The best photos of National Geographic. Competitive photos of the magazine National Geographic The best photos of National Geographic

The main prize - a 10-day trip for two to the Galapagos Islands with an expeditionjournal National Geographic, the abilityhear a 15-minute review of your portfolio from National Geographic Photo Editorsand 2500. dollars - went to the French photographerGrated leka for excellent sardine migration snapshot along the coast of South Africa.

Thousands of photographers from all over the world took part in the competition. Jury headed senior editor National Geographic Katie Moran, photographers magazine Joe Reese and Jim Brandenburg. They evaluated the work of photographers infour categories: Landscape, Environment, "In motion" and portraits of animals.

Promotional award in the category "Environmental Problems" - Nor Snow, No Ice? Patty Waimer.

Lonely Bear sitson the coast of one of the islands of barter, Alaska. Snow - no, although at this time of year it should already be. Locals say thatthe warm winter will achieve the late formation of ice, which will affect the local population of bears - because in the winter months they hunt for seals.

Recoveryspecial flows in the Netherlands need special measures. Leuvenumse Beek tried to raise the bottom of the river and detain the water. In the fall, when the amount of precipitation has increased dramatically, the forests flooded. Once I saw this little beech in the water, which tried to survive in harsh conditions. I returned several times to this place and photographed it. Once in the evening the picture turned out to be especially successful.

Colossal Couple-rain cloudsover the quiet ocean is illuminated by flares of lightning, we fly them at an altitude of 37,000 feet on the way to South America.

Promotional award in the category "Landscape" - Green meteor.Prazanejt Yaaav.

This green meteor was accidentally fallingwhen performing a zeitator shooting to testify the process of urbanization in the Indian Mountain Area Sky Island. I removed when Exposure of 15 seconds and made 999 shots, a meteor was captured on one of them. The meteor greenish color is the result of heating oxygen molecules in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. I think that in these 15 seconds, I became the happiest photographer on the planet.

The main winner is Sardin Jamb. Greg Lecur.

I made this snapshot during Sardin migration along the wild coast of South Africa. On Sardin huntbutterfly and Baklans Dolphins. The hunt is started by dolphins who have developed their hunting methods. Baklans - owners of excellent vision - follow dolphins, and then dive into water from 30-40-meter heights at a speed of 80 km / h to catch Sardin.

Promotional award in the category "Portraits of Animals" - Petrel. Mario Suarez Porras.

This photo was made last summer on the island of Smer, Wales. The colony of petrels here is one of the largest in England. At the photo, the Atlantic Petrel rest peacefully in the rain. Because the island is a sodomomer, these birds are not afraid of people and allow you to approach the search for the best angle. Also in the morning lucky with weather conditions: rain and sun.

Morning walk through the paradise forest! Continuous rain continued 12 hours; Due to the twilight, day and night mixed. A strong fog, chilling wind and eternal silence were able to calm the spirits; And I saw her - a 20 centimeter shiny butter-headed green snake! I was lucky to see it in a natural habitat. I immediately changed the macro lens onto the wide-roller.

Snapshot - Certificate of excellent success story: In 1921, this species was on the verge of disappearance - only 31 pair of birds remained in Hungary. Century later, only in Hungary thanks to international efforts there are more than 3,000 pairs.

Tornado EF2 is coming to the house in the town of Rei, Colorado. As soon as we were safe, tornado swept through the field. We rushed up the hill to check whether residents of the house are alive. Fortunately, everything was in order.

Promotional award in the "Action" category - jellyfish on a banquet. Scott Pallet.

Green turtles off the shores of Australia, devouring soft tentacles of a big jellyfish.

ABOUT polar bear machines were found on one of the islands of Norwegian Spitsberegin. Unfortunately, we do not know what the bear died - from hunger or old age. Most likely, since the condition of the teeth is good, it happened precisely from hunger. The remains of polar bears here find more and more often - global warming and reducing ice coating affect.

Promotional award in the category "Portraits of Animals" - Crow in pursuit of the owl. Chia Boon Oo Lawrence

The crow saw the owl and decided to drive it from his territory.

"Friendship does not distinguish between the colors, nor nationalities, no races, nor social status, friendship is not important to the age and the floor, friendship does not know the distances" - Louis A Ribeiro Branko. So it should be. And these pictures confirm it. Two mantis seem to play on the branch. Usually they are almost impossible to see together.

Only the best pictures from famous professionals and just talented photographers entered into May photographic methods.

Schizberena rocks. High cliffs of Spitsberegin, cool falling into the sea. Corrected green cliffs, residues of snow and aquamarine of the sea create an abstract visual impression.

"Nest" tobulk. At this photo, first published in the May issue of the National Geographic magazine for 2014, a couple of Atlantic tolerats - those who received their name because of their fangs - they burned in a cozy "nest" in Bonn Bay at the western coast of Newfoundland. After laying eggs, the female floats, leaving the care of the offspring on the male.

Pastures of Ulan-Butuna. This place looks like an ancient battlefield at dawn. Fog floats over pastures, inner Mongolia.

Glowing Dubai. Photo made in Dubai, UAE. Used long exposure.

Olya antiquity. This land symbolizes the rhythm of the life of the people. It was formed from generation to generation by farmers irrigating it. This is a rare phenomenon of technogenic beauty, disguised as a natural phenomenon. Rice terraces Yuanuang, Chinese province Yunnan.

Saved Peter. Peter's rescued lamb is resting under the midday sun in the farm asylum Mission Edgar in Australia. This is a refuge, is a house for more than 300 saved farm animals.

Fuji in bloom. Spring on the south side Fuji has already come. Sakura flowers.

Bharatpur birds. Keoladeo Bird Reserve in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, occupies approximately 11 square miles. Most birds arrive there at the end of September, so hitting there in the summer, you will see significantly fewer birds there.

Self-portraits on the background of Shanghai. Women photograph themselves on cell phones on the background of Shanghai.

Sunrise in Wadi Doan, Yemen. The ascending sun bathes the edge of the village, do not like the fortress, refreshing in the gold color of her tops - magic.

In the arms of ice. Lonely Greenland Seal in the arms of melting floes at Madeleine Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Small seals spend their first month on the ice floes. It is quite dangerous, since the ice is compressed in the bay.

Crab-boarder. Porcelain crabs look out of Aktini. Photo made in the Philippines. Despite its name, porcelain crabs have a durable shell, which is periodically reset and growing.

Lightning over the beach. The picture is made in Tanjung Lesung, Western Java, Indonesia. Instead of sunset, due to clouds and hidden in the clouds of the Sun, it turned out to capture the moment of emerging lightning.

Oza Tree. The marsh owl takes strange postures: it is stretched, it relaxes the nature reserve in Kuwait.

Battle deadlocks. Fighting deadlocks are masting wings and disperse the beaks after a fight on the island of Smecom, Wales. Most deadlocks start their battles for a place for the nest. Bite in the neck usually solves the problem.

Mount Fuji in the lunar light. Mount Fuji is reflected in the standing water of Lake Kawaguti. The lunar light is bright enough to light the entire scene.

Life in a box. You will not see this anywhere else anywhere. "Life in a box is life in Hong Kong."

White on white. A disguised polar bear explores its habitat. With these Arctic predators, the cold is not terrible: two layers of fur and the thick fat layer saves well from the cold, even at minus temperatures.

Cyclist from Morocco. Photo from the Central Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The indigenous population of Berbers lives here. Sign on the wall is the Berber flag.

Assistant bird. This bird finds and eats insects in wool on a buffalo face. Such a hairdresser's ritual, the benefit for two of which, so to speak "on the face." Wild buffaloes are threatened with disappearance and live only in small quantities in specially protected natural territories extending throughout India, Nepal and Bhutan, as well as in Thailand's reserve.

Fisherman dance. Located in the center of Vietnam, the city of Hue is famous for the old palaces and the beautiful Pephum River. This is the place you need to visit if you are traveling vietnam. Two fishermen throw networks on the river. Their movements, as if the dance.

Two beauties. Pale butterflies are located on the stem, as if reflecting each other in the mirror.

City on water. Early in the morning the fog rises from the water. In China, many cities on water are picturesque places popular with tourists, such as this in Fenguang district.

Man in sheep skins. This is a farm in Baisehir, Turkey. Immediately after the birth of the lambs, the shepherd Ismail remains with them. He is in a poncho from sheep wool. It gives you a feeling of intimacy while their moms graze.

Air geometry. Stopping the moment in the rain, these two pedestrians created an amazing scene, removed from above. This photo was taken next to the Milan Cathedral in Italy.

On the hunt. The photo was made early in the morning on great plains. This kid GNU, who is only day from the family, lagged behind his mother at night. The lioness, chasing him on the plains, runs behind him with coolness and grace. Little foal - dwarf in comparison with a lioness, and it has nowhere to go on extensive plains.

Bay Catedral. Sunrise comes on over the Caedral Coven - a sign of a chaise in New Zealand. The natural tunnel is part of the TE Whanganui-HEI Marine Reserve on the Koromandel Peninsula. He also served as a portal for Narnia in the "Narnia Chronicles: Prince of Caspian."

Black shark near. This photo of a black shark near was done by Aldabr atoll in the Seychelles.

Playing cricket. Warm island. Cold sea. So they appear fogs, folkstone, the coast of the English channel. The cricket love to play everything without exception, and even with slightly adverse weather conditions. In any case, the fog did not stop playing that day. Nevertheless, it seems that the girl always wants to stop the game, asking her brother again and again, did not come time to go and look for ice cream!

Wild horses. Wild horses graze under the supervision of Mount John Laurie in Alberta, Canada. The peak is also known as the Mountain Mountain, which means "Stone Wall".

Underwater park. Each spring, melting of snow creates a fantastic landscape in Tragosse in Austria. The green lake, which for most of the year there is a depth of no more than 2 meters, expands with the influx of monstering snow, absorbing part of the park: trees, pedestrian walkways, benches, bridges - all. The depth in the lake increases to 30 meters, and the lake becomes a unique place for divers, at least for several weeks.

Published: May 29, 2014 at 03:47

1. Nature. "Grace" - peacefully sleeping flamingos among chaos of life, Florida, USA. Taylor Dearie / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

2. Nature. "During the rain" - Alligator in the pond with rainy day in South Carolina, USA. (Kandace Stroupe / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

3. Nature. "Dead Fish" - the falling oxygen into water due to the negligence of local authorities led to the mass death of the fish in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Luis Gutman / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

4. Nature. "Antelope GNU" - a herd of antelope crosses the river in Kenya, Africa. (Abdulaziz Alasousi / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

5. Good frame. "Metal feeling" - a worker recalculating metal radiators at the factory in Turkey. (Melih Sular / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

6. Nature. "Sunset of the Sun through the ice of the lake" - Baikal, Russia. EDWARD Graham / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

7. Nature. "Lake" - fog lake lake and practically hid the mountains from sight, United Kingdom (Alf Bailey / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

8. Nature. "Evening fog" - after severe snowfall, the fog rose above the lake. Torny, Canada. Scott TEICHMAN / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

9. Nature. "Dead trees" - trees look like sculptures on a futuristic desert background. Namibia. (Sara Narezo / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

10. Portrait of a traveler. Yunga is a young fisherman on vacation, Burma. (Jack Hoyle / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

11. Nature. "The Blue Lake after Snowfall in May" is an unusual phenomenon for Japan. (Kent Shiraishi / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

12. Nature. "Recreation" is a stunning view of the sunset on the ocean, Florida, USA. (Krasimir Vladimirov / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

13. Nature. "Abandoned berth" against the background of the sunset in the cold April Day, Massachusetts, USA. (Shaun Ramsay / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

14. Nature. "The force of attraction" - the approach of the storm in Guatemala. (Juan Aguilar / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

15. Successful frame. Railway tracks in Colorado, USA. (BRAD Sissom / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

16. Nature. "Valley at night" - a fog that rose to the valley reflects the light from passing cars. Yosemite National Park in the United States. (Phil Hawkins / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

17. Portrait of a traveler. Okay in Dakar, Senegal. GUILLERMO MUNOZ De Alba / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

18. Nature. "Tranquility" - Valley of red stones in Utah, USA. (Becky Abrisz / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

19. Successful frame. "Fishing" - Father and daughter catch fish, Myanmar. (Cynthia MacDonald / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

20. Nature. "Sunrise" - a view of the mountain after a strong thunderstorm. The sun seemed through the clouds shortly before the sunset for the first time per day. Taiwan. (HSIAO CHEN-HSUAN / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

21. Nature. "Bright microworld" - insect in a tulip flower, Crete, Greece. Stavros Markopoulos / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

22. Successful frame. "Skat" - For many years, the fishermen discarded the remnants of the catch in this place before entering the harbor and soon the rods began to accumulate here in large quantities for free lunch. Bank Stinger, Oh. Big Cayman, Cayman Islands. (Thomas Pepper / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

23. Forgenous moments. "The soul of a child" - the boy jumps over the purses in the wall of the fortress. Each jump is full of joy and carelessness, Brazil. (Mauricio Pisani / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

24. Successful frame. A resident of the village in Haiti, where volunteers brought drinking water, spread his hands as a sign of gratitude to God. Paulette Covairt / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

25. Forgenous moments. Friends for life, China. (John Wellburn / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

26. Successful frame. "Reflections" - Hindu on the background of Tajmakhala, India. (DEGREY PHILLIPS / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

27. Portrait of a traveler. "Innocent and beautiful" - children of Kumari, distant and abandoned area of \u200b\u200bNepal, beautiful outside and inside. (Leif Smith / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

28. Portrait of a traveler. The smile of a child from the Suri tribe, living in the most hard-to-reach place on the ground - on the border of Ethiopia and Sudan. Despite all the difficulties, surya with pride and joy decorate the bodies. This boy is decorated with yellow and red okra. Such a drawing is used during courtship for women and intimidation of enemies during the battle. Suri apply drawing with colors, chopsticks, bottles covers. Southwest Ethiopia, Africa. STEPHANIE HUNT / NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Traveler Photo Contest)

29. Portrait of a traveler. "Street life" - an elderly woman on the outskirts of the city of Antigua, Guatemala. (Ben Moore / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

30. Portrait of a traveler. "Years" - the hands of an elderly Vietnamese woman. (Soren Hansen / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

31. Portrait of a traveler. Portrait of a girl near her house in the state of Kerala, India. She has a single toy in her hands. BRUNO TAMIOZZO / NATIONAL GEGRAPHIC Traveler Photo Contest)

32. Portrait of a traveler. "Preparation" - a girl is prepared for traditional local dances, Oman. (Darryl Macdonald / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

33. Forgenous moments. Dragonfly on the face of a girl, Alaska, USA. PAVEL MACH / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

34. Successful frame. Woolen threads on the board, through which freezes the nail hat. The photographer tried to create the appearance of the Moon and the Sea, Stockholm. (Aditya Vardhan Tibrewlala / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

35. Forgenous moments. "Holi" - the holiday of bright colors in India is celebrated at the beginning of spring. One of the traditions of the celebration: Outplowing each other with colored powder. (Byongsun Ahn / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

36. Portrait of a traveler. Workers deliver tuna tuna daily on themselves. Many fish weigh more than a person. Philippines. (YBrael Abergas / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

37. Forgenous moments. Young fishermen helps the fathers when fishing. Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Luis Gutman / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

38. Forgenous moments. Children play the catch-up, Nepal. (Mac Kwan / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

39. Successful frame. Provincial city in Cuba with many pillars and old cars. (Daniel Ikemiyashiro / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

5 years ago 2 years ago


137 Points.

We invite you to make a virtual journey with the magazine "National Geographic".

Only the best pictures from famous professionals and just talented photographers entered into May photographic methods.

Schizberena rocks. High cliffs of Spitsberegin, cool falling into the sea. Corrected green cliffs, residues of snow and aquamarine of the sea create an abstract visual impression.

"Nest" tobulk. At this photo, first published in the May issue of the National Geographic magazine for 2014, a couple of Atlantic tolerats - those who received their name because of their fangs - they burned in a cozy "nest" in Bonn Bay at the western coast of Newfoundland. After laying eggs, the female floats, leaving the care of the offspring on the male.

Pastures of Ulan-Butuna. This place looks like an ancient battlefield at dawn. Fog floats over pastures, inner Mongolia.

Glowing Dubai. Photo made in Dubai, UAE. Used long exposure.

Fields of antiquity. This land symbolizes the rhythm of the life of the people. It was formed from generation to generation by farmers irrigating it. This is a rare phenomenon of technogenic beauty, disguised as a natural phenomenon. Rice terraces Yuanuang, Chinese province Yunnan.

Saved Peter. Peter's rescued lamb is resting under the midday sun in the farm asylum Mission Edgar in Australia. This is a refuge, is a house for more than 300 saved farm animals.

Fuji in bloom. Spring on the south side Fuji has already come. Sakura flowers.

Bharatpur birds. Keoladeo Bird Reserve in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, occupies approximately 11 square miles. Most birds arrive there at the end of September, so hitting there in the summer, you will see significantly fewer birds there.

Self-portraits on the background of Shanghai. Women photograph themselves on cell phones on the background of Shanghai.

Sunrise in Wadi Doan, Yemen. The ascending sun bathes the edge of the village, do not like the fortress, refreshing in the gold color of her tops - magic.

In the arms of ice. Lonely Greenland Seal in the arms of melting floes at Madeleine Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Small seals spend their first month on the ice floes. It is quite dangerous, since the ice is compressed in the bay.

Crab-boarder. Porcelain crabs look out of Aktini. Photo made in the Philippines. Despite its name, porcelain crabs have a durable shell, which is periodically reset and growing.

Lightning over the beach. The picture is made in Tanjung Lesung, Western Java, Indonesia. Instead of sunset, due to clouds and hidden in the clouds of the Sun, it turned out to capture the moment of emerging lightning.

Wood Pose. The marsh owl takes strange postures: it is stretched, it relaxes the nature reserve in Kuwait.

Battle deadlocks. Fighting deadlocks are masting wings and disperse the beaks after a fight on the island of Smecom, Wales. Most deadlocks start their battles for a place for the nest. Bite in the neck usually solves the problem.

Mount Fuji in the lunar light. Mount Fuji is reflected in the standing water of Lake Kawaguti. The lunar light is bright enough to light the entire scene.

Life in a box. You will not see this anywhere else anywhere. "Life in a box is life in Hong Kong."

White on white. A disguised polar bear explores its habitat. With these Arctic predators, the cold is not terrible: two layers of fur and the thick fat layer saves well from the cold, even at minus temperatures.

Cyclist from Morocco. Photo from the Central Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The indigenous population of Berbers lives here. Sign on the wall is the Berber flag.

Assistant bird. This bird finds and eats insects in wool on a buffalo face. Such a hairdresser's ritual, the benefit for two of which, so to speak "on the face." Wild buffaloes are threatened with disappearance and live only in small quantities in specially protected natural territories extending throughout India, Nepal and Bhutan, as well as in Thailand's reserve.

Fisherman dance. Located in the center of Vietnam, the city of Hue is famous for the old palaces and the beautiful Pephum River. This is the place you need to visit if you are traveling vietnam. Two fishermen throw networks on the river. Their movements, as if the dance.

Two beauties. Pale butterflies are located on the stem, as if reflecting each other in the mirror.

City on water. Early in the morning the fog rises from the water. In China, many cities on water are picturesque places popular with tourists, such as this in Fenguang district.

Man in sheep skins. This is a farm in Baisehir, Turkey. Immediately after the birth of the lambs, the shepherd Ismail remains with them. He is in a poncho from sheep wool. It gives you a feeling of intimacy while their moms graze.

Air geometry. Stopping the moment in the rain, these two pedestrians created an amazing scene, removed from above. This photo was taken next to the Milan Cathedral in Italy.

On the hunt. The photo was made early in the morning on great plains. This kid GNU, who is only day from the family, lagged behind his mother at night. The lioness, chasing him on the plains, runs behind him with coolness and grace. Little foal - dwarf in comparison with a lioness, and it has nowhere to go on extensive plains.

Bay Catedral. Sunrise comes on over the Caedral Coven - a sign of a chaise in New Zealand. The natural tunnel is part of the TE Whanganui-a-Hei Marine Reserve on the Koromandel Peninsula. He also served as a portal for Narnia in the "Narnia Chronicles: Prince of Caspian."

Black shark near. This photo of a black shark near was done by Aldabr atoll in the Seychelles.

Playing cricket. Warm island. Cold sea. So they appear fogs, folkstone, the coast of the English channel. The cricket love to play everything without exception, and even with slightly adverse weather conditions. In any case, the fog did not stop playing that day. Nevertheless, it seems that the girl always wants to stop the game, asking her brother again and again, did not come time to go and look for ice cream!

Wild horses. Wild horses graze under the supervision of Mount John Laurie in Alberta, Canada. The peak is also known as the Mountain Mountain, which means "Stone Wall".

Underwater park. Each spring melting snow creates a fantastic landscape in Tragosce in Austria. The green lake, which for most of the year there is a depth of no more than 2 meters, expands with the influx of melting snow, absorbing part of the park: trees, pedestrian walkways, benches, bridges - all. The depth in the lake increases to 30 meters, and the lake becomes a unique place for divers, at least for several weeks.

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Once again, conducts your annual competition for the best photos. The deadline for filing work is November 30. Starting from September 1, photographers lay out their work, calling the readers to vote for them.

We present 47 best photos in several categories People, animals, places and nature.

3. Storm at sunset in the National Park Lake Creuter, Oregon. The setting sun creates a rare double. (Photo © Duke Miller / National Geographic Photo Contest)

5. Butterfly at sunset: Toni Guetta photographer from Israel presented this butterfly against the background of sunset. (Photo © Toni Guetta / National Geographic Photo Contest)

10. In the harbor in Ilulissat, Greenland. (Photo © Frank Walley / National Geographic Photo Contest)

11. The leopard attacks the staff of the Forest Department, after the man threw a stone toward the leopard on an abandoned construction in Siliguri in West Bengal, India. (Photo © Salil Bera / National Geographic Photo Contest)

13. Amazing Yellow Spider on Yellow Flower. The photo is made in Dorset, Ontario, Canada. (Photo © Jeremy Crawford / National Geographic Photo Contest)

14. The expedition follows the route of the famous researcher Roal Amundsen through the Hardangervidda mountain plateau, Norway. This route Amundsen used to prepare for the expedition to the South Pole in 1911. Amundsen failed to cross the plateau and it was forced to turn back due to bad weather. He stated that attempting to cross Hardangervidda was as dangerous and difficult as the conquest of the Southern Pole. The group in the photo uses this route, how to prepare for an attempt to cross Greenland. (© Kai-Otto Melau / National Geographic Photo Contest)

15. The Indochinese tigress named Busaba in the open Zoo Kao Keo, Thailand. (Photo © Ashley Vincent / National Geographic Photo Contest)

16. The photo captures the full moon for the Alps and Sacra di San Michele, a religious complex located at an altitude of 1000 meters, on Mount Pirkiriano, approximately 60 kilometers from Turin, in the north of Italy. (Photo © Stefano de Rosa / National Geographic Photo Contest)

17. A photograph of a large white shark, made from a depth of 9 meters near the island of Guadeloupe in Mexico. (Photo © Kirk Nielsen / National Geographic Photo Contest)

18. Evening walks after Siesta Ki-Beach in Sarasota, Florida. (Photo © Judy Robertson / National Geographic Photo Contest)

21. Macro Photo of the Mantis. Certainly is the most lousy. This is a reminder that a very complex and infinitely beautiful world exists only beyond our human level of perception. Photo Made in Donnybrook, Queensland, Australia. (Photo © Andrew Young / National Geographic Photo Contest)

24. In fire: British national troops reflect the attack with incendiary mixtures during the rebellion in Gampshire, England. (Photo © Kerry Hutchinson / National Geographic Photo Contest)

26. Boxing at dawn: Young Kangaroo decided to test his abilities against the old male. The picture is made on the lake Cootharaba, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. (Photo © Raul Slater / National Geographic Photo Contest)

31. At sunset in Florida. (Photo © Judy Jinn / National Geographic Photo Contest)

36. Life in hell: "boiling" oval valley in Japan. Here boiling sources, sprout hot streams and steam, and in the air it hovers the sulfur smell. (Photo © Franjo Selinger / National Geographic Photo Contest)

37. Portrait of a girl from the sacred valley of the Inca, Peru. (Photo © Glen Fisher / National Geographic Photo Contest)

38. Penguins float at the time of a strong storm in Antarctica. (Photo © Joshua Holko / National Geographic Photo Contest)

42. Sunset B, Arizona, USA (Photo © Phil Hawkins / National Geographic Photo Contest)

43. Penguin chick. Island of South Goot in South Atlantic. (Photo © Ondrej Zaruba / National Geographic Photo Contest)

46. \u200b\u200b(decorated with frogs) looks very happy. The photo is done in Sri Lanka. (Photo © Ondrej Zaruba / National Geographic Photo Contest)