Raynor's main abilities in Heroes of the Storm. Raynor's main abilities in Heroes of the Storm Raynor's heroic abilities in HotS

An excellent ability that deals good damage and also knocks back the enemy. With this skill, you can not only kill enemies, but also interrupt many ultimates.


An undirected ability that buffs Raynor and nearby allies, increasing attack and movement speed. Great for closing the distance and using the first ability or quickly destroying enemy structures.

Adrenaline rush

A kind of passive ability that will restore health to your hero if his health drops to a critical level. With additional healing, Raynor can act as a tank and absorb a huge amount of health.

Improved visor

This passive allows you to attack most opponents from a safe distance, preventing them from approaching your hero. In addition to increasing the attack range, the skill increases Raynor's vision.

Raynor's Heroic Abilities in HotS


Ultimate summons a huge cruiser on the battlefield, which will attack all opponents and structures in the affected area. Hyperion's size allows it to cover almost the entire enemy base, so it should be used exclusively for destroying buildings. Moreover, he inflicts scanty damage on the heroes of the enemy, and focuses on buildings.

Raynor's Raiders

Raynor summons 2 helicopters that will attack any target. If you have not chosen a target to attack, then the Banshees will automatically attack the nearest enemy. Together with them, character damage can cause significant problems to any enemy.

Build for Raynor in HotS

1st level


The talent increases the amount of HP, which is restored as a result of an adrenaline rush. The extra 50% health will come as an unpleasant surprise for those wishing to kill Raynor.

4th level

Controlled emission

After choosing this talent, Raynor can use Adrenaline Rush at will, without waiting for a decrease in health.

7th level

Flame of revolution

Empower gains an additional 10% movement speed. Plus, Raynor will accumulate another 5% of the speed for each hero who is within the range of the buff.

10th level


The choice fell on this ultimate due to the fact that the Banshee from the ability of Raynor's Raiders can be destroyed very quickly. With the help of a cruiser, you can easily destroy enemy buildings. Even if your team loses, then in a few passes you can reach the enemy's fountain.

13th level

Steel exposure

Raynor will now be able to stay under the Inspire effect longer. Additionally, the ability will trigger when you activate an Adrenaline Rush.

16th level

Unyielding leader

The talent automatically reduces the duration of any slows and stuns that were applied to Raynor. A great addition is the ability to knock all opponents away from the hero, which triggers once every 5 seconds if the character is stunned.

20th level

Scorched earth

This ability further enhances Hyperion, allowing him to destroy both buildings and enemy units in one go.

Tactics for playing as Raynor in Heroes of the Storm

At the very beginning of the game, Raynor can go to any lane. You are required to get the basic talents and go to the aid of your allies. Remember that with your help, allies will take over mercenary camps, control points or destroy buildings much faster thanks to Inspire.

It is worth noting that an armor-piercing projectile in inept hands will do more harm than good, so if you are not sure that you can finish off the enemy, it is better not to use the skill. So you can easily push the enemy away from your allies and save his life.

In team fights that take place near enemy buildings, be sure to call Hyperion. Enemies will not receive much damage, but they will definitely retreat, but you are guaranteed to destroy buildings.


  • Muradin
  • Stitch


  • Jaina
  • Tychus

Conclusion of the guide about Raynor in HotS

Raynor is the starting hero, in which the beginner is explained the features of abilities, talents, as well as various cards. Therefore, it is not surprising that new players choose this character as the main one. If you look closely, Raynor's abilities do not require special attention and high skill of the game, so he can be recommended to absolutely any player. Of course, for a start, it's better to practice on bots.

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Raynor is a ranged assassin that relies on strong basic attacks with a long range. In order to reach his full potential, he must have information about the state of the map and choose his location correctly. Since Raynor is not able to quickly retreat from the battlefield, he should adequately assess his capabilities, engaging in a fight only when he has a chance of winning.

1. Brief information


Build for strengthening the basic attack: strong continuous damage to one target:

Cards (good, average, bad):

Fel Shrines, Haunted Mines, Tomb of the Spider Queen, Eternal Battle, Blackheart's Cove, Cursed Hollow, Dragon's Land, Garden of Horrors, and Heavenly Temple.

2. Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Strong basic attacks
  • Relatively easy to handle
  • The adrenaline rush gives better survivability compared to other assassins
  • Can press lines quickly
  • Long range of abilities


  • One-sided play style
  • Cannot retreat quickly from the battlefield
  • Is of little use early in the game
  • Limited in terms of talent selection

3. Role in the current meta

Raynor is suitable for playing on any battlefield, but small maps like Ghost Mines, Fel Sanctum, or Tomb of the Spider Queen, which focus on confined space combat, give him a special advantage. With a conservative playstyle and powerful basic attacks, Raynor is considered the ultimate ranged assassin and fits into any environment.

Even the most inexperienced players quickly grasp the mechanics of Raynor's abilities and learn to use them in time. The piercing cartridge is used not only to deal damage, but also to push away an opponent who got too close. Inspire increases the attack speed of allies, which allows you to effectively push through lines. If you have the Flame of Revolution talent (level 7), this ability is also a source of mobility. The same goes for Raynor's heroic abilities. Raynor's raiders are a great way to deal damage to one target, and Hyperion allows you to inflict AoE damage not only on heroes, but also on buildings. In other words, it is easy to learn how to play Raynor, but it will take a lot of time to fully master this hero.

4. Raynor's abilities

Mana: 60. Cooldown: 12 sec.

Deals 525 (107 + 22 per level) damage. damage and knocks opponents back.

Penetrating Bullet deals massive damage to all enemies in front of Raynor, and also knocks them back.

The piercing cartridge serves a variety of purposes. It can be used for both defense and attack. In the first case, Raynor, having pushed opponents away from himself, has the ability to quickly change location. In the second case, the Penetrating Bullet is used to deal damage and allows you to dominate the lane.

In the lanes phase, the Piercing Bullet also serves as a means of clearing waves if enemy warriors are lined up in front of you. If used correctly, you can hit the bullet not only on the wave, but also on the building that is behind the warriors.

Inspiration (W)

Mana: 40. Cooldown: 10 sec.

Attack speed and damage dealt are increased by 30% for 8 sec. Nearby allies receive half of this bonus.

Inspire increases Raynor's attack speed by 30% for 6 seconds. Nearby allies receive half of this bonus. The ability affects allied heroes, warriors and mercenaries.

Empower is a powerful ability that affects not only Raynor, but also his allies, including warriors and mercenaries, increasing their attack speed. Inspiration is especially useful in team fights and when punching lines. It should be remembered that Inspiration is an aura, i.e. after using the ability, allies must be near Raynor to receive the bonus.

Inspiration gains special power when using the Flame of Revolution talent (level 7). Since Raynor has low mobility, this talent significantly increases his effectiveness in combat, allowing him to deal damage to opponents without receiving retaliation hits.

Cooldown: 40 sec.

It activates automatically when the hero's health drops below 30%, restoring 960 (200 + 40 per level) health. health.

Adrenaline Rush is a passive ability that triggers automatically and heals Raynor for a large amount of health.

The adrenaline rush provides Raynor's high survival rate. Unlike other healing abilities, Adrenaline Rush cannot be used on demand unless you have the Hit or Run talent (level 7). However, the talent is not recommended for use, and Burst is usually triggered automatically as soon as Raynor's health falls below 30%. These mechanics add predictability to Raynor, but still help him survive in team fights.

During the lanes phase, the Adrenaline Rush allows you to gain more experience, less often returning to the base. However, keep in mind that the ability has a 40 second cooldown. If the enemy finds out that the Adrenaline Rush has already worked, he can call in his allies and quickly kill Raynor, so you must act extremely carefully if the ability to heal is not available.

Heroic ability. Mana: 100. Cooldown: 100 sec.

Summons Hyperion, which moves slowly over the battlefield and randomly inflicts 145 (31 + 6 per level) damage to nearby enemies. damage. The maximum number of targets is 4. "Hyperion" also periodically shoots from the "Yamato" cannon at enemy buildings and inflicts 1740 (372 + 72 per level) damage to them. damage. Lasts 12 sec.

"Hyperion" summons a warship of the same name, which slowly moves in the specified direction and for 12 seconds inflicts damage to opponents caught in the affected area. The ship also periodically shoots cannons at enemy buildings and inflicts huge damage on them.

Despite the fact that Hyperion moves very slowly, this ability has a huge impact on the outcome of team battles. It is used to push opponents back to the base or prevent them from capturing one of the map's objectives (for example, to kill the guards in the Fel Sanctuary or gain control over the temple and the Heavenly Temple). After activating "Hyperion" opponents are forced to retreat or fight under fire, taking damage from lasers. Either way, Raynor's team has a huge advantage. However, if the battle is being fought in unlimited space, opponents can scatter and then attack you again as soon as Hyperion disappears.

Hyperion plays excellently on the following cards:

  • Eternal battle
  • Phantom mines
  • Defiled Shrine
  • Heavenly temple
  • Tomb of the spider queen

Heroic ability. Mana: 100. Cooldown: 80 sec.

Allows to summon two disguised "Banshees", capable of accompanying the hero and attacking his targets for some time. Each Banshee lasts 22 seconds. and deals 96 (20 + 4 per level) damage. damage per second The ability can be reused to give the Banshee a new target.

Thanks to Raynor's Raiders, the hero summons two disguised Banshees, which attack the enemy and inflict weak but constant damage for 22 seconds. This heroic ability can be reused to order the Banshee to attack a new target.

While Hyperion is designed to cut through lines and deal AoE damage, Raynor's Raiders increase Raynor's damage to one target. The constant damage from the Banshee often forces opponents to retreat, allowing Raynor to focus on a new target. Banshees move faster than many heroes, allowing them to pursue victims relentlessly.

Here are the rules to keep in mind when using Raynor's Raiders:

  • - "Banshees" should always attack priority targets (in particular, enemy assassins and specialists) in order to eliminate them as quickly as possible;
  • - "Banshees" move faster than heroes, so with their help you can catch up with fleeing opponents;
  • - in order for the "Banshee" to change the target, move the cursor to the new enemy hero and press R;
  • - like other creatures summoned with the help of heroic abilities, "Banshee" can be controlled after Raynor's death.

Improved visor

Basic attack range is increased by 20% compared to other ranged heroes, and vision range is increased by 10% compared to other heroes.

The Upgraded Visor passively increases the range of Raynor's abilities by 20% and allows him to see 10% further.

Improved Visor is a very useful talent that increases attack range and line of sight. It allows Raynor to engage from a safe distance and punch through opponents, forcing them to leave the line to replenish resources. While standing in the lane, use basic attacks to deal damage, especially if your opponent is a melee hero. If you need to increase the pressure, alternate basic attacks with Penetrating Bullet. However, try not to go too far and always keep an eye on the situation with the mini-map to avoid surprise attacks.

Level 1

  • Still! The adrenaline rush heals for 50% more.
  • An experienced shooter. For every 6 killed enemy mercenaries or warriors, the damage from basic attacks is increased by 1 unit. Killing one hero is equal to 3 killing warriors. For the talent to work, Raynor must be close enough to the target (warrior, mercenary or hero), but it is not necessary to personally participate in the murder. Since Master Archer increases base damage, this talent works well with talents that affect the effectiveness of basic attacks, such as (Secret Weapon, Rockstar, or Aura Shot Aura).
  • Recruitment of "volunteers"... For the destruction of enemy soldiers, the effect of the same name is added to the hero (maximum 50 charges). Having accumulated 15 charges, the hero can bribe the mercenary, instantly defeating him. This talent does not work with golem bosses and mercenaries that have already been defeated.
  • Reconnaissance drone... Allows you to place a recon drone in the specified area, providing vision in a large area and allowing you to see cloaked heroes for 45 seconds. Opponents see the drone and can destroy it, even if it is in the bushes. The drone disappears when it takes damage from two basic attacks or after 45 seconds. after installation. Maximum 2 charges, 45 min reload time.

A skilled marksman empowers Raynor's already powerful basic attacks over time. Since Raynor is not suitable for organizing surprise attacks, he can safely stand in the lane, accumulating stacks of the Expert Shooter. More experienced players can move between lanes to gain additional stacks by killing additional warriors. However, this tactic is only suitable for smaller maps like Tomb of the Spider Queen or Dragon's Land.

Still! - This is a worthy alternative to the Experienced Shooter if the enemy team consists of strong assassins like Jaina or Zeratul, capable of dealing strong damage in a short period of time, and also if your team does not have a full-fledged healer, which is often found in Quick Play. Additional healing allows Raynor to act more confidently in dangerous situations.

Other talents

The recruitment of "volunteers" is a frankly weak talent, which does not affect the outcome of team fights in any way. Moreover, while playing Raynor, you should not try to conquer mercenary camps. As a rule, this is done by melee assassins (for example, Illidan) or specialists (for example).

The Scout Drone is a useful talent for support heroes (e.g.). We do not recommend Raynor to use the Recon drone, as for the sake of it, you will have to abandon the Experienced Shooter, having lost some of the damage that is so important for a ranged killer who relies on basic attacks.

Level 4

  • Accurate strike. Increases the damage of your next Basic Attack against an enemy Hero by 75%. The effect has a 10 sec cooldown, each auto attack (regardless of the target type) reduces this cooldown by 1 sec.
  • Vampiric attack... Basic attacks heal the hero for 15% of the damage dealt. Damage increasing effects increase the amount of healing from Vampiric Attack.
  • A sure target. Reduces the cooldown of Penetrating Cartridge by 4 seconds if it hits at least one enemy Hero.

Precision Strike works great with the Expert Shooter and greatly empowers Raynor early in the game. However, over time, Precise Strike does not lose its relevance, and therefore this talent has virtually no drawbacks.

Other talents

Vampiric attack is a good talent, however, in the absence of Precise Strike, Raynor loses a lot. In addition, the Adrenaline Rush provides Raynor with decent survivability, and therefore the effect of the Vampiric attack will be unnecessary.

Loyal Target allows Raynor to use Penetrating Bullet more often. However, Penetrating Bullet is not the main source of damage. While True Target can be beneficial early in the game when Raynor's basic attacks are not strong enough, this talent still cannot overshadow Precise Strike.

Level 7

  • Shooting in the legs... The movement speed of targets hit by Penetrating Cartridge is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds.
  • Flame of revolution. When using Inspire, movement speed is increased by 10% and an additional 5% for each inspired hero.
  • Hit or run. An adrenaline rush becomes an active ability. When used, it removes all negative movement effects and grants Raynor an immunity for 2 sec.
  • Swallow the dust buddy... Reduces the cooldowns of Raynor's abilities by 1.5 seconds. for each warrior, mercenary or hero who died after being damaged by Raynor.

The Flame of Revolution eliminates one of Raynor's major flaws - lack of mobility. By choosing Flame of Revolution, Raynor gains reliable and efficient acceleration. This talent works great in team fights. Since Raynor is usually surrounded by allies at all times, Flame of Revolution gives him a significant bonus to movement speed.

Other talents

Thanks to Leg Shot, the movement speed of targets hit by Penetrating Cartridge is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds, which is, in general, not bad. However, this talent loses its importance without the other talents that enhance Piercing Bullet. On the other hand, Flame of Revolution gives the best results when combined with talents that improve basic attacks.

Hit or Run allows Raynor to use Adrenaline Rush on demand, and also briefly reduces the damage he takes. This talent would be great for a fighter, but not for a ranged assassin. As Raynor, you must carefully monitor your location to avoid unnecessary damage.

Swallow the Dust Buddy is a useless talent for Raynor, who, unlike Jaina or Kael'tas, rarely uses abilities to deal damage.

Level 10

At 10th level, Raynor gains access to heroic abilities. The Hyperion talents and Raynor's Raiders were covered in the Abilities section.

Hyperion is a useful heroic ability that pushes opponents away from card targets like guards, temples, or gifts. Moreover, "Hyperion" allows you to push through lines, destroying enemy buildings. Try not to use this ability unnecessarily, because its cooldown is quite large.

Raynor's raiders deal damage to a single target and allow them to chase fleeing enemies. Combined with Raynor's deadly basic attacks, the Banshee can take out an enemy Assassin or Specialist from a safe distance. Do not forget to select a new target for the "Banshee" if necessary and keep an eye on their health.

Level 13

  • Giant slayer... Basic attacks against enemy heroes deal additional damage equal to 1.5% of the target's maximum health.
  • Double-barreled shotgun. Penetrating Cartridge gains 2 charges.
  • Steel exposure... Increases the duration of Inspire by 50% and triggers it when using an Adrenaline Rush.
  • Unyielding leader... Reduces the duration of silence, stun, slow and immobilization effects by 50%. If Raynor was stunned, he knocks enemies away from him every 5 sec.

Giant Slayer greatly enhances Raynor's basic attacks, especially when attacking high health units. In addition, this talent works well with Expert Shooter and Precision Strike to create a build designed to empower Raynor's basic attacks.

Steel Endurance is a worthy alternative to Giant Slayer when there are no fighters on the enemy team, which often happens in Quickplay matches. The increased duration of Inspire works well with Flame of Revolution, allowing Raynor to benefit from his movement speed bonus longer.

Other talents

The Double Barrel is a useless talent as Raynor deals damage primarily with basic attacks, and does not need a second Penetrating Bullet.

An unyielding leader has the same disadvantages as Hit or Run, because defensive talents have little effect on Raynor's ability to carry out his primary task of dealing damage. Moreover, as a rule, Raynor is rarely in the immediate vicinity of opponents, so he does not need protection from control, for which he will have to sacrifice Giant Slayer or Steel Endurance.

Level 16

  • Executioner. Raynor's basic attacks deal 40% more damage to slowed, rooted, and stunned targets.
  • Cluster ammunition... Penetrating Bullet deals 20% more damage for each additional target hit, and its area of \u200b\u200beffect is increased by 50%.
  • The bull's eye . Stuns the first enemy hit with Penetrating Bullet for 1 sec. Damage taken by this foe is increased by 50%.
  • Fury. When used, attack speed increases by 40% and movement speed by 10% for 4 seconds.

Frenzy increases attack and movement speed, greatly strengthening Raynor at the end of the game. The attack speed bonus from Fury is combined with talents like Archer, Precision Strike, and Giant Slayer, while the movement speed bonus enhances the effect of Flame of Revolution. All in all, Fury is a flawless talent suitable for any Raynor build.


The Executioner can come in handy if your allies often use control abilities - for example, if there are or are among your partners. Similar to Fury, Executioner stacks with other talents to enhance Raynor's basic attacks.

Other talents

Cluster ammo is a pretty good talent. The ability to knock opponents away from you looks good at first glance, but this talent empowers Penetrating Bullet rather than Raynor's basic attacks.

Similar to Cluster Ammo, Bullseye enhances Penetrating Bullet. With this talent, Raynor stuns opponents, but does not deal more damage to them, so Bullseye is much inferior alternative options in this dash.

Level 20

  • Scorched earth. Additional gun batteries are involved in the shelling of the Hyperion, which fire 5 volleys per second. and deal area damage.
  • Gloomy flock. Banshees maintain their cloak when attacking and fire 1 more missile with each volley, and their attack speed is increased by 50%.
  • A trump card in the sleeve. Reduces the cooldown of Raynor's Heroic ability by 15 sec. for each dead allied or enemy hero.
  • Fury of the Nexus. Increases the speed and range of basic attacks by 20%.
  • Storm charge. When activated, the hero teleports a short distance. Recovery time - 70 sec. With Storm Charge, you can jump over walls and dispel the fog of war. Cannot be used while under control (slow, morph, stun, or silence).

The Fury of the Nexus further enhances Raynor's basic attacks and increases their range in addition to the improved visor. If your opponents aren't paying much attention to you, using the Nexus Fury you can deal maximum damage to them from a safe distance.

The Storm Charge allows Raynor to retreat quickly and efficiently from the battlefield, as well as stay away from enemy initiators. Use this talent if there are two fighters on the opposing team who are putting a lot of pressure on you. However, keep in mind that Storm Charge has a large cooldown and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Other talents

Scorched Earth increases the damage done by the heroic ability Hyperion, increasing its potential to push back foes and push through lines. Unfortunately, Hyperion's long cooldown does not allow you to receive the bonus from the talent too often, so we do not recommend using it.

The Twilight Flock insignificantly affects the outcome of team battles, because Enemies can easily remove permanent cloaking with AoE spells. Since Raynor's basic attacks do more damage than the upgraded Banshees, we recommend that you choose Fury of the Nexus as the level 20 talent.

Trump up the sleeve is an interesting talent that, however, cannot compete with the Mobility bonus from Storm Charge and the damage bonus from Nexus Fury, as these talents have a greater impact on Raynor's effectiveness in teamfights. Ultimately, the ability to summon an additional "Hyperion" or "Banshee" is useless if your team has already lost the battle, and you died because you did not take the Storm Charge.

6. The basics of playing Raynor

To play Raynor successfully, you need to learn how to choose your location correctly. Raynor has strong basic attacks and high survivability thanks to his Adrenaline Rush ability. It is the duty of any ranged assassin to attack priority targets at the right moment. To do this, you need to observe the behavior of your partners and constantly look at the mini-map. Before attacking, make sure that the target has already used dangerous abilities that could harm you (for example, control, defense or haste: Phoenix, Illidan Dodge, or Tyrael's Judgment).

In the middle of the match, Raynor's tasks depend on the current game situation... As a rule, he:

  • - accumulates stacks of the Experienced shooter, killing soldiers on the lines;
  • - helps allies to kill dangerous opponents with the Penetrating Bullet and Inspire;
  • - Deals damage to fleeing enemies and knocks them out of their saddles thanks to the bonus from the Improved Visor;
  • - pushes opponents away from important targets with the help of Hyperion;
  • - pursues key objectives with the help of Raynor's Raiders.

Like other ranged assassins, Raynor must have information about the state of the map. This information serves several purposes. First of all, opponents most often attack ranged assassins, and Raynor has no reliable means of quickly retreating. Additionally, ranged assassins are generally good for gaining lane experience due to their ability to deal damage from afar. However, you need to develop a flair to tell you what to do - stay on the line or leave it for another task. If you have to stand in a lane, deal damage to the hero on the opposite side with Penetrating Bullet and basic attacks. In addition, the talent Precise Strike (level 4) will help you.

After both teams reach level 10, the lines will fade into the background and Raynor can focus on capturing the objectives of the map. Like other ranged assassins, Raynor is highly dependent on proper positioning. In case of an error, he may die even before the start of the team fight. If an enemy fighter or melee assassin gets too close to you, you can push them away with Penetrating Bullet. Be especially careful if your Adrenaline Rush is unavailable. Raynor is very vulnerable without him.

  • When playing Raynor, do not stand still, because he lacks abilities that increase movement speed. This rule applies even in battles with warriors on the lines.
  • You can set a new target for the Banshee by highlighting the new target and pressing the R key.
  • "Hyperion" is a powerful spell that allows you to push opponents away from important targets of the map or allied buildings.
  • Fury significantly increases damage dealt, but has a large cooldown. Use it wisely.
  • With a penetrating cartridge, you can push opponents away from yourself or, conversely, push them towards your allies.
  • Inspiration also affects warriors and mercenaries. Use it when pushing through lines to quickly destroy enemy buildings.
  • If Adrenaline Rush is not available, proceed with extra caution and do not go too far.

8. Best allies

In this section, we'll take a look at the heroes that give Raynor additional benefits.


Illidan benefits immensely from Inspire, which increases his attack speed. Moreover, Illidan attracts a lot of attention, allowing Raynor to carry out his duties unhindered.


Raynor's Inspire increases Karazim's already high attack speed. Inspiration has a positive effect on any of the tier 1 talents, whichever option Karazim chooses. In turn, the monk is able to protect Raynor, especially after level 10.


Leoric has a slow attack speed, so Raynor's Inspire brings him tangible benefits. In addition, Leoric is capable of AoE damage, and Raynor is famous for strong damage to one target. Finally, the pair can perform the deadly Hyperion + Burial combo, which is especially devastating on small maps like Fel Sanctuary or Tomb of the Spider Queen.

9. Worst enemies

In this section, we'll take a look at heroes that can effectively counter Raynor.


With his Conviction heroic ability, Tyrael is one of the most dangerous initiators in the game. Playing as Raynor, who lacks the ability to retreat quickly, you will surely become a priority target for Tyrael. Moreover, Archangel possesses the Overwhelming Presence talent, which can greatly slow down Raynor's attacks.

How to resist Tyrael?

When playing against Tyrael and other fighters who can force you into battle, keep an eye on your location. Do not stray far from your support and, if possible, hide behind the back of one of the fighters. As a result, Tyrael's allies will not be able to take advantage of your helplessness after Condemnation. If you and Tyrael are in line, keep your distance and hit him with basic attacks. Keep an eye on El Druin's Might cooldown, as Tyrael will most likely try to use this spell to close the distance. If the Archangel uses Power against you, push him back with Penetrating Bullet.


Blinded by Joanna's Radiant Shield poses a serious threat to Raynor, who relies on basic attacks. Moreover, Joanna is a very durable tank, and Raynor has almost no chance of penetrating her alone. Finally, Raynor doesn't have any mobility-enhancing abilities, so Joanna can easily catch him with Scold.

How to confront Joanna?

Avoid falling under the Blinding Shield by keeping a reasonable distance. Do not chase Joanna or engage in one-on-one combat with her, because you are unlikely to be able to survive it. Instead, try to help your allies by focusing your attention on a fragile enemy hero and aiming the Banshee at him (if you have the appropriate Heroic Ability). When playing against powerful fighters like Joanna, use the Giant Slayer talent to boost your Basic Attack Damage.


Zeratul is a dangerous foe for any ranged assassin. he is able to deal heavy damage in a short amount of time and close the distance with Blink. Unfortunately, Raynor lacks the ability to track down Zeratul and can only push him away from him with the Piercing Bullet.

How to counter Zeratul?

When meeting Zeratul on the battlefield, be vigilant and patient. Use defensive talents like More! and a Storm Charge to help you survive the fight. Also, don't stray too far from support, as in the fight with Zeratul, you will need shields and healing. If Zeratul loses his disguise for any reason, use Raynor's Raiders to prevent him from disguising himself again.

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Raynor was my first hero in HotS and is still my favorite.

At the time of this writing, 45 games have been played with a win rate of 68.9%

Build is relevant for patch 32524.

In terms of mechanics, Raynor is one of the simplest heroes in HotS, but simplicity of control does not mean poor performance at all. For me, on the contrary, the less you need to think about the hero's microcontrol, the more time and attention you can devote to events on the map and making the right and important decisions.

Raynor plays on basic attacks, which means that it is on their buildup that we focus, and not on abilities. Raynor is not your typical assassin, he is much more tenacious than any other assassin, but at the same time he has much less damage from his abilities. His vitality allows him not to hide, not to hide in the back streets, but calmly in the open, slowly but surely hitting damage with auto attacks. This will lead to the fact that in almost every match you will have the best damage figure against heroes on the team, unless of course you avoid 5v5 mixes too often.

Our style of play changes during the game. Until level 16, do not try to justify the type of hero and play the killer. Chasing the heroes is difficult, and the only damaging ability pushes the hero away, thereby helping him to escape. Do not dare to use it when your team is trying to catch up with the hero, and your shot will not kill your opponent. You run the risk of hearing a lot of interesting things addressed to you. And at level 16, we take a stun for our cartridge and from that moment we become a really killer, since it becomes very difficult to get away from Raynor, given that auto attacks speed up recovery and a shot and inspiration (which will speed up us by that time), and mana always in abundance.

1st tier - "Experienced Shooter". Here we cannot have two opinions in any way. Raynor, thanks to his piercing cartridge, is wonderfully understandable on the lane and, as a result, shakes the Experienced Shooter.

2nd tier - "Vampiric attack". Here we already have a choice. We speculate between a vampiric attack and a focused strike. Our choice should depend on the composition of our team. If the team has enough support or specialists who can save your life (like Abathur), then you can take a focused strike. In all other cases (of which the majority) we take the vampiric attack. This healing plays a very serious role, as it allows us to heal simply by standing on the lane and swinging an experienced shooter, which ultimately leads to rare returns to the fountain or base. This way we stay in the thick of things longer and do more damage. In some games, I never use the teleport to the base at all during the game, since you can quickly regen it on mercenaries even at minimal HP, if you are not capturing them alone.

3rd tier - "The Flame of the Revolution". At 7th level, we don't have an abundance of useful talents. We take the flame of revolution, which allows us to both escape from dangerous batches in an urgent manner, and catch up with the washed away opponents (with which Raynor has problems at the beginning of the game). In raid cases, if the team has problems with damage in mass mixes, you can take a searing attack. Mana waste will be invisible to Raynor (unlike many other heroes who are offered to choose the same talent), but the increase in health (after all, we vampire 15% of the damage) will not be superfluous.

4th tier - "Raynor's Raidors". Raynor has two very good ults, each suited to different situations. How to determine what to take? The Banshee is a step towards the Assassin. If your team has few assassins, you lack focus damage to healers, you have difficulty finishing off fleeing and kotsany heroes, then you take the Banshee. They are fast, with good range and damage, they can continue the pursuit even after your death, they can beat a hero who has left through obstacles (for example) and you cannot keep up with him on foot. Unlike Hyperion, banshees cannot be wasted. Even if you summoned them thoughtlessly (the hero was killed without your ultimate, or he ran away), you can capture the camp with them or kill the fort / towers, since both mobs and buildings will target the banshees.

Hyperion is worth taking if you see that there is simply no one in the team to inflict serious siege damage. A separate exception to the rule is the Raynor + Abautur combination. At level 20, 2 Hyperion in a row + 2 Reynor basic attacks leave ruins from the opponent's base.

5th tier - "Giant Slayer". Again, there can be no two opinions. Strongly increasing the damage from our favorite basic attacks, and with them the received heal from vampirism.

6th tier - "The bull's eye". There is never too much stunning. From this moment on, we use a piercing cartridge every time we reach the enemy with it and do not wait for a convenient moment, since auto attacks greatly speed up its recovery, and the knockback effect does not interfere so much due to stunning. If you were able to go behind the enemy and push him with a stun in the direction of your team, then this is a guaranteed corpse. In this case, try to further block the enemy's retreat with your body, slowing down his movement.

7th tier - "Storm Charge". With the possibility of teleportation, our Raynor becomes simply elusive. We can both catch up with a particularly fast running hero, and escape from the hottest squabbles (which is more often worth doing). Together with our vampirism and adrenaline rush, Raynor's vitality will make many warriors envy.

If at level 10 you took Hyperion, then it is better to improve it in order to have even more serious damage to buildings (do not forget about the wild bundle with Abathur). Then we just won't need to run away from anyone or chase someone, we just go to the towers, start up the ult, add a little with auto attacks (opponents, if possible, will scatter for the duration of the ult, giving us 5-6 seconds), and then we leave.

pros - top damage from auto attacks, which allows your team to win 5 vs 5 mixes, and if you don't finish off the heroes, then at least drive them to the base and to the fountains, forcing you to waste time and, as a result, experience. High survivability by the standards of an assassin, allowing you not to leave the lanes and be the top in experience among the team.

Minuses - He is very afraid of Nova (and now she is in almost every game), since the only way to "open" her is a piercing cartridge, which must also be hit, and when chasing her and leaving in disguise, we do not have the opportunity to quickly restore the cartridge ... So if Nova went into disguise, it's best to quickly retreat. Also, with a high-quality procast of Nova, Raynor simply does not have time to trigger the adrenaline rush, and without him this is a completely different hero, with a different level of survival.

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Today we are talking about Raynor, the leader of the rebels.

Jim Raynor was the Confederate Sheriff on Mar Sara when the zerg first attacked the planet. In battles with alien aggressors, he managed to save many lives. However, after the battle at Dalnaya Base, Raynor was arrested: the Confederate government blamed him for the destruction of state property. He was freed from imprisonment by the revolutionary group "Sons of Korhal" under the leadership of Arcturus Mengsk. Raynor decided to join her.

In Heroes of the storm Raynor acts as a ranged assassin and can buff himself and allies. Raynor's attack scales very well with level (+12) and is one of the highest values \u200b\u200bin the game.

Raynor's skills

[Passive Skill] Spearhead

When killing enemies who took damage from Raynor some time ago, the cooldown of his abilities is reduced by 1 second. When killing enemy heroes, the cooldown of abilities is reduced by 10 seconds.

A good belt that opens up many interesting possibilities for us.

[Q] Piercing Cartridge

Raynor deals 107 (+22) damage to enemies in the area and knocks them back.

This is a very good skill. If we are in trouble and we run away, you can always shoot at the enemy by throwing him back. If you managed to get behind enemy lines, we can push them closer to our allies. Release the line, finishing off the enemy (and this is by the way -10 seconds to CD with our passive), areas of application - darkness. But never shoot at a fleeing enemy if you are not sure that you will kill 100%, this will only save him.

[W] Inspiration

Raynor empowers himself and increases their attack speed and damage by 15% for 8 seconds, allies nearby take half that damage.

Buffs himself and his allies.

[E] Adrenaline rush

When Raynor's health falls below 30%, an "Adrenaline rush" is triggered and restores him 200 (+40) health.

Heal. Helps to stand on the line, save, you can dissolve the enemy to pursue you. Heals quickly and a lot, you can even duel with Valla.


Raynor summons "Hyperion", which moves slowly over the battlefield, randomly inflicting 31 (+6) damage to nearby enemies. The maximum number of targets is 4.

Not as strong as a banshee. It is very easy to get out of the affected area.

Raynor's Raiders

Raynor asks for two disguised Banshees to accompany him and attack his targets for some time. Both Banshees, when attacking, fire 2 volleys, each of which deals 12 (+3) damage.

Two banshees are cool. They do good damage, fly for a long time and chase the enemy even after Raynor's death. More reliable skill.

Summing up the skills, it is clear that they are not the main source of our damage. Rather, they help us survive and do more damage with basic attacks. It is in such a damage-survival build that I will advise you to play.

Raynor's talents.

Tier 1

Raynor has only two talent considerations worthwhile.

More !: This talent allows an adrenaline rush to heal 50% more health. A very cool talent that buffs our survivability.

Experienced shooter: The player receives 1 charge for each soldier who dies nearby, and 2 charges for an enemy hero. When you get 6 charges, the hero's basic attack damage is increased by 1. A very cool talent if you know that you will stand and farm, and not run after frags all over the map. By level 20, I filled under 30 stacks, which is almost 3 levels. It's another matter whether you can then implement it, that's another question. In a pub, I would take "More!" because no one knows what kind of healer you have there.

Demoman: Increases damage to buildings and destroys charges. Doesn't buff us, doesn't save us, doesn't suit us.

Magnifier: Suport theme. Malfurion is still real to take, and Raynor has much better talents. By the way, I think it will be relevant for new map... We will try.

Bribery: For killed soldiers we get stacks, for 10 then we bribe mercenaries. You can only collect 20. Not for us.

Tier 2

There are also 2 noteworthy talents here.

Vampiric attack: restores health to the hero in the amount of 15% of the damage done by an auto attack. If there are no healers, it helps to stay on the lane. Although I find the following talent more useful.

Improved visor: Attack range is increased by 20% and vision by 10. This is really cool. From level 4, you can practically beat the enemy on the line with impunity, driving him under the well. Auto attacks are our everything. We must take.

Precise Strike: Every 10 sec. your hero's next basic attack deals 50% additional damage. Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown by 1 sec. Very dubious burst. I would not advise taking. Attacking 2 more basic attacks at a fleeing enemy with an increased range is really cooler.

Sleight of Hand: The cooldown bonus is doubled when the Attack Spear is triggered. Let's really figure out what we would like to increase recovery. Most often we need a "Penetrating cartridge", but we almost roll it back without buffing passives (I count only a 10 second reduction. The reduction from warriors is considered only up to level 4 while we are on the lane. And that is not always)

Tier 3

Searing attack only. We only deal damage with auto attacks, and he buffs her by 50%. This talent will be a priority for any carry. Neither knocking back enemies, nor speed buffs, and resetting controls are all that useful. They don't help us duel or damage, and they don't give us much survivability. And the auto-attack buff of the strongest auto-attacker in the game is of course OP.

Tier 5

The most adequate talent for a carry is "Giant Slayer". To slow down opponents with inspiration, we need to be where we don't need to be, namely in the crowd of the enemy. And a 10% decrease is somehow nothing. "Controlled release" is not needed, if we took "More!", And so it will restore up to 80% HP.

Tier 6

Just shooting at the target with the Penetrating Cartridge is bad. These talents don't help us auto-sharpen. But Fury and "Executioner" is more interesting. We take the "Executioner" when there is a hero in the team who gives control, and preferably such a hero should not be alone. In other cases, we take Stew.

Tier 7

The buffs of our ultimates are not the best, so I take the save in the form of a storm charge.

Cool tricks for cool revolutionaries.

I will tirelessly repeat: play with your team. In teamfights, try to hold on to your allies, since the "Improved Visor" allows us to do this.

By level 16 we have a serious right clicker that infuses a lot of damage into one target. Did Kerrigan catch you off guard in the bushes? Press "Inspiration" -\u003e "Searing attack" -\u003e "Fury" -\u003e "Banshee" \u003d GG. There, in 5 seconds, auto-attacks will split 500 each. Milishnikov, such as Arthas, can be contrived and push in the direction of our forts, so that they probably won't leave.

Well, that's all for today. Mark 4 was with you. Until next time with:

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