The smallest deer is PUD. Deer Pudi Animal

"Bit Life!", - Mislav Krylov.

Pudi is one of the smallest deer. For the first time, this kind described in 1850 by naturalist John Edward Graya.

The name Pudi is translated as "the people of southern Chile", and since Pudi dwells on the slopes of the Andes, they are also called "Chilean mountain goats".

Spreading pudies

These animals are common in Ecuador, Southern Columbia, Chile, Peru and in the west of Argentina. Previously, PUD was numerous in Western Argentina and Andes Chile, as well as on the islands of the Chilean coast.

But today these animals disappeared from most areas, as people actively pursued them. Pudi live only in the marine areas of Chile and on the island of Chilos.

Exterior Pad

Pudi has minor sizes. In length, they reach 80-93 centimeters, in a height of about 35 centimeters, and the body weight does not exceed 7-11 kilograms.

The physique of Pudi is a squat, head and neck short. In appearance, they do not resemble deer, but more similar to Mazami. The back is deployed by arc. The ears are short, rounded mold covered with thick fur. Northern Pudi does not have tails.

The horns are short, they grow up to 7-10 centimeters, unreasonable. They are practically not visible among the hair of the frontal Khokholka. The wool is thick, the colors of the wool dark gray-brown or dark red-brown with fuzzy blond stains, and reddish belly.

Lifestyle of small deer

Pudi live in thick thickets, in the forests, rising to 4 thousand meters. The diet of their nutrition consists of grass, seeds, leaf of shrubs and fruits. Pudi can live in pairs, family groups or one.

In the afternoon, Pudi is hidden in the impassable thickets of shrubs and only with the onset of nights go out to open places to graze. Most often they feed on the seashore, since there are a lot of algae fuchsis, these algae and make up the basis of the diet PUD. In summer, these deers are very careful, but in winter, when there is not enough food, they are suitable for people of people, where they often become victims of dogs.

Reproduction Pudi

Pregnancy in females lasts 7 months. The female gives birth to one young. Kids appear at the beginning of the summer.

On the back, the kids passes 3 rows of white spots, they stretch from shoulders to the tail. The height of the newborn babies is only 15 cm, but they grow very quickly and after 3 months caught up with parents. Pudi's sexual maturity comes per year.

Views Pudy

In kind, Pudi allocate 2 types:
Northern Pudi live in Northern Peru, Colombia, Ecuador. For the first time these animals noticed in the mountainous locations of Ecuador. The image of their life is completely not studied;
Southern Pudi inhabit in Western Argentina and Chile.

Number of miniature pudies

Both types of PUD are vulnerable, they are in the Red Book. The number of these animals mostly suffered due to the loss of their habitats, as well as excessive hunting.

Southern Pudi is easier to keep in captivity in comparison with the Northern Pudi, but earlier the small population of the Northern Pudi lived in zoos. In 2010, about 100 individuals of southern Pudi lived in American and European zoos. These animals are guarded in different national parks. But, despite the measures to preserve PUD, this genus threatens the danger of disappearance.


Deer spread widely on all continents, except for the Arctic and live in tundra, forests, steppes and forest-steppes. Nothing them is not so simple - the color of the deer reliably hides it from the eye of strangers, and natural caution, acute smelling and vision allow animals to hide in the thickets long before the person approaches. Views of deer differ in color, sizes, form of horns and habitat.

On deer

The family of deer includes three submenses, which consist of 19 genera and 51 species.

Noble deer

The largest representative of the family is a noble deer. The weight of an adult individual can reach 300 kg. He also possesses the most proportional body. Next goes the northern gather, which can weigh up to 200 kg. And the smallest representative - Pudi, in nature is found only in the forests of South America and weigh no more than 10 kg.

Description of deer, regardless of its growth, weight, type and age, can be made up so: an elegant animal with long and slender legs, a long proportional neck and a small head with expressive eyes decorated with branched horns. The young deer of any kind has no rozkin, they start growing only at 7 - 8 months.

White View

White deer is the rare breed and is on the verge of extinction. White deer lives in some areas of Siberia and is not enough for its territory. This is a fairly large animal with developed horns. White color is explained by the presence of a recessive gene transmitted by inheritance. It is white color that plays a crucial role in animal survival - they are well noticeable in the forest, which makes them easy prey. The basis of the diet of the animal is a yagel, as well as the leaves, the bark of trees, branches, grass. White deer in the winter months rolls the lichen, eats the twigs of trees, acorns.

White deer is a wonderful swimmer and can swim a few tens of kilometers a day, nomadic between the islands with fresh greens or hiding from predators.

American view

Beloham deer lives in North America and on the northern part of the South. In the past century, animals were exported to Scandinavia countries, where they not only gothes, but also began to actively multiply. The population of this species has about 10 million individuals.

Animal sizes depend on the habitat: in the north they are larger and massive. Adult white deer weighs no more than 150 kg. Clamps are easier and their weight is barely reaching 100 kg. Beloham deer has two subspecies: Florida Island and Colombian. Florida subspecies does not exceed 60 cm in the withers and weighs only 35 - 40 kg. Colombian subspecies are a little larger, lives in the southern states along the rivers, as well as in the forests with dense shrub. Both subspecies are on the verge of extinction.

Beloham deer has two color: in winter it wears a gray-brown fur, and in the summer brown-red. The top of the body is always darker. Tail below white, top - dark brown. During the running, the tail is highly raised and only the white part is visible.

The males are growing luxurious horns during the year, females - ruffes. Beloham deer prefers to live alone, gathering in small groups only for the period of reproduction. In the period of Gon, the males will be seized with a family of 3-4 females. Pregnancy lasts 7 months and ends at the birth from one to three calves. The calf feeds the mother's milk over the next three months. Fur newborn deer has white round specks. Young deer first and a half - two years of life spends with her mother, and the first few days is hiding in high grass and shrub. The female comes to feed the cub several times a day.

Siberian breeds

Siberian deer or Caribou, as it is called on the American continent, is represented by four breeds:

  • nenets,
  • chukotka
  • evenkaya,
  • even.

Nenets Siberian deer chose the territory behind the Urals. Animal low growth, with dense brown fur. It is distinguished by endurance and rather large for its growth weight - up to 140 kg in males and up to 100 - in females. Locals use these animals for movement - the harness is capable of overcome a day to a lot of tens of kilometers, even on loose and deep snow.

Chukotka Siberian Deer Dark Brown Color. Sharply, capable of quickly gaining weight. In the winter months, it is well tolerating frost and is able to for a long time without food, if the snow layer does not allow you to get to the yagel. It dwells on the plains of tundra with a small snow cover.

Even Siberian deer lives in the mountainous regions of Kamchatka and the Magadan region. Representatives of this breed weigh only 60 - 65 kg and have a light brown color. Today the population has only a few thousand individuals.

Evenkina breed is the first of the domesticated. Siberian deer is easily tamed to the saddle. Animals are diluted to obtain meat, milk, pant.

The smallest view

In the hard-to-reach forests of Chile, Peru and Ecuador lives the smallest deer - PUD. An animal has a short torso, height in the withers is not more than 40 cm, and the maximum weight of the male is 10 kg.

Most often there are individuals with a body weight of 5-7 kg. Pudi prefers to live alone, forming a pair only during the reproduction period. The animals are very careful and muggy, and find them in a natural habitat. Fucking predators, Pudi can even climb into a tilted tree, and in attempts to get the casting of trees - rises on the rear paws.

Pudi is under threat of extinction - tasty meat made this little deer desired prey for predators.

At first glance, Pudi does not look like a deer - big, state and noble. Still would! After all, this animal grows just 80-90 cm long and 30-35 cm at the height. Pad mass fluctuate from 7 to 11 kg.

Today, PUD is very rare deer and listed in the International Red Book. You can meet him, only Postectors Chilos or South Chile, and before this animal could love the inhabitants of Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Peru ...

In the afternoon, Pudi rises in thick thickets of shrub, where he gladly chews, and at night, when it all sits, he goes to the sea coast to be tasty by delicious algae fuccias.

Short ears and neck, almost inconspicuous horns are significantly distinguished by Pudi from his majestic relatives. Due to the small growth of the deer runs much slower than them. Therefore, more often falls into the hands of large predators ... more precisely, in their jaws.

However, this deer has a very interesting feature. Running from the attacker, he can climb on the hollow tree and bark like a dog. Imagine?

Interestingly, it seeks to reach the juicy leaves of trees, it is easily balanced in the hind legs.

Tiny and incredibly cute pudi Known as the smallest representative of the family of deer. Adults grow up to the size of the Focster: only 36-46 cm. In the withers and 6-13 kg. Newborn reindeer weigh less kilograms and are so small that they are able to fit in the palm of your hand.

On the territory where Pudi is found in wildlife, there are two subspecies of these. The North Pudy lives in the forests of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It is he, strictly speaking, is the smallest deer on the planet.

The maximum growth of this cute creature is 35 cm. In height, and the weight is 6 kg., Which is comparable even with, but with a pug. Somewhat larger than his northern fellow, South Pudi lives in Chile and Argentina.

Here it is found both on mountain slopes, at an altitude of up to 2000 m. Over the sea level and the coast. Occasionally appearing on open spaces, most of the time deer is hidden in the wilderness of the local rainforest.

Pudi has a rather dense physique, rounded body and short legs. Eyes and ears compared to the sizes of the body are small, and the tail is almost not visible.

From the eight-monthly age, the young males begin to grow horns, which for the seven age reach their maximum length of 5-10 cm. They have a straight line shape and, as they are taken from other deer, they are reset and grow reset annually.

Pudi wear a modest patronage color: their rude wool has a gray-brown color, well hiding from predators. At the same time, the lower part of the head, the outer part of the ears and the stomach and they are slightly reddish. Spins of deer covered with white spots, which gradually disappear at the age of 3-5 months.

Lifestyle deer Pudi

Deer Pudi - Very cautious and hidden animals, about the life and habits of which are not so much clarified. Most of the information about them and stock Foto Deer Pudi People get from zoos, where they are contained.

In the wild, observation is difficult, because their favorite habitats are thick undergrowth and bamboo overgrown. More often, they move slowly and neatly, often stopping and thoroughly sniffing to smells.

Dwarc Deer Pudi Most active in the morning, late afternoon and in the evening. He prefers to live alone or couples, gathering in the amount of more than two only at the time of the marriage period. During the rest of the year, each of its small territory holds PUD.

Its area is 40-60 acres. Pudi declares her presence of relatives, leaving near the paths and places of recreation a bunch of litter. In addition, like other deer, he has special glands, with the help of the schuch secret secret, he marks his possessions. These glands are located on the head, so Pudi is running his forehead about the trunks of bushes and trees, spreading their smell.

The smallest deer pud - Practically defenseless creature. His hunt, and wild South American cats. With the spread of human civilization, dogs are becoming increasingly threat.

Unfortunately, local farmers release their four-legged watchmen to walk freely through the forests, where they cannot confront the temptation to enjoy light prey. When PUD feels anxiety and fear, he publishes the sounds, which, however, cannot produce a special impression on a predator.

Therefore, in the case of danger, the animal is trying to catch up in a thick thickener, moving with sharp zigzags. Small growth and short legs allow it to be easy to maneuver and penetrate the most hard-to-reach forest places. If necessary, PUD can even climb into a sloping trunk of a tree, which is an impressive indicator of dexterity for an empty animal.


Pudi - vegetable animals that feed on branches and bark, juicy grass and fresh leaves, fetus and seeds. On this menu, they can do without drinking water for a long time, by satisfying moisture entering the body with food.

Unfortunately, their small growth often becomes an obstacle that does not allow to get to the branches of the trees. Therefore, Pudi goes to tricks: getting food, standing on the hind legs, their own weight is flexing with young shoots, and sometimes use them as a "stand" to get to higher forest tiers.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Female Pudi becomes capable of reproduction already at a semi-annual age. Although males reach sexual maturity at about the same time, they often remain without a friend before the two-year-old age, until they become large and strong to compete successfully for females.

On the autumn, the deer is looking for a couple, and the only cub appears in the spring, after 202-223 days of pregnancy (this time comes from November-January in the southern hemisphere). At birth, the cub weighs a few hundred grams.

In the first days after the appearance of a tiny deer is hiding in a secluded place, and the mother itself visits him to feed it from time to time. A few weeks later, the baby becomes enough adults and agile to follow the parent. It reaches the size of an adult individual in three months, but sometimes it can stay next to his mother for a whole year.

In the wild, Pudi can live up to 12 years old, and in the zoo - even more. Today, the record is considered to be the age of 15 and nine months. But, unfortunately, due to predators, dwarf deer usually live much less.

Both subspecies put in the category "under threat of disappearance" in the Red Book. Their natural habitat is reduced due to overpopulation, agriculture, cutting of forests, hunting and other types of human activity.

In addition, for the beauty of which possess deer ponda, price It turned out to be too large. Fascinated by the touching and exotic appearance of this animal, wealthy people are trying buy deer pudd As a decorative pet, the poachers earn without a branch of conscience.

Therefore, the future of this extinct species in wildlife remains uncertain. Although there are already known cases of successful breeding PUD in zoos, there is still no talk about to produce them to the will. And while the situation is similarly similar way, the deer Pudi is not destined to become pets.

Deer always consider beautiful, noble animals. But there are some special types among them. Deer Pudi is the most tiny deer in the world. This is a miniature, elegant animal in the photo resembles a fabulous creature: it is so cute and unusual. Where dwells and how does PUD feed?

What the animal looks like

Those who are first seen in the photo or video, do not immediately guess that this is a deer. After all, they are always associated with us with majestic, graceful and fairly large animals. Deer Pudi - the full opposite of his fellow. He is very small, not capable of moving quickly.

Main characteristics:

  1. Height in the withers - no more than 35 cm.
  2. Weighs in the range of 10-12 kg.
  3. The length of the body is 90 cm.
  4. It is not capable of running quickly.
  5. It does not have characteristic white spots on the torso.
  6. Instead of luxurious branching horns, only 10-centimeter horns are visible.
  7. The physique is massive, squat.

Do not add deer elegance and its short legs, a wide neck. From deer horns, only the name remains. Short horns are almost invisible because they are hiding a thick fur on his forehead. By the way, the color is rarely spotted. Most often it is an animal of brown, dark gray, redhead. But the fur is very high-quality, thick.

Species diversity

In nature there are 2 types. This is the North and South Deer Pad. The first today remain a mystery for scientists. They are little studied, very hidden and live in the hard-to-reach mountainous territories of Ecuador, Colombia. South deer found his refuge in Chile and in some parts of Argentina. It is only a small detail to distinguish these varieties of animals: the south has a tail, and the north is neatless.

Attention! These unusual animals on the verge of extinction. They are under the protection of countries in which they live. An animal becomes very bad in captivity, so this deer is extremely rarely contained in zoos.

Both species are entered into international. Despite the prohibitions, the local population continues to hunt for an animal in order to obtain valuable fur or profitable illegal sale by private breeders.

Habits and nutritional nutrition

This is a very frightening animal. It can only be found in the dense forests of mountain areas. A typical habitat is height from 3000 m. In the bright period of the day, the deer is hiding in the thickets of shrubs, high herbs, raw rages and small caves. And at night it turns out to eat.

What is food?

  1. Green foliage.
  2. Herbal cover.
  3. Seeds of trees.
  4. Bark of trees.
  5. Favorite delicacy - Fusal algae.

Attention! If Pudi is threatened with danger, it can issue sounds that are reminded by barking dogs. Especially often their mother protecting the young.

This deer rarely can be found alone, but they do not like life in groups. Pudi prefer to exist with married couples. The amazing deer lives very long - 10-12 years old. In captivity, this indicator is reduced to 8-9 years.

As breeding

Poland occurs already in the first year of life. The female pregnancy lasts long enough - 7 months. Pad is always born only 1 young. It is also the cause of the rapid reduction in their number. The marriage occurs in the middle of spring and can last until the end of June.

By the way, small puts look very beautiful. They are completely miniature - no higher than 15 cm. Its habits are very much reminiscent of puppies, also capable of barking. Olennok always has a few rows of beautiful white spots on the back. The kid grows quickly. Already at the age of 3 months, the repensers are not inferior to parents. At the age of 10-12 months, the kid is separated from Mom and Pope, goes in search of his pair.

Unfortunately, due to the rapid cutting of equatorial forests, laying modern highways the number of these amazing animals is reduced annually.

Pad: video