulk of blood is entered into the digestive system.

Between the two arteries, the right and left, the crocodile heart has a hole. Through it, blood from the veins has the opportunity to get into a large circle of circulation, and vice versa. Scientists have long thought that the heart of the reptile has a type of transitional on the way to the development of a full-fledged heart of four cameras, as in warm-blooded mammals. But it is not.


The system of vessels and hearts in these reptiles are the same as in other reptiles: a heart with three cameras interconnected by veins and arteries. The content of not oxidized blood increases when external pressure increases. This may occur when the animal dives or moves quickly. The frequency of heart abbreviations is reduced, although the concentration of carbon dioxide is significantly increased.

The four-chamber heart have a turtle, although the body has only three cameras on the physiological structure. The fact is that the heart of the turtle is characterized by an incomplete partition of the ventricle, around which the blood functions, having a different amount of oxygen.

A distinctive feature of the structure of the turtles is a shell, which in different species of these animals has a special form and consists of various tissues.

All kinds of turtles, with the exception of the peel, the shelter has two shield - spinal and abdominal. The spinal flap is called Carapaks, and the abdominal is a plastron.

Carapaks consists of bone plates formed by skin seats that have contrived with ribs and vertebral processions. Top plates are located on top of the bone plates, often with a pattern on the surface. The additional strength of the shelter gives seams located between the horny and bone plates. In the soft turtles, the upper part of the shell consists of skin fabric.

Carapaks and a plastron are connected to a moving, with a tendon bundle, or motionless, using bone jumpers. Sometimes in the turtles during the lifetime, the type of flaps connects: the bone jumper replaces the tendon, which allows to alleviate the shell.

Currently there are about 250 types of skulls, of which the largest group of them make up freshwater turtles (about 180 species), the second largest land (62 species), and the least species include a group of sea turtles (8 species).

The outer side of the limbs in the turtles is covered with solid scales, and the head is protected by bone plates. Thus, hiding in the shell in case of danger, the animal turns out to be surrounded by "armor" from all sides.

It is worth noting that the shell is one of the most advanced tools that allowed such an ancient animal as a turtle, to live to the present day.

The shape of the shell even among representatives of one type of skulls inhabiting in different conditions may be different.

When looking at the turtle, the question arises: how do they live with such a heavy adaptation? Few people think about the fact that the turtles managed to survive exactly thanks to the shell. In order to maintain the opportunity to live inside the shell, this animal had to completely rebuild his anatomy. So, the shoulder belt was moved inside the chest. But the most interesting thing is that the whole process of evolution of the turtles is repeated every time the embryo turns into a turtle!

The presence of the shell changed the turtle breathing method: since its chest can not expand, the air into the lungs falls otherwise - the reduction of the longitudinal side muscles of the body increases the volume of the incomplete space.

Since ancient times, the anatomy of the turtles has undergone significant changes: the ribs have become wide and flat, and the vertebral pillar merged with the shell. The long and flexible neck can be drawn in the form of the Latin letter S. The front and rear belt turned out to be inside the part of the body, which in other vertebrates is called the chest.

The spine turtles consists of 5 departments - cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and tail. The cervical department includes 8 vertebrae, two of which form a movable joint. Breast and sacral departments are formed by vertebrae, to which ribs are attached. The long vertebrae of the chest department is combined with breast and form a chest.

On the vertebrae of the sacrilate department there are transverse growths, which are attached to the pelvis bones. The numerous vertebrae of the tail department as it removes from the front of the spine becomes smaller and smooth.

The head in all types of turtles is located on a movable neck, the length of which in some species can reach 2/3 of the body.

Typically, the head of the turtle can be completely drawn into the shell, with the exception of certain types of freshwater and sea turtles with a very large skull, often with a thickened bone basis; Sometimes there are horny flaps on the head that protect it from damage.

There are no teeth in the turtles, they are replaced by sharp horny edges on jaws. Musculature of jaw turtles, especially large, very powerful. The muscles are attached to the skull in a special way, thanks to which the force of compression of the jaws is very large.

In the oral cavity there is a thick fleet. The wide throat passes into the esophagus, passing into the stomach with thick walls. The stomach is separated from the intestine with a ring roller. The gallbladder and the double-bladed liver in the turtles, compared with other reptiles, differ in fairly large sizes.

From the rear wall of the intestine, two anal bubbles are deployed, which are filled with water. In some water species, these bubbles are used as an additional respiratory organ during a long fixed stay under water, since their walls are permeated with a thick network of blood vessels. In addition, the females of some species use water from bubbles for softening sand or land when digging nests.

Some types of turtles have developed another additional respiratory body - the college grows on the mucous membrane of the pharynx. When the turtle is calmly lying on the bottom of the reservoir, waiting for prey, it pulls and pushes water from the pharynx, providing a constant inflow of oxygen to the cilia.

The turtle brain is developed pretty weakly unlike the dorsal, which has a sufficiently large mass and thickness.

The skull of these animals is an infinite, consisting of two departments - cerebral and visceral. In turtles, the number of bones from which the skull is more than that of amphibians.

The brain includes front, medium, intermediate and oblong departments, as well as cerebellum.

The front brain consists of two large hemispheres, two olfactory shares depart from it. The intermediate brain is located between the front and medium. In the intermediate brain there is a parietal body that registers seasonal changes in the light regime and the duration of the day.

The front division of the parietal organ looks like a lens of the eye, and sensitive pigment cells are located on the rear glassworm. At the bottom of the intermediate brain there is a funnel with a pituitary pituitary, as well as visual nerves.

In the middle brain, the turtles are visual shares. An oblong brain is responsible for the basic vegetative functions - breathing, digestion, blood circulation, etc., as well as for unconditional motor reflexes.

The turtle cerebellum has a form of a semicircular fold, covering the front part of the oblong brain. In the turtles and other reptiles, the cerebellum provides good coordination of movements.

The eyes of the turtles are sufficiently developed, there are two rolling ages and a transparent blinking metering. They have vision sharp, but the hearing is not too good. In the land species, the eardrum is thick, and most sea species have an auditory hole closed with thickened skin growth.

Freshwater turtles, which often, having heard frightening their sound, are distinguished, hurry to hurry in water.

There are no ear shells and even hearing aisters in the turtles, they replaced the eardrum located on the head.

The smell of the turtle is developed very well, as well as the taste and touch. Despite the thickness of the shell, the turtles react to pain stimuli, so touch them should be carefully.

The muscles of the limbs in the turtles are very strong and well developed. The muscles of the body, on the contrary, is practically atrophied, since the turtles do not have to use it.

In the structure of the cardiovascular system, the turtles are similar to other cold-blooded animals. The heart of these reptiles is three-chamber, consists of two atrial and ventricle with an incomplete partition. On the right side of the ventricle, which contains venous blood, leaves the pulmonary artery, from the middle part with mixed blood - the right arc of aorta, and from the left, which contains arterial blood, is the left arc of aorta. The right and left arc of the aortes are connected in the spinal part and form a spinal aorta.

Large veins and arteries in the turtles are combined, therefore, the vessels circulate mixed blood, less saturated with oxygen than in warm-blooded animals with separated venous and arterial blood. The supply of tissues of mixed blood does not contribute to the active metabolism, so the animal loses its forces quickly compared to mammals.

For sea turtles, it is very difficult to create conditions that are maximally resembling natural, therefore most animal lovers contain at home freshwater and land skulls.

The genitis of females are represented by a pair of grinding ovaries, and males - the unpaired copulatory body, which is located in Cloake and is put forward only during mating. You can distinguish males from females in several signs. So, a male plastron most often has a somewhat concave form, so that it is more convenient for him to hold on the pension of females during mating. In addition, the overwhelming majority of species males are significantly smaller in size, with the exception of Cayman turtles, which are larger than the males. In some species, males have other differences: for example, they have a longer claws on their paws or a rainbow eye sheath is painted in different colors.

Turtles love to bask in the sun

The males most often the tail is thinner and long, than in females, since the latter is located in the clock.

The turtle is an animal of the chord type, the class of reptiles, a turtle detachment (Testudines). These animals exist on planet Earth for more than 220 million years.

The Latin name of the turtle received from the word "testa", which meant "brick", "tile" or "clay vessel". The Russian analogue occurred from Praslavyansky's word Čerpaxa, which in turn occurred from the changed by the vision of the word "Čerp", "Cherepok".

Turtle - Description, Feature and Photos

Cherepakh shelter

A characteristic feature of the turtles is the presence of a shell, which is designed to protect the animal from natural enemies. Cherepakh shelter Consists of a dorsal (Carapaks) and the abdominal (plastron) of the part. The strength of this protective cover is such that it easily withstands the load exceeding the turtle weight 200 times. Carapaks consists of two parts: internal armor made of bone plates, and outdoor, folded from horny flaps. In some types of skulls, bone plates are covered with dense skin. Plastron formed due to the surrounding and infinite breast, clavicle and abdominal ribs.

Depending on the species, the size and mass of the turtle differ significantly.

Among these animals there are giants that have more than 900 kg with the size of Carapaks 2.5 or more meters, but there are small turtles whose weight does not exceed 125 grams, and the length of the shell is only 9.7-10 cm.

Head and eyes Turtle

Head of Turtle It has a streamlined shape and mean sizes, which allows you to quickly hide it inside the reliable shelter. However, there are types with large heads that are bad or not placed at all in the shell. In some representatives of the genus the tip of the muzzle is similar to peculiar "trull", ending with nostrils.

Due to the characteristics of the lifestyle on land, the turtle eyes look into the ground. In water representatives of the detachment, they are located closer to the painter and are directed forward and upwards.

The neck of most turtles are short, however, in individual species it can be comparable to Carapaks long.

Does the turtle teeth? How many teeth have a turtle?

For biting and grinding, the turtles use a solid and powerful beak, the surface of which is covered with rough convexes that replace teeth. Depending on the type of power, they can be sharp as a razor (among predators), or with gear edges (in herbivores). In the ancient turtles that lived 200 million years ago, in contrast to modern individuals were the real teeth. The tongue in the turtles is short and serves only for swallowing, and not for the seizure of food, so it does not turn outward.

Limbs and tail turtles

In total, the turtle 4 paws. The structure and functions of the limbs depend on the lifestyle of the animal. Views that live on land have gluable front limbs adapted to grow soil and powerful rear paws. For freshwater turtles, the presence of facilitating the smearing of leathery membranes between the fingers on all four paws is characterized. The sea turtles of the limbs in the process of evolution were transformed into peculiar flies, and the size of the anterior is much superior to the rear.

Almost all turtles have a tail, which, like a head, hides inside the shell. In some species, it ends with a spike nail or pointed form.

Turtles have a well-developed color vision, helping them in search of food, and excellent hearing, allowing you to hear enemies at a considerable distance.

Turtles are linked, as many reptiles. In the land species, the molt affects the skin in a small amount, the aquatic turtles of the molting occurs unnoticed.

During molting from the shell, transparent shields are hindered, and the skin from the paw and neck comes off rags.

The life expectancy of the turtle in vivo can reach 180-250 years. With the occurrence of winter cold or summer drought, the turtles go into a hibernation, the duration of which can exceed half a year.

Because of the weakly pronounced genital signs of the turtles, it is very difficult to determine who among the animals "boy", and who "girl". Nevertheless, if you approach the question with attentiveness, having studied some external and behavioral characteristics of these exotic and interesting reptiles, then you will seem to know their sexual affiliation.

  • Pancir

In females, it usually has a more elongated, elongated compared to the male.

  • Plastron (bottom of the shell)

Turn the turtle and carefully look at it - the bridal armor is closer to the anal hole in the skulls of the turtles, the males slightly concave (by the way, such a nuance facilitates the pairing process).

  • Tail

In males, the turtles tail slightly longer, wider and thicker at the base, most often bent down. The tail "Runshine" is short and straight.

  • Anal hole (Cloaca)

In females it is somewhat closer to the tip of the tail, the shape resembles an asterisk or squeezed around the sides. In males, the turtles, the anal hole has a narrow oblong shape or shape of a slit.

  • Claws

Almost all species, except for the leopard turtle, claws of males on the forelimbs are longer than in females.

  • Recess from the tail

The males have a notch in the form of the letter V in the back of the shell, it is necessary for mating turtles.

  • Behavior

Turtles males are most often more active, and in the marriage period they are distinguished by aggressiveness to the opponent and to the "lady of the heart", they pursue her, trying to get sick, funny nodding. The female at this time can calmly watch the "Caring", hiding his head into the shell.

  • Some types of turtles have specific differences between females and males, such as color, size or shape of the head.

Treps - Photo and Description

The detachment of the turtle consists of two subversions separated by the method that the animal removes his head into the shell:

  • Honest turtles, folding neck in the form of the Latin letter "S";
  • Bocian turtles, hiding head towards one of the front paws.

In the area of \u200b\u200bhabitat turtles, there is the following classification:

  • Sea turtles (live in the seas and oceans)
  • Ground turtles (dwell on land or freshwaters)
    • Land turtles
    • Freshwater turtles

In total, there are more than 328 types of skulls that form 14 families.

Varieties of land turtles

  • Galapagos Turtle (Elephant) (Chelonoidis Elephantopus.)

The length of the shell of these turtles can reach 1.9 meters, and the turtle weight can exceed 400 kg. The size of the animal and the form of the shell depend on the climate. In the arid areas of Carapaks saddot, and the limbs at the reptile long and thin. The weight of large males rarely exceeds 50 kg. In the humid climate, the shape of the spine shell becomes domed, and the size of the animal increases significantly. An ivory turtle lives in the Galapagos Islands.

  • Egyptian turtle (Testudo Kleinmanni.)

small representative of land turtles. The sizes of Karapaksa males barely reach 10 cm, women's individuals are slightly larger. The painting of the shell of this type of turtles drow-yellow with a small cut around the edges of the horny flaps. The Egyptian turtle in the north of Africa and in the countries of the Middle East lives.

  • Central Asian turtle (Testudo (Agrionemys) HORSFIELDII)

a small reptile with a shell size up to 20 cm. Carapaks has a rounded shape and painted in yellowish-brown tones with darker stains of an indefinite shape. On the forelimbs, these turtles are 4 fingers. The most popular type of turtles for home content, lives about 40-50 years. It dwells in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, the northeastern part of Iran, in the north-west of Pakistan and India.

  • Leopard turtle (Panther Turtle) (Geochelone pardalis)

Carapaks length of this turtle exceeds 0.7 m, and the weight can reach 50 kg. The shell of this type of turtles is high and has a dome-shaped form. Its coloring has sandy-yellow tones, on which young individuals are clearly visible to the spotted pattern of black or dark brown color, disappearing as agreed. This type of turtles lives in African countries.

  • Capping turtle ( Homopus Signatus.)

the smallest turtle in the world. The length of its Carapaks does not exceed 10 cm, and the weight reaches 95-165 grams. It dwells in South Africa and in the south of Namibia.

Types of freshwater turtles

  • Painted turtle (decorated turtle) (Chrysemys Picta.)

Pretty small look of skulls with sizes of 5 to 25 cm. The upper part of the oval spine shell has a smooth surface, and its painting can be both olive-green and black. The skin is of the same color, but with different strips of red or yellow tone. They have leather membranes between the fingers of the legs. Lives in Canada and USA.

  • European marsh turtle (Emys Orbicularis.)

The dimensions of individuals can reach up to 35 cm, and the weight is 1.5 kg. Smooth, Oval Carapaks is movably connected to a plaster and has a slightly convex form. Representatives of this species have a very long tail (up to 20 cm). The color of the top shell is brown-brown or olive. Skin color dark with yellow spots. Inhabits turtle in European countries, in the Caucasus, in Asian countries.

  • Ruddy turtle (yellow-born turtle) (Trachemys Scripta.)

The shell of these turtles may have a length of up to 30 cm. Its coloring is bright green in young individuals over time turns into yellow-brown or olive. Next to the eyes on the head there are two spots of yellow, orange or red. This feature has given the name. Lives in the USA, Canada, in the north-west of South America (in the north of Venezuela and Colombia).

  • Cayman Turtle (biting) (Chelydra Serpentina.)

A characteristic feature of the turtle is a cross-shaped plastron and a long tail, which is covered with small spikes, as well as the skin of the head and neck. The size of the shell of these turtles can reach 35 cm, and the weight of an adult animal is 30 kg. Adverse conditions for Cayman Turtle is experiencing in hibernation. This turtle lives in the USA and in the south-east of Canada.

Types of sea turtles

  • Biss Turtle (Real Carette) (Eretmochelys impricata.)

Carapaks these turtles have a heart shape of up to 0.9 m. The top layer of the shell is painted into brown tones with a pattern in the form of multi-colored spots. In young individuals, rogue plates overlap each other like tiles, but as it grows the overlap disappears. The front oils of the animal are equipped with two claws. Bissa lives both in the latitudes of the northern hemisphere and in southern countries.

  • Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys Coriacea.)

this is the biggest turtle in the world. The scope of its front last limbs reaches 2.5 meters, the mass of reptiles is more than 900 kg, and the size of the shell is higher than 2.6 m. The surface of the upper shell is covered with non-cornified plates, but tight leather, for which the view and got its name. There is a turtle in the tropical areas of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.

  • Green Turtle (Soup Turtle) (Chelonia Mydas.)

The weight of the turtle ranges from 70 to 450 kg, and the size of the shell from 80 to 150 cm. The color of the skin and Carapaks can be both olive with a green tint and dark brown with different stains and strips of white or yellow. The turtle shell has a small height and oval shape, and its surface is covered with large horny flaps. Due to the large size of the head, these reptiles do not hide her inside. Green turtle lives in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.