Mint pepper flower and inflorescence. Mint Pepper (Mentha Piperita L.)

Mentha Piperita.

Taxon: Clanotkov family ( Lamiaceae.) or licable ( Labiyatae.)
Other names: English mint, cold mint
English: Brandy Mint, Lamb Mint, Peppermint

Botanical description

Mint Peppermint - a perennial herbaceous plant with extensive four-pianhed stems up to 100 cm high. Rhizome horizontal, branched, with nodes from nodes with thin urine roots. The leaves are short-flowered, elongated egg-shaped, pointed, with a heart-shaped base and stiff edges, on top of dark green, light green, 3-6 cm long, 1,5-2 cm wide. Flowers small, red-purple, collected on the tops Escapes to Granny-Pokolaoid Inflorescences. The fetus consists of 4 nuts (seeds) of a dark brown color, about 0.75 mm long, enclosed in a cup. Blooms from late June to September.


In the wild mint, the peppermint is not found anywhere, she was led for the first time in England, as they believed, by crossing wild-growing mint species - mint water (Mentha Aquatica.) I. mint Sadovaya (Mentha spicata.).
It is grown in many countries as an essential and medicinal culture. Our country has about 20 types of mint.
Like many other species arising from hybridization, the peppermint mint almost does not form viable seeds. Its reproduction is produced vegetatively, segments of rhizomes.

Collection and blank of peppermint

Mint leaves in July-August at the beginning or during flowering, when a large half of the flowers is in the bootonization phase. At this time, essential oil accumulates in the greatest quantity. In the future, when the growth of leaves ceases, the evaporation of essential oil is enhanced, its amount decreases. The dried raw material of mint is light or dark green, there are shiny glands containing essential oil. Dried in air, in the sun protected from the sun, stored in dense paper bags or tin cans so that the essential oil is avisible. In the dry state of the mint is stored for 2 years.

Chemical composition

The acting material of mint is essential oil, which is contained in the leaves of the plant in an amount of from 2.40 to 3.75%, in inflorescences - 4-6%, in the stems - up to 0.3%. Essential oil basically consists of menthol (41-65%). Mint leaves, in addition to essential oil, contain carotene, hesperin, betaine, ursol and oleanol acid; trace elements:, manganese, strontium, etc.

Healing properties of mint

Mint has a warming and astringent action. The main active substance is menthol, when applied to mucous membranes or rubbing into the skin, irritating nerve endings and causing the feeling of cold and tingling. When the cold receptors are excited, surface vessels are narrowed and the vessels of internal organs are expanding. This is likely to explain the relief of the pain under the action of menthol during angina. It is taken on a piece of sugar with pain in the heart area. Menthol also has a light local anesthetic effect. Irritating the gastric and intestines and intestines mucosa receptors, menthol causes peristaltic gain, therefore it is also prescribed when the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, spastic colitis and enterocolites are prescribed. At the same time, it has an antiseptic effect. The irritating and antiseptic effect of essential oil leads to the restriction of processes of rotting and fermentation and strengthening the secretion of the digestive glands. In the fresh leaves of menthol more, but oil is less than in dried.

Application in medicine

The peppermint is known as the old therapeutic agent, which used first in the form of infusions and tinctures. Decoration of mint is useful to drink a sick jaundice, when interruptions in the work of the heart, when the muscles break, with inflammation of the sedlicate nerve. Mint oil is used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, while the amount of bile and concentration of bile acids increases. Mint contributes to the work of the brain. According to believe.

Peppermint Medicines

The infusion of peppermint leaves: brew in thermos 1 glass of boiling water 5 g leaves and insist for 10-15 minutes, after which it is strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. Every 3 hours with gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, colitis, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, the bloating, intestinal colic, nausea, in particular with the toxicosis of pregnant women. In folk medicine, peppermint leaves are used with increased acidity of the gastric juice in the following mixture: crushed leaf of peppermint 15 g, bobuls 2 g, yarrow-flower baskets 15 g, hormour's herbs 30 g. Two Art. l. The mixtures are poured with 2 glasses of boiling water, charged for 2 hours, filter and take the entire portion of 1-2 trts during the day. l. appointment.
Infusion of mint grass: brew 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Herbs, insist for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day at, spasms of the stomach, intestines, the bloating, diarrhea, like an expectorant and campphic agent, cough, with diseases of the heart, nervous disorders.
Under reduced acidity, a mixture of the following composition is used: the leaf of the peppermint 20 g, the grass of swamp and grass drums 15 g, yarrow colors 15 g, daisy colors of the daisy, dill seeds, cumin seeds, Valerian's root 10 g, hop 5 g. Stir and 4 spoons are poured 1 liters of boiling water (5 glasses), insist in the oven for 10-12 hours. In the morning, the empty stomach drink 1 cup, and then 1 cup after 2 hours throughout the day.
A decoction of mint, taken by 1 cup in the morning and in the evening, contributes to digestion and gives the face a healthy, cheerful look.
The decoction of mint is used for baths with rickets, gold, pain in the joints. For cooking, 50 g of mint is needed to boil in 8 liters of water for 15 minutes and insist 30 minutes.
The decoction, cooked on vinegar, soothes the bloody vomiting, if you take it daily for 1-2 tbsp. l., and infusion; Cooked on milk, relieves pain in the stomach. The decoction calms the nerves, reduces headaches, helps with diarrhea and belching. Take mint decoction, like all chambers, regularly, in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before bedtime. A cup of warm brazing drink slowly, in small sips.
The decoction of fresh mints in the wine used as a row destroys the black spots on the skin, as well as dark circles formed under the eyes.
The decoction of mint, cooked on water or wine, destroys.
Mint decoction with honey is used with sore throat, cough, suffocation. Outwardly, mint is used in many cases, in particular, with a stitching milk in nursing mothers, it is recommended to attack the chest of fresh mint.
The peppermint oil is used in the dental practice as an impurity to the dental powders, pastes and rinse fluids. Sometimes used inside 1-3 drops on sugar at.
The tincture of pepper mint is used inside as an admixture of medicine, teeth fluids, etc., as a controversial, wind and remedy.
An infusion or powder from mint (3-4 chopping into food and water) should be more often taken with the decline of forces, heartbeat, barks of nausea and vomiting.
Fresh leaves are applied to wounds, ulcers.
With strong it is necessary to apply the grass of mint to the forehead.
Mint juice, drunk in a mixture with vinegar, stops internal bleeding.
Mint with the belongings make medicinal bandages on unts, and with headaches, pressed medicinal bandages from mint in a mixture with barley flour.
With the roughness of the tongue, it is enough to grasp it with mint - and the disease will disappear.
In the disease of the ear, mint juice is buried in it, mixed with honey sweetened with honey.
The dosage bandage from mint stops the release of milk and prevents the sickness of the chest.
Mint, especially her seeds, helps with a bite of a mad dog, other animals, as well as from scorpion bite.

Use in the farm

Mint is used as seasoning, improving the taste and smell of food, it is added to the flavor to tea. If you throw a few mint beams into milk, it will not come. The grass of mint, scattered indoors, flavors air and scares mice and ants.

Photos and illustrations

Mint - a perennial medicinal plant of the family of Casnotkov, which has found its widespread use in pharmacology, cosmetology, phytotherapy and aromatherapy. All types of mint, and they are numbered about 25, as well as 10 natural hybrids, have a strong aroma, most of them are distinguished by a large content of menthol.
The name of the genus, according to legend, is due to the name of Nymph Mint, the beloved god of the underground kingdom of Gades. The wife of Gades Persephone turned the nymph into a plant - fragrant mint.


Motherland of different types of mint - Central Asia and Mediterranean. The most popular Mint's pepper was removed in the XVII century in England, from where it spread throughout.

The nutritional value

Mint is valued for the high content of essential oil, the main part of which is Menthol. In addition, this plant is rich in acetic and valerian acids, microelements, phytoncides, tanning substances, vitamins C and P, as well as provitamin A.
The most common peppermint matting contains 2.5% essential oil, as well as ethers, fajectren, pinen, mosmon, piperitone, mentofuran, etc.

Application in cooking

Spice served dried or fresh mint leaves. They are added to salads, okroshki, used as seasonings for meat and fish dishes. Mint flavored tea, kvass, fruit juices, tinctures, liqueurs, dough for gingerbread. Especially actively, mint is used in the manufacture of refreshments: this plant refreshes well and creates a feeling of a pleasant chill. The leaves are added to the fruit, compotes, kisins, syrups. They are suitable for fruit salads, come to meat, and some types of mint will make it softer. Dry hammer hammer will give freshness and aroma of homemade pastries. With mint stew cabbage, carrots, peas, leek, it is added to the marine gravy for fish, as well as meat.

The pepper mint is part of the flavors of the liqueurs.
Dosing it, like many other spices, should be small. With other spices, mint usually do not combine.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

The high content of menthol turns the mint to the bactericidal plant. It has painful, as well as vasodinating properties. Mint oil is part of many therapeutic drugs: mint drops, gastric pills, various ointments. Mint peppermint improves digestion, eliminates nausea, has choleretic properties, used during asthma, meteorism. Mint decoctions are drunk as a soothing agent, with inflammatory processes in bronchi, lungs, as well as cardiovascular, gynecological diseases. The mint leaves are disinfected by the oral cavity at various inflammatory processes. They remove abdominal pains, heart pains, heartburn.

Mint baths are used as a soothing means. In folk cosmetics, the leaves and flowers of this plant have long been used to prepare informations for rims and silence in the treatment of inflammation and irritation of the skin, nerve diseases as a refreshing agent.
Mint essence is added to various toothpastes, powders, colognes, elixirs. It is actively used in perfumery.


Mint is contraindicated in its individual intolerance. Do not use it with reduced arterial pressure, as well as often suffering from heartburn. Mint reduces the tone of venous vessels, therefore, it can provoke the aggravation of the varicose veins.
Mint should not be given to children who have not reached a three-year-old age, women suffering from infertility. This plant also has a property to reduce male libido.

Interesting Facts
The first references to the use of mint are attributed to ancient times: they are found on
Clean end of the Assyrians, as well as in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. In this way,
People use multiple mint for many millennia. Ancient Romans believed
that mint fragrance improves mental activity, and wore
On the head wreath with leaves of this plant.

The so-called lemon mint is actually not mint at all,
It belongs to the genus "Melissa".

Latin name: Mentha Piperita.

English name: peppermint.

Synonyms: Noble, English, Garden, Tea, Cold Mint, Mint-colder.

Morphological description

Peppermint - a perennial plant with a height of one meter with a branched root system, oval leaves and small lilac colors. All plant has a strong aroma. Blooms from late June to September. Good nectarone. In the wild, nowhere is found. There are two forms of peppermint - black and white. White mint blooms before black, the aroma of the essential oil has more tender, but the oil yield and the yield of the leaves below.


It is a cultural hybrid M. Viridis and M. Aquatica, derived in England at the end of the sixteenth century. It is naturalized in Europe and America, cultivated worldwide. Oil is produced in France, England, America, Russia, Bulgaria, Italy and China.

Calculation of medicinal raw materials and parts used

Use leaves that are collected in the bootonization phase and began flowering plants. The smell is pleasant, fragrant, the taste of burning, with chewing causes a long sensation of the cold in the mouth.

Chemical composition

Essential oil, flavonoids, tanning substances, carotene (provitamin A), organic acids and bitterness - the main active substances of this plant. The most important component in the essential oil - menthol (up to 60%).

pharmachologic effect

In the ancient Rome, the rooms sprayed the rooms, the tables themselves rubbed the plants to create a cheerful mood among the guests. Doctors of antiquity believed that mint is useful under a number of gastric diseases. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that the smell of mint increases mental abilities. This belief was preserved in the Middle Ages: students pinned wreath on the heads from mint in the days of examination disputes. Modern science found that the Menthol contained in mint oil when applied to the skin or mucous membrane excites receptors and causes a feeling of cold. Surface blood vessels are narrowed, the vessels of the internal organs are expanding, while there is a slight local anesthetic effect. Menthol, possesses the local free, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, causes a reflex extension of coronary vessels. As a vasodilator it is used in angina, hypertensive disease, atherosclerosis.

Finding on the nerve endings laid in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, the mint oil enhances the peristaltics. Mint preparations enhance the secretion of digestive glands, contribute to a faster empty of the stomach and intestines, stimulate appetite, reduce nausea, improve digestion. They are prescribed in gastrointestinal diseases, spastic colitis and enterocolites, during dysentery. Mint oil also acts on the function of the liver and is a choleretic agent.

Mint leaves are used as a soothing, tall-insulating agent with neuralgia, insomnia, migraine. As an oregiller and anti-inflammatory agents are used with inflammation of periosteum, middle ear and other diseases.

In cosmetics, the mint is used as an antimicrobial, astringent reducing skin irritation. Stick and wiping with infusion mint tone the skin and remove itching.

The leaves of the peppermint are improving any tea collection with their taste and smell, and also enhance its action, since drugs containing both essential oil and tanning substances, and bitterness, have a multilateral effect.


  • - for diseases of the stomach and intestines, spasms and colic in the stomach;
  • - with nausea and vomit;
  • - for diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • - during angina;
  • - when cold and fever;
  • - when headaches;
  • - with neuralgia;
  • - in dermatitis, scabies;
  • - for dental pain;
  • - To eliminate the unpleasant smell of mouth.

Mint-containing products:

  • AG-X (AG-X) RU 1197
  • CC-A NSP (SI-EY NSP) RU 896

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Formula flower

Flower formula Mint pepper: h (5) l (2 + 3) T4P4.

In medicine

The drugs of pepper mint are used in the spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, meteorism, nausea and vomit. As a choleretic agent - under cholecystitis, cholangitis, gallstone disease and hepatitis.

Mint preparations are used in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, runny nose, etc.); As sedative - with elevated excitability, insomnia and various neurotic states. Menthol - with angina and diseases associated with spasms of brain vessels. Mint preparations are used in general and outer treatment of patients with eczema various etiologies, atopic dermatitis, neurodermitomit, urticaria, scratch.

The leaves of mint peppers are part of many fees and biologically active additives.


As a medicinal product, the infusion of crushed mint leaves can be used for children from 3 years.

Under the local use of essential oil, it should be borne in mind that children of early age (up to 3 years) lubrication with menthol of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx, as well as inhalation with menthol, are contraindicated, since reflex bronchospasm is possible. Also, with the internal and external use of essential oil in children, allergic reactions to its components may be marked.

In aromatherapy

Mint is widely used in aromatherapy. Stripping by mentholny skin pencils in the field of temples and nose, as well as rubbing the alcohol solution or oil suspension of menthol into the skin, give positive results in migraines, neuralgias and other neurological diseases.

Menthol and mint oil are used in the influenza inhaler, cold, cold. Mint oil pairs have antimicrobial activity, especially on golden staphylococcus and some spore-forming bacteria. However, the use of essential oil in some people can cause allergic reactions to its components.

In cooking

Spices serve dried and freshly spent leaves of the plant. Mint leaves are added to soups salads, fruit salads, drinks, puddings, cottage cheese. Mint is widely used as seasoning to various vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, bean. Add mint during the preparation of lamb and some fish dishes.


The family of mint refers to the family of Clanotkov (Lat. Lamiaceae) and has 20-25 species of plants, mostly growing in the moderate zone of the northern hemisphere, also in Australia and South Africa. Russia meets about 18 species of mint. Dosage purposes applies pepper mint (lat. Mentha Piperita L.).

Botanical description

The pepper mint is a perennial cultivated herbaceous plant with a strong aromatic-cold smell, up to 100 cm high. In the wild form, the plant is not found. It happened from cropping mint spikek and mint water. There are several varieties of peppermint, among which there are plants with pure-green leaves, also with a red-purple anthocian tint (stem and back side of the sheet), the so-called black mint. Black mint essential oil yield above.

The stalks of the plant are a reprehension, tetrahedral, from the base the opposite-branched, naked or rack-hollow.

Rhizome horizontal, branched, creeping. Frequent urine roots and steepness of underground or ground, depending on the density of the soil, depart from the roots knots. The leaves are opposite, on short stiffs, elongated egg-shaped, pointed, with a heart-shaped base and stiff edges, a length of 3-6 cm, 1.5-2 cm wide. Ethiped-free glands are located on two sides of the sheet and noticeable under the magnifying glass.

Flowers are small, red-purple, rim, sitting, unclearly double, on the tops of the shoots are collected in the granite-accumulate inflorescences. Cup tubular, five-sufficant, purple. The pinkish wreath or pale purple, funnel-shaped, with a four-blade bend, the top vanish blade is laid and a little wider than the rest. Stamens 40 blooms from late June to September. Formula of mint flower list - h (5) l (2 + 3) T4P4.

The fetus consists of 4 dark brown nuts, about 0.75 mm long, prisoners in the remaining cup. The fruits are formed very rarely. The plant breeds vegetatively, with the help of root chains. Sprouted seeds can give a variety of offspring, in the overwhelming majority of poor quality and with an unpleasant odor.


Mint peppermint is cultivated in the Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh region, Belarus, Moldova, the foothills of the North Caucasus, in Ukraine (Poltava, Chernigov, Kiev, Sumy region). Especially well mint grows on limestone clay and swampy soil.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

Drug raw materials are collected in the flowering phase with a mechanized manual, molded and dried peppermint leaves (Menthae Piperitae Folia). Remove the plant in the morning. Raw materials are dried in well-ventilated dryers, at a temperature of 30-35ºС.

Chemical composition

Essential oil is contained in all overhead parts of the plant (in inflorescences - 4-6%, in the leaves - up to 3%, in the stems - up to 0.3%). The main component of the essential oil is menthol (40-70%) and its ethers. Also, etheric oil contains β-pinen, lemonen, cineta, dipenaden, emblem and other terpenesoids. Inflorescence oil contains more menthol, α-pinen, β-pinen, mentofuran, empty, sabinenhydrate, per.xinic acid.

In addition, the leaves contain organic acids, tannins, flavonoids, carotene, betaine, hesperidine, Ursul (0.3%) and oleanol (0.12%) acid, macro and microelements and other chemical compounds.

Pharmacological properties

Personal mint preparations have a slight soothing, some choleretic, moderate antispasmodic, antiseptic and painful effects, and also have a reflex coronary exposure. Due to the locally radiant effect and stimulating effect on the peripheral neuroreceptors of the skin and mucous membranes, the capillary circulation and peristalsis of the intestines are reinforced. With regular intake, a stuffing and wound healing effect is provided, diurely. Also discovered a weak hypotensive action of the plant, but it does not have a practical value.

Galenic dosage forms from peppermint leaves enhance the secretion of digestive glands, improve appetite, reduce the tone of a smooth intestinal musculature, bile and urinary tract.

Mint from the body is distinguished with bile and has an antiseptic effect on bile and bile ducts, increases the amount of bile and concentration of bile acids. The enhancement of intestinal peristalsis and antiseptic effect leads to the restriction of fermentation and rotting processes, strengthening the secretion of digestive glands, more emptying the contents of the stomach and intestines.

Antiseptic properties of menthol are distributed to all types of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. When taking inside, menthol behaves like a light reflex vasodilator. When applied to mucous membranes or rubbing, the nerve endings irritates to the skin, causing a feeling of cold and tingling. When the cold receptors are excited, surface vessels are narrowed and the vessels of internal organs are expanding. This explains the relief of pain during angina. Also menthol has a local slight anasthetic effect.

In the treatment of ointments containing mint essential oil, erosion quickly disappear, and the nails affected by mycosis begin to grow from the nail bed without lesions. In dentistry, mint oil is used as an impurity to dental powders, pastes, liquids for rinse of the oral cavity.

In the pharmaceutical industry, mint oil and menthol are used as an aromatic and disinfectant in the manufacture of mint droplets, medicines, cough, ointments.

Application in folk medicine

In folk medicine, peppermint leaves are used with increased acidity of the stomach together with other medicinal plants, less often with headaches, heartbeat, sleep disorders. Tea of \u200b\u200bpeppermint is highly appreciated with painful menstruation. Also, mint is used in men's infertility, impotence, increased sexually excitability.

The State Health Service of Germany recommends the use of mint pepper in the stomach, intestines and gallbladder diseases.

Historical reference

In ancient Rome, the rooms sprayed the rooms, and the plants were rubbed with the plant, to create a cheerful mood.

The wreaths of mint were worn on the annual celebration of the goddess of the cops on the Capitol, and on weekdays, students who comprehend philosophy were put on. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that mint fragrance increases mental abilities. In the Middle Ages in the days of examination days, students pinned wreath on the heads of mint to enhance intellectual opportunities.

Hippocrates and Paracelles were the first to scientifically substantiated the healing properties of the plant, and Avicenna identified the breadth of its therapeutic application. According to Avicenna, the mint is effective "from headaches, stops the bloody vomiting and bleeding ... strengthens the stomach, soothes the hokot, contributes to the digestion ... she drives sweat and heats up ... helps the sick jaundice ... The mint broth drives urine and helps from the guts in the guts." In the 19th century, Ammadulata Amaasiatsi wrote about the benefits of mint-racca with eczema, itching, urticaria, leprosy, arising from excess mucus.


1. State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR. Eleventh edition. Issue 1 (1987), Issue 2 (1990).

2. State register of medicines. Moscow 2004.

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7. Mannfrid Palov. "Encyclopedia of medicinal plants." Ed. Cand. biol. Sciences I.A. Gubanova. Moscow, "Peace", 1998.

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10. Medicinal plants: reference manual. / N.I. Grinevich, I.A. Balandina, V.A. Ermakova etc.; Ed. N.I. Grinevich - M.: Higher School, 1991. - 398 p.

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15. Spices and spices. / Text Ya. Kibalala - Publishing House Artia, Prague, 1986. - 224 p.

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Family: Gubolic color - Lamiaceae.
Botanical name: Mentha Piperita L.
Pharmacy name: Leaves of peppermint - Menthae Piperitae Folium, Peppermint Oil - Menthae Piperitae Aetheroleum.
Folk Names: Noble mint, english mint, garden mint, tea mint, cold mint, brandy mint.

Planet: Venus.
Planet: - Jupiter, Mercury
Zodiac sign: A lion.
Element: air.
Gods: - Dedicated to Aphrodite. By canning - Pluto patrons, hecata
Flower language: Mint (Person) - in the color of the colors warm feelings.
Basic properties: Healing, cleansing, expulsion of unclean strength, travel, protection, passion.

Mint pepper is a hybrid that was discovered in England. Mint pepper - a perennial herbaceous plant, has a height from 50 to 120 cm. Rhizome in mint underground, horizontal, located at a depth of 5 to 15 cm, sufficiently branched. Stem mint annual, straight, dark purple color. Full, quadruple and branched. The tops of the main stem, and the side branches ends with inflorescences. Flowers have petty peppermint, pestle, have light purple, purple or whitish-pink. The leaves of green mint, small, have an extended - oval (ovoid) shape, pointed. Flowers mint from June to August. Occasionally can have a fruit that consists of 4 nuts, but it happens extremely rarely.

Growing places:
Brushed peppers in England, in the future, the mint was cultivated in Europe, America and even Asia. Mint peppers can be found in the CIS countries. Like industrial culture, peppermint is grown in forty countries. But countries such as Moldova (forest-steppe country), Ukraine (mainly Chernihiv and Poltava region - forest-steppe zones), Russia, and more precisely, the Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus, as well as Belarus and the North Caucasus are engaged in the greatest cultivation of mint.

Used parts:
In cooking, they are mainly used by peppermint leaves, as well as overhead parts. All parts are collected during flowering.

Collection and harvesting

Collecting color of mint peppers occurs at the moment of flowering. And the leaves are collected several times a year. The first time the leaves are cut immediately after the growing, the second time they collect leaves in front of the blooming of the plant. Dry leaves and overhead parts in places closed from the sun, in the shade. So they retain their fragrance and color. Stored correctly dried mint for a long time, about two years. Provided that the storage location will be dry, dark and in hermetic packaging.


When using mint pepper in tea, you can treat the stomach, since the mint decoction is an efficient gastric. Tea from mint helps with nausea and bits of vomiting. The decoction, more precisely, the infusion of peppermint can effectively cope with gastrointestinal diseases, as well as spasms. Taking a warm decoction or tea three times a day on one cup. The pepper mint contributes to the outflow and secretion of bile, which is important for a tyggymatic disease. The pepper mint is part of many tea medical fees that are designed to prevent or treat the diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver. The healing effect of pepper mint soothes headache and heartbeat. Helps mint and when breaking sleep. The pepper mint has antiviral and antibacterial activity with a cold. It is an antipyretic agent, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. It is used peppermint as a vasodilator.

Active substances:
In the chemical composition of the pepper mint includes tubyl substances, bitterness, as well as flavonoids. In addition, a menthol is present in the pepper mint, which is contained by 60% of the essential oil. In addition, mention, carvacrol, cinenol, pineda, lemon can be present in the etheric oil, pinenuine. The leaves contain glucose, organic et al. Acids. Also, the mint contains vitamin C, betaine, carotene, rutin and hesperidine.


The role of mint in folk medicine is very large. And therefore, in most home aid kits, you can find the pepper mint, along with chamomile. And People's Medicine Mint pepper is used to remove headaches, with migraine. Suppose fresh leaves are simply applied to the temples. In addition, mint is a peppermint for the treatment of certain skin diseases. For this, the pepper napkin moistened with juice with juice is applied to a patient or affected skin on the skin. Apply mint leaves as well as inflammatory processes, burns. Drink mint decoction in hoarse and peculiarity, as well as with bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is used as an antiseptic agent. As well as actively used when dental pains, such as caries, inflammation of gums or stomatitis. As well as at nervous excitement and during manifestations of symptoms of marine disease. The pepper mint is used in the form of fresh leaves: applying to wounds, ulcers or furunculam. As well as in the crushed form, dry leaves is used to treat injections, thereby speeding up maturation. Mint can optimize cerebral circulation.


Mint peppers often emphasize magical power. And no vain endowed. After all, mint could drive evil spirits. The peppermint mint, which possesses a sufficiently bright and strong fragrance, was unpleasant and even hated by evil spirits that did not tolerate it in principle. Mint, possessing magical qualities, easily copes with a negative mood and strong overwork. Mint is actively using magical purposes, when carrying out the ceremonies of purification, some rites. As well as mint is popular for the preparation of various faiths or talismans, as well as for various cleansing or healing incense. For example, it is necessary to burn several twigs or leaflets of mint to cleanse space. The peppermint is actively used by the magicians to enhance attention. And applied in potions that are designed for this. Also, the peppermint is capable of removing the voltage, which is very often present at the magicians during operation. Magic properties of mint are healing and cleansing.
To attract money - put a few mint leaves in a wallet / wallet or soda mint, where money is lying.
Getting rid of spirits: sprinkle with salt water, dropping mint, rosemary and mayoran into it.
Once fresh mint was put on the altar, to call good spirits that helped in magical actions. And in diseases of the belly, they were offered to make a pupa from green matter, fill it with mint and grate with healing oils.
Mint, taken on a journey, will help make it safe.
Mint, dressed on the wrist, protects from diseases.
Apply mint and to excite the carnal passion.

Myths and legends:

Of course, the peppermint is known since ancient times people and gods. The name of the pepper mint received thanks to the Roman goddess, whose name was a ment. The goddess personified the mind, the human mind. There is a myth associated with crumpled peppers. And the essence of myth is, Pluto, the Roman God for a long time and diligently sought the favor of the nymphs of the cops, and his jealous wife of Persephone pursued a poor nymph, and her jealousy reached the fact that she simply had a cop in Earth. But, Pluto, who continued to love the cop, turned it into a wonderful plant - pepper mint. Wreaths from mint loved to decorate the ancient inhabitants of the head during the peaks. Based on the fact that it possessed disinteling properties. As well as in ancient times, both people, and the gods loved add mint leaves to nectar and wine. In contrast, from the ancient Greeks, the Mint Jew, the pepper was considered a strong enough aphrodisiac, and therefore everywhere he was included in the spirits and various aromatic waters. There is a belief that the pepper mint is a female grass, and therefore in many cosmetic means is used in the peppermint itself. There is another belief that goes with its roots in ancient times. Even in ancient times, the hostess has uplisted the floors and tables in the house of Mint's list, thereby creating a joyful mood, both for themselves, their family and for coming to visit friends. As well as in the Middle Ages on the heads of students who pass the exams, they pinned wreaths, thereby improving mental work.

Recipes, infusions, decoctions:

Mint pepper is often used to prepare preventive, therapeutic, as well as in other potions.
For example, for the preparation of therapeutic potion, which helps to cope with disorder and pain in the stomach It is necessary: \u200b\u200btwo tablespoons of dry crushed leaves on 2 glasses of hot water, and this is approximately 500 ml of boiling water. Use 1/3 or half a glass 2-3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
And for prevention attacks of hypertension You can prepare a preventive potion. To do this, it will be necessary: \u200b\u200b1 part of the peppermint mint, 1 part of the chamomile and half of the part of Valerian. Of these components is prepared by infusion, which is taken inside 1/3 cup per day. And one more wonderful recipe for potions, which is very necessary in the cold and influenza time of the year.
For cooking anti-scene potion It will take: 1 tablespoon of mint pepper and water. Boiling water poured mint and insist for 10 minutes. Then they use inside in warm form.

Application in cooking:

Mint pepper - seasoning, which is very often used in cooking. Mint can be added to a large number of dishes. Whether vegetable salads, fish or meat dishes, soups, desserts and more. Mint also use just for decoration and decoration of dishes. After all, it is often possible to meet in restaurants of ice cream balls, which are decorated with mint leaves. Mint is a wonderful honey, and therefore it turns out a fragrant and useful honey from it. Loves Mint's peppercut, as well as soft cheese. Since these products improve their qualities, as well as aroma when adding fresh peppermint leaves. Also, pepper is added in the manufacture of vinegar with herbs or vegetable oil, where, along with other fragrant herbs, mint leaves are added. Mint is often added to various baking. Starting from just bread, ending with exquisite cakes and desserts. Also, mint improves drinks, compotes, kisins, frills and other drinks. Of course, add mint and tea and kvass. Kvass Recipe: In order to prepare kvass, you need to take a three-liter jar and add 300 grams of softened rye crumbs and insist everything for several hours, then drain the resulting liquid, after that adding multiple mint leaves, and then pour around a cup of sugar and then pour Several grams of living yeast. It is insisted for semissions, that is, 12 hours, after that, the resulting strain and pour into a storage bottle, only you need to add multiple raisins or several berries of cranberries. Again to insist and after a couple of days, Kvass is ready for use. Mint is often used in the summer months for drinks, since the menthol contained in it gives a feeling of light chill. And one more recipe. Delicious marinade for kebab. For the marinade it is necessary: \u200b\u200bsalt, pepper peas, vegetable oil, seasonings, peppermint and, of course, meat. Ingredients are not so much, but the taste of the kebab is surprisingly pleasant, and the meat is soft and juicy. In addition, mint serves as an aroma in various cocktails, drinks and baking.