Bad animals. The most smelly animals in the world

Although the skunks are considered the most stinking animals in the world, there are other no less smelly individuals from which it is better to stay away. Experts note that animals often produce aromas to warn other animals that they enter the territory or protect themselves from attacks. 7 The most stinking animals are placed in descending order.

1. Striped ferret - Zorilla
Striped ferret - Mustelidae family (caress), he is very similar to Skuns. They can be found in Savannah and an open area in Africa in the Sahara desert area. It protects itself from the predators of the emit dirty, stinky liquid. Once I watched a picture like Zorilla attacked and kept nine Lviv in fear, who wanted to eat it. I think the lions regretted that they decided to attack him!

2. Tasmanian Devil
The Tasmanian Devil has a black fur, a sharp fragrance, publishes a loud screech, as well as acute smelling and ferocity. Who faced him in the wild, will not forget about his stench. This strong smell along with other cries and gave rise to such a sinister name. If you meet his devil in the wild, do not fit and do not try to stroke !!!

3. Skuns.
Skunsy - mammals, known primarily by their strongly smelling liquid, which he is spoiled in case of protection. They jump out liquid containing sulfur and chemicals, such as methyl and butyl, which has a very peculiar smell, similar to a mixture of flavored eggs, garlic, and magnificent rubber. The flavor of the liquid is strong enough, and can fight bears and other attackers of predators. This smell is difficult to succeed with clothes.

4. Beetle smelly
The stuffy beetle produces a stinky substance in the chest. I think this beetle has many families, so we will not go into the details of his fragrance! And we turn to the next more curious animal.

5. Ovenbike
Oveziby - the Arctic mammal of the Bovidae family, known for its thick fur and a strong smell. This fragrance produces individuals of male, to attract ladies), first of all, they live in Arctic North America and Greenland, as well as a small amount inhabit in Sweden, Siberia and Norway. When the sheep metrates its territory with its stinky urine, part of the fluid falls on its dense wool, which contributes to the development of terrible odor.

6. Romolosha
Wolverine is a chorean and muscular carnivorous animal similar to a little bear. Wolverine is distinguished as a ferocious and very strong animal, which is capable of killingponent, many times larger than its size. Just like the oxheb, this animal has smelly selection in the form of urine, which it marks the territory and attracts the ladies!

7. Beetle Bombardir
This beetle produces a smelly liquid that is accompanied by a supributing sound, so it is protected. Beetle Scorer produces two chemical reagent compounds, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, reagents are exposed to a strong exothermic chemical reaction, lifting the temperature to the proximity to boiling.

I want a kitty, I want a dog, a mouse, a bird, a fish ... With five years old, the children begin to sprink on the animal on the care, and we usually don't care what - well, even thigh bald! And to care, understandable, for pets parents.

How to satisfy the need of a child in taking care of our smaller brothers and at the same time not to get yourself a headache for 10 years? We found out which pets would not give any problems to parents, but please the kids.

1. Guinea pig

This cute face is a rather intelligent animal that behaves calmly, but does not resemble a teddy toy. In addition, the guinea pig is really capable of tied to a person.


  • for the pig you need only a spacious cell - it is its main habitat. Occasionally an animal can be released to run around the apartment under the supervision to raise the paws;
  • eating a pig grass, simple vegetables and fruits, as well as special food from a pet store, which is not very expensive, which makes the pig content is unparalleled;
  • guinea pigs are not capable of aggression, so do not fear that the animal will bite or scratches the child;
  • pig - Animal manual, you can safely squeeze it and stroke, the pet gets used to the hands and gives himself to stroke. Watch only that the child does not overdo it and did not paint the pig;
  • guinea pig - Animal with intelligence, you can teach it simple teams and she willingly respond to his nickname. The more you communicate with the pet, the more "manual" will be your pig.


  • the century of the guinea pig is in a long time - only 3-6 years, by this time you need to be ready to part with the animals;
  • if your child allergic or immunity is weakened, it is better to choose another pet - guinea pigs, especially long-haired are considered rather allergenic animals;
  • if you do not care too much for the pet, it may unpleasantly smell. But if you change the filler in the cage in time, clean it and periodically bathe a pigtail with a lot of petrogen - there will be no problems with the smell;
  • the little pig is pretty cowardly to get used to you, she needs time, so do not demand from the animal immediately too much - let the animal beyond the animal.

2. Turtle

There are land, and there are water - for aquarium. And in the other case, the turtle is easy to care - it does not require any special time nor investments. This leisurely amphibian will not deliver any trouble and worries.


  • the turtle lives for a long time if emergencies will not happen, the animal will live with you about 30 years old - the baby will have time to grow and start their babies;
  • one of the most slow animals - it will not come to chasing her around the apartment, playing in catch-up;
  • in the turtles there are no wool that will remain on the furniture, it does not publish sounds - therefore you will not bother you in any way;
  • water turtle is a rather meditative creature. It is so nice to observe how she is leisurely splashing in the water, gets out of the sushi island and substitutes the face of warmth;
  • the required minimum (and the maximum) is an aquarium for the water turtle and a box of plexiglas for land;
  • pet food is also simple - greens, vegetables and grass.


  • not every child will be interested in this unshakable calm and slow creature, there is a chance that the baby's turtle will disappoint;
  • to squeeze and hug a bug will not work, yet the shell is not a fluffy caller.

3. Parrotchik

The most cheerful and bright pets. If you want him to be friends with you - buy one parrot if you want less communication - buy two, then they will greatly exist together.


  • the parrots themselves are inexpensive (of course, if you do not choose exotic breeds), as well as their feed and cage. Therefore, it turns out that the content of these bright birds does not require the content of these bright birds;
  • parrots love to play, so periodically you can delight them with all sorts of ladies and sirrles from the pet store;
  • the child will be interested in talking to the bird, watch it repeats the funny sounds, tweethes, sits on the finger, moves on the shoulder - it is very funny;
  • parrots live 10-15 years old, it is considered perfect for a little baby. When the time comes to part with the pet, the baby will already turn into a teenager and will not be acute perceived parting.


  • parrots are very noisy. There will always be sound in your house. If there is a baby in the house, it is better to abandon the birds;
  • it is necessary to clean the cell regularly, change the water, wipe the toys, change feed;
  • at least the parrots are small, but around their cells will definitely be constantly flying through feathers and husks from feed;
  • if you release a parrot to fly around the apartment, make sure that it does not bark root books, corners of furniture and other "comfortable" for the beak objects.

4. Chinchilla

An incredibly cute and beautiful creature, and her plush coat and will conquer you at all! The pet quietly lives alone and is content with a person. Chinchillas are usually distinguished by a calm and more accurate character.


  • an interesting feature of chinchilla - she has practically no greasy and sweat glands, so the little girl always smells very tasty;
  • chinchilla is smart if you teach it to go to the toilet in one place, it will also be clean in her house;
  • even a preschooler can clean and clean the cage behind the pet - in her house is always dry, it does not produce special dirt;
  • chinchilla Miroobiva and she has no claws. If you do it hurt, it can slightly "bite off", but exclusively as a warning;
  • chinchilla has strong health - they rarely sick and live for 16-20 years;
  • you can train a pet with easy teams and elementary training skills.


  • schinshill life schedule - night. She wakes up after dinner, hours in 17-18, and most active at midnight, just when we are already sweet. Active chinchilla nibbles a house, bruising and stems, loudly chasing during meals and runs around the cage. Therefore, it is necessary to put her cage at night in such a place where you will not hear it at night;
  • very rare, but people can have an allergy to feed for chinchilla, not at her;
  • chinchilla itself is not cheap, it is still a pretty exotic animal;
  • pet need to occasionally take sandbaths for a full life. When Chinchilla bathes in the sand, he flies in all directions, and you will then clean it all. In addition, the sand itself (purified) is not cheap;
  • it is not all chinchilla to waste and stroke, as a rule, they are rather seedy and do not like to sit on their hands.

5. Hamyak

Who first comes to mind when we pose a small pet for a child? Of course, hamster! Hamsters are unpretentious, cheap, do not require special care and investments. In addition, the whole life of the rodent passes within the cell, which means that the child can be charged about it.

March 12th, 2017

Some animals smell badly for a number of reasons. For some bad smell, this is a mechanism of self-defense: feeling a threat, they produce a poisonous spray that scare away any predator. Others use their smell to mark the territory or protect food from encroachment. Below we will tell about the most powerful representatives of the animal world.


Because of his slowness, skunks do not even try to run away from the predators attackers. Instead, they rely on their repulsive protective flavor. They distinguish the liquid, which is a mixture of sulfur chemicals.

At the same time, the spraying occurs with such force, which reaches a predator at a distance of three meters, and the smell itself can be killed at a distance of one and a half kilometers.

Despite the power of splashes, the skings do not like to use their defense often, because at times they can reproduce only 5-8 splashes, while the week can leave for reserves.

Animals with an unpleasant smell

Beetle - scomer

These beetles are known for their protective mechanism from which they received their name. When someone is disturbed, they produce their harmful chemical spray. Two separate chemicals, hydroquins and hydrogen peroxide are stored in the beetle body.

Whenever the beetle feels that the chemical elements are mixed with special enzymes and the reaction begins, the heat wave is rolled through its body, as the mixture is heated to 100 degrees Celsius.

As a result, gas is formed, with which the beetle can actuate the mechanism. The beetle can spray spray for a distance four times the length of his body, and the damage caused to them may be fatal for some insects and similar creatures, and painful for human skin.


Wolverine is the shy creatures of the Lasch family, whom a person sees rarely. As with most of the species of this family, they have glands that allocate the liquid they are used to mark their territory.

The smell is very unpleasant, so the animal received the nickname "Bear Skuns" and "Nasty Cat." Wolverine also leave their smell on food, bury it to eat it later. Not only the smell helps them find her, so he also scares other starving.

Brown marble bug-shirt

Initially lived in China, Japan and Taiwan, today he lives everywhere. The bug received his name because of the unpleasant smell, which he highlights his belly at the time of the threat.

Some varieties of CLUP can spray their protection even for a distance of several centimeters.


These dense horned mammals, inhabiting the Arctic, produce an unpleasant smell of their urine. The smell is only in males, and they use it during the marriage season to designate their territory.

When marking, a lot of urine remains on the wool in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belly, which gives them a special "fragrance."

The most bad smelling animals

Tasmanian devil

Today in the wild, they can be found exclusively in the Australian Island State of Tasmania. When these creatures are in a state of stress, they allocate their "beautiful" smell.

Thus, they protect their environment. When animals are calm and relaxed, they do not smell at all.

Small musical

This creation is considered one of the most bad smelling creatures in the animal world. Their caustic smell is about 4-7 times stronger than the skunk.

The smell of a small amusted can be felt at a distance of 50 meters!

Striped chore

This scan-like member of the Lask family uses his protective spray to protect against any potential predator. Some sources say that the smell of secretion can spread at a distance to a half-kilometer.


Goacin is a tropical bird living in the Amazon River area and in the Orinoco Delta in South America. The bird received its name due to an unusually functioning digestive system. This is the only bird in the world that feeds solely with leaves.

Using bacterial fermentation in the front of the intestine to destroy the vegetable material, as well as due to aromatic compounds in the leaves they eat in combination with the fermentation process, the bird produces a very unpleasant way of manure.


When the multicast feels that it is in danger, it turns into a spiral, highlighting a disgusting smelling fluid that scares many animals hunting on them.

One type of multicotion even highlights hydrogen cyanide - a very poisonous connection. The poison of one multicast is enough to kill the mouse. And if it will take 100 individuals at the same time, then a person may die.

Different animals are protected by differently in the wild, and here is an example of one of the protection - the allocation of an unpleasant smell. So, in this article you are waiting for 7 most stinking animals, interesting?! Then read on!)

Although the skunks are considered the most stinking animals in the world, there are other no less smelly individuals from which it is better to stay away. Experts note that animals often produce aromas to warn other animals that they enter the territory or protect themselves from attacks. 7 The most stinking animals are placed in descending order

1. Striped ferret - Zorilla

Striped ferret - Mustelidae family (caress), he is very similar to Skuns. They can be found in Savannah and an open area in Africa in the Sahara desert area. It protects itself from the predators of the emit dirty, stinky liquid. Once I watched a picture like Zorilla attacked and kept nine Lviv in fear, who wanted to eat it. I think the lions regretted that they decided to attack him!

2. Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian Devil has a black fur, a sharp fragrance, publishes a loud screech, as well as acute smelling and ferocity. Who faced him in the wild, will not forget about his stench. This strong smell along with other cries and gave rise to such a sinister name. If you meet his devil in the wild, do not fit and do not try to stroke !!!

Skunsy - mammals, known primarily by their strongly smelling liquid, which he is spoiled in case of protection. They jump out liquid containing sulfur and chemicals, such as methyl and butyl, which has a very peculiar smell, similar to a mixture of flavored eggs, garlic, and magnificent rubber. The flavor of the liquid is strong enough, and can fight bears and other attackers of predators. This smell is difficult to succeed with clothes.

4. Beetle smelly

The stuffy beetle produces a stinky substance in the chest. I think this beetle has many families, so we will not go into the details of his fragrance! And we turn to the next more curious animal.

5. Ovenbike

Oveziby - the Arctic mammal of the Bovidae family, known for its thick fur and a strong smell. This fragrance produces individuals of male, to attract ladies), first of all, they live in Arctic North America and Greenland, as well as a small amount inhabit in Sweden, Siberia and Norway. When the sheep metrates its territory with its stinky urine, part of the fluid falls on its dense wool, which contributes to the development of terrible odor

6. Romolosha

Wolverine is a chorean and muscular carnivorous animal similar to a little bear. Wolverine is distinguished as a ferocious and very strong animal, which is capable of killingponent, many times larger than its size. Just like the oxheb, this animal has smelly selection in the form of urine, which it marks the territory and attracts the ladies!

7. Beetle Bombardir

This beetle produces a smelly liquid that is accompanied by a supributing sound, so it is protected. The bombarder beetle produces two chemical compounds of reagent, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, reagents are exposed to a strong exothermic chemical reaction, lifting the temperature to the proximity to boiling

The world around the world is full of dangers and anxiety. People adapted to the environment and survival rules in the world. But how to be an animal? What to make beings on which the hunt season is constantly open?

The animal world is so diverse that sometimes surprised by the specific features of protection.

There are groups of animals that protect against the opposite smell, thereby forcing the enemy to lose the mining trail.

People often talk about skunk abilities spoil the air. But what if it is only a small part of the whole truth? What if in the world there are animals that are stinking much confinement and more specific?

Zorilla is one of the most stinking mammals in the world.

We will tell you about those representatives of the earth fauna, whose smells are terrible than the most powerful weapons. Who are these owners of "deadly aromas"?

The first view that we will consider belongs to the family of affection. Their representatives are very similar to the skunks. This zorilla (African ferret), known as striped ferret.

African ferret is a sugar resident.

These cute stinks in Sahara are inhabited. There is an interesting case when 9 tigers hit Zorilla. From fright or for protection, Zorilla released a dirty, stinky liquid, thereby screking hungry predators.

It is not surprising that the next nominee called. Those who once met him in nature, remember this moment with horror and disgust. After all, the Tasmansky Devil is distinguished by its sharp aroma, black fur, loud squeal, ferocity.

Cute with the sight of the animal, in fact - a dangerous animal, capable of killing and the smell of killing!

Scientists do not advise to approach such animals, it is better to go around the party and get the desire to stroke. Yes, and you can hardly like his fragrance, whose aroma will have to shut the nose for a long time!

Tasmansky, differently - the Tasmanian Devil: a little evil animal.

In the event of protection, these animals spoil a strongly smelling liquid. As already guessed, these are skunks. The problem of man is that when liquid gets into things, it is impossible to wash it out!

Skuns - the famous stinky worldwide.

The liquid includes sulfur and chemicals that have the smell comparable simultaneously with rotten eggs, garlic and burned rubber.

Did you imagine this "miracle fragrance"? Then we go further and get acquainted with the following owner of special protection.

The stinky knop is the representative of the "catsts of fading" among insects.

Cartocoris PurpureIpennis (Carpocoris Purpureennis) ranks fourth in the ranking of smelly animals. All knows the smell of the beetle, which will be copied in his chest.

Surely each of us in summer, breaking with the bush of raspberry fresh berries from the bush, more than once spoiled them because of the opposite collapse and smell ... Yes, yes, this is the work of the very coil-stink, which is everywhere leaves his "fragrant" trace.

Ovesebik - "flavoring" of the north.

Go to the Arctic mammal called Ovsebik. These animals are famous for their thick fur and a specific smell. Such individuals in Greenland and North America can also be found in Siberia, Sweden and Norway. The presence of smell primarily needs male features, since, having highlighting the urine, they will make the territory.

Everything would be nothing if she did not get into the abundant animal fur, which is spreading aroma throughout the area.

Wolverine is another very smelly mammal.

This animal is compared with a small bear. And this is not strange, because 6 place is taken by a carnivorous animal. Scientists emphasize the muscularness and strength of this animal. After all, in the struggle of Wolosah, surpasses anyone, even one who is more than several times.