The creepy mushroom in the world is "the fingers of the devil. Mushroom Devil's fingers: edible or not? Plant fingers Devil

Incredible facts

Walking in the forest, you can sometimes stumble upon completely incredible instances.

These creations created by nature may not joking you, as more like someone's parts of the body than on the plants.

Although many of them are completely harmless, they still can make a cracked impression.

1. Mushroom "Blementing Tooth"

Hat mushroom Hydnelum Peka (Hydnellum Peckii.) There are different shapes, but when a red viscous substance begins to flow out of it, the mushroom can be confused with bleeding toothwho dropped to the ground. The juice is highlighted at night due to excess moisture, which accumulates in roots.

The mushroom is also called "strawberry with cream", but you should not try it. Although he is not poisonous, it tastes bitter and sharp, what makes him inedible.

In addition, it absorbs a heavy element of cesium-137 from the environment - a radioactive isotope, which at a certain level can be toxic.

However, the study of the "bleeding tooth" showed that it contains atrees, which possesses antoslude properties. The mushroom usually grows near coniferous trees in America and Eurasia.

2. Poisonous plant "Puppet Eye"

Berries " puppet eye" (Actaea Pachypoda.) were named so no coincidence, since these white oblong berries externally remind persecuted eyes.

The sinister species is a warning, since the plant contains carcinogenic toxinwhich immediately shifts the heart muscle.

When consumed inside it can lead to heart attack and even death. A black point or "pupil" is a scar that arose at the pointed end of the stem in the initial stage of growth.

Each berry has several seeds, but most of the birds are immune to toxins. They eat berries and distinguish seeds with excrement. Leaves, stem and roots, as well as white flowers when touched can lead to appearance blisters on the skin, And when consumed inside, cause the intestinal inflammation.

A large number of berries may kill a person.

3. Lepiota - "Mushroom Nipples"

Mushrooms of the kindness genus often resemble human nipples. White hat mushroom lepiota borot yellow (Lepiota Boudieri.) Gradually darkens from the color of the ocher to dark brown to the center. The surface of the mushroom looks smooth as the skin, and on top it is covered with thin brown hairs. Having worst, the mushroom hat fuses from moisture, forming a "nipple".

Most lepiot mushrooms contain amatoksin, which is extremely poisonous. Lepiot Buro-Yellowee was previously called the "mushroom umbrella" that could enter an inexperienced misleading mushroom, as the other edible mushrooms of the form Macrolepiota Procera. Also called "umbrella mushrooms".

4. Psychotion Elevated - "Hot Sponges"

Wood Psychotion elevated (Psychotria elata.) Growing in the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. From December to March bright red bracts of the plants look like lips painted.

Red lubricates pollinators, such as hummingbirds and butterflies. When bracts open, inflorescences in the form of stars and oval berries appear inside.

Hot sponges are a popular gift in Central America, with which they express their love.

Cour and tree leaves are used for treating pain in the ears, skin rash and cough. Panama natives use a plant for treating breathing problems. Unfortunately, the deforestation of forests led to the fact that psychotry is now on the verge of extinction.

5. False Smoldch

Smorchchka is very valued by cooking and in the season can be quite expensive. However, lovers can not always distinguish real wax from false, which is very toxic. About 20 percent of deathsrelated to the consumption of mushrooms occurs due to false curls.

Some less toxic types of false curls are prepared in Scandinavian countries, where they are boying and washed several times. Despite this, carcinogen hydrazine Hyromitrine It remains in small quantities and is especially dangerous for pregnant and nursing women.

Giromitrine poisoning includes such symptoms as diarrhea, headache, nausea and vomiting, and in large quantities he can lead to beculiar to the liver Up to the need to transplant liver.

In real curls, the lattice surface of the hat with recesses and irregularities. In false curries, a wavy blade surface resembling current brain in humans. In addition, the hat of false curls is not completely attached to the leg and is filled with a white flesh with a cut, while the real currants are hollow inside.

6. Inedible Mushroom Rottus

Hat mushroom rottus (Rhodotus Palmatus.) Takes different shapes and colors depending on the light that it receives at an early stage of development. Mushroom can remind human heart, stomach and even spongy light.

Stupnite hat surface with white furrows or veins with mesh grooves, reminding vascular system internal organs, and under the surface pulp is dense. When a large amount of moisture accumulates in the roots, the mushroom has red or orange juice through the pores in the process, called "Guttling".

Rothes grows near rotting deciduous trees, for example, elm in the UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Italy, Germany, Poland and North America. Mushroom it has a bitter taste and inconsiderable.

7. Lion zev

The flowers of annual plant Lion zev big (Antirrhinum Majus.) Remind open lion's mouth.

Several legends are associated with a plant. According to one of them, the house where the lion zev grows will be free from witchcraft and curses. According to another belief, a woman who eating this plant will have a beauty all life. However, you should not do this, as it poisonous.

Late in summer, when the petals are withering and falling out, a seed woman is exposed, and the seeds fall out of three holes, which gives the plant view of the skull.

8. Mushroom Judino Ear

Auriculia Uhkhoidny (Auricularia Auricula.), as a rule, grows by groups on rotting or living trees. The mushroom has a puppy flesh, and a reddish-brown surface is covered with thin hairs and streaks, reminding in shape ear man.

It is known that the mushroom reduces cholesterol levels and reduces blood coagulation.

In Japan and China is popular delicacywhich is often called "meat without bones." In 100 grams of dried mushrooms "Judino Ear" contained 11 grams of protein, 65 grams of carbohydrates, no fats are contained, and it is rich in iron and calcium. In China, it is used for medical purposes, ranging from hemorrhoids treatment to pulmonary infections.

9. Strange Mushroom Assocorine Meat

When a puppy mushroom Askocorine meat (Ascocoryne Sarcoides.) It grows on dead deciduous wood, it looks like a spherical ug of ear. When the mushrooms are going to bundles, pressing together to each other, they begin to remind small intestine, especially if they got angry from dew or rain.

The fungus most often can be found on broad-sized trees, especially on beech in Europe and Australia. Askocorin does not have a distinctive smell or taste and is considered inedible.

Mushroom Antusur Archer (Clathrus Archeri.) Also known as the "devil fingers". In mature form in the mushroom 4-8 red "fingers" with black spheres resembling suckers on octopus tentacles. These black balls, called Gleb, emit loadingsimilar to rotting meat. It attracts flies that scatter the arms of the mushroom.

Like the rest of the mushrooms, Antarus grows first in the form of white, egg-shaped bulbs, and when it bursts, white fingers appear, similar to the hand of the corpse crawling out of the grave.

In the end, the "fingers" rise up, growing up to 10 cm in height and extending up to 20 cm in width. Although the mushroom is not toxic, because of the smell, it is considered inedible.

Nature is just striking. The variety of forms of flora and fauna is truly impressive. Today we will pay close attention to the kingdom of mushrooms. The following specimens have such an unusual appearance, which, at first glance, it is impossible to figure out that these are mushrooms. You will be shocked! So,7 the most unusual and amazing fungi in the world.

Stallovka vaulted (lat. )

It seems that the Earth-Mother decided to create a mushroom in the image and likeness of a person. Stallovka vaulted really resembles a human figure. Also, this mushroom looks like a dome-shaped earth star. Therefore, in the people, in English-speaking countries, it is called it. The second version of the name is an acrobatic earthen star.

It is in height, it reaches 4-8 cm. It is usually found one by one or small groups in the forests of North America and Europe, mainly in Mexico and in the south-west of the United States of America. If you find this mushroom, you need to know, he unbeaded.

Shiming brain (lat. ) - Forest brain

in context.

Are you interested in mushrooms? Read

Bloother striped (lat. ) - Little bird nest with miniature eggs

What a tiny bird found it novdyshko and postponed eggs in it? Calm: This is not the case of the wings of a miniature bird. We are talking about a beautiful mushroom with a striped glass, or, as it is known, cyatus striped. You can find these in the summer and autumn on dead wood in areas with temperate climate throughout the planet: in Asia, in Europe, in North, Central and South America, in New Zealand. The color and size of the striped boilers can differ slightly, but, as a rule, they are not more than 1 cm wide and height. Catus striped has a gray or brown color. By the way, in the scientific literature, tiny "eggs" are called Peridioles.

Auriculory uhhumed (lat. ) - the forest hears everything

Ears in the middle of the forest? It looks like a movie David Lynch. But it can happen to you in reality. You can even eat them if you want. In fact, these are mushrooms called Auriculia Underwind. Their size varies from 3 to 12 cm. Meet these reddish-brown "ears" can be in wet places, mainly on dead deciduous trees and shrubs. Mushrooms grow all year round, but most often they can be found in autumn. They are widespread in a moderate and subtropical climate worldwide.

Mushroom Auriculory Uhukhodnya in Asia, especially in China, is considered delicatez. It is specially grown on the dead wood, for example, the wood of oak cork, elderberry, Banana Paradise. Being in the People's Republic of China, you can try the Chinese soup "Black Mushroom", the obligatory ingredient, which the above mushroom. Also, the Auriculory ultrasound is used to prepare salads. In China, Ghana, Nigeria believes that dishes from these mushrooms are therapeutic. In particular, the Chinese believe that the "ears" soup helps in the fight against cold and fever.

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Antusur Archer (Lat. Clathrus Archeri.) - Devil's fingers, octopus or starfish?

When Mushroom Antusur Archer is revealed, externally, it has similarities with a starfish or octopus. It usually has from 4 to 7 pinkish-red "tentsets". The people are famous as the devil's fingers, the most terrible mushroom in the world. It is easy to recognize not only in appearance, but on the terrible unnecessary smell fell. The smell attracts flies that spread disputes. Antornar Archer Groups, often among wood chips, old stumps and sent foliage. Initially, it grown in Australia and Tasmania, now it can be found in Europe and in North America, and in Asia. Do not try this mushroom in the open state, it is incredible.


Hydnelum pek (lat. ) - "bleeding" mushroom

If you walk through the forests of North America and some European countries, you can detect a mushroom with a frightening popular name, bloody tooth or devil's tooth. Although there are people who look at him from a culinary point of view. The fungus resembles ice cream with strawberry syrup.

Only young wet mushrooms can "bleed" with bright red liquid. Interestingly, the fluid contains an effective anticoagulant. While Gindellum is a young, it is easy to identify it, but as the mushroom agrees becomes brown and unspoken. "Blelenty" mushroom insecurityAlthough it is not toxic. He is extremely bitter taste. The dimensions of the fungus oscillate from 5 to 10 cm in height. Ginfelum pitch grows on the ground under the coniferous trees, often among the moss. A mutually beneficial relationship is established between the roots of some trees and these mushrooms, useful substances.

- Dead fingers

When this mushroom occurs on the way, it seems that the dead man tried to choose from his grave personally. But again, there is again about mushrooms, whose folk name dead fingers. Xylaria Polymorpha's intolerable mushrooms appear in spring, most often on damaged stumps or rotten wood. At first they are bluish or bluish, then, by the summer, the mushrooms gradually acquire an ominous look for the human look. Polymorpha means "many forms". As the name itself suggests, the form of Xylaria Polymorpha fungi is very diverse. But in most cases, the shape of a male form, that is, thickened at one end.

Young mushrooms.

Mature black mushrooms.

in context.

Chuck! Poured zombie fingers.

How do you a selection of unusual mushrooms? Which of them surprised you most? Share your opinion on social networks!

Mushroom Antusur Archer (Clathrus Archeri). Photo @fabulousweird

First appeared in social networks, snapshots of the frightening mushroom called "Devil's fingers" raised a storm of bewilderment and hot disputes, but this species was studied at a long time.

Some users could not believe that the shots are genuine, and suspected a banal installation. Others were comic to comic that in the pictures of the embryos of others, hatching from eggs. There were also the versions that someone obviously laid out the frames with the shooting of the horror movie.

This cracked mushroom, originating from the sort of solid, is known since the 1860s, when was noted in the story about the vegetation of Tasmania. Then the fungus and began his journey everywhere. The first disputes were common in the continent of Australia and New Zealand, and later were listed in France. There is an opinion that they brought them in loads with wool for a perfect accident. But specifically, with those days, the Mushroom "Fingers of the Devil" passed in Europe, not excluding Poland and Spain.

Russians were more interested in the following questions: whether this miracle of nature grows in Russia, and whether it is edible.

This mushroom is quite common in the expanses of our country and neighboring countries, but it is not so often. Archer Antornus quickly arrived in various climates, despite the fact that the roots of his origin tropical. In the post-war time, it could be found in Kazakhstan, and closer to the 70th year he grown in Ukraine. On the territory of Russia, the mushroom is rare, but it is possible to meet, usually in the Urals and in the central part of the country.

Along with an eleceptible view, the mushroom issues a rather unpleasant fragrance, so it was not solved for food as food for a long time. "Tentacles" is littered with mucus of a brown shade. But the experimental spirit will not sleep, so the mushroom was tested by the most bold personalities, however, still in the form of an embryo. As a result, it turned out that it has an unpleasant taste, but as an exotic dish, leaving indescribable emotions and impressions, suit.

The mushroom is also attractive and its ripening process resembling some scenes from fantastic films. Initially, the mushroom is linked in a kind of egg, similar to jelly, with further growth, it blooms like a flower, revealing the "tentacles" to meet the light. Outgoing from it, frozen ambre attracts insects, which contribute to the further spread of the fungus.

"Devil's fingers", one type of which can scare people before he did not meet. It grows in many natural zones of the world, and in the middle of thirty years found in Europe. Such a strange name has the Archer's flower (Clathrus Archeri), which refers to the family of the lattice and the family of merry.

Where did this mushroom come from?

This very unpleasant and cracked mushroom was first found in Tasmania - the island, which is the southernmost state of Australia. It is there that very many representatives of flora and fauna are endemics. However, it was soon discovered already in Australia, New Zealand, Africa, most Asian countries, South America and a number of ocean islands.

When and how this mushroom got into European countries, it is still unknown. It is believed that he was brought to France at the beginning of the 20th century, most likely, with wool supplied from New Zealand. Although his disputes could get into the country together with the Australian troops who participated in the First World War. Despite the fact that he got into the old world absolutely by chance, it did not prevent the mushroom to start spread throughout the territory.

The mature mushroom, indeed, from four to eight long processes, called recipes, who first had one common vertex, and then disconnected.

Their inner surface is similar to the old sponge, covered with different in size, dark, spindle glove mucous stains, spreading around the smell of rotting meat. On this "aroma" flies flies, to which disputes stick to contact, they will spread them and scatter at different distances from maternal mushrooms. And then the next cycle of life begins. The mushroom does not hunt insects, even sticking to Gleb, he throws away.

From the Earth, Antarus appears in the form of white bulbs, with a diameter of 4-6 cm. It consists of:

But a little later, when it bursts, peculiar tentacles, resembling a brush of the corpse with thin fingers, which appeared from under the ground. With this sad moment and connect the fact that the Archer's enthusias has another name - the Mushroom "Devil's fingers". Its height is about 10 cm, and the distance on which recipes is spread is approximately 15-20 cm. The mushroom has no noticeable leg, the duration of its stay in such an exotic form is only two or three days. After that, Antusus agrees and fades. The mushroom is considered inconsiderable due to a disturbing many wishing to try the disgusting smell and a terrible look. The taste of "fingers of the devil" is also extremely unpleasant, unpredictable gastric disorders are likely.

In Russia, the mushroom meets extremely rarely. Several cases of appearance in the Sverdlovsk and Kaluga regions are noticed. Begins to grow up from August and until the end of October.

Mushrooms - Doubles

Yet this mushroom, despite its "original image", is not a unique, he has similar and no less strange fellow:

Distribution in Europe

In Germany, the Archer's flower occurs quite often, nevertheless, he was listed in the Red Book. In the Czech Republic, near the city of the border, in a small reserve, on rotting wood, this amazing mushroom grows freely. But in the UK, Archer is a rather rare find. It, especially at the initial stage of development, can be confused with another, as unusual mushroom - the lattice red.

For the first time, the Mushroom "Devil's fingers" was described in 1860 by Michal Mikol Joseph Berkley from. Later, a century later, another Briton, Donald Malcolm Dring in the 1980 monograph took him to the genus Clathrus, and since that time the mushroom was called Antusur Archer.

The overwhelming majority of the word mushroom is associated with a strong and thick Borovik. But in fact, in this kingdom, you can meet very amazing representatives, because it is extremely diverse and multipoint. Mushroom called Devil's fingers is a bright confirmation.

Mushrooms can be both quite small, barely distinguishable for human look, and just huge, different colors, forms, or simply formless. Below are the most unusual of them.

Mushroom Devil's fingers, or Antusur Archer

This species can be safely called the most unusual and at the same time terrible. In its appearance, it resembles a seaberry cuttlefish or a brush of a lonely pale color. He refers to the family of adulthous and is inedible. Also he is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

The birthplace of this unusual mushroom is Australia and Tasmania, where he later spread through Europe through Europe.

At the young age, the fruit body of this species looks like an egg or a pear, which in the process of maturation opens and tentacles appear on the light. Inside the mushroom is rather porous, something resembles a sponge. From his pulp comes the unpleasant smell, which attracts insects.

Unusual mushrooms of the world (video)

Bamboo mushroom

Also is a representative of the Messel family. His second name of the lady with a veil He deserved it thanks to the characteristic appearance, a lace veil is located around the legs of this mushroom. His hat is covered with a mucous membrane attracting insects that are actively involved in spreading his dispute.

The sector of this unusual mushroom is the southern part of Asia, Australia, African Continent, North and South America. This species is edible and widely used in the preparation of various dishes in China, where it is grown on an industrial scale.

This Australian mushroom has an interesting feature, after ripening, its life life is only one day. He is also listed in the Red Book.

Coral mushroom

His second name of Clairia Soliner. This is a very unusual and exotic kind of mushrooms, which in its appearance resembles coralFor what actually got its name. It grows in Europe, where he is listed in the Red Book. Its color can vary from dirty brown color to amethyst. The flesh of this species is fragile and does not have any characteristic smell. It is found in the forest since the end of summer before the onset of stable cooling.

Multicolored damage

This is one of the unusual species of widespread drums. It has the second name of the Tail of turkey, which received for his unusual color. The fruit body of this mushroom is a tough, small thickness of the hemisphere, their size does not exceed 10 cm. They are located groups on the wood surface.

The surface of the fruit bodies is painted into separate multi-colored zones that can be of various shades. You can find copies with a white, gray and brown combination of strips or white with green or red.

For this mushroom is characterized by changing the color, and it can grow almost everywhere, where there is rotten wood of hardwood trees. It is known about its use in folk medicine, as a means to combat oncology.

Bloody tooth

It is also called the devilish tooth or by the scientific hydnelum pitch. The fruit body of this mushroom can be simple or contrived of several instances. Its surface is uneven and velvetically scaly to the touch. The size of the mushroom does not exceed 7 cm. In young age, a pure white or cream color is characteristic.

In more adult copies, the color varies on reddish-black, purple or brown, while it is clearly visible to the rings. The flesh of dirty pink or beige color with yellow streaks. The taste of it is very bitter, so it is not suitable for eating.

Place of growing this type of litter of spruce and pine forests. You can detect it in the forests of North America and in Europe, there is also a mention that the fungus was found in Iran and Korea.

Elfova Bowl

It has the scientific name of Sarkosqith Ala. It is a sarcoscic sarcoscic family, which is a saprophite, that is, it grows on rotting trees and therefore it can be found anywhere. Its fruit body has a bowl shape of a small size and appears most often early in spring. Its inner surface compared to the external painted more intensively.

This is an edible look, but in food, it is practically not used, due to the tough pulp and too small amount of fruiting.

Cigar devil

Such a name of the mushroom received for its peculiarity in maturation to open with hissing sound and smoke consisting of pollen, which is very similar to the cigar at the time of its extinguishing. For the first time he was described by Botanist Lucien Marcus Underwood.

After such disclosure, the fungus becomes like a three or six ending star. It grows in the forest zone of the United States, mainly in Texas, for which is also sometimes called Texas star. It is possible to meet it in Japan, where he refers to extinct species. Currently, this is one of the rarest kinds of mushrooms in the world.

bird's Nest

Mushroom saprofit growing on rotting wood, also known as a boilers striped. It also grows on the territory of Russia, where it can very often be seen on the bare straw and drumshew wood. His population on the territory of the Novosibirsk region is especially great.

The height of the glass of this mushroom is no more than 1 cm. At the initial stage of growth, the fruit body has a spherical shape, and then during the development process it opens and turns into a boilers. This species is absolutely not poisoned, but it is not used in food.

Judino Ear

According to scientific, this mushroom is called auriculory ultrasonic. It is very actively growing and consuming the Chinese, they have it known as Muer Muer. There it is sold in a dried form in small boxes. If its contents are placed in water, it will increase very quickly in the amount.

You can meet the mushroom in Russian forests. Its size does not exceed 10 cm. It has the shape very similar to the ears of the human sink. It often grows in small groups, but you can meet separately growing instances.

Lion mane

Also known as a whisk comb. The place of its growing is the territory of Crimea, Primorye, Pre-Kavkaz and North America. Most often, he prefers to choose solid trees, where and forms fruit bodies weighing up to 1.5 kg.

This is an edible, though unusual mushroom. It is very widely used in food in the east. Experts say that if it is properly booked, he looks like a shrimp meat. Now you can find his mycelium on sale.

Messel ordinary

Widespread in Russia. Prefers broad-sized forests with soils rich in humus. It can grow both single and groups.

In young age, the fruit body has an ovoid shape and half is underground. Of the interesting features of this species, the very rapid growth of his legs can be noted. It can grow straight "in the eyes", within 30 minutes to size 10-15 cm.

When ripening on a mushroom hat, a hole opens and it is covered with mucus with a smell of rotten meat, which attracts insects. Thanks to the rich chemical composition, the fungus found its use in folk medicine.

Strange varieties of mushrooms (video)

The mushroom kingdom is very diverse and among its representatives you can find the most amazing and unusual instances. It is still not fully studied and it is possible that some new exotic species can be opened soon.