Power supply for blood group. Slimming in the blood group - the right diet

In the 90s of the last century, the book "4 blood groups - 4 ways to health" was published, written by Dr. Naturopathy by Peter D'Aadamo. She almost immediately became a bestseller, was translated from almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and became a practical allowance for food for many people on the planet. In Russia, the book saw the light in 2002. According to the convictions of the author, for each blood type, there is a historically correct nutrition concept, and it is from this that the health and longevity of man depends.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis theory is based on the fact that people should use the same food as their ancestors. It is best digested and absorbed, while "wrong" products glove the organism. This nutrition concept is not a diet for weight loss, it involves healthy useful food for certain groups of people who will help clean and improve the body.

Indeed, some studies have shown that people with different blood groups in one way or another are subject to various diseases. For a long time, Dr. D'Aadamo, together with his father, revealed an impact on the body of various foods, as a result of which they were divided into 3 groups: useful, harmful and neutral. Below will indicate the "good" and "bad" products for owners of each blood type. Not listed products belong to neutral and are recommended for use in limited quantities.

Food for people with I (0) Blood Group

People with the first blood group are allowed almost any fish.

According to various data up to 40% of the population globe These are the owners of the blood of this group, Dr. D'Aadamo identified them as the descendants of the "hunters", so they should correspond to the meat diet.

Healthy foods

  • Beef, lamb, venison, veal, poultry meat, offal;
  • virtually any fish (pieces of cod, perch, pike, halibut, sturgeon, trout, sardine), caviar ,;
  • eggs;
  • in small quantities of cottage cheese and sheep cheese;
  • butter;
  • some vegetable oils (,);
  • walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin and cedar seeds;
  • legumes rarely (with the exception of soybean and lentils);
  • buckwheat, pearl, barley cereals, rice;
  • rye bread;
  • vegetables (and its leaves, sheet cabbage, artichoke, broccoli, kolrabi, parsnip, bathat, pumpkin, turnip, Bulgarian and burning pepper);
  • almost all fruits and berries;
  • , ginger, carnations, laccs, curry, burning pepper;
  • herbal and green tea, red wines, mineral water (can be carbonated).

Harmful products

  • Pork;
  • side, mollusks;
  • almost all dairy products, except those indicated in the list allowed;
  • , corn, cotton, peanut, palm oil;
  • poppy, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, Brazilian nuts;
  • wheat, Oats, barley, and any products of them;
  • vegetables (cauliflower, cucumbers, leeks, potatoes, olives);
  • avocado, oranges and tangerines, melon, strawberry, coconuts;
  • strong alcoholic beverages, lemonade, beer, black tea,.

Food for people with II (a) blood group

Almost 35% of the world's population was inherited from parents II Group, by the way, this is the most common blood group among Europeans. Such people the developer of this diet rank to the descendants of farmers and collectors. The diet is very reminded.

Healthy foods

The poultry meat is useful to use people with the second blood group.
  • Turkey (preferably) and the meat of another bird;
  • eggs;
  • fish (Salmon, Sardin, Mackerel, Sudak, Sig, Carp, Cod, Okun, Trout, Halto);
  • equal milk products, whole milk - only goat, cheeses, too, only from it;
  • vegetable oils (olive, linen);
  • peanuts, pumpkin, sunflower, sampling seeds, hazelnuts and other nuts;
  • beans, especially useful soy products;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, bone, oat, rye) and flour products prepared from these cereals;
  • soy sauce, parsley, turmeric, ginger, mustard;
  • vegetables (the list of useful artichokes, beets, topinambur, sheet cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi, horseradish, onions, parsnips, pumpkin, turnip, spinach) included;
  • all berries, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, plums, apricots;
  • any herbal teas, green tea, white (preferable) and red wine,
    Black coffee (1 cup per day).

Harmful products

  • Any red meat and offal;
  • mollusks, squid, eel, som, flomb and others;
  • solid and products based on it;
  • butter;
  • corn, cotton, peanut, coconut oil;
  • pistachios, Brazilian nuts;
  • wheat, wheat flour and products from it;
  • potatoes, white, blocked and chinese cabbage, chili pepper, eggplant, rhubarb, tomatoes;
  • some fruits (bananas, melons, mango, papaya, tangerines, coconuts);
  • gelatin, vinegar, pepper (black, white, red), capers;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • strong alcoholic and carbonated drinks, beer, lemonade, black tea.

Food for people with III (B) blood group

It is believed that this blood group appeared as a result of mixing races. People who endowed with her, Dr. D'Aadamo, in charge of nomads. For them, it is assumed the widest and most diverse diet, nutrition restrictions for the winners of the blood group of the III than for other people. This is explained by the fact that nomads were detained in different continents and were omnivorous.

Healthy foods

Dairy products should be included in the diet of people with a third blood group.
  • Lamb, lamb, venison, rabbit;
  • eggs;
  • caviar, hill, sea bass, pike perch, sardine, cod, flounder, pike, heck, halibut, mackerel, pike, sturgeon, carp;
  • virtually any dairy products;
  • fleet and Limary beans;
  • olive oil;
  • walnuts;
  • oatmeal and confusion, millet, rice;
  • beets, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, carrots, Pasternak, Batat, onions, horseradish, Pasternak, turnip, garlic;
  • cranberries, plums, watermelon, bananas, grapes, papaya, blueberries, blackberry, cherry;
  • curry, Lacricians, Ginger, Parsley;
  • non-carbonated water, green tea, beer, red and white wine, black tea and coffee (it is allowed to drink no more than 1 cups per day).

Harmful products

  • Poultry meat, pork, offal;
  • mollusks, crabs, beluga, eel, sider, trout, goalkee;
  • quail eggs;
  • blue and melted cheeses;
  • the remaining beans, soy products;
  • vegetable oils: coconut, corn, peanut, soy, sesame, sunflower ,;
  • cashew, peanuts, cedar nuts, poppy, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • wheat, buckwheat, corn, rye cereals;
  • olives, radishes, radish, rhubarb, sauerkraut;
  • avocado, grenades, persimmon, melon, coconuts;
  • pepper, cinnamon, soy sauce, gelatin, ketchup;
  • roasted and strong alcoholic beverages, lemonade, carbonated water.

Food for people with IV (AB) group of blood

This blood group is the most rare, it meets only 7% of people inhabiting our planet. This group of people-naturopath doctor d'Aadamo determined like a mixed type or "new people." As with the winners of the III group of blood, "new people" is much more lucky with a diet than the population with I and II groups.

Healthy foods

  • Lamb, rabbit, turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna, cod, pike perch, pike, sturgeon;
  • dairy products, but cheeses in limited quantities;
  • butter walnut and olive;
  • peanuts, walnuts;
  • lentils, soybean, pinto beans;
  • millet, oats, rice, rye flour and products of them;
  • beets, broccoli, colored and sheet cabbage, cucumbers, garlic, batt, carrots, eggplants, parsnips, mustard leaves, tomatoes;
  • cherry, figs, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, plum, watermelon, lemon, gooseberry, cranberries;
  • curry, turmeric, ginger, parsley;
  • green tea, carbonated water, white and red wines.

Harmful products

  • Pork, beef, chicken, goose, quail eggs;
  • kambala, perch, beluga, halibut, pike, heck, eel, trout, arthropod and mollusks;
  • butter, margarine;
  • melted cheese, blue cheese, whole milk, cream;
  • limskaya beans, black, adzuki, Turkish peas;
  • hazelnut, poppy, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • buckwheat, corn, wheat and products from these cereals;
  • artichok, olives, Bulgarian and burning peppers, radishes, radish, rhubarb;
  • sunflower, corn, sesame, coconut, cotton oil;
  • avocado, bananas, melons, guava, persimmon, grenades, quince, coconuts, mango, oranges;
  • pepper, vinegar;
  • strong alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, black tea and coffee.

Criticism American diet for blood groups

The opinion of the doctors of traditional medicine about this diet was divided, but most nevertheless inclined to the fact that it is not scientifically justified and has no evidence base. Perhaps its only advantage is that from the list of products for people with different groups of blood, having bothering, make a full balanced ration. Nevertheless, a complete refusal of certain products can still lead to the impoverishment of the body by some substances. For example, people with the first group are almost completely prohibited by the use of dairy products, and this can lead to calcium and phosphorus deficiency.

Many doctors agree that a diet for blood groups is too generalizing and absolutely does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle, and other factors that do not depend on the human blood group. In addition, as it is known, blood groups have much more than 4, Dr. D'Aadamo took as a basis for developing his diet one of the most simplified systems (AB0).

Initially in the books of the doctor, the term "amino acids" was used when it was about protein products. The protein in its original form does not come to the blood, it is pre-splitting on amino acids. But the body, in fact, anyway, from which proteins, plant or animals, these amino acids are obtained, in connection with which it is inappropriate to limit dairy products and meat for some categories of people. After the author of the diet was indicated on this fact, the term "amino acids" was replaced by "lectins", which is not understandable even to many doctors, not the fact that the average man. In general, many traditional medicine doctors are inclined to the fact that the book representing this diet is "overwhelmed by" scientific terms, many of which are inappropriate and not understandable to readers.

By summing up, we can say that the power system by blood groups did not find a response in the medical community and even underwent a serious criticism, and a huge number of positive feedback on this diet finds a logical explanation. It is primarily due to the general health recovery, because of the diet, regardless of the blood type, strong alcohol, carbonated sweet drinks, oily meat, many "heavy" vegetables, food rich in rich fats and others harmful products. In addition, one of the important factors of the positive action of any popular diet is the placebo effect, and the development of American Dr. D'Aadamo is not an exception.

TV channel "STB", Nellana Fus's nutritionist tells about the principles of the blood group (Rus.-Ukr. Yaz.):

The idea that blood type affects the body's ability to digest different types of food, cope with stress and respond to physical activity, came to the American naturopath of Peter D'Aadamo (Dr. Peter d'Adamo).

Based on this, in 1996, D'Aadamo created diet for people with different blood groups:

  • Type O (I Blood Group). The diet should have a lot of squirrel made of meat, fish, birds. It is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates, grain and legumes. Recommendations are close to.
  • Type A (II blood type). People well digest carbohydrates and poorly animal proteins and fats. You can eat vegetable food: vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals without gluten. Exclude milk, meat, coffee and alcohol.
  • Type B (III blood group). You can eat vegetables and fruits, milk, most types of meat, except chicken. Exclude wheat, corn, legumes, tomatoes and some other products.
  • Type AV (IV blood type). You can eat vegetables and fruits, meat, except red, seafood, milk, legumes and grain. Exclude beans, corn, beef, alcohol.

At one time, the book d'Aadamo became a real bestseller, and the diet still has many followers worldwide.

What science says

There are many studies dedicated to a diet on a blood group, but their quality leaves much to be desired. In 2013, scientists checked Blood Type Diets Lack Supporting Evidence: A SystemAtic Review. 1415 studies of this power mode. Trust deserved only one. And it did not confirm the effectiveness of the diet.

Big Study Theory Behind Popular Blood-Type Diet Debunked With 1455 participants also did not find the benefit of the D'Aadamo.

So is it worth abide by the diet on the blood group

In principle, this diet is quite healthy. Absolutely to all d'Adamo prescribes to avoid treated food and simple carbohydrates, choose natural products and take additives. This is enough to lose weight and improve ABO GENOTYPE, 'BLOOD-TYPE' Diet and CardiomeTabolic Risk Factors Health, moreover, regardless of blood type.

The blood group diet is as effective as common healthy nutrition.

In general, it is possible to comply with a diet, but without fanaticism, focusing primarily to its goals and preferences.

In nature, there are four human blood groups, and therefore four types of nutrition. Thus, the same product can ideally approach one person, to be useless for the other and "neutral" for the third and at the same time be the main pest in the fourth nutrition system.

Each group of blood interacts in its own way with lecithins - the most important construction cells. Lecithines are contained in all tissues of the human body and regularly come with food. But at the same time chemical composition Lecitines contained, for example, in meat, differ from lecithins in buckwheat. A blood group diet helps to choose those lecitins that you need your body for happy and harmonious functioning. And the most important thing is: "the right" lecithins are excellent assistants in such a difficult business like weight loss.

In his studies, the legendary doctor relied also on an evolutionary theory, according to which each blood group appeared in different time. Thus, their first carriers had a certain occupation, and from here and taste habits. Together with Cosmo, look for "blood ancestors" and define what products are needed and important for you.

Diet for the first blood type

The first blood group was called "Hunting". The correct diet for the first blood group is predictable and implies products with a high content of meat protein.


Say yes:

  • red meat
  • byproducts
  • protein vegetables (choose broccoli, beans and artichokes)
  • fatty seafood and seafood
  • olive Oil
  • walnut Nuts

Say no:

  • high Gluten Products (Wheat, Oats)
  • milk Products with a big percentage of fatty
  • bobov
  • any knocker (including Brussels), as well as cauliflower

Diet for the second blood group

Representatives of the second group are characterized as "landpashers" and adherents of vegetarianism and fruitry. Consequently, meat products are not the most desirable guest of the diet for the second blood group.

Say yes:

  • any vegetables
  • vegetable oils
  • cruppes and cereals (with extreme caution - gluten-containing)
  • fruit, such as pineapples, apricots, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums

Say no:

  • dairy products
  • wheat dishes
  • beans (difficult to digest due to high protein content)
  • drinks like soda

If you give up meat, you did not think, choose dietary varieties: chicken, turkey, veal. And, contrary to vegetarian instructions, any low-fat fish varieties will benefit.

Diet for the third blood group

The third group was called "nomads". Representatives of this group can be considered almost omnivorous: almost any product of their body perceives adequately.

Say yes:

  • sources of animal protein (preferably meat and marine fish)
  • eggs
  • any dairy products
  • crools (except buckwheat and wheat)
  • vegetables (except corn and tomatoes)
  • various fruit

Say no:

  • pork and chicken meat
  • nuts, and especially peanuts
  • olive Oil
  • alcohol

"Nomads" rather rarely compared to the others suffer from excess weight, therefore a diet on the third blood group becomes primarily the way to regulate the metabolism and conservation of good health.

Diet for the fourth blood group

Owners of the fourth blood band D'Aadamo Narek "Riddles". This group is considered the youngest of all, and it was formed as a result of the merger of the first and second, therefore combines both their advantages and cons.

Say yes:

  • some in various kinds (especially tofu)
  • fish and Ires
  • dairy products of any fat
  • green vegetables and fruits
  • bodies
  • red dry blame

Say no:

  • red meat
  • byproducts
  • beans in any form
  • buckwheat, corn and wheat
  • such fruits like oranges, bananas, guava, coconuts, mango, grenades, persimmon
  • mushrooms
  • orethams.

For "mysterious" people are characterized by nervous instability, as well as a weak gastrointestinal tract. But the immune system of owners of the rare fourth group distinguishes sensitivity and adaptability to any conditions.

According to D'Aadamo, if you keep the diet on the blood group, getting rid of excess weight Be sure to come after the exchange processes will be established and the cells will begin to receive building material.

Text: Julia Demin

Weight depends not on how man eats. It is important which products appear on the table. You can limit portions, without end to burn calories and do not dinner after 18:00, but kilograms will remain in place. And you can find your own, "ideal", food - eat and lose weight. A blood group diet based on the theory that people with different cellular structure of the body require various foods. The carriers of the first group can lean on meat, but with the second group - this food contributes to the weight gain and harms health. That is why the same diet can be effective for one, and useless for the other.

The basis of this method of weight correction is based on the studies of the American Peter d'Aadamo. This is a 60-year-old doctor-naturopath, which continued the case of his famous Father James D'Aadamo.

Natureopathy is considered alternative medicine. She denies generally accepted ideas about healing. The main idea: the organic processes in the human body can not be explained scientifically. At the head of the angle - energy, the vital force that cannot be measured.

As related blood and human weight

Dr. D'Adamo refers to the concept developers that the human health is directly connected with genetics. In particular, much depends on heredity and blood group.

This theory is based on observations and management of incidence statistics. For example, people with a certain genotype are more often subjected to infections, and the owners of another chromosome set are more suffering from heart diseases, etc. etc.

According to this principle, the weight and group of human blood is comparative. Doctor-Naturopath believes that the path to harmony lies through the search for an individual "soldering" on the blood group. This developed a special product table for blood group.

A blood group diet promises weight loss to the ideal forms necessary. Reviews about the technique and the results of thinning testify: the average "plumb" ranges from 500 g to 1 kg per week.

Products in groups

There are more than ten species of products that are divided into three categories - recommended, prohibited and neutral for different blood groups. It is also important to introduce certain biologically active additives for food. They are needed to compensate for the possible deficit of beneficial substances. And he may arise when a refusal of some food.

  1. Recommended. Products that are fully suitable for the body for your blood group.
  2. Forbidden. We provoke a weight set, and worsen well-being.
  3. Neutral. Such food can be included in the diet, but infrequently, especially at the active stage of weight correction.

The benefits are that, feeding exclusively allowed diet products, it is generally possible to improve the health of health. After all, severe dishes will go out of the diet. And such food turns not only in fat, but also to toxins. Interestingly, the rhesus does not matter. Therefore, the menu for people, for example, with the first positive group is the same as for carriers of the first negative group.

Single Food Table for All Types

Below is a table where the main product groups are distributed in accordance with the needs of people of various types of blood.

Understand it easy. Choose your group in the horizontal column and the desired product in the vertical column. Match two lines and evaluate the specified value.

The sign "+" suggests that the product is useful. If the name is "-" - forbidden. And "0" indicates the neutral effect of food with your blood group.

Table - the effect of food for the weight and human health, depending on the blood type

Products1 2 3 4 Products1 2 3 4
Meat, Bird, EggsDairy
Ham- - - - Milk whole- - 0 -
Beef+ - 0 - Yogurt- 0 + +
Ground beef+ - 0 - Casein (Food)- - 0 0
Veal+ - 0 - Kefir- 0 + +
Bacon- - - - Milk goat- 0 + +
Mutton+ - + + Milk defatted- - + 0
Rabbit0 - + + Milk serum- - 0 0
Goose- - - - Ice cream- - - -
Duck0 - - - Cream- - 0 -
Turkey+ 0 0 + Sour cream- 0 + +
Broiler0 0 - - Cow Milk Cheese- - 0 0
Egg0 0 + 0 Cheese Ovechy0 0 + +
Chick0 0 - - Cheese fused- 0 0 -
Ham- - - - Cheese cottage cheese0 0 + +
A heart+ - - - Cottage cheese home0 0 + +
Liver+ - 0 0 Oil, fats
Fat- - 0 0 Fat liver cod.0 0 0 0
Pork- - - - Margarine0 0 - -
Fish and seafoodPeanut butter
Carp0 + 0 0 Coconut oil- - - -
Smelt0 0 0 0 Corn oil- - - -
Tubat- - 0 0 Linen oil+ + 0 0
Caviar- - - + Olive oil+ + + +
Squid0 - 0 - Sunflower oil0 0 - -
Flounder0 - + - Butter0 - 0 -
Salmon+ + + + Soybean oil0 0 - 0
Salmon (smoked)- - - - Cotton oil- - - -
Mackerel+ + + + Seeds and nuts
Seaweed+ 0 - 0 Peanut- + - +
Okun marine0 0 + + Walnuts+ 0 0 +
Perch river0 0 0 0 Cedar nuts0 0 - 0
Sturgeon+ 0 + + Almond nuts0 0 0 0
Halibut+ - + - Funduk nuts0 0 - -
Crustaceans0 - - - Seeds Mac- 0 + +
Marinized herring- - + - Sunflower seeds0 0 - -
Fresh herring+ + 0 0 Pumpkin seeds+ + - -
Salted herring- - 0 - Pistachii- - - 0
Whitefish+ + + + Bean
Pike river+ 0 + + Soybean beans0 + + +
Som.- - 0 0 Beans "Fleet"- - + +
Zander0 + + + Black beans0 + - -
Cod+ + + + Peas Stroke0 0 0 0
Tuna0 0 0 + Green peas0 0 0 0
Acne0 - - - Soy milk+ + 0 0
Mackerel+ + + + Soy cheese+ + 0 0
Trout+ + + + Bean Bean.0 0 0 0
Hake+ - + - Frosty beans+ + - +
Grain, flourBean asparagus0 0 0 0
Wheat bagels- - - 0 Lentil- + - +
Wafers rice0 + + + Spices, spices
Hot buns- - 0 0 Vanilla- 0 0 0
Buckwheat0 + - - Carnation0 0 0 0
Corn starch- 0 - - Mustard0 + 0 0
Semolina- - 0 0 Jam and fruit jelly0 0 0 0
Pearl cereals0 0 - 0 Ketchup- - - -
Groats bang0 0 - 0 Coriander0 0 0 0
Corn- 0 - - Cinnamon- 0 - 0
Pasta- - 0 0 Bay leaf0 0 0 0
Flour buckwheat0 + - - Mayonnaise0 - - 0
Flour of solid wheat varieties- - 0 0 Honey0 0 0 0
Corn Flour and Crupes- 0 - - Nutmeg- 0 0 0
Oatmeal flour (Toloko)- + + + Paprika0 0 0 0
Rye flour0 + - + Pepper curry+ 0 + +
Muesli- - - 0 Black pepper- - 0 -
Cookie "Cracker"- - 0 0 Parsley+ 0 + +
Oatmeal cookies- 0 + 0 Sugar sand0 0 0 0
Millet0 0 + + Pickles and marinades- 0 0 -
Gingerbread rusty0 - 0 0 Caraway0 0 0 0
Wheat- - - 0 Dill0 0 0 0
Fig0 0 + + White vinegar- - 0 -
Rye0 + - 0 Vinegar- - 0 -
Bread grain- - - 0 Apple vinegar- - 0 -
Coarse Flour Bread- - - 0 Fennel0 0 0 0
Bread shells0 0 0 0 Horseradish0 0 + +
Wheat-rye bread0 0 0 0 Chocolate0 0 0 0
Wheat bread- 0 + 0 Vegetables, mushrooms
Rye bread0 0 - + Sweet potato+ - + +
Rye loafs0 + - + Swede0 0 + 0
Cornflakes- 0 - - Mushrooms (Oyshemka)0 + 0 0
Oatmeal flakes- 0 + + Daikon0 0 0 0
Wheat flakes- - - 0 Zucchini (Zucchini)0 0 0 0
Barley0 0 - 0 White cabbage- - + 0
Berries and fruits Broccoli+ + + +
Avocado- 0 - - Cabbage Brusselskaya- 0 + 0
Alycha+ + + + Cabbage Chinese leaf- - + 0
A pineapple0 + + + Cabbage redcakes- - + 0
Orange- - 0 - Cabbage leaf+ + + +
Watermelon0 0 0 0 Cauliflower- - + +
Banana0 - + - Potatoes- - - 0
Barberry0 - - - Kohlrabi+ + 0 0
Lamberry0 + + + Cress Salad.+ + + +
Grapes0 0 + + Leek Pen0 + 0 0
Cherry0 + 0 + Leek+ + 0 0
Blueberry0 + 0 0 Bulb onions+ + 0 0
Garnet0 0 - - Carrot0 + + 0
Grapefruit0 + 0 + Cucumbers0 0 0 +
Pear0 0 0 0 Parsnip+ + 0 +
Melon- - 0 0 Pepper sharp+ - + +
Blackberry- + 0 0 Sweet pepper0 - + +
Raisins0 0 0 0 Rhubarb- - - -
Fig+ + 0 + Radish0 0 - -
Kiwi0 0 0 + Radish0 0 - -
Strawberry- 0 0 0 REPA (TURNEPS)+ + 0 0
Cranberry0 + + + Kochnorate salad0 0 0 0
Gooseberry0 0 0 + Salad leaf0 0 0 -
Lemon0 + 0 + Beet0 0 0 0
Raspberries0 0 0 0 Beet leaf+ + + +
Mandarin- - 0 0 Celery0 0 0 +
Olives are green- - - 0 Asparagus0 0 0 0
Maslins black- - - 0 Tomatoes0 - - 0
Nectarine0 0 0 0 Topinambur+ + 0 0
Walnut coconut- - + + Pumpkin+ + - 0
Peach0 0 0 0 Chicory+ + 0 0
Plum+ + + + Champignon- - 0 0
Currant0 0 0 0 Spinach+ + 0 0
Persimmon0 0 - - Juices
Sweet cherry+ + 0 + Apricot0 + 0 0
Blueberry0 + 0 0 Alyuchevy+ + 0 0
Prunes+ + 0 0 Pineapple+ + + 0
Apple+ + + + Orange- - 0 -
Herbal teasBirch0 0 0 0
Hawthorn0 + 0 + Grape0 0 + +
Valerian0 + 0 0 Cherry0 +
Ginseng0 + + + Pomegranate0 0 - -
Hunther- + 0 0 Grapefrute0 + 0 0
Strawberry (leaves)- 0 0 + Cabbage- 0 + +
Linden+ 0 - - Cranberry0 0 + +
Lopeh.- + 0 + Citric0 + 0 0
Raspberries0 0 + 0 Carrot0 + 0 0
Mother and stepmother- 0 - - Ozurchichny0 0 0 0
Mint0 0 0 0 Cellery0 + 0 +
Dandelion+ 0 0 0 Plum+ + 0 0
Parsley+ 0 + 0 Tomato0 - - 0
Chamomile0 + 0 + Apple Cider- 0 0 0
Licorice root0 0 + + Apple- 0 0 0
Yarrow0 0 0 0 Other drinks
Chebry0 0 0 0 Wine white0 0 0 0
Echinacea0 + 0 + Red wine0 + 0 0
Rosehip berries+ + + + Vodka- - - -
Coca Cola- - - -
Cognac- - - -
Coffee black- + 0 +
Lemonade- - - -
Tincture on alcohol- - - -
Beer0 - 0 0
Soda drinks+ - - 0
Green tea0 + + +
Black tea- - 0 -

Individual tables and examples menu for each group

The menu for every week diet is a thin, focusing on the lists of "bad" and "good" products.

Planning the menu for a week, consider that the diet does not limit the daily calorie amount. It is also not necessary to rigidly adjust the size of the portions, but it is important not to overeat. Not fundamentally and the number of food meals. There are no additional conditions. Next - a detailed description of the features of the diet for each blood type.

1 group (0) - Hunter, Myathers

This group owns more than 33% of the world's population. "Hunters" has a strong digestive system and immunity. The diet provides an abundance of meat and fish food for the first blood group.

People of the first group often get fat due to the inhibited metabolism. To speed it up, a diet for 1 blood type excludes wheat, corn, cabbage and oats menu. It is still recommended to abandon Aspirin and vitamin complexeswhere there is a retinol and tocopherol.

Table - diagram of the diet menu for losing weight 1 blood group

What is useful to eat and drinkPermissible but rarelyIt is categorically impossibleUseful additives
- meat (but not pork);
- Sub-products (liver);
- a fish;
- seafood;
- seaweed;
- eggs;
- vegetables, except potatoes (especially carrots, radish, radishes, Daikon);
- greens (especially latch and spinach);
- pineapples and fruits (but not sour);
- rye bread (without fanaticism);
- green tea;
- herbal tea from rosehip, mint, ginger, linden;
- high-quality mineral carbonated water
- Cereals (less often oats and wheat);
- broccoli;
- beer;
- Red wine;
- White wine;
- tea from chamomile, sage, ginseng, raspberry leaves, Valerians
- cabbage (except broccoli);
- Wheat and any wheat products;
- corn and any corn products;
- legumes;
- lentils;
- tangerines and other citrus
- ketchup;
- coffee;
- strong alcohol;
- Tea with compounds: Aloe, St. John's wort, Senna, Echinacea, strawberry leaves
- Fillaxinone;
- vitamins of group B;
- calcium;
- manganese;
- iodine;
- lipase;
- amylase;
- Proteza

Below is an example of making a menu for one day for 1 blood type.

  • Breakfast Boiled eggs. Chicken cutlet. Failure green tea.
  • Reinforcement. Stew spinach. Carrot juice.
  • Lunch. Chicken broth with greens. The liver stewed with carrots and onions. Fresh cucumber and radish salad. Tea with lime and mint without sugar.
  • Dinner . Buckwheat porridge with baked fish. Sea cabbage. Failure green tea.

In the body of people with the first group of blood, fat burning processes launches food saturated with iodine. In particular, algae. Also contribute to the "plundering" roots - radishes and radish. Liver, red meat is needed. Mandatory intense physical exercise. You can study athletics, skiing, swim.

2 Group (a) - agriculture, Vegan

This type was transformed from the "meatoneal" when, besides hunting, a practice of agriculture appeared. Almost 38% of people are carriers of the second blood group. Diet for 2 blood groups is based on vegetable food.

People with the second blood group have features in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, reduced acidity. Because of what the body is difficult to digest meat products, sharp food, salty. In this case, cutlets, herring and pickled vegetables slow down metabolic processes, which causes the accumulation of unnecessary fat stocks. It is also worth avoiding food and additives rich in retinol.

Table - Dietary Menu Circuit Scheme for Hilding 2 Blood Groups

What is useful to eat and drinkPermissible but rarelyIt is categorically impossibleUseful additives
- Fresh vegetables (except pepper, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes);
- mushrooms;
- broccoli;
- garlic;
- cereals;
- Beans;
- pineapples and fruits (but not oranges, tangerines, bananas and coconuts);
- coffee;
- green tea;
- Red wine;
- Soki from carrots, pineapples, grapefruit and cherries;
- water with lemon juice
- sugar (rarely);
- chocolate (rarely);

- soy milk;
- soya tofu cheese;
- eggs;
- chicken (rarely);
- turkey (rarely);
- vegetable oils
- Fish (especially ambassador) and caviar;
- seafood;
- meat;
- milk products;
- tomatoes;
- cucumbers;
- potatoes;
- pepper;
- cabbage (except broccoli);
- Solutions;
- acidic fruit;
- acid berries;
- Wheat and its derivatives;
- sweets, including ice cream;
- corn oil;
- oil peanut;
- ketchup;
- vinegar;
- spices;
- Orange juice;
- Black tea;
- Soda
- vitamins of group B;
- ascorbic acid;
- tocopherol;
- calcium;
- iron;
- zinc;
- selenium;
- chrome;
- Biofidobacteria

Below is an example of the menu preparation for one day for 2 blood group.

  • Breakfast Oatmeal. Cube of black chocolate. Failure coffee.
  • Reinforcement. Non-fat cottage cheese and baked apples. Cherry juice.
  • Lunch. Vegetable soup, but without potatoes. Eggplants stewed with garlic and rice. Pineapple juice.
  • Dinner . Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms. Grapefruit Fresh.

The diet for the second blood group is based on plant food products: in priority, the "farmer" should have dishes from fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals. Cottage cheese and kefir are admissible. Daily grueling fitness is not required here. Accent must be made on psycho-emotional state. Therefore, calm and pacifying yoga classes - very by the way.

3 Group (B) - omnivorous nomad

Media of this type is almost 21% of the population of the Earth. The third blood group was formed in the interracial mixing process. If such people eat competently, then special health problems can be avoided, because they have no congenital "Achilles".

Plus, the fact that their body flexibly responds to changes in the diet. And diet for 3 blood group is most diverse. However, excessive beggars in the side of the veganism or measide ways to harm.

Table - Dietary Menu Diagram for Hilding 3 Blood Groups

What is useful to eat and drinkPermissible but rarelyIt is categorically impossibleUseful additives
- meat (elimination of duck and pork);
- soy;
- a fish;
- low-fat dairy products;
- eggs;
- Cereals (except buckwheat, lentils, corn and wheat);
- Beans;
- vegetables (with the exception of corn, tomatoes, pumpkins);
- greens;
- fruit (but not coconuts);
- green and herbal teas;
- Cranberry juices, cabbage, grapes, pineapple
- seafood;
- juice from orange;
- beer;
- wine;
- Black tea;
- Coffee
- Olives;
- Duck;
- pork;
- buckwheat;
- Wheat;
- corn;
- lentils;
- sesame;
- tomatoes;
- Pumpkin;
- Peanuts
- magnesium;
- lecithin;
- Lacricians (licorice)

Below is an example of a menu preparation for one day for 3 blood groups.

  • Breakfast Omelet. Beef goulash. Failure coffee.
  • Reinforcement. Curd casserole with an apple. Cranberry juice.
  • Lunch. Beef soup. Lazy cabbage rolls. Fresh cucumber and cabbage salad. Failure green tea.
  • Dinner . Rice with baked fish. Grape juice.

Diet for the third blood group eliminates such foods: buckwheat, millet, lentils, corn. If you regularly combine these prohibited products, the weight can grow more intensively. With the third group of blood, the balance between physical and moral charging should be settled. For example, you can go swimming and yoga.

4 Group (AV) - Restrained Gourmet

The youngest and rare blood group. Its carriers are no more than 8% of the inhabitants of the planet. This is the result of the symbiosis of the second and third types.

Diet for 4 blood groups provides a combined, moderate diet.

The symbiosis of the main signs of A- and B-types is the source of additional problems when dealing with overweight. Thus, the low acidity of the gastric juice can be combined, as with the type of A. and the need for meat, like a type of B. That is, the product is needed, but it is not enough to digest its resources. As a result, the fat layer accumulates.

A set of food diet for the fourth blood group leaves the experiment. For example, do not refuse meat, but it is reduced by it. It appears on the table only in the company with vegetables. And the protein deficiency compensate, inserting soy.

Table - Dietary Menu Diagram for Hilding 4 Blood Groups

What is useful to eat and drinkPermissible but rarelyIt is categorically impossibleUseful additives
- meat (better rabbit, turkey, lamb);
- a fish;
- seaweed;
- low-fat dairy products;
- soya tofu cheese;
- olive oil;
- Peanut;
- walnuts;
- Crupes (but not buckwheat, wheat, corn);
- vegetables (but not pepper, corn);
- greens;
- pineapples and fruits (but not acidic, citrus);
- coffee;
- green tea;
- Teas with chamomile, ginseng, ginger, rosehip, echinacea, hawthorn
- legumes;
- beer;
- wine drinks;
- Teas with mint, Malina, Valerian
- seafood;
- red meat;
- ham and bacon;
- sunflower seeds;
- pepper;
- Wheat;
- buckwheat;
- corn;
- black olives;
- teas with aloe, hay, lime
- Bromelain;
- Quercetin;
- ascorbic acid;
- Hawthorn;
- Echinacea;
- Valerian;
- thistle;
- Rasschopha;
- zinc;
- Selen

Below is an example of the menu preparation for one day for 4 blood type.

  • Breakfast Oatmeal with apricots. Failure coffee.
  • Reinforcement. Cottage cheese with nuts. Chamomile tea without sugar.
  • Lunch. Vegetable okrochka. Zucchini stuffed with rice and poultry meat. Rosehip tea without sugar.
  • Dinner . Rabbit baked with bow and tomatoes. Green tea sugarless.

Maintain the form of people like AB will be easier if you alternate uncomplicated physical exercises with high-quality intellectual labor.

The rapidly developing flow of discoveries and innovations allowed the doctors-nutritionists to bring a new formula of a healthy diet. It will be that the blood test nutrition is one of the most effective. It allows you to remove extra kilograms without damage own health. However, scientists went to this diet, stumbling and mistaken, not one or two years. Search for a healthy nutrition system that will bring perfection in the process of weight loss in the process of weight loss long years. The blood of the blood of people shared just a century ago, but the studies did not stop in this direction. The division of 4 types is taken as the basis of a completely unique and effective diet.

Historical background

Studies of scientists argue that it was the nutrition that played a fundamental role in the formation of 4 types of blood in humans. It turned out that all varieties arose consistently, and not appeared at the same time.

  • O (i). The first group of blood includes peoples who lived gathering and hunting. The main priority of these tribes - survival. To date, there is a hypothesis that representatives of the first group are targeted, active people. The amount on the planet of people with this type of blood in the percentage ratio is 30%.
  • A (II). The second group of blood arising at the stage of the transition of a person to the exercise of agriculture includes people satisfied with people with a stable nervous system. For the most part, calm, dimension and focus on the result prevail in the nature of the inhabitants of the planet with the second group. Most of the people on the planet live with the second type of blood - 40%.
  • In (III). The third group of blood is nomads whose tribes wandered across the expanses then there are still almost deserted land. They were engaged in animal husbandry. This category of people is scientific to adapt to the surrounding conditions, adjusting to them, quietly responding to all the difficulties that arise. About 22% of people on the planet have 3 blood band.
  • AB (IV). A unique and rare group. It happened because it was formed relatively (by the standards of the existence of humanity on this land) recently. When merging 2 and 3 types, there was a new one - 4. There are no more than 8% of people on the land of this blood group on Earth.

The doctors found out that the same food is absorbed by the organism of people with different types of blood absolutely individually.

In turn, according to nutritionists, people must share all foods into three categories:

  • the necessary organism (useful);
  • those without which the body is completely able to live (neutral);
  • those without which the body should exist (unnecessary or harmful).

Powered by group of blood - the process is optional, but desirable. When drawing up a set of products for daily menuThe person can adhere to important rules relating to its type and effectively lose weight.

Diet to reduce weight

The diet for weight loss, based on the human blood group, was developed by scientists to achieve noticeable results in weight loss without prejudice to the body. As the rates of lost - a person you can eat everything from the menu designed for him, without limiting yourself in the amount of food consumed. However, this loss system is effective only when the entire process occurs under the control of the nutritionist.

Each view has its pros and cons that are fundamental links in the construction of a diet:

  1. First group of blood An excellent immune system and stable digestion, high activity and good metabolism are characteristic. Of the negative sides - the rejection of the sharp change of power, the tendency to allergic reactions and inflammation.
  2. The second group belongs to people with immunity to the change of habitat. They differ in a weak gastrointestinal tract, frequent diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys.
  3. Third blood group - People with iron nerves and good immunity. In case of failures in metabolism there is a high probability of heart disease, vessels, oncological tumors. They are strongly susceptible to viral infections.
  4. Fourth groupcharacteristic for people with all pros and cons 2 and 3 types.

The menu is selected for each blood type, taking into account the indications for improving the health and loss of patient:

  • For the first food with the maximum content of proteins. Unwanted products - cereals.
  • For the second - food of plant origin. Unwanted products - containing an extreme number of animal fats in their composition.
  • For a third - diet based on the balance of products of plant and animal origin. Exception - seafood and pork.
  • For the fourth - food with a moderate content of all products. Particular meat and fish are especially desirable in the diet.


1 group

Blood Group 1 Positive and Negative Includes the following products:

Desirable to use:

  • meat with low fat content;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • degreased dairy products;
  • greens;
  • bone fruit and apples;
  • cabbage of any kinds;
  • acidic natural juices;
  • tea on herbs.

It is impossible:

  • fatty meat and milk;
  • oil with a high percentage of cholesterol;
  • bean, cereals (any);
  • vinegar and accumulating products;
  • citrus and fragrant fruits;
  • potatoes, alcohol and coffee.

2 groups

Diet for blood group 2 positive and negative includes:

  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • little olive and flax;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • cereals and rye flour;
  • mustard;
  • bone fruit and acid citrus
  • berries;
  • vegetables (root);
  • coffee;
  • wine;
  • teas on herbs;
  • natural juices.
  • sea fish dry grades;
  • crayfish and shrimp;
  • fatty milk and dairy products;
  • solid oils of vegetable and animal origin;
  • liveness;
  • vinegar;
  • sweet citrus and melting cultures;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • potatoes;
  • strong alcoholic beverages.

3 Group

Blood Group 3 Positive and Negative Designed Taking into account the following features:

Desirable products:

  • egg;
  • diet meat;
  • river fish;
  • olive oil;
  • legumes;
  • cereals and bread;
  • greens;
  • bone fruit and apples;
  • root and cabbage;
  • sour juices.
Undesirable to use:
  • fat meat;
  • marine fish and crustaceans;
  • ice cream;
  • nuts;
  • lentil;
  • rye bread;
  • cinnamon;
  • persimmon;
  • garnet;
  • roots with sharp taste (radish, radish);
  • potatoes;
  • tomato juice;
  • alcohol tinctures with high degrees;
  • cognac and lemonade.

4 Group

Blood Group 4 Negative Diet is identical for 2 and 3 types. A set of products for weight loss is the same. In this case, the diet for the blood group 4 is positive the same. However, it is not necessary to forget that this group is the most unstable to the impact. ambient and stresses and especially needs the recommendations of the proper nutrition specialists.

The rest of the food belongs to neutral and allowed to eat any group of blood, whether it is positive or negative. Calls of thinners say that on the recommendation of the doctor there are these products, but with minor adjustments in the amount of food consumed.

Table Diet for Blood Group

The power menu for weight loss of representatives of any type of blood clearly shows which products are desirable, and from what consumption is worth refreshing (or minimizing).

Product Blood type
Orange - - N. -
Grapefruit N. + N. +
Mandarin - - N. N.
Garnet N. N. - -
Lemon N. + N. +
A pineapple N. + + +
Banana N. - + -
Kiwi N. N. N. +
Pear N. N. N. N.
Apple + + + +
Peach N. N. N. N.
Nectarine N. N. N. N.
Plum + + + +
Melon - - N. N.
Coconut - - + +
Avocado - N. - -
Persimmon N. N. - -
Watermelon N. N. N. N.
Barberry N. - - -
Grapes N. N. + +
Strawberry - N. N. N.
Cherry N. + N. +
Cranberry N. + + +
Gooseberry N. N. N. +
Currant N. N. N. N.
Raspberries N. N. N. N.
Sweet cherry + + N. +
Dried fruits
Raisins N. N. N. N.
Prunes + + N. N.
Fig + + N. +
Tomatoes N. - - N.
Cucumbers N. N. N. +
Sweet pepper N. - + +
White cabbage - - + N.
Potatoes - - - N.
Carrot N. N. + N.
Onion + + N. N.
Radish N. N. - -
Pumpkin + + - N.
Broccoli + + + +
Cauliflower - - + +
Beet N. N. N. N.
Veshinski N. + N. N.
Champignon - - N. N.
Maslins - - - N.
Beef + - N. -
Pork - - - -
Mutton + - + +
Veal + - N. -
Crolcatin N. - + +
Hen N. N. - -
Turkey + N. N. +
Duck N. - - -
A fish
Carp N. + N. N.
Salmon + + + +
Herring + + N. N.
Zander N. + + +
Hake + - + -
Tuna N. N. N. +
Mackerel + + + +
Crustaceans N. - - -
Milk products
Milk - - N. -
Kefir - N. + +
Cottage cheese N. N. + +
Cheese - - N. N.
Sour cream - N. + +
Yogurt - N. + +
Ice cream - - - -
Butter N. - N. -
Grain and legumes
Corn - N. - -
Peas N. N. N. N.
Beans. N. N. N. N.
Buckwheat N. + - -
Manka - - N. N.
Fig N. N. + +
Wheat flour - - N. N.
Pasta - - N. N.
Oatmeal - N. + +
Bread white - N. + N.
Green tea N. + + +
Black tea - - N. -
Black coffee - + N. +
White wine N. N. N. N.
Red wine N. + N. N.
Beer N. - N. N.
Strong alcoholic beverages - - - -
Pickles - N. N. -
Vinegar - - N. -
Ketchup - - - -
Mayonnaise N. - - N.
Sugar N. N. N. N.
Chocolate N. N. N. N.
Sunflower oil N. N. - -
Olive oil + + + +
Eggs N. N. + N.
Sunflower seeds N. N. - -
Walnuts + N. N. +