Entertaining facts about lemon. Interesting Facts about Limonade Facts about Lemon

This fruit has long ceased to be exotic on our table, we put a lemon in tea, carbonated drinks, splashing it with salads juice, and it is possible to transfer all the possibilities of using it to infinity. However, we know about lemons not so much. We offer to familiarize yourself with the most interesting facts.

1. Lemon trees on average can live from 50 to 100 years. It all depends on the right care.

2. Lemon tree is a small evergreen tree, reaching from 3 to 6 meters in height, there are usually sharp spikes on branches.

3. Lemons are good for health, since they contain vitamins C, B6, A, E, Folate, Niacin thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, as well as the main trace elements. Lemon also contains flavonoids - phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties that help prevent diabetes, constipation, high pressure, fever, dyspepsia, and improve skin, hair and teeth.

4. Urologists emphasize the fact that lemon juice contributes to the development of urinary citrate, which will prevent the appearance of kidney stones.

5. Lemons have powerful antibacterial properties, this fruit juice is able to destroy the bacteria of malaria, abdominal typhoid, cholera and other dangerous diseases. Our ancestors werehing hands with water diluted with lemon juice to protect themselves from microbes.

6. The citric zest contains phytonutrients, which are effective in brain impairment.

7. In the UK, lemon juice is used with pancakes during the carnival.

8. Lemon strengthens the nails. If you regularly make a lemon bath (omit nails into lemon flesh), then they will grow strong and long, stop laying and breaking.

9. Lemon is a good remedy for insomnia. If you do not want to train yourself chemistry, then eat one lemon during the day, it will not only appear as a sleeping pills, but will help overcome Handra.

10. In Europe, the lemons were grown for a long time as a decorative plant, in Asia, on the contrary, lemons were used in cooking, and in medicine.

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11. Once, Alexander Macedonsky brought the fruits of lemon wood from India to Europe, these lemons were so sweet that they were ate like ordinary apples. Then they began to call "Indian apples."

12. In Russia in the 18th century, the richness loved the marinated lemons, which were considered exquisite delicacy. They ordered them from Holland.

13. It is believed that the tradition of eating a lone of lemon, floating in tea, appeared thanks to Shostakovich. Being in the tea party at the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, the composer, drinking tea, ate his lemon slicker. The present were surprised because the lemon was placed only for taste, and not for food. However, the queen was not embarrassed at all and did the same. Since then, such a tradition has appeared.

14. Lemon essential oil acts as an antidepressant. It not only increases the mood, but in general, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It was many years ago. Once a favorite servant of one of the Caucasian kings of Hoshrov for some kind of propulsion fell into disfavor. The enraged lord ordered to immediately put his servant to prison and at the same time ordered the guards to feed the food prisoner with only one type of food. To the question of what kind of food, the lord, walked, answered: "Let it choose himself." Of course, the prisoner did not have anything to do how to fulfill the royal will. And he performed it. He asked to give him only ... Lemons. And I explained to the inadeve guards, ready to hear any answer, but not this: "The fragrance of lemon will be fun to me thoughts, the peel of fruits and grains will be useful for my heart, in the pulp of the same lemon I will find my food for myself, and I will quiet the juice."

Now it's hard to say, it really was. But it is undoubtedly one thing: in this old legend exactly reflected the importance that these fruits had for our ancestors.

At least for at least 3,000 years ago, people knew about Limon and used it not only in food, but also for therapeutic purposes, as well as for carrying out some ritual rites. So, for example, the ancient Greeks, admiring the aroma and the color of the lemon, made it the emblem of the festivities during the marriage.

The name "Lemon" occurred from the Malay word "Lemo". In India, this fruit is called "Nima", and in China "Limung", which means useful for mothers.

According to Botanists, the birthplace of Lemon is India, where he grows in a wild state in mountainous areas, at the foot of Himalayas, from where he came to the countries of Southeast Asia and much later - to Europe. In Russia, truly with Lemon got acquainted only in the second half of the XVII century, when his village was first delivered from Holland to Moscow and planted in the Kremlin "Ranking Chambers". At the beginning of the XVIII century. In the landlord estate rapidly spread "Fashion" to grow lemon in order to obtain fruits.

By the way, in our country this tradition is supported now. For example, in the city of Pavlovo, the Nizhny Novgorod region, many have houses at 4 - 5 small lemon trees. From here and there was a famous room grade of Limonov - Pavlovsky. One room tree of this lemon gives with caring, proper leave 10 - 16 fruits per year. Not so much for the one who has the opportunity to systematically buy them in the store, but not so little for the one who grows them.

What determines the benefits of lemon?

First of all, of course, ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, whose therapeutic value is known to many. This vitamin is a means against zing. As early as the Great Sea Travel, Europeans were widely used for this purpose lemon. So, it is known that the famous navigator J. Cook took with him the reserves of these fruits with him, and in 1795 in England, a decree was issued, according to which the crews of the ships were prescribed daily to produce the portions of lemon juice daily.

Today it is known that vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, especially the so-called cold. That is why lemons can be recommended (along with other fruits and vegetables) as a means for nonspecific influenza prevention and flu-like diseases. Especially since the saturation of the body with this vitamin increases the resistance to the effects of cold. In addition, this vitamin has the ability to accelerate healing wounds, burns and bone fractures, promotes more rapid recovery in rheumatism, tuberculosis, allergic lesions. According to some data, patients with various infections also have relief in the treatment of ascorbic acid.

It is curious that vitamin C is much more contained in lemon hull than in his pulp. Therefore, you need to eat all the fruit without a residue. In order to satisfy the daily need of an adult in this vitamin, you need to eat about 100 g of lemon daily, that is, two small or one large fruit. However, not everyone loves acidic.

And lemon is really sour. The sum of the lemon sugars is from 2 to 3.5%, including the amount of glucose 0.8 - 1.3%, fructose 0.6 - 1%, sucrose 0.7 - 1.2%. The total content of sugars in Lemon is 2.5 times less than in grapefruits, 3 times less than in oranges, and 4 times less than in mandarins. By the way, among citrus lemon is the most rich in ascorbic acid (over 60 mg per every 100 g). In addition to ascorbic acid, there are other vitamins in lemons: B1, in 2, carotene and, finally, Vitamin R. However, in view of their low content, they do not play a significant role. Exception Unless it is vitamin P, which enhances the beneficial effect on the organism of ascorbic acid and, at the same time, the healing effect itself is in various types of hemorrhages, as well as increased arterial pressure. There are citric acid in lemones and other substances - citric acid (6.9 - 8.1%), water (over 90%), the coloring agent and in the peel - the essential oil, which gives the lemon a pleasant, unique fragrance.

In our country, interesting research was carried out, the purpose of which is to choose the most rational chemical composition of drinks for thickening a constant thirst in a hot climate. It has been established that in overheating, the human body is experiencing an increased need for organic acids - lemon, ascorbic, as well as potassium and calcium salts. All this in a relatively favorable combination is in Lemon. Therefore, the lemon drink (with 0.1 - 0.2% content of citric acid without sugar) is one of the best natural products for thickening thirst in the heat.

Lemons can be useful to people suffering from gout, as well as some forms of urolithiasis. This is due to the property of citric acid to dissolve urinary acid and its deposits in the joints and cartilage. According to the latest scientific data, citric acid is a good tool for prevention and even the treatment of atherosclerosis. (In all listed cases, doctors prescribe juice of 120 g daily.) In pediatrics, lemon juice is one of the most recognized means for the prevention of rickets in small children. A good way to stop nasal bleeding is the instillation of fresh lemon juice in nasal moves.

By the way, all this has arisen not in an empty place.

Famous doctors of antiquity used lemons for the treatment of many diseases. Thus, the famous Tajik doctor Avicenna considered lemon juice with a potent heart. In addition, he recommended lemons with jaundice and pregnant women to improve digestion and reduce nausea. Some doctors prescribed lemon juice to remove worms from the body. This recommendation did not lose your value now.

In modern medicine, lemons and lemon juice find more limited use. Yes, it is understandable. After all, highly efficient pharmacological agents came to replace. But in medical cosmetics lemon juice, perhaps it is difficult to find a replacement. It is part of many ointments, emulsions, masks, lotions, toilet waters used for the hygienic care of the skin and the removal of freckles.

Dry skin, for example, it is very useful to wipe the in the morning tampon with the emulsion of the following: 100 ml of fresh cream, 1 yolk, lemon juice 1/2, 5 g of glycerin, mixed with 100 g of cologne.

From juice 1 lemon, 1 egg squirrel, 10 g of sugar, 100 g of distilled water prepare a mask, which is imposed on a purely washed person for 20 - 30 minutes (every other day). Wash off the mask with warm water.

A nutrient cosmetic mask for dry skin is prepared from 20 g of lemon juice, 10 g spermaceta, 10 g of bee wax and 5 g of 96% ethyl alcohol. The mask is applied to the skin of the face with a thin layer for 20-30 minutes.

In folk medicine, lemon along with the leather (mugs, crushed with sugar) are used for diseases of the heart, especially inflammatory nature (with myocardium, rheumatism).

Currently, lemon fruits are widely used in the confectionery industry (for the preparation of candies, sweets, essences, juices, beverages, etc.). They did not fail to use the pharmacists. Of the extruded fresh peel of fruits, lemon oil is obtained, which is used to improve taste and smell of drugs. In perfumes from flowers, leaves and lemon fruits, valuable essential oils are produced, which go to the manufacture of perfume.

And yet most people appreciate lemons not for therapeutic properties, and for the taste and aroma that they give us. Tea with lemon is a favorite drink of many. He thirstfully quenches thirst, gives cheerfulness, tones the body, saturates with it with vitamins and other valuable substances.

Do not shift from ... Lemon

In many African countries, such a scene has become the usual: passerby comes to the fruit stall, buys lemon, puts it up and squeezes juice right in the mouth. European observing this, perhaps, will be born and hardly understand why you need to drink in a pure form such a kislyatin. However, there is nothing strange. So in Africa is taken "medicine".

An ordinary lemon whose slices are thrown only in tea and a cocktail, use as seasoning or to decorate dishes, is widely used in traditional African medicine. The fruit of lemon tree has long been considered one of the most effective antiseptic drugs. It is used as a medicine in its pure form and in the composition of various drugs together with vegetables, minerals and other additives.

It is believed that after the bites of snakes, spiders, scorpions should be the first to squeeze the juice from the lemon in the wound. Strangi began - should rinse the throat with lemon juice with water. In the gastric poisoning in this solution, clay is added. Juice with honey helps from influenza.

If the African is bothering the kidney stones, it brings the number of lemons eaten for a week to seven during the week, and by the end of the next one gradually reduces the diet to one. Worried liver - for several weeks takes a zest with juice. African characteristics consider Lemon Panacea from Qinggi, pain in the heart, hypertension and many other ailments.

How to use lemon zest

In various cooking books, there are guidelines for the preparation of certain dishes, for example, such: "add a lemon or orange zest".

What is the spotter? Recall that the zest is called an external pigmented esterosal layer of peel (crusts) of fruits of various citrus plants.

The lemon zest should be cut as thinner as possible, avoiding the grip of a white subcortex layer. For this, the lemon is washed with cold water, then scalked and cut off the zest from it a very sharp knife - as a spiral tape. If the tape is cut in thick, then the color of the dried zest is yellowish-brown, uneven; If it is removed subtle and from a mature lemon, then there will be no significant changes in the color of the zesto, as a result of drying - it will remain lemon yellow.

The lemon zest can be introduced into vegetables, vegetable and vegetable salads, as well as in all cold sauces to them. It is constantly used in a wide variety of confectionery products (muffins, cakes, sweet pies) and sweet dishes (rice and manat puddings, kisins, compotes, etc.).

It should be remembered that lemon acid is completely absent in lemon acid, which is so rich in the pulp of the fetus. Zedra informs the dish only the aroma of lemon, and not its acid.

Recipes Culinary Vesniki


Do you know what you need for cooking? Lemon, boiled water and honey. If there is no honey, you can take sugar sand.

Let's try to cook lemonade. First, the juice of the lemon juice: only 2 tablespoons - and pour it into a glass with water. Now add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix. Drink can be served to the table.

We invite to the table

Lemon juice with honey

For 1 portion: lemon juice - 1/2 cup, natural honey - 2 - 3 tablespoons, food ice - 1 - 2 cubes.

Honey thoroughly stirred with lemon juice and cool. Serve drink with food ice cubes.

Lemon Morse

On 2 liters of drink: Large lemon - 2 pcs., Cold boiled water - 2 l, Sugar sand - 1 cup.

In pure dishes pour cold water and dissolve sugar sand in it. Squeeze into it juice from 1 1/2 lemon and add some zest. The dishes cover and put in the refrigerator or on the ice for 2 - 3 hours. The remaining half of the lemon is cut into the circles. Ready drink strain through gauze or siter. Serve drink with lemon circles.

Homemade lemonade

1 portion: lemon juice - 1 tablespoon, sugar sand - 1 - 1/2 tablespoons, carbonated water - 1 cup, lemon - 1 slice.

In a glass, pour lemon juice, add sugar sand and mix, and then pour the carbonated water from the siphon. Feed a drink in chilled form, putting a lemon slice. You can also add a bit of scouring food.

Winter drink

For 1 portion: lemon juice - 1/2 cup, strawberry syrup of industrial preparation - 1 tablespoon, lemon syrup of industrial preparation - 2 teaspoons.

Lemon juice heat heat on fire, but not boiling. Then pour it into a pre-well-haired tea or punch glass, add strawberry and lemon syrups and mix well. Serve hot drink.

Honey Drink "Unsna"

1 portion: lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, natural honey - 1 - 2 teaspoons, hot boiled water - 1 cup.

In hot water put honey, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from the fire and add lemon juice.

Drink "Rose Winds"

For 4 servings: Lemon - 1/2 PC., Cold pasteurized milk - 2 glasses, yolk of 1 eggs, sugar sand - 2 tablespoons.

Clear fresh chicken egg, separating the yolk, to lose it with sugar sand and put in a mixer. From half of Lemon squeeze juice, and the graspell of finely chop and add all this to the mixer, and then pour cold milk there and beat well before the formation of abundant foam. Drink immediately sue.

Lemon (lat. Citrus × Limon.) It is a small evergreen tree and the ellipsoidal yellow fruit of this tree. Lemon fruits are used in cooking all over the world, primarily due to their juice, although lemon peel (zest) is also used in cooking and primarily in baking. Lemon juice approximately 5-6% consists of citric acid, which gives a lemon sour taste. It is this distinguishing acidic taste of lemon juice that made it such a key component in various drinks and dishes, and one of the bright examples can serve as a lemonade.

Basically, like other citrus, lemons, evergreen and relatively small lemons in most cultural plantations, grow up to 3.5 meters in height. They are well flourishing in moderate and tropical conditions, while the cold and frosty climate affects their growth extremely negative.

The history of lemon

The origin of lemon is still so fully determined, although science assumes that it most likely occurred in North-West India, where lemons have been grown for over 2500 years. It is from India that the Arab traders brought lemons to the Middle East and in Africa, in about the first century of our era. And, as scientists believed, in the second century, lemons reached southern Italy, where they began to get quite high popularity. True, the lemons were widely used in Europe exclusively as a decorative plant (like some plants, for example), and after the fall of the Roman Empire, most likely, lemon began to forget as an excessive past.

The new life of lemon in Europe began with Spain in the 11th century, and by 1150 lemon was widely cultivated in the Mediterranean. In the rest of Europe, Lemon came with the crusaders returning from Palestine. However, His Honored Place in European Cooking, Lemon took only the 15th century, at the same time the cultivation of lemons in production scale in Genoa began.

By the way, the name "Lemon" is almost in all European languages, including Russian, it sounds almost identical or very similar, which means the uniform borrowing roots of the name, which go back to India and the country adjacent to it.

The lemon came to Russia very late enough, only in the middle of the 17th century, brought outwind trees brought to Moscow from Holland and planted in the Kremlin, but at the beginning of the 18th century, the landlords appeared a kind of fashion village.

Useful properties of lemon, side effects and contraindications

The benefits of lemon health, I think, is known to everyone since childhood, but in addition to the treatment of colds, lemon can be used in stomach disorders, constipation, problems with teeth, fever, bleeding, rheumatism, burns, respiratory diseases, cholera and high blood pressure, makes healthy Hair and skin, and also helps to strengthen the immune system.

All these problems lemon helps to solve thanks to numerous nutrients located in it, and first should be noted that it does not contain saturated fats or cholesterol and is rich in fiber (approximately 7 percent of the daily rate). It also has a low calorie content, only 29 calories per 100 grams, and this is one of the lowest indicators among citrus sitrus, and with all this lemon has a very low glycemic index.

Limonic acid is obliged to lemon acid with its sour taste, as it does not have paradoxically sounded. The proportion of citric acid is approximately 8 percent in Lemon, and it is not only a natural preservative, but also contributes to digestion and helps dissolve kidney stones, prevent their formation.

Lemons, like the other citrus colleagues, are an excellent source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), providing about 88 percent of the daily recommended norm, because thanks to him, the lemon is so useful for preventing zing. In addition, the consumption of products rich in vitamin C helps the human body to produce resistance against infectious agents and remove harmful free radicals from the blood.

Lemons, like other citrus, contains such substances of plant origin as hesperidine, Naryganin and Narinenin, which are glycosides of flavonoids. Narinenin, as it turned out, affects human health as an antioxidant, eliminating the body from free radicals, having an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the immune system. Also in laboratory studies it was shown that this substance can reduce the likelihood of disorders in DNA.

In addition, lemon contains vitamin A and other equally important substances, such as alpha and beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthine, Zea-Ksanthin and Lutein. It is these compounds that are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also needed to maintain the health of mucous membranes and skin, as well as for good vision. No wonder some suggest that the consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps foolishness to protect against lung cancer and oral cavity.

Lemon fruits are also a good source of various vitamins, such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), pyridoxine (one of the forms of vitamin B-6) and folates (row of vitamins of group B). The content of these vitamins is important, since they need to be obtained from food.

And, of course, lemon contains the necessary minerals, such as iron, copper, potassium and calcium. In particular, calcium, which is an important component of the cellular structure of the body and helps maintain healthy heart rhythm and blood pressure.

But you should be careful and not abused lemons, but in particular lemon juice, as it has a very low pH, about 2. Its sour taste sometimes causes burning, especially if there are wounds or ulcers in the mouth or lips. In addition, a large amount of lemon juice can lead to aggravation of gastric diseases and primarily stomach ulcers.

How to choose and store lemon

Despite the fact that lemons in stores are available all year round, the peak of the season is considered from April to August. Choosing the same lemon in the store, choose quite large, chubby and dense fruits, which are quite heavy for their size. You can also slightly scratch lemon lemon, after which you should feel a pleasant citrus fragrance.

Avoid dark green color in lemones, since such fruits are immature and will not be so juicy, as well as follow the lack of dark spots, cuts on the fruits and a soft structure with a slight press, since such fruits will be spoiled soon or have already begun to deteriorate.

At home, lemon should be placed in the plastic bag, then put in the refrigerator, where it will be stored without problems for the week.

I wish you success!

Choose a recipe for the soul and enjoy new, unforgettable tastes that can give you lemon!

Municipal General Education

"Secondary school №10"


"Amazing Lemon"


Babikova Anna,

pupil 2 "a" class

Scientific adviser:

primary school teacher

Ivashova Tatyana Vasilyevna



    Introduction .................................................. ............................................ p.3

    Theoretical part

1. Lemon ... What is it? ......................................... ............................ p.4

2. From the history of the use of lemon by man ........................ ..re 5-6

3. Legend of Lemon .......................................................................... .....

4. Useful properties of lemon ................................. ................................................................

5. Interesting Facts….................................................................... .9-10

6. How to choose lemons? ............................................ ............................. Master

II. I.. Practical part

Results of my research ..................... ... ...................................... ..

IV.. Conclusion ....................................................................................

V.. Bibliography ......................... ................................. ..str.18

Vi. Applications .................................................................. ..master. 19-28

I. . Introduction

He is a sworn enemy cold

We will be treated with you.

Solk in tea is put on it,

With pleasure we drink,

Adding honey with Malinka,

Because in the middle

It contains ascorce.

Acople is filled with O.

Dr. Aibolit - Lemon!

Probably, it is unlikely that people who have not tried, and even more so have not seen lemon.All Russia he is familiar, yellow father - lemon. Only belong to it in different ways. Someone loves him so that it will eat almost a whole lemon at a time and will not pierce at the same time, and someone one kind of lemon causes a grimace on his face.My interest in this fruit is not accidental. I love to eat different fruits, including lemon, drink tea with lemon, just with sugar. Mom encourages me, says it isit will help to cope with cold, flu, adds forces. Maybe, so I did not hurt during a quarantine in the influenza school? Is it really a lemon? What is still useful and interesting lemon?So the idea of \u200b\u200bthe study was born.

Purpose of work: Expand knowledge about lemon.


    Allocate advantages and amazing features of lemon

    conduct spectacle students and a series of experiments to study lemon properties

    find interesting facts about lemons

    prove the importance of using lemons in life

Hypothesis : Lemon possesses not only healing, but also other interesting amazing properties.

Research methods : questioning, collection and analysis of information obtained from different sources, sociological survey, interviewing, experimentation, observation.

Relevance of the topic : This topic concerns not only me, it can be interesting to all (and guys, and adults), because it reveals some of the secrets of lemon.Knowledge of healing properties will help provide medical care at home without the use of drugs, and knowledge of other beneficial properties.it is also an indispensable person.

Object of study: Lemon himself

Subject of study: Useful and unusual properties of lemon.


2.1 Lemon ... What is it?

In the artistic dictionary of the Russian language S. N. Ozhegov, an explanation of the word lemon is given. "Lemon is a citrus tree, as well as a juicy sour fruit with a solid fragrant peel."

Lemon - evergreen fruit tree height from 3 to 5 m, with spiny branches(rarely without them) and bright white flowers with a purple wedge. This is a tree is not a long-liver.There are lemons aged 45-50 years. Fruits oval, light yellow, with a tubary crust, ripen in autumn.As a rule, lemons themselves do not fall out in the first year of ripening. If they do not cut them down to winter yellow, they start green in the spring again. In summer, their peel is very thickened, she turns yellow again in the fall, as it should be resting. But two-year fruits, despite the magnitude, have less taste and therapeutic qualities, that is, they contain less vitamins, acids. Therefore, do not be chasing for large thick-skinned fruits, they can be "old".

Lemon refers to citrus plants.It is a hybrid between the citron and lime. His closest relatives - Orange, Mandarin, Little, Grapefruit, Citron, Lime. Lemon varieties are derived a great set. All of them differ in taste, sizes, skin thickness, form of leaves and wood height.

2.2. From the history Use of lemon by man

Lemon was known from ancient times in many corners of the world. If you believe the legend, the aromatic bright yellow fruits gave a herger to the wedding, when she married Zeus, so that she always had a young and beautiful: "His aroma merry mind, the skin and the grain are useful for the heart, the pulp is excellent food, and the juice quenches Thirst. " In some legends, you can find mention of the "gold apples of immortality", about "Molding apples". Perhaps these are lemons.

The birthplace of lemons is considered to be India (although it is still scientists argue!).It is known that Alexander Macedon's troops brought lemons from India to Europe. Then the lemon was called"Indian Apple" or"citron". Lemons were very expensive, almost on gold weight.

They quickly spread throughout Europe.

In China, another 3000 years ago, the fruits of this citrus plant were called Lemon - "Lee" - drug, "Mont" - fruit. Ancient Chinese used lemon in order to attract good energy to the house and expulsion of spirits. Some Sources argue thatherbral mentions of lemon foundancient Greek philosopher theophist 300 years before our era.He wrote that fragrant fruit was not eaten, but used only to combat moth: the fragrant pieces of lemon were hiding in the folds of clothing.Speaking clothing with this fragrant tool, they were calm for their things.

In the ancient Greeks and the Romans "Citrus" meant "Pakhuchi plant".

Later, lemons began to apply for other purposes - for example, in cooking. This fruit was added to various soups. Lemon chewed to give breathing freshness, and honey and wine hung with lemon juice. The Romans wore a lemon with them, believing that it contributes to the recovery. In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that lemons are guarded from the plague and save from the bites of poisonous snakes.

Indian yoga at all times called the lemon universal tool to maintain the body healthy. They said: "Everyone must teach himself to eat at least one lemon per day, or use the juice of one lemon."

Doctors who lived in the Middle Ages, tried to treat many diseases with the help of ripe lemon fruits. They used in the treatment and lemon itself in its pure form, and the juice, squeezed from it, and the peel, mixed the fruit of lemon with other medicinal plants and vegetables. Various types of bravery and infusions of the zest were especially popular.

On the utility of Lemon drew attention to the sailors who made long-term swimming. The navigators were convinced that it was the lemons taken to the expedition that helps to avoid severe illness - Qingi.

In English fleet, a mandatory reception of 30 grams of lemon juice was introduced daily.NavigatorJames Cook He received the medal of the Royal British Society for the fact that he cured the lemon of many sailors from zing (the disease caused by the acute disadvantage of vitamin C). British sailors were even called "lemongrass"

In the Middle Ages, they believed that lemons were protected from the plague and are antidote in the bite of snakes.

In the second half of the 17th century, Lemon learned in Russia during the time of Peter I. In Russia, Lemon was brought more than a hundred years ago from Turkey.

Previously, Lemon was unavailable to a simple person. Rich people discharged lemons from Holland, and delivered them to Russia only in salt form.Interesting As they later ate them, it's completely unusual for our taste. When the lemon tree was first brought to Russia, put them in the OrangeKremlin. But this miracle was allowed to admire only the favorites. The king's approximate was the honor of being lemon aside. It was considered prestigious to have a lemon tree in her house.

More than 100 years ago, the Russian peasants of Pavlovo village near Nizhny Novgorod began to grow lemons in their sinks. From here and there was a famous room Limona variety - Pavlovsky . Many residents of Pavlovo have houses of 4 - 5 small lemon trees. One room tree of this lemon gives with caring, proper leave 10 - 16 fruits per year.

In the city of Pavlovat all recently, a monument to Pavlovsky Limon was installed on the central square.

2.3. Caucasian lemon legend

Once a favorite servant of one of the Caucasian kings for some kind of propulsion fell into disfavor. The enraged lord ordered to immediately put his servant to prison and ordered the guards to feed the food prisoner with only one type of food. To the question of what exactly the Lord, the wondering, answered: "Let him choose himself." The prisoner did not have anything to do how to fulfill the royal will. And he performed it, asking him to give him only ... Lemons. And the adversaries explained:

"The aroma of lemon will be merged to me thoughts, the peel of fruits and grains will be useful for my heart, in the pulp of the same lemon I will find my food for myself, and I will thorough the juice."

Now it's hard to say, it really was. But it is undoubtedly one thing: in this old legend exactly reflected the importance that these fruits had for our ancestors.

4. Useful lemon properties

Lemon is used very widely in medicine.

    First of all, it contains vitamin C, which is very important to strengthen immunity. Lemons save on seasonal colds and infections.

    Displays slags and toxins from the body.

    Improves performance.

    Improves attention and memory.

    Reduces the acidity of the stomach.

    Control pressure.

    It has a soft diuretic effect.

    Kills microbes, prevents the development of bacteria.

    Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Locks blood.

    It has a wound-healing effect with external problems with the skin.

Lemon are used and bronchial asthma, liver and stomach diseases, to strengthen the heart. Lemon is an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent! The one who loves lemons can preserve his health to deep old age.

Lemon for beauty

Lemon is very often used for cosmetics. It is useful for hands and nails.

Hands for hands with lemon juice strengthen and whiten nails.

Rinsing with a solution of lemon juice refresh and disinfect the oral cavity, the unpleasant smell of mouth is removed for a long time.

For teeth whitening, you can add lemon juice drops in toothpaste. Whiten teeth can also be directly wiping the sliced \u200b\u200bof lemon or zest, provided that the enamel is strong enough.

Lemon is useful for skin skin.It improves the complexion, retain the youth of the skin.

With it, you can get rid of freckles, pigment spots and rejuvenate the skin of the face. The freckles can be wiped with fresh lemon juice, or leave for several minutes of lemon slices for several minutes.

To give the shine to sweat hair, they can be rinsed with water into which lemon juice is added. If oily hair, add a lemon juice to rinsing well.

In the store you can buy soap with lemon juice.You can make candles themselves with the addition of lemon crusts when zazhship them Your room will be filled with a pleasant aroma.

Lemon in the farm

Lemon is an indispensable assistant in the farm.

To get rid of the stains on the clothes from the marker, you need lemon juice and put a small salt on a stain, to rub, and then wash clothes.

Many people know the recipe, how to get rid of the smell of fish or vegetables on their hands, on knives and cutting boards in the kitchen. Just need to wipe all the slice of lemon.

To return the brilliance with metal pots, you need to lose their leather with the flesh of the lemon, and then rinse with water.

If the lemon tree grows, then the house will never be moth. Mole does not like the smell that lemon makes it.

If the ants started in your house, do not panic! Lubricate their favorite places with lemon juice and attack the road to your home.

You can save a saunate dish by adding a little lemon juice into it. And the food becomes not only delicious, but also useful.

Beverage called"Lemonade" appeared in the 17th century. It was originally made from lemon tincture and lemon juice.

Lemonade is sweet, more often a carbonated drink. By the way, Lemonade became one of the first drinks that began to produce on an industrial scale.

Lemon in cooking

Lemons are used in fresh form, as well as used in the manufacture of confectionery and non-alcoholic beverages. As a spice, lemon is used in various , Sweet dishes, cookies, sauces, fish, bird and rice dishes. Lemon juice improves the taste of various dishes, fried fish, cold snacks, salads. Also, lemons are used to prepare jam, sauces, creams, syrups and drinks. Lemon slices are a beautiful decoration of the second dishes. Lemon cakes and cakes are very tasty.

Slices of lemon fruit add to . In our school canteen, we often drink tea with lemon, because it is a wonderful toning drink. It can be safely called a drink of health. Tea with lemon is a great tool to recharge yourself in the middle of the day and revive the brain activity.

5. Interesting Facts about Lemon

    As known Oliva is a symbol of the world, Lavr - a symbol of glory, and Turn is a symbol of severity and punishment. O.Yu. Schmidt made the vaccination of the usual lemon, and after a decade of years thislemon became a symbol of friendship 126 countries

    There is a certain tradition, after tea drinking to eat lemon. And she went from Dmitry Shostakovich-Russian composer, who invited Elizabeth II to the tea party. On etiquette it was not customary to eat lemon, but the composer is not knowing this, ate lemon. The queen was not confused and also took the lemon from the bottom of the cup and ate it. Now in Europe tea with lemon is called"Tea in Russian"

    An interesting discovery for me was the fact that it turns out that there are the most reallemon festivals.

The festival of lemons in the city of Menton in France is a holiday that hundreds of thousands of visitors are going to. To prepare this holiday, 130 tons (!) The delicious citrus fruits are used.The city is decorated with the most incredible figures from lemons, oranges, grapefruits. For several days, citrus castles grow here, fabulous characters from lemons and huge edible trees! Along the coast passes a parade of tuples of gold fruits, decorated with citrus fruits and flowers. Everyone is invited to try new varieties of lemons, drinks and sweets, cooked from the "yellow king of the holiday".

To date, representatives of 170 countries of the world are made by a tree more than 600 vaccinations.

citrus. Fruit yellow with green stripes and with pink pulp. The only variety of lemon, which is used in the manufacture of pink lemonade.

    In the "hit parade""The most useful citrus fruit" (not only in the number of vitamins, but in general, on the effect on the body) lemon takes

2 place after orange

    Many studies of scientists have proven that in the room where lemons are grown,air is almost sterile. Many pathogenic organisms here do not multiply. Thus, lovers of indoor citrusses are much to a lesser extent than others risk sick by some infectious diseases. And even noted that everyone who is engaged in lemons, who have a lot of them in the house,become long-livers.

6. How to choose this amazing lemon? Useful tips:

    Often we can see very beautiful, glossy lemons in stores or on the market. They are usually more medium sized. They can be wiped with wax. It is necessary to know that with the age of the lemon, the lemon is becoming the thicker and thicker, and the vitamins under it are less and less.

    Hence the conclusion: large size for lemon is not the main thing.Better to buy small lemons . Lemon What younger, always with a green tail. Peel it thinner, with greenish color. Black dots on the peel - a bad sign. Such lemons were ferted. Useful substances in them less, and bitterness.

    The most uncomfortable in Lemon - these are bones. They can provoke a strong selection of bile and allergic reaction. BUTthe most useful - White layer. It has most vitamin C.

    Probably, every hostess knows that it is useful to very wipe the cutting wooden boards, which we use every day, lemon juice. All microbes are destroyed. Do not forget to do it periodically

III . Practical part. Results of my research

3.1 Interviewing

Iappealed to the school's nurse to learn the importance of the influence of lemon on human health. He learned from her about the positive effect of lemon on the human body. She advised us more often to eat lemon in food, so as not to hurt and not miss the lessons due to illness. Lemon in winter and spring prevents avitaminosis!

3.2. Questioning of students

Question conclusions:

28 people took part in the survey. Most guys have some ideas about this fruit, half of the guys (14 people) do not know about the beneficial properties of lemon, almost all (27 people) want to learn more about lemons. (Attachment 1)

3.3. Cognitive experiences with lemon

Experience number 1. "Tea-Eventor"

Purpose: Learn how lemon behaves with a natural dye tea that changes the color of our teeth.

Hypothesis: Suppose that lemon due to its acid, discoloring the color of tea.

I took 2 mugs and poured strong tea in them. After that, I put a piece of lemon in one of the circles.Lemon discouraged the tea color, thereby defended our teeth from the appearance of a yellowish tint on them.

Output: our hypothesis was confirmed.Limon and really - a wizard - illuminator!

Experience number 2. "Lemon and Apple - Friends"

Purpose: Find out how Lemon acts on the apple.

Hypothesis: Lemon does not act on the apple in any way.

We cut the apple in half. On one of the halves put the lemon and sodre them apple. After 5 minutes, that half of the apple, which is not powered by lemon, began to darken. After 15 minutes, the half darkened more.

Question: Why did one half apple darkened, and the other is not?

Half of the apple darkens due to the oxidation of tiny particles of iron containing in an apple. These particles come into contact with air oxygen and begin to darken.

Output: the hypothesis was not confirmed. If cut apples to lubricate with lemon juice, they will look fresh and beautiful, and no less useful.

Experience №3 "Lemon - Stainover"

Purpose: Find out how lemon behaves with stains.

Hypothesis: lemon can help withdraw some stains.

Let's try to remove the lemon spot from the marker. We sprinkled salt polluted place, then lemon juice lost spot ...

And, really, Spots Nothing!

But using lemon juice to remove stains, it is necessary to remember that it is acid, and therefore you need to be careful with colored fabrics.

Output: our hypothesis was confirmed.

Lemon helps to withdraw some spots

without the use of chemicals.

We learned that in the past, some people followed by surveillance, used "magic inks", which did not leave a trace on paper. Having received such a message, it was necessary to heat it over the flame and the letters on paper were awaited. For such a secret correspondence, milk was most often used. Is it possible to use lemon juice for a secret message? This we decided to check.

Experience number 4 "Limon-Invisible" Purpose: learn how lemon juice behaves when heated.

I squeezed the juice from 1 lemon, wrotecotton stick message and waited until the juice gets up. There were no visible traces on paper. Then I began to heat the paper under the desk lamp and the letters became visible!

Scientific substantiation of the result: Lemon juice - organic matter. Under the action of heat, organic substances are darker. This occurs because the carbon, which is included in their composition, is released from high temperatures. Output: when heated, the juice of lemon darkens, acquires a yellow shade. My "letter" turned out to be declassified.

Experience №5 "Lemon-Final"

Purpose: Find out how lemon interacts with food soda.

Hypothesis: Lemon juice may be a soda damper and highlight a flying gas.

In the plastic bottle, I poured soda, then the squeezed lemon juice poured there and quickly put on the bottle of the balloon. Since the gas selection process began in the bottle, my air ball began to inflate.

Output: Lemon juice and soda were able to inflate the ball!

Experience No. 6 "Lemon Battery"

Purpose: Check the production of electricity lemon

We put a lemon on the table and stuck from different sides of the copper wire and iron paper clip, each item will be attached to the instrument-multimeter. The instrument shows voltage 0.27 volts. So lemon is not just a fruit, but also a battery! There is a current in it!

Output: lemon may be a source of energy.

When you enjoy a kettle for a long time, I appear at the bottom. Remove this tax is very easy with citric acid. To do this, you just need to pour into the kettle of water, pour out a lemon acid bag there, boil and let it stand a little bit. Then drain the water, but the kettle is rinsed. And our kettle is again like new. Check on experience.

Experience number 7 "Lemon Purifier"

Purpose: Find out how the lemon interacts with a limescale in the kettle.

Hypothesis: Suppose that citric acid removes the lime bloom from the walls from the kettle. In the kettle, we pour water, suck the acid and boil the kettle. Water pour, rinse. Purity! Glitter returned!

Output: When boiling the kettle with the addition of lemon acid, the lime tax is deleted.

Experience number 8 "Lemon-Plotman"

Purpose: find out why crude lemon floats in water?

Clean and put a peeled lemon into the water. He drowned! What do you think is a crude lemon harder? Of course yes! What will happen if you put a crude lemon into the water? Surprisingly - he is not sinking! Maybe this is some kind of special lemon?! He turned to the teacher of the biology of School Schchetinina N.F.

She explained that the whole thing is in the peel.

Output: In the peel there are many bubbles with air. It is they who keep a crude lemon afloat. Amazing!

But it became interesting to us, and is there any caution when using it?

We decided to spend several experiments with the fruit of lemon.

Experience number 9 "Lemon-Independent

Purpose: Find out whether friends are lemon and dairy products?

A multiple lemon juice was added to the cup with milk. Milk was instantly curled, lumps were formed.

Output: lemon is undesirable to use with dairy products, since the milk protein is collapsed from the acid

Experience number 10 "Limon-Destroyer"

Purpose: find out whether lemon acid dissolves eggshell

In the shell drunk lemon juice. As a result, foam was formed and even heard hissing. This reacted with a lemon juice with calcium, which is contained in the eggshell. He began to collapse.

The enamel of teeth also contains calcium, which is so necessary for a person for teeth strength. It means that the use of lemon in its pure form should be limited,lemon juice is harmful to dental enamel He destroys it, especially if he falls into the oral cavity along with sugar. Output: lemon juice dissolves calcium.

Experience №11 "Selection of Lemon"

Purpose: Find out the preference of lemon selection when buying

Hypothesis: The larger the lemon, the better.

It has been proven that large is two-year fruits, have fewer taste and therapeutic qualities, contain less vitamins, acids. The guys were asked to choose one of the two lemons using flags. The result is:

the size



Output: the choice is right!

General withdrawal by experiments: useful qualities of lemon do not depend on its magnitude. The experiments argued that the lemon along with many advantages has disadvantages. Lemon possesses not only useful, but also mysterious properties.No plant can compete with lemon in their useful properties and magical strength!

IV. . Conclusion

In the course of the study, we studied the role of lemon in a person's life, allocated its properties.

Hypothesis Naught by us turned out to be true.

The goal is to expand knowledge - achieved! Tasks are made

The experiments and review of information allowed us to make the right conclusions about the meaning of the lemon, find out his story, a lot of interesting facts ... Lemon properties are multifaceted. Lemon serves as a prophylactic, toning, whitening, flavoring, a lining, restoring, bactericidal useful substance. Pretty doctor!

Lemon is widely used as in cooking, cosmetics, in domestic situations. Truly lemon. Useful fruit, mysterious fruit, magic and mysterious fruit.

Therefore, lemon can rightly be called awesome fruit..

Let us dare to give advice:

    Try to start a day from a cup of warm water with lemon juice, because He burst and enhances immunity.

    The smell of lemon is capable of improving performance, reduce drowsiness. And if we decompose the pieces of lemon in the classroom, it will have a beneficial effect on students.

    Make friends with lemon, use folk remedies and useful advice, trust the magic strength of lemon.

    When tea drinking with lemon observe etiquette.

    Reliable leakage will save you from old diseases and keeps off from new ones.Be healthy! And remember:

"When life holds you a lemon, do not complain," make a lemon from it "(Napoleon)

V. List of used literature

    Blaise A. - Encyclopedia of healthy indoor plants. M.: Olma-Press, 2000 year.

    Denisova T.A. "Amazing world of plants": manual for students. - 3rd ed - e: enlightenment, 2004

    Fun chemical experiments // Master "Masterka" (05/11/2010) Entrepreneurs. "Karapuz".

    Limonograd V. Dadikin // "Science and Life" No. 12, 2004.

    "Fairy Tale Handbook of Health", ed. « ", 2004.

    Encyclopedia "I will know the world" Bagrova L.Am.: AST, 2002.

Internet sources:

VI . Applications

appendix No. 1.

Questionnaire "Lemon in my life" questionnaire

How often do you use lemons? A) daily

B) sometimes -

C) Never

5 people

-18chel - 5 people


How do you use lemons?

A) for food

B) for treatment

C) I do not know

13 people

- 14 people - 1 person


Limon all parts are useful?


B) there is no

C) I do not know

- 15 people

7 people - 6 people


Do you know about the beneficial properties of lemon?

A) yes

B) there is no

C) not sure

8 people

-14 people - 6 people


Is it possible to call a lemon "the most useful citrus fruit"?

A) yes


C) not sure

-16 people

8 people - 4 people


Is it possible to grow lemons at home?

A) yes


C) I do not know

-17 people

8 people

3 people


Would you like to learn more about lemon?

A) yes


C) I do not know

-27 - 0 people - 1 person

appendix No. 2.

The use of lemon in everyday life.

1. Removal of sebaceous spots

Pour a little salt (for abrasion) to half a lemon and spend her salted stain, then wipe the surface with a cloth.

2. Cleaning kettle

To remove scale, resulting in your kettle, fill it with water, add a handful of finely chopped lemon zest and put it all on fire. After boiling, give the teapot with this liquid to stand the hour, pour the liquid and rinse well the kettle.

3. Cleaning the microwave oven

Add lemon zest to dishes for a microwave oven, half filled with water. Turn on the oven for complete power for 5 minutes, let water boil, and the pair can be condensed on the walls of the microwave. Then just remove the dishes and wipe all this dirt with a damp cloth.

4. Washing glasses

In the vial with sprayer, pour water and add lemon juice several tablespoons. Use as any other tool for washing windows.

5. Polishing chrome surfaces

Clean the surface of the pressed half of the lemon, rinse and slightly polish the soft cloth

6. Bleach for linen.

During the washing process, add a lemon juice half a cup so that your white things purchased an extra whiteness.

7. Removing traces from markers from clothes

Mix lemon juice with cook salt and apply on a stain. We lose a polluted place and then wash the thing as usual.

8. Scaring insects

If the ants started in your house, do not panic! Lubricate with lemon juice of their favorite places and ants literally will forget the road to your home.Or put the lemon slices on the threshold, window sills, near cracks and holes, through which uninfected guests in the form of harmful insects can penetrate your accommodation.

9. Removing the unpleasant odor from fish, onions, garlic with hands, knives and cutting boards.

After disinfection, do the surface of the board, the knife of the lemon half, leave for a few minutes and rinse. Hands to wipe with lemon juice.

10. Removal of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator

Dolk-cut lemon decompose on the saucer and put it in the refrigerator. A fairly fast unpleasant smell will disappear.

11. Making an aromatized air humidifier

Fill the dishes with water, put a lemon zest into the water and put on the stove. After boiling, make fire minimal and leave so for a while. Air will moisturize and fill fresh aroma.

12. Disinfection of the garbage bucket.

If the leather lemon wipe the garbage bin, it will destroy unpleasant odors and kill all bacteria.

13. Glance of metal objects

To return the brilliance with metal sauces, you need to lose their leather lemon, on which the flesh remains, and then rinse with water.

14 . Freshness of products

If there is a lemon in a fruit vase, then the fruit will remain fresh.

15. Getting rid of moth A handkerchief or a cotton ball with a few drops of lemon juice in the closet helps to get rid of moths. And can be placed in the closet lemon crusts.

16. Relief from rust

Rust spots can be easily removed using lemon. Apply lemon juice on dry cloth, leave half an hour, then wash in a typewriter with a regular powder.

appendix number 3.

Lemon recipes.

    Lemon roll.

1 tbsp. flour, 20 g of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. Sugar mix and pour dough into a baking sheet. Put in the oven for 30 minutes

Cream: 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. Sugar and zest 1 lemon - beat.

Slip ready-made cream and wrap with a roll. Decorate with lemon slices.

2.The lemon.

1Limon, 1 tbsp. Sugar, 25 g gelatin.

In the pan pour 3 tbsp. Water, sugar sugar, stir and boil. In hot syrup, add a zest, cut from half lemon and dissolved gelatin. Stir all the time. Hot syrup pour into forms, cool.

3. Limonad

First, the juice of the lemon juice: only 2 tablespoons - and pour it into a glass with water. Now add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix. Drink can be served to the table.

4. Lemon juice with honey

For 1 portion: lemon juice - 1/2 cup, natural honey - 2 - 3 tablespoons, food ice - 1 - 2 cubes.

Honey thoroughly stirred with lemon juice and cool. Serve drink with food ice cubes.

5. Lemon Morse

On 2 liters of drink: Large lemon - 2 pcs., Cold boiled water - 2 l, Sugar sand - 1 cup.

In pure dishes pour cold water and dissolve sugar sand in it. Squeeze into it juice from 1 1/2 lemon and add some zest. The dishes cover and put in the refrigerator or on the ice for 2 - 3 hours. The remaining half of the lemon is cut into the circles. Ready drink strain through gauze or siter. Serve drink with lemon circles.

6. Homemade lemonade

1 portion: lemon juice - 1 tablespoon, sugar sand - 1 - 1/2 tablespoons, carbonated water - 1 cup, lemon - 1 slice.

In a glass, pour lemon juice, add sugar sand and mix, and then pour the carbonated water from the siphon. Feed a drink in chilled form, putting a lemon slice. You can also add a bit of scouring food.

7. Winter drink

For 1 portion: lemon juice - 1/2 cup, strawberry syrup of industrial preparation - 1 tablespoon, lemon syrup of industrial preparation - 2 teaspoons.

Lemon juice heat heat on fire, but not boiling. Then pour it into a pre-well-haired tea or punch glass, add strawberry and lemon syrups and mix well. Serve hot drink.

8. Honey Drink "Werena"

1 portion: lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, natural honey - 1 - 2 teaspoons, hot boiled water - 1 cup.

In hot water put honey, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from the fire and add lemon juice.

9. Drink "Rose Winds"

For 4 servings: Lemon - 1/2 PC., Cold pasteurized milk - 2 glasses, yolk of 1 eggs, sugar sand - 2 tablespoons.

Clear fresh chicken egg, separating the yolk, to lose it with sugar sand and put in a mixer. From half of Lemon squeeze juice, and the graspell of finely chop and add all this to the mixer, and then pour cold milk there and beat well before the formation of abundant foam. Drink immediately sue.

10. Cuccats from lemons

Corks - 1kg

Sugar - 1.3 kg

Water - 3 glasses

Lemon acid - on the tip of the knife.

Cork removed from the thick-skinned lemons extinate for 2 to 3 days in cold water, changing water 2 - 3 times a day. Then tailor the crusts in boiling water within 20 - 25 minutes, drain the water, and the crusts are lowered into the boiling syrup. Remove the syrup from the fire and set for 5-6 hours. Then boil the crust for 5-7 minutes 3-4 times with an exhibition of 10 to 12 hours after each cooking. At the end of the cooking add 3 g of citric acid. Split crusts on the dish and dried in the air.

appendix No. 4.

Lemon festival

In the small French town of Menton, from February 2 to March 9, an annual lemon festival is held. Lemons from Menton, of course, the kings among lemons: the warm climate of the French riviera allows them to grow them year-round. Three crop of lemons are removed, the largest harvest - in March-April. The festival was conceived as preparation for the richest yield season in Menton.

The inhabitants of the town for the whole three weeks are immersed in the fabulous world! The city is decorated with the most incredible figures from the lemons. For several days citrus castles grow here, fabulous characters from lemons and huge edible trees! On Sundays, it is organized by the procession of citrus fruits ... along the coast passes a parade of tuples of gold fruits, decorated with citrus fruits and flowers. More than 130 tons of lemons participate in the parade! All wishing to taste new varieties of lemons, drinks and sweets, cooked from the "yellow king of the holiday".

Fireworks are lit in the city, and dozens of folk musical groups walk around the city, performing French folk melodies, everywherepass Music concerts and exhibitions.

appendix No. 5.

Limon Storage Tips

    If lemons wrap in parchment and put in the sand, you can store them within a few months.

    You can store lemons in water: lemons lay in dishes and pour water, which to change 1 time per week. So lemons are perfectly preserved for many months. Under the usual conditions of storage of lemons, if not spoiled, it is almost always dried.

    The sliced \u200b\u200blemon can be protected from damage, if you put it with a slice on a plate or saucer, pre-pinping the vinegar there or pouring a little salt or sugar.

    When buying lemons, pay attention to the peel: it should be a whole and glitter slightly, there should be no black or brown spots on it. If you are going to immediately use lemon, choose more yellow and slightly mild.

    Council for all occasions: Buy 2 kg of juicy lemons, wipe out, squeeze juice from them, run into ice molds and place in the freezer. So in your freezer will always be lemon juice for cooking drinks, sauces, tea and desserts.

    Before eating an orange or lemon, soda crust. Locate the grateful zest in the bag or glass jar, and put in the freezing chamber. Thanks to these billets, you will always have a ready-made zest for baking and for the preparation of different dishes.

    Squeeze the juice is better from the heated lemon - for this you need to put it in very hot water for 5 minutes. After warming up the juice, it is better and faster.

appendix No. 6.

Lemon etiquette

    a piece of lemon from a common dish is taken with a special two-consuming fork and put on the edge of its plates.

    if lemon filed to fish, meat, then the juice is squeezed out of it with a convex side of the fork.

    if you fell to a tea ceremony, then a piece of lemon should be put in a cup with a spoon, squeeze juice with it, and then remove the piece and put on the saucer.

    lemon, divided into slices, squeeze with two fingers with the right hand - great and index, and then put it on the saucer.

    if you want to eat a lemon slice with sugar, then bend it to in half a big and index fingers of the right hand, and dry up to sugar on your plate and dive with the flesh, but put a crust on the left edge of your plates.

Appendix No. 7.


Citrus kingdom (L. Skrebtsova)

In the old days there was a great citrus kingdom on earth, and the rules of the wise king - the Citrus is great. He had a daughter - beautiful and clever. The citrus kingdom was divided into three large counties: lemonia, orange and mandanium. Young graphic sons were famous for all the kingdom as wonderful hunters and dancers. But when they launched to the princess, she refused to all Troim. "They're beautiful, and their heads are empty: one hunt on the mind and entertainment," she said to parents.

The richest County of the citrus kingdom was Limonia. Thousands of peasants worked on huge lemon floimats. The old Graph was very proud of his lemon trees that Green, bloomed and fruit all year round. On these amazing trees it was possible to simultaneously see the buds, and flowers, and fruits. The air of the county was so impregnated with lemon smell, that even water and earth smelled of lemon in it. Immersed in concerns about his lemon plantations, the old Graph was almost not engaged in raising the son.

In an orange - the second largest County Kingdom County, the air was impregnated with a wondrous orange aroma. The brides from the orange was made to the wedding of fragrant orange flowers. White wreaths - symbols of purity and innocence, and near the house of the newlyweds, an orange tree was installed. In this county, oranges were the main food. The orange zest was added to bread, cottage cheese, milk and even sour cream. The most sophisticated delicacy in the orange was considered jam from orange crusts. The best cooks of the county competed in the preparation of this delicacy. Residents of counties, like residents of neighboring Limony, never hurt anything: bitter, sweet and sour-sweet fruits were driven out of orange all viruses. However, the column of orange is also, alas, the love of an orange case is unable to instill its heir.

Once at the reception at the Tsitrus King Palace, the count of Limony dismissively responded about oranges. The Count of Orange became orange as an orange and, in turn, it was unfairfully responded about lemon. Since then, the counts have not been talked more to each other and issued decrees, prohibiting their inhabitants to eat any other citrus, except for lemons - in lemonia and oranges - in orange.
The smallest county in the citrus kingdom was tangerine. Mandarins grew there everywhere: in the gardens, on the streets and even on the roofs of houses. Their orange lanterns gave the residents of Mandarius a festive mood. Count of Mandarin, although he was proud of his mandarins, did not consider them the best citrus fruits on earth. In his county, in addition to Mandarins, lemons, and oranges, and even other fruits were grown. Therefore, people lived in Mandarin freely than in neighboring counties, and they differed in a friendly temper. All residents of Mandarin adored their good graph, and he was very proud of it. However, he lacked his son's time.

Sometimes, in search of a particular medication, we come to the pharmacy and, finding the necessary drug on the counter, we spend considerable money for its acquisition. Many of the imported novelties most people do not afford at all. Meanwhile, there are no less effective, but cheaper means of the Green Pharmacy, which can be used both for prevention and for the treatment of many diseases. A special place among them is lemon.


Lemon Widely used in medicine with deep antiquity. In those days, the Egyptians used it to neutralize poisoned food and with typhoid epidemics. In Europe, lemon was delivered only to the Middle Ages. Europeans used its fruits for the prevention of plague, malaria, fever, as well as as an antidote during snake bite. The lemon juice of herbalists recommended drinking to reduce blood pressure, removing toxins from the liver, facilitating pain in arthritis, with heart disease and jaundice, urged to use it in food to pregnant women. British sailors took with them to swim lemons for cyground protection. At the end of the XVTI century, the therapeutic properties of lemon were officially recognized, today it is widely used in modern medicine.

Phytotherapy in recent years is becoming increasingly popular. However, it is not necessary to know all the variety of medicinal plants that have traditional medicine. It is enough to use several vegetable drugs, the most versatile and suitable for you. In this case, it is necessary to remember that, despite the seeming safety of phytotherapy, the use of medicinal plants is not indicated, the excess of their dosage can bring more harm than good. Especially carefully practicing the phythematization of women on the eve of pregnancy.

This information is not a reference for practitioners and in no case claims to replace your doctor during illness. Therefore, we strongly advise: before you independently take any physician event, consult with a specialist. This is due to the fact that the recommendations given here cannot always provide the desired result, as they may not be quite suitable for you. This is often found in medical practice. Universal recipes and panacea in such a multifaceted science, as medicine, does not exist. Therefore, our advice will always be better to agree with the doctor. If, when you are consulting with a specialist, you will receive recommendations that do not match, with our, strictly follow the instructions. Assigning treatment, the doctor will take into account your individual qualities, the specifics of a specific situation, the features of the impact of various medical events on your body.

Use this book as a guide for treatment is permissible only in situations where there is no possibility of providing specialized medical care or during the waiting for a doctor. Always remember that there are situations when it is dangerous to engage in self-medication and an urgent consultation of the doctor is required.

We hope that Lemon will become useful to you in the treatment of many diseases and will find proper application in your family. Be healthy!

From the history

The name "Lemon" occurred, presumably, from the Malay word "Lemo"; And in China, this plant is called "Limung", which means "useful for mothers." Lemon culture has ancient roots. The birthplace of these trees are considered, according to Decandol, India and Indochina, where they grow in a wild state in the mountains of Nielshim, at the foot of the Himalayas. From there, Lemon gradually penetrated into Mesopotamia, where acclimatized.

In written sources, Lemon is first mentioned in the XII century, although it was grown in China for another 2200 years before and. e. More than three thousand years ago, people knew about the healing properties of the lemon and used its fruits for the treatment of many diseases. According to legends, Pharaoh Maelen (Mencare) - his pyramid is located next to the greatest pyramids of Huf and Heops - saw a miracle composition of garlic with lemon to maintain body cheerfulness and spirit. This recipe developed by the ancient wise people contributed to strengthening immunity, the normalization of metabolic processes and the creation of energy reserves to preserve the vitality and positive emotions. Thanks to the healing drug, Pharaoh Mixed Rules by Egypt, a total of 63 years and died, a natural death that in those days was a big rarity.

Ancient medicine recommended lemon at vomiting, fever and diarrhea. The stomach was washed with the decoction of his fruits, the peel was used for snake bite. As the prevention of cholera and jaundice in the countries of Malaya Asia and the Middle East, the acidic fruits are added to many dishes.

In ancient Babylon, it was also known this miracle plant. The Jews brought the fruits of lemon in the synagogue on the day of the religious holiday of the Satureness.

Theophrast called Lemon Apple Mussels. At the Romans, this plant appears in the IV century. e., after Palladium delivered it to Italy from the Musseli.

Arabs contributed to the active spread of lemon in Africa, Europe; From the gardens of Oman in Egypt, they brought him to Palestine in the 10th century, and from there in the XIV century the Crusaders delivered him to Italy and Sicily.

A tradition is known, emphasizing the value of lemon among the Arabs and Persians. One noble PERS, the favorite of King Hoshrov, fell into disfavor, went to prison, where he, by order of the Lord, was allowed to choose food to their taste. The prisoner asked to give him a lemon, saying that the fragrance of this fetus would merge his thoughts, the peel and grain is useful to His heart, he finds food in the pulp, and the juice quenches thirst.

Another ancient legend narrates that the Greeks, delighted with the brilliance and aroma of Lemon, wanted him to serve the emblem of their fun on that day when the goddess of the Earth received the news of the wedding of Jupiter with Juno. Since then, lemon began to appear in the marriage ceremonies.

Speaking about the healing properties of lemon, the ancient Roman scientist Pliny claimed that the fruits of this tree was a good antidote. According to Athena, the criminals convicted by Tyran Cleagark on death through snake bites were saved due to the fact that lemons were ate before execution.

In the XI century in China, the patients were prescribed lemons in healing wounds, lung diseases, zingi.

In ancient-grow medicine, lemon was used to treat certain diseases of the internal organon. According to Al Beruni (X-XI century), lemon fruits twin the stomach and strengthen the heart. Eastern Medicine also considered Lemon with a wonderful medicinal tool for the treatment of wounds and pulmonary diseases, as well as antidote in various poisoning. In the XI Pie Avicenna wrote about Lemon as a better medicine in heart disease, recommended to use it in food to pregnant women and jaundice. Muhammad Hussein Sheratie (XVIII century) recommends lemon in the treatment of bronchial asthma, angina, heartbeat, to eliminate the symptoms of hangover and other diseases.

In the Middle Ages, Mateus Silvanius used lemon juice as an anthelmal agent. In the era of the revival, lemon was used as an anticipated agent. The doctor of this era Mizol recommended drinking lemon juice as a safety remedy for poison and plague. Other doctors of this era were considered a diuretic lemon.

According to Linda studies, in 1757, orange and lemon juice were considered the most valuable funds against Qingi. For this reason, the English seamen took with them to swim lemons, and in 1795 there was even a special law on the daily issuance of the crews of the portion of lemon juice (30 g per day). Thanks to the lemon among Russian sailors on the ships "Hope" and "Neva" under the command of Admiral Kruzenshtern in 1803-1806. During the circulation, there was not a single case of zing. There is also evidence that at the end of the XVIII century, lemon juice was used as an antheumatic agent.

The first information on the cultivation of lemon wood in Georgia gardens is the beginning of the XVIII century. Currently, lemon is bred in the subtropical zone of the Caucasus. In 1934, this plant was brought to Tajikistan, where it is grown in half-closed trenches. From one tree removed up to 500 fruits. The world's largest lemon trees plantation - in Italy.

Lemon was brought to Russia more than a hundred years ago from Turkey. In the village of Pavlovo-Oko, near Nizhny Novgorod, Turkish merchants were located and sought the owners with lemon. From lemon bones, residents began to grow lemon trees at home. For the season, 10-15 fruits were filmed from one tree. From this time, the passion for indoor gardening began to spread throughout Russia.