Tutankhamon's tomb is a traditional version. Mask Tutankhamon

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Head of Tutankhamon. An unusual and attractive, real masterpiece, the head was found by Howard Carter in the input gallery of the tomb. It is cut out of wood and painted. On it, young Pharaoh is depicted as if arising from the lotus flower, like Sunny God.

Boomerang Tutankhamon

Embroidered sandals of Tutankhamon beaded. Consumer footwear were found in the tomb and only a few of them Pharaoh wore in their lives.

Shoes with gold beads. Papa Sandals, which is one of many found in the tomb. Some of them, Pharaoh never enjoyed, but it was in these he exactly walked

A couple of golden sandals Tutankhamon

Howard Carter, discovered a tomb in 1922, called this type of bracelet with a bandage, because it is composed of a number of disco-shaped beads made of gold, electric and blue glass.

Baby chair. This armchair was found in one of the chambers of the tomb, called the lobby. It is made of a carved black tree with an ivory instantation presumably, Pharaoh really used them when he was a child.

Game board Tutankhamon. It relies on the legs in the form of animals and attached to the clauses. The board and the shelter are made of black wood and inlaid gold
Canopic Cancer Tutankhamon. In this gold-plated cancer, there was alabaster ark containing four canopical miniature coffins.
Golden canopian miniature tankhamon coffin. The alabaster ark consisted of four such small coffins, each of which was kept by the insides of Pharaoh. In form they are similar to the second inner sarcopagu, where the mummy of Tutankhamon rested, but these grudges are inlaid much richer and on each of them is inscribed to the goddess and the spirit, under whose patronage he is

Alebaster Ark Tutankhamon

Dagger and sheath Tutankhamon

Chariot Tutankhamon

Pendant with a winged scarab. He illustrates the name of the throne of Tutankhamon, the sky - Heplar-re. The central element is the scarab, made of beautiful Lazarite.

Pendant with a winged scarab. This golden pendant is made in the technique of the septo enamel and inlaid by semi-precious stones and colored glass. Central Element - Winged Scarab from Chalacedone

Casket for incense. This exquisite sample of jewelry art is about 15 cm in height is made of gold, the stand is from silver. Larts is dowed with a form of two cards, decorated with different carved and forged patterns and an opaque multicolored glass and a transparent calcchmt. Four Pharaoh images are slightly different from each other and interpreted as its image in different periods of life.

Model boat Tutankhamon. This is one of the 18 models of boats found in the tomb.

Naos, or Tutankhamon Cancer, Gold Plated and Engraved

One of the several gold-plated statues of the Divine found in the tomb of Tutankhamon, the statue depicts Duamutefa, one of the four sons of the Mountain, which was depicted with the head of Jackal

Stand for the head of Tutankhamon, carved from ivory (headrests were used in ancient Egypt and are still used in some African countries to protect the sleeping head)

Parade Pancar Tutankhamon

Buckle of precious stones in the form of a scarab from Tutankhamon Tomb

Figurine Confirm in the form of falcon. She was placed in the tomb to protect Tutankhamon during his travel in the underground world. It is possible that this falcon was the twenty-nomes of Lower Egypt

Tutanyhamon's staff. His golden staff was found between the two most remote altars in the funeral chamber of the tomb. Staff hollow; We are decorated with the Faceon's figure. He wears the blue crown of Hepresh, which is associated with certain ceremonies, and dressed in a checkered skirt. The role of this press is not clear, and there is still no assumption about this.

Tutankhamam with harpoon (gold-plated, wooden statuette of Tutankhamon stands on a painted wooden boat)

Vessel for incense, belonging to the king and queen. This beautiful vessel of the intricate shape is cut out of four separate slices of alabaster bonded into one.

The ceremonial throne. This is a high decorated throne - one of the masterpieces of Tutthanhamon's masterpieces, was found in the chamber called "an extension". The throne is made of wood, sheathed iron and richly decorated with inlays from multicolored faience, glass and stones in the style of Amarne.
Piece of Golden Coulomb

Inside this silver tube with a golden mouthpiece was found decorated wooden core Probably protecting a thin metal from damage

Mummy jewelry Tutankhamun (Mummy was decorated with gilded bandages and gold belts and glass beads. I have a pendant of bright blue glass, in the form of the eye of the guard - Cobra is handed over, surrounded by a necklace of brilliant beads.)

The inner coffin of Tutankhamon. It is the third and most recent of the three coffins of Pharaoh. Mummy directly lies in it. This coffin made of a leaf of gold with a thickness of 2.5 to 3.5 mm. He depicts the king in the formation of Osiris. The headband has the form "Nemets"; face, neck and hands polished; on the neck of a double necklace from disk-like beads made of red and yellow gold and blue faience; The chest decorates the similarity of the necklace made by the septo enamel technique. The entire coffin surface is covered with artistic engraving, reproducing feathers (ornament "Rishi" and inside inside and outside, epitaphy deceased and clock texts. Figures of nonhabt and buto, as well as the necklace are injured by semi-precious stones and colored glass.

Pencil for scrolls. The unique container in the form of a palm trunk was found among the appliances for a letter of treasury

Shield depicting the murder of Tutankhamon his enemies, among military equipment found in the tomb was eight shields, four of which are ceremonial. This shield is a parade

Stroked for papyrus. The surface of the finished papyrus was uneven or Shershawa, it was polished with smooth parts of stones, wood or even an ivory before the letter. This is a thin stroking made of ivory, with a golden handle

In general, in ancient times, the late put in the grave, everything was considered the most valuable for him in life: the kings and nobles - the signs of their dignity, the warrior - his weapon, etc. But they all "taken" with them almost all collected in life Gold and other objects that are not declared.

There were such kings and rulers who carried away with them the entire state treasury, and the people, mourning the king, mourned and loss of all its heritage. So the ancient tombs were treasurers who hiding unpretentious wealth. To protect them from stunning, the builders struggled inaccessible to foreign entrances; It was organized with the doors with mysterious constipation, which were closed and opened with the help of a magic talisman.

No matter how hard Pharaohs tried their tombs from looting, no matter how sophisticated in trying to resist the all-time time, all their efforts were in vain. The Genius of their architects could not defeat the evil will of man, his greed and indifference to ancient civilizations. Countless treasures, which were supplied to the afterlife of the deceased Lords, members of their families and important dignitaries, has long been attracted to the greedy robbers. Neither terrible spells did not help against them, neither careful security, nor cunning tricks of architects (disguised traps, closed cameras, false moves, secret stairs, etc.). Thanks to a happy coincidence, only the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon remained the only one who preserved almost in complete immunity, although she was plundered in ancient times. Opening it is connected with the names of the English Lord Carnarwon and the archaeologist Howard Carter.

Lord Karnarvon, the heir of a huge state, was also one of the first motorists. In one of the car accident, he barely survived, and since then, the dreams about sports had to be left. To promote health, a bored Lord visited Egypt and became interested in the great past of this country. For your own entertainment, he decided to do excavations himself, but his independent attempts on this field were unsuccessful. One of the money for this was not enough for this, and the knowledge and experience of Lord Carnarvon did not have enough. And then he was advised to ask for help to the archaeologist Howard Carter.

In 1914, Lord Carnarvon saw on one of the faience cups found during excavations in the valley of the kings, the name of Tutankhamon. The same name met him and on the Golden Plate from a small cache. These findings prompted Lord to pass the permission from the Egyptian government to search for the Tomb of Pharaoh. The same material evidence was supported by the city of Carter, when it covered the despondency from long, but unsuccessful searches.

The tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon archaeologists searched for many 7 years, but in the end they smiled happiness. The sensational news flew around the world in early 1923. In those days in a small and usually quiet town, Luxor rushed crowds of reporters, photographers and radio components. From the valley of the kings, the reports, messages, notes, essays, reports, reports, articles ...

For more than 80 days, archaeologists were trained to the golden coffin of Tutankhamon - through 4 external ark, stone sarcophagus and 3 internal coffins, until finally saw the one who had long been for historians only by a ghostly name. But first, the archaeologists and workers discovered the steps, which took the rocks into the depths and ended with the closed entry. When the entrance was freed, it turned out to be a decrease in the corridor, covered with limestone wreckage, and at the end of the corridor - another entrance, which was also closed. This entrance led to the front chamber with a side storeroom, a funeral chamber and a treasury.

Having done a hole in the masonry, G. Carter glanced her hand with a candle and pulled to the hole. "At first I saw nothing," he wrote later in his book. - Warm air rushed out of the chamber outside, and the flame of the candle flashed. But gradually, when the eyes were mastered with a twilight, the details of the room began to slowly swim from the dark. There were strange figures of animals, statues and gold - Merzalo Gold everywhere. "

Tankic Tutankhamon really was one of the richest. When Lord Karnarvon and Carter entered the first room, they were stolen the number and a variety of items that filled it. Here were the grown gold chariot, Luke, quiver with arrows and shooting gloves; Beds, also upholstered with gold; Chairs covered with the smallest inserts from ivory, gold, silver and gems; Gorgeous stone vessels, richly decorated lars with clothes and decorations. There were also drawers with food and vessels with long walled wine. Othanhamon discovered at the first room, and the most bold expectations of the expedition participants exceeded in the tomb.

The fact that the tomb was generally discovered, in itself was nothing to do with anything. But fate smiled at G. Koter again, and in those days he wrote: "We saw what no one was awarded our time." Only from the front chamber of the tomb of the English expedition took 34 containers, full of priceless decorations, gold, precious stones and magnificent works of ancient Egyptian art. And when the members of the expedition penetrated the funeral chambers of Pharaoh, then they found a wooden gilded ark here, in it another - oak ark, in the second - the third gold-plated ark, and then the fourth. In the latter, there was a sarcophague from a solid piece of rare crystalline quartzite, and there are two more sarcophagus.

The northern wall of the Sarcophague Hall in the tomb of Tutankhamon is painted by three scenes. On the right depicted cuddle of the mouth of the Mummy Pharaoh his successor to Aee. Until the cuddle of the mouth, the deceased Pharaoh was depicted in the form of mummy, and after that, he appeared in his usual terrestrial rite. The central part of the painting occupies a scene of a meeting of the revived Pharaoh with the goddess of the Nut: Tutankhamon is depicted in the robe and the headdress of the earthly king, in his hands he has a male and staff. In the last stage of Pharaoh hugs Osiris, behind Tutankhamon stands for his "ka".

As noted in the previous chapters, the ancient Egyptians believed in the existence of a few souls. Tutankhamon had two statues "ka", which during a mourning procession carried in the honorable row. In the funeral chambers of Pharaoh, these statues stood on the sides of a sealed door leading to the Gold Sarcophaga. The "ka" of Tutankhamon youth is a beautiful face with widespread eyes, looking with impassive motion of death. Ancient sculptors and artists repeated it many times on grats, chests and arks. The dimensions of the Statue of the Spirit-Double helped to establish the growth of Pharaoh himself, since according to the funeral tradition of the ancient Egyptians, these sizes corresponded to the growth of the deceased.

"Ba" Tutankhamon guarded a wooden sculpture, depicting Pharaoh on the funeral bed, and on the other hand, the sacred mummy dashed his falcon wing. On the figure of Tutankhamon, archaeologists saw the carved words with which Pharaoh appealed to the goddess of the sky: "Lowly, Mother Nut, the slope of me and turn me into one of the immortal stars that everything in you!" This sculpture was among those sacrifices that courteous presented to the dead Pharaoh as a promise to serve him in the afterlife.

To get to the sacred mummy of Pharaoh, archaeologists had to open several sarcophagus. "The mummy lay in the coffin," Carter writes, "to which she was tightly stuck, because, dropping into the coffin, it was flooded with aromatic oils. Head and shoulders, right up to the chest, covered the beautiful gold mask, reproducing the features of the royal face, with a head bandage and necklace. It was impossible to remove it, as she also glued to the coffin layer of resin, which thickened in hard, like a stone, mass. "

The coffin, in which the mummy of Tutankhamon was shown in the formation of Osiris, was entirely made of a massive gold sheet with a thickness of 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters. In their form, he repeated the two previous ones, but his decor was more complex. The body of Pharaoh protected its wings of the Goddess Isis and Oil; Chest and shoulders - Korshun and Cobra (Goddess - patroness of the North and South). These figurines were superimposed on top of the coffin, each of the peon of the KORSHUAN was filled with pieces of gems or multi-colored glass.

The mummy lying in the coffin was wrapped in many plague. On the upper of them were naked hands of the hands, who kept the beach and rod; Under them was also a golden image "Ba" in the form of a bird with a human head. In the fields of bandages were longitudinal and transverse stripes with texts of prayers. When Carter turned the mummy, then found a lot of precious jewelry, the inventory of which was divided into 101 group. So, for example, on the body of Pharaoh, scientists found two daggers - bronze and silver. The handle of one of them is decorated with golden grain and is melted by intertwining ribbons from the septo-enamel. At the bottom of the decoration ends with a chain of curls of golden wire and a rope ornament. The blade of hardened gold has in the middle two longitudinal grooves, crowned with a palm, above which a narrow frieze is a geometric pattern.

An forged mask, who closed the face of Tutankhamon, was made of a thick sheet of gold and richly decorated: stripes of a scarker, eyebrows and eyelids - from dark blue glass, a wide necklace shone with numerous inserts from gems. Pharaoh's throne was made of wood, sheltered gold and richly decorated with inlaid from multicolored faience, gems and glass. The legs of the throne in the form of lion's paws are crowned with lion heads of chased gold; The handles are the winged, faded in the ring of snakes that support the wings of the Faracon Cartridge. Between the backups behind the back of the throne there are six ureys in crowns and with sun discs. All of them are made of gilded wood and inlaid: Ureyev's heads - from purple faience, the crowns are made of gold and silver, and the sun discs are made of gilded wood.

Behind the back of the throne there is a relief image of papyrus and water birds, the front is the only inlaid image of Pharaoh and his wife. Lost gold jewelry, which joined the seat with the lower frame, were an ornament from the lotus and papyrus, combined by the central image - the hieroglyph "sem", symbolized the unity of the Upper and Lower Egypt.

In ancient Egypt, there was a custom to decorate the body of the departed wreaths from flowers. The wreaths found in the tomb of Tutankhamon reached us not in very good condition, and two or three flowers at the first touch generally crumbled into powder. The leaves also turned out to be very brittle, and scientists, before proceeding with the studies, held them in a warm water for several hours. The necklace found on the lid of the third coffin was made up of leaves, flowers, berries and fruits, various plants mixed with blue glass beads. Plants were located nine rows adjacent to semicircular stripes carved from a papyrus core. As a result of the analysis of colors and fruits, scientists managed to establish an approximate time of the burial of Pharaoh Tutankhamon - it happened between the middle of March and the end of April. It was then in Egypt, the cornflowers were blooming, the fruits of mandragoras were ripened and the frustrated, woven in a wreath.

In the magnificent vessels from stone, scientists have found and fragrant ointments, which Pharaoh should have sacrificed in the afterlife world, as he did it during his lifetime. These articles, and after 3000 years, published a strong fragrance ...

Now treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamon are exhibited in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and there are 10 halls there, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is equal to the football field. As a resolution of the Egyptian service of antiquities, the mummies of famous pharaohs were made. When carrying out the work, the most modern technique was used, the trials of judicial physicians and even experts from Scotland Yard, who took the X-rays of the Tutankhamon skull and discovered traces of a deep wound on the back of the head. And the English detectives came to the conclusion that the case here is criminal, and 3000 years ago, the 18-year-old ruler of Egypt became a victim of the palace coup and died instantly from a strong blow.

In the early 20s of the twentieth century, the British archaeological expedition opened the tomb of one of the pharaohs of the new kingdom. Until this time, the place of the last shelter of more than 33 centuries remained safe and preservation. Neither medieval robbers nor numerous tombs rarers did not disturb the peace of Pharaoh. In the tomb, a large number of decorations, jewels, magnificent art samples were found in the magnificent sarcophagus, and the face of the ancient ruler closed the Golden Mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamon.

Howard Carter

An amazing discovery occurred in 1922, the expedition of archaeologists headed Howard Carter. This Egyptologist has dedicated himself to the history of the ancient world. Since 1899, Carter takes part in archaeological expeditions. Success to him brought the discovery of the burial of Women-Pharaoh Hatsepsut to the west of FIV.

Working with Lord Carnarvon

Acquaintance with the archaeologist-lover Lord Carnarvon helped to find funds to achieve a cherished goal - to find the untouched tomb of one of the numerous Egyptian rulers. Since 1914, the team headed by the tandem of the scientist professional and amateur-an aristocrat, began active excavations in the valley of the kings. Numerous failures and modest findings in the ruined graves of the ancient kings cooled the enthusiasm of the aristocrat, and the scientific society of that time was skeptical to the likelihood of finding untouched burial.

In total, in search of the untouched Tomb of the Egyptian Vladyk, Carter spent 22 years, but in the end, his search was still rewarded. On November 4, 1922, an unemployed tomb was found, in which the remains of Pharaoh Tutankhamon were found. The archaeological find attracted the attention of scientists from around the world, because many even questioned the existence of this ruler.

Youth of the king

Tutankhamon climbed the throne at the age of 8 or 9 years. The name of the ancient ruler first sounded like Tutankhaton, which meant "Atona". He was the successor of the famous Pharaoh Buntar - Ehnaton. The famous Pharaoh Yeretik made the Egyptians exalted the new God - Aton. Fans of ancient beliefs were deprived of donations and forgotten.

All the upbringing of young pharaoh was based on worship the image of the Sun God - Aton. His teachers were Meye and Horamhba. MEY was a supreme priest with the authorities of the previous pharaoh, and Horakhba is a retired military leader. Both were unhappy with the previous ruler of Egypt, both persecuted their own goals, teaching the young king. Taking the power over all Egypt, Tutankhamon did not forget the lessons of his teachers and decided on changes.

Board of Tutankhamon

The story of Tutankhamon, as the ruler of Egypt, begins after his top 1333 BC. e. Pharaoh radically changes the direction of the country's religious and political life. From now on, his supreme God - Amon, the same as his ancestors was before Ehnaton; And his name sounds like Tutankhamam. The city of Zhetstsov Achetaton, the place of worship of the overthrown deity, was destroyed and devoted to oblivion. Formally the capital of Egypt, where the Egyptian pharaohs traditionally were ruled, were the income, but Tutankhamam spent most of her short life in Memphis. Naturally, the court venomes, military leaders, architects and priests tried to live closer to Pharaoh.

Necropolis Tutankhamon

Even after his death, the strengths of the world wanted to be closer to the Messenger of God Amon - this arose one of the necropolis of that time - Saccar. It was here that the commanders, priests and former teachers of young pharaoh were wanted to arrange their tomb. Tutankhamon kept and restored the ancient sanctuary, left behind many architectural monuments. In the Luxor Sanctuary completed the design of the colonnade built in honor of Amenhotep III, the Nubian temple was completed, glorifying this ruler. A number of military campaigns were also carried out in Nubia and Nizhny Egypt, some of them were successfully completed.

Perhaps Tutankhamam would have become famous in the centuries as the greatest ruler, but fate took him incomplete ten years of reign. Ultimately, his reign did not differ from the activities of other pharaohs. Even the cardinal shift of the Supreme God was not something out of a series of outgoing. Pharaoh died at a very young age, at the time of death he was incomplete 19 years old. As the true ruler of Egypt, the king prepared in advance about his tomb - the Pyramid of Tutankhamon was erected in his life.

Tomba Tutankhamon

During the existence of the Valley, the architects built 65 tomb for their pharaohs. Tutankhamon's pyramid was also built there. The technology of the construction of the tomb for 500 years has not changed. In the thicker, the rocks were given out the steps leaving under the ground to a depth of 200 m, which led to the burial chamber. In the middle of the central grotto, the sarcophagus was established, in which three coffins were inserted into one. In the last and placed the body of Pharaoh. The outer coffin was made of a gold-plated tree, which were the images of Korshun and Cobra. These symbols personified north and south of Egypt. Animal images are still surprised by fine work and rich decor. Each Peru on the wings of the Korean, each scaway on the hoods of the Cobra attached great importance, all the details were carefully completed by unknown masters.

The coffin of the second was decorated with colored glass. He played an intermediate role between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The third coffin in which the body of Tutankhamon was resting, was made of a whole sheet of pure gold.

The remains of the ruler were placed in the thinnest cloth, and his face closed the burial mask of Tutankhamon. A lot of things that were in the "golden title" were left beyond the time and lived almost in full preservation to this day. The items from the tomb of Tutankhamon surrounding the body of the deceased, surprised by their luxury and wealth, each of these works of art had to facilitate the life of the ruler in the kingdom of the dead.

Mystery of death

However, the life and rust of the Lord of Egypt at that time were interested in scientists. Much more fascinating was to find the cause of such early death. Several hypotheses explain to the posthumous secrets of Tutankhamon were put forward. His death was beneficial to the regeneration of Eje, who reigned over Egypt after the death of a 19-year-old ruler. Tutankhamon did not love the priests of the overall ATON, who lost their cities and temples. Among the possible causes of death were stamped, or poisoning. But the studies of 2005 showed that the head injury was inflicted by Pharaoh after his death, most likely, it was obtained as a result of the mummizing of the ruler's body. One of one was rejected by the hypothesis of violent death, new details of the short life of the young Pharaoh were opened.

Research data

The great ruler of Egypt, according to scientists, was a chronically sick young man who had a history of several genetic deviations, which other Egyptian pharaohs suffered from this dynasty. Tutankhamam could not normally move, there was a congenital chromotype and an incomplete amount of fingers on the right leg. Finally, the team of researchers revealed the true cause of the death of the Lord of Egypt. She was the microscopic Bacillus Plasmodium Falciparum, which causes severe malaria forms. The infection turned out to be fatal for the king, the body of which was weakened by congenital malaise and suffered by a trauma caused by a blow or a drop from a horse.

Opening a tombs

The notes of Howard Carter talk about the long years of searches for the slightest references to the valley of the kings. After all, for three millennia, the pyramids fell asleep with sands, countries changed the outline, even the terrain of the ancient country called Egypt changed. Tutankhamon hidden behind the drain history so that many scientists even doubted his existence. Only many years after the start of excavations in the valley of the kings, under the house of one of the workers, Carter noticed the steps leading down. Excavations found not disturbed by rarers or natural disasters. Apparently, the builders who prevail the tomb for Pharaoh for a later time, diligently covered the entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamon. On February 16, 1923, Carter opened the "Golden Drawn" - a direct place to rest in Pharaoh.

More than three thousand jewelry and works of art created by the ancient Egyptian masters turned out to be in the grave of the ancient ruler. Among the items were found in beds, covered with sheets of pure gold, and gold-plated models of ships and chests with numerous decorations.

Mummy Pharaoh

The ruler's body was found only in the third coffin. The mummy by the efforts of the ancient cellar workers was bitten by the swaddles of the finest cloth. The top cover was decorated with an embroidered applique with the image of golden hands. Pharaoh, as it were, kept rod and whip - the ancient symbols of the ruler. There were many jewelry and personal items of Pharaoh, as well as transverse pure gold stripes, with the chasing of ancient prayers and images from the Book of the Dead. When swaddling, the current compositions of aromatic resins were used, which for thirty-centuries tightly glued the funeral covers to the body of the mummy.

Amazing Nakhodka

But the most amazing find was the mask of Tutankhamon, which covered his face. The surprise of archaeologists appeared an amazing creation of ancient masters. This item rightly deserves a separate description. The masks of the rulers of Egypt were quite typical for that time. But not a single funeral mask could see our contemporaries. The grave thieves, who ruined the ancient graves by millennia, are to blame. It is thanks to black archaeologists that modern Egyptology checks its hypotheses and assumptions, based only on several not plundered ancient graves. And the greater the significance of the opening of the crankcase of untouched ancient burial was acquired.

Description of the mask of Pharaoh

The gold mask of Tutankhamon covered the head and the upper part of the ruler body. The total weight was 11.26 kg. This decoration with perfect accuracy was attached to the upper part of the body and to the face of the ruler of Egypt. The mask depicts the face of Pharaoh himself with big eyes, suspended antimony, the eyes themselves are made of obsidian. This amazing artwork is made of thick sheet gold and decorated with unique decorations. The handkerchief, eyebrows and eyelids skillfully instructs dark blue glass, a necklace, resting on the chest of mummy, was decorated with semi-precious stones. The golden mask of Tutankhamon due to the special aromatic resins was tightly glued to the face of the mummy. It took a long and painstaking work to separate this unique thing, without spoiling her beauty. And thanks to the art of the ancient masters, modern anthropologists were able to determine the features of the face of the ancient Pharaoh with sufficient confidence.

Symbol of Egypt

An amazing archaeological find was widely covered in the press and gave rise to various discussions and accumulative assumptions. The name of Tutankhamon became widely known and caused a surge of interest in the study of past Egypt and the ancient world as a whole.

The Golden Mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamon still has no certain market value. This ancient decoration has a huge historical, cultural and jewelry value. In a certain sense, Tutankhamon mask is a symbol and ancient, and modern Egypt, the main exhibit of the Cairo National Museum. She was repeatedly tried to kidnap, the last attempt was carried out in 2011 during the so-called Egyptian spring. Modern inhabitants of Egypt belong to the mask as a talisman, whose ancient forces protected Tutankhamon's secrets over thirty centuries. The Egyptians hope that their ancient country will soon become one of the greatest countries of the world, and the mask of Tutankhamon will help them in this.

It turns out that the beloved boy is the king of Egypt was not so gold. New studies have shown that Pharaoh Tutankhamam was actually a weak teenager with a wolf mouth and closer.

"He was a sick child," says Egyptologist Emily Tyter. Based on DNA and tomography analyzes, scientists concluded that the Tuta had a genetic disease of the bone and malaria, which, in combination with a complex fracture, and could cause his death aged 19 years of about 3,000 years ago.

The King and his family, despite the status and wealth, were the same simple mortal susceptible diseases, as well as ordinary peasants - on the bodies of members of the royal family found in the tombs, numerous traces of malaria were discovered. Moreover, the tradition of blood marriages has greatly worsened the state of the health of the pharaohs.

New studies have proved that Tutankhamon's father was Pharaoh Ehnaton, and his mother's sister was his father, that is his aunt. In Egypt, it was not considered incest. Pharaohs were equated to the gods, and therefore kneading someone else's blood for their kind. (Attention! Some photos presented in the selection may seem unpleasant and frightening.)

18. The mask of the golden coffin of King here-Anah-Aman, who ruled by Egypt about 1350 g BC. In the Museum of Egypt's Treasures in Cairo. Pure gold mask weighs more than 10.5 kg. On the forehead - the personification of the goddesses. (AP Photo)

22. The wooden figure of Tutankhamon at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. This 3000-year-old mannequin became part of an extensive collection of more than 130 items from the tomb of Tutankhamon and other tomb of the Pharaoh Valley, which were exhibited at the Institute from February 3 to September 30, 2007. (AP Photo / Jacqueline Larma)

26. Sarcophagus of Tutankhamon in his tomb after archaeologists have taken from him Mumia Pharaoh. Mumia was protected from moisture and pollution, brought by a constant flow of visitors. On November 11, 2007, the Egyptian authorities limited access to the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon to 400 people per day. (CRIS BOURONCLE / AFP / GETTY IMAGES)

28. At this picture of the Discovery channel, you can see mummies (starting from the near) Mother Tutankhamon, Grandmother Tutankhamon and Father Tutankhamon, represented by reporters at a press conference with an archaeologist Caury Havass in the Cairo Museum on February 17, 2010. Two years of DNA analyzes and tomography mummy Tutankhamon and 15 other pharaohs helped to establish a royal family tree, proving that Tutankhamon's father was Pharaoh Ehnaton, and his mother sister was. (AP PHOTO / DISCOVERY CHANNEL, SHAWN BALDWIN)

31. The coffin for the interns of Tutankhamon was exposed at a press conference in London on November 13, 2007. Colorful (Photo by Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)

32. One of the two mummified embryos found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon in 1922. Egyptian scientists conducted DNA tests to find out if these embryos were young Pharaoh. (AP PHOTO / SUPREME COUNCIL OF ANTIQUITIES)

35. Tourists were surrounded by the Tutankhamon Gold Mask at the Cairo Museum on February 15, 2010. To maintain the desired temperature, specialized air conditioners have been installed before exposure in the room. (AP Photo / AMR NABIL)

37. In this photo, published on May 10, 2005, a model of Pharaoh Tutankhamon, created by the French team based on the reconstruction of the person, made using the computer scan of Mummy Pharaoh. Three teams of artists and scientists from France, the USA and Egypt created models of the face of the young Pharaoh, based on the scanned images of a very high resolution. All three teams worked separately from each other. (AP Photo / Supreme Cooncil of Antiquities and The National Geographic Society, HO)

We have already read Tutankhamon with you today, and now let's get acquainted with the traditional.

Lord Karnarvon, typical English aristocrat, was a man fond. Passionate hunter, then a lover of Derby, then an athlete-motorist, a fan of aeronautics, being due to illness devoid of all previous hobbies, he turned to his friend, Director of the Egyptian Department in the British Museum of W. Badju, with a request to advise any interesting occupation, Where does not require physical effort. Halfup W. Bajd attracted the attention of Lord Carnarvone to Egyptology. And at the same time prompted the name of Howard Carter - a young professional archaeologist who worked with famous scientists of Pitry and Davis. The same name called him and the city of Masper, director of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo ...

An amazing coincidence and brilliant coincidence of two recommendations begins this story, complete mysteries and secrets. The story that still excites the minds of people.

History of discovery of the tomb

Theodore Davis, who opened a lot of royal tombs, had a concession on excavations in the valley of the kings. In 1914, believing that the entire valley is already repaired and some serious find is hardly possible, Davis refused concession in favor of Karnarvon. And Massevo warned Lord that to dig in the valley of the kings is a hopeless and expensive thing. But the English madman believed in the obsession of the city of Carter! He wanted to dig up the tomb of Tutankhamon. He almost calculated her location! The fact is that at different times, working with Davis, Carter found a faience cup from the tomb, a broken wooden casket with gold leaflets, on which the name of Tutankhamon, and a clay vessel with the residues of linseed bandages - the priests were forgotten by the priests. All three finds indicated that the tomb is near that it does not plunder, like many and many tombs of the Egyptian kings.

The view of the valley of the kings made an impression of depressing at Lord Carnarvone. The bottom of the pit was risen in giant busts of rubble and fragments and gaped with black dips opened and robbed graves carved in the foot of the rocks. Why start work? Did you really turn the whole crushed stone? ..

But Carter knew where to start. He spent three lines on the plan, connecting the points of three finds, and thus designated the triangle of searches. He was not very big and was between three graves - Network II, Mernepta and Ramses VI. The archaeologist turned out to be so accurate that the first blow of the kirk came just above the place where the first step of the stairs leading to the tomb of Tutankhamon was located! But Howard Carter learned about this only six years later - or rather, six archaeological seasons during which the crushed stone breakthrough was cleaned.

In the first year, Carter came across the remains of unknown walls. It turned out that these are ruins of houses, where shelter lived, Kamenotees and artists employed on the Tsarist Tomb. The walls were not on the rocky soil, but on the crushed it, extracted from the cliff during the construction of the tomb of Ramses VI. Respecting the latter. Carter decided to push his glory for six years: he suffered an excavation of rubble, leaving the ruins of the walls intact. His desire would not interfere with numerous excursions, because the excavation would clue to the already narrow passage to the already open and surveyed tomb of Ramses. Finally, the triangle planned to clearing was completely freed from rubble. However, the trace of the desired grave archaeologist did not find. Carnarvon, who has invested many funds in this risky event, was inclined to abandon his intended. Of great efforts, the desperate archaeologist was worth persuade Lord to continue searching - "only one season." Keeping Carter convinced the aristocrat.

At this undated picture, Howard Carter is an archaeologist who opened Tutankhamon's tomb - explores his sarcophagus. The famous Egyptian Pharaoh suffered a wolf flush and clutch, so he most likely walked, leaning on a cane. (AP Photo / File)

Here is the record from his diary:

"Our last winter has begun in the valley. Six seasons in a row we have been archaeological work here, and the season passed the season, without bringing results. We were excavations for months, worked with the utmost voltage and did not find anything. Only an archaeologist is familiar to this sense of hopeless depression. We Already started to put up with their defeat and were preparing to leave the valley ... "

On November 3, 1922, workers began to demolish the walls of the barracks left by the Carter in 1917. Having demolished the walls, they removed the meter layer of rubble, which was under them.

Early in the morning of November 4, an intriguing silence was established over the valley. Carter immediately rushed to where workers crowded near the fresh pit. And he did not believe his eyes: from under the rubble, the first step, carved into the rocks, seemed.

Enthusiasm returned to them, and work accelerated. The step behind the step was promoted to the base of the stairs. Finally, the whole staircase was free, and the door laid down with stones, stamped and equipped with double seal. Looking at print print, Carter with great joy discovered the royal belonging: necropolis with the image of Jackal and nine prisoners. Already it gave hope that the robbers did not get to the tomb. Her dispute itself and the circumstances of the excavations said that, apparently, they had long forgotten about it: Kamenotesians were too long with a stranger, crushed from the cliff from someone else's tomb, and dumped it first to enter the tomb of Tutankhamon, and later - and on top of him. The priests, the insensitive entrances, it turned out to be in hand, since less probabilities remained that the robbers will remember the rich tomb. And if you remember, shove so much rubble to get into the grave, the enemy does not wish. Then the priests themselves forgot about the tomb ... And later, they built a house for workers who worked in the valley in the valley, thereby finally burying and "secret" the place of the tomb of the Youth-Pharaoh.

At the top of the masonry, Carter did a small hole and, after answering it, looked at thenter. He saw nothing but stones and rubble. Piles rose to the ceiling itself. The burned Lord Carnarvon was not only in the valley of the kings, but also in Egypt. Carter sent him a telegram to England. "Finally, it was said in it," you made a wonderful discovery in the valley: the magnificent tomb with intact seals is again closed before your arrival. Congratulations. "

"It was an exciting moment for the archaeologist," Carter wrote. "Every one, if not counting local workers, after many years of careful effort, I stood on the threshold that it could be a great discovery. Everything, literally anything, could be located for This entrance, and it took all my composure, so as not to hack the masonry and not start immediate research. "

In order not to tempt himself and for greater preservation, Howard Carter again fell asleep the staircase, put the guard at the top and began to wait for Carnarvon. Lord Karnarvon and his daughter Lady Evelin Herbert arrived in Luxor on November 23. Dr. Alan Gardiner, who Karnarvon invited himself on a trip, promised to arrive in the first few years. Dr. Gardiner - an expert of papyrus, and his knowledge could be useful when opening the tomb, because the discovers hoped to detect many inscriptions in it, and possibly scrolls. When the staircase was spoken again, the archaeologists looked like, finally, to the seals. Undoubtedly, one of them was a tsarist, and the other priest: the impression of the seal of the Guardians of Necropolis. So, thieves still visited the tomb. However, if the tomb was entirely robbed, would not make sense to quickly seal it. But this circumstance strongly spoiled the mood of the crankcase while we cleaned the corridor from the east to the west to 27 feet. On November 26, archaeologists have discovered the second stamped doorway.

Carter wrote:

"Finally we saw a fully cleared door. The crucial moment came. I have done a narrow slit in the upper left corner of the masonry. Behind her there was emptiness, as far as I could determine the iron dipstick ... produced air sample on the flame candles, for the accumulation of dangerous Gas, and then I widened a hole, I slept in it and looked inside. Lord Karnarvon, Lady Evelin Herbert and the Egyptologist Callender stood around and waited for my sentence with excitement. At first I did not see anything, because the hot air flow from the tomb blocked the candle . But gradually my eyes are accustomed to the shimmering light, and strange animals began to arise from the twilight, statues and ... Gold - Gold sparkled everywhere! For some moment - those who stood next to me, it seemed eternity! - I'm numbness from amazement. Finally, Lord Karnarvon asked with an excitement:

- Do you see anything?

Yes, "I replied. - Wonderful things ... "

Print on the door of the tomb

Treasures of the tomb

Hundreds of objects were indoors, subsequently called the front room, in the utmost disarray, "like unnecessary furniture in Chulana", according to the expression of Sir Alan Gardiner. And only two figures in full growth, symmetrically intermedied, stood on both sides of the stamped and sealed doorway, which was on the right wall. The figures were made of wood, impregnated with something like asphalt, painted by black and gold paints, they had royal ureys on his forehead, and in their hands - gold rods. Each of the figures relied on a long staff. After inspection of the contents of the front room, the Carter and Carnarvon understood the value of the stamped entry:

"For the sealed door there were other chambers, maybe a whole anfilade, beyond any doubt ... We had to see the remains of Pharaoh."

One of the Carter colleagues wrote no less excited:

"We saw something incredible, the scene from the magic fairy tale, a magnificent treasury from the opera decorations, the embodiment of the dreams of a creative composer. In front of us there were three royal beds, and around them chests, straws, alabaster vases, a grown-in-gold chairs and chairs - the porch of the Treasure of Pharaoh, which He died ... Even before Crete reached a heyday, long before the birth of Greece and the conception of Rome, - since then more than half of the history of civilization took place ... "

Other details were gradually identified: Most likely, the robbers were found at the crime scene, and they, to defeat everything that gripped, in a hurry and randomly fled, without having time to hurt much harm. But no less random did the priests: hurriedly stuck in the chests of royal clothes and items, of which smallly refused there, although they were obviously stored in other strings, the guards of the necropolis were so hastily left the tomb and lit the entrance to it. For the first time in the history of the excavation, Howard Carter collided with probability to detect the untouched royal coffin. Veliko was the temptation to immediately open the sealed door immediately, but the archaeologist acted according to the scientific debt: he announced that it would begin to extract objects from the tomb only after all measures were taken to save them! Preparatory work lasted two months.

Meanwhile, in Cairo to the Egyptian museum began to add a special separate wing to work and storing a new exposure. From the heating of antiquities, Carter received a special permit to use the Pharaoh Network II tomb as a laboratory and workshop. It was transferred to one subjects from the tomb, pre-treated and sent to Cairo. Other archaeologists - Lithoou, the curator of the Egyptian department of the Metropolitan Museum, were brought to work; Burton - photographer; Winlock and Mace, also from the Metropolitan Museum; Draft Hall and Hauzer, Lucas - Director of the Egyptian Department of Chemistry. Alan Gardiner arrived to decipher the inscriptions, the botanist Professor Perscy Newberry - for the definition of colors, wreaths and other plants found in the tomb.

In the front room discovered more than six hundred items, and all of them were thoroughly described and drawn by the Carter himself.

Much, with what the city of Carter was faced for the first time. The first untouched tsarist coffin, the first of the number of objects collection, the first ... Hosting around the excavation, truly worldwide! Never archaeologists have come across this problem: hundreds of reporters, crowds of visitors who prevent work. The world press published its conclusions on this or that topic - until the fact that "Tutankhamon is, thereby the pharaoh, in which the outcome of the Jews from Egypt." Allowed the far-reaching conclusions and V. Vikentyev, who wrote from the place of events to Moscow. In his own way, express the narrowness of the tomb of the tomb, he decided that Tutankhamon was reburied, and not once - following the example of a non-Ramses III, whom the priests were transferred from place in place three times! He even found like-minded people allegedly in the face of Borhardt, Rank and Benedita. And at the same time confused in the names of the pharaohs and his wife Tutankhamon Angesenpamon ...

Finally, Carter cleared the front room and was ready to unzip the entrance to the "Golden Drawn". Of all the wishes to attend the event, only the Times correspondent was allowed inside.

A detailed photo of the tombs of Tutankhamon, who ruled by Egypt from 1358 to 1350 BC. (AP Photo)

Sir Alan Gardiner told Sir Alan Gardiner about the autopsy of the "Golden District"

"When Carter took off the top row of masonking, we saw the wall of solid zelota behind her, in any case, so we seemed to us at first glance. But when all the laying was removed, we realized that we see one side of a huge external ark. We knew about Such arks on descriptions in ancient papyrus, however, here he was in front of us. In all his blue-gold splendor, he filled out all the space of the second room. He almost reached the ceiling in height, and there was no more than two feet between his walls and walls of the room. Inside the Carter and Carnarvon entered, squeezing through a narrow space, and we waited until they return. When they came out, both were angry with their hands, unable to describe what they saw. Others followed them, couple per couple. I remember the professor Laco told me with a grin: "And you better not try: too, you ... solid." Nevertheless, when my turn came, I entered the inner room with Professor Braster. We squeezed between the walls and the carrying m, rolled left and found themselves before entering the ark with a large double door. Carter pushed the goals and opened these doors, so that we were able to see inside a large external ark, which reached 12 feet in length and 11 wide, another, inner ark with the same double doors, with not touched by seals. Only then we learned that there were four gold-plated ark inserted alone in another, as in the set of Chinese carved boxes, and only in the last, fourth, resting sarcophagus. But we were able to see it only in a year. "

But how did the Howard Carter told about this:

"At that moment, we had any desire to open these seals, for we suddenly felt that we invade the forbidden possessions; this oppressive feeling was further strengthened with linen covers, dropped from the inner ark. It seemed to us that we had a ghost of the deceased Pharaoh, and We have to bow down in front of him. "

When all the preparatory work was completed, Carter began to open the Ark himself. As already mentioned, another one was inserted inside, it was not inferior to an external on the decoration, and, by breaking the royal seals, the archaeologist found two more ark, one in the other, and they were no less beautiful than the first two. Opening them, Carter touched the royal sarcophagus. Sarcophag was made from Yellow Quartzit and stood on alabaster pedestal. The sarcophagus cover was made of pink granite. Kamnerise has tried: the burners from four sides depicted the goddesses guarding the sarcophagus embracing his hands and wings.

Three months disassembled four ark. The masters joined them with the help of hooks and ears. To make the ark, Carter had to destroy the whole wall that separated the "Golden Draw" from the front room. The coffin rested under Linen Savan, from time to the brown. The block system raised the heavy cover of the sarcophagus, and the Savan was also removed. Those present became eyewitnesses of a dazzling spectacle: a gilded coffin made out of wood in shape repeated mummy and sparkling, as if it was just done. Tutankhamon's head and hands were made of a thick sheet of gold. Eyes from volcanic glass, eyebrows and eyelids from the glass mass of turquoise color - everything looked "like a living". The eagle and asp were indicated on the forehead masks - the symbols of the Upper and Lower Egypt. The most important detail about which will be provided to express the archaeologist itself:

"What, however, among this dazzling wealth made the greatest impression, - this is grabbing the wreath of wild flowers, which put a young widow on the coffin cover, all the royal brilliance, all the royal puffs are pale in front of modest, led flowers that have retained still traces of their long-time. Fresh paints. They eloquently reminded us how a fleeting moment is the millennium. "

To the surprise of scientists, inside, under the cover of the coffin, was another coffin, depicting Pharaoh God Osiris. It is invaluable to the artistic value of it, decorated with jashed, lazurite and turquoise glass, as well as gilded. And raising the second cover. Carter found the third coffin of a thick gold leaf, entirely coping the mummy figure. The coffin was covered with semi-precious stones, necklaces and beads of different colors sparkled on the neck of the shape.

The mummy was filled with an aromatic resin, and the head and shoulders covered the gold mask, the face of Pharaoh was sad and somewhat thoughtful. The hands made of the gold sheet were crossed on the chest.

After removing the mask, the archaeologists looked in the face of the mummy. It turned out to be surprisingly similar to all the masks found and the images of Tutankhamon. The masters depicting the deceased were the most "interpreted" realists.

Dr. Derry, unwinding mummy dressings, discovered 143 subjects: bracelets, necklaces, rings, amulets and daggers from meteorite iron. Fingers and legs were in golden cases. At the same time, the cutters did not forget to designate nails.

Behind the tomb of the seekers discovered the entrance to another room. And she was full of miracles ... Archaeologists called her treasurer. There was a ark for Pharaoh, guarded by four goddes from gold, golden chariots, the sculpture of the god Anubis with his head jackal, a huge amount of lars with jewels. In one of them, an open crankcase, a fan of Ostrich Feather lay on top, looking as if he was put there yesterday ... After a few days, the feathers suddenly began to quickly pissing, they barely managed to put them.

"However," said Alan Gardiner, "When I saw them for the first time, they were fresh and perfect and made such a deep impression on me, which I did not experience and, probably, would never have experience."

In addition to the ark-chapel, where the brains, the heart and the insides of the dead man were kept, seized from him during the embalming, and lying on the gilded stretchers of God-Shakala Anubis, the walls had a set of ivory, alabasra and wood, encrusted with gold and blue faience. There were household items and several gold statuettes of Tutankhamon himself. They also stood yet. One chariot and model of sailing chelny. The main thing that I found Howard Carter in Treasurer was that she did not touch the robber's hand. Everything was in those places where the priests of Amon were put.

For archeology, the value of this discovery is not only in the treasures found, and in that high art and thoroughness, all these wonderful things were described.

Barbara Hall from the University of Chicago and Yel Nirend takes Tutankhamon's treasures in New Orleans on September 6, 1977. (AP Photo)

Mystery of Curse

Sir Alan Gardiner mentioned one very important thing: the construction of the later tomb of Ramses VI. Kamenotees, as if not thinking, discarded crushed stone not just to the foot of the cliff, in which the tomb was carved. It seems as if the entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamon was rooted on purpose. For what? What made the workers and managers of work do this? Why, despite the strong protection of the necropolis, almost all the tombs were looted, and Tutankhamon's grave, who stood up several dozen years was untouched, was exposed only to one attempt to robbery ending in failure? ..

Oh, how he was right! .. Unfortunately, the archaeologists at the opening of the burial took the sample only on the flame of the candle, that is, for dangerous gases ... How often Rock pursues antiquities, especially in Egypt! Mummy, having lain in his cell, in his coffin more than three thousand years, as if living, worst his wealth.

Then the events followed, the archaeologists are not so direct attitude. There was a problem with a monopoly on newspaper information, which Lord Karnarvon gave the famous "Time". Incuser the flow of visitors. Finally, it is threatening with the restlessness and dirty quarrel between the lord and the crankcase for the "division" of mining from the tomb. The aristocrat was shaken by an ancient robber, demanding "his share." Similarly, devils in Lord Carnarvon, perfectly aware that Davis was publicly abandoned from his "share" in favor of the Egyptian Museum. And to dismember the unique find, which to this day is the only one in its kind. It would be unforgivable and even criminal. At least in relation to us, descendants, and those who come for us.

Archaeologists take the subject from the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon in the Pharaoh Valley in Luxor, Egypt, 1923. (AP Photo)

We say "exactly the demon." Or maybe, who instilled someone in Lord in those moments, what did he spend in the ark? .. Here, of course, a certain mystery is hidden. Much ceased to be the same after twenty people first visited the "golden title".

"They exchanged the most vascular words, - Pissed Braston about Carter and Lord Carnarvone, - and Carter in Raire asked her old friend to retire and never return. Soon after that, Lord Carnarvon fell ill with fever because of the inflated wound. Some time he still fought . But the inflammation of the lungs began, and on April 5, 1924, he died at the age of 57. The newsprises attributed his death to the ancient curse of Pharaohs and inflated this superstitious fiction until she turned into a legend. "

However, remember the following. Earf Emon, a famous mystic of his time, was not too lazy to write Lord:

"Let Lord Carnarvon not enter the tomb. The danger threatens him if he does not listen. Saw and does not recover."

The deadly fever of Lord fell literally a few days after the event that was warned. Contradictory and statements of loved ones and doctors. Brastemed writes about the "inflated wound", and others - about the "bite of an infectious Mosquito", whom Lord allegedly was always afraid. A man who is not afraid of nothing! Death found him in the room of the hotel "Continental" in Cairo. American Arthur Mais died in the same hotel. He complained about fatigue, then fell into someone and died, did not have time to transfer his feelings to the doctors. They could not be diagnosed! Radiologist Archibald Reed, who investigated the body of Tutankhamon with the help of X-ray rays, was sent home, where the shortness died "from the warmth."

Of course, not all the Egyptologists overtook death immediately after opening the ark. Lady Evelin, Sir Alan Gardiner, Dr. Derry, Engelbach, Burton and Winlock lived safely. Professor Percy Newberry died at the age of 80 in August 1949, like Derry and Gardiner. Carter himself survived until 1939 and died at the age of 66.

We probably find the cause of deaths if we accept unexpected deaths in the Carter group, including the death of Lord Carnarvon, for the events of one chain. Obviously, a group of thieves, caught up with the priests at the crime scene, suffered the same fate. Nobody will charge for the fact that in a short time they did not go to the forefans themselves and the priests of necropolis, sealing the secondary entrance to the tomb, where they were challenged the objects taken away from robbers. Apparently, the "curse", hanging over the tomb of the young Tutankhamon, is not nonsense of journalists, but a reality. Thieves no longer touched the Gold Pharaoh, no matter how much they wanted. The priests also did not dare to robbery! .. In addition, it is known that in many thefts from the royal graves, the priests were involved ... Nobody decided to encroach on the tomb of Tutankamon: in the consciousness of robbers, a clear ban was kept to touch the things of the famous ruler. And the lamb of Ramses VI brought from the crushed stone, which looks not like concealing from anyone traces of the burial of Tutankhamon - that Kamenotesm to his treasure! - And the elimination of reasons to the temptation to climb into the tomb. It can be seen, the legend of "curses", about mysterious deaths and diseases, many centuries were passed from the mouth of mouth. The robber always risks, but hopes to overcome the fate, guard, circumstances, etc. Here, any madden was doomed, that is, it would be in advance to the right death. As a result, the Carter opened only two seals on the closed entrance door. The third (not to mention the fourth, etc.) the seal on it did not appear, since there was no longer an attempt to robbery. And at all the rights of V. Vikentyev, who put forward in his "letters" the magazine "New East" in 1923-1924, the assumption that the reboot of Tutankhamon was carried out allegedly under the Tomb of Ramses VI: the stamped entrance to the tomb of the king of the king is sealed with the genuine stamp of Pharaoh, Which in the times of the late king no longer existed. Another circumstance pointing to the authenticity of the burial is the same bouquet of wildflowers identified by Professor Newberry: he could only leave a loving woman. Or ... Here we come to a complex mystery scheme, many units of which are still not known and are unlikely to be known ever. What was the "curse", by whom and for which it was imposed on the grave of the insignificant young pharaoh, who did not really have time to live? With all the king, the hymns were sang and the "feats" were signed, and he did not commit it, and here there is a clear absence of any lifetime merit, except, of course, the return of the Cult of Amon, to which, for some considerations, Tutankhamon is still very involved.

Tomb of Tutankhamon. The picture was made in the 1920s. (AP Photo)

The abundance of chariots and images of rush on the chariot boy-Pharaoh says not so much about the divine origin, which was established for pharaohs since the time of the ancient kingdom (2880-2110 BC) and the construction of the pyramids: this circumstance is very realistic to artists 1350 years BC er, says ... about the king's boom, who adored fast ride. Inlaid and semi-precious stones An image on the back of the throne, where Tutthanhamon and his wife, Annesenpaamon, are kindly with each other, and she probably refuses him incense, is also very realistic, even more so: Tutankhamon swings on the throne! What is it, what is not a manifestation of boys, youth, restlessness? Especially since it has been proven: the portrait similarity of Pharaoh is amazing! Carelessly thickened on the back of the throne elbow right hand, while Left rests on his knees, cut off from the floor rear legs of the throne ... The masters seem to completely forgot the canons, in which one should depict the personification of Amon-ra. Unless the semi-rotation of the case hints at the canon. However, here the artist was brilliantly out of the situation, making a natural pose, the opera of the boy's figure with an elbow on the back. What is his boy, a matter of kingdom? .. Solid love idyll. And that the love between daughter Ehnaton and Tutankhamon was testifying at least those two stillborn babies that Sir Alan Gardiner said. Even if it was originally love, the parent grief had to bring to Tutankhamon and Angesenpamon.

Archaeologists endure ancient artifacts during excavations in Cairo. (AP Photo)