Lesson NOD for literacy in the preparatory group. Node abstract in the preparatory group

Abstract Node for literacy training in a group preparatory for school

Abstract Node for literacy training in the preparatory to school group on the topic: "The consonant sound of p, letter R"

Timofeyev Olga Vasilyevna, Educator MKDOU Anninsky kindergarten №7 ODS
Description of the material: this material Will be useful to educators of preschool education.
Purpose:Introduce the letter R, Sound R.
Tasks: To acquaint the letter R, the sound of a consonant sound and its conditional designation is a blue square. Learn to intonationally allocate the sound of P in words, determine the sound of sound in words and denote it in the diagram using the conditional designation - the blue square.
Exercise in dividing to syllables, reading syllables and words in the syllable table.
Develop a phonmematic hearing.
Teach children to create a collective composition.
Develop a fine motor skill; figurative perception, imagination; Artistic and aesthetic taste.
Rise love for nature, careful to it.
Equipment: letters of a small format for each child, the letters of large format, strip cards, blue squares, subject pictures, syllable table; Watman with drawn river, scissors, colored paper, glue, tassels, paints.
Preliminary work: reading poems and stories about nature, conversations about beauty native region, On the rules of behavior in nature.
Travel course.
1. Quality Sound R.
I offer children to guess the riddles:

These strong guys
In the leaves are hiding in the garden.
Legebell twins
Green ... (cucumbers).

In the summer, not afraid of heat,
Missed red balls.
Reliced \u200b\u200bas a selection.
What kind of vegetable? (A tomato).

Grow on the church bed
Do not knock their needles.
In the ground is subject to deft
Their root ... (carrot).

Farms live under the ground,
Pour them from the watering can.
And Polina and Antoshka
Cook to dig ... (potatoes).

After guessing the mysteries, the children of vegetables are laid out on the table. The educator repeats the names of vegetables, intonationally highlighting the sound of R.
- Name the sound that hears in each word. (R)
- What is the sound? (I consonted, because when the sound is pronouncing the air, the emerging from the mouth, meets the barrier in the form of teeth.)
- The language is behind the upper teeth. He is wide. Having held the tongue wide behind the upper teeth, you need to look at its tip.
I offer children to guess the riddle:
Lives in the yard,
In a personal house-cone,
And at all who do not know
It grows it, then barks. (Dog)
- Let's drink like a dog: R-R-R- ...
Show letters. Letter P consists of a stick to which the semicircle joins.
Children "draw the letter in the air.
2. There is a sound in three positions.
On the board - 3 rows of pictures:
Rabbit, Baran, Cow, Pig;
Lynx, Tiger, Fox;
Rooster, chicken, goose.
Children call pictures of each row, intonationally highlighting the sound of P, determine the sound of the sound of the R in the title of each subject, shows the sound of the sound P on the strip.
- Let's look at the pictures of the first row. What are these animals? (Home)
- And what animals do we see in the second row? (Wild)
- Who do we see in the third row? (Domestic birds)
3. Certain the children remember the poem A. Barto "Bear":
Dropped a bear on the floor,
Sloped upside down the paw.
All the same, it will not bother -
Because he is good.
- Find words with the sound of R.
- Determine the number of syllables in the words found with the sound of R.
4.The view of the syllables with Contracting to the whole word.
6. Individual work.
Stay out of the letters words:
Cancer hand urn roma cheers
(Children lay out words from small format letters.)
7. Reading a syllable table, and then words.

Ki ra
Ba Ro.
Ma Ry

Fish crayfish
Roma Rama
Mara Kira

8.Productory activities.
Reading a poem T. Aschapina:

River, River, River
Wide and deep.
You go between the fields,
Cities and villages.
Under the ice run in winter
Spill in spring
In autumn leaves-ships
Quietly swim all days.
You are for fish - the house is native.
For animals - water.
Stars - a large mirror.
At night they do not sleep.
Up to morning you look at you.

I draw the attention of children to Watman with a drawn river.

-What are you seeing here? (River)
- I suggest you end the picture. What can be drawn on the river bank?
(Trees, bushes, grass, some animal, bird).
- What else can you add? (Sun, clouds)
- And who lives in the river? (Fish)
- What do you think will be able to live fish if the water in the river is dirty?
Children say that it is impossible to pollute the rivers and the sea, we must take care of nature.
I offer children to add a picture. Part of the children add the picture, the rest of the children cut out and stick fish.
9. Outcome.
That's what a beautiful picture of us! Let's come up with the name of our composition. (Children offer options). River with clean water and fun fish. What consonant sound we met today? In the word "fish" where is the sound of r? We see a cow that has a pillet green grass. And in the word "cow" where is the sound of r? Well done!


Node for literacy

in senior group (Education area "Cognition")

Tasks : Mastering the children's audio analysis of the word, determining the sequence of sounds in the word "bow",

building a model of the word, fixing the solid and soft phoneme sounds in the game "Battery",

fastening the ability to divide the words on the syllables in the game "Build a Pyramid", consolidating the ability of children to call words to the sounds given by the teacher of a certain thematic direction,

development of phonderatic hearing.

Structure occupation : 1 h. - Guys, I received a telegram today from the Forest School teacher of the wise owl. She invites us to our school. Let's go?

The school is in the meadow. To go there over the bridge, you need to correctly name the brother sound. I call a big brother, and you are small to me. Do you remember how big brother sounds? And small? ( Children are suitable for the bridge, the teacher calls a solid consonant sound, and the children of his couple - b - b, m - d, k -K, s - smi, in - v). When half of the children pass - the task is changing, the teacher calls a soft consonant, and the children are solid.

Children pass to the tables, on the flanneliform image of the wise owl.

2 hours. Sound analysis words

The task of the wise owl. It is necessary to guess the riddle and disassemble, that is, to find out which sounds live in the word. And such a riddle:

"Threw off from the ear

Golden feathers

Forced the neighbor -

Cry and without a fuel station. "

That's right onions. Sit on your places and put pictures in front of you.

Do you think how many sounds in this word? Why?

That's right, under the picture three cells, it means there are three sounds in the word.

Look and listen to how to read this word, and how a pointer will help me(show how to keep pointer under the cells and pronounce the word)

Now let's try to read the same way. Listen, as the first sound sounds in the word - LLLUK. (and holds a pointer under the scheme, holding down the pointer under the first sound oM). Repeat the word by highlighting this sound. The first sound is, in the first house there lives the sound "L", Polina, put it in the first house. Say the sound of "L", which prevents us from pronounced it - the tongue, it rises to the upper teeth.

Listen to how the second sound sounds - Louuk. (Reads the Word, delaying the pointer under the second sound.) That's right, this is the sound of "y". Tell the word so that we heard the second sound - (ask 2 - 3 children to pronounce a word with intonation allocation of sound ). In the second house lives the sound "y". What kind of sound lives in the second house? Let's try to pronounce it - y - u -u. Does anyone prevent us from this sound?

No, the air goes freely, this is a magical sound. Put, Polina, the sound "y" in the second house.

And now guess how the third sound sounds in the word - onions. Put it in the third house.

3 hours. And now we will play the game "Live Sounds".

Children distributes cards, where the word is divided into three parts in each part - sound.

On the word "Sounds quarreled", they run up, the words "sounds came up" everyone finds its part of the picture and thus constitutes the word.

How many sounds in the word?

What is the first sound in the word ....!


In the forest school minute of health

Familiarity with forest residents
(Children perform movements according to the text. The teacher monitors the posture of children, emphasizes the transmission of the characteristic image of animals.)
We have a nice posture
We cut the blades
We are like socks
And then on the heels.
Let's go gently like licked
And like a teddy bear.
And as a gray wolf-wolf.
And like Zainka-panty,
Here the wolf curled into the ball,
Because he is a product.
The ray of the hedgehog touched
Hedgehog stretched sweetly.

4 h. - Guys, in Duble Oak, where the wise of Owl lives, there is a magic chest. (Pulls it out and shows children).

So that it opened, you need to say magic words

Chest, chest, drive your barrel.(Children repeat).

(children repeat with sound amplification)

Wise Owl prepared us pictures for the game. ( The tutor comes to each child, and the child pulls out a picture). From these pictures, we will build a pyramid. Upstairs - words -Kartinki, in the title of which 1 syllable, in the middle - words from two syllables, and below - from three syllables. How do we learn how much in the word syllables? Take yourself or turn the word to yourself. Now go to me. (Children identify their pictures on the pyramid).

The game "Let's make a pyramid from words"

5h. Tetushka Owl offers a game"In the word Slogging, be attentive, see!" (syllated analysis and synthesis, phonmematic hearing) add SS or PS, in the end of the word, so that the word sounded correctly, and then pronounce it entirely.


Take (s),

Anan (s)

6h. Final.

Back we will also return the bridge

Who visited today today?

What did we learn?

Tatyana Garnyushev


Improve the sound analysis skills: determine vowels, consonants (soft, solid, deaf, ringing); Sound of sound in the word; divide words to syllables by defining the number of syllables;

Improve the technique of conscious reading words and proposals; enrich vocabulary Children.


Develop phonmematic hearing spectacular perception, thinking, attention, memory;

Develop the ability to respond to the question of the teacher with a full answer, exercise in the invent of proposals with a given word;


Create a good mood;

Bring up a sense of partnership, the ability to listen to the educator and comrades, the desire and ability to work in the team;

Encourage activity and independence.


sound, syllable, word, offer, stress, letter.


1st part, standing on the rug, then behind the tables, fizminut - on the rug.


Dispensing: Letters for deactivation, color pencils (blue, red, table to determine the place of sound in the word, chips, subject pictures to determine the number of syllables, the word "", words separated by 2 parts, rebuses and cards for drawing up the word.

Demonstration: Figures 1, 2, 3 to determine the number of syllables in the word, syllable table for reading, pictures for drawing up the word according to the first letters, the split supply "I will go to school."

Travel course:

"Invented by someone just and wisely

When meeting, hello:

Good morning!

Good morning! Sun and birds.

Good morning! Smile people.

And everyone becomes good, gullible.

Good morning lasts until the evening. "

Guys, let's look at each other, and smile. Let your smiles be with us throughout the lesson, our mood is good, we are ready to start a lesson.

You learned a lot in children's garden, Soon let's go to school, and now we will check your knowledge and skills.

What do you need for this? (To carefully listen to the educator, to answer questions correctly). The occupation will be interesting and difficult, so you will need attention, resourcefulness and your knowledge, we will not quarrel and help each other.

Remind that we learn in literacy training? (We study sounds and letters).

What is the difference between sounds and letters? (We pronounce the sounds and hear, and let's see and write letters).

What are the sounds? (Sounds are vowels and consonants).

On the table you lie letters, let's call them?

(And y about m and x l s n r to p t and z in w b d i b)

Take a color pencil and fill the letter to the appropriate color.

What two groups did we get? (vowels and consonants).

How are vocal sounds pronounce? (Feels, do not meet barriers during pronunciation, form a syllable).

How do consonant sounds pronounce? (Do not come around, meet a barrier during pronunciation, do not form a syllable).

"The vowels stretch in the song with a call,

Can cry and scream

They can in the crib of the child

But they do not want to whistle and grumble. "

"And the consonants agree

Rustle, whisper, hiss,

But I do not want to sing. "

And now I have the following task for you, listen carefully. I read the patter: "Margarita was collected by Margarita on the grass, lost Margarita Daiste in the yard."

What kind of sound is very often found in this patter? (Sound "P").

Now I will pronounce words, and you must define the sound of "P" in the word: at the beginning, middle or in the end of the word, and we celebrate the chief that square on the card where this sound is located.

(river, drum, mosquito, rainbow, size, cheese, watermelon, horizons)

I prepared unusual balls for you, what do you see them? (letters). It is necessary to make up the available letters as many words as possible.

C, O, L, N - Sleep, Elephant, it, but, nose.

"A lot with the letters of hassle

So, so they are the people

But when with the mind of intelligent

To build them in a clear row

Will turn the letter to word

And you will talk with you. "

Sleep, elephant, nose. What can you say about these words what they are? (short).

Name more short words (cat, house, cheese).

What other words are there? (long). Name long words (bike, steam locomotive, excavator).

And now I suggest you play the game "Find your house". Each house has its own number: №1, №2, №3, №4. Take the subject pictures, name your word, divide it on the syllables and find your house, how many in the word syllables will be your house number.

Help me find my house.

Well done, take our places behind the tables.

"The name is given -

And the beast, and the subject.

Things are full full of things

And there are no nameless!

And all that sees only eye -

Above us and under us

And all that in memory of us

Sounded by words. "

What time of year is depicted in my picture? (winter).

- "Winter" - let's wonder this word.

How many letters in the word "winter"? (4 letters)

And how many sounds in the word "winter"? (also 4)

How many consonant sounds in the word "winter"? (2 consonant sound). Name them (sounds s and m).

Where in this word is the sound of s, and the sound m? (The sound s is at the beginning of the word, and the sound of M - in the middle).

Sound s - consonant, ringing, soft.

Sound M - consonant, ringing, solid.

How many vowels in the word "winter"? (2 vowels)

What are these sounds? (and, a).

What is a vowel in the middle of the word? (AND)

Where is the sound "A"? (at the end of the word)

Divide this word to syllables. How many syllables in the word "winter" (two).

Why in this word two syllables? (Because two vowels).

Recall the rule - "How many in the word of vowels, so much in the word and syllables."

Read the first syllable (SI, the second syllable (MA).

What syllable does the stress fall on? (MA).

Call an unstressed syllable? (S)

Well done guys coped with the task.

The following task: reading on the syllable table and the compilation of words.

(Soroka, Vova, crow, braids, cow, hair).

At your desks, cards are laid out with words when they were preparing for the lesson, I confused them. You need to make a word, arranging a syllable in the right order, read it and make a proposal with this word. You will work in pairs.

GRU. Shame Lick

HONEY. After all, cuckoo. BUT

Well done guys coped well with the task.

Before you pictures, you need to solve the word according to the first letters. (SCHOOL).

Tell me, please, what are the letters? (the words).

What happens from the words that are going together? (offers).

Our speech consists of proposals. To speak correctly and beautiful, we select words in meaning to each other, and we have suggestions.

Now compose from the words you see offer here: school. B. Idu. I (I go to school).

What sign is put at the end of the sentence? (point).

And what signs are put at the end of the sentence?!)

Say the proposal so that at the end of the sentence it was possible to put signs (.,)

Rebus's decision:

To l about in in about l to in and with about with about in a

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4

Cards: You need to make a word in which there are not enough syllables, insert a suitable syllable and read this word.

CO. Ka ma ON THE

DE to ki Ba Pi

Guys, I'm glad for you, you fulfilled all the tasks that I prepared you.

What task liked most?

What occupation seemed difficult?

You showed your skills, knowledge, showed a mixture. Well done!

"How well be competent in the world,

After all, grades - a step to the light,

Which you do not need to skip. "

Thank you for your job!

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Children's garden of the general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities in a cognitive development area of \u200b\u200bthe development of children No. 63" Pearl "
Abstract Classes in the preparatory for school group "Magic Flower"
Prepared: Talipova Educator A.N. Naberezhny Chelny. year 2014

Age: Preparatory for School Group.
Integration of educational areas: Socially communicative, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.
1. Teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, differentiating sounds for their high-quality characteristic (consonants and vowels)
2. Improve the phonderatic hearing: to learn to allocate the sound in the word, determine its place in the word.
3. Exercise in drawing up proposals and the ability to draw up a proposal scheme.
4. Forming the ability to divide the words to the syllables.
5. Exercise B. graphic Image Sound - letter.
1. Develop and strengthen the small muscles of the hands.
2. Develop independence, initiative.
1. Educating the ability to listen carefully and perform the guidelines.
2. Continue to form the ability to defend your point of view.
3. To form a sense of partnership.
Methodological techniques:
gaming (game - "Temtec-Acemizvestik");
visual (use of paintings);
verbal (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children);
promotion, analysis of classes.
Demonstration material: flower with seven petals, envelope with a letter.
cards with drawings.
Distribution material: Colored squares (red, blue); cards with numbers 1,2,3,4; Cards with underseded letters.
Children's organization: in a circle, beyond the tables;
Individual work: Continue working with D. Danil to distinguish sounds on hearing and distinct pronunciation. Develop an intonation expressiveness, the correct tempo of speech from Hanzai.
Wordwork: Offer, word, syllable, sound, letter.
Preliminary work: game for development auditory attention "Remember, repeat"; drawing up proposals from specified words; Drawing up schemes of compiled proposals, sound analysis of words.
1. Organizing time -1 Task "Guess the riddle and describe"
2. Work on the subject of classes:
- 2 Task "Guess the riddle and make a sound analysis for the word - a deposit"
- 3 Task "Make a proposal for the picture"
- 4 task "Where is the sound hiding?"
- 5 task "Take the words to syllables and determined their number."
- 6 Quest "Dopure Letters".
- 7 Task "Catch the Sound".
3. Outcome classes.

Educator. Guys, come to me. Tell me what is your mood today?
Children. Good, joyful, fun.
Educator. Wonderful! Let's take your hands and give each other our good mood. (Children become in a circle).
All children in the circle gathered.
I am your friend and you - my friend
Right with your hands take
And smile to each other.
Educator. Guys, this morning in the group I discovered such a wonderful flower, sevenction. And to him pinned a letter. I did not read without you. I suggest open the envelope and read the letter, and suddenly it is for us. Agree?
(The educator opens the envelope, pulls out a letter, reads: "Dear guys, soon you go to school, so you need to know much and be able to know. I send you my magic flower with tasks - riddles. If you handle all my tasks, it means that it means that it means that You are ready for school. Then I congratulate you in advance. And if any tasks seem very difficult to you, and you will find it difficult to fulfill them, it is also not trouble. You still have time before starting school at school and you have time to work out. I wish you good luck! In a good hour! Wise Owl.)

Educator. Well, will try to fulfill these tasks? (Yes). And at the same time and our guests will show what we have learned, and we also learn what else should learn before the start of study at school, so that teachers and parents can be proud of us.
So, what petal will open first, Danil?
Responses of children.
1 task "Guess the riddle and describe"
In the yard frozen puddles,
A whole day of gym is circling,
Steel white houses.
It came to us ... (Winter)
Educator: Well done! Guys, but tell me what kind of winter?
Children: white, snow-white, windy, snowy, sturdy, cold, ice, bridge.
Educator: You were correctly described in the winter and fulfilled the first task of the wise owl.
Educator: Now sit on your places and Milena, what petal with the task will open?
2 Task "Guess the riddle and make a sound analysis for a word - a deposit"
All summer stood
Winter expected.
Waited winter -
Rushed from the mountain.

Educator: Well done, guess the riddle. And now we will make sound analysis of the words "Sledge". To do this, you have a blue and red card on your table.
-What sounds are designated blue?
-What sounds are red?
- How many sounds in the word "Sledge"?
-What color is the first card? So, proceed to sound analysis of the words "Sanki".
Children perform similar actions with other sounds and lay out in front of them the soundtrack for Sledge. One child works at the board.
Educator: How many sounds in this word? How many vowels? Consonants?
- Which cards are located in the same order that the children called, lift their hands. Well done! With this task, you also cope and proceed to the next petal. And there is a task:
3 Task "Make an offer in the picture"
Educator: Guys, look at the board. (On the board, the picture "Winter"). Children make up proposals about the winter and determine the number of words in the proposal.
On your tables there are clean leaves and pencils. On these leaves, you must write down the proposals scheme:
1. Cold winter has come.
2. The kids blinded a beautiful snowman.
(Children write down the proposals schemes. After checking at the board)
Educator: Well done and with this task you coped, and now let's make a physical attachment.
We are legs top top
We are crawling hands.
We are the eyes of MiG Mig
We shoulders chik chick.
Once or twice, only two,
Do we have time!
Times here two are there
Turn around yourself!
Once sat down, two-raised
Hands up all raised.
Educator. We tear down the next petal. Listen to the task.
4 job "Where does the sound hide?"
Guess, guys,
My hard riddles.
And then determine
Where the sound lives - tell me.
Educator. We must guess the riddles of the wise owl and determine where the sound in these guenes lives: at the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word. Ready? Start.
The educator reads riddles. Children guess the riddles.
In the yard - the mountain,
And in the iso - water. (Snowdrift)

Educator. Where does the sound live in this word?
Children. In the middle of the word.
We blindly blindly deftly.
Eye has a nose-carrot.
A little warm - paying the VMY
And melts ... (snowman)

Educator. Where in this word lives the sound [s]?
Children. At the beginning of the word.
Frozen magician
And the lake and stream.
Cold breathing, and here -
Not water in the stream, and ... (ice)

Educator. Where does the sound live in this word?
Children. At the beginning of the word.
Snow ball can do
It's not at all difficult!
We scratch we are not pies:
For the game you need ... (Snowballs)
Educator. Where in this word lives the sound [s]?
Children. At the beginning of the word.
Educator. Well done, and with these tasks you all perfectly coped.
We tear down the next petal. And there is such a task.
5 Task "Take the words to the syllables and determined their number."

Educator. You have a plate with numbers 1,2,3,4 on the tables now I will show pictures. Your task is to name the word and determine how many syllables in this word. If 1 syllable, you raise a sign with a number 1, if 2 syllables - a sign with a number 2, and if 3 syllables - with a number 3, 4 syllables - with a number 4. The task is understandable? Started.
The tutor shows pictures (sleigh, scarf, hat, snowman, skiing, skates, mittens, tree, snow maiden, snowflake) and children define the number of syllables and raise cards.
Educator. Well done. That's right. We take off and read.
6 Quest "Dopsy letters".
Educator. Open the envelopes, there are cards with attended vowels. Carefully look at the letters of these add.
Children perform tasks on cards alone. Each child is offered an individual card.
Educator. Finished? Okay. And now let's check if you wrote the letters correctly.
Children show cards and call the letter.
7 Task "Catch the Sound".
Educator: And now, finally, the last petal with the last task remained. Guys in this task you must catch the sound, i.e. When hear the sound and, clap your hands.
a) in sound row: a, o, and, s, I, e, y;
b) in the syllable: RA, TI, we, IT, Lee, Ko, Su,, of them;
c) in words: tiger, car, doll, window, toy, table, whale, book.
Educator. Well done, guys you coped with all the tasks, and we can safely write about our achievements in the letter of the wise owl.
Tell me, did you like our lesson? What task was, in your opinion, the easiest? And what is the most difficult?

Software content.

  1. Improve the ability to draw up and analyze proposals.
  2. Improve the ability to divide the words on the syllables, put the emphasis.
  3. Improve the ability to determine the location of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end).
  4. Fasten the ability to invent words to a given sound, syllable.
  5. Fasten the skills to allocate sounds from the word, that is, to determine the presence of sound in the word (there is such a sound in the word or not).
  6. Fasten knowledge about the difference in vowels and consonant sounds.
  7. Fasten the ability to give the basic characteristics of sounds (vowel sound, and designate in red, the consonant sound is solid, we indicate the blue, the consonant sound is soft, we indicate green sound).
  8. Exercise B. sound Analysis words.
  9. Fasten the ability to own the concepts of "sound", "Slog", "Word", "Offer".
  10. Fasten the ability to guess rebuses.
  11. Develop a phonmematic rumor and attention, thinking, memory.
  12. Develop the ability to answer the question of the teacher with a full answer.
  13. Educating the ability to listen to the educator and comrades, the desire to work in the team.
  14. Encourage activity and independence.

Materials for the lesson:


  1. "Magic bag" with objects.
  2. Poster depicting a country fairy tales.
  3. Items: mushroom, magnet, pencil, spoon.
  4. Picture for making a story.

5. Cards with the image of the heroes of fairy tales: Dunno, Ivanushka, Ellie, Thumbelina, Red Hat, Snow White.

  1. Chips to designate sounds on a blackboard (red, green, blue).
  2. Picture with the image of fox.


  1. Accounting sticks.
  2. Card-schemes (dividing words on syllables).
  3. Cards with words for rebuff.
  4. Chips to designate sounds.
  5. Cards with letters.
  6. Simple pencils.

Methodological techniques:

  1. Verbal (questions, explanation).
  2. Visual (pictures, screening of articulation).
  3. Game (Di"Guess where the sound hid?", " Wonderful bag ","Hear a sound" ) .
  4. Practical (exercises).
  5. Observation of the work of children, tips.

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today, say hello to them. (Children greets.) Are you glad to see them? Show how you are glad to arrive guests. (Smile guests.)

Well done! Here they were not accidental! Guests want to see what we have learned from you in literacy training.

Sit more comfortable and listen carefully that it happened in one fabulous country.

The evil magician Bastinda knocked a monstrous hurricane. The wind of a terrible force hit the country of fairy tales, picked up fabulous heroes and confused them in places. In order for the characters to return to their fairy tales, you need to perform tasks.

Let's help fabulous heroes?

Then smiled and on the road.

II. Main part.

First fairy tale.

Scarecrow carefully placed caftan, shook off the straws and, having shutting down the leg on the ground, introduced the girl:


What are you saying! - I did not get that Little Red Riding Hood.

I say: scared. It was called me so: I have to scare the raven. And what is your name?

- Little Red Riding Hood.

Beautiful name! Said said.

Little Red Riding Hood I looked at him with surprise. She could not understand how, scarecrow, stuffed with straw and with a painted face, walks and says.

But here the Totoshka was indignant and exclaimed with indignation:

Why don't you greet me?

Ah, to blame, to blame! - apologized to the horror and firmly shook his paw. - I have the honor to introduce yourself, scared!

Very nice! And I TOTO! But close friends are allowed to call me by the same way!

What is the name of the fairy tale? (Magician of the Emerald City. Alexander Volkov).

What was the name of the girl from this fairy tale? (Ellie)

- In order for Ellie to get into his fairy tale, we need to task.

Make proposals in the picture.


(Lay out the proposed proposals using counting sticks.)

Spring has come.

Sun shines brightly.

Snow began to melt.

Vitya and Petya let the boats on the stream.

How many suggestions?

What is the first sentence, second ....

What is the longest offer? (Last thing.)

Let's consider how many words in it? (Lay out words with counting sticks.)

With the task we coped, Ellie can go to her fairy tale.

(Attach the card with the image of the Ellie to the poster.)

2. The second fairy tale.

Where are you going, Ellie, - asks the wolf.

I go to hold my grandmother and carrying her pies and an oil pot.

Does your grandmother live? - asked the wolf.

Over the forest, in a house near the mill.

The wolf was very hungry. He decided to eat her grandmother, and then wait Ellie In a grandmother's house and eat it too.

What was the name of the girl from this fairy tale? (Red Cap. Charles Pierro.)

Now listen to the task:

- We need to show how we can divide the words on the syllables.

The game "Wonderful Pouch".

Children go to the board, remove the subject from the bag and call it. The word is repeated in syllables and their number is determined. Find the scheme of this word, put emphasis. (Mushroom, magnet, pencil, spoon.)

The rest check and lay out the scheme of this word on the table.

Well done, they coped with the task. The red hat can go to her fairy tale. (Attach the card with a red cap to the poster.)

3. Third tale.

Next night Snow White Again, slowly resigned to the swallow. The bird completely came to life, only it was still very weak and barely opened his eyes to look at the girl who stood before her with a piece of rot in his hands, "she didn't have another lantern.

Thank you, cute baby! - said the sick swallow. - I was so nicely warmed up. Soon I will completely get better and again cure on the sun.

Ah, "the girl said," Snow is so cold now, it's snowing! Stay better in my warm bed, I will care for you.

AND Snow White Brought the bird of water in the flower petal. The swallow drank and told the girl, as he hurt himself a wing about a ternue bush and therefore could not fly along with other swallows into warm edges. As fell on the ground and ... yes she didn't remember anything else and how he got here - he did not know.

All winter lived here Swallow, and Snow White Caring for her. Neither the mole nor the field mouse knew nothing about it - they did not like the birds at all.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Thimmochka", Hans Christian Andersen.)

What was the name of the girl from this fairy tale? (Inch.)

In order for the tech to get into his fairy tale, we need to perform several tasks.

1) "Guess where the sound hid?" [FROM]

Juice, bitches, drying, sugar, mask, helmet, braid, dew, drawing, spike, voice, vacuum cleaner, nipple.

2. "Hear the sound" [y]

Cuckoo, rooster, spider, catfish, snail, beetle, soup, tit.

3. And now the game "The ball is more like me!"

I give you sounds I,

You will return to me.

Think, dear friend,

To be at first sound.

(Game with the ball - the ball is returned to the tutor with the word beginning to the given sound; A - bus, y - snail, etc.)

We coped with the tasks, the inch can go to your fairy tale.(Attach a picture with an image of a thumbnail to a poster.)

4. Fairy tale fourth.

Standing there covered with a white tablecloth table, and there are seven small plates on it, each plate on the spoon, and seven small knives and forks and seven small cups. Seven small beds were standing at the wall, one near the other, and they were covered with snow-white bedspreads. Wanted Inch To eat and drink, and she took away from every plate of gramnually of vegetables da bread, and drank from each cup of wine from every cup, "she did not want to drink all of one. And since she was very tired, it tried to lie down in the bed, but none of them fit for her: one was too long, the other was too short, but the seventh was fit to her, she lay down in her and, giving up to the mercy of the Lord, fell asleep .

When it was already very dark, the owners of the hut came, and there were then seven gnomes, which in the mountains mined ore. They lit seven of their light bulbs, and when light was light in the hut, they noticed that someone had them, because not everything turned out to be in the order in which it was before.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" - Brothers Grimm.)

Who is the main character of this fairy tale? (Snow White.)

In order for us to send Snow White to your fairy tale, you need to charge.

Charging seven gnomes

The first gnome sat down and got up, (squats)

And the second suddenly ran, (running on the spot)

The third smoothly concerned, (circling right)

And the fourth leaned. (slopes)

The fifth right turned, (turn right)

And the sixth back rushed, (tilt back)

Gnome seventh without stop jumping high and long, (jumping)

Snow White said: "We repeat everything first!".

Charging did well, now we can put the snowmall in her fairy tale and go further. (Card with the image of Snow White to attach to the poster.)

5. Fairy tale fifth.

The sun is high, the well is far away, the fever is repulse, the sweat protruding. There is a goat hoofs full of water.

Dunno He speaks:

Sister Alyonushka, urine No: I will drink from the smiling!

Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat!

Did not obey Dunno And got drunk from goat hoofs.

I got drunk and became a goat ...

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Sister Alenushka and Brother Ivanushka" Russian folk fairy tale.)

What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale? (Ivanushka.)

In order for the Ivanushka to get into his fairy tale, we must make a word analysis.

(Children lay out chips denoting sounds on the table.)

What sounds do we call vowels? (We can sing them, the air does not meet barriers when pronouncing.)

And what sounds do we call consonants? (When pronouncing which the air meets the barrier.)

Guess the riddle. (Picture fox.)



Fluffy tail

Who is it? ... (A fox.)

[L "] - consonant, soft.

[and] - vowel.

[C] - consonant, solid.

[A] - vowel, shock.

How many vowels in the word? (2.)

How many syllables? (2.)

Put the emphasis. (The emphasis falls on the second syllable to the vowel [A])

How many sounds? (4.) How many letters? (four.)

Well done, they coped with the task. Ivanushka can go to his fairy tale. (Attach the card with the image of Ivanushka to the poster.)

6. Fairy tale Six.

Listen, Gunka, what kind of thing we came up with! - said Ivanushka. "You, brother, burst from envy when you know."

But not Lopno, - answered Gunka. - I really need to burst!

Bush, burst! - assured it Ivanushka. - Such, brother, thing! You have not seen in a dream.

What is it for the thing? - Gunka became interested.

Soon we will make the air bubble and fly to travel.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("The Adventures of Link and His Friends", Nikolay Nosov.)

What is the name of the main character? (Dunno.)

- In order for Dunno to get into his fairy tale, we must solve the rebuses:

Convert words in the specified order.

Replace the first sound in the word on the sound [P]

Goats Flour.

Rebuses decided, Dunno go to his fairy tale (Attach a card with

introduction to a poster.)

III. Conclusion.

So we helped our heroes to return to our fairy tales. To do this, there have had several tasks.

Let's remember what we did?

For your help, a good wizard Stella thanked you and sent gifts. (Hand prizes.)


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