How to make a health trail on the site. Methodical development for preschool educational institutions

Natalia Verkholomova

Summer, summer has come to us

It became dry and warm

Down the path straight

Legs walk barefoot.

Our special attention kindergarten pays health preservation pupils in the summer. « Health trail» is a place where the child actively strengthens his health, and fixed assets health improvement natural factors: sun, air, water. « Health trail» prevents flat feet, improves coordination of movements, strengthens the body physically and emotionally and introduces preschoolers to healthy lifestyle... It also helps to improve the mood of children and is a fun outdoor activity. To create a conceived health path, we have invited parents of children to cooperate.

On our summer playground, piece of land, which was not involved by us. On it we decided to build « health path» .

The parents took measurements and built a wooden frame.

Then we painted it with multi-colored paint so that it looks spectacular on plot.

And they installed it in the chosen place. The next step in the implementation « health trails» the cells were filled with various natural and waste materials (sand, small pebbles, cones, plastic bottles and lids, wood cuts). The parents very quickly assembled the necessary components and filled the cells. For colorful decoration and circular use « health trails» a beehive and a car with flowers were invented. Here is our « Health trail» and ready!

Children enjoy the barefoot challenge track, which improves children's mood and is a fun outdoor activity.

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The long-awaited winter has come. Whirled, twisted. I dressed everything in snow and ice. The snow is white-white, sparkling, the trees are all covered with a thick layer.

"Snow buildings on the site of a kindergarten" Educator MDOU CRR - d / s No. 19 G. o. Podolsk Opening the calendar -January begins. In January,.

When, if not in summer period to introduce the child to nature, to engage in environmental education. Therefore, one of the main challenges facing.

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education is the protection and strengthening of the physical health of children. "Path of Health" is a good helper in health improvement.

The health path is very popular in the summer on the site. For the prevention and complex treatment of flat feet, the health path is suitable.

Description: We live in a very beautiful city Aprelevka. Different trees and plants grow around us. Children, as a rule, do not think about the benefits.

The priority directions in the activities of the MDOU "Center for the Development of a Child of the First Category, Kindergarten No. 85" in Chelyabinsk (hereinafter - MDOU) are the protection of life and health promotion of children with developmental disabilities, their introduction to values, correctional and developmental education and upbringing.

The necessary material and technical base has been created in MDOU to strengthen and. In the premises of the kindergarten and on its territory, in accordance with sanitary norms and rules, a gym, health corners and mini-stadiums in groups, a pool, a sauna, and a massage room are equipped.

The activities of the MDOU to create conditions for health protection are based on regulatory documents of the federal, regional, municipal levels and in accordance with local acts: the Charter, development program, annual plan, target programs and orders.

Particular attention is paid to the health preservation of pupils during the summer health campaign, in which all participants in the educational process are involved: teachers, medical personnel, parents and children themselves. The main means of healing are natural factors: sun, air, water. To strengthen the health of children in the summer using natural, natural, healing factors in 2007-2008. in MDOU was organized "Path of health". Let's talk about this in more detail.

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"Path of health" in kindergarten allows for the prevention and correction of children's health in a playful way.

The main goals of the Health Paths organization in kindergarten are:

  • prevention of flat feet;
  • improved coordination of movement;
  • improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • increased resistance infectious diseases;
  • improvement of the emotional and mental state of children;
  • introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.

The organization of the "Paths of Health" in the kindergarten was carried out in stages.

The first stage is the creation of a creative group and holding information meetings on the implementation of the Health Paths project. The group included: the head of the MDOU, educator (group leader), physical education instructor, teacher-sychologist, art teacher, music director.

The following questions were brought up for discussion:

  • methodology for improving the health of children in kindergarten using the "Health Path";
  • protection of life and health of pupils during their stay at the facility;
  • landscape design (the scheme of "Paths of health" in kindergarten is presented in Appendix 1);
  • the mode of functioning of the "Path of Health" (Appendix 2);

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The second stage is the establishment of relations with third-party organizations (the Department of Ecology and Nature Management of the Administration of Chelyabinsk, the children's ecological center, the regional museum of local lore, the zoo, the Russian public children's ecological movement "Green Planet", the regional public children's ecological organization "Planet of Children", the organization provision of landscape services, etc.). Agreements were concluded with the above organizations:

  • on certification and inventory;
  • about cooperation;
  • about non-commercial cooperation;
  • paid rendering of services;

The third stage is the coordination of financial support from the city Duma deputy. Thanks to financial support, the "Health Path" was created in the kindergarten.

The administration of the MDOU developed the following documents: an order on organizing the functioning of the "Path of Health" in the summer (Appendix 3), instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children on the "Path of Health" in kindergarten (Appendix 4), work schedule of specialists in the summer (Appendix 5), a daily plan for hardening activities (Appendix 6).

"Health path" in a kindergarten 50 m long and 1.5 to 2.5 m wide is divided into sections from 2 to 5 m, which have different coverage:

  • grass cover;
  • sandy surface;
  • pebble surface;
  • surface with butom.

Much of the surface of the Health Pathway in kindergarten is grassy spruce cones, acorns and dug wood cuts and stumps.

The Health Path is located in the southeastern part of the MDOU territory, along the perimeter of the fence. This is the most suitable route for such an object on the preschool educational institution, since it runs in a shady area and at the same time is well illuminated by the sun. In the shade of trees, children can play in some swimming trunks, receiving light-air baths, which are a soft hardening procedure. As you know, sunlight stimulates the immune system and increases defenses child's bodybut under direct sunlight babies should be supervised by medical personnel.

To maintain the hardening effect, a small-volume splashing pool with a fountain is used. Children of all age groups are allowed to splash in it. At the same time, the temperature regime of air and water is strictly observed in accordance with SanPiN "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Structure, Maintenance and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Institutions".

A drinking regimen was specially developed for the "Path of Health" in kindergarten. Children are offered: kefir, juice and fortified drink "Golden Ball" with calcium (at 10.00), rosehip drink (after classes in the pool with preschoolers), "Lux-water" (optional). Children of all groups are provided with drinks.

On the "Health Path" in kindergarten, various equipment is used: sports equipment (a log, a bench, an inclined board, a ribbed board, a bridge with a handrail, a rope ladder, a climbing tunnel) and play equipment (a mill, waterfowl, a house for a hedgehog, tourist tent). It helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back, as well as improve the posture of children. For games and exercises, non-traditional attributes made by the hands of parents and teachers are used - a track with footprints, a massage mat. In addition, characters from fairy tales are installed on the trail (brownie Kuzya, "magic oven", Kolobok).

Considering that in summer the kindergarten pupils spend most of their time outdoors, the Health Path is used as much as possible during the day. On it, children perform the following exercises:

  • exercise without objects: walking and running on grass and sand; rolls from heel to toe; walking on the inner arch of the foot; "Duck Walk" (walking in a half-squat); "Crane in the swamp" (walking with a high hip lift); "Skater" (walking with a sliding movement of the legs);
  • exercises with equipment, objects, various devices: walking on a gymnastic bench, ribbed surface, "footprints", a rope, a narrow bench, a bridge; walking with a ball on your head; walking and running on pebbles, cones, acorns; walking with obstacles (logs, hemp, mushrooms); climbing stairs; climbing under a gymnastic bench, a rope stretched between trees; gripping objects with the feet;
  • outdoor games: "Fifteen", "The cat is hiding", "We are going on a hike", "Zoo".

The "health trail" in kindergarten is also used in the evening, when parents come to pick up their children, whilethe design of the health corner in kindergarten allows classes to be held only during the day. The information stand, located in the "Recreation Zone", contains useful materials for adults: "If a child has flat feet", "What exercises do your child need", "Mom and Dad, play with me." Parents and teachers are happy to spend the evening hours on the "Health Path", following the recommendations for recuperating after a hard day at work:

  • sit on a bench for 2-3 minutes with your eyes closed;
  • stretch your legs, straighten your back, take your arms back;
  • do a few breathing exercises;
  • walk barefoot on the sand, grass;
  • roll acorns, bumps with your feet;
  • admire the beauty of flowering plants;
  • watch the work of the fountain;
  • view memos and leaflets;
  • drink a cup of herbal tea.

Daily classes of children on the "Path of Health" in kindergarten allowed to achieve the following results:

  • reduction of multiplicity colds pupils in the summer;
  • positive dynamics of weight indicators;
  • formation of correct posture, its improvement in children with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • the wishes of the children to be engaged in the open air, barefoot;
  • improving the emotional and mental state of preschoolers.

Attachment 1

Health Paths scheme


    Theatrical zone
    1a) fireplace;
    1b) small architectural forms;
    1c) flower beds;
    1d) information stand


    Artificial grass





    Stylized mountain of Ural gems



    Spherical willows



Appendix 2

The mode of functioning of the "Path of health"






All groups

Group educators

Low mobility games



Physical exercises

– " –

– " –


Morning gymnastics

– " –

Physical education instructor, head nurse, masseur

Breathing exercises

– " –


Corrective gymnastics

– " –

– " –


– " –

– " –


Physical education (physical education, games of different mobility)

– " –

Physical education instructor, head nurse, physical therapy instructor, music director, additional education teachers, educational psychologist

Hardening procedures
(walking barefoot, sunbathing)

– " –


Musical education (theatrical games, dramatization of fairy tales, musical breaks)

– " –

– " –

Psychological support (psycho-gymnastics, games and exercises, studies, psycho-trainings, game therapy)

– " –

– " –


Gymnastics after sleep

– " –

Physical Education Instructor, Head Nurse

Breathing exercises

– " –



Independent activity

– " –

Senior Educator, Music Director, Head

Individual work with kids

– " –


Entertainment, leisure

– " –

– " –

Holidays (according to plan)

– " –

– " –

Meetings with parents

– " –

– " –

Appendix 3

Municipal preschool educational institution
"Center for the development of a child of the first category - kindergarten number 85"

ORDER 15.05.2008 No. 213

On the organization of the functioning of the "Path of Health" during the summer health campaign

Pursuant to the order of the Education Department of the Traktorozavodsky District "On the organization of a summer health-improving campaign in the MDOU" Leto2008 "", in order to create the necessary conditions for the summer health-improving campaign in the MDOU CRR DS No. 85 and to ensure effective recreation and health improvement for children


1. To approve the documents regulating the activities of the teaching staff during the summer health campaign on the "Health Path":

  • mode of operation;
  • a grid of classes;
  • work schedule of specialists;
  • long-term planning of wellness and educational work;
  • drinking regime schedule;
  • schedule of hygiene procedures and classes in the pool.

2. The deputy heads for OIA and AHR ensure the timely conduct of briefings with employees on the protection of the life and health of children on the "Health Path".

3. The head nurse should ensure:

3.1. Control over the summer health campaign, physical education and hardening of children on the "Health Path".

3.2. Availability of a first aid kit.

3.3. Monitoring the organization of the drinking regime.

4. Educators of all age groups and specialists:

4.1. Strictly comply with the instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children on the Health Path.

4.2. Ensure the maximum stay of pupils in the fresh air during the day.

4.3. Observe the mode of functioning of the "Path of Health".

4.4. Organize purposeful work on the acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills by children.

4.5. Constantly keep the "Health Journal" of children.

5. Younger educators:

5.1. Carry out garbage collection on the Health Trail according to the schedule.

5.2. Assist educators in organizing hygiene procedures.

6. Designate as responsible persons:

6.1. For the sanitary condition of the "Paths of Health" - the head nurse;

6.2. For the technical condition of the territory of the "Path of Health" - Deputy Head of the AHR;

6.3. For the fulfillment of the schedule for changing the water in the splash pool - Deputy Head for AHR;

6.4. For the maintenance of flower beds - a senior educator.

7. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Appendix 4

on the organization of protection of life and health of children
on the "Path of Health"

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Educator preschool must:

1.1.1. Know that he is personally responsible for the preservation of the life and health of children.

1.1.2. Know the content of the instructions for first aid and, if necessary, be able to provide such assistance to children with bruises, bleeding, poisoning, dislocations, fractures, sunstrokes before the arrival of a medical worker.

1.1.3. Strictly observe the sanitary rules approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

1.1.4. Be with children and do not leave children unattended.

1.2. Safety requirements for equipping the territory:

1.2.1. The equipment located on the territory of the "Health Path" (small play forms, physical education aids, etc.) must be in good condition: without sharp protrusions, corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts.

1.2.2. Ladders and bridges must be stable and have strong slats and railings, meet sanitary requirements.

2. Safety requirements before entering the "Health Path"

2.1. The deputy head for AChR is obliged to:

2.1.1. Inspect the territory of the "Path of Health" on a daily basis, to prevent the presence of traumatic objects on it: broken bushes, dead trees, metal objects, broken glass, etc.

2.1.2. Daily check the serviceability and stability of the sports and play equipment located on the "Health Path", the reliability of the fastening of stairs, slides, bridges.

2.1.3. Change the water in the splash pool daily during the operation of the pool in the preschool educational institution.

2.1.4. Check the medicine cabinet daily for availability.

3. Safety requirements while on the "Health Path"

3.1. The preschool teacher is obliged to:

3.1.1. Provide comfortable conditions for the stay of pupils on the "Path of Health", excluding psycho-emotional stress, using entertaining play and correctional-developing equipment and materials.

3.1.2. Provide, in order to prevent injuries, control and direct insurance of the child during climbing, jumping off a hill, sports equipment, throwing objects, splashing in the pool.

3.1.3. Do not allow pupils to climb on fences, bridge rails and trees.

3.2. Pupils walking barefoot on grass, sand, gravel is allowed only after inspection and confirmation of the safe state of the territory.

3.3. Games with sand are allowed only on condition of daily digging and scalding of the sand with boiling water.

3.4. Splashing in the pool is allowed only if the water in it is changed daily.

3.5. Children should wear lightweight hats to avoid overheating during hot seasons.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The preschool teacher is obliged to:

4.1.1. In the event of an emergency, organize the evacuation of pupils from the territory of the Health Path to a safe place. Report the incident to the head of the institution.

4.1.2. If an inmate receives an injury, provide him with first aid before the arrival of a medical worker.

5. Safety requirements for leaving the territory of the "Health Path"

5.1. The preschool teacher is obliged to:

5.1.1. Organize hygiene procedures for pupils.

5.1.2. If necessary, organize the cleaning of clothes from dirt and sand.

Head __________________ L.S. Chevtaeva

Appendix 5

specialists in summer


Days of the week

Opening hours

Musical director

Monday Friday



Tuesday Friday


Instructor for physical culture (pool)

Tuesday Thursday

9.00-13.00 (classes)

Physical education instructor

Monday Friday


Speech therapist

Monday Tuesday



9.00–13.0016.30 – 17.30

Thursday Friday


Speech therapist

Monday Tuesday




Thursday Friday


Appendix 6

Daily plan
tempering activities during the summer health campaign


Group number

Hygienic and hardening morning treatments

Open air morning reception

Morning exercises in the air


Walking barefoot

Hygiene and hardening procedures after a day's walk

Extensive washing with cool water

Washing feet

Splash pool games

Swimming in the pool

Sleep without t-shirts

Breathing exercises


Dry rubbing

Wet rubbing

Rinsing the mouth and throat


  • Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (as amended and supplemented)
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 26.03.2003 No. 24 "On the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN" (together with "Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations" work of preschool educational institutions. SanPiN ")
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715/227/166/19 "On improving the process of physical education in educational institutions RF "
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated 04.08.1982 No. 29 "Organization and management of summer recreational work with children"
  • "Guidelines on the organization of summer recreational work with children in preschool institutions "dated 06/20/1986 No. 11-22 / 6-20
  • "Methodical recommendations" Conducting physical education in the open air with children 5-7 years old in preschool institutions "" dated October 29, 1984 No. 11-14 / 26-6
  • "Methodological recommendations for hardening children in preschool institutions" dated 06.16.1980 No. 11-49 / 6-29
  • "Methodological recommendations for hardening children" dated 06/07/1979 No. 290-m

Download the book "Medical care in a preschool educational institution"
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L.S. Chevtaeva,
head MDOU "Center for the Development of a Child of the First Category - Kindergarten No. 85", Chelyabinsk, head of the highest category, laureate of the Chelyabinsk Region Governor's Prize.

PRIVATE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Kindergarten No. 205 of the Open Joint Stock Company" Russian Railways "

At the present stage of the development of society, a tendency has been revealed towards a deterioration in the state of health of children in different regions of the Russian Federation, therefore there is no need to convince anyone of the urgency of the problem of children's health. Analysis of numerous literary sources testifies to the insufficient effectiveness of the process of physical education in preschool institutions, which is confirmed by a number of facts.

According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Diseases of Children and Adolescents, over the past decades, the health of preschoolers has worsened: the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased. (from 23.2 to 15.1%) and the number of children with various health problems has increased (from 60.9 to 67.6%) and chronic diseases (from 15.9 to 17.3%).

Against the background of environmental and social tension in the country, against the background of an unprecedented increase in civilization diseases, in order to be healthy, you need to master the art of preserving and strengthening it. This art should be given as much attention as possible in preschool age. During this period, the child develops the basic skills for the formation of health, this is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, combined with teaching preschoolers to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results... In addition, it is at this age that a closer connection of the child with the family and the teacher is noted than during the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members.

Among the many factors affecting the growth, development and health of a child, physical activity plays an almost major role. The development of motor skills, memory, perception, emotion, thinking largely depends on the degree of development of the child's natural need for movement. Therefore, it is very important to enrich the child's motor experience, which constitutes his motor status.

In the last 10-15 years, there has been a sharp deterioration in the health of preschoolers. Decreased physical activity, increased mental stress in preschool institutions also negatively affect physical development.

One of the priority directions in our activity is health improvement work: prevention of morbidity, strengthening of children's health and ensuring their physical development traditional and non-traditional methods, introducing them to the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle.

Particular attention is paid to the health-saving of pupils during the summer health campaign, in which all participants in the educational process are involved: teachers, medical personnel, parents and children themselves. The main means of healing are natural factors: sun, air, water. In order to strengthen the health of children in the summer, using natural, natural, healing factors, a "Health Path" was organized.

"Path of health" allows you to carry out the prevention of children's health in a playful way.

Characteristics of the project

Project theme: "Path of health" .

Terms of implementation: May-September.

Project implementation manager: physical culture instructor N.V. Tolstykh

Project participants: physical education instructor, teachers, pupils, parents.

Project type: practice-oriented, collective.

The purpose of the project: Formation of interest and habits in children for a healthy lifestyle through natural factors: sun, air, water.


  1. Create conditions for strengthening children's health.
  2. Create conditions for the implementation of physical activity in everyday life.
  3. Develop vital motor skills in accordance with individual abilities.
  4. Raise the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  5. To develop the cognitive interest, inclinations and abilities of children in motor activity and realize them through the system of health related work.

The purpose of the organization "Paths of health" is: organization of health and fitness

work in the summer.

The main tasks of the "Paths of Health" organization are:

  • to carry out the prevention of flat feet;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • improve the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • increase resistance to infectious diseases;
  • improve the emotional and mental state of children;
  • to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

The concept of building the "Path of Health"

Provides for play activities cognitive and motor character, physical culture and health-improving work, the organization of active recreation for children and their independent motor activity... This activity has a complex focus, since in addition to the tasks of physical education, she solves the problems of expanding the horizons of children, fostering personal qualities: a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, devotion, dedication, determination and other significant personal qualities. Also, the tasks of health-improving, ecological and valeological education are being implemented, the formation of skills of competent behavior in nature in children, the consolidation of the names of plants and animals, the upbringing of love for native land, pride in their small homeland.

The health trail is intended for:

  • to improve the basic human movements: walking and running, jumping, climbing, throwing and catching, the ability to maintain balance;
  • for the development of motor abilities of preschoolers: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility;
  • to solve the problem of hardening preschoolers;
  • to develop their sensory abilities.

Wellness routes for project implementation "Path of health" - these are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with visits to stations (centers of motor, health-improving, cognitive-research, ecological activity)... Recreational and educational activities carried out within the framework of the project "Path of health" , represents the integration of educational areas: "Physical development" , "Social and communicative development" , "Cognitive development" .

Educational situations are developed on the basis of a system-activity approach. This is a kind of travel with a storyline that combines motor and cognitive-research activities, during which the pupils develop such qualities as:

  • aware of the concept of healthy lifestyle and its impact on health,
  • inquisitive, active; emotionally responsive;
  • mastered the means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers;
  • able to manage their behavior and plan their actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior;
  • able to solve intellectual and personal problems (Problems).

Wellness station travel games "Paths of Health" consist of three stages, each of which is subordinated to a specific goal:

Introduction to the motor educational situation - to involve children in play activities, to interest them, problem statement. Introduction to the motor educational situation can be very different. The initiative can come from both the teacher and the children. Thinking over motivation, orientation should take into account the following aspects: seasonality, cognitive interests of children, motor experience of children.

Updating knowledge, discovering new knowledge using different methods and techniques, independent search for children (repetition of rules of conduct, simulation of situations, etc.).

Trial actions of children - summing up (identifying the difficulties and achievements of children).

The use of developmental technologies by the teacher allows the active use of the activity, the way of teaching, in which the child takes an active part in this activity.

Project "Path of health" allows all participants in the health-preserving process: both children and adults to perceive in a new way and effectively use the existing territory of the preschool institution, sports and play equipment. When conducting educational terrainks with children, teachers must comply with certain requirements for their organization and safety rules:

  1. Approximate route options are developed taking into account physical activity, cognitive content, interests of children, are discussed in the process of interaction between educators and a physical education instructor.
  2. Equipment and attributes for organizing sports games, independent activities are selected in accordance with the developed routes, taking into account the interests of children, the season and weather conditions.
  3. Walks along the Health Trail provide for monitoring the observance of correct breathing, maintaining an optimal load, which results in pleasant fatigue among the participants of the route at the end of the path.
  4. Clothing and footwear of pupils for the route must correspond to the season of the year and weather conditions. The developing subject-spatial environment should ensure the maximum realization of the educational potential of the project "Path of health" .

Organization of interaction with children takes into account the following principles:

The principle of a wellness orientation

  • The educator is responsible for the life and health of every child. Therefore, the expediency of carrying out any pedagogical event must be considered from the standpoint of the health of each child.

The principle of versatile personality development. At any physical education event, you must:

  • strive to activate the child's mental activity, create conditions in which the child independently searches for the most rational way of behavior;
  • exercise in labor actions;
  • to fix attention on the beauty of movements, to emotionally perceive the rhythm, music;
  • develop the moral qualities of children, the ability to empathize with the joy of victory and the sorrow of defeat of comrades.

The principle of humanization and democratization of the pedagogical process. The basis of any pedagogical process is the mental, physical, social well-being of children. An authoritarian style of relationship with children is not acceptable. In addition, in physical culture lessons, it is necessary to allocate time for independent motor activity of children.

The principle of comfort. At physical culture events, the child should receive pleasant emotions from communicating with peers, from understanding that he is doing something very important for his health, from the pleasure of victory over his inability, from feeling "Muscle joy" when doing physical exercise.

The principle of individualization. All physical activity is built taking into account the preservation of health, the development of motor needs, abilities, motor preferences, motor readiness, sex differences in children.

The principle of unity with the family

The principle of fascination (charm)... At physical education events, the child should be fascinated the environment, the personality of the teacher, the achievements of their comrades, the beauty and grace of the exercises performed and, of course, their own achievements.

The syncretic principle (Union)... Union different ways children's activities, allowing the child to express himself most fully and independently, receiving satisfaction from the knowledge and realization of his capabilities, experiencing emotional comfort.

The principle of creative focus. At physical education events, develop creative

children's imagination.

Primary requirements

to the organization of health improvement and physical development

  • Daily routine taking into account hygiene requirements (rationing of regime moments in accordance with the age of children);
  • Correct ratio of dynamic and static components (3.5 - 4 hours are allocated for active physical activity of children);
  • Implementation of various forms of motor load into the educational process;
  • Use of maximum areas for movement, variety of the subject environment of stations "Paths of Health" , sufficient provision of appropriate gymnastic simulators of the simplest type and complex device, equipment and aids;
  • Compliance with the air-thermal regime;
  • Physical activity is adequate for the age, sex of the child, the level of his physical development, biological maturity and health;
  • Combination of physical activity with generally available hardening procedures;
  • Mandatory inclusion in the complex of walks along "Path of Health" elements of respiratory gymnastics, exercises to increase endurance;
  • To build classes taking into account the group of children's health (subgroup);
  • Medical control over physical education and prompt medical correction of identified health disorders;
  • The inclusion of elements of corrective gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet and posture disorders.

Requirements for projectiles for the "Path of Health":

  • strength;
  • resistance to weather changes;
  • large bandwidth.

Sports equipment is made of planed logs and metal pipespainted with corrosion-resistant paint. To avoid swaying, the foundations of the bars of the bars, handrails, arched metal bridges, modules for crawling and overcoming obstacles are deepened by 0.70 m and filled with crushed stone-cement mortar. Metal structures are connected by welding.

There are pits filled with sifted sand mixed with sawdust near the wall bars, bracing rods and shells on which jumping exercises are performed. This will protect children from injury in the event of a fall from the projectile.

All the shells installed on the "Path of Health" are as safe to use as possible. The surface of wooden shells is sanded and painted, metal constructions do not have sharp corners, protruding bolts, pipe ends, etc.

Organization "Paths of Health"

The warm season is a great time to improve health and develop movement. A preschooler should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. In order to spend this time with health benefits, it was created on the site of the kindergarten "Path of health" ... The creation of the "Path of Health" made it possible to carry out health-improving work with children, as well as to give children an opportunity to improve their health through play.

"Path of health" begins to operate in the second half of June, when the daytime air temperature is set from + 18 ° C and there is no wind, the ground temperature is not lower than 20 ° C-22 ° C, and ends its work in the second half of August. Throughout the summer period, the children perform walks of various lengths on the trail.

Within the territory of "Paths of health" children can play, receive light-air baths, which are a gentle hardening procedure. As you know, sunlight stimulates the activity of the immune system and increases the defenses of the child's body, health, sleep becomes better, the skin better regulates heat exchange. But in direct sunlight, babies should be monitored by medical personnel.

The route "Health Trail" is located along the perimeter of the territory of a preschool institution and includes 6 stations:

  • Station "Playground" includes: a football field, a volleyball field, a basketball field, a running track, a sand pit for jumping, jumping racks, outdoor sports equipment is designed for the general physical development of pupils, the development of basic types of movement, the organization of sports and outdoor games.

For the development of coordination skills, there is a log, boom, hemp, dug tires, a labyrinth. For the development of strength and endurance - a handle, a horizontal bar, a wall bars, a step-ladder, a rope crossing. For practicing jumps - jumping pit, marking, shallow ditch, dry stream. To learn how to overcome the slope, an embankment, a walking path with different types of soil is prepared. For throwing on the territory of the kindergarten, both stationary and removable equipment are provided. To diversify the route, you can also use portable equipment: a tent, tripod, stands, tunnels.

Scooters and bicycles are provided at the disposal of children, therefore, not only hiking, but also cycling routes have been developed. Routes run through the site according to the rules road trafficwhere children learn practical skills of safe behavior on the city streets. Along the perimeter, around the kindergarten, there are markings for playing "Classics" , for playing with a ball, for exercising in a playful form of running, jumping, walking for long distances.

  • Station "Fitopoliana" -Exercises with the use of aromatherapy contribute to the formation of a conscious idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to take care of your health through the mechanism of the healing effect of pleasant smells that bring calmness, health and inner harmony. The influence of aromas is not limited to a purely chemical effect on the human body, they have a powerful emotional impact, change the energy and biorhythms of a person. The main goal of the work is to form ecological culture, which is understood as the totality of environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.

Station "A corner of untouched nature" helps to develop a sense of environmental empathy. Children observe and listen to everything that happens in nature in order to talk about their impressions of meeting trees, birds, insects. Particular attention is paid to those signs on the basis of which the child builds his story about the well-being of living objects of nature.

In accordance with this, the main tasks of environmental education can be distinguished:

  • fostering love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity;
  • formation of knowledge about nature;
  • the formation of the principles of ecological culture;
  • promotion of environmental education among parents.

It is very important to form the rules of behavior in nature in children. Rules should not be prohibitive, but permissive.

For instance:

  • Behave in nature as if you were a guest, with respect for its inhabitants.
  • Nature is our home, is it nice if there is paper, garbage, waste in the house? We do not throw paper, cans, etc. at home.
  • Masters of nature (in the forest, in the field ...) - birds, animals, plants. Don't destroy nests, minks. These are their little houses.
  • Loud conversation, screaming scares the inhabitants of the forest, meadows ... Try to speak so as not to frighten animals, birds, insects.
  • Trees grow slowly. Don't break them.
  • Plucked flowers in bouquets wither quickly, and remain beautiful for a long time in the meadow.

The ecological trail is marked with ecological stops.

"Trees" (shrubs).

Purpose: to show that in nature everything is interconnected: plants are food for animals, birds, insects. Insects collect pollen, promote plant reproduction. Birds, animals feed on insects, etc. Animals find refuge among bushes. Man uses plants, animals, birds, influences nature. Traces of his influence are visible everywhere. However, if this influence is great, then nature reacts to it: insects, plants, birds disappear. They perish, being left without a habitat, food. Such plants are listed in the Red Book. To acquaint children with some species of animals, birds, plants listed in the Red Book. To foster ecological awareness, understanding of the role of man in nature.

  • Station "Musical meadow" ... Music for a child is a world of joyful experiences. To open the door to this world for him, it is necessary to develop the ability of bliss, and above all, ear for music and emotional responsiveness. Otherwise, music will not fulfill its educational functions. Using the program ML Lazarev "Hello" (section “Healing sounds”: a series of sounds “Tissue vibration” and “diaphragmatic tremors”), teachers teach children to listen to their body and help it, to use breathing correctly during physical activity, engage in relaxation, teach the ability to spare your body.

This is the most suitable route for such an object on the kindergarten site, since it runs in a shady area and at the same time is well illuminated by the sun. Each station, in turn, includes several objects or modules.

  • Station "Path of health. This path, as the name suggests, is for the health of children. Children walk along it barefoot, with pleasure irritating their feet. It was built of small pebbles, expanded clay, wooden sticks 5 cm in diameter, river sand and soft lawn grass. The total length of the walkway is 4 meters, the width is 60 cm. Walking barefoot is one of the traditional methods of hardening a person to prepare the child's body for walking on different types soil, hardening work begins in early spring:
  • april: walking around the room in socks (30-60 s)walking barefoot on the carpet after two weeks (5-30s)
  • may: walking barefoot on the floor (younger age from 5-60 minutes, older age from 1.5-2 hours), short-term running barefoot on hot asphalt, grass (from 1 to 4-5 minutes)
  • june-July-August: constantly walking barefoot at home, walking barefoot on grass, sand, uneven ground, pebbles (younger age from 5-30 minutes, older age from 5-90 minutes)

September-March: constant walking at home barefoot, tempering procedures in the group.

In this case, there is a combined effect on the thermoreceptors and mechanoreceptors of the most active reflexogenic zone - the plantar surface of the feet. Hardening the feet allows not only to improve regional blood supply, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole.

"Barefoot" is an excellent hardening agent for children with poor health. Increases the resistance of the child's body to sudden temperature fluctuations and hypothermia. It is carried out at any time of the day, the dosage is determined by age.

In this article we will tell you how a path in your garden can turn into a "health path".

Path in the garden - a very important element of the landscape surrounding your home. And even in very small areas, this element must be thought out. Well, what, it would seem, can be invented?

The task of the path in the garden is very simple - to link objects in the garden so that it is convenient. But it is important that it becomes a real decoration of your garden.

In order for the path to decorate your garden and lead to where you want it is necessary to take into account:

  • In what directions will you walk in the garden (it is better to do this on paper);
  • what is the purpose of the paths, the width of the path and its configuration will depend on this (for example, to the pool, to the children's or sports ground, to the barbecue or to the utility area, a width of 1 m to 1.3 m should be provided, while, paths to secluded areas of the garden can be 50 cm-70 cm);
  • depending on the function, the paving material is also chosen: stone, gravel, pebbles, wooden flooring, crushed bark, brick, paving stones, even mosaic.

A few more tips: if you design paths with bends, alternating open and closed spaces, then you can visually increase the size of the garden. But the main thing here is not to go too far: too winding paths can "tempt" a walker to shorten the path along the lawn)))

It should be borne in mind that multiple bends of the tracks will make a small section even smaller.

Now about ...

How to turn a garden path into a "health path"?

Every year landscape designers more and more pay attention to the ecological component of their creativity, today the landscape is not only the decoration of the city, but also its salvation. The pacifying, relaxing effect of landscape parks was felt by everyone who walked through them, for example in the Crimea, or in Sofiyivka, or in the Krasnokutsk Botanical Garden, etc.

Landscape therapy (treatment with landscapes), marine therapy (healing by "contemplation" of the sea), special therapy (treatment with space), herbal medicine, etc. - the therapeutic effect of these areas does not need proof and is used everywhere in medical resorts.

Now let's try to create a “small resort” in our own garden with the help of another element of landscape therapy - the “health path”. This method of therapy is based on the ancient science of reflexology, which uses the most active zones of the human body for treatment - the hands, ears and feet. It is not hard to guess what is using the reflex ability of the foot.

Ancient medicine used to massage certain points on the soles of the feet, which was a serious treatment. Indeed, on the skin of the legs there are projections of all internal organs. By acting on the feet, you can regulate the work of internal organs, relieve pain, and restore blood circulation. Therefore, walking barefoot is very beneficial.

FROM edit: the mechanism of action of the healing system through the feet is that when the projection of the diseased organ is applied to the zone, an electromagnetic wave is generated in it, which carries a healing effect to the diseased organ. The human foot is in second place after the hand in terms of similarity to the structure of the human body. The thumb corresponds to the head, and the continuation below the foot corresponds to the body, the 2nd and 5th fingers are the hands, the 3rd and 4th are the legs, and the continuation between them is the pelvic organs. The left foot is the left side of the body, and the right foot, respectively, is the right side of the body.

A list of reflexogenic zones can be seen in the figure.

The design of a health trail comes down to the fact that on the site where the tracks are provided, you need alternate between different types of coverage of a certain length.It is better to design the track as a ring shape or in the form of a figure eight. Each type of paving produces a selective reflex effect:

  • sand, small pebbles, paving from boards of different types of wood - have a calming effect on the body
  • large pebbles, wooden cuts - have a tonic effect
  • crushed stone, marble chips - have a stimulating effect.

The task is to walk barefoot along the trail for a certain time. For healing, the exposure time is as follows: first on large paving, then on fine gravel, followed by a board and along the sand:

  • 1-2 minutes with the whole foot
  • 1-2 min on heels
  • 1-2 min on fingers
  • 1-2 min on the outer lateral surface of the foot
  • 1-2 min on the inner surface of the foot

If you want to act purposefully on some organ, then a health-improving walk should be carried out in accordance with the human biorhythms, taking into account maximum rhythms of work of a particular organ.

  • from 3 to 5 am - lungs
  • from 5 to 7 am - large intestine
  • from 7 to 9 o'clock - stomach
  • from 9 am to 11 am and from 3 pm to 5 pm - bladder
  • from 17 to 19 hours - kidneys
  • from 19 to 21 hours - pericardium (pericardial sac)
  • from 21:00 to 23:00 - a system of three heaters
  • from 23 to 1 o'clock - gallbladder
  • from 1 to 3 o'clock - liver

So let's summarize. The path in the garden, in addition to its usual utilitarian functions - the connection between objects on the site, and aesthetic - to give pleasure when contemplating the garden, can also have a healing effect. Based on the research of scientists, on your creativity and on the above tips, you can safely turn your path in the garden to the "health path".

"Path of health"

at the kindergarten site

The priority directions in the activities of the MBDOU CRR-Vyazma-Bryansk kindergarten "Solnyshko" of the Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk region are the protection of life and health promotion of children, their introduction to the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle, developing education and upbringing.

The preschool educational institution has created the necessary material and technical base to strengthen and preserve the health of children. The premises and on its territory in accordance with sanitary standards and rules are equipped with a gym, sports corners in groups, a swimming pool, and a sports ground.

The activities of preschool educational institutions to create conditions for health protection are based on regulatory and legal documents of the federal, regional, municipal levels and in accordance with local acts: the Charter, development program, annual plan, targeted programs and orders.

Particular attention is paid to the health preservation of pupils during the summer health campaign, in which all participants in the educational process are involved: teachers, medical personnel, parents and children themselves. The main means of healing are natural factors: sun, air, water. To strengthen the health of children in the summer using natural, natural, healing factors in 2010–2011, a "Health Path" was organized in the preschool educational institution, in 2011-2012 it was improved and modernized.

"Path of health" will allow for preventionto improve the health of children in a playful way.

The main goals of the "Paths of Health" organization are:

prevention of flat feet;

improved coordination of movement;

improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

increasing resistance to infectious diseases;

improving the emotional state of children;

introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.

Organization "Paths of Health"

was carried out in stages

First step

creation of a creative group and holding information meetings on the implementation of the Health Paths project. The group included: head, deputy. head in VMR, educator (group leader), physical education instructor, senior nurse, speech therapist teacher.

The following questions were brought up for discussion:

-the method of improving the health of children using the "Path of Health";

- protection of life and health of pupils during their stay at the facility;

-landscape design (the scheme of the "Paths of Health" is presented in Appendix 1);

-mode of functioning of the "Path of health"

(Appendix 2);

Second phase

C agree on providing support from staff and parents.

With the help and support of staff and parents, the Health Path was created.

The administration of the preschool educational institution has developed the following documents:

· scheme "Paths of health" (Appendix 1),

· the mode of functioning of the "Path of Health" (Appendix 2),

· an order on the organization of the functioning of the "Path of Health" in the summer (Appendix 3),

· instructions for organizing the protection of life and health of children on the "Health Path" (Appendix 4),

· the work schedule of specialists in the summer (Appendix 5),

· daily plan of hardening activities (Appendix 6).

The health trail, 32 m long and 1.2 to 2 m wide, is divided into sections from 1 to 3 m, which have different coverage:


- surface with expanded clay;

-wooden bridge;

-trees saws;

-silicone pool;



-splash pool;

-grass cover;

-sand surface;

-surface with pebbles;

- artificial grass;


- massage mats;


- slices plastic bottles;


Most of the Health Path surface is a sandy surface filled with various materialslisted above.

The Health Trail is located in the southeastern part of the preschool educational institution. This is the most suitable route for such an object on the section of the preschool educational institution, since it runs in a shady area and at the same time is well illuminated by the sun.

In the shade of trees, children can play in some swimming trunks, receiving light-air baths, which are a soft hardening procedure. As you know, sunlight stimulates the immune system and increases the defenses of the child's body, but in direct sunlight, babies should be monitored by medical personnel.

To maintain the hardening effect, a small splash pool is used. Children of all age groups are allowed to splash in it. At the same time, the temperature regime of air and water is strictly observed in accordance with SanPiN "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Structure, Maintenance and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Institutions".

A drinking regimen has been specially developed for the Health Path. Children are offered: juice and fortified drink (at 10.30), rosehip drink (after classes in the splash pool), "Water" (optional). Children of all groups are provided with drinks.

Various equipment is used on the "Path of Health":


- a log, a bench, a ribbed board, a bridge with a railing, a lattice, a climbing tunnel, massage mats, sports equipment.


-game inventory, water birds, a table with an awning.

It helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back, as well as improve the posture of children. For games and exercises, non-traditional attributes made by the hands of parents and teachers are used - a track with footprints, a massage mat. In addition, characters from fairy tales and cartoons are installed on the trail (Cat Scientist, "Magic Well", Kolobok, Locomotive from "Romashkovo").

Considering that in the summer, the pupils of the DOU spend most of their time outdoors, the "Health Path" is used as much as possible during the day.

On it, children perform the following exercises:

1.without items: walking and running on grass, sand, expanded clay; rolls from heel to toe; walking on the inner arch of the foot; "Duck Walking" (walking in a half-crouch); "Crane in the swamp" (walking with a high hip lift); "Skater" (walking with a sliding movement of the legs);

2.with equipment, items, variousdevices: walking on a gymnastic bench, ribbed surface, cuts, cuts of plastic bottles, massage rugs, logs, "footprints", rope, bridge; walking with a ball on your head; walking and running on pebbles, cones, expanded clay, artificial grass, tiles;

3.walking(logs, hemp, mushrooms); climbing stairs; climbing under arcs, a rope stretched between trees; gripping objects with the feet;

4. outdoor games:"Fifteen", "The cat is hiding", "On the hike along the ecological path", "Zoo".

The Health Trail is also used in the evenings when parents come to fetch their children. The information stand, located in the "Recreation Area", contains useful materials for adults: "If a child has flat feet", "What exercises do your child need", "Play with children", "Dexterous child", "Fostering friendly relations in play ". Parents and teachers are happy to spend the evening hours on the "Health Path", following the recommendations for recuperating after a hard day at work:

- sit on a bench for 2-3 minutes with your eyes closed;

-to stretch your legs, straighten your back, take your arms back;

-do some breathing exercises;

-walk barefoot on the sand, grass;

- roll the bumps with your feet;

- admire the beauty of flowering plants;

-View memos and leaflets;

- drink a cup of herbal tea.

Daily classes of children on the "Path of Health" allowed to achieve the following results:

-reduction of the frequency of colds in pupils in the summer;

- positive dynamics of weight-weight indicators;

-forming the correct posture, improving it in children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

- desires of children to be engaged in the open air, barefoot;

- improvement of the emotional and mental state of preschoolers.

In the evening, when the cheerful hubbub of children dies down, parents, grandparents and children can go to the sports ground and walk barefoot along the "health path"!

To your health !!!

Attachment 1

Health Paths scheme



Gravel, crushed stone


Log bridge


Expanded clay


Arc (gate)


Log walkway


Expanded clay



Theatrical area - recreation area

1а) halt;

1b) small architectural forms;

1c) flower beds;

1d) information stand


Expanded clay

Massage mats

Silicone pool

Artificial grass



Slices of plastic bottles

Felt rugs


Appendix 2

The mode of functioning of the "Path of health"






Low mobility games

Physical exercises

All groups

Group educators


Morning gymnastics

Breathing exercises

Corrective gymnastics


All groups

Physical education instructor,




Physical education(classes on the "Path of Health", physical education, games of different mobility,

walking barefoot, sunbathing, entertainment, leisure)

Musical education(theatrical games, dramatization of fairy tales, musical breaks,

game therapy)

All groups

Physical Education Instructor, Head Nurse, Music Director,


Gymnastics after sleep

Breathing exercises

All groups

Group educators


Independent activity

Individual work with children

Entertainment, leisure

Holidays (according to plan)

Meetings with parents

All groups


Musical director

Appendix 3

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center - Vyazma - Bryansk kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk region


from 21.05.2012 No. 85-o

About the organization


"Paths of health" during

summer wellness campaign

In order to create the necessary conditions for the summer health campaign in MBDOU CRR - Vyazma-Bryansk kindergarten "Solnyshko"Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk region and ensuring effective recreation and health improvement of children


1. To approve the documents regulating the activities of the teaching staff during the summer health campaign on the "Health Path":

· mode of operation;

· a grid of classes;

· work schedule of specialists;

· long-term planning of health-improving and educational work;

· drinking regime schedule;

· schedule of hygiene procedures and classes in the pool.

2. Deputy Head of VMR Guseva E.A. to ensure the timely conduct of briefings with employees on the protection of the life and health of children on the "Health Path".

3. Provide a nurse:

3.1. Control over the summer health campaign, physical education and hardening of children on the "Health Path".

3.2. Availability of a first aid kit.

3.3. Monitoring the organization of the drinking regime.

4. Educators of all age groups and specialists:

4.1. Strictly comply with the instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children on the Health Path.

4.2. Ensure the maximum stay of pupils in the fresh air during the day.

4.3. Observe the mode of functioning of the "Path of Health".

4.4. Organize purposeful work on the acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills by children.

5. Younger educators:

5.1. Carry out garbage collection on the Health Trail according to the schedule.

5.2. Assist educators in organizing hygiene procedures.

6. Designate as responsible persons:

6.1. For the sanitary condition of the "Paths of Health" - senior nurse Kuzmina IA;

6.2. For the technical condition of the territory of the "Path of Health" - the head of the farm Sorokin A.N.

6.3. For the fulfillment of the schedule for changing the water in the splash pool - the pool nurse Shpunova OG;

6.4. For the maintenance of flower beds - the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution;

7. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Head __________________ Timofeeva L.I.

Appendix 4


on the organization of protection of life and health of children

on the "Path of Health"

1. General safety requirements

1.1. The preschool teacher is obliged:

1.1.1. Know that he is personally responsible for the preservation of the life and health of children.

1.1.2. Know the content of the instructions for first aid and, if necessary, be able to provide such assistance to children with bruises, bleeding, poisoning, dislocations, fractures, sunstrokes before the arrival of a medical worker.

1.1.3. Strictly observe the sanitary rules approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

1.1.4. Be with children and do not leave children unattended.

1.2. Safety requirements for equipping the territory:

1.2.1. The equipment located on the territory of the "Health Path" (small play forms, physical education aids, etc.) must be in good condition: without sharp protrusions, corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts.

1.2.2. Ladders and bridges must be stable and have strong slats and railings, meet sanitary requirements.

2. Safety requirements before entering the "Health Path"

2.1. The head of the household and the head nurse must:

2.1.1. Inspect the territory of the "Path of Health" on a daily basis, to prevent the presence of traumatic objects on it: broken bushes, dead trees, metal objects, broken glass, etc.

2.1.2. Daily check the serviceability and stability of the sports and play equipment located on the "Health Path", the reliability of the fastening of stairs, slides, bridges.

2.1.3. Change the water in the splash pool daily.

2.1.4. Check the medicine cabinet daily for availability.

3. Safety requirements while on the "Health Path"

3.1. The teacher of an educational institution is obliged:

3.1.1. Provide comfortable conditions for the stay of pupils on the "Path of Health", excluding psycho-emotional stress, using entertaining play and developmental equipment and materials.

3.1.2. Provide, in order to prevent injuries, control and direct insurance of the child during climbing, jumping off a hill, sports equipment, throwing objects, splashing in the pool.

3.1.3. Do not allow pupils to climb on fences, bridge rails and trees.

3.2. Pupils walking barefoot on grass, sand, gravel is allowed only after inspection and confirmation of the safe state of the territory.

3.3. Games with sand are allowed only on condition of daily digging and scalding of the sand with boiling water.

3.4. Splashing in the pool is allowed only if the water in it is changed daily.

3.5. Children should wear lightweight hats to avoid overheating during hot seasons.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The preschool teacher is obliged to:

4.1.1. In the event of an emergency, organize the evacuation of pupils from the territory of the Health Path to a safe place. Report the incident to the head of the institution.

4.1.2. If an inmate receives an injury, provide him with first aid before the arrival of a medical worker.

5. Safety requirements for leaving the territory of the "Health Path"

5.1. The preschool teacher is obliged to:

5.1.1. Organize hygiene procedures for pupils.

5.1.2. If necessary, organize the cleaning of clothes from dirt and sand.

Head: __________________ Timofeeva L.I.

Appendix 5


specialists in summer


Days of the week

Opening hours

Musical director

Monday Friday


Physical education instructor

Monday Friday


Appendix 6

Daily plan

tempering activities during the summer health campaign



Open air morning reception

Morning exercises in the air


Walking barefoot

Hygiene and hardening procedures after a day's walk

Extensive washing with cool water

Washing feet

Splash pool games

Sleep without t-shirts

Breathing exercises


Dry rubbing

Rinsing the mouth and throat


Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (as amended and supplemented)

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2003 No. 24 "On the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN" (together with "Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations" Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Device, Content and organization of the working hours of preschool educationalinstitutions. SanPiN ")

Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715/227/166/19 "On improving the process of physical education in educational institutions of the Russian Federation"

Order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated 04.08.1982 No. 29 "Organization and management of summer recreational work with children"