English lesson on "Paper bag VS Plastic bag". English lesson on the topic "Paper bag VS Plastic bag" I


Class: 8 (FSES of the second generation)

Lesson topic: Plastic and paper packaging

Basic tutorial: Vaulina, Evans. English in focus. 8th grade ("Spotlight"). Moscow, "Education", 2011


Educational purpose : expand the horizons of students within the framework of the studied educational situation (global problems of ecology).

Developing goal : promote skill developmentmake short messages in English; describe the studied phenomena, conduct an independent search for the necessary information; teach to draw conclusions and generalizations on the main problems of the topic.

Educational purpose : develop methods of cooperation and interaction in group work, develop independence in educational activities; instill a sense of love and respect for the environment, a sense of responsibility for the place where you live

Speech material:

Grammatical: present simple and present continuous tense.

Lexical :

To cause a fire

Nuclear weapons

To pollute the atmosphere

To protect the environment

To poison


Harm- harm

    Manufacturingproduction, working out

    Landfill site - dumpgarbage

    Throw away - throwing away

    Decompose - decompose

    Mistake for - take for

    Renewable resourcesrenewable resources

    Recycling - processing

Lesson type: study and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Forms of work of students: in groups, in pairs, independent work.

Planned educational results:

    subject: improve the communicative-speech development of students through the ratio of the graphic form of lexical units with their meaning, the perception of new lexical units in context, awareness of the meaning of new lexical units, imitation of phrases with new lexical units;

    meta-subject: teach to structure educational material, highlight the main and the secondary;

    personal: to form a positive attitude to the facts of ecology, to foster a readiness for collective creativity.

Equipment: textbook, computer, multimedia projector, presentation, political map of Russia, magnets, packaging for work, handouts: text.

1. Greetingpupils.

Good day, boys and girls! Imgladtoseeyou.(Hello boys and girls, I'm glad to see you)

Personal: the formation of interest (motivation) in learning.

Communicative: engage in dialogue, listen and understand others.

Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of the learning activity of students.

    Boys and girls, today our lesson is a bit unusual. Look at my hands. What are they? (Pupils answer)

    Answer my question: what type of bag do you usually carry your shopping in?

    What do you think we shall speak about? (Pupils answer)

    Yes, we shall speak about ecology, pollution, influence of a man on the environment.

    What would you want to learn on the lesson?

Regulatory: goal setting.

Communicative: constructing statements in accordance with communicative tasks.

Personal: self-determination.

slide 1


slide 2,3

Primary assimilation of new knowledge

    We often go shopping and buy some food, perfumes, drinking. Nowadays everything is in packages. What types of packages do you know?

Communicative: express your point of view, formulate your thoughts in oral speech, cooperate in the search for information.

Personal: a friendly attitude towards other participants in educational activities.

Cognitive: make sentences, develop language guessing skills.

Slide 4,5,6

Initial test of understanding.

At the beginning of our lesson I asked you a question about paper bag or plastic bag.

    Well, continuing our lesson about packing and open your book p.38 ex.3 and listen the text about it. But first of all read unknown words

    Look through the text and answer some questions.

    Where does paper come from?

    How many tons of wood chips to get one ton of paper pulp?

    Where does paper pulps use?

    Where does plastic come from?

    What does the manufacturing of plastic bags use?

    Well, look to the slide which type of bag do the statements 1-5 refer to?

Communicative: engage in dialogue, listen and understand others. Constructing statements in accordance with communicative tasks. Cooperate to solve the problem together.

Cognitive: anwser the questions.

Personal: a friendly attitude towards other participants in educational activities based on ethical standards.

Regulatory: correlate the completed task with the model proposed by the teacher. Monitoring and evaluating your work.

slide 7

Audio recording

slide 8

Physical education

Spends physical education

Personal: value attitude to one's health.

Change of activity to relieve stress.

Physical education

Primary anchoring

    Please, now read the text “Environmental Protection”

    You see the task after text. Look through the text attentively and do it yourselves.

    It's time. Change your work and check up. You can watch answer on the slide.

Cognitive: development of linguistic ability to guess, observation, search for the necessary information in the textbook, comparison.

Cognitive: development of language ability to guess, read aloud and silently a text from a textbook, understand what has been read, cooperate in finding information.


(Appendix 1) Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11

Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes and their correction.

    How do you think the waste left by peoples harm the soil? Look at the screen. How many times need to decompose traffic tickets?


Cognitive: development of language guessing skills

Personal: friendly attitude towards other participants in educational activities

Slide12 -2 5

Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks)

    What environmental problems are there in Russia?

    And in the end of our lesson back to the question what type of bag do you usually carry your shopping in? (Pupils answer)p. 38 the verdict

Cognitive: development of language guessing skills

Personal: friendly attitude towards other participants in educational activities

Regulatory:correlate their actions with the planned results, monitor their activities in the process of achieving results, adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation;

Communicative: express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of intercultural communication

Slide 26 -2 7

Homework information, instructions on how to complete it

Sets homework p.39 No. 4, r.t.s.20 No. 1-3

Reflection (summing up the lesson). Marking

I can ...

I can’t ...

Regulatory: reflection. Evaluating your work, identifying material to repeat at home.

Personal: adequate understanding of the reasons for success / failure in educational activities.

application 1


The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water is one of the most important problems of our civilization. The seas are in danger. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. Half of the lakes in the world are polluted. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
Air pollution is also a very serious problem. Because many factories release sulfates into the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Mexico City and 600 cities of Russia have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.
People begin to realize that environmental problems are our problem. These are a lot of international green organizations that take care of the environment and “Green Peace” is one of the most active. Many governments are waking up and making strict laws against pollution. Scientists are trying to make factories and plants cleaner. In many countries there are big plans to clean up the water. And every person must do his best to help our planet survive.

TEST. You are to complete the sentences using the right word. Write down only the word.

1. Environmental protection is an ________ problem. (easy,important, pleasant)

2. Factories pour a lot of _______ into air & water. (a shortage,waste , pollution)

3. What caused the ______ of wildlife? (destruction , poison, population)

4. Many rivers & lakes are _______. (poisoned , filled, used)

5. Many scientists try to __________ ecological problems. (solve , know, protect)

Appendix 2


  • Educational component: mastering the language as a means of communication, mastering the skills and abilities of oral speech, the ability to perceive speech by ear, speak, read, write in English in a given educational situation.
  • Development component: development of intellectual, informational, communicative culture of students; development of attention, logical thinking, memory, intelligence, feelings, emotions.
  • Educational component: Formation of a "green" view of the use of the planet's natural resources.
  • Health-preserving component:
  • prevention of mental stress by changing activities;
  • creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort for students in the classroom, maintaining the health of children with different types of mental perception of information.


  • Motivation to study environmental issues (on the example of exercise 1 p.38)
  • Mastering the techniques of working with text related to the technology of critical thinking, motivation for cognitive activity (for example, exercise 2 p. 38)
  • Development of search reading skills (for example, exercise. 3 p. 38).
  • Mastering thematic vocabulary through context (for example, exercise 4 p. 39)
  • Development of student reading skills; mastering the techniques of working with text related to the technology of critical thinking (for example, exercise 5)
  • Mastering the methods of word formation (the prefix RE- with verbs to denote repeated action (for example, exercise 6 p.39)).
  • Development of the skills of dialogical speech (dialogue-motivation to action) based on the scheme.
  • The development of the skills of monologue speech (expression of a personal reasoned attitude to what is read).


I. Organizational moment

T: Good afternoon everybody! Glad to see you. How are you today?

II. Communication of the lesson goal and expected results

- Today we are talking about an extremely actual and, I hope, interesting topic: Paper bags VS plastic bags.

(You can hang two bags with painted faces on the board, like in the textbook)

- What is the winner? Let's find out.
- What are we going to do?

SS: We are going: (the plan is written on the board, 4 students read one point of the plan)

  • To read about the environment;
  • To discuss the most important problems of the topic;
  • To learn some new words and rules;
  • To make the conclusions about what is really better for our planet.

III. Repetition of the past. Homework check

T: But before we start I'd like to ask you to open the workbooks and check your home tasks. (WB: p.20)
T + SS (checking and correcting)
T: Well, as you see, a flea market is a good place for shopping if you want to find cheap things such as souvenirs, something vintage for you collection or for our room design. Also flea markets are friends of our planet. Why? Because people don’t use new resources, for example water, electricity, wood or oil to produce goods for flea markets. People just reuse it again and again.

IV. Introducing a new topic

A) Vocabulary

T: And of course, when you go shopping you use a bag, don’t you? (ex.1 p.38) What type of bag do you usually carry your shopping in?

4-5 SS: I usually carry my shopping in…. (possible answers of students: a plastic bag \\ a paper bag \\ a fabric bag \\ in my hands).

You can make a table on the board or just keep track of the teacher's notebook by interviewing everyone in the group and comparing it with the results at the end of the lesson by asking what type of bag are you going to use now?

T: Ok, some of you go shopping with a plastic bag. Let’s watch the clip that shows clever animals doing shopping.

And let’s meet an octopus who fell in love with… a bag.

As you see plastic is not in fashion now. Why? Let's find out.
Perhaps you’ll need some vocabulary for the lesson. You can see the words on your desks.

VOCABULARY (sheet for each student or one on the desk; read one student each word with a definition)

1 / renewable - another name for alternative energy
2 / resource - oil, gas, wood and so on
3 / recycling - to repeat using
4 / decompose - to be broken down physically and chemically by bacterial action
5 / wood chips - small pieces of wood
6 / paper pulp - soft mass
7 / bleach - to make or become white or colorless
8 / chemicals - substances used in chemistry
9 / harm - hurt, injury, damage
10 / pollution - dirtying
11 / manufacturing - to process or make a product from a raw material
12 / landfill site (landfills) - waste material buried under layers of earth

For clip 3 (you can read this later, just before watching clip 3)
13 / sweatshop - a workshop where employees work long hours under bad conditions for low wages (sweatshops (with heavy non-mechanized labor and low wages; usually in small semi-legal enterprises)

B) Explanation of the new TCM technology (in Russian)

Today we will get acquainted with a new way of obtaining information from the text. This method is called critical thinking technology. (p. 38 study skills parse in Russian).


You have got a sheet of paper with the chart. Let’s fill the first two rows. (On the board, a copy of the table, or a presentation ( Attachment 1 ). If children find it difficult to give a direct answer, you can ask leading questions like: What are bags made of? Which type of bag is easier to recycle, paper or plastic? etc.)

- Now we are ready to learn more info about the topic.
- Read the task of ex. 3, please.

S: (# 3) (read one statement at a time, do not correct before reading)

T: Now we’re going to listen and check your answers (Listening # 3)

Then go back to the suggestions and check again.

Search reading

- Now you’ll work in pairs. In ex.3 you had some underlined words. Match the underlined words to their meaning in ex. 4. You’ll have 3 min for the task.
SS: (read one synonym phrase)
- Now we are ready to fill the last parts of the chart: SS (2-4).

What I learned:
I learned that the best way to carry my shopping isa reusable bag because
it takes minimal energy to make,
it's light and
it lasts for years
How can I learn more:
I can learn more through the Internet.

T: Very well, thanks. Was it difficult to find the info in the text? (What was difficult for you?)
SS: No, it wasn’t. (Yes, it was.)
- Do you think it is a good way to understand the text better?
SS: Yes, I do.

C) Introduction of new material (word formation)

Word formation

In the text you could see some words such as “recycle and reusable”. We used the prefix RE- to make the words. Read the box in ex. 6 to catch the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rule.

SS: (p.39 No. 6 frame) We disassemble in Russian

IV. Securing new material

This type of task can be used instead of exercise. No. 7, which was not used in the lesson due to technical impossibility, because the class is not divided into foreign language groups; there are 21 people in the class.

A) Group Work.

- Now we are ready to present every type of a bag.
- Work in a group of 5-7 students (3 groups) to prepare for presentation.

Group 1: We don’t want to use plastic bags because…
Group 2:We don’t want to use paper bags because…
Group 3:We want to use reusable fabric bags because…

Children receive large sheets of paper (polvatman) to create posters on the topic. You are given 4 minutes to complete, then a representative from each group speaks, proving his point of view.


V. Lesson summary

T: Well Done! Let’s vote for or against different types of bags. Hand up who thinks plastic bags are best? Hand up who thinks paper bags are best? Hand up who thinks fabric bags are best? (Count all and compare with the beginning of the lesson)
- Thanks a lot! I'm glad to see you think about the environment and the planet.
- And as a final joke I'd like to show you one more clip about shopping.

Сlip 3: http://youtu.be/JzqGMkUuhKs (you’ll need one word from your vocabulary list)

- As you understand it was a joke. Now we know that it is better to have a reusable bag for shopping.
- To finish the lesson I’d like to tell you the words of a famous candy-maker Jeff de Bruges: (board slide) Save the Earth ... the only planet where Chocolate “grows”!
- And a surprise from Jeff de Bruges! A reusable shopping bag!

Grading, justification, explanation of homework (HW: p. 23 revision).

1 In which bag do you usually carry your purchases?

Learning skills

2 Look at the diagram below and redraw it in your notebooks. Read the title of the text and complete the first two rows of the graph.

3 What type of bags are sentences 1-5? Listen, read and check.
1 It is made from renewable resources.
2 Recycling it consumes a lot of energy.
3 It takes a long time to decompose.
4 It takes a lot of energy to do it.
5 This can lead to the death of animals.

Where does it come from?
Paper: As you know, paper is made from trees. But you may not know that it takes about three tons of wood chips to make one ton of pulp. Can you imagine the number of trees needed each year just to make paper? You may also be surprised to learn that we wash, bleach and color the pulp using environmentally damaging chemicals.
Plastic: Plastic is made from petroleum. We all now know that the oil industry causes pollution. In addition, making plastic bags uses a lot of electricity, which is not good for the environment.

Where does it end its life?
Paper: Your paper bag may end up in a landfill, which can take years to decompose. If you take it to a recycling center, more energy and chemicals are being used. In any case, there is waste.
Plastic: Like paper, plastic bags often end up in landfills. In fact, in the UK, for example, we only recycle 1 in 200 plastic bags. So what happens to the rest? We throw them away. A plastic bag takes over 1000 years to decompose. At the same time, plastic bags kill more than 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals when they mistake them for food.

We use a large number of natural resourcesto make both paper and plastic bags. Both bags end up in a junkyard, so neither is a winner. The best way carry purchases and protect environment is to choose reusable cloth bags. Reusable bags require minimal energy to manufacture, are lightweight and last for many years.

4 Match the underlined words with their meaning.
confused with damage making
not heavy just a little
get rid of them break
a large deep pit where we bury trash

5 Complete the other two columns of the KWLH graph.

6 Read the box. Find examples in the text. Then use the prefix re- to form words from those provided and explain how their meaning changes.
Form verbs to show repetition
re- combines with verbs and related nouns to form new verbs and nouns. Words formed in this way describe an action that is repeated, (build - restore)

7 Portfolio: Your partner uses plastic bags. Using the diagram, try to convince him to switch to reusable bags. Use the information in the text. Write yourself down.
advise against the use of plastic bags and justify (you shouldn't ... because ...)
disagree with the reasons given (I don't think so, because ...)
suggest a solution (could you ...)
I agree, I suggest using paper bags (I see your point of view ... How about ...)
Ask what to do (So what ...)
agree (i think you are right)

8 Read the statement. What does it mean in your opinion? Discuss.

Green Wisdom
Strong reasons lead to decisive action.
(William Shakespeare, English playwright)

English originals of texts translated above:

Where does it come from?
Paper: As you know, paper comes from trees. But you may not know that it takes about three tons of wood chips to get one ton of paper pulp. Can you imagine the number of trees needed every year just to make paper? You might also be surprised to know that we wash, bleach and color this paper pulp using chemicals that harm the environment.
Plastic: Plastic comes from oil. Now, we all know that the oil industry causes pollution. Furthermore, the manufacturing of plastic bags uses a lot of electricity which is not good for the environment.

Where does it end its life?
Paper: Your paper bag can end up in a landfill site where it will take years to break down. If you take it to a recycling center it means more energy and chemicals are used. Either way, there "s waste.
Plastic: Like paper, plastic bags often end up in landfills. In fact, in the UK, for example, we recycle only 1 in 200 plastic bags. So what happens to the rest? We throw them away. A plastic bag takes more than 1,000 years to decompose. In the meantime, plastic bags cause over 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals to die every year, when animals mistake them for food.

The verdict
We use large amounts of natural resources to make both paper and plastic bags. Both bags end up in the landfill anyway, so neither of them is the winner. The best way to carry your shopping and protect the environment at the same time is to choose a reusable fabric bag. Reusable bags take minimal energy to make, are light and last for years.

Forming verbs to show repetition
re- combines with verbs and their related nouns to form new verbs and nouns. Words formed this way describe an action that is being repeated, (build - rebuild)

paper bag vs plastic bag

Paper versus plastic

Where does it come from?

Paper As you know, paper comes from trees. But you may not know that it takes about three tons of wood chips to make one ton of pulp. Can you imagine the number of trees needed each year to just make paper? You might also be surprised to know that we wash, bleach and color this pulp using environmentally friendly chemicals.

Plastic: Plastic comes from oil. Now, we all know that the oil industry causes pollution. In addition, the production of plastic bags uses a lot of electricity, which is not good for the environment.

Where does it end its life?

Paper: Your paper bag can end up in a junkyard, which takes years to break. If you take it to a recycling center, it means more energy and chemicals are being used. There is waste anyway.

Plastic Like paper, plastic bags often end up in landfills. In fact, in the UK, for example, we only recycle 1 in 200 plastic bags. So what happens to the rest? We throw them away. A plastic bag takes more than 1,000 years to decompose. Meanwhile, plastic bags cause more than 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals to die every year they mistake them for food.


We use a wide variety of natural resources to make both paper and plastic bags. Both bags end up in landfill in one way or another, so neither of them is a winner. The best way to carry your shopping and protect the environment at the same time is to choose a recyclable cloth bag. Recyclable bags take minimal energy to make, lightweight and last for years.



Other questions from the category

Indicate in which pledge the proposal is written. Convert the active voice to the passive voice and vice versa, where possible. Translate sentences

into Russian.

1.It "s a big company. It employs two hundred people.
2.This supermarket was built here a year ago.
3.People don’t use this road very often.
4 A prize will be given to whoever solves this equation.
5.Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

Buckingham Palace, the best known royal palace in the world, is (1) ____ in Central London. the palace takes (2) _____ name from the house (3) ____ was built

in 1703. Sixty years later it was bought by King George III for his wife, Queen Charlotte and became know (4) ____ the queen "s house. John Nash, the royal architect, (5) ____ it into a palace in the 1820s Victoria was the (6) ____ queen to live there from 1837. In the palace there (7) ____ the Queen Gallery which exhibits (8) _____ from the royal art collection (9) _____ drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. The first floor balcony is the scene of formal appearances by the Royal Family on important (10) ____ Below it in the forecourt the colorful ceremony of Changing the Guard takes (11) ____ reqularly (qenerally every morning from April to early August) (12) _____ Her Majesty the Queen is in residence you can see the Union Jack above the palace. Traditionally closed to the (13) ____ the State Rooms of the palace were (14) ____ to tourists during the summer months in the mid - 1990s. The State Rooms of the palace are used for (15) ____ heads of state and for holding ceremonies where Her Majesty and o ther (16) ____ of the Royal Family give official titles honors and (17) ____

Buckingham Palace, the most famous Royal Palace in the world, (1) ____ in central London. the palace takes (2) ordinary uncertified name from the house (3) ____ was built in 1703. Sixty years later, it was bought by King George III for his wife, Queen Charlotte, and became known (4) ____ the Queen's house. John Nash, royal architect, (5) ____ his palace in the 1820s. Victoria (6) ____ queen to live there since 1837. The palace has (7) ____ queen gallery, where (8) ordinary book-entry from the royal collection of works of art (9) ordinary book-entry drawings by Leonardo da Vinci are exhibited. From the balcony of the first floor of the stage of the official appearance of the royal family on the important (10) ____ below it in the courtyard, the colorful changing of the guard takes place (11) ____ reqularly (qenerally every morning from April to early August) (12) ordinary uncertificated Her Majesty the Queen at the residence you can see Union Jack above the palace. Traditionally closed to (13) ____ the state rooms of the palace were (14) ____ to tourists during the summer months in the mid-1990s. The state rooms of the palace are used for (15) ____ the head of state and for ceremonies where Her Majesty and other (16) ____ royal families give official titles, honors and (17) ____ Help to insert missing words very urgently needed