Amazing plant flowers. Amazing about plants

"School" welcomes his young readers and their parents. In an effort and further help you in study, we have prepared a new material for the project on the topic "Interesting Plants of the World".

Around us lives a large number of unique colors and trees, blades and shrubs that are striking with dimensions and beauty, properties and abilities.

Having gathered the facts about the unusual representatives of the flora, we tried to draw up top top fives of the most attractive, from our point of view, "green inhabitants" of the planet.

Lesson plan:

Amateur flies

Opens our dozen plant - the hero of all sorts of cartoons called Venus Mukholovka. It will not call it and the flower, as this is a true predator, because the mukholovka feeds far from the soil from the soil, as we used to read in the tutorial on the botanic about the plants.

In the menu, the veneree flies are different and curious spider bugs.

The thing is that the plant has traps, consist of which of the leaves, all together forming a floral outlet. They smell as tempting, attracting attention to themselves. Capacan leaves are only three to seven centimeters, but so sensitive that as soon as the unlucky flies or naive spider touches their surface, two sheets slam down like a casket less than a second!

Insect in the flower is doomed to death. The edges of the traps are growing and turn into an organ of digestion for 10 days. Moreover, the more inside the "lunch", the more active the venereine of the flybut begins to digest it. For your short life, each such sheet is able to eat about three insects.

The most unusual plant in the world shares in the owner with a tiny seed. Scientists amazeing how this grain is managed to implement in solid wood, in order to form a kidney after a year and a half, from which a bouton appears after nine months later.

Refline to the most thanks to one of the largest single flowers on Earth.

In diameter, it reaches one meter, and can weigh as much as 10 kilograms!

At the same time, such beauty smells well, it is quite obstacious! Consisting of five fleshy petals in the form of large red red pancakes with white warts rafflese radies the smell of rotting meat.

If us, people, it repels, then for null flies it is akin to expensive perfumery. They are glad to fly on a specific smell, pollinating the plant. It is a pity that it is possible to observe such a beauty, shutting up the nose, you can not long - Ruffle's dissipation only for three to four days

Frying pan for birds

It is so called the locals of the shores of Brazil and Bolivia, the largest pit in the world, which is called Victoria Amazonian in the world.

The green sauce sauces grow up to 2 - 2.5 meters in diameter and calmly hold the weight of up to 50, or even more kilograms.

In order not to sink under the weight of the accumulated water, the smart water lily shed its huge leaves with water lines - small holes, through which the excess water is derived from the surface.

At unusual plants and unusual flowers. They are placed under water and only once a year overlook the surface during flowering, lasts which only two to three days. At the same time, the models of about 30 centimeters appear at night in full of its own, and at dawn, hide from curious eyes again under the water.

On the first night you can watch white flowers on the water, the next night, Victoria Amazonskaya flower is blown up with a pink tint, and on the last day there is a raspberry or purple color

Candy shop

What kind of child does not dream of a mountain of sweets?! Does it happen that candy grow on trees? It turns out that happens! Yes, and see a sweet tree not only in other countries, but even in Russia! You can easily find it in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. It grows in China, Korea and Japan.

Even in the 17th century, the candy tree, the correct name of which - the sweets are sweet, grown in pharmaceutical gardens, as it was a source of many valuable substances for medicine and health. An apparatus tree was known in Tibet and India and was considered to be a means of a thousand diseases. Greeks and Romans Magic caramels brought strength and vigor.

The fabulous plant is covered with oblong fruits, the taste of which something resembles caramel barberries.

Moreover, there are the same caramels, directly without leaving the tree itself with its branches. Of the sweet fruits, confiture and jams, syrups and juices are made.

In addition to the beneficial properties and delicious bright red caramels, there is still external beauty. With the onset of spring heat, it flourishes with golden flowers, which proceeds the magic flavor. No less beautiful tree in autumn - it is covered with purple and yellow leaves.

Modest maiden

Which of you did not see in March holiday on March 8, the flower and bright yellow lumps, which we call mimosa. And we do not even think that he has nothing to do with the mimosis, because in fact it is a twig of silver acacia.

But among the hundreds of species of real mimosis there is a shameful representative.

Why is it so called? Received a plant such a name is completely no coincidence. It is really a shame of the shame, it is necessary only to touch it with a piping petal. Mimosa shame on embarrassing adds them, lowering the twig.

If for a while, five minutes - ten minutes, the stimpers around the flower will not appear, Mimosa, as if Ospeliev, dissolves his leaves again. Hold the petals from other people's hands for a long time the plant cannot, so in case of imperative irritation from the energy exhaustion, the flower may die.

Mimozu-notice can be seen in tropical Brazil, where it is perceived as weed, as well as in Central America. She is in other warm countries. Today, mimosa can be attached to both a room plant, which throughout the summer will delight with pink or lilac flowers forming the inflorescence like a ball.

Here we have it today is an unusual five!

Of course, in nature there are many other unique plants, for the description of which there is not enough space in this article. Perhaps we will return to this topic and will continue our list. After all, there are still on the planet:

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Today is all!

Before new interesting meetings!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

On our planet there is a huge number of all kinds of plants, seeing which one can only be surprised at how nature could come up with something similar. An incredible number of species and subspecies of plants, many of which are striking with their qualities - from survival and adaptability, before coloring and sizes. In this rating of the most unusual plants, we will show all the scope of natural creativity.


Romaneshko is one of the cultural varieties of cabbage, belonging to the varietary group as cauliflower. According to some information, it is a hybrid of cauliflower and broccoli. This view of the cabbage has long been grown in the vicinity of Rome. According to some information, for the first time it is mentioned in historical documents in Italy in the sixteenth century. In the international markets, the vegetable appeared in the 90s of the XX century. Compared to cauliflower and broccoli romance, more gentle on the texture and has a softer creamy flavor, without a bitter notch.


Journery fat - this is a long-term succulent plant of the family family, resembling a stone or a green-brown soccer ball, without spines and leaves, but sometimes forms "branches" or suction cups in the form of strange-looking spheres. It may grow up to 20-30 cm high and up to 9-10 cm in diameter. Journery fat is a biscuit plant, he has men's flowers on one plant, and women on the other. For the tie of fruits, it is necessary to cross pollination, which is usually performed.

The fruit looks like a slightly triangular triangone, up to 7 mm in diameter, containing in each nest one seed. When ripening, he blowing up, scatters small, round, grinding gray seeds of 2 millimeters in diameter, flowerwakes after scattering seeds disappear. Tights at an altitude of 300-900 meters above sea level in a small area of \u200b\u200bKendreu, in the large carru, in rocky and hilly terrain , in a bright sun or with partial shading. Plants are very well hidden among the stones, their coloring merges with the environment so good that they are sometimes difficult to notice.


Takkaya - the plant of the family of tactical, growing in a wide variety of environmental conditions and has 10 species. They will be settled on open and highly shaded places, in Savannah, in the thickets of shrubs and in the rain forests. Young parts of plants are usually published by the smallest hairs disappearing as agreed. Plant dimensions are usually small, from 40 to 100 centimeters, but some species sometimes reach a height of 3 meters. Although the tact is gaining more and more widespread as a room plant, it should be borne in mind that the rooms have successfully contain the lack of easy because of the special demands of the plant to the content conditions. The sochka family is represented by one family tact, numbering about 10 species of plants.

- The tact of a peristland cutting grows in tropical Asia, Australia, in the tropics of Africa. Leaves with a width of up to 40-60 cm, length from 70 cm and up to 3 meters. Flower with two bedspreads, large, reaching 20 cm width, color covered light green.

- The taccker Charter grows in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Evergreen tropical, herbaceous plant, reaching 90-120 cm in height. Flowers are framed by dark burgundy, almost black, bracts, similar on the span of the wings of a bat or butterflies with long, thifree-shaped mustache.

- The tact of solidity grows in India. Wide leaves, glossy, up to 35 cm wide, up to 70 cm long. Flower with two bedspreads, large, reaching 20 cm wide, color covered white, on white tone scattered purple strokes. Flowers are black, purple or dark purple, located under bedspreads.


Veinelery Mukholovka is the type of predatory plants from the monotypic genus Dionea family of Rosyanka. This is a small herbaceous plant with a rosette of 4-7 leaves, which grow from a short underground stem. Leaves from three to seven centimeters, depending on the time of year, long leaf traps are usually formed after flowering. Feels insects and spiders. It grows in a wet moderate climate on the US Atlantic Coast. It is a type of cultivated in decorative gardening. Can be grown as a houseplant. It grows in soils with a lack of nitrogen, such as swamps. The lack of nitrogen is the reason for the appearance of traps: insects serve as a source of nitrogen necessary for protein synthesis. Veinelery of the Mukholovka refers to a small group of plants capable of rapid movements.

After the extraction falls into the trap and the edges of the sheets are closed, forming a "stomach", in which the digestion process occurs. Digestion is catalyzed by enzymes that are secreted by the glands in the blades. Digestion takes approximately 10 days, after which only an empty chitinary shell remains from production. After that, the trap opens and is ready for catching new production. During the life of the trap in it, three insects fall on average.


Dragono tree is a plant of a kind of drazena growing in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and on the Islands of Southeast Asia. It is grown as a decorative plant. The old Indian legend says that a long time ago in the Arabian Sea on the island of Socotra, a bloodthirsty dragon lived, attacked by elephants and discouraged their blood. But one day one old and strong elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. Blood mixed them and mad earth around. At this place, trees were grown, called drazes, which means "Dragon's female". The indigenous population of the Canary Islands considered a tree sacred, and its resin was used for medicinal purposes. The resin was discovered in prehistoric funeral caves and was used to embarrass.

At its thick branches, beams of very sharp leaves grow. Fat branching trunk up to 20 meters high, diameter at a base of up to 4 m, has a secondary increase in thickness. Each branch of branching is completed with a dense beam of densely located grayish-green, leathery, linear-and-shaped leaves of 45-60 centimeters long and 2-4 centimeters wide in the middle of the plate, somewhat narrowing to the base and pointed to the top, with released veins. Flowers are large, scaretal, with a vintage-shaped separated perianth, in the beams of 4-8 pieces. Some trees live up to 7-9 thousand years.


The genus includes 5 species growing in the tropical regions of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar, it is not very common, so just walking in the desert, you will not find it. This plant looks like a mushroom as long as his unusual flower will open. In fact, the flower is named in honor of the Mushroom Hydnor, which translated from Greek means: mushroom. The flowers of the hydroretors are quite large, single, almost seated, oat steels, flaw. And the fact that we usually see on the surface of the soil and call the flower.

These features of the color and structure, as well as the peeling smell of flowers, serve to attract beetles that feed on Padalu. Beetles, climbing the flowers, crawl into them, especially in their lower part, where reproductive organs are located, contributing to their pollination. Often, female beetles not only find food in flowers, but also put eggs there.

Residents of Africa - willingly use the fruits of water in food as some animals. In Madagascar, the fruits of the water is considered one of the best local fruits. Thus, the pedigrees of seeds are the most and people. In Madagascar, flowers and roots Hydrans Locals are used to treat heart disease.


Baobab is a species of trees from the genus Aldansonia Malvic family, characteristic of dry savannah tropical Africa. The life expectancy of Baobabs is disputes - they have no one-year rings for which it is possible to reliably calculate age. The calculations conducted by the radiocarbon analysis showed more than 5,500 years for the tree with a diameter of 4.5 meters, although for more cautious estimates of the Baobaba live about 1000 years.

In winter and in a dry period, the tree begins to spend moisture reserves, decreasing in the amount, resets the foliage. From October to December, Baobab blooms. Baobab's flowers are large - up to 20 cm in diameter, white with five petals and purple stamens, on hanging flowers. They are revealed closer in the late afternoon and live only one night, attracting the aroma of pollinating their volatile mice. In the morning the flowers are withering, acquiring an unpleasant putrefactive smell, and fall out.

The following developing edible fruits develop, which resemble cucumbers or melons covered with thick shaggy peel. Inside the fruits are filled with an acidic pulse pulbene with black seeds. Baobab dies peculiar: it seems to be scattered and gradually settles, leaving after himself only the pile of the fiber. Nevertheless, Baobabs are extremely survivors. They quickly restore the convaled bark; continue to bloom and fruit. The firing or braided tree can allow new roots.


Victoria Amazonian is a major herbaceous tropical plant of the family of the pitcher, the largest waterway in the world and one of the most popular greenhouse plants in the world. Victoria Amazonian was named after the English Queen Victoria. Victoria Amazonian is common in the Amazon River Basin in Brazil and Bolivia, also meets in the Guyana Rivers, Plowing in the Caribbean Sea.

Huge leaves of the pitches reach 2.5 meters and, with evenly distributed load, can withstand weight up to 50 kilograms. Podnevoil rhizome is usually deeply recessed in orst bottom. The top surface is green with a wax layer repellent excess water, also has small holes for removing water. The bottom of the purple-red color with the rib grid of dyed spikes to protect against herbivores, between the ribs accumulate air bubbles, helping the sheet to swim. For one season, each tuber can produce up to 50 leaves, which are raging, closed the large surface of the reservoir, closing the sunlight and thereby limiting the growth of other plants.

Victoria Amazonian flowers are under water and flourished only once a year for 2-3 days. Flowers bloom only at night, and with the onset of dawn, they fall under the water. During flowering, placed over the water flowers, the diameter of 20-30 centimeters has a disclosed state. On the first day, the color of petals white, on the second pinkish, on the third they become purple or dark crimson. Under wildlife, the plant can live up to 5 years.


Sequoia - monotypic genus of wood plants, family of cypress. Sprouts on the Pacific Coast of North America. Separate sequoia copies reach the height of more than 110 meters - these are the highest trees on Earth. Maximum age - more than three and a half thousand years. This tree is more known as the "red tree", while the plants of the relative species of the associate are known as "giant sequiques".

Their diameter at the human chest level is about 10 meters. The biggest tree in the world "General Sherman". Its height is 83.8 meters. For 2002, the volume of wood was 1487 m³. It is believed that he is 2300-2700 years old. The highest tree in the world is "Hyperion", its height is 115 meters.


Neventes is the only genus of the monotypal family of non-resident, which includes about 120 species. Most species grows in tropical Asia, especially on the island of Kaliman. Named in honor of the grass of oblivion from ancient Greek mythology - Nekpenf. Types of kind most of the shrub or semi-student lianas growing in wet habitats. Their long thin herbaceous or slightly weed stems are climbing on trollers and large branches of neighboring trees for dozens of meters high, making their narrow finite creeps or blurred inflorescences for sunlight.

In different types of non-tenty, the jugs differ in size, shape and colors. Their length varies from 2.5 to 30 centimeters, and some species can reach up to 50 cm. More often, the jugs are painted in bright colors: red, matte-white with spotted pattern or light green with spots. Flowers are small and unbroken, actinorphic and crab, with four tiled cups. The fruit in the form of a leathery box, separated by the inner partitions on separate chambers, in each of which is attached to the seed column with fleshy endosperm and direct cylindrical small germ.

It is curious that large non-tapenes, in addition to eating insects, also enjoy a litter of Tupaya's animals, which are closed on the plant as a toilet to enjoy a sweet nectar. Thus, the plant forms a symbiotic connection with animals, using it with a fertilizer.


This mushroom belonging to agricultural mushrooms is similar to a bezed chewing gum, combined with blood and smelling strawberries. However, it is not worth it, because it is one of the most poisonous mushrooms on Earth, and even just lying it can be guaranteed to get serious poisoning. The mushroom gained fame in 1812, then he was recognized as inedible. The surface of fruit bodies white, velvety, with small depressions, becomes beige or brown with age. On the surface of young copies through the pores there are drops of a poisonous blood-red liquid. The word "tooth" in the title is not just like that. The mushroom has acute formations along the edges appearing with age.

In addition to its external qualities, this mushroom has good antibacterial properties and contains chemicals that dilute blood. It is possible that in a short time, this mushroom will become a replacement of penicillin. The main feature of this mushroom lies in the fact that it can be powered by soil juices, and insects that love the red liquid of the fungus. The diameter of the Blood Tooth Hats is 5-10 centimeters, the length of the legs is 2-3 centimeters. Bloody tooth grows in coniferous forests of Australia, Europe and North America.


The top three among the most unusual plants of the world closes open in 1878 on Sumatra, a large tropical plant of the genus Amorphofalus family of Aoid. One of the most famous species of kind, has one of the largest inflorescences in the world. The above-ground part of this plant is a short and thick stalk, at the base there is a single large sheet, above - smaller. A leaf is up to 3 meters long, and up to 1 meter in diameter. The length of the cut of 2-5 meters, the thickness is 10 cm. Matte-green, with white transverse stripes. The underground part of the plant is a gigantic tuber weighing up to 50 kilograms.

The fragrance of the flower resembles a mixture of smells of rotten eggs and rotten fish, and in the appearance of the flower resembling a decaying piece of meat. It is this smell that attracts in the wild to the plant of insect pollinkers. Blossom continues for two weeks. Interestingly, the pillage is heated to 40 ° C. The tuber during this time is very depleted due to the recalculation of nutrients. Therefore, he needs another rest period of up to 4 weeks to accumulate forces for the development of sheet. If the nutrients are small, then the tuber after flowering "sleeps" until next spring. The life expectancy of this plant is 40 years old, but it blooms during this time only three or four times.


Velvichia is amazing - a relict tree - is one species, one kind, one family, one detachment of Velvichiyev. Velvichia is growing in the south of Angola and in Namibia. The plant is rarely found further than a hundred kilometers from the coast, it approximately corresponds to the limit that fogs are reached, which are for Velvichia the main source of moisture. Its appearance can not be called neither grass nor a bush or a tree. The scientist world learned about Velvichia in the 19th century.

From afar it seems that Velvichia has a lot of long leaves, but in fact there are only two of them, and they grow throughout her plant life, adding 8-15 centimeters per year. The scientific works described a giant with a length of leaves more than 6 meters and a width of about 2. And the duration of her life is so great that it is difficult to believe. Although Velvichia is considered to be a tree, but the annual rings, like on the trunks of the trees, she does not have. Scientists have identified the age of the biggest Velvichy radiocarbon method - it turned out that some copies of about 2000 years!

Instead of the public plant life, Velvichia prefers a lonely existence, that is, she does not grow by the group. Flowers at Velvichia are similar to small lumps, and in every female chish only one seed, and each seed is equipped with wide wings. As for pollination, the opinions of nerds are diverged here. Some believe that pollination is carried out insects, others are more inclined to the action of wind. Velvichia is under the protection of the Namibian Law on the Protection of Nature. Her seed collection is prohibited without a special permission. All the territory where Velvichia grows, turned into a national park.


The plant world on the planet appeared long before the living organisms began to settle. Representatives of flora surround us in everyday life: they are pleased with a saturated greens, give flowers, give their delicious and useful fruits, and also provide material for the construction of houses, furniture, etc. There is nothing more familiar than the flower on the windowsill in the apartment or in the house. But the Kingdom of Flora can admire us and their exotic representatives who have amazing properties, and sometimes remind of animals at all. The top 10 collected amazing plants that are recognized as the most original and unusual in the plant world.

This tree is one of the most ancient on earth. Ginkgo witnessed the appearance of the first ancestors of mammalian animals on the planet at the time when it was already tightly dominated on earth. Its leaves, judging by the excavations and the remains found from the Mesozoic era, shelted the Earth with a solid carpet, which became over the year and thicker.

Despite the fact that it looks like a ginkgo two-sighted as an ordinary deciduous tree, it is coniferous. The fact is that his cupins firmly grown together and formed a visible similarity of a sheet plate, which was misleading scientists for a long time.

Ginkgo is also unique and because it may be surprisingly influenced by the human brain: contributes to the concentration of attention, improves the memory, establishes the processes of cerebral circulation. This made Ginkgo one of the most effective components of drugs against strokes, hydrocephalus and senile dementia.

Although Ginkgo is considered to be exotom (His Motherland - China), its seedlings are successfully coming up in the middle lane, showing all the characteristics of a very stable and surprisingly unpretentious representative of the flora.

This unusual coniferous tree takes the 10th place of the charts.

On the 9th position of the TOP-10 hemp, the parole falls for its exceptional frost resistance. With this property, she is obliged to the fact that during his appearance the new cold territories mastered. A striking for the plant world, the acquired cold resistance helped the semilar cannabis calmly survive the glacial period.

Since in conditions of severe frost and icing in the ice age, there has been a strong deficit of grassy food, the mammoths could get rapidly, but they had saved the abundance of the indoor cannabis from this for a long time. Paleontologists in confirmation of this fact still often detect tens of kilograms of her shoots in huge stomachs of frozen mammoths.

Stability and survival in the conditions of the strongest frost are due to the fact that in the cells of this type of cannabis contains natural alcohol-containing antifreeze, which performs standard photosynthesis, impossible under the condition of negative temperatures.

8th place in the charts of 10 of the most amazing plants occupies the most drought-resistant representative of Flora - Jericho Rosa.

It dwells this unusual flower in the hot deserts and is one-year one. During the arid periods, the Jerichon rose takes the shape of the vessel: raises its leaves up and collects all moisture to the center, which is contained in the air. When this water becomes too small, the leaves are completely dry. The wind takes off the ground part and transfers the plant on many tens of kilometers on hot sands.

If on his path, the Jericho Rose meets the water or any place with a normal level of humidity, the leaves are drinking moisture and open, allowing the fruits from the center of the flower to pour seeds to the fertile soil, where they will successfully germinate and can live.

Because of such an intricate mechanism, the desert rose conquers the conditions of sultry sand over the Millennium.

This herbaceous plant grows in Central Asia. In nature, this type of grass is much dispelled, but it still became famous thanks to Buddhist monks who often used the bamboo in their rituals.

This fauna representative does not have an root structure and explicit stem. It develops with dense large rings lying on Earth. So far, nerds are not known how this grass is breeding.

The amazing property of the ring bamboo is that during his rising of his ring from the ground, the "Ohm" is clearly audible. This speaking plant gave rise to superstitious fear and confirmed the divine essence of monks.

Now scientists have established a mechanism for the emergence of these "conversations": it consists in the peculiar movement of air capsules inside the rings and their partitions.

Bamboo ring placed on the 7th place of the top 10 amazing plants of the world.

Residents of Southeast Asia are extremely lucky: they do not need to buy candy in stores, because in their countries there are sweets right on the trees. The present name of the tree, which gives people an amazing pleasure - Khovnia Sweet.

In appearance, it is close to the usual lipa. In the spring, during the rain flowering, clouds of bees are going around the tree, competing for the delicious nectar, which are filled with his flowers.

In the role of sweets, there are no fruits - pea-like dry bones, and juicy fruits. The content of sucrose in them is very high - almost 50%. Gourmets consider their taste one of the most unique in the plant world, resembling dried fruits, painted in Roma syrup.

The extract and powder of dried fruits are widely used in cooking, as a flavoring supplement for confectionery products. A large number of beverages are prepared sweetly sweets, and its wood is used to make musical instruments.

For the sweet taste, which having donates people, it hits the 6th place of the rating of amazing plants.

Flower laughter

The black flower fruits are pretty small, but their eating causes a stormy reaction: a person immediately begins to laugh. Unrestrained laughter lasts at least half an hour, and sometimes - more than an hour.

After stopping the attack of an unrestrained laughter, an exhausted person immediately falls asleep and sleeps firmly for several hours, and after the awakening feels a hangover or discovers failures in memory.

This property was adopted by dentists: the extract of dope is used as a anesthetic drug, which helps not feel the dental pain and remain in good location of the spirit during the treatment of teeth.

Nature tree

Not all plants give fun and laughter, some can do very pain. Amazing spectacular or stinging tree grows in New Zealand. Scientists call him onangaong.

This tree has a powerful protective mechanism that saves it from any attempts to cause damage. The trunk has densely located spiny needles, at the base of which there are reserves of a poisonous substance from a mixture of histamine and concentrated formic acid. The poison causes a strong allergic reaction, and by painful sensations, we compare with the simultaneous bite of several OS.

After contact with the stuffing tree, the death of one person is officially recorded, unofficial sources and locals are told about many deaths. Large animals - dogs and horses - after burning do not survive.

But not for all fauna representatives, this plant is dangerous: butterfly larvae Red admiral find it very appetizing and tasty. By going to his foliage, these insects are surprisingly gaining weight and in an accelerated pace pass metamphosis from the larva to a beautiful butterfly.

On the 3rd place is the highest plant planet - sequoia. These trees look from top to bottom to the crowns of their relatives in dense forests. The guigant record holder is currently recognized as a tree growing in California on the territory of the Redwood Park. This sequoia was found in 2006 and then her height reached 115, 5 m. In recent years, she increased 2.1 m. According to the approximate calculations of dendrologists, the age of this instance is about 800 years.

Sequoia is the largest plant on the planet. The volume of the largest representative is almost 1.5 km 3 - 1487 m 3. The wood of this tree weighs 1910 tons, which is equal to the mass of 10 blue whales. The circumference of the trunk of this instance in the lower layer exceeds 31 m.

Venus flytrap

Venerine Flower Mukholovka looks very unusual. But on 2nd place she fell not because of the appearance, but because of its preferences in nutrition.

For active growth and reproduction, the flower has adapted to eat alive organisms. Most often they become flying insects. Mukholovka has a specific smell that attracts insects. There are sensitive hairs on the flower sash, which react to touch, after which they quickly close, leaving the victim in the middle of the trap. The plant digested to the victim of about 10 days, after which the sash again opened in anticipation of new guests.

Not only insects can be a meal for a veneree mukholovka: the same fate overtakes and crawled caterpillars, snails and slugs, as well as small frogs. When digesting such large mining from the flower, not the most pleasant smell comes. But this does not immediately scare away lovers of exotic plants, so the flower is becoming an increasingly frequent guest on the windowsill apartments and houses.

Behind the striking nutritional peculiarity of Veinele Mukholovka becomes silver record holder in the ranking of 10 of the most amazing plants of the world.

The championship among the most unusual representatives of the flora goes to the owner of a huge flower - Rafflesia. We are accustomed to sniffing flowers and enjoy their aroma, but in this case the situation is completely different.

The greatest fame of the flower received for an amazing sharp smell, resembling the swirl meat. For a person, he is extremely unpleasant, but for insects who pollinate this flower, such a smell is very attractive, it forces them to fly to the plant, overcoming long distances.

Rafflesey flower is the largest on Earth: its diameter is about 1 m, so it is rightly considered a giant in the plant world. For their impressive sizes and an atypical smell of Rafflesia ranks 1st in the top 10 of the most amazing representatives of the Flora of our planet.

As inquisitive, a person has always been interested in a variety of records in the world of plants. It is important for him to know which flower and what plant is the biggest, which is poisonous, and what is the most unusual.

The biggest flower

Among the colors there are record holders in growth. The biggest among single colors is the Rafflesia Arnold. It is capable of growing more than ninety centimeters. Its weight is about eleven kilograms. Rafflesia grows in the rainforest Sumatra, Indonesia, Borneo, Philippines and Malaysia.

The Naid Sushi Plant is a Lianovic Rattan Palm. Its length varies from three hundred to three hundred fifty meters.

In America, in the Park "Sequoia" grows in huge sequoia sizes, which is the name "General Sherman". The height of the tree is more than eighty-three meters with a trunk diameter of a thirty-one meter. Victoria Amazonian - one more huge tropical grassy squinting squad. Leaves of this giant pitcher reaches two meters in diameter.

The most poisonous plants

Not all the plants are harmless. There are among them poisonous, which can harm human health. For example, poisonous ivy, a poisonous oak and a varnish tree isolated a volatile toxin that can cause severe allergies.

Dikamnus or Yasenet - dangerous plants for man. The essential oils contained in them can cause a long-suffering chemical burn. Photochemical burns can cause such a plant as Borshevik. When his juice falls on the skin of a person, nothing happens, but it stands on this place to get the sunlight, as the skin will be amazed by a chemical burn.

Berries and rhizomes of the crow's eyes are very poisonous. The plant contains a substance that causes convulsions, vomiting, sometimes leading to the paralysis of respiratory systems. Sugges, the comatose state and the baton of the respiratory tract can end poisoning with such plants like Duman and Belen.

The most poisonous in the world refers to the plant of the Cirut. His aroma is similar to carrot, and taste resembles radish. One hundred grams of his rhizomes can kill a cow. It contains Cycutoxin, leading to a stopping of breathing and to cramps. This is not the entire list of poisonous plants planet.

Unusual grass

Unusual call medicinal herbs. One of these grasses is an etaragon. His second name is "the queen of herbs." This is a very useful culture used as a medicine, like spice and as a decorative plant. Another unusual grass is wormwood, which is also widely used in medicine. It is impossible not to call St. John's wort, Elewerococcus, sorry, Melisu, Oshinitsa, Sage, and others.

Unusual herbs are the alpine types of mothers of living carpets. They grow, forming a turin. The most popular carpet plant - Alpine Gusimets. Another very unusual grass, growing carpet, was discovered on the coast of Lake Chane. It is unusual not only in red, and also by what the worms resemble something like something.

Amazing home plants

Pseudolithos looks especially extreme among home plants. It will surprise anyone. His homeland is Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The name of the name is "false stone". The plant looks like a thick egg-shaped buggy barrel without leaves. Color and shape resemble a stone. Flowers pseudolithos located groups of bright colors.

A surprisingly indoor plant growing without soil is a tillandia. To grow it in room conditions, you need to get a drink or the bark of the coniferous tree, on which auxiliary roots will be recorded.

One of the most interesting indoor plants - Litops. With their form, the plant resembles a hoof a height of no more than seven centimeters. Interestingly, most of this plant is underground. Every spring it bloom in large bright colors.

The bonsai look originally. His second name is "Tree in a pot." In essence, Bonsai is a dwarf tree grown at home. This is only a small list of amazing home plants.

The most unusual plant in the world

What a plant is most unusual to solve it difficult, as on the planet too many amazing vegetation representatives. It is possible that the most unusual plant - Velvichia is amazing. It is able to do without water for about five years, satisfied with moisture from the atmosphere.

Velvichia lives from four hundred to two thousand years. Externally, the plant looks like two huge sheets, length from two to eight meters. These leaves continue to grow throughout life, gradually longitudinally breaking on the ribbons, while the tips dry out. The plant grows in those areas of Namibia, where the air humidity is increased due to frequent fogs.
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The title of owner of the thinnest and most tender leaves should apparently give fern called adianTum-Talkiosnik: Its leaves are usually composed with just one cell layer.

And the most sharp sheet is considered the most sharp sheet Sheet of grass putangwhich grows in the new Indian Ocean Local Guinea.

Living on this Pacific Island ocean locals Papuats use confused shaving. the coast of the Indian Ocean It is said that natural blades are nothing along the coast of Indian Do not give way to steel. However, strongly northern Oski Major can be cut down and our leaves sources are the strongest Northern Oski.

The strongest and elastic leaves palms Pandanus Growing At Palma pandanusgrowing in tropical asia Local residents of Plett in Polynesia and along the coast most of the leaves Indian Ocean. Local residents of Plett Kiparis Loves of God of them are durable and lungs loves of God Apollo Mat and baskets.

god of Apollo patron

And most of the leaves of name Kiparis Lyubetess kiparisa. According to the ancient Greek myth, beautiful myif is a wonderful young man young man named cypress cypress according to ancient Greek God apollo patron of art was According to the ancient Greek myth turned into a beautiful tree, completely ancient Greek myth is beautiful covered with scaly leaves. Experts calculated our Northern Oskoka that on the same tree them our leaves are north It turned out from 45 to 50 retang which is growing millions.

Oak has 250 thousand leaves, New Guinea Living at beech no more than 200 this Pacific Island thousand. And, as it was already putanging grass It is said, only one plant all putang Grass Leaf his life does not part with a sharp sheet is considered two sheets are sheet is counted sheet velvichia.

Amazing leaves of the Malay tree the leaf of grass is considered tremisia. Each sheet has its own pacific island Papuans own pattern that does not repeat papuats are the island on one tree, and some steel however strongly Of these, they resemble enlarged However, it is strongly cut Many times snowflakes.

On the uniqueness of their leaves, perhaps it is possible to cut too much No tree compares inferior to steel with an Indian evergreen plant under natural blades nothing title ficus Krishna. It is bred in decorative papuats use confusion purposes and consider sacred so shaving say As there is a myth that that natural blades that the form of his leaves gave Apollo Patron Arts Indian God Krishna.