A good shepherd and reliable friend is a devotee, but the stroke boseron. Harlequin hound harlequin

And Rellekin is a poodle of white-black color. Oranges of this breed are representatives of decorative dogs that have a long-standing, amazing story. An animal has an attractive appearance and an incredible mind.


Representatives of the described breed are: smart, smart, inquisitive, have the highest intelligence, perfectly leaving for training, perform a variety of tricks.

Often Royal Poodle Harlequin meets at a variety of competitions, on the views in circus. These dogs have extravagant and luxurious appearance, cheerful character, huge energy.

Harlequin's Padders are proud dogs, have exquisite behavioral manners. It was this breed that was chosen as domestic pets kings, writers, cultural figures. So far there are disputes about what kind of country there was a breed of a poodle. It is believed that the Poodle is a French breed, where it was actively used for hunting. There are also statements that the roots of this breed go to Europe, more precisely to Germany.


The individuals of the described breed have a good-natured and affectionate character, balanced temperament. They are very tied to the owner, devotionally belong to each member of his family. These dogs adore children and can participate in a variety of mobile entertainment for a long time.

These animals are very proud, they need increased attention, they can not stay alone for a long time. The aggression of the representatives of the breed is completely absent, they are perfectly leaving for other animals.

They are characterized by playfulness, for this reason, long walks are needed. Also, they like to fool, love to be in the company, always wish to be in the center of attention. From nature, the dogs have a well-developed hunting instinct. Poodle is a thinker, he exactly feels the mood of the owner.

When taking into account the nature of the animal, it can be noted that the dog of this breed has a sense of humor, perfectly developed intuition. These pets act as magnificent companions for those people who have an active life position, as well as a faithful friend for lonely people. Animals are trying to deliver the owner at least problems, give amazing moments and exclusively positive.

The Poodle of Harlequin is a sociable dog, does not tolerate long loneliness, for this reason it is not necessary to leave a dog for a long time. A bored pet becomes a little avenger, trying by any ways to attract special attention to himself. Long parting with the owner can act as the cause of psychological injuries. Animal to strangers treat strangers, but does not show any aggressive signs.

Speed \u200b\u200bspecificity

Care of representatives of the described breed is to carry out a number of preventive and hygienic procedures, the preparation of a special diet, upbringing, training. Special care is needed a wool, which should be performed periodically. IMPORTANT EMPLOYE DAY Combusted a dog when using Pojojda during the replacement of children's wool on adult. To care for the fur, you need to use a massage brush, a special comb, gunpowder, spray, shampoo and other means.

So that the animal had an attractive and well-groomed appearance, it should be combed at least 4 times a week. During the shift of the fur - every day. To carry out this event, the dog should be accepted from the first months. In the process of combing wool it is worth using special air conditioning.

Harlequin's dog loves water, for this reason, swimming with pleasure. However, it is necessary to understand that you can bathe a pet with a means, a maximum of 4 times a month. Under the shower, you can wash the animal once every 3 days. After the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the pet, dry the fur with a hair dryer. When carrying out drying, it is necessary to comb carefully combing wool in different directions.

It should be noted that the poodle refers to rocks, which, from time to time, must be coated with wool. The dog's wool does not have a specific smell, and when implementing proper systematic care, it will look amazing.

In mandatory it is necessary to buy a special ammunition, bowls for food and water, a variety of toys, so that the animal is not beginning to bored, staying alone. Also, a pet should be comfortable.

The dogs of the harlequin breed may be subjected to the ailments of ears and teeth, for this reason it is necessary to regularly perform their inspection. 1 time in 2 weeks it is necessary to clean the oars from the accumulated sulfur and dirt. It is better in the process of cleaning to enjoy a special powder that facilitates discomfort.

It is also worth teaching the animal to clean the teeth when using the brush. You should also not forget to follow the nose and eyes. At the end of the hygienic events, it should always be encouraged and praised the animal.


The poodle harlequin is quite whimsical to food, but each owner should remember that the diet of the pet must be necessarily balanced. You can contain such dogs on natural food or on already ready-made sterns of the highest class.

As the basis of the natural diet, they are: low-fat meat and offal. In mandatory, it is necessary to contribute to the operation of fermented dairy products, fats of plant origin, vegetables and greens. Food should be given to an animal warmed. No need to throw the animal, you can give delicacy between feeding.

In no case can not give the dogs of this breed sweet, smoked, fish in the raw form, very salted dishes, bones, etc. However, you can treat a shaggy friend with a rye loaf, some kind of fruit, a pair of pieces of cheese.

In one meal, dogs should not be combined dairy products and meat. In the diet, there must be special additives of vitamins and mineral elements. And always in the animal there should be a bowl with clean water.

On the time of the appearance of first pets, we know very little, there are practically no confirmed information about them. Neither the gods, nor the chronicles on the period of life of humanity, when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that in the Stone Age of the ancient people had domesticated living creatures, the ancestors of today's pets. The time when a person got modern pets science remains not known, as well as an unknown formation of today's domestic animals as a view.

Scientists suggest that every pet has its own wild progenitor. The proof of this is the archaeological excavations produced on the ruins of the ancient settlements of people. When excavations, bones belonging to the pets of the ancient world were found. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of the life of mankind, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are types of pets that are not found at all in the wild.

Many today's wild animals are the wild animals by human fault. For example, we take America or Australia as a vivid proof of this theory. Almost all pets, these continents were brought from Europe. These animals found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this can serve a hare or rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that on this continent there are no natural predators dangerous for this species, they have multiplied in huge quantities and wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, it can be said with confidence that more than half of the wild domesticated animals are ex-pets. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that asst that, the question of the origin of pets should be considered open. As for our pets. That first confirmations in the chronicles and giving the dog and the cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and the dogs were actively used in the ancient era of humanity. There is a lot of evidence. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the cross campaign, but firmly and quickly took a niche of a domestic pet and a hunter on mice. Before them, the Europeans used different animals to catch mice, such as a caress or gene.

Pets are divided into two non-equivalent species.

First view of pets - agricultural animals that bring direct benefits to man. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, as well as used by us. But they do not live with a man directly in the same room.

The second view is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our homes or apartments. They clarify our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless with a practical purpose in the modern world, these are for example hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of one species may not rarely refer to both species, both to agricultural animals and to domestic pets. A vivid example of this, rabbits and ferrets keep them at home as pets, but also bred to obtain meat and fur. Also, some of the waste of domestic pets can be used, for example, wool cats and dogs for mating different items or as a heater. For example, a belt of dog wool.

Many doctors note positive effects of domestic lovers on human health and human well-being. We may notice that many families who hold at home some animals note that these animals create comfort, soothe, relieve stress.

This encyclopedia is created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our Encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and care for him.

If you have an interesting observation of your pet's behavior or there is a desire to share information, about some kind of domestic animal. Either you have a nursery, a veterinary clinic, or a hotel for animals, email us to add this information to the base on our website.


"Harlequins call the hounds of dogs, in which when marble and certainly light gray or marble-peg, wool are still on the eyes of white spots, as a result of which one or both eyes are made by the motley or eyes completely (also one or both) are completely white; therefore Harlequin can never determine the color of their eyes, as the rainbow shell is covered, all or in places, as if luminous (bluish-white spots).

The breed of these hounds, according to the assurances of old hunters, appeared in us in Russia since the Persian campaign *. The harlequins were always quite good faunies for any beast. At the same time, the harlequin hounds were dogs very angry, hollow and quite attainable to the beast, but they never were dogs very paraty, despite all their boring.

* (... since the Persian campaign ... - This refers to the Russian-Iranian war of 1826-1828.)

In general, this breed of racing dogs, as a rarity, the color of their wool was kept in some pins hunters in Russia very long, approximately forties, and then she had already started to go out ... The reason that the harlequins were not kept in the same quantity (since The former time of the harlequin was quite a lot) until now, I suppose, was that in the breed of these hounds, except for the original suit, there was nothing special ... "*

* (Gubin. "Full Guide to Pins Hunting". M., 1890, III, 49.)

Is this the definition of the original breed (?) Russian hounds made by Rubin, in general, it is true, but it should be noted that it appeared in Russia earlier than the Persian campaign, since the "Arlikans" mentions Levshin in his "book for hunters" *, and that Purebred Arlikans existed until the sixties. Kishensky says that "it is known ... from an ouste legend and stories that for the first time Arlekins appeared in the south-western corner of Russia, that is, in Malorosseess, and from there they spread in Central Russia, but when this happened, even approximately unknown, and all legends This is stubbornly silent. It is known, however, what did Stey Harlequin meet in Russian pins hunting at the end of the past (?) and the beginning of the present century, when the Middle-Russian Pins Hunters were in great fashion, but nevertheless, purebred harlequins have always been uncommon " **.

* (Levshin writes: "Arlikhans are called dogs that have a dark, the other serum or whitish, and when they are wool on white or gray with marble, blackniens" ("Book for Hunters", I, 18, Note). As you can see, Levshin Arlikan called any dogs that had these signs.)

** ("Experience of genealogy dogs.")

But before making the assumption about the origin of the harlequins and proceed to evaluate them as a breed, we give a detailed and, it is necessary to believe, the right description of these hounds given by Rubin.

"By sight Harlequins of medium height, very dry, sublitters, ribers and high-profile, but generally thin bone and at the same time, having a thin fluffy wool on the bottom side of the gone (as if down like a ledge), seemed to appear unusually brunette. In addition, the appearance of them was always serious and porone, although in fact they were dogs very afford, binding and in a chance loyal.

Head Narrow, short and very dry.

Flair Smooth, short, slightly rumped at the end and quite developed.

Eyes The average size is most likely small than great, and more precisely the motley, with bluish-white spots, or on white; And besides, often different, i.e., for example, one eye is a motley, and the other white or one eye is less motley, and the other more; And finally, it happens: one eye is big, and another small or one eye with black eyelids, and the other is planted, like some greyhounds with progressive eyes.

Ears Very subtle, small (not more than the ear of the renoval Russian hounds), as narrowed at the ends, but since they are set very low, they seem longer ears and, as it were, a little wrapped in the tube, but I repeat, very little wrapped. In the excited state of the harlequin turn the ears (fasten) on cartilage to the front (as a setter on the rack).

Ribs Very low, below the buttercups and booming.

Back Straight, short and without any factory, rather, as if a slightly saved; back and chest of medium width; urine is weak; The ports are full, well developed, and the whole body is generally strong, elastic.

Legs dry, durable, with the right, round, lump, paws; the right of the legs is correct; rear profits never happen; In general, the harlequins on the legs are high, but are not coaches, very submissions and should stand on curles.

GO The straight, cool sick-shaped, not long, like Gon's Kostroma hounds, with that only the difference that the harlequins wear gon is still steeper than Kostroma.

Wool very short, like Pointers, but only gross; Moreover, it is very evenly distributed throughout the body of the dog, with the exception of the head, ears and legs, on which the wool is still shorter and satin-smooth, and with the exception of wool on the gums and on the bottom side of the gone, where the thin fluffy wool, extending in the middle of the ghon to the top length, refers to how to take a greyhound or pen from the English setter; But, I repeat, as it may be, since in fact, the fluffy wool on the gona and at the Gachas does not at all, neither the ledge, neither the restroom of the pinsing of greyhound dogs. With the excited state, the harlequin is lifted and bristingly wool in full width of the back and neck so that when Harlequin is treated, you can see the dog's body through the wool.

Color The harlequin wool is always marble or marble.

Note. The purebred hounds of the harlequin must be combined "marble color of wool and white spots on the eyeballs." Otherwise, it will not be real harlequins, and dogs are messengers, especially since the marble hounds of dogs (without spots in their eyes) can very often meet in other rocks of the dogs of dogs, and in particular the gray-pitches.

Height middle.

Character Speed, serious, stubborn and porone; The beast is very angry and attained in a champion, while having a big tendency to drive even on cows and pigs, and we will reassure the harlequin from this, it is a considerable work for dosing, but always possible, provided that the hounds have not yet been settled with home cattle meat.

Polaz Purdy, but only from the science, and then, as soon as the hound becomes pursuing, goes hot and willingly, on races, lower search. When pumps, it leads to all legs and right. In vain nothing gives, but on the contrary, some love to led even with a satellite (i.e. to reass, intercept the beast).

Parathy Middle feet.

Malice To any beast, Arlequin is dead: neither a hare, no foxes cannot be repeated even from one dog; In the wolf, the arquin sticks positively as leeches. "

N. P. Kishensky describes the harlequins very superficially and somewhat different than Gubin. "Dogs of medium height, with a small head and stupid muzzle; ears wide and not long; Eyes or both white or one black, and the other white. The wash of gray or yellowish gray in black or brown specks, even the nose is motley; Podpaled weakly-reddish "(" On Ruzh. Hunting Hound ", 1879, VII, 21). Later in his" Experimental of Genealogy "Kishensky adds that, according to legends," Harlequins - Hounds very tall, dry, pierced, high-legged, pins gaming and sickle, short; votes are wonderful, a lot with a real bay; Dogs although they are enduring, but against Kostroma will not stand, worstly desperately, not in moderation. "

Disagreements, therefore, are quite significant and noted in stupidity, wide ears, great growth and quality of votes.

Nevertheless, the harlequins do not have a single sign indicating their relatives with the eastern hounds *, and undoubtedly belong to the Western Group, but their origin seems to be quite mysterious. It is known that "harlequinism", that is, a marble suit, very often connected with white-eyed, characterized by very many breeds of dogs, especially hounds, dachshunds, dogs, and greyhound. Consequently, the harlequinism is only a suit, and not a sign of a special breed of hounds; And indeed, the harlequins in incomplete and full "form" (i.e. with white eyes) are found between French hounds, also between Stighounds and Foxhounds; The Russian hounds are not particularly peculiar. It is inherent, apparently, only gray rings with black spots, which, gradually smallest and, as it were, fragrating, form an original marble suit. From this point of view, some Lavers of Blue Beltonians can also be called Harlequins in its infancy, and the blue, gray-chipped suit of the Gasconian hounds and very many legal, it is necessary to believe, originated from the selection of harlequin dogs, is, so to speak, improved suit, so Same as a coffee - there is a derivative of dark brown, and yellow, lemon - discolored red. Both marble suits and coffee, even yellow, strictly speaking, are not entirely characteristic of a doggy genus and were a consequence of a culture starting degeneracy, mainly from the heighter, close to the kinship of manufacturers, and then could be preparing a selection of suited, but not related manufacturers. We know that the coffee suite appears at the Kostroma Hounds due to the bloodstream and serves as a sign of degeneration.

As for the whiteness, this is the second degree of degeneration, a sign of beginning albinism, as Kishensky rightly noticed, which explains the whiteness of the heredity of the eyes of Albinos as a separate sign, like the heredity of the curvalism in the dachshund and the heredity of the special cake of the Marklovsky legal, incorrectly considered a pair. White-eyed, curved and rare pinsin on the back and top of the neck in these rocks were initially a consequence of the disease, and then appeared so much as a steady sign that was transmitted to the offspring, which became among the main signs of the breed. That the suit of harlequins and the more serum eye is a consequence of excessive blood conditions, bloodstream, degenerates, is proved by the fact that, according to the testimony of the ancient Pinch hunter Kashkarova *, "Serious-Picks Hounds with black spots (Mushins) often give offspring deaf and blind, but already White masta. "

* (See "Journal of the Imperial Society of Hunt", 1876, XII **.)

** (... Shepherds of the Caucasian Tatars ... - In the pre-revolutionary literature, Tatars often called various nations of Turkic-speaking Muslims. In this case, L. P. Sabaneyev means, most likely, the nationality of Dagestan.)

Comparing outdoor signs and internal qualities of harlequins and foxhounds, we do not meet any significant differences between the two "rocks". The harlequins are, from the description of the rush, only somewhat more evil, viscous, holistic, and in appearance more brunette and with more pinsy gons. For this reason, there is no reason to consider harlequins for the special breed. These are the same English hounds of two types, deerbonic (stighounds) and lesoronny (Foxhounds), with a slightly smelly of the Russian hound (the old or Kostroma) gray-peg, who adhered so hard without illumination of blood, which was formed a special variety (or rather, not One, and a few), the main and distinguishing signs of which are the original suit and vicious eyes. Suggest the Russian hounds, probably, together with the selection, improved the voices, the flair and increased the viscosity, affecting only, perhaps, in the elongated wool on the tail and gums *.

* (With the status of the author about the origin of the harlequin, it is absolutely impossible to agree. The origin of the harlequins from some English hounds cannot be permissible and is completely refuted by the following circumstances. The most prominent sign of harlequins and moreover, transmitted with wonderful perseverance is a characteristic blurry-tiger suit at any yellow and gray background from non-governmental hounds. None of the type of English hounds never meets this sign, as well as he does not meet with the collided French hounds. British hounds are all shades of Peg's masters: black, coffee, gray, canowy, fawn, but always clean, i.e. without merging tiger spots. How hard it is transmitted to this suit with harlequins, it is known to all hunters; Extremely difficult to get rid of it. As an example, I indicate on the crossing of the liner of N. P. Kishensky feathers with the burden of the city of Ladyzhensky Russian type, but obviously who had once had the milk of harlequin, since 2 puppies in the litter were born on Maista Harlequins. It was in 82 years. Since then, 15 years old crossing this generation with established hounds of Kissensky and the constant selection could not eliminate this suit, which throws out and now. So, this year I saw N. P. P. Lovel is quite typical, his dogs, who has one side was correct-gray, and the other Masta Harlequin on this gray background. Expression S. S. Kareeva "English Arlequins" proves only how they were generally interested in the racing rocks of the pins hunters, if not to assume that these "English harlequins" were really bastards of these two breeds, which is possible due to the fact that for English, in general Very not strong rocks, the suit of harlequins in the submersion straightforwards and is unlikely to eliminate any kind of selection.

On the other hand, in the English rocks, if there is a strong, hereditary, then this is a pick-up, which, obviously, would have to affect Harlequins, if these latter had to occur from English hounds. Meanwhile, the harlequins were the only Russian hounds, for which white celebrations were always considered and considered a sign of non-burning and atpicness. Yes, however, it is always an indelible seal of the English rice shelter, which is easily captured by the usual eye in the distant generations, is quite absent from the harleks, about the origin of which you can make any guesses, but not to produce them from the English hounds that they did not have General not a single hint.

To solve the issue of origin of harlequins, it is necessary to contact the characterization of their peculiarities. We note primarily that Harlequin has a hound of southern Russia, where it is necessary to look for her appearance, perhaps, in the southwest in Malorus, as Kissensky thinks. In the north of the harlequin, if they were, then strongly mixed with other dogs. Or rather, in the north of Russia there were all sorts of hounds only with the unrefining Mashy Arquin. Northern Hunters have little preserved and legends about the harlequins, and all are different: obviously, clean harlequins almost did not reach. The Northern Hunters knows about them: their property was the hounds of Tatar and Mix these latter with local travelers (vintage Russians) and with husky (Russian Coologon). Kishensky in his first description, extremely superficial, obviously did not know what to stop among the small unbelled dogs - the harlequins only in suit. The secondary description of it, according to legends, is completely different than the first, and close to Rubin, already close to the truth. In the South and part of Central Russia, the harlequins were very valued and were very common. But it is important for the characteristic of their purpose to notice that they were often kept only in several dogs or bows during hunting (as referred to as Diryan). It is even more characteristic of the time of the ticks that have been preserved (unlike the hooks of the Kostroma and Russians, who visible as art in a champion and a rapid skill). The very title indicates that their first appointment was like dogs of etching on a strong beast, probably a boar and a bear dangerous for flocks. Distinctive signs of ticks of harlequins from other local hounds: "Round down", "sublitters, ribbeds and high", "the view is always serious and porone," "Shroud's head", "Spin without any Fresh", "Lap Round", "Wool very Short, but rude, "" character Speed, serious, stubborn and porone "," worst desperately, not in moderation. " Even the very manner of worst on the hump and the desire to capture and split the beast - the residue developed by generation to the generation of reception of the edge dog. It is almost undoubted that all these features are made in the breed of any breed of dogs, crossed with the Russian hounds that had evident. The dog gave power in a fight and growth, short wool, rounded forehead, stubborn and ambient character, rounded short-lived face, ears, wrapped in cartilage, and most importantly - desperate evilness and jaw ticks. From him, he moved to new dogs and the original, characteristic tiger suit for them. It is quite possible, as Kishensky suggests, judging by this suit that it was Dalmatian Dog. RUSSIAN HUME handed over its warehouse in general, his abilities of the hound, their voice. It is harder to decide when the milk eye has been rooted in a new breed, which is generally considered as a sign of albinism due to degeneration. Such an eye is often found in the dog, but it could be rooted already in the penetration from the heels, if we take into account that the harlequins were first kept under the little bit.

The history of the racing-harlequin breed is probably necessary to imagine. In the north, there was a strong and evil straittle horse a dog, which, spreading gradually in his messengers with hounds to the south, in the form of a straight-rich hound, gradually inferior to his features of a brutal edge dog, instead of the acquired abilities of the hound. Therefore, in the south, first of all, the need to raise the breed with a new strong and evil dog.

The new etching breed spread across Russia, and Levshin, perhaps, did not call the harleins by specially hounding dogs. But when driving breeds at that time were not guided by Stabitakes, and the recipes "create masters" the help of "non-repudents from the legal" were likely to be in great go. The best criterion for the selection was a continuous practice in the field, and the failed unkinds disappeared in the total mass rather soon. There is no doubt that the deraid of the hounds were made from the borshees and from the wolves, and the more from those who held with the same travelers of theratile harleks. Gradually, these unkinds gave a new breed of hounds-harlequins, for which the features were completed mainly to desperate malice and the original shirt.

Hounds of harlequins have up to this time of their fans and have been preserved until now in a very typical form. At the exhibitions such hounds, except for miserable dogs of different types of motion of the northern provinces, appeared only once, in the pack of Solovev from the Penza lips. In quantity, it seems 10 bows. Known is a large flock of harlequins in the Kursk lips. At the landlords O. I. Uolay; The harlequins of Dr. Witman in the North Caucasus are most famous for the greatest fame in the North Caucasus as animal, terribly strong and evil dogs on a large beast. Dr. Witman informed somehow about his dogs that the growth of them reaches 16-17 vershkov. According to stories, wonderful harlequins are conducted in a large size in a large hunting in the land of Don Troops. Note K. V. Moshnin.)

That the harlequins are a kind of English hounds, proves the fact that the harlequinism, full and incomplete, occurs both in Stighounds and Foxhounds, but on very obvious reasons, whiteness is considered to have an important vice, a sign of degeneration and proof of the need to refreshing blood, and since This vicious feature does not have such stability as a marble suit, then it will soon disappear with proper marriage. I am also inclined to think that the first harlequins that have fallen to Russia were exactly the defective hounds that the British were issued for a new special breed. In France, where the dog breeding was carried out without rules and after the sleeves, there were even recently a special breed of French harlequins, which gave rise to the Count Leculto to approval that the Arlequins of the Imperial Hunt (probably Berezniki, that is, undoubtedly the British) originate from these white-eyed French.

Finally, many vintage Russian hunters considered the harlequins only by the type of English hounds, and the arquinism of the Maste and a sign of this species. So, for example, Berezniki (see above) considered his and Smirnovsky harleks purebred (?) English hounds. S. S. Kareev, speaking of the gray-pitches of his uncle, "in which there are blood of the English harlendians, but the servers of the deerball (Staghounds), and not those harlequins who are all marble with red subapalities; these Nothing go away. Berezniki dogs are derived from these harleins ... Disagreement appears in my (Kareevsky) dogs and now ... "From here you can conclude that the harlequins we had two varieties: larger and hiking, who originated from Stighounds, and Middle Growth and redskoskali - from Foxhounds.

Interesting meetings are at the exhibitions of hunting dogs, everything seems to be clear and clear. The regulations are all agreed, and there will be nothing wonderful, but in 2015 I had the opportunity to once again come to work at the Interdistrict Exhibition in the old RUSSIA of the Novgorod region at the invitation of a passionate amateur of the hounds, especially Russian Peg Pole, Anatoly Nikolayevich Vasilyeva.

Old Russa this year, September 18-20, celebrated its 1000th anniversary, and by the time of visits to the city by the President of Russia V.V. Putin was tried to put order in it - urban services of the facades were updated, the roads were sent, and they did not have time, they hid.

The exhibition was traveled traditionally at the house of culture, in the stadium, the hounds gathered almost four dozen, and not only from the regions of the Novgorod region; One amateur of Russian Peg Rough brought a bow from Peter. Also, the exhibition was exhibited in sufficient quietness, for them a separate ring was organized.

The weather stood from the day the exhibition is excellent, sunny, air temperature 20 degrees. Since I do not work for the first time at exhibitions in Old Rosure, I have a trust relationship with many potters. And when I went to the stadium to inspect the readiness of the ring to work, my attention was paid to a couple of Russian riding hounds standing aside.

Dogs clearly treated the younger age group. My question is: "What is so extraordinary in them," I was asked to come closer. From afar of dogs looked spectacular for their age, and this proposal was intrigued. I decided to wait a bit when the participants of the exhibition would be quicted and I can alone to suit my interest - what is still wrong?

I began to make preparations for work, and I watched the corner myself and did not find explicit deviations in them. Having finished with the preparations and deciding on the Ring of Lakes to greet the experts, I passed by the richies who are interested in me. The burlors happily welcomed me, there was nothing that could cause a stir, and something burned with interest at the foot of the owner.

Lovels, showing joyful emotions, attracted the attention of the burning to my person, she began to turn the left side, and again nothing ... So she saw someone who rejoices the companion, and here in my eyes began to slow down in my eyes. The liqueness showed her right eye, and he was light, but not whitish, like albino, and a gentle blue, around the pupil the halo is darker blue. For me there was a sense of space.

Thoughts and excerpts of the description of the arquen began to sweep in the head. Of course, the burning is not suitable for a typical description of the breed for a long time in the summer, it does not look like a photo of the bow de Conoram, and other dogs are depicted on engravings. This burning in excellent freaks with the right head of Russian Peg Hound, but the eyes! .. Left Carry, like a nut, and the right space.

Currently, there is a sufficient number of dogs with different eyes, but they did not make such an impression on me, the view of them seemed to be cold and unguarded, and here the burning invited to look into it and as if aware of the full strength of the look at him.

If you appeal to the "description of typical signs of hunting dogs" 1888 editions compiled by N.P. Kishensky, the founder of a rifle hunting with hounds in Russia: "The Arlequins, found only in Russia, is called the breed of hounds, distinguished by a wonderful look - light gray, with frequent small dark spots and one or both eyes of a blue-white color." At the end of the description, Nikolai Pavlovich writes: "Modern harlequins have retained only their suit, but not eyes, growth and parage."

In 1906, a guide for hump hump hunters and lovers, Nikolai Pavlovich Kishensky, where he gives a more brief description, but indicates: "Now there are no pure harlequins, but since their suit and whiteness are persistently transmitted in obstacles, then the race in The color of the harlequin and white-eyed meet and now often. "

For almost twenty years, which share these two works, Nikolai Pavlovich has been done a lot of work. This is the time when standards are created on dogs, and not only with us, but also abroad.

Cynological events are organized, exhibitions in which he takes an active part, noting that this distinctive feature continues to live.

It cannot be argued that this meeting is an echo of time, but - view of Harlequin! And how he reached or turned out, it is no longer important for me.

I was pleased to see this burning in the ring. Yes, the owner did not lead his favorite from the exhibition. I wonder how time orders, maybe in decades will tell that there are hounds with the eyes of harlequins without pedigree, but well-working. Or maybe there will be no continuation of the story, because I did not meet with this charming phenomenon.

Origin: France
Dimensions: Growth - 61-70 cm. Weight - 36-50 kg
Character: Independent, wayward, brave
Where are used: Watchman, companion dog
Lives: 10-12 years old
Color: Black and tangible, harlequin

This breed of dogs is often called peat sheepskirts, a shepherd dog, a dog of Bosa, Boserone. Despite outstanding data, the French Shepherd did not gain great popularity outside of his homeland. However, those who need a brave watchman and a good reliable friend should pay attention to it.

History of origin

Boseron is known to humanity for a long time, as evidenced by the mention of them in the manuscripts of the sixteenth century. There is not one version explaining their origin. According to the first, French smooth-haired shepherd dog is a direct descendant of ancient peat dogs. Another Rodnit Boseronov with wolves. What of them should be true, it should be recognized that this breed has been formed in natural conditions without much external influence.

It is assumed that distinguished by endurance and courage of dogs, initially helped a person in hunting on large animals like boars or bears. Subsequently, due to the mass cutting of forests, they began to be used as dogs-shepherds, guarding herds from predator encroachments. In this photo depicted boserons-guard.

Main car care

Boseron is a smooth-haired breed, so there is no big hassle with wool. Complete with a special brush you need only a few times a week. You don't need to wash your dogs every day. A fairly good bathing with a dog shampoo once a few months or when the smell appears. It is necessary to take care of the nails and ears of the animal, as well as periodically show the dog to the veterinarian.

Boserone breed puppies need to do all the necessary vaccinations to avoid health problems. The upbringing and training of small pets needs to be given sufficient attention. Boseronam need a space and long-lasting active walks. Photo well reflects their love for expanses.


In order for the dog to be healthy, it is necessary to make it a balanced ration. How exactly it is to achieve, with the help of special dry feed or home metering, each owner decides itself. Modern dry feed contains all the necessary substances and vitamins for the development and vital activity of all breeds of dogs. If the owners are cooked independently, they should include in the diet of PSA.