Legend to create peace. Myths about the creation of land of different nations

Since ancient times, a person wondered who created this world, the sky and land, animals and plants, and even his man himself. Since science has emerged much later than this issue, the people had to explain the creation of the world with some fantasy stories myths, legends, legends. All versions of the origin of the world, which differ from different confessions, races and even nations are not confirmed and are absolutely fictional.

Slavic legends about the creation of the world

Slavic culture is no exception. And our ancestors had a rich fantasy. Therefore, here are stories about the creation of the world from the ancient Slavs.

  • One young man went to the world of underground. And he turned out to be in the copper kingdom, then in the kingdom of silver and gold. In each of them he received from princess beautiful one by one eggs containing a whole kingdom. When he left the dungeon, threw eggs to Earth, then the kingdoms spread.
  • One duck was flying over the sea, the egg dropped into the water. It broke in half. And the lower part turned into the ground, and the top into the sky is blue.
  • Good well done once defeated the snake of terrible, killed him and took the egg out of gold. He then broke the egg, and three kingdoms were formed from it: the sky, the earth and the dungeon.
  • However, the most popular is the myth on how God Rod, enclosed in the egg, was freed from him and created the world. At first he gave birth to Lada (love), then the sky. The following steel rainbow, stone, water, moon and sun. He also gave birth to Svarog, who created the Earth.

All these myths and legends are very variable and numerous. They were invented, of course, in times of paganism (the Slavs did not have a single God, but there was a whole pantheon). This multipleness in the versions of the world's creation brightly echoes the Slavic multi-grays.

Bible version

After the adoption of Christianity, the unique hypothesis was theological, or the divine, described in the Bible. She says that God first was the only among emptiness and darkness. And he wanted to create all the living. First, the god of land and heaven, light and darkness. Divided it all this was so appeared day and night. On the second day, God created a firrel (heaven), which divided water in half. On the third day it's time to lay land (land), the sea and plants. On the day, the fourth of God created the sun and the moon to separate the day and night. The fifth day was marked by the appearance of fish and birds, as well as animals of sea. In the sixth animals on land, as well as a person who would become an assistant. And there was a person like God himself. Adam became the first person, and from his edge God made a woman Eva.

Bible connection and Slavic interpretations

The short-circuited Slavic paganism was reflected in a kind of interpretation of the biblical legend. It was believed that God was not the only creator. "He helped him Satan. The people believed that the female between good and evil was always, therefore she existed in the creation of the world. Earth stood, in their opinion, on a huge fish. Since this is a living being, it moves. Because of this, there are rains, drought, earthquakes. According to another version, the land is on whales. As for the creation of the first person, here the Slavs also have edited the biblical version. It was believed that Satan and here took part. And God "was responsible" for his soul, and Satan is for the flesh. Therefore, after death, the soul flies to God, and the body in the ground.

Patriarchal. All that was at the beginning is chaos. He created a gay (goddess of the Earth), which gave the beginning of everything in the world. Also Chaos created Eros (God of Love), who filled his life all the surrounding.

May 30, 2018

Disputes between supporters of the theory of creatureism and evolutionary theory do not subside to this day. However, in contrast to the theory of evolution, creationism includes not one, and hundreds of different theories (if not more). In this article we will tell about the ten most unusual myths of antiquity.

10. Myth about Pan-Gu

The Chinese have their own considerations about how the world arose. The most popular myth can be called the myth about Pan-Gu, a man-giant. The plot is as follows: at the dawn, the sky and the earth were close to each other so much that they merged into a single black mass.

According to the legend, this mass was an egg, and Pan-GU lived inside it, and lived for a long time - many millions of years. But one day, such a life was tired of him, and, having faded with a hunched ax, Pan-State got out of his egg, the splits of him into two parts. These parts, later become sky and earth. He was an unimaginable - such as fifty kilometers long, which, according to the standards of the ancient Chinese, was the distance between the sky and the earth.

Unfortunately for Pan-Gu and fortunately for us, Colossus was mortal and, like all mortals, died. And then Pan-State departed. But not the way we do - Pan-GU lay out truly cool: his voice turned into a thunder, his skin and bones became a solid terrestrial, and his head became space. So, his death gave life to our world.

9. Chernobog and Belobog

This is one of the most significant myths of Slavs. He tells about the confrontation of good and evil - white and black gods. It all started like this: when there was only one solid sea around, Belobogi decided to create a land, sent his shadow - black - to perform all dirty work. Chernobogo did everything, as it should be, however, having kind of selfish and proudly, did not want to share power over the firm with Belobogo, deciding the latter to drown.

Beloboga from this situation was released, he did not allow himself to kill himself and even blessed the land, erected by blacks. However, with the appearance of sushi, one small problem arose: its area grew exponentially, threatening to absorb everything around.

Then Beloboga sent his delegation to Earth with the aim of to withdraw from the Chernobogo, how to stop this matter. Well, Chernoboga sat down on the goat and went to the negotiations. The delegates, seeing the hell of the Chernobogogo groaning to them, were imbued with a community of the spectacle and broke out by wild laughter. Chernobogu did not understand, he was very offended and flatly refused to talk to them.

In the meantime, Belobog, still wanting to save the Earth from dehydration, decided to arrange a surveillance for the black, make it easier for this purpose. The insect with the task has coped successfully and put the secret, which was as follows: To stop the growing sushi, it is necessary to draw a cross on it and say the cherished word - "pretty". What Belobogo did.

To say that Chernobog was not happy - not to say anything. Wanting to revenge, he cursed the Beloboga, and I cursed him very original - for my meanness, Belobogu was now supposed to eat the bee fender. However, Beloboga was not confused, and made beefolding sweets as sugar - so the honey appeared. About how people appeared, Slavs for some reason did not think ... The main thing is that there is honey.

8. Armenian duality

Armenian myths resemble Slavic, and also tell us about the existence of two opposite beginners - this time male and female. Unfortunately, the myth does not answer the question of how our world was created, only explains how everything is arranged. But this is less interesting, it does not become.

So, here's a brief point: the sky and the earth are a husband and a wife who divided the ocean; The sky is a city, and the land - a piece of the rock, which he keeps on his huge horns no less huge bull - when he shakes the horns, the earth is bursting on the seams from earthquakes. Here, in fact, all - so Armenians represented themselves.

There is an alternative myth, where the land is in the middle of the sea, and Leviafan swims around it, trying to grasp it for his own tail, and the constant earthquakes also explained his bultias. When Leviafan finally hesitates his tail, the life on Earth will stop and come apocalypse. Have a nice day.

7. Scandinavian myth about Ice Giant

It would seem that there is nothing in common between the Chinese and the scandinals - no, Vikings also had his own giant - he was initially all, only his name was IMI, and he was ice and with a club. Before his appearance, the world was divided into Sullheim and Niflheim - the kingdom of fire and ice, respectively. And between them, Ginnunghap extended, symbolizing absolute chaos, and there, from the merger of two opposing elements, Iir was born.

And now closer to us, to people. When Imir swept up, together with then, a man and a woman came out of his right armpit. Strange, yes, we understand it - well, here they are, harsh Vikings, nothing can be done. But back to the point. The man was called a storm, he had a son of Bour, and Boera had three sons - one, Vili and Ve. Three brothers were gods and ruled asgard. It seemed to them a little, and they decided to kill the great-grandfather imir, making the world from him.

Iirm was not happy, but no one asked him. In the process, he shed a lot of blood - enough to fill the sea and oceans; From the skull of the unfortunate brothers created the heavenly arch, the bones broke out, making the mountains and cobblestones from them, and the clouds made from the plundered brains of the poor imir.

This new world and the company immediately decided to settle: so they found two beautiful woods on the seashore - ash and alder, making a man from an ash, and from Alder - a woman, thereby giving the beginning of a human race.

6. Greek myth about balls

Like many other peoples, the ancient Greeks believed that before our world appeared, there was only a solid chaos around. There was no Sun, nor the moon - everything was seted into one big bunch, where things were inseparable from each other.

But a certain God came, looked at the confusion around the mess, thought and decided that all this was not good, and took up the work: he separated the cold from heat, a foggy morning from a clear day and everything in such a kind.

Then he began for the land, having rolling it into the ball and dividing this ball into five parts: it was very hot on the equator, on the poles - it is extremely cold, but between the poles and the equator - just right, you can't think more comfortable. Further, from the seed of an unknown God, most likely Zeus, in the Romans known as Jupiter, the first person was created - double and also in the shape of a ball.

And then he was broken upon him, making a man and a woman from him - future us with you.

5. Egyptian God who loved his shadow very much

At the beginning was the Great Ocean, the name of which was "Nu", and was this ocean chaos, and there was nothing besides him. There was no, while Atum, the effort of will and thoughts, did not create herself from this chaos. Yes, there were an egg man. But further - more and more interesting. So he created himself, now it was necessary to create land in the ocean. What he did. After catching on the ground and realizing our total loneliness, the Atumu became unbearably boring, and decided to preside the gods. How? And so, with an ardent, passionate feeling for his own shadow.

Thus, fertilizing, Atuum gave birth to Shu and Tefnut, spuning them from the mouth. But, apparently, he stopped, and the newborn gods were lost in the ocean of chaos. Atuum burned, but soon, to his relief, after all, I found and re-found my children. He was so glad to reunion, which was for a long time crying, and his tears, touching the earth, fertilized her - and people have grown out of the ground, many people! Then, while people fertilize each other, Koitus occurred at Shu and Tefunut, and they gave life to other gods - more gods God gods! - Gebu and chickpeas that became the personification of the Earth and the sky.

There is another myth in which Atuma replaces RA, but this does not change the main essentially - there, too, all each other is massively fertilized.

4. Myth of the people of Joruba - about the sands of life and chicken

There is such an African people - Yoruba. So, they also have their own myth about the origin of all things.

In general, it was like this: there was one God, the name was His Olorun, and one day she came to his mind - that it would be necessary to equip the land somehow (then the Earth was one solid waste from himself).

Oloraun himself did not really want to do this, so he sent his son to Earth - she won. However, at that time, the wut was more affected by the width (in fact, a gorgeous party was planned in heaven, and she just won it could not miss her).

While I was having fun, all responsibility was pulled by Odudava. Without having nothing at hand, except chicken and sand, Odudava still began to work. The principle of him was the following: he took the sand from the cup, looked him on the ground, and then gave a chicken in the sand and thoroughly drown it.

After conducting several such disadvantaged manipulations, Odudava created the land of Lef or Lly-Lef. On this, the story of the Odadava ends, and on stage again appeared, this time a drunk board - a party succeeded in glory.

And here, being in a state of divine alcohol intoxication, the son of Olorun began to create us, people. He came out of his hands out badly, and he made people with disabilities, dwarfs and freaks. Outstanding, she watched horrified and quickly fixed everything, creating people normal.

According to another version, she did not turn around and did not break, and people also made Odudaw, just having lowered us from the sky and at the same time giving themselves the status of the Lord of mankind.

3. Aztec "War of the Gods"

According to the myth of Aztec, no initial chaos existed. But there was a primary order - an absolute vacuum, impexually black and endless, in which the Supreme God lived in a strange way - oteetotl. He had a dual nature, possessing both female and male start, was kind, and at the same time evil, there was warm, and cold, truth and lies, white and black.

He gave rise to the rest of the gods: Witzilopochtille, Ketzalcoatlia, Teskatlipok and Ship-Toteka, which, in turn, created giants, water, fish and other gods.

Testlipota ascended to heaven, sacrificing and becoming the sun. However, there he collided with Ketzalkoatlem, joined the battle and lost him. Ketzalcoatl dropped Teskatlipota from the sky and himself became the sun. Then, Ketzalcoatl spawned people and gave them nuts.

Teskatlipoca, still taja overlooking Ketzalcoatlia, decided to recoup on his creations, turning people into monkeys. Seeing that it became with his first people, Ketzalcoatl fell into rage and caused the powerful strength of the hurricane, scattered with nasty monkeys around the world.

While Ketzalcoatl and Teskatlipok were hostile to each other, Tialyok and Chalchoutlikue also turned into the Sun, in order to continue the cycle of the day and night. However, the fierce battle of Ketzalcoatil and Teskatlipota touched them - then they were also dropped from heaven.

In the end, Ketzalcoatl and Teskatlipok ceased hostility, forgetting the past insults and creating new people from the dead bones and blood of the Ketzalcoatl - Aztecs.

2. Japanese "World Cup"

Japan. Again chaos, again in the form of the ocean, this time is dirty like a swamp. In this oceano-swamp, the magic reed (or reed) rose, and from this cane (or reed), as we have from the cabbage - the children were bored, their great many. Together, they were called by kotoamatswork - and this is all that they know about them, for, just born, they immediately hurried to hide in the reeds. Or in reeds.

While those hid, new gods appeared, including Idzinov and Idzinagi. They began to stir the ocean until he thickened, and the Earth was formed from it - Japan. Idzinov and Idzinagi had a son - Ebisu, who became God of all fishermen, daughter - Amateras, which became the sun, and another daughter - Tsukyui, which turned Moon. They also had another son, the last - Susanoo, for her violent spin, received the status of the god of the wind and storms.

1. Lotus flower and "Om-M"

As in many other religions, in Hinduism also appears the concept of the occurrence of the world of emptiness. Well, as from the emptiness - there was an endless ocean, in which the giant cobra swam, and was Vishnu, who slept at the Cobra on the tail. And nothing more.

Time went, the days replaced each other one by one, and it seemed that it would always be so. But one day everything around the sound announced, never before was heard - the sound of "Om-M", and earlier the empty world was overwhelmed with energy. Vishnu was awakened by sleep, and Brahma appeared from the lotus flower on his navel. Vishnu ordered Brahma to create the world, and, meanwhile, disappeared, taking a snake with him.

Brahma, sitting in a lotus pose on a lotus flower, began to work: He shared a flower into three parts, using one to create paradise and hell, another to create land, and third to create the sky. Then Brahma created animals, birds, people and trees, so all living things.

"Darkness initial" - all the same chaos, was present in the ideas of the ancient Slavs as Western and eastern.

"And there was a darkness of the original, and lived in that darkness the mother of time, the great mother of Molly and Eternity - Sva. And the heart of her, she wanted to know the laughter of the children's laugh, tender handle, and she took her warmth of his soul, and, holding in her hands, rolled into the spiral, rolled the embryo fiery. And from that fiery embryo made his son. And the son of the fiery embryo was born, and serpently born from the umbilical cord, the name of him - Firth.

And he became a snakes wise friend Son Sva - Svawy. Playing, they grew together. And it became boringly welded with his mother, for he became a young man. And he also had children of small. And he asked his mother to help him. Mother of time agreed. She took his heart and gave swallowing this snake wise. Much time passed. And once woke up Svarog. He took the Bogatyrsky staff and touched the tail of the snake-firth. And fell out of the snake egg.

His mother time picked up and, breaking, the star did. Once again, I pressed the weld with a staff on the tail of the snake of the fiery, and a child (son or daughter) was born with Goddem. So they were born all the children of his time - sva.

How does all the lives appear in the world?

Skulling Svarog, lay down on a snake-friend and curled snakes, becoming a lie for the twinth of his own. Mother of time, the goddess of eternity, wanted to surprise his son. I took the stars clear in the palm, I sorted with a snake the skin of the old, smalla all this in the dust of silver. Swan swan's hands, and dust scattered in the sky. And from that dust all the lively nodded. And there is no day, not two and not a thousand years.

The man was also made, only in the body of his great mother of just a soul invested. The soul of the one is the breath of the sleeping son of the Svarog. Maybe that is why the soul is sleeping in our body and wakes up only in a godine difficult. Maybe it's right, for, if I thought a person only about the sublime, not worrying about the bread of urgent, people would have died out. Know, born man and God, and snake. From being enclosed in it and good, and bad. Left half of the snoverene, and the right - star. It is only important to follow him, so that the bad and good, evil and good, were in balance, he will only win. If the evil will be more - the soul is burning in the flame fiery, in the flame of anger and envy. And there will be no benefit from life, no joy. Kohl welcome, it will be boring for people a person who is strongly righteous than coming. He is taken without a measure. Insertions of it not from the heart often go. Wood is such a person and ridiculous.

But the Father with Mother loves all their children. Everyone of them baby mil in his own way. Loves the Svarog and Friend's Friend Forter. Once a year, the weld is walking with the staff in the sky and from those steps of the star and the space is born, the form, time.

But not forever, like people, stars in the sky. It is not eternal and welw himself. Everything has death and birth. It will come for an hour, and destroy the Svaroga friend, friend's friend, snake fiery. He swells from graze the fire is fatigious, like a thousand hot suns. And the stars in the flame will die. And all living things will die in the light of white. But, dilding, will be revived. There will be an update. So it was already so it will be. And at the death of gods and snake of the fiery, the souls of them and the soul of people in a single whole, in one common spiral, and makes it a whole mother of time. And add to it a particle of his soul. And it will appear from this with time the embryo fiery, and fire, earth and water will appear, and first everything will happen, and it will return to the circles. So it was, there will be ... "

In most mythologies, there are general scenes about the origin of all things: the allocation of elements of order from the initial chaos, the separation of the maternal and father's gods, the emergence of land from the ocean, infinite and untimely. Here are the most interesting myths and legends about the creation of the world.


The ancient Slavs had a lot of legends about where the world came from and all, his inhabiting.
The creation of the world began with filling it with love.
The Carpathian Slavs have a legend, according to which the world was created by two pigeons that sat on the oak among the sea and thought, "how the light to establish". We decided to go down to the bottom of the sea, take the fine sand, sow it, and I would have given a "Black Earth, Voddy's Studen, Green Grass". And from the Golden Stone, which is also produced at the bottom of the sea, would say "Blue Sky, a bright sun, a month and all the stars are clear."
According to one of the myths, the world was initially shrouded in darkness. There was only the progenitor of all things - the genus. He was enclosed in the egg, but managed to give rise to Lada (love), and she destroyed her shell. The creation of the world began with filling it with love. The genus created the kingdom of heaven, and under it - the subnetious, separated the ocean from the water of heavenly firm. Then the genus divided light and darkness and gave birth to the land that plunged into the dark abyss of the ocean. The sun came out of the face of the family, from the chest - the moon, from the eyes - the stars. From the breath of the genus appeared wind, from tears - rain, snow and hail. His voice became thunder and lightning. Then the ring gave birth to Svara and breathed in him the mighty spirit. It was the weld that gave a shift of the day and night, and also created the earth - a handful of land in his hands, which then fell into the sea. The sun warmed the earth, and baked a crust on it, and the moon cooled the surface.
On another legend, the world appeared as a result of the battle of the hero with the snake, which was silent the golden egg. Bogatyr killed a snake, split the egg, and three kingdoms came out of it: heavenly, earthly and underground.
There is such a legend: at the beginning there was nothing but the bustling sea. The duck, flying over the sea, dropped the egg into the aqueous punch, it split out, from the bottom part of his mother-cheese earth, and from the top - "High aluminum stood up."


The Creator and PRESIDA was considered atum, which originated from Nuna - the Primary Ocean. At the beginning there was no sky, no land, no soil. Atum as the hill grew in the middle of the world. There is an assumption that the form of the pyramid is also associated with the submission of a primary hill.
ATUM has swallowed his own seed, and then he jumped into the light of two children.
After ATUM, it took away from the water with great effort, she walked over the abyss and said a spell, as a result of which the second hill rose among the water alternation. Atuum sat on the hill and began to reflect, from which he could do the world. Since he was alone, he swallowed his own seed, and then he jumped the god of the air shu and the goddess of moisture tefunut. And the first people appeared from the tears of Atuma, who briefly lost their children - Shu and Tefunut, and then rounded and burst out with joy.
From this pair, born atum, there were gods geb and chicks, and those, in turn, gave birth to Gemini Osiris and Isida, as well as set and oil. Osiris became the first god killed and resurrected for the eternal afterlife.


In the Greek concept, the chaos was originally, from which the land of Gaa appeared, and in the depths of it deeply ran the abyss of Tartar. Chaos gave rise to Nyukta (night) and Ereb (darkness). The night gave rise to the tanat (death), hypnos (sleep), as well as Moir - the goddesses of fate. From the night there was a goddess of rivalry and contention of Erid, which gave rise to hunger, grief, murder, lies, exterior labor, battle and other troubles. From the connection of the night with Ereb, the ether was born and shining day.
Gay gave birth to uranium (heaven), then the mountains rose from the depths, and the Pont (sea) broke on the plains.
Gaya and Uranus gave rise to titans: the ocean, the theforest of Japtend, Hyperion, Teyia, Kriya, Keia, Phoebe, Femid, Mnemosin, Kronos and Rey.
Kronos with the help of Mother Schurng Father, capturing the power and taking sister to his wife Rei. They created a new tribe - gods. But the Kronos was afraid of his children, because he once overthrew his parent. That is why he swallowed them immediately after birth. One child Reia hid in a cave in Crete. This saved baby was Zeus. God saved the goats, and crying him drowned through copper shields.
Having matured, Zeus was overwhelmed by the father of Crohn and forced him to swell from the womb of the brothers and sisters: Aida, Poseidon, Gera, Demeter and Gesty. So the end of the era of Titans came - the era of the Gods of Olympus began.


Scandinavians believe that before the creation of the world was the emptiness of the hynungagap. To the north of it lay the frozen world of darkness by Niflheim, and to the south - the fiery country of the Muspelheim. Gradually, the world emptiness of Ginungagap was filled with a poisonous yone, which turned into a giant imir. He was the ancestor of all the giant frosts. When Imir fell asleep, the sweat began to drip out of his armpits, and these drops turned into a man and a woman. Audum's cow was also formed from this water, whose milk saw Imir, as well as the second one-born man - storms.
The son of Bori Borh Bor married the Great Bestley, and they had three sons: one, Vili and Ve. For some reason, the sons of the storm hated the giant Imir and killed him. Then they delivered it to the center of Ginunghaps and created the world: from flesh - the ground, from the blood - the ocean, from the skull - the sky. Imir brain scattered across the sky, turned out clouds. The eyelashes of Imir, they burned down the best part of the world and settled people there.
Droplets of sweat from the armpits of the Scandinavian Giant Imir turned into a man and a woman.
The gods themselves created the gods themselves from two wood bitch. From the first men and women had all the other people. For myself, the gods built the fortress asgard, where they settled.



Zoroastrians created an interesting concept of the universe. For this concept, the world has existed for 12 thousand years. All his history is conditionally divided into four periods, in each 3 thousand years.
The first period is the prevention of things and ideas. At this stage of heavenly creation, there were already sobrases of everything that was later created on Earth. This state of the world is called the menot ("invisible" or "spiritual").
The second period is the creation of a creature world, that is, the real, visible, inhabited by "creatures". Ahura Mazda creates the sky, stars, the sun, the first period and the first. Over the sphere of the Sun is the inhabitative of Ahura Mazda himself. However, Achriman begins at the same time. It invades the limits of the sky, creates planets and comets that are not subject to the uniform movement of heaven.
Ahriman pollutes water, the death of the first man of Gayomart and the first man. But from the first person a man and a woman, from which the human race, is born, and all animals occur from the first fiber. From the collision of the two opposing began the whole world comes in motion: water acquires fluidity, mountains arise, celestial bodies. To neutralize the actions of "harmful" planets, Ahura Mazda puts his spirits to each planet.
The third period of the existence of the universe covers the time before the appearance of the prophet Zoroistra.
During this period, the mythological heroes of the Avesta operate: the king of the Golden Age - Yim shining, in the kingdom of which there is no heat, nor the cold, no old age, or the envy - the creations of the devices. This king saves people and cattle from the Flood, building special shelter for them.
Among the righteous of this time is mentioned by the ruler of a certain area of \u200b\u200bVistasp, the patron of Zoroistra. Throughout the last, fourth period (after Zoroistra), in every millennium, people must be three savior who appear sons of Zoroistra. The last of them, Savior Sosakhynt, will solve the fate of peace and humanity. He will resurrect the dead, will destroy the evil and defeat Ahriman, after which the purification of the world will come "the flow of molten metal", and all that will remain after that, will acquire eternal life.

Sumero Accad

Miscellaneous mythology is the most ancient of all known in the world. It originated in the 4th millennium BC. e. In the state, which at the time was called Akkad, and later developed development in Assyria, Babylonia, Noiseuria and Elama.
At the beginning of times there were only two gods who personified fresh (God to APSA) and salted waters (Goddess Tiamat). Waters existed independently of each other and never crossed. But once salty and freshwater were mixed - and older gods appeared to the world - the children of Apsu and Tiamat. Following the older gods, many younger gods appeared. But the world still consisted of chaos alone, the gods were closely and not cozy in him, what they often complained about the Supreme Apsse. Brutal Apsse is all tired, and he decided to destroy all his children and grandchildren, but the battle could not overcome his son Enki, who he was defeated and was cut into four parts, which turned into land, the sea, rivers and fire. For the murder of her husband wanted to take revenge on Tiamat, but she also defeated Marduk's younger God, who created the wind and storms for the fight. After the victory, Marduk got some artifact "Me", which determines the movement and fate of the whole world.

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Dear readers!
In November 2012, I published an essay "Hercules - classic mythology or the mythology of classics?", Which caused the readers's great interest and a sharp reaction from the authorities, in the face of TV channel 3. And this is not surprising, since "my herak" from the legendary hero turned into Antihero. But I argue that Hercules - anti-hero, cold-blooded, manic killer not only warriors, but also women and children, thief, robber and robber. Who needed to do from Hercules Hero? The answer to this question can be found in the history of ancient Greece. Hercules turned into a hero and mythologized Dorians - conquerors of ancient Greece. Their new hero Hercules was to "justify" countless cruel crimes of Dorians. And for the defeated Ahetans (one of the main ancient Greek tribes), Hercules was a cruel conqueror who ruined dozens of cities and killed many warriors, kings, women, children and old people.
These are the anti-herakli antiheroons today appeared in Ukraine, on Maidan. And it is terrible that the United States and Europe make everything so that these killers turn into new "heroes-heraklov ..."
That is why, I decided to remind everyone about Hercule-anti-mode, in a new, edited version of my essay. (Published in Almanae "Swan" No. 704 dated March 23, 2014, USA, Boston)


Is there any other mythological character as fundamental, as magnificent, just as revered, as authoritative and as unquestible as Hercules? Probably not. Hercules is a classic of ancient Greek mythology. Hercules are a modern classic, since the "glorious feats" of Hercules lived to this day, they are studied in the literature lessons in the sixth grades of all Russian schools. Teachers of "Higher Categories" are developing the methods and plans for the lessons to study the feats of Hercules so that our children absorb the spirit of the Hero, learned their lives on his actions.
But the heroes, as well as antiheroes, create people. People raise the heroes on the pedestal, people - the heroes fall away from the pedestal. And this is the same classic of the genre.
The author is not going to rewrite classical mythology, and even more so, - to overthrow the herakla from the pedestal. Today it (alas) is impossible. Hercules - Hero for centuries (?) But no one has detected the possibilities of creative approach to well-established views on classical historical mythology. After carefully having studied the life path of Hercules, the author realized that irony, sarcasm and even dismisses towards the legendary "hero", admissible and justified. Moreover, the author takes the courage to argue that Hercules hero erected on the pedestal is actually an anti-mode. Are you ready for such a look at the classic hero? By the way, Hercules - just "hero". Our "Hero" had the name of Alkid, from which he later refused (about it below), becoming just Hercules.
If carefully (as a researcher) to explore the life path and description of Hercules's feats known to us on the legends and myths of ancient Greece, by Homer and Ovid, then you can find amazing things. Three main virtues of Hercules are quite obvious.
The first virtue. The dumbboarding in front of the King Efrishem, who hired alkida-herakla to the service, giving him the nickname "Hercules." But why did Zeus's son be serving the cowardly and insignificant tsar Efrisheph? He had a very serious reason. After the murder in the FIFAs of his wife and children (three sons), and, at the same time, and their nephews (mythology explains this attack of madness, sent to him the goddess Hero), Hercules ran from justice to Mycena, where his cousin Efrishefee rules. King Mycene knew what a terrible crime made Hercules and taking him to the service, frankly and impunity mocked him. As soon as he was not frightened over Hercules, the king Eurysyfe, which only absurd instructions did not give him. Hercules all endured and performed very much, just to avoid justice. What is just the 11th feat of Hercules, when Eurysfey sent him to the underground kingdom of Aida, for the terrible dog Kerber (Cerberom), and only to order Hercules to take Cherberry back to hell. And the eighth feat? It was worth sailing for the raid lands for the horses of the Diomeda, to overeat horses, kill a bunch of people, including King Diomeda, so that the king of Eurysfea immediately released horses to freedom? Well, would, respember hero, tolerate such bullying? But Hercules endured, and it is clear why - to avoid justice for killing your family. And remember the history of Hercules's slavery at the Queen Lydia Ommophali, which he was beneficial to sold by Ephreaste for as many as three years. And for all three years, the queen frankly mocked Hercules. All three years old Hercules held in a female dress and promoted for a loom! But Hercules, as a slave, darkened these humiliation.
The second virtue. A tendency to theft and robbery. Hercules stole Kony Diomeda. He stole the cows of the giant Gerion (the 10th feat of Hercules, in which Helios Sun helped him!). It should be noted that if any of the Greek kings disappeared the cattle, then everyone was immediately accused of stealing Hercules. That was such a glorious reputation for Hercules! And the story with the belt of the Ippolite (9th feat)? In fact, Hercules went to the country of Amazons in order to either steal the belt, or kill all the Amazons and take possession of the belt. From mythology, it is evident that Hercules killed Amazons. Is this heroism to fight with women? But in ancient Greece, such acts were considered "exploits", because then all Greece lived with robbery, robbery and wars.
Third virtue. Manical vindication and cruelty, grew into a manic passion for killings. This is perhaps the main feature of Hercules. This "virtue" manifested itself from Hercules since childhood. Remember how the boy Hercules hit his music teacher Kifarya (something like a lira) on his head and killed him. What did you kill? And for the fact that the teacher dared to punish a capricious student. Well, how do you like this "innocent" children's prank, the remaining unpunted?
We already know that being a young man, in her first marriage with Megar, Hercules, in the attack of rage, killed his children - three sons, and then, at the same time, killed the children of her brother of Iphikla. This sick tendency to kill the children manifested itself in Hercules and in his third marriage with Daynair. Little boy walked Hercules on the hands of water intended for the ablution of legs. Payback for the error was cruel. Hercules hit the boy so much that the baby fell dead. And this cold-blooded murder remains unpunished.
Remember, why Hercules killed Tsar Avgii? Just for not received from him the promised fee for cleaning stables. Carefully re-read the sixth feat of Hercules, and you will see that the waters of the rivers, cleared the stables, at the same time they destroyed them. And for such work you need to pay? And for the refusal of payment - you need to kill? And remember - how did you kill? In the "honest" battle - poisoned by a deadly arrow! Hercules at the same time dealt with all Allies Avgius. He killed Tsar Pilos Notea and eleven his sons. The most amazing thing is, in honor of his "glorious victories", Hercules established the Olympic Games! Those Olympic games that are held on our planet every four years.
And the murder of King Diomeda? Tsar Ephrishefe ordered Hercules to steal the King Diomeda famous horses devouring people. Steep, rob, kill - it was the "Hero" Hero's soul. Horses are stolen, and the poor Died fell from Hercules's sword, just for tried to beat off his wonderful horses, which Hercules stole him. And the fate of the king Leomedonta? The king did not want to give Hercules horses, which they liked him so much, and he had a terrible malice on the king. After some time, Hercules specifically attacked Troy to kill the Tsar Leomedont, - and killed! And the poor Sicilian king Erix? Is he who heard from Hercules? And for not wanting to return one cow, who fell off from the herd of cows, stolen Hercules from Giant Gerion! And the twelfth feat of the hero? When Hercules headed in Gardens Heperd to overeat gold apples belonging to the hero herself - Zeus's wife (!), He on his way met the things of the elder spawning. Only Neri knew the road to Gardens hesperid, but heraklu did not want to disclose this secret. Well, and in vain. I did myself worse. Hercules so washed the old man, so he was tormented and tortured that the poor Starik was split. Truly - the feat of the hero! Somehow, in the attack of rage, Hercules killed his best friend of Iphite. How Hercules killed the old good kentaur of Hiron, you remember the poisoned arrow, intoxicated wine. In fact, the poisoned arrows were the favorite "instrument" of Hercules. You can kill anyone and without problems. The main thing is to become a winner! Even mythological plots do not fill the "cowardice" of Hercules. So, the king Lydia Lik claimed that Hercules Coward, avoiding an honest battle and preferring to kill rivals with their poisoned arrows.
But here are the modern ideologues from history and mythology a view of the murders committed by Hercules, and this look, which should be "the only right", they call the people with the help of the TV 3 (12/26/2012 "Battle of the Gods. Hercules") . What is just one of their statement that the first (and almost the only one) the man who killed Hercules was King Diomed, who herakli kidnapped his horses. At the same time, it was emphasized that the "first person", which herakli killed, was Diomed. "Smart and honest" ideologists completely ordered about the early murders of Hercules: Tsar Avgii; Tsar Notea and eleven his sons; the kings of Leomedont and Erics; A little boy who had watering the Hercules on the hands of Hercules, intended for the ablution of legs, and a few more dozen warriors who defended their kings ... "is not a word about it!
What confuses me most is that Hercules killed right and left his compatriots. He did not defend Greece from enemies, like the Russian hero Ilya Muromets, he terrorized Greece, but entered the story as the greatest ancient Greek hero. Why is that? This is a historical explanation. Such a great hero was needed to Dorians, one of the main ancient Greek tribes. At the turn of the XIII-XII centuries to our era, Dorians invaded the territory of Central Greece (Dorian invasion), which became the beginning of the colonization of Greece. At this time, the mythologization of Hercules Dorians, as a glorious and invincible hero, occurred. And for the defeated Ahetans (one of the main ancient Greek tribes), Hercules was a cruel conqueror who ruined dozens of cities and killed many warriors, kings, women, children and old people.
I'm already tired of listing all the murders of Hercules. Yes, honestly, I just do not care. The fact that Hercules was seriously disturbed by the psyche, this is -Nen. Medical fact. Even Hercules himself realized that the attacks of madness were found on him. It would be naive to believe that the mind of Hercules eclipsed the wrath of the goddess of the gera. It was "normal", the natural behavior of the warrior, the "hero" in the conditions of continuous wars and robberies. Today, Hercules would be recognized by the maniac a killer, extremely dangerous for society, but not a hero of decent imitation.
And now, briefly analyze the feats of Hercules and we will try to objectively assess his heroism. The first feat - strangled the Nemoy Lion. Counted. Hero.
The second feat is the Lerneysian hydra. In the place of each severed head at the Hydra immediately grew two new ones. Hercules exhausted to fight with hydra. In addition, a monstrous cancer grabbed him. And Hercules could not stand, and called Iola's friend to the aid. Iolai killed cancer. And then began to catch the neck of the neck, from which Hercules knocked his head. That's how the hydra and won. I think that Iolai showed real heroism and an entrance, and Glory went to Hercules. Any objective judge would not record this victory at the expense of Hercules.
The third feat is the pimphany birds. Monstrous birds from copper and bronze, shooting deadly arrows. Remember how Hercules did the Athena Pallada helped? She gave Hercules two copper tympan. Their rumble was so scared by birds that they flew somewhere forever. (There is a version that flew into Georgia. That's why Zurab Tsereteli likes to work with bronze). Well, who is the hero: Hercules or Athena Pallada?
Fourth feat - Kerine Lan. Amazing animal with gold horns. Surely the only copy in the Red Book. Hercules did not regret nor an arrow nor Lan, for the next "feat."
Fifth feat - Erimanfian boar and centaurs. Well, killed Hercules Kaban. At the same time killed his friend Kentaur Hiron poisoned arrow. Feat? The sixth feat - the barny yard of King Agius. With this "feat" we have already figured out. Many shit ... manure, a lot of blood, cruel murders committed by Hercules, and in the plus - the Olympic Games. And Thank you.
Seventh feat - Cretan bull. Hercules swam from Crete to Greece on a furious bull. His king, Eurysfe, released a bull to freedom, and mad bull began to wear throughout Greece! I don't know the right, maybe in Greece swimming on a mad bull and really considered a feat?
The eighth feat - Koni Diomeda. Already figured out. You can only add that Koni-cannibals chopped Hercules's favorite friend Abderu, the son of Hermes. Theft of horses. Killing Diomeda. The death of a friend. Feat? The crime! But mythology tries to oblome Hercules: he, they say, "was forced to kill the villain of Diomeda, which fogging people with his terrible horses." So Hercules saved people immediately from two angry. It is necessary to be very naive to perceive this act Hercules as the heroic feat.
The ninth feat is the Belt of the Hippolytes. If anyone believes that the female is a feat, then count this "feat" Hercules.
Tenth feat - Gerion's cows. Hercules stole a flock of cows from Giant Gerion, and the giant "courageous" killed by a deadly arrow. A little later, Hercules killed the Sicilian king Erics, for having assigned one cow. Wonderful "feat." Theft and murder remained unpunished.
Eleventh feat - Cerber. Already mentioned about it. Hercules pulled out Cherberry from Hell, and then returned it back to hell. Doubtful feat for sensible, but "unparalleled heroism and fearlessness" for those who cultivated the image of Hero Hero.
The twelfth feat - the theft of the apples is Gherd. Everything that is impressive in this "feat" of Hercules is his torture of an old man's spawning, from which he knocked out the road to hesperdam.
I wonder how many feats of Hercules were you counted? More than one?
What do you now think about the classics of mythology genre? Do you still see in Hercules of an indisputable hero? Do you want to be like Hercules? But our children in the literature lessons in schools are presented by Hercules as the hero from which it is necessary to take an example ...
In conclusion, it is absolutely necessary to stay in the last few minutes of the life of Hercules. How did he die? This question answered another 2500 years ago at the Athenian playwright and tragic Sofokl (496-406 BC) in his tragedy "Trachyans". Let me remind the plot of this Sophoklovo tragedy in my brief poetic presentation:

Tragedy of Sofokla, Athenian playwright and tragic (496-406 BC)

Who "Trachyans"? So girls from the city of Fuck "Ina called,
What in this small, deaf place lived.
Here I finished my hero Hercules,
It happened, everything, as Sofokl says, is something like this:
When, in the service while in Efresfhey, an insignificant king,
Hercules feats created their own (only spending strength in vain),
He in the kingdom of dead chalk "Agra of Mighty met,
which feats of the hero of our with dignity noted
And Dean "Iru, his sister, Hercules invited his wife.
Hercules went to the dean "Ira, to take her wife,
But the river god Aheel decided to take away the "bride".
Between them the battle took place, Hercules in which won
And without much difficulty, he received a job in his wife.
When Hercules and his wife had already returned home,
Centaur mighty to the crossing was met.
Centaur liked very action,
And he decided that she would get her strength.
But Hercules had arrows with a deadly poison.
Not lucky to Centaur, which was near.
Hercules of the Centaur was poisoned.
(I didn't want to fight him, I was afraid that I would not have enough strength.
How not to remember that Tsar Lick spoke about Hercule:
"Hercules is not a hero, but a coward. Will see only danger, in a moment
The arrow of the poisoned enemy fits,
And honest rules of the fight he does not know ").
Centaur, dying, she gave his blood to the Blood
And so at the same time she said:
"If Hercules each other suddenly love,
In the smear of his clothes to my blood, and he will take another person. "
Somehow, Hercules in Ekhalia also stayed and there was no wonder there.
Young Yuna Iola Hercules liked - the daughter of the king.
I demanded Hercules my daughter in the concubine to give yourself,
But did not allow the son of the king sister to take away:
"You, a pitiful slave, that so badly by 12 years the king is insignificant served,
You king's daughter, my sister, not deserved! "
Hercules offended and the son of the royal he dropped off the wall.
Killed, of course. How not to recognize your guilt.
And again in slavery for three years he fell
(About this, for some reason, no one in the fuchine did not know).
And the faithful wife waiting for her husband patiently, doomed,
Embroidered husband embracing clothes.
Three years have passed. Hercules became free.
Revenge! Revenge! And he interrupted everyone in Ekhalia. Like this!
And women of young captivated (in the apartment will fit
And as a slave, of course, will be useful!).
Supports he sent to the Fear,
And he handed the wife with the messenger,
that very soon will return himself,
That's just the victims will cope with heaven.
And someone from the newly sent slaves his wife told
That among the captives Iola is, which Hercules had already reserved.
Here in the heart of Jealousness, jealousy pushed,
the race she with a cloak Hercules sent
And the cloak of the killed Kentaur Blood Orodila
And so that Hercules did not fit her at the sky asked.
Did not know that blood was poisoned by the deadly poison
But I only thought that Hercules was near.

Hercules fire for sacrifices
When a messenger with a raincoat from the house rushed.
Cloak our hero on a bare torso threw
The poison came to life from the fire of the fire, penetrated the hero and knocked on the ground.
And I understood here Hercules that the poison of his arrows returned to him,
Brutal, unbearable pain turned around.
Monstrous pain burns him
In brutal flour, our hero suffers,
Unable to suffer more pain,
And he ordered his friends on the sacrificial stake he was burned.

So my hero died.
Having learned about it, my wife committed suicide.
And the son of Hercules in his wife Youth Iola took,
So before the death of Hercules, his son ordered ....

Here is a completely not heroic death, "gone from us" Hercules. This episode is also reflected in mythology about Hercules ("death of Hercules", "poisoned Hercule Cloak" and captured on the paintings of great artists (for example, the film of Francisco de Subaran "Death of Hercules", Museo Del Prado)

Open the book N.A. Kuna "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" (edition of 1957) on page 167 and read: "Hercules by erecting the altar, prepared for the victims of the gods and, above all, to his Zeus, when Lihas came with a cloak. The son of Zeus put on a raincoat and began to sacrifice. .. The fire, hot burned on the altars, warmed the body of Hercules ... and to the body of Hercules priced poisoned raincoat. The convulsions ran through the body of Hercules, and he felt a terrible pain ... " Cloak was poisoned by a deadly poison. Hercules experienced inhuman flour, and prayed to kill his friends. It is better to die quickly than infinitely for a long time to suffer. Friends fulfilled the will of Hercules and burned him at the fire. That's what was really. Hercules was not going to die and make a rite of self-immolation. He was going to live and live forever! Hercules cruel poisoning is an accident.
But modern ideologists from history are trying to present the death of Hercules, as the greatest, the courageous act of Hercules, as a conscious act of self-immolation. Like, Hercules could no longer carry his cross killer killer, children, innocent people, and therefore accepted a courageous decision to commit an act of self-immolation to cleanse from the bad, from his sins. And a special transfer to TV 3 was devoted to this frank ideological striving (12/26/2012 at 20:45, the documentary plot "Battle of the Gods. Hercules"). To whom it is very necessary, in educational, ideological purposes, of course, so that Hercules looked, a bright example for imitation, as the "Hero of the Soviet Union". When mythology becomes an instrument of ideology, it is starting to rewrite it. Maybe already prepare for reprinting the book N.A. KUN "Legends and myths of ancient Greece", in which the necessary ideological adjustments will be made?
P.S. Don't you think that today in Ukraine, new "heroes" like Hercules are born on Maidan?

19.11.2012 - 05.11.2014

And now, when the reader saw a new herakla, I suggest nine funny fairy tales about the exploits of Hercules heroic. I think that the author (I) has every reason and, of course, creative law, treat the feats of Hercules with humor and irony.

Your Alexey Leonidovich Gorshkov

Fairy Tales about the exploits of Hercules hero

Childhood Hercules

A long time ago, so long ago, that with difficulty and remember, it is possible, in one small country called Greece, there was a bogatyr named Hercules. He from childhood was so strong that his peers was afraid even approach him. Yes, try, come. Immediately you will get on the head, so, just in case everyone knew, what herakli is strong. Hercules did not go to school. What for? The power is - the mind is not necessary. So he always showed his strength. His child was trying to teach him to write, read, sing and play on the kifare, and only a little herole preferred to mastered onions and a sword. Once, during the lesson of music, his music teacher Lin, - the brother of the famous Orpheus, - Herakla punished, annoyed by his reluctance to learn. Little Hercules came into rage, grabbed Kifaru and struck her Lina on his head. The blow was so strong that poor Lin fell dead. The court justified Hercules, since he was a minor an extramarital son of Zeus.
For all day, the boy disappeared somewhere, and home returned hungry like a wolf, and he eaten so much that ten adults would not be for decades. Very soon his poor parents were no longer able to feed the hero. And then Hercules thought, and how to continue to live with an empty stomach?
And at the same night, as he thought about it, dreamed of a dream. It dreams to him that he lies on green grass in the forest, strawberries enjoy. Suddenly, a beautiful young girl comes to him in translucent clothes and says: "Hercules! Life is a holiday! Live - as a guest on a feast. Delicious eat sweetly, you have fun with friends and girlfriends. Let's go with me, and I will turn your life in a sweet naga! I, by the way, is the name - Nega. " But here comes to Hercules another young woman, on which the armor of the warrior sparkled, and says: "The rest can be estimated, only after hard work. The fate of a person who lives like a guest on someone else's pirus is sad. No one loves those who have enjoyed guests and loafers. People love heroes! I am an invincible Athena. If you want to be a hero - go in my way. "
After that dream Hercules and left the parental house, and went for a walk in Greece. For all day, he ran through his little Greece, and to everyone who will fall under the arm, such subtletiles gave that poor mounds flew over numerous islands adjacent to Greece. They say that the Greeks are so settled in the island, which, subsequently joined Greece. Maybe it was the first feat of Hercules?
Well, so lived and grew by the glorious warrior Hercules as long as he was not sixteen years old. By this time, all Greece had been around, all the subtletiles nadalnika, and reached Mycena, where there was a residence of the Greek king Eurisfie, who had to Hercules relative. And the king, of course, was heard about the Bogatlish Silence of Hercules and about his exploits. The king was frightened, - as if he did not have to move to some small island. The king did not want this at all. He and the royal throne was better nowhere. And, since the king in childhood went to school and the mind did little, it decided, he decided herakla's heroic. Corresponding to the king Eurysfee Hercules herakell to his throne and tells him:
- I have been heard about your silicon of Bogatyr, but I just do not believe that you are stronger than all in the world.
Hercules were offended, clenched fists and shouted:
- Yes, I right now, as you will give you a poddle car, so you will fly the first class before Rhodes!
I didn't want to fly anywhere to the king Euryfia, so he hurried to calm the hero.
- Well, quieter, quieter, quieter ... not boiling! But are you stronger than everyone in the world, it is still necessary to check it.
- Check! Yes, quickly! And then eat hunting!
Then the king himself says:
- To experience your strength, let me give you the first task. In the mountains of the world, the unprecedented monster appeared. Huge lion. This lion is from an elephant. And evil and strong, like a thousand lions. No one could cope with him still. Here go and kill this lion. And if you kill, - you will receive the reward. And you can not cope, "I will become my slave.
- Yes, I shave this cat with one left priba! - Heraklagov said arrogantly, and headed to the Mountains of the Mountain, to look for a slaughter cat.

First feat of Hercules

Neamee Lev.

Hercules came across to the Nemoye Mountains and began to look for a lion. I was looking for all day, and only in the evening I found a huge cave, where the lion lived. It would be necessary to remember that in those distant times people had no such weapon, which is now. The rifles were not. Pistols were not. Granat was not. Well, nothing was what one could kill such a monster. Everything that was in Hercules - onions with arrows, spear and a blinder.
Hercules came up to the cave and shouted loudly:
- Well, come out, Lev from Mogilyov! Right now I'll calm down you!
From the cave, reluctantly came out of a huge lion and snored so that the trees bent, and with them all the leaves sat down.
- Who dares me to wake me up?! Is it you, star, insignificant man?
- Now you will understand who woke you up, greasy hippo! - exclaimed Hercules.
He took his bow and released three arrows in the lion one after another. But the arrows bounced off the lion skins. Hercules threw his spear. But the spear broke about the skin of the lion. Then Hercules launched his mighty to the lion. But the lion opened his huge mouth and swallowed the terrace as a fly.
And then the huge lion rushed to Hercules, and, of course, it would give him like a cockroach, if the boat did not have time to jump aside. And how he drenched, so with all the legs rushed to run a nude. Leo behind him. Hercules from him. Crank attacks - Bogatyr retreats. And here, Lev managed to drive the herakla to the edge of the abyss. Herakla to read some prayer for some prayer, but he does not know anyone. Hercules looked around, sees, in the sky a huge bird flies. I took out the bogatyr from the darling souma chicken grill, which was going to have a snack, after they deal with lion, and threw it up. A huge bird saw a small bird, though roasted, and spicked down. And the huge lion, huge jumps to Hercules approach. Yes, he managed to jump over the tail of a huge bird to grasp. Well, this mighty bird took Hercules straight from the mouth of the lion. And the huge lion, so broke out that his braking path was insufficient to stop at the edge of the abyss, and he rumbled from the cliff into the abyss.
And Hercules ordered a huge eagle to land, if he does not want him to have torn something. The eagle, of course, immediately landed, and Hercules let him go, and even left him a roast bird, as a bonus. I found Hercules of the Dead Lion, cut off his head, all four paws cut off and sodged the skin. From the lion's paws, the Sapozhnik sewed two pairs of strong sandals, - in them Hercules flew a hundred years, there was no demolition. From the skin of Leo, the shooter sewed Hercules a couple of capes, which could not break through the arrow. What not a body armor?! And Leo Hercules's head brought the king Euryfia. The cunning king is this head later at the Auction Sothebis put out. It is said that the head of the Nemeemy Lion bought for a huge money some anonymous buyer from Russia.
So Hercules made his first feat. I'm not sure that it was a feat, but the Greeks insist on it. I will not argue.

The second feat of Hercules

Lerneny hydra

When Hercules brought his first combat trophy to Hercules - the head of a huge lion, the king questioned the feat of the hero. And witnesses were? And were not! So you can't prove that you killed a lion? No, brother. Will not work. If you want to get into the Guinness Book of Records, then I must submit the documentary evidence of my feat, and also a bunch of witnesses. So, a friend, I give you another chance. Go and kill the Lerneysian hydra, which lives in three kilometers from the city of Lerny. Accurate address learn from my secretary.
And the fucking Eurysfea was said to kill Hercules, which loved the cranberry in Sahara. And the cranberries only grew on that swamp and more anywhere. And as started in that swamp, terrible hydra, cranberry and stopped collecting. Who is a hunt, for the sake of the whim of the royal, to die?
Hercules had to go fight a hydra. He found her in a huge swamp in two and a half kilometers from Lerny. Hercules came to the paradise of the swamp and shouted loudly:
- Hey, hydra-mone! Get out! We will measure force!
A huge snake head leaned from the swamp on his cry, the size of a barrel. For her - the second. Next - the third. Fourth. Fifth. Six. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth! Although Hercules count and did not know how to study, because I did not study at school, but I realized that a lot of goals had a lot. So, it is not easy to work.
And all nine goals of Hydra, as Hercules saw, and stuck terrible hiss, from one sound of which you can die with fear:
- So it's you, an insignificant man! It is you, Hercules, - the killer of my native brother of the Nemoye Lion! Now I rupt you into small pieces!
- Let's see who will overcome whom, Bolotnaya creature! - exclaimed the bogatyr.
She grabbed Hercules to the Palitsa and well, let's crap on the heads of the Hydra. Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! All the heads scribble, but only sees that on the spot the heads of the heads immediately grew. Again began to swing the Hercules of the Palcers. And again, all the heads from the Hydra have grown. Hercules three hours fought Hercules without the front, but only can not defeat the hydra. Yes, Iolai his friend helped him, whom Hercules took with him as a witness, so that the application could be on the feat of Guinness Book. While Hercules the Palcers swung, dragged Iolai to the swamp with a gunpowder, which she grabbed, - just in case. Iolai put in a barrel of the wick, arson, and a barrel threw a barrel. And shouts to a friend: "Harace, Hercules! Now how grabbing! " I barely managed Hercules from the swamp to get out.
Here and rushed. Ripped the hydraulic to a thousand pieces, and cried these pieces throughout Greece. Since then, in every swamp in Greece, the hydra is sitting. Now you understand why there are no cranberries in Greece? Now the Greeks of Cranberry in Russia are bought.
The Hercules was found in the fireball swamp a couple of severe heads of the Hydra, and, as a trophy, brought them to the king of Eurissife. And the king, the Eurisfey again does not believe him. Did you just bring two heads? Hydra had nine them. Yes, and the witness you have only one, I told you that the whole bunch of witnesses should be. So, my friend, here is another task. Go and interruptions of all stampali birds. They live do not give people and animals. And no one can cope with them. So you prove, that is stronger than all!
And you ask: But where are the two heads of hydrina? That's right - there. At the auction Sotbis.

The third feat of Hercules

Steamfali birds

Two days and two nights went Hercules to the city of Pimfal, in the vicinity of which terrible birds rule. Their beaks and claws were copper and bronze. Their huge carcasses were covered with copper and bronze feathers. It was these feathers that flew up rapid arrows, killing everything alive. A huge flock of these birds settled in a dense forest at the foot of a high hill. Moreover, one half of the flock was copper, and the other is bronze.
Hercules thought about how to cope with these birds? There are thousands of them, and he has only fifty arrows. And then the Athena Palada appeared to him and says: "Take this iron mouthpiece and go to the top of the hill. At night, when birds are sleeping, take the mouthpiece and Ori in it, that there are urine! Birds are frightened, and start fighting each other. "
He took Hercules Iron Rouger and headed for the hill. He came to the hill and sees that the entire hill is obtained by a high fence, and in the closed iron gate, the guard booth is standing, and the sign on it: "Private territory. No entry!" And just below the toned handwriting assigned: "Input - 1000 drachm." Well, since Heracles was illiterate (he did not go to school), I could not read the inscription, but simply Ignorated the iron gate to the left leg and climbed to the top of the hill. He hid the bogatyr behind the huge boulder, and promised to the shelter until the night, quenching his hunger with his beloved chicken grill. And when the night came, Herakl began to yell in Iron Ruor, that there are urine: "Kill! I'll kill everyone! All Boschka stand! " Here in the forest such gam rose! Nothing can be seen, but only heard how copper and bronze rings. Here and towards Hercules flew the bird arrows. He managed to hide behind the boulder, but several arrows in it fell, yes the skin of the Nemoye Lion saved.
In the morning herself sees Hercules that the whole of a huge flock of birds at the drain gathered - a small lake on the edge of the forest. "So you are doing! - Hercules thought. "I can't cope with these birds." He descended from the hill, went to the guard booth, and in her the watchman sleeps firmly. On the Greek is not like. It looks like Kyrgyz, not as Uzbek, not how the African. Woke his herak and asks:
- And you, how are you not there - our, what is so calmly dry? Birds are not afraid?
- Not afraid. They fear me, - the watchman answers.
- Why are they afraid of you, such a chibsika? - Hercules was surprised.
"They are afraid because they know that I can kill them all," the watchman is calm.
- Kill ??? - did not believe Hercules.
- Very simple. Mit on the dead rat, and they will go away each other.
- Well, so sorcerers, come on! - ordered Hercules.
- I can not. I need their feathers, "the watchman answers.
He Hercules pulled out of the lion skins are two pen stuck in her, - copper and bronze, - and handed them a watchman.
- Here you are. Sang, come on!
The watchman, - not that Kyrgyz, not the Uzbek, not the African, - thought a little and says:
- It is better not to kill on the rat, but on the killed birds. Bring me a couple. Red and bronze.
And on the lawn, after the night battle of birds, with a dozen dead birds lay. She brought Hercules copper and bronze birds and gave them to the watchman. Well, then I began to rite witchcraft. He took the carcass of the bronze bird and stuck in her copper feather. In a copper bird stuck a bronze feather. And I began to mumble something, do not understand what. And then, as he waved his hands, as screamed, - everything began.
The whole flock of birds was rising in the air and immediately divided in half. On the one hand - copper birds, and on the other - bronze. And the fatal battle began between them. Birds beat all day, and in the evening the bronze began to overcome the red. You could not stand red and flew off the battlefield. And the bronze - also flew away from these edges somewhere, and no longer returned.
Hercules was surprised on the witchcraft of the guard, and as a sign of gratitude, I put the iron gate in place, which were shifted by the snow. Then he picked up a bogatyr a couple of dead birds and headed to the palace of Eurisfie. And the king again did not counted Hercules his feat, referring to the fact that half of the birds scattered somewhere. And there was an order - kill everyone!
It is said that a flock of bronze birds found a refuge, somewhere in the mountains of the Caucasus. And so much they divorced them, that so far Zuraba Tsereteli has no problems with bronze. And the red birds got to distant Russia, where in many centuries they learned such unrest that the Great countries turned red for the whole 74 years.
Here is a story.

Fourth feat of Hercules

Kerineskaya Lan

After a semi-annual holiday, which King Eurisfey presented Hercules, called the king of heroes to himself and ordered a new campaign to gather. He ordered Hercules to catch Lan with gold horns and lively deliver her to him to the palace. The king knew that this lan was listed in the Red Book, so I ordered not to kill it, but bring alive. Conducting Hercules on the road, the king joked: they say, for you, bogatyr, the winner of the Nemoy Lion, the Lerneysian Hydra and Bronze Birds, this is my task will be simple fun.
Heracles went to the mountains of Arcadia, where this wonderful lan lived. After many days of search, he finally saw Lan. Hercules chasing her, but Lan fled faster than wind, and it was impossible to catch up with her. This is in our times everything is much easier. I sat down at a helicopter with some governor and the prosecutor, and in two bills caught up with any lan and any other goat from any red book. And Hercules had to run behind Lanu on his two. Well - durable sandals saved his legs from sharp stones. The Hercules behind Lanya chased the whole year. I got out completely out of my strength. I lost ten kilograms. And Lan seems to play with him. Let's drink and quickly disappear. Stop and waits again. Hercules did not stand such bullying, and once hesitated the arrow into this nasty lan. Arrow hit Lani. The poor animal looked and could not run. Here Hercules caught Lan. Had her shoulders and headed back.
Suddenly sees to meet him there is a beautiful Virgo in the form of Ranger. She approached Hercules and introduced himself:
- Artemis. Protection service reserve.
And Hercules says her:
- I have no time to chat, beautiful. I hurry to King Eurischeu with trophy. If you want, leave the address. When I am freed - chat.
And Artemis tells him a strict-strict voice:
"You're a young man, wounded the rarest animal, which is listed in the Red Book. There is no other such Lani on Earth - this is the only one. You committed a crime, and now the prison is waiting for you. "
Hercules did not want to sit at all in prison, the more he was heard about the inclined prisoners. And he began to begging Artemis to let her go. Artemis was compressed over him and forgiven. And Hercules before saying good, he says to her:
- Listen, Artemis. Make a favor. Give me a document confirming that I caught the golden-like Lan. "
"No problem," Artemis answered and handed him a pen with a print.
Hercules was delighted with the fact that now he has a documentary confirmation of his feat. So, soon his name in Guinness Book will be recorded forever.
When Hercules returned to the Palace of Evrisfie, he first handed over to the king document with seal.
- What is it? - was the king surprised? - Where is Lan?
"Lan I caught, but I took her Ranger Artemis." And instead of Lani gave this document with this document, confirming my feat, "Hercules said proudly.
I read the king document and angry exclaimed:
- Moron! This is a penalty receipt! I need to pay a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand drachms or a prison is waiting for me!
Hercules immediately attached to the door, and the king shouts to him:
- These idiots will ruin my Greece, in the end! Get out of my sight!
For three months, Hercules hid in some kind of deafomanian, fearing the king's worship. And for the first time, Bogatyr regretted that he did not go to school.

Fifth feat of Hercules
Ehimanf Vepr.
While Hercules was hidden from the royal anger, the peasants living near the Mount Erimanf, who resolve them from the Mount Ehrista, with a request to save them from Wild Vepry, who destroyed all their crops. Corresponding to the king of the Minister of the Interior Grandfather and ordered him to find Hercules and sense him the royal order - to find and kill the Wild Vepory. The minister's detectives quickly found Hercules and handed him a royal order. He Hercules gathered on the road. And his friend Iolai and tells him: Take me with me - I come in a weight.
While Hercules and Iolai went to Mount Erimanf, Iolaus told that the wilderness of Wild Vepor guard evil and ruthless centaurs - horses with human trusts and heads. And among all these centaurs, only two - foul and chiron - are benevolently belong to people.
On the path of Hercules and Iola, a big cave met, in which the good, old Centaur Foul lived. Singing the foul to one of the same days and scared bored. And when I saw two travelers, I was very happy and invited them to visit. He became a foul to treat Hercules and Iola the best wine, whose aroma was separated throughout the district. The smell of wine flies and to Centaurs, and brought them into rage. "Who is this foul there on three squeaks our wine?" After all, this wine belonged not only to the foul, but also to all of them. And stuck the centaurs to the cave of the foul. And when they came, they saw Hercules and Iola and offered them to surrender without a fight.
- Greeks do not surrender! - exclaimed Hercules and began to throw in the centaurs of arrows from his bow. The centaurs of poisoned arrows were frightened and rushed to run the gossip. Yes, I'll trouble. Speed, herakli's one arrow in the old, gray, wise, good banking of Hiron, and mortally wounded him. Arrow was poisoned by poison from which there was no salvation. Foul ran to his friend Hironu, pulled out an arrow from his wound, yes dropped her by negligence. It was an arrow in the leg of the foul, and he instantly died.
He Heracks Hiron and Fola's Hercules in the cave, poured the entrance to her by stones, and went to the forest in which Vepri lived. And the path to Wepre has managed to open Centaur Foul to open it when they culled wine. Found Hercules Laughry Laper. Jumbled Wear from his logow and rapidly rushed to Hercules. I barely managed Hercules to bounce aside, and not that Wheel would raise his belly with his huge fangs. And the boar with a swing so crashed into pine, which broke the tree, and himself from a terrible blow to died. She brought Hercules of the dead shoulder to King Eurisfei, but he again did not count his feat. Drunk "feats" are not considered for exploits. 10/22/2012
Sixth feat of Hercules
Augean stables

The king of Elida authi had huge herds of horses, and since no one wished, even for good money, clean the stables from manure, then over time, the stables were clogged with horse-harder. Even the horse themselves refused to go into their stables, and even more so, to sleep in them. Here you go. Since Avgi has not had his own regular assessing agent, he turned to neighboring Tsar - Eurisfei, asking for help in this dirty business. Eurysfea immediately recalled how Hercules substituted him at a hundred thousand drachms, and ordered him to go to Agia and cleaned his stables. Hercules reached Avgiya, saw his countless herds of horses and miserable stables, and says:
- That's what, the king of awesome. I clean your stables in one day, but provided that I get one tenth of your horses for work.
Avgiy understood that in one day it was impossible to clear all the stables from manure, and therefore willingly agreed to this condition.
"Give me a shovel," Hercules demanded.
- Bring a shovel of the hero! - ordered awesome.
Hercules began to work. First of all, he broke with the spirit of the sides of the wall stable. Then he began to work hard with a shovel. Became a big dam to destroy, which defended the city from the detrimental floods of the two rivers - Alpharey and Pena. Human hero was diligently worked, until he destroyed the dam. The rapid flow instantly cleaned the stables from the manure, the broken all the stables and the Polgorod at the same time. When Hercules demanded from King Avgius a deserved award, greedy Avgy refused to pay. "Like, you, Hercules, I destroyed Polgorod. So - you have to pay me, and not me. " Scary revenged Bogatyr Hercules King Elida for such an insult. He killed him in an honest match with a poisoned arrow from Luke. And after that, - brought the victims by the Olympic gods and established the Olympic Games, which were held since then every four years.
Probably, it was the first work of Hercules, which he fulfilled independently - without any help. Who would have thought that Hercules had such a talent of the assessionator! Maybe this was the calling?
We must be grateful to Hercules for the fact that he established the Olympic Games. True, I, confess, could not and think about what, in order to establish the Olympic Games, it was necessary to get rid of the heap of manure and from the king.
Seventh feat of Hercules
Cretan Bull

One day, a snow-white bull with gold horns sailed to the shores of Crete. King Crete Minos was so amazed by this event, which promised to bring this bull to sacrifice the Sea Poseidon. But then Mosnos became sorry for this unusually beautiful bull, and he sacrificed to Poseidon of another bull. But the gods, on the gods, that everyone see and everyone knows everything. Poseidon was angry with Minos and lowered rabies on the white bull. Mad bull rushed throughout the island and destroyed everything in his path.
Then the King Minos and turned to the king Euryfia with a request to catch a mad bull. You already guessed that Eurysfea instructed this action Hercules. Hercules arrived in Cyprus the nearest linear flight of the Obstess ship company, and as soon as he went to the coast of Cyprus, immediately asked: "Well, where is the mad bull?" When he learned that the rabid bull was worn around the island, then the first thing did his vaccination from rabies, snapped, and began to wear around the island himself. Not get used to! Finally, he ran into a mad bull nose to the nose. Without after thinking, she cut a hiecell fist on the bull's nose, and while he walked his head from pain, jumped him on his back and shouted Grozno: "Well, ahead! And not that ya ... tongue! Bull, though mad was, but understood that he threaten him - Losing Yai ..., then the cows will not be interesting. Therefore, the bull did not resist. He ran to the sea, rushed into the water and swam in the direction of Greece. And when the bull fell to Greece, he again escaped, and began to rush throughout Greece. But what was the wines of Hercules? He performed his job. Bull delivered to Greece. But the feat was again not counted. What is the feat - on a mad bull to swim in the sea?

The eighth feat of Hercules
Koni Diomeda

Tsar Frakia Diomeda had a wonderful beauty and incredible strength of the horses. Since childhood, they were chained to the stamps of triple chains. Because all the time rushed to freedom, not wanting to serve anyone. And these wonderful horses never ate ordinary horsepower: grass, hay, oats. They ate only human meat.
Tsar Eurysfea ordered Hercules to get to Thrace, kidnap the horses of the Diomeda and bring them in Mycene. Hercules sailed into a ship on the ship, along with his beloved friend Abdar. Hercules came to the king Domeda and tells him:
- Sell, king, his horses. I will pay for them thirty thousand drachm.
- Yes, my horses and a million drachma do not stand! - Diomed laughs.
"Well, if you don't stand anything, I just give," says Hercules.
- Yes, you have gone, buddy! Where is it seen that the invaluable horses give someone came to his first demand? Maybe you are drunk? So go and amuse!
Hercules were terribly offended by the words of Tsar Diomeda, and she threw a deadly malice. At night, Hercules satellite satellites in the stables of Diomeda and led his horses to his ship. Dieded with his warriors rushed and after Hercules. The battle began, in which Hercules came out the winner, killing Tsar Diomeda and his warriors. When Hercules climbed to the ship, he was horrified, seeing how Koni Diomeda devour his beloved friend to Abder.
Hercules arranged a lush funeral to his beloved friend. Next to his grave, he founded the city called Abder. When Hercules brought horses to Euryfia, he ordered them to release them into the will. Horses ran into the mountains, the coverage of the thick forest, where wild animals were happy with pleasure.
Such is the story of the eighth of Hercules. Although I, honestly, I do not understand - and what was the feat? Hercules stole her horses and lost his beloved friend. Killed Tsar Diomeda who defended his horses. Somehow the language does not turn to call it a feat. But the Greeks insist on this. Well, okay, - the Greeks know more.

Ninth feat of Hercules

Belt Ippolites

Where the Fermsodont River is poured into the Water of Evavic Sea, the city of Femedkira is the main city of Amazon countries. In this country, militant amazon women rule. They despise men and are proud of their invincibility. And the Amazon rules is a powerful hypolyte. God of war Ares gave a leather belt and the leather belt, and while she carries this belt - no one can defeat her and Amazons.
This was recognized about this, but the wayward and the capricious daughter of Tsar Eurysfy Admet. She came to his father and demanded that he pull out this leather belt and gave her birthday. Eurisfey immediately ordered Hercules to bring him the belt belt.
Gathered Hercules a small squad of warriors and headed for a long journey on the same ship. On the path of Hercules there was the island of Paros, where the bogatyr was going to replenish the reserves of food and water. Suddenly, the sons of the ruler of the island of Minos killed two satellites of Hercules. The angry Hercules interrupted half of the residents of Paros, and survived the survivors to the city, and threatened all the hunger. The residents of Paros were frightened and gave Hercules instead of the two killed his soldiers of the grandchildren of Miros - Alkeya and Sfenel.
Hercules sailed on, not forgetting to shed blood to those who did not like. Finally he sailed to the femiskira. Hercules went ashore along with his squad, and on the shore herself meets the Hippolit itself and many Amazons. First, the Amazons wanted to kill the Gerkla detachment, but the queen stopped them. Her attribute mighty warrior Hercules, and she invited him and his warriors on the feast. The Amazon and their guests were singing all day, and at night the Amazon was divorced guests in their bedrooms. And on one warrior from the Hercule detachment, there were ten amazons. And Hercules spent this night and many subsequent nights with fifty Amazons and with their queen Ippolite. For almost a year, Hercules were delayed with their warriors on the hospitable land of Amazons. And when the time came to return home, Queen Ippolitis gave Hercules his leather belt.
They say that shortly after the departure of Hercules, the Amazons were born children. And fifty boys, when they began to talk, they said to go to school!
Hercules returned to Mycenae and gave the belt of Hippoly Tsar Eurisfei. The king gave the beloved beloved daughter Admet. But Admet was afraid to own this belt and handed it to the temple of the goddess Gera.
Well, cost Hercules to go to such dangerous adventures? Although, probably, it was worth it. Perhaps this is the biggest feat of Hercules. What do you think?