Domestic snails of Akhatina What good for a person. Snails Akhatina in Cosmetology: reviews, photos, contraindications

The breeding of the Akhatin snails is becoming more and more popular, the natural habitat of which are countries with a tropical climate. Bruce-legged mollusk - Akhatina, divorced in our country, often as an exotic pet, as well as for use in cosmetology and in traditional medicine.

In places of natural habitat, these snails are considered pests of agricultural crops. Despite the fact that the Snails of Akhatina as a result of their livelihoods are harmful for a person who is indisputable is and their benefits. Their mucus has a unique composition, namely, contains collagen in large quantities, elastin, as well as glycolic acid.

A large African mollusk grows up to 35 centimeters in length and can weigh about 500 grams. This is the largest representative of mollusks. As a rule, the mass of the body of these individuals reaches 150-200 grams.

Also, this mollusk is hermaphrodder, and once in two months there is a laying of eggs

Cone-shaped shell twists in different areas And depending on age, there has a certain amount of turns, and can also change the color. Akhatina has two pairs of pressed. Mollusk has such organs like a heart, one kidney and light, brain, and also eyes on the tips. The respiratory function is carried out by means of skin.

Life expectancy is an average of 10 years. Also, this mollusk is hermaphrodder, and once in two months, eggs are laid out. In the natural habitat, there are up to one hundred species of Akhatina, which do not have significant differences. In adverse conditions, they flow into anabiosis, lasting about a year.

Thanks to the properties of the secret, which is produced by the snails, the soles are protected when moving and, in case of damage, rapid healing.

It is this mucus that is considered therapeutic and has the value in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

The secreted mucus contains:

The value of substances included in the mucus is their naturalness and environmentalities.

Also, the secreted mucus has the properties of the solar filter - natural and safe.

Basic contraindications and restrictions

Snail itself, like its mucus, does not cause allergic reactions, as it is hypoallergenic. Despite this, a sample should be made on an allergic reaction. So, before the procedure, you need to place ahatine on your wrist for a few minutes. If it did not arise redness, itching or other suspicious reactions on the surface of the skin, you can safely begin to ulitkotherapy.

Contraindications to their use in cosmetology or medical purposes may be cooperosis. This is due to the fact that the useful substances, affecting different layers of the skin, significantly improve blood circulation. Thus, it is possible to aggravate the existing problems.

What is the secret of beauty?

Contraindication is the presence of open, fresh wounds or seams after operating interventions, eczema or ulcers, as the risk of infection is great.

A kind of restrictions on the use of snails may be unpleasant sensations during the procedure, squeaming. This is due to the fact that in the human body in stress, adrenaline is produced, which can provide negative influence on the human body.

It is not a contraindication to the use of snails pregnancy and lactation period.

Possible harm to a person from Akhatin snails

Despite the fact that the mucus is a natural product that does not contain toxins, it is still possible to pay attention to possible adverse reactions.

If you follow the necessary precautions, then side Effects Or any harm for a person African Akhatins do not carry. The only danger is that they can be carriers of diseases due to the content of the mucus of various bacteria.

The secreted mucus has the properties of the solar filter

The main rule when using them in cosmetology or traditional medicine is that the mollusk should be absolutely healthy and clean. If you ignore this rule, there is a risk of introducing various bacteria into the human body provoking hazardous diseases. Do not carry out the procedure even with minor rays or cuts.

The use of these mollusks can provoke allergic reactions. The same mucus does not cause allergic reactions.

Also, people with sensitive skin or cuperose should be resorted to snail procedures. Even short-term contact can cause minor redness and itching. This reaction is not hazard, except caused by discomfort. At the first unpleasant sensations should be discontinued.

How to use snatches ahatin in folk medicine

Mollusks are widely used in traditional medicine and in cosmetology. Ulitkotherapy Recommended at:

  • aging and fading skin;
  • the presence of stretch marks and scar tissue;
  • acne and warts;
  • dry skin and cellulite;
  • some disorders of the central nervous system.

Mollusks are widely used in traditional medicine and in cosmetology

In cosmetology

Most often, the use of this product is found in beauty salons. Often used for cosmetology procedures at home. Easy to use and valuable chemical composition of mucus makes Akhatins favorites of cosmetologists and their customers.

The procedure itself does not require any deep knowledge in the field of cosmetology and is easy to fulfill. To begin with, it is necessary to carefully clean the skin from cosmetics and rich to wash the water. This is also necessary in order not to harm snail.

Snail is also washed with warm water. The skin is cleaned with a cotton disk, pre-dipped in milk. Mollusk is placed on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for 15 minutes. As the snail is moved, the mucus, which, after the expiration of the specified time, must be evenly distributed on the skin and leave it until its drying. After that, it is necessary to wash clean warm water without any tools.

The use of a snail for man's skin

The number of procedures is limited only by desire. The skin after such procedures is softened and acquires a light shade, as pigment stains are eliminated. The rejuvenating effect is achieved after several procedures.

For those who are unpleasant to find the buncrouch on their skin, there is a way in which the mucus is assembled separately, and after it is already applied to the skin.


These buchelonium are also used in massage. Conducting the procedure regularly, you can significantly improve blood circulation and strengthen the vessels. Before conducting the procedure, you must take a shower without using soaps. Also rinsing the snail with warm, running water. The duration of the massage is about 20 minutes. It is recommended to conduct a massage for no more than three weeks.

The procedure itself is absolutely painless, and in the absence of squeamishness, contributes to relaxation.

Such a massage contributes to an increase in skin elasticity, the bruises are eliminated, the pores are torn, the skin becomes soft.

From cellulite

Cellulite is the problem of the overwhelming majority of women, regardless of age and weight. Fat with cellulite accumulates unevenly. Violations occur in the work of fat cells, as well as at the level of the hypoderma. Thanks chemical composition mucus, the blood circulation improves, the tubercles are smoothed.

To achieve a visible result, anti-cellulite massage with mollusks is carried out for two months, three times a week to 20 minutes. Conducting anti-cellulite massage requires the observance of the same rules as the usual. The skin must be clean.

Despite the fact that efficiency in the fight against cellulite in this way is quite high, without proper nutrition The effect can quickly disappear.

With muscular spasms

Spasm may arise in any muscle throughout the body and is an involuntary reduction in muscle tissue. This happens, as a rule, due to dehydration, loads, reducing the required amount of electrolytes. Stressful situations often lead to the appearance of spasms in muscle tissues.

Amazing is that thanks to the Akhatinam you can easily remove muscle spasm. The procedure is carried out on the above rules.

Smooth movement of snails, the composition of their mucus allows you to relax the spashed muscle and prevent the repetition of spasm.

With a terretous dystonia

The dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system delivers a lot of discomfort to its owners. Various violations of the nervous system provoke poor well-being and decay.

Impacting various parts of the human body, relaxation occurs, and the main thing is improved by blood circulation. The use of mollusks in the treatment of vegetative dystonia is possible at home, which is an undoubted plus.

Application in cosmetology

Also useful qualities in the treatment of CNS diseases has cooked snail meat.

With psoriasis and dermatitis

For the disease, psoriasis is characterized by peeling, itching, redness and burning of various skin sections. Unfortunately, psoriasis is not amenable to full cure. All therapeutic and preventive measures are aimed at preventing and facilitating the symptoms of the disease.

A snail has long been used to treat and prevent psoriasis. Due to such therapy, dead skin cells are removed.

Mitigating and moisturizing the affected skin sections occurs.

Also occurs regeneration of skin. After several procedures, it is possible to observe the improvement of the skin.

Dermatitis (Allergodermatosis) is inflammatory processes that are characterized by redness of inflamed places, edema, itching and burning, the presence of blisters. Thanks to the chemical properties of the mucus of Akhatin, it is possible to improve the condition of inflamed skin, reduce itching and redness. The course of treatment can be carried out at home at least two weeks, depending on the neglence of the disease.

Frequently snails were used to treat and prevent psoriasis

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Ahantine snail mucus is also used in the treatment of such diseases of the upper respiratory tractlike bronchitis, cough or silicosis. This is due to the fact that the secret of the snails is able to glue the cells of bacteria. Such a property was known in the old days. Then the healers on a piece of sugar sazed snails, and then they gave the sick coughing.

In addition, due to its composition, the secret has pain relief properties.

For burns and inflammation

The secret of the bucculent is used in burns and inflammation. The main condition is the absence of an open wound and an acute inflammatory process, since the risk of infection with bacteria. As a rule, such treatment is carried out to eliminate post-Gun scars. So, the mucus covers the skin with a thin film that passes air, but prevents the penetration of moisture.

Regular therapy helps to reduce the scar due to allantoin, which contributes to cell regeneration, and also removes dead.

Important! With post-welcomes and inflammatory processes, be sure to pre-consult with the attending physician.

With varicose veins

Ulitkotherapy with varicose veins is a fairly common procedure. Regular procedures improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of vessels, contribute to the resorption of bruises and hematomas. A month later, you can observe a reduction in the vascular grid on the skin.

First you need to rinse the problem areas of the skin with running water, after 15 minutes to plant snails on the skin. As a bait, milk is used, which is applied with a thin layer on the skin. After the snails were removed, the mucus is distributed by massage movements and remains on the surface of the skin up to 20 minutes. Next, it is washed off without using cosmetics.

For the health and beauty of your skin

Snail - any mollusk class of buchetic, has an outer shell.

Labor clam with rudimentary sink or fully lost it is called slugs. Since the majority of buchetic has a sink, snails are often called all class representatives.

In the body, the snail allocate their heads, leg and an internal bag, from which the mantle fold is moving.

Snails are moving on the lower surface of the leg (sole), running along its wavelength of muscular contractions. In addition, the leg epithelium separates a large amount of mucus that contributes to a better slip on the surface of the substrate. Small snails are capable of moving at the expense of cilias.

The internal bag is concluded in the distinguished mantle lime sink, twisted into the helix or having a shape of the cap.

Live snails with small groups. At night, when it becomes cool, they crawl fed. Almost all eat: leaves, worms, small larvae of other forest inhabitants. And the food is wanted to the touch, tentacles. They see the snails badly, their little eyes can only distinguish the day from the night. But the smell of them is very good. For example, Slizaye - Snail without sink is a smell of food, being from her at two meters away.

Among the snails there are completely crumbs, a size of 2-3 millimeters, and there are giants: their houses with three matched box, put on each other. Just they deliver most trouble to people.

Warm Spring Nights Snails are sent to search for themselves for mating. Having found each other, future parents, climb the wedding. They are circling, touching each other with tentacles. Sometimes it lasts several hours. Having finished courtship, snails are tightly pressed to each other and surround themselves with mucus, so as not to open during the pairing. At this time, 10-12 embryos are already located in each snail. It is amazing, but most snails have no males or females. Each of them during the mating is both the future father and the future mother. After the snails stuck tightly, each of them introduces into another thin white process. Sperm seeps on it. Cum, like embryos, maybe in each of the mating snails.

A week later, after mating snail, a shallow - centimeter three is a hole and put eggs into it. Then they fall asleep the masonry of the earth.

Millions they attack the greens. And sometimes the snail becomes a real disaster for people. For example, grape snails can be ruined in a few days a large vineyard - so many of them. On the Hawaiian Islands once removed from one square meter of the garden more than three kilograms of small incinerate.

Only two hundred years ago, huge pest snails lived only in Africa. And now they destroy greens in half globe. "Free" passengers snail "come" on the ships to other countries and shamelessly rob them.

Greeks knew that the snails were edible, tasty and nutritious in antiquity. They decorated their holiday tables. The ancient Romans held a snail in special snail gardens and refused the snails taken from nature, aromatic herbs, especially thyme, giving me a special fragrance and taste. The snails fed to the imperial table fed to the imperial table to expand the variety of meat dishes. Not last roleObviously, it also played that in addition to excellent taste, the meat of grape snail is also a rather strong aphrodisiac.

Useful properties of snail

Snails are preparing a very unusual way. They are collected on the vineyards, they organize the cleaning of the body (they are hunger), slightly washed in water and shifted into a container filled with a large salt, where they leave for two hours so that they release the mucus. After that, the snails are slightly boiled, and then about an hour extinguish in grape fault with oil, onions, tomatoes and spices, as an option. In the process of cooking, the meat of snails absorbs all flavors of spices. The high content of vitamin B6 contributes to a slight absorption of their protein meat.

The meat of grape snail contains 70% protein and 30% amino acids.

The slime mucus contains a significant amount of biologically active substances. Among them are amino acids, vitamins, alantein, elastin, collagen, natural antibiotics in the natural form used by snail to restore their damaged body, as well as their limehouse.

In Spain, France and Italy, grape snail is eaten, while it is believed that her taste is superior to the taste of other edible snails. Large snails are given, as a rule, in their own shells, providing butter, garlic, onions and parsley.

From the small most often prepared sauces or stew, add to soups, this is already the culinary art of the French.

The meat of the snail contains a large amount of valuable protein, almost one and a half times higher than its content in chicken egg. It is in its composition that is inexpensive, very nutritional. Also contains a complex of essential amino acids, which gives him the right to be successfully used as a dietary product.

From a long time, snails attributed the ability to heal various diseases. No wonder in Babylon and Egypt, the symbol of eternity was considered the snails. For some time, the mucus of the snails, as the therapeutic agent, was undeservedly forgotten. However, in recent years, scientists pay a lot of attention to the study of the slope mucus.

The property of the slim mucus glue bacterial cells has found the use and treatment of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, cough and silicosis. In the old days, folk healers Sadili snail on a piece of sugar and after he was covered with mucus, gave the sick coughing.

Using its own mucus, snail can fully restore its sink. Thanks to such powerful reducing properties, the snail mucus has been widely used in cosmetology. The mucus of ordinary garden snails is part of many modern cosmetics, as it has strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties. In addition, the snail mucus has a unique property to create a protective film that does not miss moisture, but at the same time perfectly passes the air.

Slute snails also has a powerful regenerating effect. For the first time, they paid attention to the factors for the breeding of mollusks. In employees who engaged in their breeding, the skin of the hands resembled children's skin. Moreover, the abrasions and scratches on the hands of the ravines were healing much faster than those who did not come into contact with mollusks. The regenerating properties of the slim mucus are due to the content of allantoin, glycolic acid, collagen and elastin in it. Balms and creams based on slim mucus effectively fight stretch marks, scars and acne.

Slidery of garden snails does not allow an allergic reaction. It is effective in the treatment of warts, burn surfaces, as well as age spots.

Dangerous properties of snail

Snails, with proper cooking, do not have contraindications, unless, of course, do not take into account individual intolerance. If it is detected, it is better to exclude this product from its diet.

Video will introduce you to classic recipe Cooking grape snails.

Exotic types of pets have always been in demand. When people come home, there are such unusual creatures, they will not pass the delight of their eyes.

One of the common options for home breeding are giant snails of Akhatina.

With the proper approach of mollusks, you can breed yourself, because they benefit, apply in cosmetology.

Content and care for gigantic African snails at home

African snail is a representative of mollusks from a subclass of pulmonary snails.

In the photo it is not possible to say that this creature has large dimensions, but the size of 5-10 centimeters along the length of the sink is achieved in the lively mollusc.

In nature, there are options for 20 centimeters.

Snails themselves have a conical shell against a clockwise arrow.

IN wildlife Russia is impossible to survive Akhatin because of climatic predispositions, so they are customary to maintain at home.

Consider the nuances of the right detention, mollusk care:

  1. Terrarium. People that build pets of this type are recommended to acquire a capacity of a large volume, not less than 100 liters.

    To do this, adapt the standard aquarium. It is believed that the more the tank, the greater the sizes will be snail.

    The building of the house must be closed so that the individuals do not crawl. It is recommended to leave small holes from above for improved gas circulation.

  2. Conditions. At the bottom of the tank, it is better to place a litter of soil or coconut substrate. It will also be necessary to organize a bath with water because the Akhatina adore the bath.

    Water should not be spread through the soil, so take care of the stability of the bath.

  3. Temperature and humidity. The optimal indicators of the standard urban apartment are considered.

    It is worth noting if the snails are constantly located on the walls of the tank - fluids are overly much inside. If the pet often hides in the sink - in the terrarium too dry.

  4. What to feed? The most frequent question in inexperienced people - what do Akhatina eat? Feed snails as they eaten the previous food.

From vegetables Snail crazy from cucumbers, potatoes, champignons, cabbage leaves, tomatoes. Also adult individuals can be given flowers of fruit trees.

How many people live and how to multiply

Akhatina are an excellent example of the fact that the homework living conditions significantly extend its duration, the health of mollusks.

At home, snail reaches 5 or 10 years old - this is the answer to the question of how many Akhatina live. Such a duration can be obtained, causing the pets correctly.

Consider how sharp multiplies:

  • Pregnancy Akhatina can affect her condition: after the birth of kids snail can stop growing.
  • In 1 masonry there may be a large number of eggs - to this you need to be ready.
  • To pair Akhatin from one masonry is forbidden to have no anomalies for children.
  • The first pairing occurs in the first year of the life of the mollusk.
  • Before reproduction, the temperature regime should not exceed or be below 28-29 degrees.
  • The average duration of the masonry is 1-2 months.
  • Behind the masonry must be observed, follow the temperature and prevent the soil drying.

For home breeding there are several types of ahatin. These are popular Fulik Snails, featuring brown or yellow sink, size up to 20 centimeters, weighing up to 300 grams.

There are also reticulous: they are characterized by spotted sink.

Important! Almost all types of ahatin reproduction occurs equally.

Another type of immaculate - has a bright, long sink with dark spots and stripes.

Benefit and harm to man

Despite the external beauty and simple waysHow to care for Akhatins, this kind of exotic mollusk has benefits and harm to humans.

The application is widespread in cosmetology, which will be discussed in the next section.

Note! Use Akhatins is only in healthy and adult.

From all parts of the snail, its mucus is used - it has useful components.

Consider the benefit and harm of Akhatins for people:

Application in cosmetology: how to use

With the help of Akhatins, cosmetology procedures can be carried out to help restore and regenerate the skin.

To properly use snails, it is necessary to follow the advice of people who have already used this technology.

Snails Akhatina benefit and harm for a person this topic we will discuss in our article. For the first time, Akhatina (giant African snails) appeared in the southern part of Florida in the XX century. Because of this sudden change in the local fauna, agriculture threatened serious damage, because sharns feed on almost all famous person Vegetables and fruits, their diet includes hundreds of plants.

Also in the diet of snails includes cereals, mushrooms, fish, bird, meat - yes, almost everything people eat. Do not neglect huge snails and union. So in the conditions of the city, the hungry death is not threatened with a giant bucculent, but harm to a person who can bring the snails of Akhatina can be colossal.

In addition to harm from Ahantin snails, there is also benefit for a person. Nowadays, they contain both pets for beauty.

Once with snails fought all Florida. Then it was possible to suppress the reproduction of gigantic snails in a fairly short time. The threat of the outbreak of the number was repeated in 2011, due to which the authorities of the State of Florida launched a program whose goal was the fight against Akhatin. But all the measures taken did not give the expected results, and the habitat arole increased, as well as their number. By 2015, Akhatina got to the southwestern part of the state, they were found in the southern part of Miami and in Brouward County.

Snails Akhatina Where does it come from

The possible cause of the invasion of giant mollusks was the fact that the Ahantine is very often hardened as pets. Fallen from the owners, Akhatina will be preraized to feel in the climate of Florida, which is similar to the native climate of Eastern (historically, these clams should dwell there), and later - and West Africa.

Another version of their appearance - accidentally brought with fruit. With the formation of the population, there will also no problems: two individuals can give offspring, since they are hermaphrodites. In addition, African snails can quickly adapt to an unfamiliar area, if there is a sufficient number of trees and shrubs.

To eliminate snails, $ 11 million was allocated to the authorities, special groups of agronomians and malalakologists were engaged in the study of the spread of mollusks.

By 2014, about 160,000 individuals were destroyed. Global harm to agriculture African snails did not bring. Having done such a large-scale work, American experts were confident that all the Akhatins were destroyed, but they were mistaken.

In September of the same year, an abandoned house with a small garden was discovered in the suburb of Miami, which lived, there was a few thousand giant African snails. In January 2015, Miami became reported from local residents of the district of Brouward and the south of Miami's damage to huge molluscs.

The first difficulties of battles

In the fight against snails in Florida there were unforeseen difficulties. The fact is that in the state of Florida there are several rare species of local snails, and too severe processing by the pesticides would destroy these species. In addition, the Akhatins have learned to avoid the action of pesticides, simply crawling on the trees, where the substances are deadly dangerous for them.

In such a situation, scientists from the Department of Agriculture adopted the only correct decision: nothing remains how to collect Akhatin hands. But even for such a case, their tricks were invented: specially trained dogs come to help people in this, it would seem hopeless. Kolnologists have traveled their pets so that they can find the places of molluscs by smell. Having found such a cluster, the dog runs up to the source of the smell and sits down next to him. For this purpose, Labradors-retrievers were used because of their obedience and quick trainee. The whole course of study took 3 months. While the Department has only 3 such dogs, but their help already makes it much easier for the work of the Department.

Benefit from achatin snails

Despite these events, people around the world will be happy to have these enough unpretentious pets. They have a sufficiently small terrarium with a thin layer of soil, in which it is necessary to maintain warm temperature and high humidity. From time to time it is necessary to spray the walls of the terrarium from the pulverizer: Akhatina drink water, licking it from the walls. It is necessary to feed the ahatine at no more than once a day, there are already two feeders per week at all. Ahantine can be left for food and for a long time - it is almost impossible to reconcile, satisfying, she still ceases to eat. Such a pet can stay one at home for a long time, which does not create difficulties with a long lack of hosts.

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Akhatina - gigantic snails, one of the largest among mollusks. The birthplace of these creatures is Africa. Currently, the snails are widespread around the world. In Asian and African countries, they are considered pests, as the mollusks are ruined the crops of the cane. And in Russia they contain on special farms and at home. The benefits and harm of the snons of Akhatin are well known to cosmetologists. The secret of the secret has the useful properties.

What does Akhatin snail look like

Snail AChatina Fulica belongs to the class of bunuonods and in the natural habitat occurs only in the regions with a tropical climate. The maximum dimensions can reach 30 cm in length, and the mass - 500 g. True, most of the representatives of the species cannot boast of such parameters. Orates contained as pets, most often weighs 100-200 g.

Snails have large cone-shaped shells twisting in different directions. At the same time, the number of turns depends on age: the older than Akhatina, the more turns on its sink. At the front end of the body there are several pairs of the suckling of various lengths.

These creatures are interested in the fact that they are hermaphrodites, that is, they have both men and female organs and can self-specifically). Snails lay eggs with periodicity once a few months. Each masonry has up to 300 eggs.

Types of snails Akhatin

In nature, inhabit about a hundred species of giant snails. Among the most common and useful for a person, the species that are most often started as pets, the Akhatin Fulika and Akhatina are reticulous. Their features:

  1. Snail Akhatina Fulika Differs in the color of the sink, which can change shades depending on the singularities of the power supply. The soft body is painted in brown and brown color, has visible tubercles on the skin. These useful creatures are very slow, prefer a relaxing holiday in secluded corners, and care for them is very simple.
  2. Snail Ahatina Reticulata. More mobile and active, often trying to consider what is happening around, raising his head. It has a beautiful sink, decorated with dots and stripes. Soft body dark brown or black.

Akhatina snail mucus

Different with beneficial properties mucus of the snails is a translucent durable liquid. It is necessary to protect the sole of friction and facilitate the process of movement. In addition, the benefits of the mucus of the snails of Akhatin in cosmetology is that it acts as a wound-healing agent. The substances included in its composition are able to restore the damaged snail shell.

Ulief secret includes useful components:

  1. Collagen - useful protein, preserving the natural elasticity and elasticity of the dermis.
  2. Allantoin - antioxidant struggling with free radicals and activating regenerative processes. Snails Allantoin is necessary to protect and restore the sink.
  3. Elastin. Snail Akhatina, whose mucus includes elastin, useful for skin in maintaining smoothness and elasticity of the dermis.
  4. Vitamins A, B, E, S.
  5. Peptides. Serve protection from bacteria capable of causeing skin diseases.
  6. Glycolic acid. Need to purify the dermis from dead cells and pollution.
  7. Lectins - a natural cleansing agent.

Useful properties of Akhatin snails

Akhatinskaya snail serves as a man of hundreds of years. The use of mucus allows:

  • rejuvenate
  • reduce mimic wrinkles, including eyes around;
  • get rid of skin diseases;
  • moisturize and regenerate the skin;
  • lighten pigmentation;
  • treat scars.

The benefits and harm of snons Akhatin rated cosmetologists. Antibacterial mucus of the snails does not cause human harm skin, as it is hypoallergenic, and therefore its properties are effectively used in the production of cosmetics. At home, the substance is used for rejuvenation, as well as as a means of traditional medicine against bronchitis and infections of the upper respiratory tract, to combat psoriasis and varicose veins. In addition, it has pain relief properties.

The benefit brings and the meat of snails Akhatin, the use of which helps to eliminate the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. And due to the content of potassium, the product has a property to remove stress and normalize the state of the nervous system.

How to use snails ahatin in cosmetology

African Akhatins are the only gigantic snails among other varieties that are used in cosmetology. The mucus of other mollusks does not have similar regenerating properties. It helps to cope with acne and inflammation, peeling and dryness, protect skin cover from loss of elasticity and elasticity, restoring them. In addition, thanks to the secret of the snails, you can smooth out wrinkles, pulling the extended pores, fight with pigment stains.

The basis of the mucus is water and protein Muzin. Thanks to him, the benefits of Akhatin in cosmetology is invaluable. This biologically active substance activates the synthesis of collagen, in the skin, and also eliminates toxic substances. At the same time, the impact of Muzin is exposed not only to the epidermis, but also deep layers. No harm to the health of the snail protein does not cause.

Tip! For more cosmetics, it is possible to apply not only the low-voltage mucus, but also the eggs that remain after the exit of the snail. Shell is good to a tool For cleansing the skin of the face and body.

Face massage with Akhatin

Special benefits body massage and face with snail achatines. This procedure is usually performed in cosmetic salons. With it, it is possible to improve the outflow of lymph, relax muscles, restore skin elasticity.

For massage and at the same time peeling faces sniffers with Akhatins are selected by large individuals. Their soft bodies produce special wave-like movements that affect the skin of a person, improving blood flow. The procedure does not harm, is hypoallergenic, it can be carried out to patients with sensitive skin.

Before massage by snail, the skin of a person, as well as the mollusk body purify. Then lay the ahatine on the face in such a way that it moves along massage lines.

The duration of sessions can be 10-30 minutes. Dedicated by sniffers useful secret Leave on the face for another 10-15 minutes. Then wash off from the skin and cream containing mucin to fix the moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.

The number of procedures depends on the skin condition. If the purpose of the massage snail is to eliminate skin problems, then 10-15 sessions are usually held at a 2 day interval. The rejuvenating massage makes once every 10-15 days to save the effect. At home can be performed up to 3 times a week.

Important! In cosmetology before and after sessions with snail Akhatins, it is recommended to use funds containing mucin.

Masks of Slope Masters

Masks with mucin snails are used if skin covers need moisturizing and nutrition. Them beneficial features It is expressed in the improvement of the turgora, smoothing of mimic and deep wrinkles, clarifying pigmentation, scars and stretch marks, healing wounds and burns. Funds make the skin tightened, refresh the complexion and struggle with dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetologists advise other useful components to the secret of snails. Harm such compositions can not be brought, since they do not provoke the appearance of redness and rash.

Tightening mask with banana

It has moisturizing, nutritious, whitening properties. For her cooking you need:

  1. Take half of the mature banana and grind it to the state of the puree.
  2. Add a teaspoon of snail mucus and half a teaspoon sour cream. What it is greater, the better.
  3. Mix the components well.
  4. Face cleaned, apply a mixture for 20 minutes, after which it was washed off with warm milk. You can use this tool every 2 days.

Congitious Mask with Vitamin E

To make an independently such a mask, it is necessary:

  1. Collect 5 ml (1 tsp.) Muzzle snail.
  2. Add a capsule of vitamins A and E, as well as 5 ml of warm milk.
  3. After mixing all the ingredients, pour 1 tsp. Corn starch.
  4. Cleaning the skin, apply a vitamin mix on it and keep 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wash warm water.

The use of masks for the face with a snail mucus of the Ahantin lies in nutrition and tightening the skin, alignment and improve color. You can resort to them no more than 2 times a week in order not to cause harm to the epidermis.

Rejuvenating mask with oatmeal

The basis is made up oat flakes, rinsed in a coffee grinder. The recipe for masks is simple:

  1. Ground flakes fall asleep in a warm decoction of a series of or chamomile (need 20 ml).
  2. Add 1 tsp. Secret snail.
  3. Mixing all the components, carefully apply to problem areas: forehead, nasolabial triangle, around the eyes. Time actions - 20 minutes.
  4. After this time, remedy. Good to use warm water or herbic decoction.

The beneficial properties of the mask are indispensable for problem skin, the presence of deep wrinkles. 10-15 sessions allow you to eliminate black dots and acne, pull the extended pores and improve the contour of the face. You can apply daily.

How to collect mucus with snail for making masks

Harvesting slim mucus is a simple procedure that does not cause mollusk any harm. To perform it, you need to take a teaspoon. Turning snail so that her body would activate the formulation of mucin, it is necessary to gently scrape it with a flat sole. Pain sensations such actions are not delivered by snail. For 10-15 minutes you can collect to a teaspoon of substances. This volume is enough for making mask.

Treatment with Akhatin at home

Therapeutic properties of Akhatin snails are valued since the time of the hippocrat. Their meat has long been used to treat anemia and other diseases. And the mucus was used in burns and non-heaven wounds. The benefits of gigantic snails are such that for their cultivation after World War II began to create farms. Now mollusks are successfully used to combat cellulite, varicose veins, psoriasis.

Akhatina against cellulite

Due to the effects of the Snails Snails, the skin becomes smooth and clean. This property is used to combat cellulite. If you process the problem areas of the body correctly and not exceed the permissible number of procedures, then they will not bring any harm.

Credit with orange crust with Muzin Snails simply. The apparent effect can be achieved within one month. It is important to perform regularly, three times a week. Harm it will not cause. During the snails procedures are placed on a problem zone, for example, on the stomach or hips. Impact continues for 15 minutes.

Akhatina in the fight against varicose

Therapeutic properties of massage helps to fight with varicose veins. Before it is carefully cleaned by plots that will be exposed to. The snail is also washed under running water, after which they put on the body and give it to move. After 10-15 minutes, the procedure is completed, and the remaining mucus is rubbed into the skin with massage movements for 15-20 minutes. The remnants of the healing substances are washed with water.

Treatment of psoriasis snail

The useful impact of the substances released by snails on the skin of a person is used for healing from psoriasis. People who suffer from this disease are recommended to start these creatures as pets. During observation, the nervous system relaxes them, stressful states are facilitated. But the main benefit is to exposed to rash. Cosmetologists advise to spread Akhatin on them every day. Ulief massage has a property to remove peeling and dryness, accelerate regenerative processes. Those who are experiencing discomfort from the touch of snails can be collected by the substance produced by them and rub into the affected areas of the body.

Possible harm for Ahantin and contraindications

The useful properties of Akhatin are available to anyone who does not happen to these creatures. There are practically no contraindications for rejuvenating and healing procedures. Harm they can only bring in the event that a person has an allergic response to the components of the Akhatin secret. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it should be applied a small amount on his wrist. After 20-30 minutes, it is necessary to check whether the rashes appeared, itching. If these signs of allergic reactions are absent, the use of Akhatin can be without any harm to health. When irritation, redness, it is necessary to consult with a dermatologist about the feasibility of such procedures.

How to grow sharp at home

Homemade Akhatins reach the size of 25 cm. Acquire them costs from proven breeders or in specialized stores. For the content of such a pet requires a spacious terrarium. Its volume should be at least 20 liters.

The mollusk house must be ensured by ventilation holes for air circulation, as well as equip the food container and lid to prevent self-entertainment pets at home.

The bottom of the terrarium should be covered with a special soil. it prerequisite For the cultivation of Akhatin, as the snails sleep in it, they are used in food, lay eggs. Ordinary sand, sawdust or stones are not suitable. It is better to use moss, peat, coconut substrate.

How to care for sharns

Of particular care, these exotic creatures do not require. It is enough to maintain cleanliness in a terrarium, wash off pollution from its walls every day. hot water And as needed changing the soil.

Important! Use for washing terrarium cleaning products is not recommended, it may cause damage to Akhatin.

Homemade snails need water procedures. Their dwellings are preferably equipped with shallow pools. And the pets themselves must be regularly organized a warm shower. Holding snail Akhatina over her sink, it should be washed by a jet of water. The duration of the procedure is no more than 3 minutes.

The main components of the diet of the Ahatin are salad, greens, vegetables, the shoots of cereals. Buchetic can be fed with carrots and pulp cucumbers or, tomatoes and zucchi, apples, pears, bananas, apricots, and other fruits. Soft food must be cut into pieces, and solid - rub on a grater or grind a blender. An important part of the ration of the Ahanta is mineral feeding rich in calcium.

Important! Harm snails Akhatinam can bring fried, sharp, salted, smoked food, as well as fruits containing natural acids, including all citrus.

Pet must be provided with clean water. Access to it must be permanent, as the bryukhonium drink it and take water procedures. Video with snail Akhatina demonstrates how important water is for this being.


The benefits and harm of the Akhatin snons are studied by cosmetologists and dermatologists. The appearance of mollusks is such that compete in attractiveness with other pets is difficult to them. These inhabitants of the terrarium are rather associated with alien creatures than with pets. The miraculous properties of Muzin Ahantin are such that at home, they successfully replace expensive salon procedures.