The main valve abilities in Heroes of the Storm. Basic Valley's abilities in Heroes of the Storm role in team fights

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This is a versatile and flexible long-range combat. It has a high DPS in one goal and can apply a strong oo-damage in a short period of time. However, the fragility of the walla makes it a priority target for the enemy.

1. Advantages and disadvantages


  • Strong damage for one or more goals;
  • Quite well cleans the waves;
  • May apply damage at a distance;
  • Useful at all stages of the game;
  • Suitable for any team;
  • Thanks to flexible talents, it can be adapted to various situations;


  • Efficiency strongly depends on the choice of location;
  • A small basic supply of health;
  • Vulnerable to control;

2. Role in current mete

Valla inflicts a strong damage to one goal, which allows it to put pressure on the enemy, which is within the radius of the basic attacks. In addition, she inflicts a strong oo-damage and can harm the entire enemy team. A volley, ice boolean, blood for blood and a storm charge provide valley additional opportunities for retreat, but do not help from control.

Currently, teams with two leaders are particularly popular, which is very convenient for the valley, because Enemy support heroes cannot put pressure on it and reduce efficiency. Choosing Vall at the beginning of the draft, you will make opponents choose the heroes-divers designed for aggressive game and strong coordination. Choosing Vall at the end of the draft, you will not allow opponents to choose the heroes capable of resolving, and you can freely apply damage to them.

3. Valley abilities

Directional spell. Mana: 60. Kuldown: 14 seconds.

Inflicts 366 (81 + 15 per level) unit. The damage of the first goal on the line of fire, and then automatically finds two more opponents and inflicts them 183 (40.5 + 7.5 per level) of units. damage. May hit one opponent several times.

The homing boom allows you to instantly start the projectile to the specified area, which will independently find the nearest enemy targets. If there are no targets on the movement trajectories, the boom disappears. When a collision with an opponent, the boom determines the two nearest goals, including the primary, and causes them an additional damage.

The complexity in the use of a self-based arrow is that sometimes it chooses minor targets - for example, warriors, servants and buildings, if those are between the hero and the goal of interest. In order for the self-watering boom guaranteed to struck the desired goal, it is necessary to get up so that between the hero and the goal there is no extra objects. Thus, you can approach the enemy on the side or quickly clean up the nearest enemy warriors with the help of a volley. The homing arrow has a rather large cooldown and causes a strong damage of one goal (approximately both three basic attacks), so it must be used with maximum efficiency.

Acts in a cone before the caster. Mana: 60. Kuldown: 8 sec.

Inflicts 360 (75 +15 per level) unit. Damage to opponents in the specified area.

Allows you to release a wave of shells that cause damage to all opponents that have fallen into the zone of damage in the form of a cone. When a collision with a wave, any enemy goal receives damage regardless of where it is, and whether it sees her Valla.

A large area of \u200b\u200baction, a strong damage and the ability to choose the appropriate talents make a volley with the key's key ability. Usually it is used by Culdown to kill warriors and intimidating the enemy during the stripping of the lines, as well as to apply damage in the field in the team combat. To hit a volley as many goals as possible, take talent composite arrows. Thanks to the large radius and area of \u200b\u200baction, the volley is great for knocking down an opponent with a means of movement or remove the disguise from it. The ice shot turns the salvo to one of the most powerful and reliable slowdown in the game, allowing Valle to keep opponents at a distance and retreat more efficiently than other heroes.

Mana: 75. Kuldown: 10 sec.

Makes a jerk to the specified area.

Performing alder, Valla commits a jerk to the specified place. Kulbit allows you to pass through warriors and players. Nevertheless, an attempt to go through the construction or object of the landscape will lead to the fact that the hero will stand in place and actually uses the ability to be wasted.

Dulbit is a very flexible ability. It perfectly complements other walla abilities, allows it to quickly change its location, improves the accuracy of the guidance and increases the time of the basic attacks. In addition, the Kulbit can be used to protect, creating a distance between the walla and hazardous heroes of the melee (for example, an alidane, trawl, sonia or a zeratul), and also quickly leave the radius of the action and the lesion zone of such abilities as an apocalypse, internal lands, Initial grip or hook. Try not to use alder for attack, because In this case, you will not be able to escape if necessary.

Heroic ability. Mana: 80. Kuldown: 60 sec.

Valley quickly attacks visible opponents nearby, with each shot of 300 (43.3 + 13.5 per level) of units with each shot. The damage, at the same time the shots primarily affect the heroes, and not warriors. When using the shelling of Valle, it can move and perform ald. Time actions - 4 sec.

The shelling allows you to quickly throw projectiles that damage all the visible enemy targets next to Valla. These shells fly at a speed of 3 pcs. in sec. For 4 sec. Thus, the enemy can be struck by a firing for a maximum of twelve times. During the action of the shelling of Valla, it can move and perform alder, but cannot use the arrow self-equipped arrow or activate other abilities. The enemy abilities that are interrupting the reading of spells (for example, the effects of stunning, folding and not ham), immediately interrupt reading the shelling.

The shelling is a very powerful ability from the point of view of the damage applied. It has a relatively small cooldown compared to other heroic abilities. A continuous shelling can play a crucial role in the team battle, because With it, Valla can strongly reduce the health level of other fragile heroes. Nevertheless, shelling has one significant disadvantage. It has a small radius of action. This means that you must correctly choose your location, often sacrificing your own security. To successfully use the shelling, learn how to predict the moments when the enemy uses special abilities that you may interfere - for example, the transformation, an on-line shadow, the initial grip, avatar or a molot of justice.

Heroic ability. Mana: 100. Culdown: 90 sec.

Releases 2 waves of shadows that apply 560 (123 + 23 per level) unit. damage. The affected opponents are leaving for 0.5 seconds.

Retribution rain acts with a small delay. This ability produces two waves that affect the rectangular area. Between the first and second waves there is also a slight delay. Opponents affected by these waves get big damage and stunning for a short time. The opponents that have fallen under the action of the first wave can also fall under the second wave if they do not leave the lesion zone.

Retribution rain is a very powerful ability, as it triggers almost instantly and perfectly interacts with the abilities of other heroes. As spells for combo, controls are used, as well as such abilities as an apocalypse, Mosh Pete, Grav-O-bomb 3000, hit in a jump, Divine storm and void bonds. If you need protection, the rain of retribution can be used to stun the nearest heroes and creating a distance so as not to allow them to come closer or interrupt reading supported spells. It should be noted that due to the wave-like nature of the action, the shower primarily affects opponents, which are closer to Valle. Use alder to hit the priority target and not allow it to escape.

3.6. Hate (feature)

When using autoatakes, the hero accumulates up to 10 hate effects. Each effect increases the damage applied by auto attacks, by 2%, and the speed of movement is 1%.

Hate is a passive ability, thanks to which the basic attacks of the valleys generate stamps of hatred (maximum of 10 stacks). Each effect increases the damage applied by auto attacks, by 2%, and the speed of movement is 1%. If you do not use basic attacks for 3 seconds. Hate begins to fade at a speed of 1 stack per second.

Hate is what allows Valle to apply a high damage of one goal without interruptions. Playing long-range killers, it is very important to constantly use basic attacks, however, in the case of Valla, this principle is of particular importance due to hatred mechanics. High speed of basic attacks allows you to keep hatred stacks, but for maximum effective use This feature is necessary to use them non-stop.

4. Bild Valya

  • 1. Composite arrows / evil
  • 4. Manticor / Arsenal
  • 7. Burning an attack
  • 10. Shelling / Shower Retribution
  • 13. Ice shot
  • 16. Blood for blood
  • 20. Rage of Nexus / Storm Charge


  • Composite arrows (level 1) -\u003e Argenal (level 4)
  • Composite arrows (level 1) -\u003e Storm charge (level 20)
  • Evil (Level 1) -\u003e Manticore (Level 4)
  • Evil (level 1) -\u003e Rage of Nexx (Level 20)

Level 1

  • Substitutional materials. Reduces mana costs when using a sponge arrow by 30 units.
  • Vampiric Streth. 50% of the damage applied in the form of health. Effects that increase damage increase the volume of healing from the vampire boom.
  • Composite arrows. Increases the radius of volley by 20%.
  • Malice. Each effect of hatred increases the attack speed by 1.5%.
  • Punishment. The use of abilities gives three additional hatred effect.

At this level you will have to choose between Composite arrows and malice, and this choice will affect the choice of 4 level talents.

Composite arrows significantly increase the efficiency of the volley. Advanced radius actually means that the volley will affect other heroes from a larger distance so that they will not be able to get to you. It is very useful when scrolling the lines and in the inevitable team fights, because You will be able to reset opponents from the means of movement and remove the disguise with them, even if they are very far away. In combination with an ice shot, a volley provides opportunities for effective retreat or persecution of enemies.

An angry increases damage for one purpose, since it gives a significant increase in the speed of attack. The speed of attack affects the rate of accumulation of hatred effects, which subsequently increase the damage applied. High-level talents (for example, mantic and burning attack) significantly depend on the speed of attack, since their strength is directly affected by the number of attacks produced.

Choosing between composite arrows and malice, you must take into account the composition of the enemy team. Evil and Manticor in most cases give a greater damage to one goal than composite arrows and arsenal, but you will not get an increase in the radius of effects effects. Of course, the choice should be made on the basis of personal preferences, but the malice brings great favor In battle against teams that can not resist the basic attacks of Valya.

Other first level talents

Cheaper material Minor affects managing management, because The cooldown of the self-watering boom is very large, and it is used quite rarely.

Vampiric Streth Not considered for the same reasons as the reduction of materials. The self-dissolving boom is a situational ability with a large cooldown, which means that all talents associated with it are also situational. The survival rate provided by the vampiric arrow is pretty doubtful.

Punishment It is absolutely not useful to you in the lines phase, because Stacks of hatred will be maintained automatically when attacking warriors. In addition, the punishment does not bring actual benefits in battles with a lot of duration, where to manage hatred is completely simple. Thus, this talent is not of particular interest.

Level 4.

  • Vampire Attack. AutoTakas replenish the hero of health in the amount of 15% of the damage caused by him. Effects that increase damage increase the amount of healing from the vampire attack.
  • Manticor. Each third auto attack causes 50% additional damage. Attacks should not affect the same goal and should not follow each other. However, they must be performed within 5 seconds. It should be noted that the bonus does not increase under the influence of hatred, burning attacks or executioners. The volume of the damage applied depends on the base force of the attack and increases only if the effect is valid that increases the derivative damage.
  • Piercing Strela. The range of the self-dissolving boom increases by 25%, and the number of arrows rebounds increases to 3. Thus, the boom potential increases by 33 (7.5 per level) unit.
  • Arsenal. When using volley also allows you to release 3 grenades that are applied 35 (+7.5 per level). damage.

Manticor and arsenal are talents that significantly increase damage from basic attacks and volley, respectively. Arsenal is usually used in combination with composite arrows. It provides greater reliability, in contrast to the manticor, for the effective use of which you want to meet at a certain time. However, the Manticor gives an advantage in battle, where you can use frequently use basic attacks. That is why this talent should be taken under the same conditions as the evil - for team fighting, where opponents cannot withstand the basic attacks of the Valya.

Other fourth talents

Vampire Attack May give a situational, but significant survival of survival. However, the main goal of the Valya is to damage damage. If she has to rely on healing from a vampire attack, she will not be able to cope with their responsibilities.

Piercing Strela slightly increases the damage from the homing boom. As mentioned above, the self-dissolving arrow is far from the main ability of the Walla, so the talents associated with it are not considered.

Level 7.

  • Spikes. Valley scatters spikes in the amount of 3 pcs. When performing alder. The spikes are applied to opponents damage and reduce the speed of their movement by 20% by 2 seconds. Spikes exist 10 seconds. Or as long as they do not come to them.
  • Hot pursuit. Having accumulated 10 stacks of hatred, Valla gets a bonus to the speed of movement of 20%.
  • Arrow for arrows. Instantly reset the recovery time of the self-watering boom when using alder.
  • Burning an attack. When used, it increases damage from auto-paste by 50% to 5 seconds. Each attack requires the cost of 15 units. Mana. It should be noted that the bonus does not increase under the action of hatred, manticari or executioner. The volume of the damage applied depends on the base force of the attack and increases only if the effect is valid that increases the derivative damage. Culdown burning attack is 25 seconds.

Burning an attack - This is another way to put more damage. Use this talent if you are definitely sure that for the next 5 sec. You can hit one or more goals. It is best to combine the burning attack with the talent of anger to get a maximum benefit from it, because The attack speed bonus significantly increases damage.

Other seventh level talents

Talent Spikes It is situational, since in most cases, opponents will be easy to circumvent them. Thus, the spikes will not help Valle in the fight against opponents, which can use spells several times in a row, increasing the speed of movement (for example, underground jerk, soaring punch, on-line shadow, squirrel, an ambulance, journey jump, the power of EL "Druin or a jump).

Hot pursuit The average increases the speed by 10% for a long time. This talent can be used both to protect and attack. He can serve as a decent alternative to burning attacks, if the latter talent does not bring enough benefit.

Talent Arrow Behind the arrow looks curious, but it is quite difficult to use it. Kuwarka is rarely used for attack, so the culdaun of the self-watering arrows would be irrational to it.

Level 10.

  • . Valley quickly attacks visible opponents nearby, with each shot causing 22 (+6 per LVL). The damage, at the same time the shots primarily affect the heroes, and not warriors. These shells fly at a speed of 3 pcs. in sec. For 4 sec. Thus, the enemy can be struck by a firing for a maximum of twelve times. During the action of the shelling of Valla, it can move and perform alder, but cannot use the arrow self-equipped arrow or activate other abilities. The enemy abilities that are interrupting the reading of spells (for example, the effects of stunning, folding and not ham), immediately interrupt reading the shelling.
  • . Releases 2 waves of shadows that cause opponents damage in a rectangular area. Between the first and second waves there is also a slight delay. Opponents affected by these waves get big damage and stunning for a short time. The opponents that have fallen under the action of the first wave can also fall under the second wave if they do not leave the lesion zone.

And - two situational talent, therefore a particular choice depends on the personal preferences of the player and the composition of the teams.

The shelling causes more damage and covers a large area than railing of retaliation. In addition, he has a smaller cooldown. Nevertheless, the need to maintain this spell for a long period of time increases the likelihood that it will be interrupted, in contrast to the shower of retaliation, which is triggered instantly. Retribution rain also makes it possible to stun the opponents to protect themselves and allies, interrupt supported spells or use it in combination with other spells affecting the area.

The ability below can interrupt the reading of the shelling:

  • Transformation ()
  • Outskin shadows ()
  • Calm, brain removal ()
  • Initial grip ()
  • Hammer of Justice ()

If the team has players who can apply the above spells, instead of a shelling, the rain of retribution should be taken. As alternative option You can track cooldown of enemy abilities, as well as learn how to determine the radius of their actions and not fall into it.

The following abilities can be used in combination with rainfall retaliation to apply deadly damage. Take the shower if other members of your team can use:

  • Haul
  • Apocalypse ()
  • MOSH PIT ()
  • Grave-o-bomb 3000 ()
  • Ring Frost (Jaina)
  • Initial grip + piercing blades ()
  • Entangling roots ()
  • Stretch zombies ()
  • Jump in the jump ()
  • Split ()
  • Divine storm ()
  • Devouring mouth ()
  • Void bonds ()

Level 13.

  • Killer Giakanov. AutoTakas across the heroes of the enemy are applied additional damage in the amount of 1.5% of the maximum health stock. This talent works well in a pair with angrily and rage of Nexus, because Accelerated attacks are applied in total amount more damage.
  • Ice shot. The volley also slows down the opponents by 40% for 2 seconds.
  • Limit concentration. After accumulating the maximum number of hatred effects, the hero accumulates up to 10 concentration effects. AutoTakas are filled with health in the amount of 3% of the damage caused for each stack, a maximum of 30%. Like hatred, the concentration fuses with a speed of 1st old per second, if the hero does not damage using basic attacks for 3 seconds.
  • Shield spells. After receiving damage from the abilities on the hero, a shield reducing the damage resulting from the abilities is 50% for 2 seconds. It can work more than once in 30 seconds.

Ice shot turns a volley in effective tool deceleration of opponents, because It covers a large zone and has a small cooldown. Usually it is used to retreat or persecute opponents. In addition, you can help the allies thoroughly aim to use the abilities and increase the overall use of basic attacks.

Other talents 13 levels:

The Killer of Giakanov gives a significant increase in damage from basic attacks, especially against heroes with a large margin of health. However, in this dash, you should make a choice in favor of the ice shot. The Killer of Giakanov is a worthy choice against teams with three tanks, which are quite rare. In this case, you will also help the malice that increases the speed of attack.

The maximum concentration give a significant bonus to healing, however, to effectively use the concentration, it is necessary to spend considerable time to get the desired number of stacks. Otherwise, this talent has the same disadvantages as the vampire attack - if Valla is forced to rely only on healing from his talents, it means that its allies do something wrong.

The shield of spells often absorbs a non-essential damage from the spells, so the talent is practically useless for most heroes. The exception is the game against teams with Falstad and Tyrael or New and Tirael, where the combination of the inner lands is + condemnation / point is used to eliminate fragile purposes. In this case, the shield of climbs will be indispensable.

Level 16.

  • Executioner. Automataks are applied by 40% more damage slow motion, immobilized and stunned purposes.
  • Flutto Mortal. Kulbit gets an additional charge, as a result of which it can be applied twice in a row. Taking this talent, you will see a digit 2 on the spell icon and you can use it to use two times in a row with a delay of just 2 seconds. Instead of waiting, the usual cooldown will expire.
  • Blood for blood - active ability due to which the hero absorbs 15% of the maximum stock of the health of the chosen enemy and reduces its vehicle speed by 30% for 3 seconds. Culdown 60 sec.
  • Stone leather - active ability to cover the hero shield that absorbs damage in the amount of 30% of the maximum health stock. Kuldown 30 sec.

Blood for blood is a very flexible ability that significantly increases the damage caused by the hero and slows down the goal. Mechanics This talent is such that he causes more damage to characters with a large margin of health, and therefore, fills more health Valle. The slowdown is another useful effect that allows you to catch up with a runaway enemy hero and finish it with a basic attack.

Other level 16 talents:

Long deceleration, immobilization and stunning used in the game quite rarely. The executioner gives a significant increase in DPS, but it acts long. Thus, the choice of this talent is not justified.

Additional Kulbit makes it possible to protect itself if necessary, however, in contrast to talent, blood for blood, flip-mortal does not allow the ability to inflict damage, and therefore is more situational talent.

The effectiveness of stone leather depends on the maximum health stock of heroa, and because Valla does not have a big margin of health, the value of this talent is very dubious. As in the case of Flip Morthala, the stone leather does not allow to inflict damage to the enemy, unlike blood talent for blood.

Level 20.

  • Revenge. When shelling is 0.25 seconds. Releases additional arrows that fly through opponents located on the same line and apply damage. In most cases, you can see 4-7 arrows, despite the fact that their number is determined randomly. Opponents standing next to the goal or on knowing, more often get damage, because The target of the arrows continue to move along a given trajectory.
  • Storm Raughty. Improves raining of retaliation, adding 2 additional waves.
  • Rage of Nexx. Increases the speed and range of the attack by 20%.
  • Storm charge. When activated, the hero is teleported for a short distance. Allows you to pass through players, warriors, buildings and objects of the landscape.

At this level, you have to do a difficult choice.

The rage of Nexus gives a significant increase in DPS and increases the radius of the attacks, which ensures some safety. On the other hand, the storm charge is a universal attack and attack agent. It can be used similarly to alder - to reduce the distance between you and the enemy, avoid danger or retreat (pass through the wall and not waste time bypass).

To make a final decision, use the same algorithm as when choosing between Arsnal and Manticori.

Other level 20 talents:

Bending makes it possible to apply a huge damage, but if the enemy chose a good location, your plan will be disturbed. Thus, ignition is not a reliable talent.

If you manage to hit the enemy with two shower waves of Retribution, most likely he will be killed, and you will not need additional waves, because It is unlikely that they all fall into the goal. Thus, the retribution storm is almost useless talent.

5. Basics of the game Wall

The main goal of the Valya is to apply as much damage as possible, while remaining safe. Flexible abilities allow this hero to effectively fulfill their duties both alone and in the team. Despite the overall fragility and lack of survival, Valla can quickly capture the camp of mercenaries, if it is accompanied by a partner who can distract enemies. Like other distant killers, Valla must constantly use basic attacks.

Entering into battle, make sure that friendly objects are present nearby - heroes, buildings or warriors. Having hide behind them, you can avoid dangerous control. This Council is of particular importance at the final stage of the game.

6. What to do outside the team fighting

Valla is great for stripping lines. A volley allows it to quickly kill warriors and inflict damage to enemy heroes at a distance, and a large radius of abilities and strong basic attacks guarantee efficiency in far-fighting. Thus, the primary task of Walla is to gain experience on the line, avoiding sudden attacks. Follow the adjacent lines and pay special attention to the mini-card. It is not worth spending Kuldown Kulbit if you are not sure that you can finish the enemy. Remember that Kulbit is primarily a means of protection. Try to save Manu so that at any time you can spend 75 units. on alder

Valla is great for duels, but single travel is contraindicated. Do not move away from the buildings so that if necessary, you could hide behind them with the help of ald. However, sometimes Valle has to leave his safe shelter on the line. It makes a strong damage and can significantly help the allies in the seizing camps of mercenaries and the destruction of enemy buildings. In addition, Valla can participate in achieving the goals of the map and command battles.

7. Role in team fights

In the team battle to play Valla is quite simple. Use a self-based boom and bob around Culdown. All the remaining time to beat opponents with basic attacks, while behind the spins of the allies near the heroes of support. A priority goal is usually a hero who has taken control, hero with a small margin of health or another fragile goal. Nevertheless, if other purposes are within reach, boldly beat them. A widespread misconception prescribes never beat tanks, but this is true only when you can choose another goal.

The shelling and rain of retaliation are very powerful heroic abilities that have a significant impact on the course of the game. Try to use them as efficient as possible.

The shelling should hit as much as possible and act as long as possible. A salon with an ice shot will help you keep a distance. To successfully use the shelling, learn how to predict the moments when the enemy uses special abilities that you may interfere - for example, the transformation, an on-line shadow, the initial grip, avatar or a molot of justice. All these abilities have large cooldowns (more than 10 seconds.) Learn to recognize visual effects and follow the people who use them.

It is difficult to use the rain of retaliation if the enemy expects waves and is ready for them. Thus, the shower is usually used in combination with the abilities of other heroes or to protect. Wait until someone from your allies use one of these abilities:

  • Walking Wind (Arthas)
  • Apocalypse (Diablo)
  • Grave-O-bomb 3000 (Gazlow)
  • Ring Frost (Jaina)
  • Initial grip + piercing blades (Kerrigan)
  • Outlifting roots (Malfurion)
  • Stretch Zombie (Nazo)
  • Punch in the jump (Sonya)
  • Split (Thrall)
  • Divine Storm (Uther)
  • Devouring mouth (tan)
  • Uda void (Zeratul)

To use the shower of retaliation for protection, wait until the enemy (preferably a melee hero) will try to approach you closely. So you can stun it and put him a strong damage, and then retreat or ask the allies about help.

8. Choosing Bilda

Anger, Manticor and the Rage of Nexus in aggregate apply more damage than composite arrows, arsenal and storm charge. However, the first set of talents reduces survival (you will not be able to retreat, interrupting the basic attack cycle). So as to choose the right build, you need to know if you can easily attack opponents. This can prevent such heroes such as Anub, Chen, Diablo, Illidan, Nova, Nirael and Zeratul. If there are these heroes in opponents team, use composite arrows + arsenal + storm charge to increase survival.

The choice of heroic ability is described in the appropriate section.

9. The best allies

In this section, we will look at the heroes that give Valle's additional benefits.

Abatur. Thanks to the strong basic abilities of Walla, the ideal purpose for the wint of evolution. Talents Excess adrenaline and adrenaline splash significantly increase the efficiency of the valleys, and the shell allows it to save her life.

E.T.S. Feature E.T.S. Rock star and superstar talent give a significant bonus to the strength of attack and movement. In addition, for E.T.S. It is very convenient to hide from the attacks of the enemy, and its ability to roll out and remove the brain allow you to quickly retreat if necessary. Combination MOSH PIT + shelling / rain of retaliation gives unsurpassed results and allows you to quickly kill one or more enemy heroes.

Uther. Uther can protect the valle using such abilities as the light of heaven, holy shine and divine shield. You will be able to escape from the enemy, stunned by the hammer of justice or put more damage using it defenseless. The Divine Storm is perfectly combined with a shelling and shower of retaliation.

10. Evil enemies

In this section, we will look at the heroes that can effectively resist Valle.

Chen. A small cooldown of a soaring impact allows Chen to have a strong pressure on the Vall, ignoring it by theld, and the shields from the strengthening bravery do not allow the already durable monk. With the help of the heroic ability, Chen's stray barrel can push the Vall from the Allies or push it to opponents. Both options for it are extremely undesirable.

Illydan. Illidan can quickly make it easier to Valle with a knuckle and swallowed impact, and evasion significantly reduces the resulting damage from autoaks that the demons hunter so often use.

Nova. Nova is able to apply a very strong damage in a short period of time using the abilities of a point blow, a sniper shot and a crumpler shot, as well as talent armor-piercing cartridges. Nova can carry Valle to 70% of health in a few seconds. It does not allow Valle to use autoataks for a long time both in the command battles and on the lines.

Tyrael. Condemnation is a stunning that cannot be avoided. Thus, Tyrael can enter the battle with Valla, not paying attention to its allies. The combination of condemnation with the blow of the domestic lands of Falstad or a spot blow of a new thing is especially dangerous. Without the support of the Allies, Valle will die very quickly under the onslaught of such opponents. In addition, Tyrael can put pressure with the help of the power of El Druin and Kara, and its talent is a delivering presence and the ability of righteousness do not allow him to cause him a response damage.

11.1. Bay Cherrymanda

You can choose any of three lines. If your team has no heroes that can effectively clean the waves, go to the bottom line. Quickly kill the enemy warriors and try to capture the chest with the intervals as soon as it appears. As soon as your warriors reach enemy buildings, you can kill skeletons next to the lines for more dangles. Help other team members with mercenaries.

After reaching 10 levels, do not move between the middle and lower lines alone, because Opponents will be able to suddenly attack you. For the same reason, you should not try to take the dangles alone.

11.2. Cursed Hollow

As in the Bay of the Cherryman, you can choose any of three lines. If your team has no heroes that can effectively clean the waves, go to the middle line. A small lines length and a large distance between them allows you to aggressively attack the heroes at the opposite end, without fear of a sudden attack. At the same time, be sure to follow what happens on the minicar.

When the gift appears, join the Allies to participate in the team battle. Use a volley with composite arrows to prevent opponents to capture the gift. In addition, the high damage of Valya is very useful for the rapid murder of bosses.

11.3. Dragoni Krai.

On this map, Valle should go to the bottom line along with two allies. If your team has no heroes that can effectively clean the waves, go to the middle line. Quickly killing warriors, move to the bottom line to suddenly attack the opponents, and then return back. On other maps it is not worth it, because The distance between the lines is Veliko, and there are no bushes to hide.

Being on the bottom line, try to protect the lower sanctuary. Agree with the allies and use the masking from bushes to hide your presence. To detect disguised opponents, you can use a volley with a vampire arrow. To capture the sanctuary, it takes quite a bit of time, so you have to constantly move, especially after you killed opponents, protecting the sanctuary.

If your team is trying to kill a dragon knight captured by opponents, try to apply as much damage as possible. Remember the wild jerk, because He can throw you back in the crowd of opponents and interrupt the shelling.

11.4. Garden of horror

Depending on the tactics chosen by your team, you should go on one of the lines along with two allies. On this map, Valya has no reason to move alone. The appearance of seed provokes clashes at an early stage of the game, so opponents can attack you at the most unexpected moment. Being a long-range killer, Valla can quickly kill creatures and collect seeds. Unlike other cards, in the horror garden, the camp of mercenaries are very close to the lines. If possible, help allies capture them.

If your team is trying to kill the enemy horror of the gardens try to apply as much damage as possible. Remember the curse of the queen dispute, which can long withdraw you from the battle, reducing the speed of movement and not allowing attacking. Do not get into horror, because The team uses your ability to damage damage.

11.5. Ghostly copy

Currently, almost all teams use tactics, according to which four players take a line on which the golem friendly will appear. Go there along with three allies. Your goal is to destroy the first towers and the doors of opponents and get an advantage in experience. Remember that opponents will try to do the same. Valla will be able to bring his team maximum benefit due to the ability to apply high damage.

When mines (approximately level 4) open, go down in them and try to collect as many skulls as possible. With the help of a volley you can kill small groups of skeletons alone, but at the same time try not to move away from the allies too far. In narrow corridors, minor clashes and team battles often occur. Think away the waste paths so as not to get hittings.

After the teams gather the skull, they will be able to call for golems. As a rule, the golems have different strengths, and your creation may be much stronger than creating opponents. If so, try to sell them a line. The goaster stuns the goals in a large radius and cares them to the place, so under his protection you can destroy the enemy buildings and damage the heroes. If the enemy golem is much stronger than yours, try to destroy it to preserve the integrity of your buildings.

11.6. Heavenly Temple

In the heavenly temple you will have to quickly move between the lines to hold the temples. At the beginning of the battle, try to take the line (middle or upper) that appeared to the temple that appeared so that the opponents have at least the chances suddenly attack you. Hold the temples is easy, especially if you have partners. Use basic attacks to kill warriors and attack enemy heroes at a distance, not allowing them to get closer.

The lines in the celestial temple are very short, so the enemy will be difficult to suddenly attack you. In addition, the camps of mercenaries are very close to the lines, so you can aggressively clean the waves without losing a drop of experience. Try not to move between the bottom and the upper lines, as well as between the middle and the upper lines, if your command does not control the viewing tower.

11.7. The tomb of the Queen Paukov

Fights in the tomb of the queen spiders include a large number of skirmishes on the lines. The main goal of the map is to collect crystals that appear on the lines after the death of warriors. You can collect your own and foreign crystals, but the theft is always associated with risk, if at the opposite end line is the hero of the far battle. Do not kill the warriors (especially spiders) too far from your towers. So you do not have to run behind them and substitute for blows. Try to find a partner with a big margin of health so that it collects crystals for you, or a partner of the support, so that he can protect you.

The collected crystals must be passed by one of the altars located in the center of the map. These altars are surrounded by pairs of smoke, which hide friendly and enemy targets. To detect their location, use a volley. In addition, you can prevent opponents to pass the crystals by hitting them with a spell or autoataka. Do not try to hand over the crystals alone, because Any damage interrupts this process.

After passing a certain number of crystals (which increases with each time) you can call on weaving spiders. Tips exist for a certain time and appear on the lines - where you managed to pass your warriors. Thus, the commands are recommended to urge the lines as far as possible to extract maximum use from weales. If your opponents managed to pass the crystals and call on their weaves, kill them as quickly as possible, because The ability of the shadow wave causes a lot of damage to the heroes and buildings.

If you like our guide on Walla, then you can raise or make a repost to social. network. See you in the game!

Walla Character from Hots is a long-range killer. The origins of its origin are still to "Diablo 3", in which she acted as the demon hunters. It is she who owns the famous winged phrase: "If you pursue the demons for a long time, then soon the demons begin to pursue you."

Well established popularity

Hyde on Vall from Heroes Of the Storm (Hots) reveals its main features. In this game, it spreads with its opponents with the help of small manual crossbows, which look like prototypes of the width weapon.

Initially, Valla was one of the "original" characters that appeared in Nexus first. Despite this, it is still in demand among the players of the "Storm heroes". Guides on Valle - direct evidence of its power and balance, which can be used with the right wage.


  • "Hatred".

He is a passive skill. During each autoatak, accumulates one charge, increasing the strength of the blow and movement.

  • Self-playing arrows.

The projectile is moving along the trajectory given by the player, hitting the first opponent's feast. Following our guide on Vall, you can hit two more enemies, immediately after the first, while the power of damage will significantly decrease. It is noteworthy that if there is no other opponents nearby, then the double additional attack will have to be initially target.

  • "Volley".

The striking wave of this attack takes the form of a cone, which sweeps all the opponents in front of the caste player. The radius of the lesion is quite large, therefore, under the "volley" can get both heroes and crimes on Laina / in the forest.

  • "Kulbit."

A peculiar "Escape" (escape) of the Valles at the time of the serious occurrence of the enemy. It is important to remember that "theld" is incompatible with walls and other obstacles, that is, the character will not be able to just pass through solid and durable items.

  • "Rain retribution".

The character attacks two waves that fit in close rectangular radius. After each impact, a small interval must pass. Waves not only cause damage to health, but also begged for distribution, opponents. "Rain exposure" is a good ability, however, it is recommended to use a combo with disbel to use it.

Tactics games

We continue our guide on Vall Hots, let us give advice on the positioning of the hero during the matches. The full potential of the hunter will be able to use only in the Leit-Game process. The character is hampered both by enhancing any active ability and through the use of autoatak.

While other narrow-directed killers can implement their attacks only on certain enemies, Valla is easily coping with both heroes and cripows. Special merit lies here on "vollee", since it is easily released and linen (even alone) is easily released. Thus, Valla may have a specialist at the free line for a while.

Build # 1 - attack everyone and everyone

We make pumping the second ability - "volley". With this build, we will be able to reveal the potential of Walla, being the second Demmezh-Diller. This is done in order not to focus on one single opponent, but to attack evenly and in a certain radius.

  • At the first level, we work with an increase in the range of "volley".
  • Four levels: Take the Arsenal. It will be possible to use several grenades.
  • At the seventh level, choose the skill "hot pursuit" and increase the speed of movement.
  • Level Thirteen: Stock Fly "Ice Shot" and we get a skill of deceleration of the affected opponents.
  • Level Sixteen: Pour the "executioner" skill for immobilized and slow goals.
  • The twentieth level: by the same scheme as with the previous skill, choose the "Rage of Nexus".

The execution of this build is quite simple - Valla must hold on behind the main soldiers, next to the support; We use the "volley" and autoataks, try to get the enemy to the rear.

Bild # 2 - cutting opponents from hand

It is important to maintain the maximum number of stocks and survivability, as we have to do uniform attacks throughout the match. This build is recommended to be used only with proven timmeites.

  • At the first level, we choose the "cruel account". Any ability adds several stacks of "hatred".
  • In the fourth level, pump "Mantico". With its help, every third autoatak will increase on the same enemy.
  • Level number seven: We make a choice toward the "burning attack". The damage applied damage increases and the price of the expendable mana is reduced.
  • The tenth level: any ultra to choose from, however, we still recommend looking at the rain of retaliation.
  • At the thirteenth level, the choice should fall on the "giant killer" - so we will increase the damage of each autoatak.
  • At the sixteenth level, take the "executioner". Larger damage falls on handled enemies.
  • Twentieth Level: Pouring the "Rage of Nexus".

During the game, it is worth paying great attention to pumping additional damage and speed. The stacks should be filled with a maximum throughout the match, based on what you should not be forging by automatics for insignificant goals.

We missed the skill of "vampirism", as it is narrowly controlled. It is impossible to get additional health with him, and the power of the damage is cut into several tens of percent. Choose "vampirism" stands during games without supports, taking into account the whole risk.

He is a passive skill. During each autoatak, accumulates one charge, increasing the strength of the blow and movement.

  • Self-playing arrows.

The projectile is moving along the trajectory given by the player, hitting the first opponent's feast. Following our guide on Vall, you can hit two more enemies, immediately after the first, while the power of damage will significantly decrease. It is noteworthy that if there is no other opponents nearby, then the double additional attack will have to be initially target.

  • "Volley".

The striking wave of this attack takes the form of a cone, which sweeps all the opponents in front of the caste player. The radius of the lesion is quite large, therefore, under the "volley" can get both heroes and crimes on Laina / in the forest.

  • "Kulbit."

A peculiar "Escape" (escape) of the Valles at the time of the serious occurrence of the enemy. It is important to remember that "theld" is incompatible with walls and other obstacles, that is, the character will not be able to just pass through solid and durable items.

  • "Rain retribution".

The character attacks two waves that fit in close rectangular radius. After each impact, a small interval must pass. Waves not only cause damage to health, but also begged for distribution, opponents. "Rain exposure" is a good ability, however, it is recommended to use a combo with disbel to use it.

Tactics games

We continue our guide on Vall Hots, let us give advice on the positioning of the hero during the matches. The full potential of the hunter will be able to use only in the Leit-Game process. The character is hampered both by enhancing any active ability and through the use of autoatak.

While other narrow-directed killers can implement their attacks only on certain enemies, Valla is easily coping with both heroes and cripows. Special merit lies here on "vollee", since it is easily released and linen (even alone) is easily released. Thus, Valla may have a specialist at the free line for a while.

Build # 1 - attack everyone and everyone

We make pumping the second ability - "volley". With this build, we will be able to reveal the potential of Walla, being the second Demmezh-Diller. This is done in order not to focus on one single opponent, but to attack evenly and in a certain radius.

  • At the first level, we work with an increase in the range of "volley".
  • Four levels: Take the Arsenal. It will be possible to use several grenades.
  • At the seventh level, choose the skill "hot pursuit" and increase the speed of movement.
  • Level Thirteen: Stock Fly "Ice Shot" and we get a skill of deceleration of the affected opponents.
  • Level Sixteen: Pour the "executioner" skill for immobilized and slow goals.
  • The twentieth level: by the same scheme as with the previous skill, choose the "Rage of Nexus".

The execution of this build is quite simple - Valla must hold on behind the main soldiers, next to the support; We use the "volley" and autoataks, try to get the enemy to the rear.

Bild # 2 - cutting opponents from hand

It is important to maintain the maximum number of stocks and survivability, as we have to do uniform attacks throughout the match. This build is recommended to be used only with proven timmeites.

  • At the first level, we choose the "cruel account". Any ability adds several stacks of "hatred".
  • In the fourth level, pump "Mantico". With its help, every third autoatak will increase on the same enemy.
  • Level number seven: We make a choice toward the "burning attack". The damage applied damage increases and the price of the expendable mana is reduced.
  • The tenth level: any ultra to choose from, however, we still recommend looking at the rain of retaliation.
  • At the thirteenth level, the choice should fall on the "giant killer" - so we will increase the damage of each autoatak.
  • At the sixteenth level, take the "executioner". Larger damage falls on handled enemies.
  • Twentieth Level: Pouring the "Rage of Nexus".

During the game, it is worth paying great attention to pumping additional damage and speed. The stacks should be filled with a maximum throughout the match, based on what you should not be forging by automatics for insignificant goals.

We missed the skill of "vampirism", as it is narrowly controlled. It is impossible to get additional health with him, and the power of the damage is cut into several tens of percent. Choose "vampirism" stands during games without supports, taking into account the whole risk.

Our subscriber Ryazanserg. sent us your guide on the valle-killer who we are happy to publish!

Today I want to tell you my version of Walla Assassin. My build is based on our q ability. With this build in Leite, I killed Novu, who popped out of invisibility on me. One in one she kills almost anyone. And if you act in the team, then keep behind and shoot on the enemy. But never forget about your auto attacks, in the interruptions between skills attack, accumulating the passive effect.

Valla, a hunter on the demons - with his own eyes, watched the demons ruin her village and encourage her to death. Without having more relatives, it is now predicted only to their goal: to save the sanctuary from demonic denies, flooding these lands. Armed with two hand crossbows, Valla uses their hatred to increase their speed of running and attack, destroying their enemies from afar.

Skills Valya

[Heroic Skill] Hate

When using auto, Valle accumulates up to 10 hate effects. Each effect increases the damage applied by auto attacks, by 2%, and the speed of movement is 1%.

[Q] self-based arrow

Valla shoots forward and inflicts 81 (+15 per level) of the first target damage, and then automatically finds and affects even 2 opponents, applying 40 (+8 per level) damage. If there is no purpose near, strikes the current several times.

[W] volley

Vallla inflicts 75 (+15 per LVL) damage to all opponents in the specified area.

[E] Kulbit

Valla makes a known in the specified direction.


Valla rapidly attacks the nearest visible opponents, with each shot of causing 19 (+9 per LVL) damage. The shots primarily affect the heroes, and not warriors. If Valla performs alder during the "shelling", it instantly accumulates the 10 Effects of Hate.

Shower Retribution

Valla releases 2 waves of shadows that cause 123 (+23) units of damage to all opponents in the damage zone. The affected opponents are leaving for 0.5 seconds.

Talants of Valya

Level 1.

Yeshest Materials - Mana costs when using a "self-dispersion boom" decrease by 30 units. I personally take this talent, which allows me to stand longer on the line and apply damage on the enemy.

Vampiric boom - replenishes health in the amount of 50% of the damage applied. If you are afraid that you will see the HP then your choice is this talent.

Evil - Each Effect of "Hate" increases the attack speed by 1.5%. We play through q so that we do not need it.

Composite arrows - the radius of the voltage increases by 20%. We play through q so that this talent we do not need either.

Punishment - the use of abilities causes an overlap 3 additional effects of "hatred". For our build, this talent is not suitable.

Level 4.

Piercing boom - increases the number of rebounds to three, and the range is 25%. What we need. And further flies and more hits.

Arsenal - Using a volley, Valla also produces 3 grenades that are applied 42 damage. We remember what we play. Yeah remembered, it means that this talent is not for us.

Vampire attack - autoataks make a hero of health in the amount of 15% of damage caused by him. Of course, we beat with your hands but it's not our.

Manticor - Each third walla autoatak for one purpose causes 50% additional damage. And this is not suitable for us.

Level 7.

Arrow for an arrow - after using "Kulbit", "self-watering boom" will instantly restore. The best choice among all talents at this level is because it allows us to reset the CD from our main skill.

Azart Battle - Reduces the recovery time of abilities when using autoaks by 0.5 seconds. Good talent But not suitable for our build.

Spikes - When the Valla performs the mulbit, it throws three spikes behind it. Spikes are applied to opponents of 27 units. damage and reduce the speed of their movement by 20% for 2 seconds. We kill, not retreat.

The burning attack - when activated, increases damage from autoak by 50% by 5 seconds. Each attack requires the cost of 15 units. Mana. Recovery time: 25 sec. Well, again, we play through skills, not autoataks so that this talent is not important to us.

Level 10.

The shelling - Valla rapidly attack the nearest visible opponents, with each shot of an embarrassment of 19 (+9 per level) damage. The shots primarily affect the heroes, and not warriors. If Valla performs alder during the "shelling", it instantly accumulates the 10 Effects of Hate. A good choiceBut not for me, especially if there is a lot of control in the opponent's team. We can be knocked off this skill, and when you stick one in one sorry.

Retribution rain - Valla produces 2 waves of shadows that cause 123 (+23 per level) units of damage to all enemies in the damage zone. The affected opponents are leaving for 0.5 seconds. This is for me, and in one you can give it into a bunch, everything is one, and it will also become. You will say you can get out of this ultra, yes 0.5 seconds the mill is a lot of time in the file, and for us can help and survive. Moreover, on 20 we take talent and we will have 4 waves of shadows. Explanations below.

Level 13.

The killer of the giakanov - autoataks across the heroes of the enemy are applied additional damage in the amount of 1.5% of the maximum health stock. We play not through the autoatak, so this is not suitable for us.

Ice shot - "volley" slows down opponents by 40% for 2 seconds. In my opinion, the most necessary talent for us at this level will help and catch up with the enemy and get away from it.

Hot pursuit. - When the effects of "hatred" are summed up 10 times, the bonus to the speed of movement will increase to 20%. Again autoatak, no Thanks I do not need.

The limit concentration is after the Valla will accumulate 10 hate charges, it begins to accumulate by one effect of "concentration" to 10. AutoTakas are filled with health in the amount of 3% of damage for each superimposed effect. AutoTaka Yes, and 10 stacks first need to dial, again, no, thanks I do not need.

Level 16.

Salto Morthala - the ability of "Kulbit" can be used twice in a row. Here's what we need, allows you to twice to reset the CD from our main skill, and it is easier to catch up or get away from the enemy.

Blood for blood - when used, the hero absorbs 15% of the maximum health stock of the chosen enemy and reduces its movement speed by 30% by 3 seconds. Recovery time: 60 sec. Big CD. Well, for us at this level, another skill is selected.

Stone leather - when activated, creates a shield that will absorb damage for 5 seconds from the maximum hero health reserve. Recovery time: 60 sec. We have not so much hp and for survival we took "Flip-Morthala"

Level 20.

Raughty Bury - Valla calls 4 shadows. This is what we need, if you got 4 times, I put a ton of damage and the mill for 2 seconds, helps to keep the opponent on the approaches to your base, if not sorry, you can pick up the camp of the mercenaries in solo using ultra. Applications Weight :)

A storm charge - when activated, the hero is teleported for a short distance. Recovery time: 40 sec. Interesting talent, if you are afraid for your life, then he can come in handy, but I personally believe in myself and I wonder without him.

Understanding - When Valle performs the "shelling" of the arrows, flow through opponents located on the same line, causing each of them 14 (+4.5) damage. If you went through the shower, this talent will not be available.

This is how my talents look at level 20

Tips on the game for Valla

Try to play with a command. You are a very strong hero, but you should not walk alone. Let us have a lot of breeding in this build, you should not risk.

Always leave one kulbit in order to get away from the danger.

Your ultimate is well divided by Tymfight, forcing the enemy to miss and get out of it. Do not hold it to the very end.

Valla is inexpensive, but a very strong character. This is one of the branches of its development, in my opinion the best because it allows you to kill 1Vs1 almost any opponent. Stay next to the tanks and everything will be fine.

Excellent ability that does not require special skills. You don't even have to get into the opponent, because the boom will do it itself, it is worth choosing only an estimated direction. Pierces several opponents at once or one if there are no other purposes nearby.


Mass attack that damage damage to all enemies, which fell into a small cone before Valla. Great for killing crips, seizure of camps, as well as in mass battles.


With the help of this ability of Valle, it may go from persecution or catch up with an enemy target. The jump has a rather small radius of application, but it is quite enough to get away from the aimed attack of the enemy or ambush.


The main damage of Valla inflicts with the help of its auto, therefore this passage will be as if the way. For 3 seconds, your hero can get an additional attack speed and a bonus for moving.

Heroic abilities of Valla in Hots


A good skill that will cause damage to all opponents who are near Valla. During the action of the shelling, the character can only use alone, so it is better to spend the whole permissions better, and then apply this ability.

Shower Retribution

Plus this ability is that it can not only damage, but stunning opponents. Of course, the mill in 0.5 seconds is not enough to kill the enemy, but it is great for interrupting some spells.

Bild for Valla in Hotz

1st level


Talent allows you to accumulate the speed of attack and movement from the passive hatred. Now 10 stacks will give not 10%, and 15, which will significantly increase the hero damage at higher levels.

4th level


We have already increased the speed of auto with the help of a talent of anger, so why not make each third attack by 50% stronger. Given that it is to shoot 3 times for Valya - this is a bullish trifle, your opponents will not have time to even understand why they have so much reduced the level of health.

7th level

Burning an attack

If you have not enough that each third autoatak becomes more powerful by 50%, then we recommend that this talent is also recommended. After activating the ability for 5 seconds, any valley autoatak will be one and a half times stronger. Remember that at the same time the attacks will reduce your mana stock.

10th level

Shower Retribution

This heroic ability has already been described in our guide. Here you can only supplement that the shower is preferable due to the fact that it does not shine the actions of the valley. In order to make the firmware to the most effectively, it is necessary to be in the center of the fight, and the character does not have so much health to survive there.

13th level

Killer Giakanov

This talent allows you to apply a huge damage on any enemy hero. The fact is that the killer of the giants enhances the auto attack by 1.5% of the maximum health level of your goal. If you take into account the huge speed of the character attack, it gets an impressive damage for a meek time.

16th level

Blood for blood

A good skill that will not only slow down your opponent, but also takes 15% of health. It will help not only kill the goal, but also survive in a critical situation.

20th level

Rage of Nexx

The ability makes autoataks even more deadly, because it increases their speed and range by 20%. After that, Valla turns simply into the murder weapon, which is capable of destroying almost any opponent in a matter of seconds.

Tactics Games for Valle in Heroes of the Storm

From the very beginning of the game it is worth remembering that Valla is a team hero, so, despite the huge damage, do not try to win the party alone. A pair of enemy heroes, in reserve, who have some camp, quickly deal with your character.

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to play very carefully, because aggression can bring their fruits. The set of abilities at the hero allows it to effectively capture forest camps and significantly increase the Push potential.

Do not forget that this hero has a rather low health indicator, so try to always avoid focusing opponents. No wonder in the arsenal of Valya there is an Esquip-ability.


  • Zeratul
  • Diablo


  • Anub "Araq.
  • Rear.
  • Malfurion

Hyde's conclusion about Valla in Hots

The main emphasis of this guide is made on autoataks, so even inexperienced players will be able to master the valle. The main thing should not forget that in this killer there are still useful abilities that constantly need to be used. Always try to stay at a safe distance from enemies, but you should not be too careful.